But, of course, it is NOT the science of everything.
We covered the large-scale structure in IAL: The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe and can only recapitulate that coverage a bit here in IAL 30: Cosmology.
As an illustration of the large-scale structurelarge-scale structure, see the figure below (local link / general link: large_scale_structure_z_0x035.html) of the local large-scale structure to cosmological physical distance ∼ 150 Mpc (cosmological redshift z ≅ 0.035) and cosmological physical distance ∼ 300 Mpc (cosmological redshift z ≅ 0.07).
To study cosmology
entails understanding smaller things than the
and the
large-scale structure of the universe
to some degree:
e.g., understanding
super massive black holes,
atomic nuclei,
dark matter particles (if they exist).
The understanding of the smaller things is only needed insofar as it affects
the big things.
In fact, the primary physics essential for
is general relativity.
General relativity
is exemplified by
curving space,
gravitational lensing,
and black holes.
These effects/objects are illustrated in the
two figures below
(local link /
general link: spacetime_curvature_earth.html;
local link /
general link: black_hole_gravitational_lensing.html).
It is our best theory of gravity
and motion under gravity so far.
And it is gravity
that determines the motion of the
universe as a whole
and the evolution of the
large-scale structure
to first order.
Newtonian gravity
was shown to be inadequate for
cosmology as we will discuss
below in the section The Early History of Cosmology.
So, indeed, the more general theory,
general relativity,
is needed.
See Isaac Newton (1643--1727)
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: newton_principia.html).
quantum gravity may be, it
will probably have implications for
cosmology beyond
Λ-CDM model
(which we describe below in
section The Λ-CDM Model) and which
mostly adequately accounts for the
observable universe
so far.
But some revision or replacement in the near future is likely.
In addition to
general relativity,
cosmology also requires
classical physics
(including thermodynamics),
statistical mechanics,
nuclear physics,
quantum mechanics,
and quantum field theory
(which is relativistic quantum mechanics).
For the most prominent
branches of physics,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: physics_branches.html).
There are many things which are definitely excluded
from cosmology: e.g.,
the Oedipus complex
(see the figure below:
local link /
general link: sigmund_freud.html), etc.
Big Bang cosmology (AKA the Big Bang theory)
is the
(i.e., overall grand theory)
of cosmology and has been
so since the 1960s.
It is so well established that it would be astonishing if it were just plain WRONG.
So Big Bang cosmology is NOT speculative
science anymore:
it is probably essentially right as far as it goes.
The particular quantitative version of
Big Bang cosmology
that now holds sway is the
Λ-CDM model
which mostly adequately accounts quantitatively for the
observable universe so far.
However, NEITHER
Big Bang cosmology
NOR the
Λ-CDM model
in themselves tell us everything we would like to know.
We take up this subject in detail in section
Limitations and Tensions of our Current Cosmological Theories.
Issues outside of
Big Bang cosmology
are dealt with in broader theories which could better be called
(i.e., overall grand theories).
Those paradigms
are more speculative and may well be just WRONG.
Currently, only two beyond-the-Big-Bang paradigms
have much of a vogue:
(very much the frontrunner)
and the
cyclic universe
in various versions (e.g., the
ekpyrotic universe)
(very much the hindmost).
We will discuss
and, briefly, the cyclic universe
below in the section
Inflation and Inflation Cosmology.
But we will give a brief introduction to
inflation here.
is actually paradigm
with many precisely specified versions: i.e.,
of inflation.
Basic inflation
sets the initial conditions for the
Big Bang
in a rather satisfying manner.
But we do NOT know which of the
precisely specified theories
of inflation
is correct if any NOR even which one is most adequate.
In the opinion of many, inflation
is a useful paradigm for furthering
research, but NOT yet a well established
Beyond basic inflation
are more elaborated, speculative versions
of inflation
(NOT essential to the
which try to explain the
universe as a whole, observable
and unobservable.
A prominent one of the speculative versions is called
eternal inflation.
Eternal inflation
and some other speculative theories
invoke the
paradigm of the
The multiverse is a
for the universe as whole,
observable and unobservable.
Note multiverse
is just a special name for
the universe as whole.
The multiverse is
is highly speculative, but there is some evidence for it.
Eternal inflation is one
version of the multiverse as well
as being one version of inflation.
The eternal inflation
version of the multiverse
(as most people think of it, it seems)
consists of
a background
universe consisting
of some kind of fields
in quantum field theory
and an infinity of
pocket universes.
What are pocket universes?
Large regions in which particular
initial conditions or even
some physical laws
are realized out of some
infinity or quasi-infinity of possibilities allowed by
quantum field theory,
high energy physics,
general relativity,
quantum gravity,
and thermodynamics.
The observable universe
is embedded in "our pocket universe".
We CANNOT see any trace of its edges wherever they are so far.
We may be deep in the interior.
What separates the pocket universes?
In eternal inflation,
there may be large, smoothly-varying transition regions of high-energy vacuum
(called false vacuum
which we discuss briefly below in the section
Inflation and Inflation Cosmology).
But perhaps there are sharp boundaries.
Note that the
eternal inflation
is still governed by
general relativity
and this implies it CANNOT be static---it may be in overall expansion
or constraction, but probably NOT uniformly: there may be some complex mixture
expansion and constractions.
See the cartoon of the eternal inflation
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: inflation_eternal.html).
Note we have to impose some restrictions on the
possibilities for physical laws
or else we have no guidance for explicating the
and admit we know nothing---perhaps we do know nothing.
The concepts of
multiverse and
pocket universe are very
They may NOT exist. But they are persuasive to some.
And they have become necessary in discussing modern
The consensus is that we usually use the term universe
for the structure that includes and resembles
the observable universe.
So we need other terms that for the universe of everything physical.
The terms/concepts
multiverse and
pocket universe
fill that need.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/large_scale_structure_z_0x035.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/spacetime_curvature_earth.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_gravitational_lensing.html");?>
Why general relativity
for cosmology?
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/newton/newton_principia_2b.html");?>
Now most people expect that someday
general relativity
will be found to be emergent theory
that emerges from a theory of
quantum gravity.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/physics/physics_branches.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/sigmund_freud.html");?>
Yours truly tends to prefer
Big Bang cosmology
to the Big Bang theory because
it's a paradigm, NOT just
a very specified-in-all-details theory.
Big Bang cosmology
is well established because it
explains a lot about the
observable universe
and there is strong evidence for it
(see subsection
Summary of the Strongest Evidence for Big Bang Cosmology below)
for which
NO other
theory explains adequately at all.
And it's NOT for lack of trying to find
alternative theories.
The Λ of Λ-CDM model
we go into below in section
The Accelerating Universe and the Friedmann-equation Λ Models.
The CDM is
cold dark matter
(i.e., nonrelativistic
dark matter).
But, as aforesaid in subsection
The Ingredients of Cosmology,
the Λ-CDM model
might turn out to need significant revision or even replacement, but time will tell on that.
In this context, high energy physics
means particle physics.
The eternal inflation
is eternal (as its name suggests), but
pocket universes come and go.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/inflation_eternal.html");?>
Just for fun: Is the universe
of Norse mythology,
a pocket universe?
For Norse cosmology,
see the fgiure below
(local link /
general link: cosmos_norse_yggdrasil.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/cosmos_norse_yggdrasil.html");?>
The physical laws
of the pocket universes
can vary as aforesaid,
but arise out of the
infinity or quasi-infinity of possibilities allowed by
quantum field theory,
high energy physics,
and thermodynamics.
We are concerned about the meaning, purpose, and nature of our own existence.
Therefore about the meaning, purpose, and nature of the universe which sustains us and everything else.
See angel of melancholia reflecting on the meaning, purpose, and nature of the universe in the figure below (local link / general link: melancholia.html).
Modern physical cosmology
of course, concerns itself with NATURE OF
and leaves aside MEANING AND PURPOSE.
But MEANING AND PURPOSE probably hover somewhere just
beyond the expressed concerns of many modern scientific cosmologists
and are probably of interest to everyone interested in
It seems overwhelmingly likely because of their strong connection to
MEANING AND PURPOSE of our own existence.
As The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
put it: the
to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.
The answer being 42---which
was sort of a let-down.
But modern scientific cosmologists are usually---but NOT always---reluctant
to connect current thinking with philosophical theories.
They are well aware that modern cosmological theories may well be WRONG
or SUPERFICIAL, and so drawing philosophical conclusions is premature---and,
of course, we are NOT sure know how to draw them accurately anyway.
But one can ponder:
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: the_thinker.html).
One can go the other way and try to derive or constrain
cosmology from philosophical ideas.
Using philosophical ideas as a source of interesting cosmological hypotheses
in research via scientific method
is valid as long as the hypotheses are NOT taken as dogma, but
as things to be tested empirically.
For an example of a reluctant cosmologist,
consider cosmologist Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966)
who was a Roman Catholic priest.
Lemaitre resisted identification of his
primeval atom theory
with the creation of Genesis.
The former was speculative science; the latter, faith.
primeval atom
is the theoretical ancestor of
Big Bang cosmology
(see No-525,530;
Luminet, The Rise of Big Bang Models (4) : Lemaitre, 2015).
Images of Lemaitre
are given in the figure below
(local link /
general link: georges_lemaitre.html).
In the past, cosmologists have NOT been so circumspect about the
Myth-oriented cosmologists and philosophical cosmologists
were or are often concerned with these implications.
See a couple of the old bulls in the figure below
(local link /
general link: aristotle_plato.html).
Who's to say when the next great advance in understanding in
philosophy will come and clarify things for us.
As the figure below
(local link /
general link: pan.html)
suggests perhaps one is forced to admit "Those cosmologists, they don't know nothing."
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_m/melancholia.html");?>
and extraterrestrial life
are the two fields of modern
astronomy that are of
most interest to general public and to
astronomers themselves.
If we ever did finally fathom the universe, it is easy to believe
that that knowledge would have PHILOSOPHICAL IMPLICATIONS.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_t/the_thinker.html");?>
Of course, it is possible to draw correct conclusions from a wrong theory, but that's
NOT very likely.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/georges_lemaitre.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/aristotle/aristotle_plato.html");?>
Certainly, it's useful to consider
philosophy in
provided you don't take your
own idiosyncratic ideas too seriously.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/pan.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_l/leonardo_da_vinci_deluge_3.html");?>
See the discussion in the figure below (local link / general link: leonardo_da_vinci_deluge_creation.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_l/leonardo_da_vinci_deluge_creation.html");?>
Hesiod (fl. 700 BCE)
is illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: hesiod.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/hesiod.html");?>
The upshot of the second to last figure
(local link /
general link: leonardo_da_vinci_deluge_creation.html)
is that it seems
are predisposed to think that there must
be a relatively simple beginning in
time---or more abstractly outside of
Boethius (c.477--524) thought.
For Boethius, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: boethius.html).
But is this true? Certainly, modern physical cosmology thinks so---in time and/or outside of time.
The ancient Greek
Pre-Socratic philosophers
beginning in the
6th century BCE
the first persons recorded in history to try to develop philosophical theories about
the universe---by philosophical
theories, your truly means those subject to argument, empirical investigation, and correction.
Pre-Socratics were---compared to modern standards---weak on
detailed observation and experimentation---they did practise
them at least a little at times---and this weakness
limited their progress in cosmology
and all other sciences as well.
They relied on casual observations and reasoning and argument.
Their understanding of what we call the
scientific method
was poor.
One can characterize much of the theorizing of
the Pre-Socratic philosophers
as the making of
Some of their theories are very interesting.
The cosmology of the
Greek atomist philosophers
Leucippus (first half of 5th century BCE)
Democritus (c.460--c.370 BCE)
posited infinitely many worlds forming in vortices out
of an infinite space of atoms in motion
(see Wikipedia: Democritus:
Anthropology, biology, and cosmology).
See the two figures below
(local link /
general link: democritus.html;
local link /
general link: cosmology_atomist.html)
and the subsection
Early Cosmology Videos at the end of this section.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: gemini_north_swirl.html)
a long-exposure image
makes Democritus' thinking plausible.
Democritus (c.460--c.370 BCE) didn't have
long exposure images, but he
could watch the sky swirl around any clear night---an in pre-industrial times, people were much more
conscious of the behavior of the sky and could see it better without
light pollution.
In western Eurasia,
the cosmological theory that became dominant in Classical Antiquity
and then in the Islamic Golden Age (c.8th--c.14th centuries)
(see figure below) ...
Caption: At the Alhambra in
"A room of the palace and a view of the
Court of the Lions."
Credit/Permission: Adolf Seel (1829--1907),
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by Andreas Praefcke (AKA User:AndreasPraefcke),
2006) /
Public domain.
