This is just a paper of all the references I've ever had to use.
I primarily work in supernovae and radiative transfer.
All the references are in AASTEX style.
They are ordered alphabetically with comments that are hidden in latex-derived files.
Support for this paper was provided by NASA grant NAG5-3505 and the
Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics \&~Astronomy of the University of Oklahoma.
Note there are special book categories that I can find with searches:
- Astro book.
- Biography book.
- History book.
- Literary book.
- Philosophy book.
- Poetry book.
- Science book.
- Travel book.
\bibitem[Ade et al.(2015)]{Planck 2015}
Ade, P.A.R., et al. 2015, \A&A, 594, A13,
arXiv:1502.01589 (Planck 2015)
% arXiv reference
% Title: Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological parameters
% 200 + coauthors
% Wonderful data
% \citep[][p.]{abramowitz1972}
\bibitem[Abramowitz \& Stegun(1972)]{abramowitz1972} Abramowitz, M., \&~Stegun, I. A. (editors) 1972,
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office)
% The old Bible of functions.
% Lobatto quadrature p. 888 and 920 for table.
\bibitem[Adler, Bazin, \& Schiffer(1975)]{adler1975}
Adler, R., Bazin, M., \& Schiffer, M. 1975,
Introduction to General Relativity
(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company)
% Dated in some respects and by modern standards awfully
% dry, but still useful. It's the GR book I own.
% Einstein described his discovery of the summation
% as follows to his friend Louis Kollros (1878--1959):
% ``I made a great discovery in mathematics:
% I suppressed the summation sign every time that the
% summation has to be done on an index which appears twice
% in the general term.''
% (Kollros 1956)
% as reported by Adler et al. on p. 21.
% ABS-???
Albright, W. F. 1963, The Archaeology of Palestine
(Harmondswoth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, Ltd.)
% Dated as to it's subject, it's a historical artifact
% in it's own right by a pioneer of Palestinian archaeology.
% I suspect it is a main source for James Michener's
% ``The Source''.
% It's very readable and gives a good idea of
% archaeology in the early 20th century: the heroic age
% of scientific archaeology.
% History book. Travel book.
\bibitem[Aldering et al.(2006)]{aldering2006}
Aldering, G., et al. 2006, AJ, 650, 510
% ADS reference
% Title: Nearby Supernova Factory Observations of SN 2005gj:
% Another Type Ia Supernova in a Massive Circumstellar Envelope
% 26 coauthors
% A Ia/IIn hydrid observationallly.
% They report photometry and spectra.
% Estimate the explosion date.
\bibitem[Allen(1973)]{allen1973} Allen, C. W. 1973,
Astrophysical Quantities, 2nd Edition (London: Athlone)
% C. W. Allen great book of astrophysical quantities.
% Astro book.
% Allen 1973
\bibitem[Ambwani \&~Sutherland(1988)]{ambwani1988}
Ambwani, K., \&~Sutherland, P. G. 1988, ApJ, 325, 820
% ADS reference.
% Title: Gamma-ray spectra and energy deposition for type IA supernovae.
% gamma-rays and deposition in Ia's and gamma-ray spectra.
% Using a Monte Carlo and also testing the grey approach.
% Kailash's M.Sc. paper.
\bibitem[Anders \&~Grevesse(1989)]{anders1989} Anders, E., \&~Grevesse, N. 1989, Geochim.~Cosmochim.~Acta, 53, 197
% ADS reference, but not online.
% Title: Abundances of the elements: Meteoritic and solar
% solar and solar system abundances.
% Geochima et Cosmochimica Acta,
% Now somewhat dated, but the dust has not settled on final values yet.
\bibitem[Anderson et al.(1999)]{anderson1999} Anderson, E., et al. 1999,
LAPACK Users' Guide, Third Edition
(Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics),
% LAPACK Users' Guide.
% Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics = SIAM.
% There are 11 authors.
% This guide is the official reference for LAPACK:
% see where this claim is made.
% The authors of the guide must be essentially the authors of LAPACK.
\bibitem[Anderson(1989)]{anderson1989} Anderson, L. S. 1989, \apj, 339, 558
% The original refereed superlevels paper for NLTE radiative transfer.
\bibitem[Angier(2007)]{angier2007} Angier, N. 2007,
The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin)
% A well reviewed intro book to science high on the bellelettrist meter.
% Nature review.
% Science book.
\bibitem[Anupama et al.(2005)]{anupama2005a}
Anupama, G. C., Sahu, D. K., \& Jose, J. 2005, A\%A, 429, 667
% ADS Reference
% Title: Type Ia supernova SN 2003du: Optical observations.
\bibitem[Anupama et al.(2005)]{anupama2005}
Anupama, G. C., et al. 2005, \apj, 631, L125
% ADS Reference
% 8 coauthors including Paolo Mazzali.
% The Peculiar Type Ib Supernova SN 2005bf: Explosion of a Massive He Star with a Thin Hydrogen Envelope?
% A very long rise 2-maximum Ibc SN.
% Just a letter.
\bibitem[Arfken(1970)]{arfken1970} Arfken, G. 1970,
Mathematical Methods for Physicists
(New York: Academic Press)
% The old, but still very good, Arfken.
\bibitem[Arfken(1985)]{arfken1985} Arfken, G. 1985,
Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd edition
(New York: Academic Press, Inc.)
% The not-so-old, but still very good, Arfken.
% arnettd
Arnett, W. D. 1979, A\&SS, 5, 180
% ADS reference.
% Title: A Possible Model of Supernovae: Detonation of 12C.
% Moslty Fe-56 and Ni-56 in the core ejecta. See p. 25. This ruled against this model.
% Not the standard Ia model, but the degenerate CO core of an extended star.
Arnett, W. D. 1979, \apj, 230, L37
% Arnett's rule alpha=L/L_inst. The precursor paper.
Arnett, W. D. 1982, \apj, 253, 785
% ADS reference.
% Type I supernovae. I - Analytic solutions for the early part of the light curve.
% Arnett's rule alpha=L/L_inst. The full story.
\bibitem[Arnett(1996)]{arnett1996} Arnett, W. D. 1996,
Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis: An Investigation of the History of Matter from the
Big Bang to the Present
(Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press)
% Probably a pretty good book on nucleosynthesis, but already a bit dated no doubt.
% It is more of a review than a textbook I'd say.
% After reviewing all of Clayton (1983), I will
% delve into it.
% Astro book.
Arnett, W. D. 2008,
Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe,
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1053, 237
% ADS reference.
% Title: A ``Crib Sheet'' for Supernova Events
\bibitem[Asplund et al.(2005)]{asplund2005}
Asplund, M., Grevesse, N., \& Sauval, A. J. 2005, in ASP Conf. Ser. 336,
Cosmic Abundances as Records of Stellar Evolution
and Nucleosynthesis, ed. T. G. Barnes III \& F. N. Bash (San Francisco: ASP), 25, astro-ph/0410214
% NOT!!!! cosmic composition, solar photosphere composition, I read it wrong all these years!!!
% This is the real apj form for this reference.
% This is an update of Grevesse & Sauval which was an update of Anders & Grevesse.
% They downward revised C,N,O a lot and Ne may need an upward revision of .5 dex in number.
% The article is in a book, but it's online
% at Asplund et al.
% Also online at Asplund et al.
Axelrod, T. S. 1980, Ph.D.~thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz
% ADS reference, but not available online.
% Title: Late time optical spectra from the Ni-56 model for Type 1 supernovae.
% This thesis really demonstrated that the Ni-56-Co-56-Fe-56 decay chain in the IPE core of Ia's
% really gave about the right nebular spectra.
% The [Co III] 5900 line was looked into.
(return to top)
\bibitem[Barbon et al.(1995)]{barbon1995}
Barbon, R., Benetti, S., Cappellaro, E., Patat, F., Turatto, M., \&~Iijima, T.
1995, A\&AS, 110, 513
%ADS Reference
% SN 1993J in M 81: One year of observations at Asiago.
\bibitem[Barbon et al.(1995)]{barbon1995}
Barbon, R., Benetti, S., Rosino, L., Cappellaro, E., \& Turatto, M.
1990, A\&A, 237, 79
%ADS Reference
% Title: Type IA supernova 1989B in NGC 3627.
% Photometry and spectra.
\bibitem[Barbon et al.(1982)]{barbon1982}
Barbon, R., Ciatti, F., Rosino, L., Ortolani, S., \& Rafanelli, P.
1982, A\&AS, 116, 43
% SN 1979C B and V light curves. Optical max at about 1979apr15.
\bibitem[Barbon et al.(1989)]{barbon1989}
Barbon, R., Iijima, T., \& Rosino 1989, A\&A, 220, 83
% ADS Reference
% Title: The supernova 1984A in NGC4419.
% Photometry and spectra.
\bibitem[Barentine et al.(2005)]{barentine2005}
Barentine, J., et al. 2005, CBET, 247, 1
% ADS reference.
% Title: Supernovae 2005eh and 2005ex-2005gj.
% More than 20 coauthors.
% See also CBET 247.
% Discovery of Ia/IIn SN 2005gj on 2005sep26 UT (JD 2453639.5).
\bibitem[Barger \&~Olson(1987)]{barger1987}
Barger, V. D., \& Olson, M. G. 1987, {\it Classical Electricity and Magnetism}
(Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.)
% Has some good things on currents and Ohm's law 211--217
\bibitem[Barnhart(1960)]{barnhart1960} Barnhart, C. L. (editor) 1960,
The American College Dictionary (New York: Random House) (Ba)
% The most authoritative desk dictionary every published---it says so right on the cover.
% Of course, this is my desk dictionary.
% Ba-???
\bibitem[Bartunov \& Mozgovoi(1987)]{bartunov1987}
Bartunov, O. S., \&~Mozgovoi, A. L. 1987, Astrophysics, 26, 136
% ADS reference.
% But it is not available for downloading from ADS.
% Title: Formation of multicomponent blends in envelopes of supernovas. I - Effects of
% nonlocal radiative coupling.
% The Sobolev method for supernovae, arbitrary lines,
% radiation pressure: the paper David Branch should have
% written in 1983 since he used it in the SN 1981B paper.
Baron, E. 2007,
in The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins,
AIP Conf.~Pro.~924, Vol.~1
Cefal\`u, Sicily, 2006 June 11---24, ed.~L.~A.~Antonelli et al.
(Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics), 350
% ADS reference.
% Title: Spectral Modeling of Type II Supernovae.
\bibitem[Baron et al.(2006)]{baron2006}
Baron, E., Bongard, S., Branch, D., \&~Hauschildt, P. H. 2006, \apj, 645, 480
% ADS Reference
% Spectral Modeling of SNe Ia Near Maximum Light: Probing the Characteristics of Hydrodynamical Models
% Figure 11 shows the inverse exponential density law with velocity of good hydrodynamics explosion models.
\bibitem[Baron \&~Cooperstein(1990)]{baron1990}
Baron, E., \& Cooperstein, J. 1990, \apj, 353, 597
% Title: The effect of iron core structure on supernovae
% This is SNe II, but they also cover the corrected Chandrasekhar mass including finite
% temperature effects.
\bibitem[Baron et al.(1995)]{baron1995}
Baron, E., Hauschildt, P. H., Branch, D., Austin, S., Garnavich, P., Ann, H. B., Wagner, R. M., Filippenko, A. V., Matheson, T.,
\& Liebert, J. 1995, \apj, 441, 170
%ADS Reference
% Non-LTE spectral analysis and model constraints on SN 1993J.
\bibitem[Baron et al.(1996)]{baron1996} Baron, E., Hauschildt, P. H., Nugent, P.,
\&~Branch, D. 1996, MNRAS, 283, 297 %, astro-ph/9605088
% NLTE Effects in Modeling of Supernovae near Maximum Light
% See p. 2 for there conclusion the Sobolev approximation is
% is totally inadequate which is not convincing because it is
% not a head to head comparison between NLTE with and without Sobolev.
% See p. 3 where the good epsilon (thermalization parameter)
% is .05 to .1 this is for there LTE
% calculations as well as the LTE lines of their NLTE calculations
% one supposes.
% Dan Kasen finds .3 as his good value. Why the difference?
% Probably, the different treatment of opacity.
% If Dan's expansion opacity is somehow an underestimate or
% too CRD-like (but the non-overlapping opacities approximation
% if effective in his approach would tend to make
% his good epsilon smaller I'd think).
% Employs 617 Fe II energy levels (see p. 299).
\bibitem[Baron et al.(2008)]{baron2008}
Baron, E., Jeffery, D. J., Branch, D., Bravo, E., Garc\'\i a-Senz, D.,
\&~Hauschildt, P. A. 2008, ApJ, 672, 1038
% arXiv:0709.4177v1
\bibitem[Baron et al.(2004)]{baron2004} Baron, E., Nugent, P. E., Branch, D., \&~Hauschildt, P. H. 2004,
\apj, 616, L91
% Type IIP Supernovae as Cosmological Probes: A Spectral-fitting Expanding Atmosphere
% Model Distance to SN 1999em
% SEAM with reddening constrained.
\bibitem[Baron et al.(2005)]{baron2005} Baron, E., Nugent, P. E., Branch, D., \&~Hauschildt, P. H. 2005,
in 1604-2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses, ASP Conference Series, Vol.~342,
Proceedings of the conference held 15--19 June, 2004 in Padua, Italy, ed.~ M. Turatto, S. Benetti,
L. Zampieri, \&~W. Shea (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), 351, astro-ph/0409659
% Title: Early Spectra of Supernovae.
