Image 1 Caption and Image 2 Caption: "Democritus (c.460--c.370 BCE) meditating on the seat of the soul (clay model 1868; marble 1875) by Leon-Alexandre Delhomme (1841--1893 or 1895)." (Slightly edited.)
The sculpture is a marble statue currently located in Parc Jean-Rameau, Mont-de-Marsan, France.
Democritus was the foremost exponent of atomism among the ancient Greek philosophers.
He is considered a Presocratic philosopher even though he was probably born only about 10 years after Socrates (469?--399 BCE) and died well after him.
Yours truly has added the myth that Democritus (who as a materialist) married Psyche (ψυχη), the personification of soul, who is also the mythical Psyche.