... and
Medieval Europe
(see the figure below:
local link /
general link: joan_of_arc.html)
The boundary was a real physical
celestial sphere of the stars
on which the
stars were pasted: the planets were closer and held on compounded
other celestial spheres
which were moved by gods or
in monotheistic contexts by angels.
See a cartoon of
Aristotelian cosmology
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: aristotle_cosmos.html).
The small Aristotelian universe was put in doubt to the
Nicolaus Copernicus's (1473--1543)
Copernican heliocentric solar system of
First of all, by putting the Sun in the center
of the Solar System, of course.
Answer 2 is right.
You are beginning to get the idea. Some ancient Greek has thought of
everything first.
Aristarchos of Samos (c.310--c.230 BCE),
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: aristarchos.html).
But if the stars were very remote why should they be pasted on a big sphere
(the celestial sphere of the stars)?
an infinity of stars spread throughout
an infinite universe?
or at least
a quasi-infinity of stars spread throughout
a quasi-infinite universe?
Quasi meaning "seemingly" in this context.
In the context of Copernican heliocentrism,
the idea of
an infinity of stars spread throughout
an infinite universe
was first put
forward by Thomas Digges (1546--1595) in
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: copernican_cosmos_digges.html).
The Sun could NOT be considered the center of
this kind of universe.
Sooner of later, it became clear the Sun was
just another star---but it is our
Isaac Newton (1643--1727)
(see the figure below:
local link /
general link: newton_principia.html)
certainly thought in terms of
infinite or very large universe filled with
Or at least a quasi-infinite or very large universe filled with
Could extending the universe to infinity
with infinite stars result in a balance of
forces that allow the universe to stand up?
Maybe, but, in fact, Newtonian physics
does NOT have a clear solution to this problem.
An essential problem is how does one deal with infinite quantities: e.g., infinite extent and
infinite mass.
But even making assumptions about how infinite quantities behave,
it seems
that in an infinite universe full of
a balance would be
an unstable mechanical equilibrium---any perturbation
would start it evolving into clumps.
Newton did NOT like to publish
half-baked ideas, and this is probably why he NEVER published his cosmological ideas.
He liked ALL-BAKED publications.
Also, he does NOT seem to have spend much time thinking about
the universe as a whole.
Attempts in the 19th century to create a Newtonian theory of the whole
universe also foundered:
they were all based on the idea that the
as a whole had to be STATIC on average
even though it was known that stars actually
do move around with their own
peculiar velocities
In fact,
Newtonian physics
does NOT seem to allow one to construct
an infinite universe model, static or NOT, without extra hypotheses about physical laws
But one could have an infinite empty-space universe, except for a finite
Milky Way rotating about its center.
Recall Thomas Wright (1711--1786)
proposed that the Milky Way
was supported against gravitational collapse by
orbital motion about the center (the "divine center") of the
Milky Way
This cosmology did
NOT catch on for
reasons that are NOT clear.
It seems perfectly sensible.
People, starting with Newton,
seem fixated with the idea that the universe
should be STATIC overall.
This may be because Newton
believed his theory of
absolute space
(i.e., a fundamental
inertial frame
in which the
stars were
at rest, at least on average)
was essential.
Of course, Wright
thought it possible that there were other
(see Wikipedia: Thomas Wright:
Life and works)---the first person known to have done so.
What if they existed?
What would keep groupings of galaxies
from all collapsing into
ever larger clumps under self-gravity
if they had started out forming
as static distribution for some reason?
The modern attempts to frame a physically consistent theory of the
universe started with
and his general relativistic model of 1917: this is the
Einstein universe
Bo-97) which we
will discuss below in the section
Einstein, General Relativity,
and the Einstein Universe.
See the Early cosmology videos below:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_b/boethius.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/democritus.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/cosmology_atomist.html");?>
The atomist cosmology
with its vortices was
certainly suggested by the daily rotation of the
celestial sphere.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/telescope/gemini_north_swirl.html");?>
Image link: Wikipedia:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_j/joan_of_arc.html");?>
... was
that of Aristotle (384--322 BCE)
(see the figure below:
local link /
general link: aristotle_supreme.html)--who was
a post-Socratic philosopher.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/aristotle/aristotle_supreme.html");?>
In Aristotelian cosmology, the
Earth was at the center of an eternal, bounded, finite, spherical universe.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/aristotle/aristotle_cosmos_2.html");?>
Dante Alighieri (1265--1321)
assumed Aristotelian cosmology
in his Divine Comedy
as illustrated with some
artistic license
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: dante_beatrice.html).
Beyond the
celestial sphere of the stars
was nothing: NOT even empty space---even in
Classical Antiquity a lot of people
found this "NOT even empty space" part hard to accept.
What if you stood at the boundary of the
celestial sphere of the stars
and thrust a spear outward?
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: aristotle_hoplite_spear.html).
What would happen?
Aristotle gives no answer.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/aristotle/aristotle_hoplite_spear.html");?>
Aristotelian cosmology
actually bears a passing resemblance to the
Einstein universe
which we discuss below
in the section
General Relativity, and the Einstein Universe.
One begins to wonder if cosmology is an endless recycling
of old ideas---albeit with a lot more math.
Question: Was Copernicus the first proposer of the
heliocentric solar system?
Heliocentrism also upset the
Aristotelian universe
by requiring the
fixed stars to be extremely remote: this
is the only reasonable way that the
Earth could move and the
fixed stars
NOT show stellar parallax in pre-modern observations.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/aristarchos.html");?>
Others, like Democritus
and Nicholas of Cusa (1401--1464),
had considered infinite universes
in the past, but NOT in the context of
Copernican heliocentrism,
of course.
As heliocentrism
gained credence and the telescope revealed a quasi-infinity
of new stars and that the
Milky Way
was a band of stars, the
notion of an infinite or very large universe filled with
became plausible.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/copernicus/copernican_cosmos_digges.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/newton/newton_principia.html");?>
In unpublished work,
tried to construct a physically consistent STATIC MODEL of such
a universe---using
Newtonian physics,
of course
"Physically consistent" means no violations of physical law.
The initial conditions of a physically consistent model are NOT
necessarily real, and so the model is NOT necessarily real.
His own theory of gravity suggested that matter would all collapse
into a single clump at about??? the center of mass
the universe
of stars could NOT exist as a static structure.
Early cosmology videos
(i.e., Early cosmology
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 4 problems 8--13 on ancient Greek astronomy.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 4.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_030_cosmology.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_hot_2.html");?>
After the Copernican revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, the vague ideas of the universe as quasi-infinite with a quasi-infinity of stars gained ground and Newton believed them as we mentioned above in subsection Isaac Newton (1643--1727) and the Universe.
From 17th century to the early 20th century, the vague ideas astronomers had on the universe evolved a bit. It seems that they thought either there was a finity of stars in the Milky Way with nothing beyond OR there was a quasi-infinity of stars organized into galaxies which extended to quasi-infinity.
Without polls from the past, it's hard to know what were the actual opinions of astronomers back then.
The definitive proof of the existence of other galaxies in 1924 (see Wikipedia: Edwin Hubble: Universe goes beyond the Milky Way galaxy; No-510) clarified one issue.
Another basic idea of cosmology that persisted up to circa the 1920s was that the universe was essentially STATIC: the stars and other galaxies (assuming they existed) were NOT moving on average even though stellar peculiar velocities were known.
The belief in
a STATIC universe
is actually odd since the universe was obviously NOT
thermodynamically static: i.e., it is NOT in
thermodynamic equilibrium.
Heat energy is steadily being lost to stars as energy flows out of them in the form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and NOT being returned.
Even before the development of thermodynamics in the 19th century, people were aware in sense of the problem of universe NOT being in thermodynamic equilibrium in a sense via Olbers's paradox: see figure below (local link / general link: olbers_paradox.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/olbers_paradox.html");?>
The universe
being NOT thermodynamically static was evident after the development of
thermodynamics in the
19th century.
But the heat energy flow from stars clearly proved space in some sense had to be much colder than stars even to people well before 1900.
To us, it seems natural to think it could be evolving in other ways, but somehow this idea was resisted before circa 1920.
Actually there was evidence before
1920s for large-scale motions
of the universe.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: vesto_slipher.html)
on the work of
Vesto Slipher (1875--1969).
The cosmological redshift
is explicated (along with some discussion of the
Doppler effect)
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: cosmological_redshift.html).
In 1924,
had shown that the
Andromeda spiral nebula (M31)
was another
galaxy and by implication all other
spiral nebulae
were too
(see Wikipedia:
Edwin Hubble: Universe goes beyond the Milky Way galaxy;
Figuring out that
were other galaxies must have happened immediately.
Ellipticals occur in
galaxy clusters with
Assuming a physical association for
galaxy clusters---which would
be inescapable, I'd say---the conclusion is that
ellipticals must be extragalactic too.
This must have been clear from 1924 on.
One has to add that people do NOT necessarily assimilate new information immediately.
This is true today and more so in the past.
So Hubble's discovery may NOT have
been assimilated by some astronomers for some years.
Even if they had heard of it, they may have resisted believing it for any number of reasons---like
being old stick-in-the-muds.
To know this you had to know, in addition to recession velocities,
distances to the galaxies: i.e., where the
galaxies were in space.
By 1929,
had distances to 46 galaxies beyond the
Milky Way
including 4 in the
Virgo Cluster
(a nearby large galaxy cluster)
Edwin Hubble: Redshift increases with distance;
Hubble 1929;
No-510, but some errors).
But only 24 of these distances were for independent and could be used in his analysis???.
Note that Hubble could only get
Cepheid distances
to the Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
and the
Triangulum Galaxy (AKA M33) ???
That is about as far as he could observe Cepheids.
For greater galaxy distances, he had to
use less-reliable distance indicators from his early version of the
cosmic distance ladder.
Those less-reliable distance indicators
had large systematic errors
and random errors.
So his distances were NOT too good---but they were good enough for his most famous discovery.
However, as described above, the
1st order Doppler shift formula,
agrees to the 1st order with the
cosmological redshift
Thus, whatever Hubble's
exact thinking, he was still able to find the correct
law describing the
expansion of the universe.
Hubble extracted
Hubble's law
from a Hubble diagram.
For Hubble's law
and a modern Hubble diagram
for the very nearby
local universe,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: hubble_diagram.html).
A more detailed caption appears in the next subsection
(i.e., subsection The Hubble Diagram).
Actually, it is the relative rate of
expansion of the universe
(i.e., the ate of
expansion of the universe
per unit cosmological physical distance)
This is clear from the formula above with the interpretation
of r as cosmological physical distance: i.e.,
the distance measured at one instant in cosmic time
(which we discussed in IAL 26: The Discovery of Galaxies and which we will
discuss further below).
Hubble's original favored value for H_0
(which he called K) was
500 (km/s)/Mpc (Hubble 1929, 3rd to last paragraph;
Tamann 2005;
Wikipedia: Timeline of
Hubble constant values).
Hubble had large
systematic errors in his distance values,
and so his value for H_0 was rather badly wrong.
Circa 2021,
the value of the
Hubble constant
has NOT been absolutely agreed.
Two possibilities that do NOT agree within error
are ∼ 68 (km/s)/Mpc and ∼ 73 (km/s)/Mpc
(see Wikipedia: Timeline of
Hubble constant values) .
For this lecture, we will usually write
Hubble's law shows that
there is a general
expansion of the universe
and that the relative rate of expansion.
Hubble constant.
So Hubble
had observationally discovered
the expansion of the universe
and that it obeyed
Hubble's law.
However, there was some debate how about how much credit
Hubble should get
and how much others should get.
We take up this fine point in the
history of astronomy
in subsection
Who Discovered the Expansion
of the Universe and Hubble's Law? in section
Friedmann-Equation (FE) Models below.
extracted Hubble's law from what we now call a
Hubble diagram as aforesaid
in subsection
Hubble and the Expansion of the Universe.
See the example
Hubble diagrams in
the figure below
(local link /
general link: hubble_diagram.html).
Hubble's law
shows that there is a general growth of distances
between extragalactic objects when the redshift of remote objects
is correctly interpreted as the
cosmological redshift.
As mentioned above, this general growth is called the
expansion of the universe.
The first 3 answers are all partially right. Together
they constitute what we believe to be the right answer.
They are just what one ordinarily means by distance.
But cosmological physical distances
are NOT direct observables, except asymptotically as
cosmological redshift z becomes small.
We discuss cosmological models below: see section
Einstein, General Relativity, and the Einstein Universe
and subsequent sections.
But we CANNOT verify
Hubble's law for large
physical distances
by direct observations.
This is because the at-one-instant-in-cosmic-time
recession velocities
physical distances
are NOT direct observables beyond about the
z ≤ 0.5 local universe.