% Current PHOENIX and SEAM with reddening constrained.
\bibitem[Baron et al.(2003)]{baron2003} Baron, E., Nugent, P. E., Branch, D., Hauschildt, P. H., Turatto, M.,
\&~Cappellaro, E. 2003, \apj, 586, 1199
% Title: Determination of Primordial Metallicity and Mixing in the Type II-P Supernova 1993W.
% Show how reddening can be constrained and lots of other good things too.
\bibitem[Baron et al.(2007)]{baron2007b} Baron, E., et al. 2007, in preparation
% Paper on the spectra generated from model PRD5.5 of
% Bravo & Garcia-Senz (2007b).
Baym, G. 1978, {\it Lectures On Quantum Mechanics}
(Reading Massachusetts: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.), (Ba)
% Seems an excellent undergraduate quantum mechanics textbook.
\bibitem[Beals(1931)]{beals1931} Beals, C. S. 1931, MNRAS, 91, 966
% The contours of emission bands in novæ and Wolf-Rayet stars.
% The theory of flat-top emission from expanding optically thin shells.
% He worked at the Dominion Observatory in British Columbia it seems or at least
% was a Canadian. There is a Carlyle S. Beals Award given by CASCA.
\bibitem[Benetti et al.(2004)]{benetti2004}
Benetti, S., et al. 2004, MNRAS, 348, 261
% ADS Reference.
% Title: Supernova 2002bo: inadequacy of the single parameter description.
% 18 coauthors.
\bibitem[Benetti et al.(2005)]{benetti2005}
Benetti, S., et al. 2005, \apj, 623, 1011
% ADS reference.
% The 26 well studied close SNe Ia that howell2006 use.
% There are 11 coauthors.
% They give B max and Si II velocity at 10 days past B maximum.
% howell2006 turn the B max into Ni-56 mass.
\bibitem[Freedman, Donahue, Schneider, \& Voit(2008)]{bennett(2008}
Bennett, J., Donahue, M., Schneider, N., \& Voit, M. 2008,
The Cosmic Perspective, 5th edition
(San Francisco: Pearson Addison-Wesley)
% Seems a good book for its time.
\bibitem[Benvenuti et al.(1982)]{benvenuti1982}
Benvenuti, P., Sanz Fernandez de Cordoba, L., Wamsteker, W.,
Macchetto, F., Palumbo, G. C., \&~Panagia, N. 1982,
An Atlas of UV Spectra of Supernovae (Noordwijk: European Space Agency
Scientific and Technical Branch)
% ADS reference.
% See also
% ADS reference which is probably almost the same work, but with an abstract.
% It's a book, and so not available online.
% But the spectra are at
% The INES Archive Data Server, Version 3.0: {\it IUE} Final Archive.
Bernstein, J. 1973,
Einstein (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books), (Be)
% Science book. History book.
% A good short account by an expert physicist.
% Of course, lots more detail has been rehashed in recent years
% and Einstein's personal life is now much better known and
% disected.
\bibitem[Bernstein(2007)]{bernstein2007} Bernstein, J. 2007,
Plutonium: A History of the World's Most Dangerous Element
(Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press)
% A well reviewed intro book on plutonian and its history.
% Nature review.
% Science book.\
\bibitem[Bernstein et al.(2000)]{bernstein2000}
Bernstein, J., Fishbane, P. M., \&~Gasiorowicz, S. 2000,
{Modern Physics} (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall) (BFG)
% A decent modern physics book. Sort conventional.
Bessell, M. S. 1990, PASP, 102, 1181
% ADS reference.
% Title: UBVRI passbands.
% Standard UBVRI passbands. Still standard as of 2007.
% I've a few notes on this paper in the reference folder.
\bibitem[Bevington(1969)]{bevington1969} Bevington, P. R. 1969,
Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences
(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company)
% The old, but still very good Bevington
Bhat, M. R. 1992, Nuclear Data Sheets, 67, 195
% all about isobars of atomic mass 57,
% especially Ni57 and Co57.
\bibitem[Bionta et al.(1987)]{bionta1987}
Bionta, R. M., et al. 1987, Phys. Rev. Letters, 58, 1494
% The other neutrino burst discovery paper.
\bibitem[Blaylock et al.(2000)]{blaylock2000}
Blaylock, M., Branch, D., Casebeer, D., Milliard, J., Baron, E., Richardson, D., \&~ Acheta, C.
2000, PASP, 112, 1439
% ADS Reference
% Mount Wilson and Palomar Photographic Supernova Spectra
% This includes SN 1954A Ib.
\bibitem[Blinnikov et al.(2006)]{blinnikov2006}
Blinnikov, S. I., R\"opke, F. K., Sorokina, E. I., Gieseler, M., Reinecke, M., Travaglio, C.,
Hillebrandt, W., \& Stritzinger, M.
2006, A\&A, 453, 229
% ADS reference.
% Title: Theoretical light curves for deflagration models of type Ia supernova.
% Among other things a recent reference for Blinnikov's stella code.
Blondin, S. 2007, private communication
% St\'ephane tells me that the 1993sep14 SN 1993J spectrum was taken the MMT Observatory
% by Challis & Pun and that it was never published before the local normalization paper
% of Jeffery et al. (2007). He says it's been flux calibrated and a version from the
% CfA website is the same as the old one Pete sent us. I guess it's calibrated as
% far as anyone knows.
\bibitem[Blondin et al.(2006)]{blondin2006}
Blondin, S., et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 1648
% ADS reference.
% Title: Using Line Profiles to Test the Fraternity of Type Ia Supernovae
% at High and Low Redshifts.
% 37 coauthors: all the usual suspects.
% SN Ia calcium line velocities studied among other line velocities.
\bibitem[Blondin et al.(2022)]{blondin2022} % \citep[e.g.,][]{blondin2022}
Blondin, S., et al. 2022, arXiv:2209.11671
% Blondin, S, Blinnikov, S., et al. 2002,
% arXiv:2209.11671.
% Title: StaNdaRT: A repository of standardized test models and outputs
% for supernova radiative transfer
% Good paper for SNe Ia. I get a reference even.
\bibitem[Blondin \&~Tonry(2007)]{blondin2007b}
Blondin, S., \&~Tonry, J. L. 2007,
in The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins,
AIP Conf.~Pro.~924, Vol.~1
Cefal\`u, Sicily, 2006 June 11---24, ed.~L.~A.~Antonelli et al.
(Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics), 312, arXiv:astro-ph/0612512v1
% ADS reference.
% Title: Determining the Type, Redshift, and Phase of a Supernova Spectrum.
Bloomfield, L. 2006, How Things Work:
The Physics of Everyday Life
(Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.)
% Pretty good physics-for-poets textbook.
\bibitem[Bode et al.(2004)]{bode2004}
Bode, M. F., O'Brien, T. J., \& Simpson, M. 2004, \apj, 600, L63
% ADS reference.
% Title: Echoes of an Explosive Past: Solving the Mystery of the First Superluminal Source.
% Classical Nova GK Persei. Hourglass outer PN and inner nebula from the 1901 outburst.
% This may be a failed Ia since the secondary hasn't enough mass to bring the primary now
% a WD up the Chandrasekhar limit.
% Hachisu et al. (2007, in submission) think so.
\bibitem[Bondi(1961)]{bondi1961} Bondi, H. 1961, Cosmology
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (Bo)
% Badly dated, but still an interesting account of the
% state of cosmology at the beginning of the 1960's.
% A classic of its kind.
% I do think Bondi is sometimes too elaborate in arguing his philosophical points.
% Science book. History book.
\bibitem[Branch(1972)]{branch1972} Branch, D. 1972, A\&A, 16, 247
% ADS reference
% The spectrum of the type I supernova of 1954 in NGC 4214.
% David confirms He I lines in SN 1954A Ib.
% McLaughlin identified them in 1963.
\bibitem[Branch(1980)]{branch1980} Branch, D. 1980,
in Proc. Workshop on Atomic Phys. and Spectroscopy: Supernova Spectra
ed.~R. Meyerott \&~H.~G.~Gillespie
(New York: American Institute of Physics), 39
% ADS reference.
% But the article is not currently available online anywhere.
% Title: Synthetic Spectra of Supernovae.
% This seems to be the Ur-SYNOW paper.
\bibitem[Branch(1985)]{branch1985a} Branch, D. 1985,
in Nucleosynthesis : Challenges and New Developments,
ed.~W.~David Arnett \& J.~W.~Truran
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press), 261
% ADS reference.
% But neither the article nor abstract is currently available online anywhere.
% Title: The Optical Spectrum of a Carbon-Deflagration Supernova .
% This is the 1st paper where Co II was suggested for forming the 3250 A UV minimum in SN Ia spectra.
% The follow up with SYNOW synthetic spectra
% is Branch & Venkatakrishna (1986).
\bibitem[Branch(1987)]{branch1987} Branch, D. 1987, \apj, 316, L81
% ADS reference
% Title: High-velocity matter in a classical Type I supernova - The demise of Type IA homogeneity.
% A SYNOW analysis of the Wegner & McMahan -7 premax spectrum of 1984A.
\bibitem[Branch(1992)]{branch1992} Branch, D. 1992, \apj, 392, 35
% Ni-56 in SN Ia.
% The alpha factor for the Arnett law.
% CO to Ni-56 yields $1.55\,{\rm foe/M_{\odots}}$ (p. 37).
% CO to Si-28 yields 76 % as much (p. 37).
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2005)]{branch2005} Branch, D., Baron, E., Hall, N.,
Melakayil, M., \&~Parrent, J. 2005, PASP, 117, 545
% ADS reference.
% ApJ full text.
% Title: Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Spectra. I. SN 1994D.
% The first in a series of papers on analyzing SNe Ia. (Paper I)
% It's a brief SYNOW reference among other things.
% Other than Fisher (2000) there only seem to be brief references.
% It covers the photospheric phase of 94D in detail.
% There seems to be an identifiable silicon glitch at about 6172 A in the
% day 28 (apr18) spectrum. v=8600 pm 1000 km/s
% The Asiago apr16 spectrum as the glitch more centered at 6165 A.
% This would be more like 8300 km/s, but within error the same.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2003)]{branch2003}
Branch, D., Baron, E., \&~Jeffery, D.J. 2003, in Supernovae
and Gamma-Ray Bursters, ed.~K.~W.~Weiler (Berlin: Springer-Verlag),
47, astro-ph/0111573
% A review paper. I did the polarization part and was a bit out of date.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(1982)]{branch1982}
Branch, D., Buta, R., Falk, S. W., McCall, M., Sutherland, P. G., Uomoto, A., Wheeler, J. C.,
\&~Wills, B. J. 1982, ApJ, 252, L61
% ADS Reference.
% Title: Interpretation of the maximum light spectrum of a Type I supernova.
% The letter on SN 1981B that preceded the full paper.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(1988)]{branch1988}
Branch, D., Drucker, W., \&~Jeffery, D. J. 1988, ApJ, 330, L117
% Varying Si II line velocities in Ia. An early evidence of inhomogeneity.
% I just plotted the figure.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(1981)]{branch1981}
Branch, D., Falk, S. W., Uomoto, A. K., Wills, B. J., McCall, M. L., \& Rybski, P.
1981, ApJ, 240, 780
% ADS reference.
% Title: The type II supernova 1979c in M100 and the distance to the Virgo cluster.
% This seems to be the second paper using the original SYNOW and the first one
% available online. This is said on p. 790.
% The first SYNOW paper appears to be
% Branch (1980), but that is currently not online.
% It has a longer SYNOW description.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2000)]{branch2000}
Branch, D., Jeffery, D. J., Blaylock, M., \&~Hatano, K. 2000,
PASP, 112, 217 % , astro-ph/9911099
% ADS reference.
% Title: Supernova Resonance-scattering Profiles in the Presence of External Illumination.
% the circumstellar interaction toplighting paper
% with radiative transfer in the Sobolev mode.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(1983)]{branch1983}
Branch, D., Lacy, C. H., McCall, M. L., Sutherland, P. G.,
Uomoto, A., Wheeler, J. C., \&~Wills, B. J. 1983, ApJ, 270, 123
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Type I supernova 1981b in NGC 4536 - The first 100 days.
% the second 1981B paper.
% As far as I know, and Bartunov & Mozgovoi (1987) agree,
% this is the paper in which David generalized the doublet
% scheme of Olson (1982) for
% Sobolev line blending and applied it to supernovae:
% of course Olson's scheme followed pretty straightforwardly
% from Rybicki \&~Hummer (1978).
% There is a transient Halpha emission seen in the 1981mar13 spectrum
% and this is discussed on p. 130.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(1985)]{branch1985} Branch, D., Doggett, J.B.,
Nomoto, K., \&~Thielemann, F.-K. \apj, 294, 619
% The first spectrum paper with W7 and mixed W7.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2008)]{branch2008}
Branch, D., Jeffery, D. J., Parrent, J., Baron, E., Troxel, M. A., Stanishev, V.
Keithley, M., \& Bruner, C. 2008, PASP, in press, arXiv:0712.2436v1
% Paper IV in the series:
% ``Comparative Direct Analysis of Type~Ia Supernova Spectra.~IV.~Postmaximum,''
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2007)]{branch2007}
Branch, D., Parrent, J., Troxel, M. A., Casebeer, D., Jeffery, D. J., Baron, E.,
Ketchum, W., \&~Hall, N. 2007,
in The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins,
AIP Conf.~Pro.~924, Vol.~1
Cefal\`u, Sicily, 2006 June 11---24, ed.~L.~A.~Antonelli et al.
(Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics), 342
% ADS reference.
% Not at astro-ph yet since I think SYNOW 2.0 isn't quite ready yet.
% Title: Probing the Nature of Type I Supernovae with SYNOW.
% Introduces SYNOW 2.0. A SYNOW reference.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(1991)]{branch1991}
Branch, D., Pauldrach, A. W. A., Puls, J., Jeffery, D. J.,
\&~Kudritzki, R. P. 1991, in {ESO/EIPC Workshop: SN~1987A
and other Supernovae,} ed.~I.~J.~Danziger \&~K.~Kj\"ar (Garching:
ESO), 437
% the first Munich NLTE paper. And the last with us on it.
\bibitem[Branch \&~Venkatakrishna(1986)]{branch1986}
Branch, D., \&~Venkatakrishna, K. L. 1986, ApJ, 306, L21
% ADS reference.
% Title: On the ultraviolet spectra of Type I supernovae.
% Newly-synthesized Ni-56/Co-56 in the outer ejecta of Type~Ia SN~1981B
% based on comparing synthetic spectra and UV Ia spectra.
% Probably the first paper to argue for this. It is still on the
% table as a possibility. But circa 2007, we are thinking of Ni-56/Co-56
% in clumps.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2002)]{branch2002} Branch, D.,~et~al. 2002, \apj, 566, 1005 %, astro-ph/0106367
% 17 authors running Branch, Benetti, Kasen, Baron, Jeffery, D. J.,
% etc. ApJ counts et al. as being zzzzzzzzzz.
% David' comparative analysis of Ib's.
% Hydrogen lines may be in all Ib's or most though hard to identify after maximum light.
% He finds lots of evidence for detached hydrogen lines and helium
% lines. He finds that out of 6, 5 Ib's have a fairly unique
% v_ph(t) curve suggesting that they are very much alike and
% spherically symmetric.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2003b)]{branch2003b} Branch, D., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 1489
% ADS Reference.
% A SYNOW reference among other things.
% Carbon in Ia SN 1998aq with a very tentative identification of the C II 4267.
% 9 coauthors running Branch, Garnavich, Matheson, ...
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2006a)]{branch2006a} Branch, D., Jeffery, D. J., Young, T. R., \&~Baron, E. 2006, PASP,
118, 791
% astro-ph/0604047
% Hydrogen in Type Ic Supernovae?
% This is where I got the DIFF2 idea from.
% The author list is just to show that the Over-the-Hill Gang rides again.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2006)]{branch2006b} Branch, D.,
et al. 2006, PASP, 118, 560, arXiv:astro-ph/0601048v1
% ADS reference.
% Title: Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia
% Supernova Spectra. II. Maximum Light.
% 10 coauthors:
% Dang, L. C., Hall, N., Ketchum, W., Melakayil, M., Parrent, J.,
% Troxel, M. A., Casebeer, D., Jeffery, D. J., \&~Baron, E.
% The 2nd in a series of papers on analyzing SNe Ia. (Paper II)
% This is the 24 Ia's at maximum light.
% This is where we define the 4 subtypes:
% core-normal, broad-line, cool, shallow-silicon
% with the understanding that the broad-line, cool,
% shallow-silicon are spurs "radiating"
% outward for the core-normals.
% The original DIFF test, although not so called,
% and tilting are presented there.
% The Ketchum-Jeffery DIFF formulation is presented in an appendix.
\bibitem[Branch et al.(2007b)]{branch2007b}
Branch, D., et al.
2007, PASP, 119, 857, arXiv:0706.0081v1
% ADS reference.
% astro-ph/0706.0081.
% Title: Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Spectra III. Premaximum
% (Paper III)
% This is Paper III of the series of homogeneous analysis of Ia spectra.
% Paper I is Branch et al (2005).
% Paper II is Branch et al (2006b).
% 11 coauthors:
% Branch, D. Troxel, M. A., Jeffery, D. J.,
% Hatano, K., Musco, M., Parrent, J., Baron, E., Dang, L. C.,
% Casebeer, D., Hall, N. \& Ketchum, W.
% Sporadic CO because of clumps is discussed on p. 11 of the paper in preparation.
\bibitem[Bravo \& Garc\'\i a-Senz(2006)]{bravo2006}
Bravo, E., \& Garc\'\i a-Senz 2006, \apj, 642, L157
% ADS Reference
% Title: Beyond the Bubble Catastrophe of Type Ia Supernovae: Pulsating Reverse Detonation Models.
% Their first PRD model.
\bibitem[Bravo \& Garc\'\i a-Senz(2007)]{bravo2007}
Bravo, E., \& Garc\'\i a-Senz 2007, private communication
% Eduardo sent me the PRD5.5 model with figures.
\bibitem[Bravo \& Garc\'\i a-Senz(2007)]{bravo2007b}
Bravo, E., \& Garc\'\i a-Senz 2007, in preparation
% The PRD5.5 model paper that Eduardo and Domingo are working on.
% Baron et al. (2007b) computer model spectra for it.
\bibitem[Brooks et al.(2005)]{brooks2005}
Brook, E. D. III, McKinley, M. S., Daffin, F., \& Sz\"oke, A. 2005, J. of Comp. Phys., 205, 737
% Science Direct if you are permitted. There is a downloadable pdf file.
% Title: Symbolic implicit Monte Carlo radiation transport in the difference
% formulation: a piecewise constant discretization.
% They use the difference of I-B rather than I in solving the radiative transfer equation
% by Monte Carlo. This is a much different Monte Carlo approach than that of
% Lucy (1999a) with his indivisible photon packets.
% They discuss and give references for the teleportation error in of Section 4.1
\bibitem[Browne \& Firestone(1986)]{browne1986}
Browne, E., \& Firestone, R. B. 1986,
Table of Radioactive Isotopes (New York:
John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.)
% Radioacitve isotopes and decay chains and
% radiations including all the complex stuff like
% X-ray, atomic electron, internal bremstrahlung X-ray.
Bruen, K. 2007,
Priest (Galway, Eire: St.~Martin's Minotaur)
% Cutesy Irish mystery story full of blarney and charm by Ken Bruen.
% Did I mention, the wee folk appear.
% well reviewed in the Washington Post.
% Mystery book.
\bibitem[Buchler \& Mazurek(1974)]{buchler1974}
Buchler, J. P., \& Mazurek, T. J. 1974, BAAS, 6, 470
% ADS reference.
% Title: Carbon Detonation Manque and Distended Nebulae Formation.
% An ealier paper on the failure of carbon detonation in carbon-oxygen cores
% and thus deflagration, but this is not WD but an extended star with a CO core.
\bibitem[Buta(1982)]{buta1982} Buta, R. J. 1982, PASP, 94, 578
% B and V light curves of radio SN 1980K II with optical max at about 1980nov04.
\bibitem[Buta \& Turner(1983)]{buta1983} Buta, R. J., \& Turner, A. 1983, PASP, 95, 72
% ADS reference.
% Title: The photometric properties of the bright Type I supernova 1981B in NGC 4536.
% Early light curve data for SN 1981B.
% They give B maximum as JD 2444672 or 1981mar08.5.
(return to top)
Cahill, K., 2016, arXiv:1606.08865
% arXiv reference.
% Title: The eras of radiation, matter, and dark energy: new information from the Planck Collaboration
Calder & Lahav 2008.
% Title: Dark energy: back to Newton?"
% An interesting paper on the Newton's connection to dark energy.
\bibitem[Cappellaro \&~Turatto(2000)]{cappellaro2000}
Cappellaro, E., \&~Turatto, M. 2000, in
The Influence of Binaries on Stellar
Population Studies, ed. D. Vanbeveren, in press, astro-ph/0012455
% A nice little review of supernova classification with rates.
\bibitem[Cappellaro et al.(1997)]{cappellaro1997}
Cappellaro, E., Mazzali, P. A., Benetti, S., Danziger, I. J., Turatto, M., della Valle, M., \& Patat, F.
1997, A\&A, 328, 203
% ADS reference.
% Title: SN Ia light curves and radioactive decay.
% They have 92a light curve data out to about 945 days past explosion.
% This still maybe the longest SN Ia light curves.
\bibitem[Cappellaro et al.(2001)]{cappellaro2001}
Cappellaro, E., et al. 2001, ApJ, 549, L215
% ADS reference.
% Title: Detection of a Light Echo from SN 1998bu.
% Mostly about nebular emission 500 days past explosion, but I guess earlier
% spectra are discussed too.
% 9 coauthors
\bibitem[Cardelli et al.(1989)]{cardelli1989} Cardelli, J. A.,
Clayton, G. C., \&~Mathis, J. S. 1989, ApJ, 345, 245
% reddening law.
\bibitem[Cardwell(1994)]{cardwell1994} Cardwell, D. 1994,
The Norton History of Technology (New York: W.W. Norton \& Company),
% Pretty fair, but it really covers only the
% epoch since 1500 or or in detail.
\bibitem[Carroll(2004)]{carroll2004} Carroll, S. M. 2004,
Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
(San Franciso: Addison-Wesley) (Car)
% (Car-???)
% (Carroll, 2004, p. ???)
\bibitem[Carslaw \& Jaeger(1959)]{carslaw1959} Carslaw, H. S., \& Jaeger, J. C. 1959,
Conduction of Heat in Solids (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press).
% The 2nd edition of a diffusion heat classic.
% 536.2 C23c2 in Englib.
% QC 321 .C28 1959 in Physics/Astronomy library.
\bibitem[Casebeer et al.(2000)]{casebeer2000}
Casebeer, D., Branch, D., Blaylock, M., Milliard, J., Baron, E., Richardson, D., \&~ Acheta, C.
2000, PASP, 112, 1433
% ADS Reference
% Lick Observatory Photographic Supernova Spectra
% This includes SN 1954A Ib with pg maximum estimated as 1954_04_19.
Caspar, M. 1993 (1948), Kepler, (German First Edition 1948)
Translator: C. D. Hellman,
Introduction: O. Gingerich, Bibliography: O. Gingerich, & A. Segonds
(New York: Dover Publications, Inc.) (Ca)
% Max Caspar probably gave the definitive Kepler biography. One can't imagine
% anyone doing any better: more details, minor corrections, different
% perspectives, but any new biography would have to be mainly rehash---of
% course, we live in the great age of rehashed biographies.
% But Koestler (1977) offers an
% interesting and often derivative companion piece.
% There's an amusing bit where Caspar parenthetically comments
% on how light-hearted bombardments were in the 17th century (Ca-319).
% History book. Biography book.
% Ca-???
\bibitem[Cassinelli \&~Hummer(1971)]{cassinelli1971}
Cassinelli, J. P., \&~Hummer, D. G. 1971, MNRAS, 154, 9
% Their paper on extended spherically-symmetric electron-scattering atmospheres.
% They show that at the limb 100 % polarization is achieved, but for very little
% flux. It's still hard to get a high polarization from an asymmetric extended
% atmosphere, but not as hard as with Chandrasekhar's plane-parallel result.
\bibitem[Castelli \& Kurucz(2010)]{castelli2010}
Castelli, F. \& Kurucz, R. L. 2010, A\&A, in press
% ADS reference.
% Title: New Fe II energy levels from stellar spectra.
% Golly, there are still new Fe II levels and lines to find---important ones.
\bibitem[Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams(2006)]{cbat2006}
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams 2006, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Center for Astrophysics),
%Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
% I mostly use it for the various list particularly for minor planets (for teaching) and supernovae
% (for research).
\bibitem[Cimatti et al.(2020)][cimatti2020}
Cimatti, A., Fraternali, F., \&~Nipoti, C. 2020,
{Introduction to Galaxy Formation and Evolution:
From Primordial Gas to Present-Day Galaxies}
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (Ci)
% Cimatti
% et al.:
% Introduction to Galaxy Formation and Evolution: From Primordial Gas to Present-Day Galaxies (2020)
% Cimatti et al. 2019: ArXiv posted intro chapter
\bibitem[Challis(1994)]{challis1994} Challis, P. 1994, private communication
% Pete Challis saying that the 1993sep17 and 1993nov14 HST spectra of SN 1993J Ib have
% not been given final flux calibration and may be off in scale by a factor of 5--6.
% He promised/hoped to send the factor along, but I don't that he ever did.
% He doesn't say anything about the calibration of the complementary 1993sep14 MMT spectrum.
\bibitem[Challis(2006)]{challis2006} Challis, P. 2006, private communication
% Pete tells me the 1993sep17 and 1993nov14 HST spectra of SN 1993J Ib have not
% been published before the local normalization paper of Jeffery et al. (2007).
\bibitem[Chalmers(1999)]{chalmers1999} Chalmers, A. F. 1999,
What is this Thing Called Science?
(Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc) (Ch)
% An introduction to philosophy of science. Its seems good to me.
% An easier start than
% Klee (1997).
% Science book.
\bibitem[Chandrasekhar(1935)]{chandrasekhar1935} Chandrasekhar, S. 1935, MNRAS, 95, 207
% The zero-temperature perfect Fermi gas EOS (i.e., the Chandrasekhar EOS) derived
% for the first time according to ostriker1968.