They are dependent on the cosmological model adopted, and so have that model's uncertainty.
We CANNOT observe galaxies
and other remote objects
(e.g., quasars,
and gamma ray bursts)
at the current cosmic time, but
only as they were in the past.
Also all clocks participating in the mean expansion of the universe
stay synchronized with cosmic time.
How the universe evolves with
cosmic time is, of course,
dependent on the cosmological model adopted.
Well either answer could be right logically speaking.
But answer 2 is so overwhelmingly more acceptable that
we must accept it as right.
There may be a center of expansion in some sense if we live in a
pocket universe, but
we have NO where that is if it exists.
We have no observational evidence or broadly accepted
theoretical reason for thinking it is false.
In fact, as far as we can tell it seems true.
But is there a center of expansion of our
pocket universe
if we are in one and edge too it.
There are speculative theories as discussed above in
subsection Beyond Big Bang Cosmology,
but we do NOT know.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: expanding_universe.html)
shows how to understand
the expanding universe.
Is there a center of expansion?
Friedmann-equation (FE) models
(see section Friedmann-Equation (FE) Models),
there is NOT.
The expansion is everywhere and started from a state of infinite density or very
high density which was everywhere.
Everywhere has grown.
The universe has just been growing
and is NOT expanding into anything.
On other hand, maybe there is a center somewhere in some sense,
and the
FE models
or whatever models are correct,
describe only a portion of the universe
and there is an expansion into something beyond in some sense.
Such a universe would NOT
homogeneous and isotropic as
our universe seems to be.
But maybe our universe is
only approximately
homogeneous and isotropic over the scales we can observe.
We don't really know if there is in any sense
a center of universal expansion
or NOT.
Universal expansion leads to quandaries
Newtonian physics:
Such a finite system of galaxies could NOT
be homogeneous nor isotropic.
It must at least have an outer boundary to the system of galaxies beyond which
empty space stretches forever.
We see no evidence for inhomogeniety or anisotropy when we observe the universe on the largest scale
we can.
Also why should there be a finite system of galaxies in an
infinite universe?
Just so?
But scientists don't like just-sos.
Extra ad hoc hypotheses could be invented to
supplement pure Newtonian physics to
give solutions for the behavior.
But those ad hoc hypotheses could be chosen
to give any behavior we like.
They don't predict the behavior.
Therefore, those hypotheses are NOT strongly supported by the observations.
An non-ad-hoc hypothesis is one that has a general applicability---of course, non-ad-hoc hypotheses
are often wrong too, but they are easier to prove wrong and they are more fruitful in suggesting how
to advance the research.
are NOT consistent with relativistic physics---which they arn't---unless there are strange
factors we are unaware of.
The SEMI-NEWTONIAN COSMOLOGICAL MODELS are, however, interesting historically
and very useful pedagogically---but we won't pedagoge on them.
To summarize this section,
we have the observed expansion of the universe.
Since the universe seems homogeneous
and isotropic, there is
no apparent center of expansion and NO reason to believe the
universe is expanding from some region or expanding
into any region.
As far as we can tell observationally,
expansion of the universe
is a general scaling up of distances between gravitationally unbound systems.
We also know that general relativity (GR) is our
best theory of gravity and spacetime.
So how do we explain the universe and the
expansion of the universe?
We'll see in the sections below.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/vesto_slipher.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmological_redshift.html");?>
Question: Were the
spiral nebulae
and elliptical nebulae
known to be other galaxies
by 1925 when
had redshifts for
45 galaxies?
But what was the FLOW PATTERN of the receding galaxies?
Answer 1 is right.
Recall Hubble
with the
Hooker telescope
(see figure below
local link /
general link: telescope_hooker.html)
at the
Mount Wilson Observatory
in southern California (before most of the smog and
light pollution)
had the best observing technology of his time
This was essential to his discoveries.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/telescope/telescope_hooker.html");?>
redshifts and maybe other
was able to
find a remarkably simple relationship between distance and
recession velocity
He may have still been interpreting the shifts as
Doppler shifts then, but maybe NOT.
Hubble was to some degree aware of
the developments in theoretical
cosmology which were going
on the during the time of his important discoveries:
see section Friedmann-Equation (FE) Models below.
The observational relationship found by Hubble,
first presented in 1929, is now called
Hubble's law.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/hubble_diagram_2.html");?>
Hubble constant
is often called the rate of
expansion of the universe.
H=70*h_70 (km/s)/Mpc,
where h_70=H/(70 (km/s)/Mpc) is a fiducial reduced Hubble constant.
This is a standard way of writing the
Hubble constant
leaving the actual value general, but indicating a fiducial value, in this case 70 (km/s)/Mpc.
The fiducial value must be correct to within a few percent.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/hubble_diagram.html");?>
In the Hubble diagram
just above, the line is the representation of
Hubble's law and
the slope of the line is the
Hubble constant.
Question: In the Hubble diagram above,
there is a scatter
about the straight line.
Based on direct and indirect observations,
everything up to the present
indicates the recession velocity
recession velocity
plus peculiar velocity) is exactly linear with
cosmological physical distance.
Distances measured at one instant in cosmic time
are called
cosmological physical distances or,
just physical distances for short.
The exact linearity of the
theoretical Hubble's law
is predicted by all the common cosmological models based on
general relativity.
In the multiverse
paradigm, these models
only apply in the deep interior of
our pocket universe.
So observations and theory agree on
Hubble's law---a triumph for both of them.
Cosmic time is the time
in which the expanding universe
stays homogeneous and isotropic.
Is there a center of the
universal expansion?
Well the universe evolves in only
one way with cosmic time, but
how understanding of how it evolves is model-dependent---but you knew this already.
Cosmic time does NOT flow very differently
from local universe times (including Earth-based times)
since the deviations of local universe motions from the mean
expansion of the universe are rather small.
If it's 10 am here, it's 10 am at
cosmological redshift z = 10
evolved to the current cosmic time
give or take 10 Myr or so.
So we think we can measure
cosmic time accurately locally, but
we don't know what the cosmic time
is for cosmologically distant objects
AT THE TIME light was emitted from them independent of the cosmological model adopted.
Question: Hubble's law implies that:
There is ASSUMPTION in cosmology called
the Copernican principle:
it states that we occupy NO special
place in the observable universe.
This principle is a guiding simplifying principle in cosmology.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/expanding_universe.html");?>
(with modified Newtonian physics)
have been invented which are have some consistency with the observable
universe (Bo-75), but
we know Newtonian physics
is less correct than relativistic physics.
In science,
an ad hoc hypothesis means
one just invented to solve a special-case problem or give fit special-case behavior.
Such hypotheses may turn out to be right, but since they were invented for special cases,
they are likely to turn out to be wrong.
The experience of the whole history of science
shows this.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 30 problems 2--5 on cosmology and Hubble's law.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 30.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_030_cosmology.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_2.html");?>
Hence, Einstein went on to develop general relativity with the complete theory presented in 1915.
In this section, we reference our presentation of general relativity in subsection General Relativity and then go on to see how Einstein applied it in cosmology.
Einstein (see figure below: local link / general link: einstein_master_1921.html) posited general relativity as a universal physical law which means it should apply everywhere in the universe.
But that means general relativity should apply to the largest scale structure of universe assuming that gravity determines the largest scale structure of the bulk universe---which we believe to be true.
In other words, if general relativity was truly a universal physical law, it must be able to give self-consistent cosmological model.
Showing that it did so was a necessary verification of general relativity and Einstein did, in fact, pursue that verification.
Note Einstein's immediate concern was that such self-consistent cosmological model was possible, NOT that it was the actual true self-consistent cosmological model of the universe. But Einstein did eventually come to hope that his cosmological model, which we call the Einstein universe, would be the right one. We know this because it took him a long time to 1931 abandon it. He only did so after accepting the expansion of the universe (two years after Edwin Hubble (1889--1953) had shown it definitively in 1929) and some years after the Einstein universe had been shown to be unstable: i.e., it would necessarily evolve into a cosmological model with expanding and/or contracting regions (see Cormac O'Raifeartaigh et al., Einstein's 1917 Static Model of the Universe: A Centennial Review, 2017, p. 40--41).
The Einstein universe, was presented in 1917 (Bo-97; No-520; Cormac O'Raifeartaigh et al., Einstein's 1917 Static Model of the Universe: A Centennial Review, 2017; Cormac O'Raifeartaigh, Historical and Philosophical Aspects of the Einstein World, 2019).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/einstein/einstein_master_1921.html");?>
Einstein universe
is, in fact, probably
the first
cosmological model developed
from an exact mathematical physics theory and completely consistent
with that exact mathematical physics theory---counting the
cosmological constant (see below)
as part of that exact mathematical physics theory (i.e.,
general relativity).
A finite system of galaxies held from collapse by rotation in an infinite, otherwise empty outer space seems a possible pure Newtonian physics cosmological model to yours truly. However, all kinds of questions would arise then how such a cosmological model would evolve in time.
In order to apply general relativiey (GR)
to the universe,
made 3,
major simplifying ASSUMPTIONS, the
first 2 of which are still usually used today
at least for theories of our
(or our
pocket universe) when
NOT including
large-scale structure of the universe.
We explicate the made 3,
major simplifying ASSUMPTIONS in the subsubsections below.
The cosmological principle
is a glorified expression
for the assumption that the universe looked at
averaged over sufficiently
large scales is homogeneous (i.e., the same everywhere at one
time) and isotropic (i.e, the same in all directions).
The cosmological principle
is explicated in the figure
(local link /
general link: observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html).
So for
the universe was one full
of stars, NOT
galaxies and
the cosmological principle
for him meant that the
stars were homogenously and isotropically
spread throughout
By the by,
knowledge of
astronomy was
NOT extensive in 1917
though in later years he became much more knowledgeable.
The term
cosmological principle
was NOT used by
Einstein at least NOT
in 1917.
It was coined in 1935 by
E.A. Milne (1896--1950):
see the figure below
local link /
general link: e_a_milne.html.
This assumption is that
the mass-energy
of the universe can be approximated as
a homogeneous, isotropic,
perfect fluid
which in the older literature was sometimes called the
A perfect fluid has
heat conduction,
NO viscosity,
and NO
shear stress.
It can have pressure.
In cosmological models
baryonic matter
is assumed to have
pressure---which is a good
approximation in
cosmology though
NOT in other fields
(see Li-39).
cosmic background radiation (CBR)
has significant pressure only
at very early times in
Big Bang cosmology:
i.e., at cosmic time < ∼ 50,000 years
after the Big Bang
radiation era).
Dark energy
formally has NEGATIVE PRESSURE, but since it does NOT pull on anything, in fact,
this NEGATIVE PRESSURE is sort of mythical.
We discuss dark energy below in
The Introduction of the Cosmological Constant.
assumed zero
pressure which, in fact,
all cosmological models did
(except near the very near
Big Bang era)
before circa 1998.
By using the
perfect fluid assumption
Einstein universe
and, in fact, most
cosmological models
for the
observable universe
do NOT deal directly with
and the
large-scale structure of the universe.
So now for a question on assumptions in
There is NO right answer, of course.
Answer 2 is essentially how traditional technologists solved their
problems: e.g., building the pyramids, building cathedrals, sailing
the Pacific Ocean in outrigger canoes.
However, in dealing with the extremely advanced systems of the modern
age answer 3 has usually been pursued.
But when you CANNOT experiment, as in
cosmology, answer 1 is about
what you are stuck with.
You realize your first attempts may be
too simple or just plain wrong, but you have to start
WITHOUT complexities that you do NOT know how to deal with anyway:
i.e., crawl before
So answer 4 is always a good idea.
It is a
roundabout way of expressing
Occam's razor.
Einstein assumed the
universe was static which
in fact is a WRONG assumption since
there is an
expansion of the universe,
but this was NOT known
until the 1920s either
observationally or theoretically.
There may have been a few
thinking of it for hypothetical
other galaxies, but
(who had a non-astronomy
background) was probably NOT aware of that thinking.
Recall that for
Einstein in
the universe was one full
of stars, NOT
galaxies and
the cosmological principle
for him meant that the
stars were homogenously and isotropically
spread throughout
(see the subsubsection
The Cosmological Principle Assumption above).
So by a static universe,
Einstein was thinking of
a static distribution of
Why did he make this assumption?
Possible and certain reasons:
This is a certain reason.
Perhaps, they were still
thinking of the
stars as being
at rest
in Isaac Newton's (1643--1727)
absolute space.
It's hard to know what was majority
opinion in 1917 since
there are NO
opinion polls from
1917 on
So it may be that
was simply following what he believed to be the general belief that the
universe was static.
This is a possible reason.
Why a good physicist like
Einstein---to say the least---should defer
to a bunch of astronomers is beyond me especially since
the obvious non-thermodynamic equilibrium state of the
(which we discussed above in the section
The Expansion of the Universe)
pointed to an evolving universe.
If so, this was wrong as we now know.
But we know this because we have
the Friedmann equation
which is derived from
general relativity.
missed deriving the
Friedmann equation
and derived the
Einstein universe
directly from
general relativity
in a klutzy way.
It was a pioneering effort.
In later years,
(or so yours truly recalls from some long ago
reading) dismissed
Mach's principle
as perhaps wrong since it is NOT
in general relativity
and was NOT
required by
as it had developed.????
The situation is the same today:
Mach's principle
may have some truth to it, but nothing demands it.
In fact, there seems little interest in
Mach's principle anymore.
In fact, Einstein found that he
with GR as he had originally proposed it
So he introduced the cosmological constant
which we explicate in the insert below
(local link /
general link: lambda_cosmological_constant_dark_energy.html).
Einstein's STATIC MODEL is now called the
Einstein universe.
Geometrically, it is the 3-dimensional surface of a
sphere in a 4-dimensional
Euclidean space.
Such a "sphere" is called a
Thus, the
Einstein universe
is a finite, but unbounded, hyperspherical space
Note, the 4-dimensional
Euclidean space
is given NO physical interpretation since
general relativity
does NOT imply it exists in any sense.
There is just the curved "surface space".
One source (No-513) claims that the
Einstein universe
is a 3-dimensional surface of 4-dimensional cylinder.
But this seems to be just a mistake.
See Jones et al. 2003
for the correct description.
Einstein universe
is analogous to the surface of an ordinary sphere in the figure below
(local link /
general link: universe_geometry.html).
In such a space traveling in a straight line (a line that seems to
be straight at every locality) should bring you back to where you
started and if you looked long enough in one direction you should see the back of your head.
A "straight line" in
curved space
is geodesic---the stationary path
(the shortest path in most considered examples) between any two points
in the curved space.
The Einstein universe
is actually in unstable equilibrium
Any perturbation will start it on a runaway expansion or contraction.
The cartoon in the figure below
(local link /
general link: stability_mechanical.html)
stable and
unstable equilibriums.
Exactly how the many local perturbations that exist in any real
could have affected a real
Einstein universe
is hard to say.
However, one idea of how a perturbed
Einstein universe
would behave is discussed below in
subsection Avoiding the Singularity.
After 1929 and the observational discovery of
expansion of the universe
(No-523) and
discussions with many researchers including
Edwin Hubble (1889--1953) in
the Einstein universe
and subsequently very probably said introducing
the cosmological constant
to obtain the Einstein universe
was his "biggest blunder" (though only
in private and perhaps NOT in those exact words:
he may have been speaking in
to George Gamow (1904-1968)
and maybe others
(see O'Raifeartaigh &Mitton 2019, p. 22--23).
Answer 2 is right.
cosmological constant
was a mistake in its original use, but it didn't go away.
It continued to be useful for other cosmological fix-ups---"the last refuge of scoundrel cosmologists" (Michael Turner 2011)---and, in fact, it has come back
in a new function with a vengeance as we'll see below the
The Accelerating Universe and the Friedmann-equation Λ Models.
But though Einstein
blundered, others did NOT:
expansion of the universe
was predicted from GR models before it was observationally
discovered as we'll see below in the section Friedmann-Equation (FE) Models.
Einstein videos
(local link /
general link: einstein_videos.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/general_relativity_exact_solutions.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html");?>
in 1917, of course.
did NOT have our modern observations
and did NOT know if
other galaxies existed
Milky Way.
astronomers still thought
they did NOT exist and
Einstein followed
their lead, maybe without much thinking.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/e_a_milne.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/science/william_of_ockham_3.html");?>
Question: When starting out to model a complex system, a researcher:
For Occam's razor,
see figure below
(local link /
general link: william_of_ockham.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/science/william_of_ockham.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/lambda_cosmological_constant_dark_energy.html");?>
Note the Einstein universe
is sometimes called the "cylindrical model" because some represenations make use
of a cylindrical diagram.
Now we have difficulty picturing curved 3-dimensional spaces, but
the 2-dimensional analogs of curved spaces can pictured.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: universe_geometry.html).
We will discuss the
density parameter Omega below in the
section Friedmann-Equation (FE) Models and subsequent sections.
Actually, I wonder how well we picture 3-dimensional flat space.
Maybe we only picture it in the sense that experience
and intrinsic mental and sense abilities
inform us how things look in other directions from the one
we are viewing an object from.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/universe_geometry.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mechanics/stability_mechanical.html");?>
He certainly meant his scientific life, NOT his private life.
wasn't a good family man, in fact: late in life he commented that
he had failed at marriage twice and that was his greatest shame.????
Actually, Einstein's
abandonment of the
Einstein universe
was a long and complex process
in which its instability seems to have been the primary reason for
abandonment (see Nussbaumer 2013).
Question: What Einstein
meant in referring to the
cosmological constant
as his biggest blunder was that:
Recall Einstein originally
in 1917
was NOT trying to establish the true
cosmological model,
but merely that
general relativity
allowed a self-consistent
cosmological model to exist.
But it seems he became hopeful after
circa 1917 that
the Einstein universe
was the true cosmological model.???
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/einstein/einstein_videos.html");?>
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 30 problems 2--8 on cosmology, Hubble's law, and the Einstein universe.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 30.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_030_cosmology.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_2.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/willem_de_sitter.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/alexander_friedmann.html");?>
We elaborate on the
Friedmann equation (FE) models below.
FE models begin from a singularity of infinite density---with a couple of exceptions to be mentioned in subsection Avoiding the Singularity below.
The singularity was once called the POINT ORIGIN (Bo-85,181), but nowadays people are more likely to call it just the singularity or the Big Bang singularity.
How big is the singularity in its theoretical context of taking the FE models as exactly true? Well if the universe is infinite, it's infinite or indeterminate. And if the universe if finite, it's a point.
But modern cosmologists do NOT think the singularity actually existed. Taking the FE models as exactly true at the singularity is pushing them beyond their validity since you reach infinite density. Infinities in physics usually mean that you have pushed a theory beyond its realm of validity. That seems likely to be the case for FE models at the singularity.
Nevertheless, the singularity is the time zero of the FE models: those that a have singularity that is. It is though of as being approached, but NOT reached.
And the time of the singularity is still used as fiducial time zero of cosmic time with the understanding that it probably never happened. It is just beyond the limit of the time where we can extrapolate established physics which is the quark era (10**(-12) -- 10**(-6) s.
What happens instead of the singularity? Quantum gravity and perhaps other effects must supercede general relativity as infinite density is approached. We discuss the main ideas of what happened in section Inflation and Inflation Cosmology.
The FE models that
have NO singularity
and infinite age if their
is constant in time as they expand.
Such models are, in fact, versions of the
de Sitter universe
(see section The de Sitter Universe above).
Another way to avoid the
is to start a model from
an Einstein universe.
Recall the
Einstein universe
is unstable,
and so the right kind of global perturbation will start it growing and it will evolve
asymptotically to a
de Sitter universe.
Local contracting perturbations were thought of as perhaps being the origin of
This cosmological model
is called
Lemaitre-Eddington universe
(see, e.g., Bo-84,85,117--121,159,175,180;
It had a vogue circa
when it was favored by
Arthur Eddington (1882--1944), but
NOT by
Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966)
at least after circa 1931
(see, e.g., Bo-84,85,117--121,159,175,180;
A version of the
de Sitter universe
is the famous/notorious Steady State Universe
which is elucidated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: fred_hoyle.html).
Hereafter, for simplicity, we will mean finite-age
FE model
with a singularity
when we say
FE model.
In modern Big Bang cosmology,
the term Big Bang
is generally taken to mean the era from time zero
(i.e., Big Bang singularity)
to about 20 minutes.
During this time,
the light elements
of the universe
and some lithium)
are believed to have been synthesized in
Big Bang nucleosynthesis era
(cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m).
We should emphasize that the
Big Bang
is NOT a pressure explosion where the
kinetic energy comes from
heat energy
and pushes the mass-energy
of the observable universe apart.
The space geometry of FE models
is determined by
the density parameter
which has the symbol the capital Greek letter Ω
and which is often just referred to as
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: greek_letter_omega.html).
What the Friedmann equation (FE)
actually gives is the
cosmic scale factor a(t),
where t is cosmic time.
The cosmic scale factor
determines the scaling up of the
expanding universe according to
the formula
But also recall as we look farther out in
space, we look further back
in cosmic time, and so the
present physical distances
are NOT direct observables, except
as we approach r_0 = 0 since
the time since light started out toward us goes to zero
as r_0 → 0.
The scaling up is illustrated in
the animation
in the figure below
local link /
general link: expanding_universe.html).
The figure below
(local link /
general link: cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_zero.html)
illustrates how a(t),
and thus how the expansion of
the expanding universe,
evolves with
cosmic time in the three
qualitatively distinct versions of the
FE Λ=0 models.
The Ω < 1
and Ω = 1 versions expand forever (although
always at a decreasing rate because of the deceleration)
and the universe (or
our pocket universe)
will end in the
Big Chill
(AKA heat death of the universe)
which we will discuss below in
the section
The Fate
of the Universe According to the Λ-CDM Model.
In the Ω = 1 version,
the slope of a(t)
goes to zero asymptotically as cosmic time
goes to infinity---so the universe
comes to rest as cosmic time t → ∞
when a(t) = ∞.
If Ω > 1,
then the universe (or
pocket universe)
will eventually recollapse and there
will be a Big Crunch.
See the cartoon animation
of the Big Crunch
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: big_crunch.html).
Since the Big Crunch is itself a
we do NOT really know what happens then or later.
The cyclic universe
as originally suggested has NOT lasted.
There seems no way without ad hoc hypotheses
to predict what happens as the universe
passes through a Big Crunch.
But newer kinds of cyclic universe
are thought to be viable: e.g.,
the ekpyrotic universe
which we briefly discuss in the section
Inflation and Inflation Cosmology.
A KEY POINT is that the
FE Λ=0 models
predict either an expansion or a contraction of the universe:
i.e., a(t)
is never constant, but always changing.
Hubble's law itself is a
consequence of the
FE models (with Λ=0 or not).
This was shown explicitly by
Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966)
in 1927
as we discuss below in subsection
Who Discovered the Expansion
of the Universe and Hubble's Law?.
See Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966)
again in the figure below
(local link /
general link: georges_lemaitre.html).
Hubble's law
can be determined empirically in a simple way from a
Hubble diagram as
did Hubble.
That Hubble's law
can be determined empirically is proven using
expanding universe models.
Luminosity distances
(which we discuss below)
and angular diameter distances
(which we do NOT discuss)
are direct observables.
It can be proven that these "distances" asymptotically approach
the cosmological physical distance
as cosmological redshift z
goes to zero.
This is illustrated in the
cosmological distance measure graphs shown below
(where "luminosity is luminosity distance
and "angular diameter" is angular diameter distance).
The 1st order recession velocity,
given by v_1st=zc, asymptotically approaches the exact
recession velocity
as cosmological redshift z
goes to zero.
This is illustrated in the
cosmological distance measure graphs shown below
since the "naive Hubble" divided by H is
the 1st order recession velocity
and the
cosmological physical distance divided by H
is the exact recession velocity.
Since the direct observable "distances" and the
1st order recession velocity
approach, respectively, the
cosmological physical distance
and the exact recession velocity
asymptotically as cosmological redshift z
goes to zero,
they must asymptotically
Hubble's law
(which holds exactly for
cosmological physical distance
and the exact recession velocity)
as cosmological redshift z
goes to zero.
Thus, as long as one observes cosmological objects at sufficiently small
cosmological redshift z,
one can find Hubble's law
and the
Hubble constant
empirically from a Hubble diagram.
For the
Λ-CDM model as seen
in the cosmological distance measure graphs shown below,
z must be less than about 0.5 to be sufficiently small.
FE Λ=0 models
in themselves do NOT tells us everything.
In particular they do NOT tell us the values of the
Hubble constant
or Omega.
So they are certainly incomplete cosmological models.
In principle, the
Hubble constant
and Omega can be determined by
observations, of course. In fact, they have been so determined to some accuracy.
How the
Hubble constant
is determined we have already discussed.
How Omega
is determined we will briefly mention below in the section
The Accelerating Universe and the Friedmann-equation Λ Models.
But the fact that the
FE Λ=0 models
predicted the expansion of the universe
before that was observationally well established and
Hubble's law
probably before it was known to the person making the prediction
(i.e., Lemaitre's)
is very impressive.