\bibitem[Chandrasekhar(1944)]{chandrasekhar1944} Chandrasekhar, S. 1944, ApJ, 99, 180
% Gives a table of the exact grey atmosphere limb-darkening law.
% Two of the values are inaccurate in the last decimal place.
\bibitem[Chandrasekhar(1957)]{chandrasekhar1957} Chandrasekhar, S. 1957,
An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure (New York: Dover Publications, Inc.)
% An old classic of stellar structure.
% It probably gives Chan's last and perhaps 1930s vintage take on the Chan mass
% on p. 421ff.
\bibitem[Chandrasekhar(1960)]{chandrasekhar1960} Chandrasekhar, S. 1960,
Radiative Transfer (New York: Dover Publications, Inc.)
% The classic old Bible of radiative transfer.
% For me the early section on polarization is of greatest interest.
% p. 248 gives the polarization from a plane-parallel electron-scattering atmosphere as
% a function of angle from the normal. Only at 90 degrees is 11.7 % reached.
% Chandrasekhar, S. 1960, p. 247--248.
% for plane-parallel atmosphere polarization.
% 1910--1995
% borrow online
% Chandrasekhar (1960, p. 43).
\bibitem[Chaisson et al.(1960)]{chaisson2004}
Chaisson, E., & McMillan, S. 2004, Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide
to the Universe
(Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.) (CM)
% (CM-???)
\bibitem[Chappell \& Pereira(2021)]{chappell2021}
Chappell, B.A. \& Pereira, T.M.D. 2021, A\&A, in press,
% arXiv:2112.13852
% Title: SunnyNet: A neural network approach to 3D non-LTE radiative transfer
% convolutional neural network but all the same to me
% \citet[e.g.,][]{charles2024} % \citep[e.g.,][]{charles2024}
\bibitem[Charles \& Chen(2024)]{charles2024}
Charles, W., \& Chen, A.Y. 2024, arXiv:2406.19385
% Charles & Chen (2024).
% Title: A Machine Learning Method for Monte Carlo Calculations of Radiative Processes
\bibitem[Chornock \& Filippenko(2007)]{chornock2007}
Chornock, R., \& Filippenko, A. V. 2007, AJ, submitted, astro-ph/0609405
% ADS Reference
% Title: Deviations From Axisymmetry Revealed by Line Polarization in the Normal Type Ia SN 2004S.
% A single epoch of high S/N spectropolarimetry.
\bibitem[Chornock et al.(2006)]{chornock2006}
Chornock, R., Filippenko, A. V., Branch, D., Foley, R. J., Jha, S., \& Li, W.
2006, PASP, 118, 722
% ADS Reference
% Title: Spectropolarimetry of the Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2005hk
% Not much polarization.
% A SN 2002cx-like Ia. The super-peculiar kind.
\bibitem[Christensen et al.(2003)]{christensen2003}
Christensen, L., Becker, T., Jahnke, K., Kelz, A., Roth, M. M., S\'anchez, S. F., \& Wisotzki, L.
2003, A\&A, 401, 479
% ADS Reference
% Title: Integral field spectroscopy of SN 2002er with PMAS.
% A five SN 2002er Ia spectra. They are all redundant with and with poorer coverage
% than the Kotak et al. (2005) spectra except for
% the almost maximum light 2002sep07 spectrum.
% Eddie Baron has the the Christensen et al. in files.
% A SN 2002cx-like Ia. The super-peculiar kind.
\bibitem[Chugai(1988)]{chugai1988} Chugai, N. N. 1988, Sov. Astron. Lett., 14(5), 334
% ADS reference.
% Title: Supernova 1987A - the Origin of the Halpha Emission Blueshift.
% Chugai's explanation of P-Cygni line emission peak blueshifts as an
% effect of diffuse reflection off the core of line-scattered emission.
\bibitem[Chugai(1992)]{chugai1992} Chugai, N. N. 1992, Sov. Astron. Lett., 18(3), 168
% Nick's two clump model for 87A polarization. The
% detail is more than I care to follow, but basically two
% non-axisymmetric clumps are ionized by ni-56 and then
% they scatter polarized light that breaks spherical symmetry
% and axisymmetry. With all the parameters fit, it does
% a good job of reproducing the line polarization and position
% angle of H\alpha for day 71 and 100.
\bibitem[Clark et al.(1957)]{clark197}
Clark, J. B., Aitken, A. C., \& Connor, R. D. 1957,
{Physical and Mathematical Tables}
(Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd.), (CAC)
% A useful set of tables, I'm familiar with.
% (CAC-??)
\bibitem[Clark(1969)]{clark1969} Clark, K. 1969,
Civilization: A Personal View (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers)
% The companion book to television series of Kenneth Clark (1903--1983).
% It's a pretty good read with lots of good pictures.
% The TV series is OK. By modern standards it's slow going and restful.
% History book.
\bibitem[Clayton(1983)]{clayton1983} Clayton, D. D. 1983, % \citep[e.g.,][p.]{clayton1983}
Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
% The classic old Bible of stellar structure.
% Lots of good stuff in here still.
% But Don Clayton should really bring out a new edition.
% (Cl-???)
% \citep[e.g.,][p.]{clayton1983}
\bibitem[Clocchiatti et al.(1995)]{clocchiatti1995}
Clocchiatti, A., Wheeler, J. C., Barker, E. S., Filippenko, A. V., Matheson, T., \&~Liebert, J. W.
1995, \apj, 446, 167
% ADS Reference
% Spectrophotometric Study of SN 1993J at First Maximum Light.
% From p. 169 and 175 one deduces that they estimate explosion to be about 28.0 UT.
\bibitem[Clocchiatti et al.(1996)]{clocchiatti1996}
Clocchiatti, A., Wheeler, J. C., Brotherton, M. S., Cochran, A. L.,
Wills, D., Barker, E. S., \&~Turatto, M. 1996, \apj, 462, 462
% ADS Reference
% SN 1994I: Disentangling He i Lines in Type IC Supernovae.
% We present spectroscopic observations of the Type Ic supernova SN 1994I
% and analyze the evidence for helium in the optical portion of the spectrum.
% The development of high-velocity He I {lambda}5876 starting approximately
% 1 week after maximum light provides a pattern of evolution that can be used
% to discriminate He I lines in other Type Ic supernovae. We show that,
% contrary to earlier interpretation, SN 1987M displayed He I lines. The He
% abundance is, however, probably consistent with previously derived upper
% limits. We also identify He in SN 1988L. We conclude that most, and probably
% all, Type Ic supernovae show evidence for He I lines in the optical
% region of the spectra, which implies small amounts of high-velocity
% helium in the outer portions of the ejecta. The implications of this
% result for the progenitor stars are discussed.
% Maximum light on April 10 in some band which th e authors choose not to disclose.
\bibitem[Clocchiatti et al.(2001)]{clocchiatti2001}
Clocchiatti, A., et al. 2001, \apj, 553, 886
%ADS reference.
% Title: The Type IC SN 1990B in NGC 4568.
% 28 coauthors: mostly the usual suspects.
Cohen, H. F. 1994, The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press) (Co)
% Not knowing all labrythine world of the current history
% of science debate, my opinion of this book is naive---the
% most damning of all descriptions.
% But naively it seems a classic.
% Cohen's got a great style.
% It is what everyone has
% has said to about 1994 about the Scientific Revolution.
% Probably just about sums up that classic event.
% Floris Cohen has promised his own study and
% delivered it 2010.
% History book. Science Book.
% Co-???
Cohen, H. F. 2010,
How Modern Science Came into the World: Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough
(Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press) (Co)
% Floris Cohen has promised his own study and delivered it here.
% History book. Science Book.
% Co-???
% Cohen, H. F. 2010,
How Modern Science Came into the World: Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough
\bibitem[Cohen-Tannoudji et al.(1977)]{cohen-tannoudji1977}
Cohen-Tanoudji, C., Diu, B., \&~Lalo\"e, F. 1977,
Quantum Mechanics
(New York: John Wiley \& Sons)
% the old bible of NR quantum mechanics
\bibitem[Cole \&~Woolfson(2002)]{cole2002}
Cole, G. H. A., & Woolfson, M. M. 2002,
Planetary Science: The Science of Planets Around Stars
(Bristol, UK: Institute of Physics) (CW)
A book for science majors. Pretty fair, but not exhaustive.
No color pictures.
% CW-???
\bibitem[Coles \&~Lucchin(2002)]{coles2002} Coles, P., \&~Lucchin, F. 2002,
Cosmology: The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure
(Chichester, England: John Wiley \&~Sons, Ltd.)
% A pretty good cosmology textbook, but these books date rapidly.
% Science book.
\bibitem[Colgate \&~Mckee(1969)]{colgate1969}
Colgate, S. A., \&~McKee, C. 1969, ApJ, 157, 623
% ADS reference.
% Title: Early Supernova Luminosity.
% After
% Pankey (1962) the second paper on Ni56 decay as the
% power source for SNe~Ia which were just SNe~I in those days and they don't reference Pankey.
\bibitem[Colgrove(2007)]{colgrove2007} Colgrove, J. 2007,
State of Immunity: The Politics of Vaccination in Twentieth-Century America
(Berkeley, California: University of California Press)
% Well reviewed in Science:
% review.
% Science book. History book.
\bibitem[Collins(1965)]{collins1965} Collins, L., & LaPierre, D. 1965,
Is Paris Burning? (New York: Simon & Schuster)
% The story of the liberation of Paris in 1944 August.
% Probably all kinds of detailed studies and other
% things have appeared since.
% But there is still an authenticity to a book written
% by authors who could interview participants.
% LaPierre lived through the occupation and liberation
% though he was a child then.
% History book.
\bibitem[Comins \& Kaufmann(2003)]{comins(2003}
Comins, N. F., & Kaufmann, W. J. III, 2003,
Discovering the Universe, 6th edition
(New York: W. H. Freeman & Company) (CK)
% A reasonable intro astro book. Kaufmann has left this veil of tears.
% CK-???
\bibitem[Conley et al.(2006)]{conley2006}
Conley, A., et al. 2006, \aj, 132, 1707 % , astro-ph/0607363
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Rise Time of Type Ia Supernovae from the Supernova Legacy Survey
% 27 coauthors
% Mean Ia rise time to B max is 19.10\pm .4 for high z and 19.6 pm for low z.
% This is adjusted for stretch.
% A weighted average gives 19.4 days which rounding to half day is 19.5.
\bibitem[Cornford(1952)]{cornford1952} Cornford, F. M. 1952,
Principium Sapientiae: The Origins of Greek Philosophical Thought
(New York: Harper \& Row, Publishers, reprint 1965) (Cor)
See F.M. Cornford (1874--1943) and
Principium Sapientiae: The Origins of Greek Philosophical Thought by F. M. Cornford, W. K. C. Guthrie: Review by: D. A. Rees.
% Probably dated and disputable in many ways, but Furley seems
% to agree on many points.
% for Bible Poverbs 7: principium sapientiae = the beginning of wisdom
% Cor-???
\bibitem[Courant \& Hilbert(1953)]{courant1953}
Courant, R., \& Hilbert, D. 1953,
Methods for Mathematical Physics (English Translation), Vol.~1
(Reprinted Vol 1, 1991),
Vol. 2 reprinted Reprinted Vol 2,1991)
(New York: Jonh Wiley \& Sons)
% The great granddad of mathematical methods for physicists.
% Some stuff is found only here or nearly.
\bibitem[Cox(2000)]{cox2000} Cox, A. N. (ed.) 2000,
Allen's Astrophysical Quantities, 4th Edition (New York: AIP/Springer-Verlag) (Cox)
% C. W. Allen's gone, but his great book of astrophysical quantities and more lives on.
% In his life, Allen published three editions of his classica reference book.
% He just called it Astrophysical Quantities, but everyone else called
% Allen's Astrophysical Quantities.
% Now he is the official eponym of his book.
% Cox-???
\bibitem[Crank(1990)]{crank1990} Crank, J. 1990,
The Mathematics of Diffusion (Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press)
% The 2nd edition of a diffusion classic. First edition 1956.
% QD 543 .C77 1990
\bibitem[Cristiani et al.(1992)]{cristiani1992}
Cristiani, S.,~\etal 1992, A\&A, 259, 63
% ADS reference.
% Title: The SN 1986 G in Centaurus A.
% Over a year of photometric and spectroscopic observations
% of SN~Ia~1986G.
% They concluded there was no light echo to about 400 days.
% There are 12 authors running Cappellaro, E., Turatto, M.,
% Bergeron, J., Bues, J., Danziger, I. J.,~\etal
\bibitem[Cropper et al.(1988)]{cropper1988}
Cropper, M., Bailey, J. A., McCowage, J., Cannon, R. D.,
Couch, W. J., Straede, J. O., \&~Freeman, F. 1988, MNRAS, 231, 695
% The first big 87A spectropolarimetry paper.
\bibitem[Crowley(2007)]{crowley2007} Crowley, J. 2007,
Endles Things (Northampton, Massachusetts: Small Beer Press)
% Last volume of John Crowley's \AE gypt quartet.
% Well reviewed in the Washington Post:
% review.
% Literary book.
Crowther, P. A. 2006, in
Proc. "Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity: Mass-Loss, Explosions, Cosmology",
ed. H. Lamers, N. Langer, \& T. Nugis (Provo, Utah: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), in press, astro-ph/0510063
% astro-ph/0510063.
% Title: Observed Metallicity Dependence of Winds from WR stars.