Answer 4 is right according to the best modern observations.
All the
FE Λ=0 models
are decelerating at all times
after the Big-Bang singularity.
There is good evidence now that the expansion of the
observable universe
is accelerating.
The accelerating universe is the subject of the next section
The Accelerating Universe and the Friedmann-equation Λ Models.
But our discussion of the
FE Λ=0 models
has NOT been a waste of time as
we will also see in the next section
The Accelerating Universe and the Friedmann-equation Λ Models.
Now that we have discussed
de Sitter universe
FE Λ=0 models,
we are prepared to discuss this fine point of the
history of astronomy.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: georges_lemaitre_cartoon.html)
gives the discussion.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/fred_hoyle.html");?>
Well NOT a pressure explosion in our usual way of thinking of the
observable universe.
However, it might be a pressure explosion if
the observable universe
is in a pocket universe
and that pocket universe is doing
pressure-volume work
(PdV work) on the outside multiverse
(which may be a false vacuum universe).
A balance between
kinetic energy and
gravitational potential energy
are initial conditions
of the observable universe
and the Friedmann equation
dictates how the
observable universe evolves
given that balance.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/hellas/greek_letter_omega.html");?>
Omega is the ratio of the
universal mean mass-energy
density ρ to a
critical density ρ_c
(of mass-energy)
which is a natural TIME-DEPENDENT parameter of the models:
    Ω = ρ/ρ_c .
The possible geometries of the
FE models
are illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: universe_geometry.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/universe_geometry.html");?>
    r(t)=a(t)*r_0 ,
where r_0 is the physical distance
at the present epoch in cosmic time
(i.e., cosmic present t_0)
between any two points participating in the mean
expansion of the universe
and which we call comoving distance
and r(t) is the physical distance
at general cosmic time t.
We note at a_0=a(t_0)=1:
Note that using
cosmic present as defining time
for a_0=1 is a convention.
Other conventions are used, but
This makes a lot of sense: "our era in the
expansion of the universe
is the measure of all things" (Protagoras (c.490--c.420 BCE),
comoving distances r_0
do NOT change with cosmic time by definition
and provide a time-independent way of locating
bodies participating in the
mean expansion of the universe
The upshot of the above is that the
cosmic scale factor a(t)
gives the relative scaling up of the universe.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/expanding_universe.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_zero.html");?>
The slope of the curves in the diagrams
in the figure above
(local link /
general link: cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_zero.html)
is the rate of change of
of a(t):
i.e., recession velocity of distance
Since the slope always decreases with
cosmic time for
cosmological constant (AKA Lambda, Λ)
the expansion continuously decelerates for the
FE Λ=0 models.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/big_crunch.html");?>
Some have imagined a cyclic universe where the
Big Crunch is the
Big Bang
of a subsequent epoch that is followed by another
Big Crunch, and so on.
You can introduce a
cosmological constant Λ≠0
adjusted to get a static
cosmological models which, in fact,
is the Einstein universe (1917)
now seen as a special case of the
Friedmann equation (FE) models.
This KEY POINT was made before
observationally proved
Hubble's law
(see subsection
Who Discovered the Expansion
of the Universe and Hubble's Law? below).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/georges_lemaitre.html");?>
The theoretical Hubble's law
of the
FE Λ=0 models
and other expanding universe
models (some of which we discuss below)
is exact for
exact recession velocities
and cosmological physical distances
measured at one instant
in cosmic time.
The argument is a bit tricky, but here goes.
Actually, Lemaitre
in published work seems to have always used the
cosmological constant
for what he thought of as better
cosmological models.???
However, he was aware, of course,
one got expanding universe models
without the cosmological constant.
For example, his favored
Lemaitre universe (1931)
had a expanding universe phase
before the cosmological constant
became important.
The successful prediction of the
expansion of the universe
certainly did suggest that
FE Λ=0 models
could be right as far as they went.
Question: Which version of the
FE Λ=0 models
corresponds to the actual
observable universe?
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/georges_lemaitre_cartoon.html");?>
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 30 problems 6--11 on cosmology and the FE Λ=0 models.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 30.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_030_cosmology.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
How we got where we are now in modern cosmology with lots of omissions:
See Astronomer file willem_de_sitter.html for more detail on the de Sitter universe.
The most favored FE Λ=0 models was actually the Einstein-de Sitter universe (1932) which is NOT the Einstein universe (1917) NOR the de Sitter universe (1917). It is the simplest expanding universe FE model which is why Albert Einstein (1879--1955) and Willem de Sitter (1872--1934) proposed it (see Cormac O'Raifeartaigh, et al. 2015, arXiv:1503.08029). It has density parameter Ω=1 (and so has Euclidean geometry (AKA flat space geometry)) and cosmological constant zero (which is the same as NOT requiring the hypothesis of the cosmological constant). In proposing the Einstein-de Sitter universe (1932) in 1932, Albert Einstein (1879--1955) and Willem de Sitter (1872--1934) may have been trying to recapture the high ground from young upstart cosmologists: e.g., E.A. Milne (1896--1950), Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966), and William McCrea (1904--1999) (see also Wikipedia: E.A. Milne: Research into cosmology and relativity).
However, the Λ-CDM model was actually already being considered as a possible cosmological model by circa 1995 based some evidence and other considerations even before the discovery of the acceleration of the universe (see Douglas Scot, 2018, arXiv:1804.01318 "The Standard Model of Cosmology: A Skeptic's Guide", p. 10).
The acceleration was first discovered by studying Type Ia supernovae.
These are very bright objects that can be seen using the modern giant telescopes to beyond 2500 Mpc (FK-649). Recall the current value for the Hubble length is 4283 Mpc / h_70, and so Type Ia supernovae can be seen to cosmologically large distances.
Their maximum luminosities are known reasonably well, and thus one can determine their luminosity distances from the inverse-square law for light: luminosity distances are NOT the same as cosmological physical distances (except in a static universe or approximately for very small cosmological physical distances), but they are DIRECT OBSERVABLES.
We assume:
L F= -------- 4*π*r**2 where F is flux, L luminosity, and r distance. This formula implies r = sqrt[ L/(4*π*F) ] .
We can apply this distance formula to objects participating the universal expansion provided extinction is negligible or can be corrected for, and obtain "distances". But, of course, the "distances" obtained is NOT true distances (i.e., NOT a cosmological physical distance) since the observable universe evolves with cosmic time as the light propagates to us and may space may have an overall curvature.
So the formula distance r is a funny distance which because of the formula used to obtain it is naturally called luminosity distance.
Despite being funny, luminosity distances can be used, nonetheless, to determine cosmological parameters in a way we will NOT go into.
Luminosity distance is a DIRECT OBSERVABLE that cosmological models can be fitted to.
Thus, one can determine a Hubble diagram for Type Ia supernovae.
Such diagrams extend to great distances with pretty high accuracy, and thus allowed a more sensitive test of Hubble's law and the nature of the expansion of the universe than before.
A representative Hubble diagram is shown in the figure below (local link / general link: hubble_diagram_4.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/hubble_diagram_4.html");?>
The 1998
Hubble diagram for
Type Ia supernovae
showed deviations from
Hubble's law
could reasonably be fitted only if an acceleration of the expansion
were assumed.
The deviations were NOT caused by peculiar velocities.
They are caused by the fact that redshift velocities and luminosity distances are NOT recession velocities and cosmological physical distances in general.
Redshift velocities and luminosity distances only approximate those quantities for the local universe.
Hubble's law is exact for recession velocities and cosmological physical distances in the FE Λ=0 models as aforementioned.
When the acceleration was first announced,
people were somewhat skeptical.
The data had a lot of random errors---the
deviations in plots from deceleration looked like pretty much like noise to my eye---and there
could have been many systematic errors.
But since 1998, the data for
Type Ia supernovae
has continued to firm up and in addition
2 other independent evidences for acceleration have appeared.
To summarize without giving any details about how one knows:
The missing mass-energy can be interpreted as some kind of
dark energy
that is powering the acceleration.
And if it was disproven would they have to take away the
2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for
discovering the accelerating universe
from my old pals shown
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: adam_riess.html).
How does one accommodate the acceleration theoretically?
Well the possibilities are quasi-endless.
But the simplest way is to fetch Einstein's
cosmological constant Λ
back from the storeroom of discarded theories and put it back in the
Einstein field equations
and the Friedmann equation,
but now tune it
to give the measured acceleration
instead of a static
Einstein universe.
One can then derive what one can call
the FE Λ models
which are just the
FE models
with the
cosmological constant Λ
NOT zero.
The value of Λ is NOT determined by the model and must be determined by
observational or other means.
The cartoon plot
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: accelerating_universe.html)
shows how
the cosmic scale factor a(t) evolves
an appropriate
FE Λ model.
The increasing slope of the accelerating a(t) curve is the
signature of acceleration.
Note that the accelerating model starts in a decelerating
phase and then makes a transition to acceleration
about 5 Gyr ago.
The transition to acceleration is less certain than
the acceleration itself, but
recent data for
Type Ia supernovae
suggest it
So acceleration is rather well established: it still might
be proven non-existent, but that would take a lot of counter-evidence now.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/adam_riess.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/accelerating_universe.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmos_history_3.html");?>
The name concordance model was once widely used, but has now fallen out of favor.
Note "Fit all all cosmological observations," EXCEPT for a few tensions (notably the Hubble tension since circa 2018) which we discuss below in section Limitations and Tensions of our Current Cosmological Theories.
So the Λ-CDM model may need some revision or even replacement as the standard model of cosmology (SMC).
For cartoon of cosmic cosmic history according to the Λ-CDM model and similar cosmological models, see the figure below (local link / general link: cosmos_history_2a.html).
The ingredient
cosmological theories are:
Most obviously, the fitted
FE Λ model
gives the expansion of the universe
with positive acceleration: i.e.,
the accelerating universe.
Big Bang cosmology gives the
cosmic microwave background (CMB)
and the
cosmic composition
as we will discuss below in
the section
Big Bang Cosmology
and the Initial Conditions of the Observable Universe).
The Λ-CDM model
is quantitative special case of
Big Bang cosmology that may be right
as far as it goes.
Cold dark matter
is relatively slowly moving
dark matter.
We call it "cold" because it's moving at much less than the
vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**5 km/s ≅ 3*10**5 km/s.
If the dark matter
were moving at relativistic velocities
in the early observable universe,
it would NOT have been able to clump
on relatively small scales
under its self-gravity
to form gravitational wells
which are essential to the
large-scale structure
that we observe
Wikipedia: Cold dark matter: Structure formation).
Table: Cosmic Parameters below
(local link /
general link: cosmic_parameters.html)
gives a representative set of values for the
Λ-CDM model parameters.
We say "representative" because their is no single consensus set.
Various research groups using different analysis methods get slightly different sets
and the parameter values will certainly change a bit more with future observations
and analysis.
However, the differences among groups and with future work are likely to
be less than 10 % or so.
The cosmic time of some important
Λ-CDM model cosmic quantities is shown in the figure below
(local link /
general link: cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_cdm.html).
Some comments on the Λ-CDM model are:
If a model is wrong, then observations need to be interpreted
in a different way.
Better observations could show inadequacy which, in fact,
Hubble tension
is suggesting right now
(see section
Limitations and Tensions of our Current Cosmological Theories below).
One generally starts with the simplest
adequate theory
in obedience to
Occam's razor
with the understanding that more elaborate
may be needed as observations advance.
For example, a
dynamical dark energy
(i.e., a time-varying dark energy
may be needed in a new
standard model of cosmology (SMC).
The requirement for exotic
dark matter is an inference as we will
explain right now in brief.
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
(which discuss below in the subsection
Big Bang Cosmology)
Omega_baryonic matter ∼ 0.045,
the Planck spacecraft (2009--2013)
observations plus other data give
at 0.3147(74)
(Planck 2018 results. I. Overview and the cosmological legacy
of Planck 2018)
Big Bang nucleosynthesis is
itself a very robust theory, and
so we are forced to believe exotic
dark matter is likely.
There are many ideas about what the
new particle may be.
One favorite idea is
(weakly interacting massive particles).
But the possibilities are still wide open.
Anoher idea for dark matter
is primordial black holes (PBHs)
which we explicate in the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_primordial.html).
If we ever discover what the
dark matter is,
it will have profound implications for
cosmology and fundamental physics.
turns out to be at all right,
then the need for exotic dark matter may vanish and all of
cosmology would be affected in radical ways.
Baryonic dark matter
is usually NOT
included in dark matter, but
sometimes it is.
Context usually must decide what is meant.
We explicate baryonic dark matter
just below in subsection Baryonic Dark Matter.
From Big Bang nucleosynthesis,
Omega_ordinary_matter equal to about
(see Table: Cosmic Parameters above:
local link /
general link: cosmic_parameters.html).
But adding up all the stellar matter
(i.e., baryonic matter
which is NOT
baryonic dark matter)
gives only 0.004:
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: pie_chart_cosmic_energy.html).
So baryonic dark matter
is ∼ 10 times more abundant than
stellar matter
(i.e., baryonic matter
which is NOT
baryonic dark matter).
Caption: Relative sizes of the Sun and
Jupiter and estimated relative sizes of
red dwarf star
Gliese 229A and
brown dwarfs
Gliese 229B and
Teide 1 (which was the first verified
brown dwarf
User:Bryan Derksen,
2007 /
Public domain.
But perhaps NOT much of it.
The idea that MACHOs (Massive Compact Halo Objects)
(brown dwarfs,
dim white dwarfs,
dim neutron stars,
and black holes) may make up a lot
of the
baryonic dark matter
is at present disfavored.
Re-analysis of the MACHO data suggests there may be few or
almost no MACHOs
Evans, N. W. & Belokurov V. 2004, astro-ph/0411222,
RIP: The MACHO Era [1974--2004]).
But the issue is very controversial right now.
So what is the
baryonic dark matter ?
At present, the favored theory is that low-density nearly invisible primordial
intergalactic medium (IGM)
(hydrogen and
helium gas)
makes up most or maybe almost all of the
baryonic dark matter
Cen, R., & Ostriker, J. P. 1999, ApJ, 514, 1, astro-ph/980628, Where are the Baryons? [hereafter CO], CO-3).
Much of this gas hot.
The idea is that the gas
falls into galaxy superclusters,
galaxy clusters
voids and
gravitational potential energy
gets converted to heat energy.
The gas is then the
warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM)
(i.e., ionized H and He gas with temperatures in range 10**5--10**7 K)
along with somewhat warmer and colder gas.
Shocks from
galaxy collisions and outflows
active galaxies give more heating.
Some heat energy may be left from
the original phase of
galaxy formation.
WHIM cools very slowly.
is almost invisible because it emits low energy X-rays
(which are mostly drowned out by Milky Way X-ray emission) and
extreme ultraviolet light to which the neutral Milky Way hydrogen
is opaque (CO-3).
We have observed WHIM
and yours truly thinks it is now established that
WHIM is most of the
baryonic dark matter.
Eventually, maybe in several Hubble times, some of
the WHIM
will be cooled enough to collapse
into new galaxies (CO-5).
This would keep
star formation going
in the universe for some time.
But the continued and accelerated expansion
of the universe might prevent all of it from collapsing????.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 30
problems 9--15 on
FE Λ=0 models,
and the Λ-CDM model.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 30.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmos_history_2a.html");?>
Note this is NOT the minimum set of
Λ-CDM model independent parameters
which take more description than we can do here.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmic_parameters.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_cdm.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_primordial.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/gravity/gravity_mond.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/pie_chart_cosmic_energy.html");?>
Some of this
baryonic dark matter
may be in the form of
brown dwarfs
(star-like objects too small to burn hydrogen),
dim white dwarfs,
dim neutron stars,
black holes.
For examples of
brown dwarfs,
see the figure below.
Image link: Wikipedia:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_hot_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_030_cosmology.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_hot_2.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmos_distance_z_10000.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/robert_frost.html");?>
What is the fate of the universe
Λ-CDM model
is taken as absolutely correct
for the
if the multiverse exists, our
pocket universe---but we won't reiterate
that qualification to avoid tediousness.
In other words, what is the Λ-CDM-model cosmic future.
A highly speculative sketch---which gets more speculative as it goes along---is as follows (HI-477, Wikipedia: Graphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death, Wikipedia: Future of the expanding universe):
Currently, we are at cosmic present = to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018): i.e., at cosmic time = age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018) ≅ 10**10 years counting from the Big Bang.
At cosmic time of order 10**14 years
(∼ 10,000 times
the current cosmic time), all
star formation will
have ended and all the long-lived M stars
will have left the main sequence???.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: star_lifetimes.html).
The universe
will consist of mainly of
dark matter particles
(probably and assuming dark matter
is NOT
primordial black holes (PBHs)),
compact remnants
(i.e., white dwarfs,
neutron stars, and
black holes), and
uncollapsable H and He gas???.
Why does star formation turn off?
Well, a significant fraction of the
baryonic matter
(still mainly primordial
and helium
of the observable universe
will have been turned into compact remnants,
and will thus be unavailable for new star formation.
This is probably the fate for
baryonic matter trapped or still to become trapped in
large gravitational wells.???
But the main reason??? is that
the continued
expansion of the universe
(which recall is an
accelerating expansion of the universe)
will spread the
intergalactic medium (IGM)
(still mainly primordial
and helium
gas plus
dark matter) so much that it is uncollapsable
into significant gravitational wells.
No more runaway
gravitational collapses.
No more star formation.
It is possible for
quantum field theory reasons
that protons
radioactively decay (and this entails the
radioactive decay
of neutrons too) into
photons with a
half-life of something
in the range 10**31 to 10**36 years
(see Wikipedia: Proton decay).
Note there is NO experimental evidence for
proton decay so far.
Assuming proton decay,
at some cosmic time in excess
of 10**31 years, the
protons and
neutrons will have all decayed.
This will leave a dilute gas of
electrons, positrons,
neutrinos, and
photons, and
dark matter particles, and
black holes.
Actually, dark matter particles
may undergo
spontaneous radioactive decay
to Standard Model particles
though there is NO accepted time scale
(Wikipedia: Dark matter:
Indirect detection).
For a dilute gas of
in the heat death of the universe
(which we discuss below in subsection
The Heat Death of the Universe: Cosmic Time t >> 10**100 Years Years,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: heat_death_photons.html).
Black holes
are theorized to evaporate by Hawking radiation.
By a cosmic time of order 10**100 years, the
black holes may
have evaporated and the vastly expanded universe could be only a
very dim, dilute gas of electrons,
and dark matter particles---if they
have NOT undergone
spontaneous radioactive decay
to Standard Model particles
(Wikipedia: Dark matter:
Indirect detection).
Some hypothetical dark matter particles
decay to baryonic matter
with very long half-lives
(see Wikipedia: Dark matter:
Indirect detection).
So maybe the
dark matter particles will be gone too
by of order 10**100 years ??? in the
Λ-CDM-model cosmic future.
The expanding universe
is now cold and dark and getting more so as the expansion continues---this is
the heat death of the universe
which was first discussed by
William Thomson,
Lord Kelvin (1824--1907) shown in the figure below
(local link /
general link: lord_kelvin.html).
See the image of photon gas in darkness in
the figure above
(local link /
general link: heat_death_photons.html)
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: lord_kelvin.html).
So the universe
ends in ice metaphorically speaking---according
to the
Λ-CDM-model cosmic future.
The heat death of the universe
as just described is the end of the story according to the
Λ-CDM model---but there's
NO reason to put
much faith in it---it's a very speculative story.
It is, in fact, a wild extrapolation
of the Λ-CDM model well beyond
the observations it is fitted to.
So it would NOT be surprising if the story got more and more wrong, the
further in cosmic time it is
extrapolated---but we may never know.
See our story in the figure below
(local link /
general link: mayfly.html).
Recall, there are some
with the
Λ-CDM model
which we discuss in detail in section
Limitations and Tensions of our Current Cosmological Theories.
These could lead to a revision or replacement of
the Λ-CDM model
by a new
standard model of cosmology (SMC).
With a new
standard model of cosmology (SMC),
we might have new wild extrapolation story for the far
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_lifetimes_2.html");?>
This is the end of the
Stelliferous Era
(i.e., the star-making era).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/heat_death_photons.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/lord_kelvin.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/mayfly.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/big_bang_symbolic.html");?>
Among other things, Big Bang cosmology
sets the initial conditions for the
FE Λ models
(and other kinds of
cosmological models too)
and the
large-scale structure of the universe.
So it is the explanation of the initial conditions of the observable universe (or of our pocket universe in the eternal inflation version of the multiverse paradigm).
In common modern usage, Big Bang means the early hot, dense phase of the observable universe.
The ancestor of Big Bang cosmology for the constituents of the observable universe was Georges Lemaitre's (1894--1966) primeval atom theory (1933)---but we won't discuss in detail that historically interesting, but long discarded, theory (No-530). See young Lemaitre (1894--1966) hanging out with the old guys in the figure below (local link / general link: georges_lemaitre.html).
In brief, the primeval atom theory posited a cold "Big Bang" in which a giant mass of neutrons (i.e., the primeval atom itself) filling a small positive curvature universe (a hyperspherical universe: finite, but unbounded). This small universe expanded according to a FE Λ≠0 model which we call the Lemaitre universe (1933). The primeval atom fragmented into smaller and smaller fragments of which the smallest are the hydrogen (H) helium (He). Larger fragments continue to exist and some are radioactive isotopes. These radioactive isotopes are inside stars and planets undergo radioactive decay: they power stars and provide radiogenic heat in planets.
The primeval atom theory (1933) was a brilliant theory and was viable circa in the 1930s. However, advances in nuclear physics and in the understanding of hydrogen burning in stars by the middle 1940s made it seem implausible and effectively ruled it out. Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966) himself continued to discuss the primeval atom theory (1933) in his later years while admitting he had become and old-fashioned cosmologist???.
In the 1940s (by which time
nuclear physics was much more
elucidated than in the 1930s),
George Gamow (1904-1968)
(see figure below
local link /
general link: george_gamow.html),
Ralph Alpher (1921--2007),
and Robert Hermann (1914--1997) worked
out an early version of
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
(No-531ff, 559ff): the theory
that the elements were synthesized by
nuclear fusion from hydrogen
nuclei in an early hot, dense phase of the universal expansion: i.e.,
in the
Big Bang in
the primary meaning of the term.
But stars CANNOT account for the light elements:
hydrogen (H-1),
deuterium (H-2),
helium (He-4 and He-3),
lithium (Li-7 and Li-6)
(see Wikipedia: Big Bang nucleosynthesis).
The case for He is particularly acute:
there seems far too much to have been produced in stars.
Recall the cosmic composition
by mass is about the same as the
solar composition: see below
Table: Cosmic Composition
(local link /
general link: cosmic_composition_table.html).
The aforesaid light elements are accounted
for by Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
See Table: Cosmic Composition
in the insert below
(local link /
general link: cosmic_composition_table.html).
The idea is to start cosmic time at some early hot, dense phase of the
universe with some simple primordial constituents and then run the
clock forward synthesizing the nuclei as space expands and cools.
The gas expands with space and this cools it by a commonplace physical
effect: adiabatic cooling---which
we won't go into, but its everywhere
including everyday life.
We CANNOT start the clock at the TIME ZERO
of the Friedmann equation (FE) models
since then there is infinite density
(i.e., the Big Bang singularity) and
general relativity must fail
before that state is reached: we need a
theory of
quantum gravity to go the realm
of super high densities and we do NOT have an established one
In fact, before about one Planck time
(t_Planck ≅ 5*10**(-44) s) when density is very high
our theories are very speculative.
This period is called the
Planck era.
The very earliest times before a second or so are in
also in speculative realm
(thought NOT as speculative as
the Planck era)
where the matter is believed to be so hot
and dense that only quarks and
leptons (the most familiar of
which is the electron)
their antiparticles exist and in which
matter and antimatter are about equal in abundance
Caption: Quarks make up protons and
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Free quarks exist only under super-dense conditions.
If you try to pull apart composite particles (e.g., protons)
made up of quarks under
less dense conditions, new quarks come into existence to
make new composite particles.
The energy from the pulling apart goes into making the
new composite particles.
Leptons are electrons,
positrons (antielectrons),
neutrinos, and
some less common species.
Matter and antimatter mutually annihilate to produce
It is thought in theories of particles
that there is some asymmetry in properties
between matter and antimatter that slightly favors matter
The usual assumption is that the
early universe
is isotropic and
very homogeneous: i.e., among other things has nearly
constant temperature, density, and composition at any given
cosmic time.
There are small density fluctuations that will be the seeds of the
large-scale structure that will form in of order the first billion
years. Gravitational runaways will start from the seeds.
The continuous expansion causes the temperature and density to
fall steadily.
Recall the cooling is just due to
adiabatic expansion.
The evolution of
the cosmic temperature
during cosmic time
10**(-10) s -- 10**16 s ≅ 0.3 Gyr which includes the
early universe
(10**(-12) s -- 380,000 y)
is shown in the figure below
(local link /
general link: cosmic_temperature.html).
We will just give a simple presentation of the
timeline of the
early universe
in a sequence of snapshots.
The captions are subject to revision from time to time,
and so should NOT be taken as definitive.