% A review of observational evidence in favour of a metallicity dependence of WN and WC stars is presented.
% New near-IR studies of Milky Way, LMC and SMC early-type WN stars are presented, with weake winds amongst
% WN stars containing hydrogen. A metallicity dependence is supported for WN stars with hydrogen,
% with dM/dt propto Z^alpha with alpha approx 0.8 +/- 0.2 The influence of CNO content upon WN subtypes is discussed. ...
\bibitem[Cutnell \&~Johnson(2007)]{cutnell2007}
Cutnell, J. D., \&~Johnson, K. W. 2007,
Physics, 7th Edition
(Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.)
% Good algebra-based text.
(return to top)
\bibitem[Davisson(1965)]{davisson1965} Davisson, C. M. 1965,
in Alpha-, Beta-, and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, ed.~K.~Siegbahn
(Amsterdam: North-Holland), 37
% $\gamma$-ray interaction with matter including the photoelectric effect,
% Compton scattering, and pair production.
% The Klein-Nishina formula and all that.
\bibitem[Deaton et al.(1998)]{deaton1998}
Deaton, J., Branch, D., Baron, E., Fisher, A., Kirshner, R., \&~Garnavich, P. 1998,
American Astronomical Society, 192nd AAS Meeting, \#06.10;
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 30, p.824
% ADS Reference
% Spectral Analysis of the Peculiar Type IC Supernova 1997ef in UGC 4107.
\bibitem[Landi Degl'Innocenti(2002)]{landi degl'innocenti2002}
Landi Degl'Innocenti, E. 2002, in Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry:
Proceedings of the XII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics,
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, November 13--14, 2000
ed.~J.~Trujillo-Bueno, F.~Moreno-Insertis, \&~F.~S\'anchez
(Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press), 1
% Title: the physics of polarization.
% I really should study this to know something about polarization seeing as it's one
% of my specialties.
\bibitem[Deng et al.(2000)]{deng2000}
Deng, J. S., Qiu, Y. L., Hu, J. Y., Hatano, K., \&~Branch, D.
2000, ApJ, 540, 452
% Spectrum Analysis of the Type IB Supernova SN 1999DN: Probable Identifications of C II and Halpha
\bibitem[Deng et al.(2004)]{deng2004} Deng, J., et al.
% Kawabata, K. S., Ohyama Y., Nomoto, K., Mazzali, P.,
% Wang, L., Jeffery, D. J., Iye, M., Tomita, H., \& Yoshii, Y.
2004, ApJ (Letters), 605, L37 % , astro-ph/0311590.
% 10 authors
% ``Subaru Spectroscopy of the Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2002ic:
% Interaction with a Hydrogen-rich Progenitor Wind''
% My contribution was mostly editorial.
\bibitem[Densmore et al.(2007)]{densmore2007}
Densmore, J. D, Urbatscha, T, J., Evans, T. M., \&~Buksas, M. W. 2007,
Journal of Computational Physics, 222, 485
% SCIRUS reference.
% Title: A hybrid transport-diffusion method for Monte Carlo radiative-transfer simulations.
% Maybe really good, but it looks hard to make it general.
\bibitem[Dessart et al.(2006)]{dessart2006}
Dessart, L., Burrows, A., Ott, C. D., Livne, E., Yoon, S.-C., \& Langer, N.
2006, ApJ, 644, 1063
% ADS Reference.
% Title: Multidimensional Simulations of the Accretion-induced Collapse of White Dwarfs to Neutron Stars
% For supern-chan work mostly useful for showing Figure 1 with plots of rotating WD density
% distribution.
\bibitem[Dessart \&~Hillier(2005)]{dessart2005}
Dessart, L., \&~Hillier, D. J. 2005, A\&A, 437, 667
% Quantitative spectroscopy of photospheric-phase type II supernovae.
% p. 682 gives their explanation of the blue-shift of P-Cygni emission maxima.
% This description is complementary to {chugai1988}'s explanation.
% Their figure has synthetic locally normalized spectra.
\bibitem[Dessart \&~Hillier(2008)]{dessart2008}
Dessart, L., \&~Hillier, D. J. 2005, MNRAS, 383, 57
ADS reference.
Title: Time-dependent effects in photospheric-phase Type II supernova spectra.
% Probably time-dependent effects are important in other supernova types
% too.
\bibitem[Diamond(1997)]{diamond1997} Diamond, J. M. 1997,
Guns, Germs, and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies
(New York : W.W. Norton & Company)
% It seems the classic about the necessities for
% development of technologically and intellectually
% advanced human societies.
% Science book. History book.
\bibitem[Dickens(1967)]{dickens1967} Dickens, A. G. 1967,
The English Reformation (New York: Schocken Books)
% One of those books where the style and sympathy of
% the author make it a pleasure to read even if you
% think that the peculiar intellectual issues comparatively
% unimportant. The humane history remains important.
% It's one of the books, I like to reread now and then.
% History book.
\bibitem[Doggett \&~Branch(1985)]{dessart1985}
Doggett, J. B., \&~Branch, D. 1985, AJ, 90, 2303
% ADS reference.
% Title: A comparative study of supernova light curves.
% The light curve paper. They discuss SN~1961V in NGC~1058,
% Zwicky's Type~V. It is a radically weird Type~II with
% velocities of 2000 km/s, hydrogen lines, very long plateau,
% still be followed 8 years after explosion, seen as a
% 18 mag star on plates dating 25 years before explosion,
% always assuming Zwicky made the right identification.
% I think there are BV template light curves that go
% to much later times than Leibundgut 1988.
\bibitem[Dom\'\inguez et al.(2007)]{dominguez2007}
Dom\'\inguez, I., Piersanti, L., Bravo, E., H\"oflich, P., Straniero, O., \& Tornamb\'e, A.
in The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins,
AIP Conf.~Pro.~924, Vol.~1
Cefal\`u, Sicily, 2006 June 11---24, ed.~L.~A.~Antonelli et al.
(Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics), 218
% ADS reference.
% Title: Type Ia Supernova Cosmology from a Supernova Modeller Point of View.
% Some discussion of super-chan SNe Ia.
\bibitem[Dwarkadas \&~Chevalier(1998)]{dwarkadas1998} % \citep[e.g.,][p.~808--809]{dwarkadas1998}
Dwarkadas, V. V., \&~Chevalier, R. A. 1998, \apj, 497, 807
% ADS reference.
% Title: Interaction of Type IA Supernovae with Their Surroundings.
% Ia remnants. Figure 1 shows that Hoeflich model profiles approximate
% exponentials.
(return to top)
% \citealt{eastman1993}
\bibitem[Eastman \&~Pinto(1993)]{eastman1993}
Eastman, R. G., \&~Pinto, P.~A. 1993, ApJ, 412, 731
% ADS reference.
% Title: Spectrum formation in supernovae - Numerical techniques
% Their NLTE technique paper with sample nebular
% Ia calculation and a sample II calculation.
% hey, they didn't thank the referee!!!
% They do give a good expansion opacity formalism.
% The best simple one I think, the one that
% gets really what expansion opacity is all about.
% citep{eddy1979}
Eddy, J. A. 1979,
in New Sun: The Solar Results From Skylab. NASA SP-402,
ed.~Rein Ise
(Washington D.C.: NASA) % no page number
% Title: New Sun: The Solar Results From Skylab. NASA SP-402
\bibitem[Eiseley(1961)]{eiseley1961} Eiseley, L. 1961, Darwin's Century:
Evolution and the Men Who Discovered It,
(Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc.)
% Wriggling on p. 115, 295
% Eiseley 1961, p. 115, 295
\bibitem[Elias-Rosa et al.(2006)]{elias-rosa2006}
Elias-Rosa, N., et al. 2006, MNRAS, 369, 1880
% ADS reference
% 17 coauthors.
% Title: Anomalous extinction behaviour towards the Type Ia SN 2003cg.
\bibitem[Eisberg \& Resnick(1985)]{eisberg1985} Eisberg, R., \& Resnick, R. 1985,
Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles
(Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
% A pretty good modern physics book at a sort of advanced level.
% A bit dated now.
% Also familiarity breeds contempt and close study brings out
% lots of things I'd change.
\bibitem[Erhart et al.(2012)]{erhart2012}
Erhart, J., Sponar, S., Sulyok, G., Badurek, G., Ozawa, M., \& Hasegawa, Y. 2012,
Nature Physics, doi:10.1038/nphys2194
% Quant-ph reference
% Nature Physics ref
% Title: Experimental demonstration of
% a universally valid error-disturbance uncertainty relation in spin-measurements
% see also
% the SciAm article
\bibitem[Enge(1966)]{enge1966} Enge, H. A. 1966,
Introduction to Nuclear Physics
(Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company)
% Dated, but still good on a lot of things and I own a copy.
% My first copy was stolen from brief case when I left in
% the hall of the Refectory circa 1979.
(return to top)
Fagan, B. 2004, The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization
(New York: Basic Books) (Fa)
% Interesting popular book on how climate change has affected humankind
% over the last 20,000 years or so. But it could use better graphs
% and illustrations. Also the selection of cases seems a bit
% haphazard and there's some jumping around. Not the definitive book
% on the subject.
% Fa-???
Fantoli, A. 1994, Galileo: For Copernicanism and for the
Church (Vatican City: Vatican Observatory Publications)
% Not so different from Santillana (1955).
% It covers the ground and has slightly differently weighted conclusions.
% History book. Biography book.
\bibitem[Fermi(1936)]{fermi1936} Fermi, E. 1936,
Ricerca Scient., 7, 13
% Fermi's approximation to the grey atmosphere limb darkening law.
% He was probably interested in neutron transfer.
\bibitem[Fesen \&~Gunderson(1996)]{fesen96} Fesen, R. A.,
\&~Gunderson, K. S. 1996, \apj, 470, 967
% The c/30 jet of Cas A.
% Maybe one of a pair of bipolar jets.
% Maybe just the biggest Rayleigh-Taylor finger.
\bibitem[Feynman et al.(1963)]{feynman1963}
Feynman, R., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. 1963,
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol 1
(Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publicshing Co., Inc.)
% A classic of exposition of mainly undergraduate physics.
\bibitem[Fick(1855)]{fick1855} Fick, A. 1855, Poggendorff's Annalen Physik, 94, 59
% Fick's law in 1-d first presented.
% The reference is from Wikipedia.
Filippenko, A. V. 1988, AJ, 96, 1941
% ADS Reference
% Supernova 1987K - Type II in youth, type Ib in old age.
% SN 1987K IIb in NGC 4651. Alex introduces the name IIb.
Filippenko, A. V. 1992, \apj, 384, L37
% ADS Reference
% Early-time spectra of type IC supernovae - Further evidence for the presence of hydrogen.
% Comparison of the early-time optical spectra of the Type II SN 1985L and the Type Ic SN 1987M
% confirms the previously suspected presence of H-alpha in SN 1987M. The H-alpha line has a P Cygni
% profile in both objects, but it is not as prominent as in the Type II SN 1987K, whose spectrum
% at late times became indistinguishable from that of SNs Ic. A spectrum of the Type Ic SN 1991A
% reveals a weak but nearly unmistakable H-alpha emission line;
% faint H-alpha emission may also be present in the Type Ic SN 1990aa.
\bibitem[Filippenko(1994)]{filippenko1994} Filippenko, A. V. 1994, private communication
% "The spectrum of SN 1993J that Tom Matheson and I got at Lick Observatory
% (3-m Shane reflector) on November 17, 1993 UT --- almost exactly
% coincident with the new HST data. It is a combination of spectra
% taken between November 17.41 and 17.46 UT.
% The units are f_nu (mJy), but the night was very cloudy so don't
% trust the absolute fluxes. The relative spectrophotometry should be
% excellent, though. (We use the parallactic angle, etc.)
% 2 Ang/bin, 3120.0 -- 9900.0 Ang, 3391 bins."
% The agreement in overlap region with 1993nov14 spectrum is excellent actually (after converting
% to flambda.
Filippenko, A. V. 1997, in Thermonuclear Supernovae, Proceedings of the
NATO Advanced Study Institute, held in Begur, Girona, Spain, June 20-30, 1995,
edited by P. Ruiz-Lapuente, R. Canal, and J. Isern
(Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), 1
% ADS reference. But the article doesn't seem to be online anywhere.
% Title: Type Ia supernovae: observational overview.
% According to Filippenko (1997, p. 318)
% Alex shows some 94D spectra of probably of his own and these may be some
% of the ones I have.
\bibitem[Filippenko(1997)]{filippenko1997} Filippenko, A. V. 1997, \araa, 35, 309
% ADS reference.
% Annual Reviews in Astronomy \& Astrophysics
% The reference is in Riess et al 1998 on cosmology.
% An observer's review of optical supernova spectra and spectral classification.
% But note that this paper precedes the discovery of hypernovae.
\bibitem[Filippenko \&~Matheson(1993)]{filippenko1993}
Filippenko, A. V., \& Matheson, T. 1993, IAU Circ.~5787
% {filippenko1993}
% SN 1993J becomes IIb by May 11 or about 44 days after explosion.
% Say 40 days in round numbers. They call it a IIb.
\bibitem[Filippenko \&~Shields(1990)]{filippenko1990}
Filippenko, A. V., \&~Shields, J. C. 1990, IAU Circ.~5111
%IAUC Reference
% Supernova 1990aa Ic.