The dark matter particles were omitted from
the figures, but they should be assumed to be there too.
The snapshots:
At the
electroweak era
(t ∼ 10**(-36)s
the strong nuclear force
may have become distinct from the
weak nuclear force and
electromagnetic force
which were still united as the
electroweak force: i.e.,
the two acted in the same way.
This era may have been just before
(see Wikipedia:
Electroweak epoch.
The dark matter particles were omitted from
this and following figures, but they should be assumed to be there too.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
This was once thought to be about 3 minutes and hence the famous book
The First Three Minutes, Steven Weinberg, 1977.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Circa 2023,
early results from
James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST, 2021--2041?)
suggest that galaxies
may have formed as early as cosmic time
t ≅ 0.35 Gyr
(see J. O'Callaghan, 2022 Dec06,
"Astronomers Grapple with JWST’s Discovery of Early Galaxies").
If this result is confirmed, it may be
another tension for the
Λ-CDM model.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
The recombination era
is when the electrons and nuclei combine to form
NEUTRAL atoms:
mainly hydrogen and helium, of course.
The NEUTRAL atoms have much lower
cross sections
for interactions with
photons of the temperature of
the recombination era
of about 3000 K
Before the
recombination era,
the photons interacted strongly with matter
and thus matter and photons were held at
the same temperature.
At recombination
itself this temperature was ∼ 3000 K as noted above.
After recombination era
the primordial photons
(i.e., cosmic background radiation)
streamed off through space only slightly
interacting with matter again.
The photons just after the
recombination era
had a blackbody spectrum
at ∼ 3000 K
and which according to
Wien's law
peaked in the
near infrared (roughly 0.75--1.4 μm)
at ∼ 1 μm.
This cosmic photon gas for all eras is called
the cosmic background radiation.
The primordial photons of the
cosmic background radiation
after the recombination era
stream mostly freely through space.
They do interact a little, of course:
they can scatter off free electrons in space, run into
stars and planet, be affected by gravitational effects, and other lesser
The primordial photons
cool by expansion of the universe.
Their wavelengths scale with the
cosmic scale factor a(t) and their
density decreases as the volumes scale up.
In fact, it can be shown that primordial photon
distribution remains
blackbody-like with a constantly decreasing temperature due to expansion.
In 1949,
and Hermann
predicted the present-day temperature of the
cosmic background radiation
would be ∼ 5 K (No-559).
Using Wien's law
which by common definition is long wavelength infrared
But the microwave band is redward of 0.1 cm where much of
the primordial photon spectrum is.
The cosmic time of evolution
of the temperature of the
cosmic background radiation
form well after the
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
(cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m)
and starting well into the
radiation era
(cosmic time ∼ 0--178.5 kyr)
is shown in the figure below
(local link /
general link: cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_cdm.html).
The relic primordial photon gas
(i.e., the
cosmic background radiation)
in the modern observable universe
is called the
cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).
In 1965,
Arno Penzias (1933--2024)
Robert Wilson (1936--)
(see the figure below:
local link /
general link: arno_penzias.html)
working with a Bell Labs
radio telescope
in Holmdel Township, New Jersey
fortuitously discovered
cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB, blackbody temperature T = 2.72548(57) K (Fixsen 2009)),
but at
only wavelength 7.3 cm in the
microwave band (fiducial range 0.1--100 cm, 0.01--10 cm**(-1)).
is a nearly uniform radiation field coming to us from all directions.
The first highly accurate
measurement over a broad wavelength range was reported from the
COBE spacecraft
circa 1990
sprectrum with data points from many observation devices is shown in
the figure below
(local link /
general link: cmb_2.html).
has a large-scale variation
(called the CMB dipole anisotropy)
caused by
the Earth's
peculiar velocity
with respect to the
local inertial frame
in the mean expansion of the universe
Answer 2 is right.
There is a slight blueshift in the direction
of the Earth's motion and a slight redshift in the opposite direction.
Answer 1 is the reason the
has cooled down from 3000 K to about 3 K since the
recombination era.
The motion is 371 km/s in the direction of
and away from
We can deduce that the
Local Group of galaxies
is moving at 620 km/s relative to the
local inertial frame
in the direction the
Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster
If the CMB dipole anisotropy
is subtracted,
there remain small-scale random
fluctuations in CMB temperature of order
200 micro-Kelvins or in
relative terms of 1 part in 10**5
Cosmic microwave background: Features).
These fluctuations are formally called
the CMB primary anisotropy.
Since then the measurements of the fluctuations
have been considerably improved
particularly by the WMAP satellite that has been active since
2001 (NASA's
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)).
temperature fluctuations
(shown in the figure below
local link /
general link: cmb_wmap.html)
are believed to correspond to primordial density
fluctuations that were the seeds for the gravitational collapses that
led to the formation of the galaxies and the large-scale structure
(see IAL 28: Galaxies).
To return to the cosmic abundances of the elements and
Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
Modern Big Bang nucleosynthesis
depends on the parameter the primordial
baryon-to-photon ratio η
which is of order 10**(-9).
The best value
is maybe 6.1*10**(-10)
(see "Best"
Cosmological Parameters, 2003).
In this context,
the baryons
are overwhelmingly just
protons and
The baryon-to-photon ratio η
is an adjustable free parameter of the calculations.
The WMAP measurements of the
and observed primordial deuteron abundance
actually give a value for this ratio of (6.13±0.25)*10**(-10).
(Spergel, D. N.
et al. 2003, ApJ, astro-ph/0302209,
First Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
Observations: Determination of Cosmological Parameters;
Mathews, G. J., et al. 2004, Phys. Rev. D, submitted,
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with a New Neutron Lifetime).
With the ratio parameter set to this value, the predictions of calculations
of Big Bang nucleosynthesis can
be compared with measured light elements corrected for stellar
nucleosynthesis effects where possible.
The comparison yields very favorable agreement, in fact.
But also it sets a limit on the density of
baryonic matter
(including the
baryonic dark matter)
in the observable universe.
This limits only ∼ 1/6 of the dark matter
needed to explain
and galaxy clusters.
The upshot is that the
dark matter
is NOT baryonic matter.
It is usually though to be an
exotic dark matter particle, but
maybe it is primordial black holes.
We illustrate Big Bang nucleosynthesis
and the comparison with observed
cosmic composition
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: big_bang_nucleosynthesis.html).
Let us summarize the strongest evidence for
Big Bang cosmology:
The clouds are at
cosmological redshift z = 3.
The clouds constituent another verification of Big Bang cosmology.
Calculations starting from the primordial
fluctuations and using many assumptions especially about the
dark matter
do seem to be reproducing the observed large-scale structure though
a lot of uncertainty remains
These ages are less than the
age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)
given by the Λ-CDM model
At present, there is no problem with contents of the
being older
than the Big Bang cosmology predicted age of the
which in the past has occasionally been an embarrassment
And this has really been so since
the 1960s despite the attempts of mavericks like
Fred Hoyle (1915--2000)
to present viable alternatives.
The alternatives have always had many
ad hoc and/or
complicating assumptions.
These assumptions are mostly fix-ups to try to explain things
that Big Bang cosmology
explains in a natural way.
Big Bang cosmology
is a very robust theory nowadays.
It would be astonishing if it turned out to be just plain WRONG.
It is probably right as far as it goes.
But Big Bang cosmology does NOT
tells us what happened before the
Big Bang
for example.
We take take up the limitations of
the Λ-CDM model
(which incorporates Big Bang cosmology)
in the following section
Limitations of the Λ-CDM Model.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/georges_lemaitre.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/george_gamow.html");?>
Gamow et al.
tried to show that all the nuclei could have been formed in this early phase
(Bo-58), but later this turned out
to be impossible it seems
The heavier nuclei are mostly accounted for by nucleosynthesis in
followed by ejection by stellar winds and
in supernovae where they thrown out into
space by the
supernova explosion itself
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmic_composition_table.html");?>
There are probably also
exotic dark matter particles,
but what they are doing is uncertain.
For how
make up protons and
see the figure below.
By the by,
are their own antiparticles.
The mutual annihilation destroys the antimatter and leaves a trace
of matter.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmic_temperature.html");?>
After snapshot 5, the universe (or
pocket universe)
continues to evolve to
cosmic present t_0
= to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018).
A cross section in
is a measure of the probability of interaction of particles during encounters.
The lower cross sections of
NEUTRAL atoms are such that after about the
recombination era,
the matter in the
pocket universe)
becomes largely transparent to the
primordial photons
after the
recombination era.
2897.7685(51) μm*K
λ_max = ------------------ ≅ 600 microns = 0.06 cm
(T = 5 K)
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_cdm.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/arno_penzias.html");?>
and Wilson
got the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics
for their discovery;
and Hermann
did NOT get a
Nobel Prize.
A Swedish
friend once commented to me: "The question is NOT
why the Swedes
decide the Nobel Prize?
The question is how
do they decide the
Nobel Prize?" Apparently, it's a mystery
even in Sweden.
is best measured from space, because the
Earth's atmosphere is opaque to much
of the spectrum of the
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cmb_2.html");?>
Question: The effect that actually causes the
CMB dipole anisotropy:
The Solar System's
peculiar velocity
with respect to the
local inertial frame
is, in fact, best known
from the CMB dipole anisotropy.
The fluctuations were first measured to low accuracy by the
COBE satellite in the early 1990s. People were relieved that
that were finally found. They had been expecting them for some
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cmb_wmap.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/big_bang_nucleosynthesis.html");?>
At present, there are no viable, attractive rivals to
Big Bang cosmology.
In 2011, primordial clouds
of Big Bang hydrogen and helium gas were discovered.
These clouds date from about 2 Gyr after the Big Bang
and somehow avoided pollution by metals
formed and ejected from early stars.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/big_bang_cosmology_limitations.html");?>
Inflation is the name for a super-rapid exponential expansion phase (cosmic time maybe 10**(-36)--10**(-33) or 10**(-32) s measured from the fiducial time zero of Friedmann equation (FE) models) from a tiny piece of space that may have happened in the very early universe (cosmic time t ⪅ 10**(-12) s). The expansion is much more rapid than in the (post-very-early-universe) FE models (i.e., a model with "radiation", "matter", and the cosmological constant Λ (or some more complicated form dark energy).
The term inflation is also used in a broader sense to mean inflation cosmology and the inflation paradigm. These three terms can all be considered synonyms in many contexts.
To explicate paradigm: it is a term in the jargon of philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn (1922--1996). It is grand overall theory into which many other theories fall. You could also call it a framework for many theories.
So inflation is NOT a single well-defined theory.
There tens of inflation theories: i.e., versions of inflation.
We do NOT know which if any are correct NOR whether inflation is correct.
But inflation has staying power since it's been around since 1979 (see Wikipedia: Inflation: History) and remains the leading paradigm for the origin of the observable universe and perhaps it is the correct paradigm for the whole universe throughout eternal space and time.
Inflation and other versions of quantum cosmology are embedded in the grander paradigm of quantum field theory.
The inflation paradigm is further explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: inflation_paradigm.html).
The idea of
was developed independently by
Alexei Starobinsky (1948--)
in Russia
Alan Guth (1947--) in the
US in
Guth also coined the
term inflation
Inflation: History).
For Alan Guth (1947--),
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: alan_guth.html).
Since 1979,
the inflation paradigm
has evolved quite a bit and has indeed spawned a quasi-infinity of
inflation theories.
Among these inflation theories
is eternal inflation which, in fact,
has many versions itself.
We discuss eternal inflation
below in subsection
Eternal Inflation.
The main developer of the theory of
eternal inflation
is Andrei Linde (1948--):
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: andrei_linde.html).
was and is considered a good idea just because it offers
explanations for 3 problems.
Alan Guth's (1947--)
original reason for developing
inflation was to solve the
magnetic-monopole problem.
Magnetic monopoles
are isolated magnetic poles:
we ordinarily always see magnetic dipoles:
there is always and north and south pole.
The problem is one that
particle physicists created for
Grand unified theories (GUTs),
which unite the strong nuclear force,
weak nuclear force, and electromagnetic force, seem to predict that
magnetic monopoles
should be created in the
very early universe
(cosmic time t <∼ 10**(-12) s)
(or maybe a somewhat later???)
and be as common as protons
and be much more massive
But none are observed and they havn't caused a rapid recollapse
of the universe ???.
A phase of
would decrease the
magnetic-monopole density
to practically unobservable:
Alan Guth originally estimated
about one MAGNETIC MONOPOLE in the observable universe
Problem solved---if it ever really existed.
However, even if the
magnetic-monopole problem
turns out to be a myth, it was useful in furthering research in
The temperature of CMB is extremely uniform.
It shows fluctuations of only about 1 in 10**5
Cosmic microwave background radiation: Features)
after subtracting off the
cosmic microwave background
(CMB) dipole
due to the Doppler effect
caused by the
Earth's motion relative to the
comoving cosmic rest frame.
(See the discussion of the
comoving cosmic rest frame
in at
frame_basics.html#comoving frames.)
The extreme uniformity implies that the whole
early universe
(cosmic time (10**(-12) s -- 377700(3200) Jyr)
before the
recombination era t = 377,770(3200) Jyr
= 1.192*10**13 s (z = 1089.80(21))
was very homogeneous and in very nearly in exact
thermodynamic equilibrium
(i.e., at nearly the same temperature).
But in
FE models
with a Big Bang,
points on opposite sides of
sky from which CMB flux originated were never
CAUSALLY CONNECTED (except perhaps in a limiting sense at that the
physically indeterminate and very probably unreal
Big-Bang singularity
Those points were NOT within each other's
observable universes.
So how could the early universe have such a uniform temperature
if it never had a chance to thermally equilibrate?
More generally how could the early universe be so homogeneous?
This is the
horizon problem---which is explicated
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: inflation_horizon_problem.html).
The observable universe
has Omega
very close to 1: the probably the best current measurements give
|Omega -1| = 0.0005(40)
(which is consistent with zero within
1 standard deviation (1 σ))
for cosmic present
= to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)
(Planck 2018 results. I. Overview and the cosmological legacy
of Planck 2018, p. 31).
Recall Omega = 1
means the observable universe
is flat: i.e., has
Euclidean geometry (AKA flat space geometry).
In Friedmann-equation Λ=0 models,
the density parameter Ω(t)
(i.e., Omega
as a function of cosmic time) always diverges
from 1, unless it is exactly 1. In other words,
Omega = 1 is
an unstable state.
So a very flat observable universe
at cosmic present
= to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)
means the observable universe
was very flat in earlier times.
But why was it so flat?
This is the flatness problem.
The flatness problem and how
inflation paradigm solves it
are explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: inflation_flatness_problem.html).
So we see
that inflation paradigm
offers solutions to
three problems that physicists have with the standard
Big Bang cosmology.
These solutions are general to all reasonable versions of
Yes, from the fact that the
Cosmic microwave background
(CMB) power spectrum
is a scale-invariant power.
For an explication, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: cmb_power_spectrum.html).
A main problem with the
inflation paradigm
is that there are tens of different versions
of inflation.
As aforesaid in subsection The Inflation Paradigm,
we do NOT know which if any are correct NOR whether
the inflation paradigm is
Some versions have been ruled out, of course, but new ones keep appearing.
What can we say in favor of
the inflation paradigm?
The physics of
the inflation paradigm
(discussed in the figure above:
local link /
general link: inflation_eternal.html)
seems a good idea to quantum field theorists
and the
inflation paradigm solves
three significant problems as discussed above in subsection
Three Problems Solved by Inflation.
But these features are generic.
All reasonable versions of
inflation have them.
Also, as discussed above in subsection The Inflation Paradigm,
the inflation paradigm
has staying power.
It's been around since
1979 (see
Wikipedia: Inflation: History)
and remains the leading
paradigm for
the origin of the
observable universe
and perhaps it is the
correct paradigm
for the whole universe
throughout eternal space
and time.
However, the fact that
inflation paradigm
has failed to generate a single established version is a reason to continue to challenge it.
In fact, yours truly like many others
still considers it a speculative theory.
Here yours truly will only vaguely sketch what is called
eternal inflation
based largely on combination of
Carroll, S., & Chen, J. 2004
Spontaneous Inflation and the Origin of the Arrow of Time
The reason for discussing it is just it is the
that many astronomers
(including yours truly) think in terms of
while still regarding it as speculative.
If the inflation paradigm
itself is true,
eternal inflation
just seems to be the most reasonble generalization of it since
eternal inflation tells us where
the observable universe
fits into
the whole universe.
Eternal inflation just
gives us answers to questions that
the minimal inflation paradigm
does NOT give.
Eternal inflation
posits a multiverse consisting
of a background universe
which is exactly the
false-vacuum universe
discussed in the figure above
(local link /
general link: inflation_paradigm.html).
However, going beyond the minimal
inflation paradigm,
the false-vacuum universe
has infinitely many
pocket universes
embedded in it that all grew at some time from
inflation regions.
The observable universe
is embedded in one of these
pocket universes: i.e.,
in our pocket universe.
Where do the pocket universes come from?
Just as in the minimal
inflation paradigm,
a random quantum fluctuation
(and random quantum fluctuations
are a fundamental feature of
quantum mechanics
and quantum field theory)
pushes an
inflation region
in the false vacuum universe
over an energy threshold
and the inflation region
transitions to the
quantum vacuum state
by undergoing
inflation super rapid
exponential expansion.
The inflated inflation region is
a pocket universe.
So a mighty oak
grows from an acorn---and this was
the nutshell
was referring too in the figure above
(local link /
general link: hamlet_edwin_booth.html)
in a brilliant anticipation of eternal inflation.
For the acorn,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: multiverse_acorn.html).
There is no right answer.
But the first answer 3 is what many people think is plausible and is
part of the eternal inflation paradigm.
See the cartoon of the eternal inflation
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: inflation_eternal.html).
However, the low-energy physics
in other domains could be quite different from ours.
The setting of the low-energy physics may be random.
The high-energy physics is assumed to be general.
general relativity
and 2nd law of thermodynamics
are taken to be general.
Without these concepts,
we would have little guidance for understanding the
Most other pocket universes
may, in fact, be rather dull: no
stars or galaxies may form
or atoms may be unable to form or the domain may collapse
to the quantum gravity equivalent of a black hole singularity
Some of the coincidences of our
pocket universe
may be explicable by invoking the
anthropic principle.
But anthropic principle arguments are often hard
to make absolutely convincing
although they often seem plausible
(see IAL 0:
A Philosophical and Historical Introduction to Astronomy: The Anthropic Principle).
Philosophically, eternal inflation
is satisfying to many people: infinite and eternal and on a super-large scale homogeneous, isotropic,
and unchanging with time.
Fred Hoyle (1915--2000)
should have approved of
eternal inflation.
But I CANNOT find any evidence that he did.
Philosopher of science
Karl Popper (1902--1994)
posited as a scientific principle that a
scientific theory
should be subject to falsification:
there should be tests that if the theory fails it is
falsified: i.e.,
wrong, NOT true.
The idea of falsification
goes back at least to
Blaise Pascal (1623--1622):
Now some argue that
the multiverse
CANNOT be falsified.
But, in fact, the multiverse
keeps passing one significant
falsification test
as point out by
Martin Rees (1942--)
(in an article I CANNOT now locate) and probably others.
We have already discussed the
falsification test above in our discussion of
eternal inflation
in the cartoon of the eternal inflation
in the figure above
(local link /
general link: inflation_eternal.html).
But to recapitulate the discussion of the
falsification test:
This has be debated too, but majority view is willing to concede it
yours truly thinks.
Shannon Hall, 2015, SciAm, "Thank Your Lucky Constants" ,
Tim Maudlin, 2013,
Aeon, "The calibrated cosmos",
S. Borsanyi et al., 2015, Science,
"Ab initio calculation of the neutron-proton mass difference",
Luke A. Barnes, Geraint F. Lewis, 2017, ArXiv,
"Producing the Deuteron in Stars: Anthropic Limits on Fundamental Constants",
Luke A. Barnes, 2011, ArXiv,
"The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Intelligent Life".
Answer: Because we're the lucky winners.
This is a plausible argument, but is the
If it were over-fine-tuned, then there would be some absolute physical logic/necessity that dictates the
observable universe
to which life as we know it is an irrelevant accident.
But what if the mass difference were exactly 1/700 = 0.001428571 ... ≅ 0.00143?
This is more fine-tuned than is needed for a biophilic
observable universe.
There must be some
absolute physical logic/necessity that dictates that the
mass ratio be exactly 701/700.
Absolute physical logic/necessity would have to be really weird if 701/700 were required.
Folks would really be scratching their heads.
By the way, the ratio is NOT 701/700 to within
So if you require falsifiability
for a scientific theory,
the multiverse does have it and
so far it is NOT
Actually, it's passed all the simple ratio ones already I think.
Well maybe it failed 3 spatial dimensions!!!! But if string theory is right, maybe it passed
that one too.
Maybe NOT. Maybe our view of the
universe is too superficial to reach that point.
Our occasional
UNLV colleague
Mario Livio as weighed in:
Livio, M.
2013, How Can We Tell If a Multiverse Exists?
How well supported is the idea of
It remarkably predicted Omega equal
to 1 to within 1 in 10**5
long before observations gave
(Planck 2018 results. I. Overview and the cosmological legacy
of Planck 2018).
In fact, the belief is that particle physics and
cosmology are essential to each other,
NOT just mutually illuminating:
you have to understand both to understand the one.
But on the other hand, the non-uniqueness problem of
inflation makes me wonder if
it is the
geocentric model
epicycle theory
of our time.
But we still don't know the true physics of
All particle physicists can give us is ideas that are plausible to them.
And there is a rival theory of the larger universe: the
ekpyrotic universe
(a modern version of the
cyclic universe) which does as well as
according to its proponents
It is based on
string theory.
We will NOT discuss the
ekpyrotic universe further here---the
instructor hopes it will just go away.
Maybe string theory will go away too.
However, inflation
and the ekpyrotic universe
do make different predictions about the
redshifts of distant galaxies and the polarization of the
So which idea is favored may emerge soon.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/inflation_paradigm.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/alan_guth.html");?>
is, in fact, a paradigm
as discussed above in section The Inflation Paradigm.
Within the
inflation paradigm,
a seemingly unlimited number of particular
inflation theories
can be developed.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/andrei_linde.html");?>
Note that in science,
"problem" often means a perplexing feature of
observations or theory
that needs to be solved in some manner in order to exorcise perplexity.
Of course, "solutions" are often the cause of new "problems".
But that is why science progresses.
The 3 problems are:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/inflation_horizon_problem.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/inflation_flatness_problem.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/cmb_power_spectrum.html");?>
Note, yours truly
is going to be vague because as a non-expert,
yours truly CANNOT be sure if all my
interpretations of the experts are exactly right---but there
is enough uncertainty about
that anything yours truly say is probably
right within the bounds of uncertainty.
Eternal inflation
is itself a
paradigm with many versions.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/multiverse_acorn.html");?>
Question: Was the speck of
false-vacuum universe that
became our pocket universe
the only inflation region
in an INFINITE false-vacuum universe?
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/inflation_eternal.html");?>
The general picture of
eternal inflation
is that the
false-vacuum universe
is infinite and eternal and sprouts infinitely many
pocket universes.
The false-vacuum universe plus
the pocket universes is the
This picture is pictured in the cartoon
of the
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: multiverse.html).
Eternal inflation,
in fact, resembles
the Steady State Universe
in being infinite and eternal and on a super-large scale homogeneous, isotropic,
and unchanging with time.
But, of course, eternal inflation
is only one of many
inflation theories: they may none of them be right.
To prove a hypothesis, it is NOT sufficient to
show that all known phenomena can be derived from it.
On the other hand, if the hypothesis leads to a single wrong prediction,
it is false.
The status of falsification
has been much debated and actually applying it is full of all kinds of contigencies,
but most modern scientists
accept it as a valid scientific principle, maybe with qualifications.
---Yours truly's own
See Wikipedia:
Blaise Pascal: Note 24
the statement in
Blaise Pascal: Contributions to the physical sciences
for Wikipedia's
But could we ever come to believe the
is true aside from absolute
philosophical skepticism?
Is 701 a prime number?
Off the top of the head, yes.
And it is!
See Wikipedia: Prime number:
Definition and examples: The first 168 prime numbers (all the prime numbers less than 1000).
But so if we ever experimentally verified that
mass ratio 701/700 to sufficiently many
significant figures
what we were convinced that it was exactly 701/700 that
would falsify
the multiverse.
The upshot is that the
inflation paradigm
has some strength
and has increased in strength with time: it hasn't simply gone away
as some hot concepts do.
One can cite a representative sample of the major innovations:
The advent of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST, 2021--2041?) and other new programs and instruments: e.g., Euclid (2023--).
Are more changes are coming?
Well, very probably yes, although Big Bang cosmology as far as it goes seems robust.
Here are some questions:
Some of these questions might see rapid development; others could take a long time.
In any case, as people are fond of saying, we are in the golden age of cosmology (c.1992--).
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 30
problems 15--20 on
the Λ-CDM model
Big Bang cosmology,
and inflation cosmology.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 30.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_030_cosmology.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_2.html");?>