% Reports a 1990sep27 spectrum from 3900--9800 A with 12 A resolution.
\bibitem[Filippenko et al.(1990)]{filippenko1990}
Filippenko, A. V., Porter, A. C., \& Sargent, W. L. W. 1990, AJ, 100, 1575
% ADS Reference
% The type Ic (helium-poor Ib) supernova 1987M - Transition to the supernebular phase.
% An early well-observed Ic, but not the prototype: 83I and 83V are.
\bibitem[Filippenko et al.(1992b)]{filippenko1992b}
Filippenko, A. V., et al. AJ, 104, 1543
% ADS Reference
% The type Ic (helium-poor Ib) supernova 1987M - Transition to the supernebular phase.
% An early well-observed Ic, but not the prototype: 83I and 83V are.
\bibitem[Filippenko et al.(1992c)]{filippenko1992c}
Filippenko, A.~V., et al. 1992, ApJ, 384, L15
% ADS reference.
% Title: The peculiar Type IA SN 1991T - Detonation of a white dwarf?
% The SN~1991T paper: Alex seems to have been first with
% the Fe III identifications and with the sandwich idea.
% A pretty good paper actually.
% The authors read Filippenko, A. V., Richmond, M. W.,
% Matheson, T., Shields, J. C., etc. There are 16 authors.
% They also have some original
% SN 1990N spectra.
\bibitem[Filippenko et al.(1992d)]{filippenko1992d}
Filippenko, A. V., et al. 1992, AJ, 104, 1543
% ADS Reference
% 13 coauthors
% Title: The subluminous, spectroscopically peculiar type IA supernova 1991bg in the
% elliptical galaxy NGC 4374.
% They beat Bruno to print on this SN Ia.
\bibitem[Filippenko et al.(1995)]{filippenko1995} Filippenko, A. V., et al.
1995, \apj, 450, L11
% Helium in Ic's. 18 authors running Filippenko, Barth, Matheson, Armus, etc.
% We present a series of spectra of SN 1994I in M51, starting 1 week prior
% to maximum brightness. The nebular phase began about 2 months after the
% explosion; together with the rapid decline of the optical light, this
% suggests that the ejected mass was small. Although lines of He I in the
% optical region are weak or absent, consistent with the Type Ic
% classification, we detect strong He I lambda 10830 absorption during
% the first month past maximum. Thus, if SN 1994I is a typical
% Type Ic supernova, the atmospheres of these objects cannot be completely
% devoid of helium. The emission-line widths are smaller than predicted by the
% model of Nomoto and coworkers, in which the iron core of a low-mass
% carbon-oxygen star collapses. They are, however, larger than in Type Ib
% supernovae.
\bibitem[Finkelberg(2005)]{finkelberg2005} Finkelberg, M. 2005,
Greeks and Pre-Greeks: Aegean Prehistory and the Greek Heroic Tradition
(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press)
% Seems a pretty good modern book on Bronze Age Greeks.
% Some of it is rather technical. Probably reading chapters 1, 7, and 8 is
% enough for the layperson.
% I liked that Mopsos son of Manto (a prophetess) son of Tiresias
% has been identified in history. A legendary hero---albeit a minor one---actually
% finds a place in records. See p. 150--153.
% DF 214 .F56 2005 at University of Oklahoma.
% History book.
\bibitem[Finley(1976)]{finley1976} Finley, M. I. 1976,
Aspects of Antiquity (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books)
% Finley's reputation still stands pretty high
% in Greco-Roman history. Worth re-reading.
% An interesting point is that Finley sees no options
% for Diocletion in re-ordering the world from the
% conservative way he did it. I'd say that Diocletion
% needed to try and engender a scientific and technological
% revolution. Probably it would have mostly failed, but
% it would have helped some way to getting humanity out
% of the pit of the cycle or rise and fall.
% History book.
\bibitem[Firestone \&~Ekstr\"om(2004)]{firestone2004} Firestone, R. B., \& Ekstr\"om, L. P. 2004,
LBNL Isotopes Project-Lunds Universitet: WWW Table of Radioactive Isotopes
(Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory),
% The great online site for radioactive nuclides.
% Main page.
% Si-32 page: hl 150 y = 54787.5d0 =
% P-32 page: hl 14.262 d b-
% Sc-44 page: hl 3.927 h 8 = 0.1636 d
% But Sc-44 has a long-lived metastable state, but Ti-44 virtually doesn't decay to that state:
% see the Ti-44 page decay levels diagram.
% Ti-44 page: hl 63 y 3 = 23010.75 d
% Mn-53 page: hl 3.74e+6 y = 1.366035E+9 d
% Fe-53 page: hl 8.51 m = 5.909722381167942d-3 d
% Fe-55 page: hl 2.73 y 3 = 997.1 d
% Fe-60 page: hl 1.5d+6 y = 547875000 d b-
% Co-55 page: hl 17.53 h 3 = 0.7304 d
% Co-56 page: hl 77.27 d 3
% Co-57 page: hl 271.79 d 9
% Co-60 page: hl b-
% metastable Co-60 page: hl b-
% Ni-56 page: hl 6.077 d 12
% Ni-57 page: hl 35.60 h 6 = 1.483 d
% Ni-59 page: hl 7.6d+4 y = 27759000. d
% Cu-59 page: hl 81.5 s = 9.432870370370371E-4 d
\bibitem[Fisher(2000)]{fisher2000} Fisher, A. 2000, Ph.D. thesis, University of Oklahoma
% ADS reference.
% But it is a thesis, and so it is not really on-line at ADS.
% Title: Direct analysis of type Ia supernovae spectra.
% Abstract: This work describes how to use and modify the
% highly parameterized spectrum synthesis code (SYNNEW). SYNNEW can be used to derive
% information directly from type Ia supernovae spectra.
% The name SYNEW never caught on and the code continues to be called SYNOW.
% This is good SYNOW version 1.0 reference. A SYNOW reference.
\bibitem[Fisher et al.(1999)]{fisher1999} Fisher, A., Branch, D., Hatano, K., \&~Baron, E. 1999,
\mnras, 304, 67
% ADS reference.
% Title: On the spectrum and nature of the peculiar Type IA supernova 1991T.
% 91T again. They go for 1.4 M_sun of Ni-56 and super-Chandrasekhar, but it's uncertain
% because of the uncertain luminosity because of the uncertain distance. They don't estimate
% a total mass, but suggest it is of order a few tenths above Chandrasekhar.
% They also find a persistent Na I line that may mark the iron core boundary at 9000 km/s.
% The line is still there at 59 days past maximum.
% They tentatively identify a C II 6580 absorption at about 6300 A in the premax spectra.
% But frankly, it isn't there in the premax specta I have or they are a bit wrong about
% the position.
\bibitem[Fleck \& Canfield(1984)]{fleck1984}
Fleck, Jr., J. A., \&~Canfield, E. H. 1984,
Journal of Computational Physics, 54, 508
% sciencedirect.
% Title: A random walk procedure for improving the computational efficiency of the implicit Monte Carlo method
% for nonlinear radiation transport.
% These guys pre-emptively stole the giantsteps idea from me and Paolo.
% But onto something better.
\bibitem[Folatelli et al.(2006)]{follatelli2006}
Folatelli, G., et al. 2006, \apj, 641, 1039
% ADS Reference
% 25 coauthors
% SN 2005bf: A Possible Transition Event between Type Ib/c Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts
% A very long rise 2-maximum Ibc SN.
% Changed from Ic-like to Ib-like as it aged.
\bibitem[Foley et al.(2003)]{foley2003}
Foley, R. J. 2003, PASP, 115, 1220
% ADS Reference
% 9 coauthors including Filippenko and Mazzali.
% Optical Photometry and Spectroscopy of the SN 1998bw-like Type Ic Supernova 2002ap Ic hypernova.
% Some SN 2002ap spectra, but not those in David Branch's archive.
\bibitem[Ford et al.(1993)]{ford1993}
Ford, C. H., Herbst, W., Richmond, M. W., Baker, M. L., Filippenko, A. V., Treffers, R. R., Paik, Y.,
\& Benson, P. J. 1993, AJ, 106, 1101
% ADS Reference
% Title: CCD photometry of three Type IA supernovae - V, R, and I light curves.
% 91M, 91T, 92G.
% The maxima are given on p. 1109.
\bibitem[Ford \& Pettengill(1992)]{ford1992}
Ford, P. G., & Pettengill, G. H. 1992, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 13103
%ADS Reference
% see
% for the original paper, but it is behind a paywall
% The source of a useful Mercator topogrphic map of Venus.
% For versions of the map see:
% Guide to Magellan Image Interpretation:
% Chapter 3. The Non-SAR Experiments Jeffrey J. Plaut
% Views of the Solar System by Calvin J. Hamilton
% NSSDC Photo Gallery probably
% (Ford & Pettengill 1992)
\bibitem[Fraknoi et al.(1997)]{fraknoi1997}
Fraknoi, A., Morrison, D., & Wolf, S. 1997,
Voyages Through the Universe
(Fort Worth, Texas: Saunders College Publishing) (FMW)
% Somewhat dated, but I'm familiar with it. As with all good
% intro astro books, there are some points they discuss that others evade.
% (FMW-???)
\bibitem[Frank(1952)]{frank1952} Frank, A. 1952,
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, translator: B. M. Mooyaart-Doubleday,
introduction: Eleanor Roosevelt
(Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.)
% Anne Frank (1929--1944)
% (Wikipedia).
% Anne Frank.
% History book. Biography book.
\bibitem[Fransson(1982)]{fransson1982} Fransson, C. 1982, A\&A, 111, 140
% X-ray and UV-emission from supernova shock waves in stellar winds: Paper I
\bibitem[Fransson(1984a)]{fransson1984a} Fransson, C. 1984a, A\&A, 132, 115
% Line profiles from supernovae UV with circumstellar interaction: Paper II
\bibitem[Fransson(1984b)]{fransson1984b} Fransson, C. 1984b, A\&A, 133, 264
% Comptonization and UV emission lines from Type II supernovae: Paper IV
\bibitem[Fransson(1984d)]{fransson1984d} Fransson, C. 1984d, Physica Scripta, T7, 50
% Comptonization and UV emission lines from Type II supernovae: Paper ``V''.
% ADS reference.
% Title: The effects of Comptonization in type II supernovae.
% This is just a 2-page paper that gives a kind of summary of the series.
% The ADS reference doesn't link to an eprint.
% I've a copy in my Branch non-Ia collaboration papers.
\bibitem[Fransson et al.(1984c)]{fransson1984c}
Fransson, C., Benvenuti, P., Wamsteker, W., Gordon, C., Hempe, K., Reimers, D., Palumbo, G. G. C.,
\&~Panagia, N. 1984c, A\&A, 132, 1
% ADS reference.
% Title: Physical conditions in the UV line emitting region of supernova 1979c in NGC 4321.
% Comptonization and UV emission lines from Type II supernovae: Paper III
\bibitem[Fransson et al.(1996)]{fransson1996} Fransson, C., Lundqvist, P., \&~Chevalier, R. A. 1996, \apj, 461, 993
% Circumstellar Interaction in SN 1993J.
% radio, X-rays, and UV.
\bibitem[Fransson et al.(2005)]{fransson2005} Fransson, C., et al. 2005, \apj, 622, 991
% 16 coauthors including Eddie Baron!!
% Hubble Space Telescope and Ground-based Observations of SN 1993J and SN 1998S: CNO Processing in the Progenitors.
% This paper shows the 650--2600 day development of the Mg II 2800 line in SN 1993J IIb.
\bibitem[French(1971)]{french1971} French, A. P. 1971,
Newtonian Mechanics: The M.I.T. Introductory Physics Series
(New York: W.W. Norton \& Company), (FR)
% Still a darn good book on mechanics at the intermediate level.
% If I knew everything in this book, I'd know a lot more than
% I do.
\bibitem[French(2007)]{french2007} French, T. 2007,
In the Woods,
(New York: Viking Press)
% Another Irish mystery with fey damsels, dark strangers, haunted bicycles.
% Did I mention leprechauns.
% Well reviewed in
% The Washington Post.
% Mystery book.
\bibitem[Freedman \& Kaufmann(2005)]{freedman(2005}
Freedman, R. A., \& Kaufmann, W. J. III, 2005,
Universe, 7th edition
(New York: W. H. Freeman & Company) (FK)
% A slightly elevated intro astro book.
% Kaufmann has left this veil of tears.
% FK-???
\bibitem[Freedman et al.(1994)]{freedman1994}
Freedman, W. L., et al. 1994, \apj, 427, 628
% ADS Reference
% 15 coauthors
% The Hubble Space Telescope Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. 1: The discovery of Cepheids and a new distance to M81.
% True distance modulus to M81 is determined to be 27.80 +/- 0.20 mag, corresponding to a distance of 3.63 +/- 0.34 Mpc.
% mu=5*log(r)+25 or r=10**(mu/5-5) with r in Mpc.
% M81 is the host galaxy of SN 1993J IIb.
\bibitem[Frieman(2005)]{frieman2005} Frieman, J. 2005, IAU Circ., 8616
% ADS reference.
% Title: Supernovae 2005ex-2005gj and 2005go-2005gy.
% Follow-up (but not much of one) to discovery of SN 2005gj Ia/IIn reported by
% <./ref.html#barentine2005">Barentine et al (2005)
% See IAUC 8616
\bibitem[Frye(1983)]{frye1983} Frye, N. 1983,
The Great Code: The Bible and Literature
(San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers)
% Stimulating, allusive, elusive.
% Not really the Bible and literature, but the Bible as a unified
% literary product. Yes the editors and writers of the Bible spanned
% centuries and there are tensions between their ideas and programs.
% But the Bible can be read as a whole and that is what the
% religious have always done: it's important meaning
% for religion and art arises from a unified view.
% Of course, for history one has to treat the Bible with
% great caution.
% It is one of those books that I find I can read again and
% again. Well I re-read it when I'm too weary to read anything new.
% It gave me that very useful phrase ``demon parody'' that is so
% useful in political history.
% Northrop Frye (Wikipedia)
% was a well known literary critic who was a Canadian in his spare time.
% There are interesting parallels in science to Frye's
% exposition of literary advance: metaphorical writing corresponds
% to mythical thinking, metonymic writing to a priori theory
% or natural myth science, descriptive writing to modern science with
% balanced theory and experiment.
% History book. Literary book.
\bibitem[Furley(1987)]{furley1987} Furley, D. 1987,
The Greek Cosmologists: Volume~1:
The Formation of the Atomic Theory and its Earliest Critics
(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press)
% I think this is a great book: scholarly, but accessible to the layperson.
% A lot of inference is needed to figure out just what some of
% the Prescratics actually thought. Maybe David Furley is too
% clever, but everything seems right as rain to me.
% Furley never seems to have brought out the 2nd volume.
% History book. Science book. Philosophy book.
% Fu-???
% see David Furley (1922--2010) David John, but he didn't use the J.
% see David Furley (1922--2010) in German
% see Amazon: David J. Furley 1987, The Greek Cosmologists)
\bibitem[Furneaux Jordan(1970)]{furneaux jordan1970} Furneaux Jordan, R. 1970,
A Concise History of Western Architecture (: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.)
% A very readable book especially when one needs distraction from problems.
% Good pictures. If I remembered it all, I'd know a lot more about
% architecture than I do.
% Oddly enough Furneaux Jordan also wrote detective fiction as
% Robert Player (Wikipedia).
% History book.
(return to top)
\bibitem[Galama et al.(1998)]{galama1998} Galama, T., et al. 1998, Nature, 395, 670
% About 48 coauthors.
% ADS reference
% An unusual supernova in the error box of the gamma-ray burst of 25 April 1998.
% The discovery paper for SN 1998bw, the famous SN Ic_hypernova coincident with
% GRB 980425.
\bibitem[Gal-Yam et al.(2002)]{gal-yam2002} Gal-Yam, A., Ofek, E. O., Shemmer, O. 2002, MNRAS, 332, L73
% ADS reference
% Supernova 2002ap: the first month
% A Ic hypernova without a gamma-ray burst, but weakish hypernova.
% An it may have had a jet.
\bibitem[Gangopadhyaya et al.(2011)]{gangopadhyaya2011}
Gangopadhyaya, A., Mallow, J. V., \& Rasinariu, C. 2011,
{Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction}
(Singapore: World Scientific)
% Pretty good it seems. Has a few typos
\bibitem[Garavini et al.(2004)]{garavini2004}
Garavini, G. 2004, AJ, 128, 387
% ADS reference
% 18+ coauthors.
% Title: Spectroscopic Observations and Analysis of the Peculiar SN 1999aa.
\bibitem[Garavini et al.(2005)]{garavini2005}
Garavini, G. 2005, AJ, 130, 2278
% ADS reference
% 27+ coauthors.
% Title: Spectroscopic Observations and Analysis of the Unusual Type Ia SN 1999ac.
\bibitem[Garavini et al.(2007)]{garavini2007}
Garavini, G. 2005, A\&A, in press, astro-ph/0702569
% ADS reference
% 14 coauthors.
% Title: ESC observations of SN 2005cf: II. Optical Spectroscopy and the high velocity features.
% They've scooped Branch et al. 2007 PreMax a bit: quite a bit. But they still have not found
% the day -12 90N spectrum even though Stefano Benetti is on this paper.
\bibitem[Garnavich et al.(2004)]{garnavich2004}
Garnavich, P. M. 2004, \apj, 613, 1120
% ADS reference
% 12 coauthors.
% Title: The Luminosity of SN 1999by in NGC 2841 and the Nature of ``Peculiar'' Type Ia Supernovae.
\bibitem[Gaskell et al.(1986)]{gaskell1986} Gaskell, C. M., Cappellaro, E., Dinerstein, H. L., Garnett, D. R.,
Harkness, R. P., \&~Wheeler, J. C. 1986, \apj, 306, L77
% ADS reference.
% Type Ib supernovae 1983n and 1985f - Oxygen-rich late time spectra.
% On SN 1983N in NGC 5236 (M83) and SN 1984L Ib in NGC 991.
\bibitem[Georgi(1982)]{georgi1982} Georgi, H. 1982,
Lie Algebras in Particle Physics: From Isospin to Unified Theories
(Reading, Massachusetts: Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company, Inc.)
Geltman, S. 1962, ApJ, 136, 935
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Bound-Free Absorption Coefficient of the Hydrogen Negative Ion.
% Referenced in mihalas1978. Probably still useful, but probably improved
% on.
Gere, C. 2006, The Tomb of Agamemnon
(Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press)
% A book in a series on the Wonders of the World.
% It's a pretty good little book. Essentially it is an
% an essay on evolving cultural significance of Bronze-age Mycenae
% The peroration sums it up:
% ``Can we finally acknowledge the battle-scarred
% heroes of Mycenae without recruiting them to fight?''
% History book.
\bibitem[Ghez(2001)]{ghez2001} Ghez, R. 2001,
Diffusion Phenomena: Cases and Studies (New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers)
% Seems a pretty good book on diffusion.
% multi-d equation on p. 32 and solution on p. 106.
\bibitem[Gibson \&~Stetson(2001)]{gibson2001}
Gibson, B. K., \&~Stetson, P. B. 2001, ApJ, 547, L103
% Title: Supernova 1991T and the Value of the Hubble Constant
% They find $D=13.0\pm1.7\,$Mpc for the host galaxy NGC 4527.
% fisher1999 used D=16.4 Mpc and so scaling down from fisher1999's
% 1.45 M_sun of Ni-56, one gets 0.82 which is only at the high end of
% the normal range. Actually Howell (2006) give Ni-56 mass .855.
% Who is right. Not me I'd guess.
\bibitem[Gies \&~Gies(1994)]{gies1994} Gies, F., \& Gies, J. 1994,
Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages
(New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.)
% Good popular account of Medieval technology.
% Easy reading.
% Science book. History book.
\bibitem[Gilmore(1962)]{gilmore1962} Gilmore, M. P. 1962,
The Age of Humanism (New York: Harper & Row Publishers)
% Worth rereading at some point. A sort of remedy for
% The Waning of the Middle Ages.
% The illustrations could have been a lot better.
% History book.
Godwin, P. 2007,
When the Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of Africa (Erewhon: Little, Brown)
% About Zimbabwe and the Mugabe regime.
% Well reviewed in the Washington Post:
% review.
% Little, Brown site.
% History book.
Goldberg, D. 1989, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization,
and Machine Learning (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley)
% genetic algorithms
\bibitem[Goldstein et al.(2002)]{goldstein2002}
Goldstein, H., Poole, C., \&~Safko, J. 2002,
Classical Mechanics, 3rd Edition
(San Francisco: Addison-Wesley) (Go)
% Lots of good stuff in it.
% But there is almost a typo per page: it's shameful.
% Also I think it is about time that a more modern classical mechanics
% book took over that avoided what seems to me to be useless
% and/or obsolete formalism.
\bibitem[Gomez \&~Lopez(1998)]{gomez1998}
Gomez, G., \& Lopez, R. 1998, AJ, 115, 1096
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Canarias Type IA Supernova Archive. II. A Standard Spectral Evolution Sequence.
% They show 4 spectra of 91M of which only 1 is clearly in
% the table in Gomez et al. (1996).
% 1998mar publication.
\bibitem[Gomez \&~Lopez(1998b)]{gomez1998b}
Gomez, G., \& Lopez, R. 1998b, Ap\&SS, 263, 295
% ADS reference.
% Title: Standard Spectral Evolutionary Sequence for Type 1a Supernovae.
% A very short paper with some 91M spectra.
% 1998jun publication.
\bibitem[Gomez et al.(1996)]{gomez1996}
Gomez, G., Lopez, R., \& Sanchez, F. 1996, AJ, 112, 2094
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Canaries Type IA Supernovae Archive (I).
% A reference for SNe Ia SN 1991M (see Table 1) among other things.
% SN 1990N (p. 2107).
Gould, R. J. 1978, ApJ, 219, 250
% ADS reference.
% Title: Radiative recombination of complex ions.
% Probably pretty dated now, but the formula may still
% be of some use for comparison to more advanced results.
% I've a few notes in the reference folder.
\bibitem[Graham et al.(1986)]{graham1986}
Graham, J. R., Meikle, W. P. S., Allen, D. A., Longmore, A. J., \&~Williams, P. M. 1986, MNRAS, 218, 93
% ADS reference.
% Discovery of a large mass of iron in a type I supernova. They mean 83N.
% On SN 1983N in NGC 5236 (M83) and SN 1984L Ib in NGC 991.
\bibitem[Grant \& Hunt(1968)]{grant1968}
Grant, I.P., \& Hunt G.E. 1968, JQSRT, 18, 1817
% I.P. Grant, G.E. Hunt, 1968, JQSRT, 18, 1817,
% Radiative transfer in a Rayleigh scattering atmosphere: you have to scoll down to the
% second article in the list.
% Equation (2.3) of
% Grant & Hunt (1968)
% is correct and same result equation (6)
% of Peraiah (1975)
% is wrong.
% Chandrasekhar (1960, p. 43) gives
% the correct result too.
Greene, N. R. 2003, The Physics Teacher, 401, 409
% All about the candela and luminous intensity.
Greene, B. 2004, {The Fabric of the Cosmos}
(New York: Vintage Books), (Gre)
% It seems an excellent popular book on
% where fundamental physics stood as of 2004.
% Lots of string theory stuff.
Greenstein, G., & Zajonc, A.G. 2005, {
The Quantum Challenge, Second Edition : Modern Research on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics}
(Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.))
See also
George Greenstein & Arthur G. Zajonc, 2005,
The Quantum Challenge, Second Edition : Modern Research on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
(Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.).
\bibitem[Grevesse \& Sauval(1998)]{grevesse1998}
Grevesse, N., \& Sauval, A. J. 1998, Space Science Reviews, 85, 161
% ADS reference. Not available online at ADS, but at the
% linked Springer site srcoll down a bit and a pdf version is
% available on the right hand side.
% Directly, it's at
% Springer.
% Title: Standard solar composition.
% Primordial solar nebular composition.
% This is not the last word, but there is still some controversy,
% and so were are waiting for the last word.
% I've some notes on this in my reference folder and
% a reprint in folder public_not.
Griffiths, D. J. 2005, {\it Introduction to Quantum Mechanics}
(Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall), (Gr)
% Seems an excellent undergraduate quantum mechanics textbook.
% But familiarity breed quibbles.
Griffiths, D. J. 1999, {\it Introduction to Electrodynamics}
(Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall)
% Seems an excellent undergraduate textbook.
% Cuts out a lot of the bafflegab of older books.
\bibitem[Grinspoon(2004)]{grinspoon2004} Grinspoon, D. 2004,
Lonely Planets: The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life
(New York: HarperCollins Publishers)
% It grows on you.
% Science book. History book.
% (Gr-???)
\bibitem[Grisswold(2007)]{grisswold2007} Griswold, E. 2007
Wideawake Field
(New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
% Elizabeth Griswold.
% The poetry of terrors of our time that leave me pretty much speechless.
% Rhyme with the most gentle of touch.
% Reviewed sor-of the Washington Times:
% review.
% Poetry book.
\bibitem[Grossman(2006)]{grossman2006} Grossman, E. 2006
High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and Human Health
(Washington, D.C.: Island Press)
% All about the poisons in e-junk.
% See the
% Science magazine review.
% Science book.
\bibitem[Guth(1972)]{guth1972} Guth, H. P. 1972,
Concise English Handbook (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Inc.)
% A standard English handbook. I just happen to own a copy.
(return to top)
\bibitem[Hachisu(1991)]{hachisu91} Hachisu, I., Matsuda, T.,
Nomoto, K., \&~Shigeyama, T. 1991, \apj, 368, L27
% On Rayleigh-Taylor mixing and models for Ib/c's.
\bibitem[Hagen(1837)]{hagen1837} Hagen, Gotthilf 1837,
Grundz\"uge der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (Berlin: D\"ummler)
% HAGEN, G. 1837, Grundzuege der Wahrscheinlichkeit-Rechnung. D¨ummler, Berlin.
% Confirms 1837 for Hagen's derivation in a book for Hagen deriviation
Hall, A. R. 1956, The Scientific Revolution: 1500--1800
(Boston: The Beacon Press)
% I should read it again to fully assimilate it.
% It's one of the books that
% H. Floris Cohen
% ``takes to task''.
% History book. Science Book.
% HRW-???
Hall, M. B. 1994, The Scientific Renaissance: 1450--1630
(New York: Dover Publications, Inc.)
% A reprint from 1962. I should read it again to fully assimilate it.
% History book. Science Book.
% HRW-???
% Hall, M. B. 1994, The Scientific Renaissance: 1450--1630.
\bibitem[Halliday et al.(2001)]{halliday2001}
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., \&~Walker, J. 2001,
Fundamentals of Physics, 6th Edition
(New York: John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.), (HRW)
% The old standby of intro physics books.
% HRW-???
Hamann, W.-R. 1981, A\&A, 93, 353
% Title: Line formation in expanding atmospheres - On the validity of the Sobolev
% approximation.
% Hamann shows that the Sobolev method can be systematically in error for
% moving stellar atmospheres.
% But is criticisms of the line-coupling are out of date given the correct
% line coupling formalisms of
% Olsen (1982)
% and
% Bartunov & Mozgovoi (1987).
\bibitem[Hamuy et al.(2002)]{hamuy2002}
Hamuy, M., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 417
% ADS reference.
% ADS reference for the erratum which gives the Julian dates in Table 1.
% Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of SN 1999ee and SN 1999ex.
% 99ee is a Ia. 99ex is Ibc.
% 20 coauthors.
\bibitem[Hamuy et al.(2003)]{hamuy2003}
Hamuy, M., et al. 2003, Nature, 424, 651
% ADS Reference
% Title: An asymptotic-giant-branch star in the progenitor system of a type Ia supernova.
% Type Ia supernova SN2002ic, indicating the presence of large amounts of circumstellar material.
- % \citep[e.g.,][p.~4]{handley2019}
Handley, W. 2019, arXiv:1908.09139
% arXiv:1908.09139.
% Title: Curvature tension: evidence for a closed universe
\bibitem[Hanuschik \&~Dachs(1987)]{hanuschik1987} Hanuschik, R. W., \&~Dachs, J. 1987,
A\&A, 182, L29
% the earliest Bochum event paper. It is by the Bochum group.
\bibitem[Harkness et al.(1987)]{harkness1987} Harkness, R. P., et al. 1987, \apj, 317, 355
% ADS reference.
% On SN 1983N in NGC 5236 (M83) and SN 1984L Ib in NGC 991.
% 11 coauthors.
% The early spectral phase of type Ib supernovae - Evidence for helium.
% These are the prototypes of the Ib's except for the 1954A which was
% poorly observed by modern standards and only seen as an odd-ball until later recognized.
\bibitem[Harkness(1991)]{harkness1991} Harkness, R. P. 1991,
in {ESO/EIPC Workshop: SN~1987A
and Other Supernovae,} ed.~I.~J.~Danziger \&~K.~Kj\"ar (Garching: ESO), 447
% Spectrum and light curve calculations with W7
% more on Ia's, but no
% mention of Ti; but he does show that line and electron
% opacity dominate from 1000 to 100000 A over pure absorption
% opacity.
% shows that expansion opacity causes the UV deficiency of Ia's.
% Well he doesn't exactly say that the reheating drives the
% luminosity from 4 days after the explosion and in fact I
% I suspect it drives the luminosity from much earlier:
% from hours after the explosion? See p. 454.
% Young et al. 1995 say it drives the whole thing which can't
% be quite right.
\bibitem[Hartmann et al.(1997)]{hartmann1997} Hartmann, D. H., et al. 1997,
Nuclear Physics A, 621, 83-91
% Cas A dim because it was shrouded in a dust envelope that the SN shock destroyed.
% Is suppose the UV flash at breakout is meant to have destroyed the dust.
% I've no idea if this paper's idea is favored or still current at all.
\bibitem[Hartmann \& Impey(2002)]{hartmann(2002}
Hartmann, W. K., \& Impey, C. 2002,
Astronomy: The Cosmic Journey, 6th Edition
(Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole) (HI)
% A soon to be dated book. It is probably about the best
% of the intro astro books that I've seen. But, of course,
% it doesn't have everything. Annoyingly, it doesn't have
% any color pictures.
% (HI-???)
\bibitem[Harutyunyan et al.(2005)]{harutyunyan2005}
Harutyunyan, A., Benetti, S., Cappellaro, E., \& Turatto, M. 2005,
in ASP Conf. Ser. 342, 1604--2004: Supernovae as Cosmological
Lighthouses, ed. M.~Turatto, S.~Benetti, L.~Zamperi,
\&~W.~Shea (San Francisco: ASP), 258
% ADS reference.
% Title: Supernova Spectra Comparison Tool.
% This must be the forerunner of what Avet discussed in Cefalu.
% In any case it is the competition.
% Nothing else on Avet's tool as of 2007jun10.
\bibitem[Hatano et al.(1999a)]{hatano1999a} Hatano, K., Branch, D., Fisher, A.,
Baron, E., \& Filippenko, A. V. 1999, \apj, 525, 881
% ADS reference.
% Title: On the High-Velocity Ejecta of the Type IA Supernova SN 1994D.
% The original high-velocity features paper. 2-componets of Fe II and Ca II in SN 1994D Ia.
% They say above 20000 km/s and below 16000 km/s.
\bibitem[Hatano et al.(1999b)]{hatano1999b} Hatano, K., Branch, D., Fisher, A.,
Millard, J., \& Baron, E. 1999, ApJS, 121, 233
% ADS reference.
% Title: Ion Signatures in Supernova Spectra.
% Useful plots of reference line Sobolev optical depths for characteristic SN conditions
% and compositions and plots of single ion spectra for characteristic SN conditions.
\bibitem[Hauschildt \&~Baron(1999)]{hauschildt1999} Hauschildt, P. H., \&~Baron, E. 1999,
J.~Comp.~Applied Math., 109, 41, arXiv:astro-ph/9808182
% Title: Numerical Solution of the Expanding Stellar Atmosphere Problem.
% A good PHOENIX reference with references therein reference.
% It only seems available online at
\bibitem[Hauschildt \&~Baron(2005)]{hauschildt2005} Hauschildt, P. H., \&~Baron, E. 2005,
Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 24, 63
% See
% Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, but the paper
% isn't online.
% for the contents.
% Title: Numerical Solution of the Expanding Stellar Atmosphere Problem.
% A good PHOENIX reference with references therein reference.
% The only trouble is that that there is no way to get a hold of a copy.
Hauschildt, P. H., \&~Baron, E. 2006, A\&A, 451, 273
%ADS reference.
% Title: A 3D radiative transfer framework: I. non-local operator splitting
% and continuum scattering problems.
% The formalism for 3-d PHOENIX. They've made a lot of progress since 2006.
\bibitem[Hauschildt et al.(1996)]{hauschildt1996}
Hauschildt, P. H., Baron, E., Starrfield, S., \& Allard, F. 1996,
\apj, 462, 386
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Effects of Fe II Non-LTE on Nova Atmospheres and Spectra.
% This is the PHOENIX Fe II model paper.
% 617 levels and 13675 lines in the NLTE formalism.
\bibitem[Hecht \& Zajac(1976)]{hecht1976} Hecht, E., & Zajac, A. 1976,
Optics (Menlo Park, California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company),
% Dated now, but still full of good stuff.
\bibitem[Heilbroner(1964)]{heilbroner1964} Heilbroner, R. L. 1964,
The Worldly Philosophers (New York: Simon and Schuster)
% Robert L. Heilbroner (1919--2005)
% (Wikipedia).
% Probably should re-read it since I can't remember much of what it said.
% History book. Biography book.
Heisenberg, M. 2009, Nature, 459, 164
% Title: Is free will an illusion?
% He seems to say that quantum probabilism affects thought
% Martin Heisenberg
% son of the Heisenberg.
\bibitem[Hernandez et al.(2000)]{hernandez2000}
Hernandez, M., et al. 2000, MNRAS, 319, 223
% ADS Reference.
% 26 coauthors
% Title: An early-time infrared and optical study of the Type Ia Supernova 1998bu in M96.
\bibitem[Hicken et al.(2007)]{hicken2007}
Hicken, M., Garnavich, P. M., Prieto, J. L., Blondin, S., DePoy, D. L.,
Kirshner, R. P., \&~Parrent, J. 2007, ApJ, 669, L17
%ADS reference.
% Title: The Luminous and Carbon-rich Supernova 2006gz: A Double Degenerate Merger?
% Spectra and light curves of SN 2006gz show the strongest signature of unburned carbon
% and one of the slowest fading light curves ever seen in a Type Ia event [?m15(B)=0.69+/-0.04].
% The early-time Si II velocity is low, implying it was slowed by an envelope of
% unburned material. Our best estimate of the luminosity implies MV=-19.74
% and the production of ~1.2 Msolar of 56Ni. This suggests a super-Chandrasekhar mass progenitor.
% A double degenerate merger is consistent with these observations.
\bibitem[Hillebrandt et al.(2007)]{hillebrandt}
Hillebrandt, W., Sim, S. A., \& R\"opke, F. K. 2007, A\&A, in press, astro-ph/0702344
% ADS reference.
% Title: Off-center explosions of Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs: an explanation
% of super-bright type Ia supernovae?
% Dissenters from the super-Chan idea for SN 2003fg.
% Still in press as of 2007mar13.
\bibitem[Hirata et al.(1987)]{hirata1987} Hirata, K., et al. 1987,
Phys. Rev. Letters, 58, 1490
% One of the two 87A neutrino burst discovery papers. K. Hirata was a junior
% member of the team who just happened to alphabetically
% first among the Japanese contigent.
% I met her somewhere way back when 1987A was young.
% But she's not on the list at Les Houches, Santa Cruz,
% or Elba. I thought it was at Les Houches, but then
% I thought Mario Livio introduced her and he wasn't at
% Les Houches.
% There are about 22 coauthors. Other than KH, the only one I know at all is Al Mann.
% I've at least met him.
\bibitem[Herrero \&~Najarro(2005)]{herrero2005} Herrero, A., \&~Najarro, F. 2005,
in Proceedings of "Massive Stars and High-Energy Emission in OB Associations",
ed. G. Rauw, Y. Naz\'e, R. Blomme, \&~E. Gosset
(Li\`ege: JENAM), 21
% ADS Reference
% Title: Parameters of massive stars in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies.
% We present in this contribution a review of recent results of parameters of massive OB stars in
% the Milky Way, the Magellanic Clouds and nearby spirals. The review is timely because of the strong lowering
% of the temperature scale of Galactic OB stars produced by the new model atmospheres, including sphericity,
% blanketing and mass-loss, that are also discussed, and because of the boost suffered by extragalactic
% stellar physics in the last years. The effects on the determination of mass-loss and the Modified Wind
% Momentum-Luminosity Relationship are discussed, and a comparison with evolutionary models is provided.
% We finally present a comparison of abundances from OB stars and H II regions in Orion and M 33.
\bibitem[H{\"o}flich(1991)]{hoeflich1991} H\"oflich, P. 1991, \aap, 246, 481
% Monte Carlo calculations for axial symmetric, scattering
% dominated photospheres have been performed in order to study systematically
% the effects due to the direction dependent luminosity and to reinvestigate
% the continuum polarization in SN 1987A (M\'endez et al. 1988). We found that
% the optical depth and the occultation effects are important for the
% interpretation of the observed polarization, and that the differences
% between the electron and the density profile are substantial for the
% understanding of the observed time dependence of the linear polarization
% in SN 1987A. The observed polarization can be well
% understood by prolate or oblate ellipsoids (a/b = 0.9 or 1.2) if
% SN 1987A is seen at an inclination angle of less than 56^deg^ with a
% most probable value of about 40^deg^.
H\"oflich, P. 1995, ApJ, 440, 821
% on SN~1993J polarization
% using model Monte Carlo calculations.
H\"oflich, P. 1995, ApJ, 443, 89
% ADS reference.
% Title: Analysis of the type IA supernova SN 1994D.
% The M series of delayed-detonation models were newly introduced in this paper.
% On p. 103, Peter says m36 is the best of the lot for 94D.
% Note on p. 98, Fig. 10, that density and gamma-ray energy-deposition have their
% line types interchanged.
% On p. 90, Peter says the M series don't have exponential density profiles with velocity/distance,
% but m36 does as Figure 10 shows when the correct curve is identified as density.
% On p. 104, Peter refers to Jeffery et al. (1994), but I think he means Kirshner et al (1993)
% and I think he means 1992A instead of 1994A.
H\"oflich, P. 2005, Ap\&SS, 298, 87
% ADS Reference, but it just gives an abstract.
% Title: Radiation Hydrodynamics in Supernovae.
% This must be Peter's current NLTE radtran code HYDRA. It's not a Monte Carlo code, except
% maybe for gamma-ray deposition.
% No astro-ph version. Maybe ApSS doesn't allow any eprints since it's a for profit,
% no-page charge paper.
% I'll have to ask Peter for a reprint by golly.
\bibitem[H\"oflich et al.(2002)]{hoeflich2002}
H\"oflich, P., Gerardy, C. L., Fesen, R. A., \& Sakai, S. 2002, \apj, 568, 791
% ADS Reference.
% Title: Infrared Spectra of the Subluminous Type Ia Supernova SN 1999by
% This is also reference for HYDRA.
% Also a reference for delayed-detonation model 5p028z22.25 which may be Peter's
% current fiducial Ia model.
\bibitem[H{\"o}flich \& Khokhlov(1996)]{hoeflich1996} H\"oflich, P.,
\&~Khokhlov, A. 1996, \apj, 457, 500
% The most extensive of the old SN~Ia lightcurve papers.
% Shows that alpha for models that work for some Ia or another
% range from .71 to 1.46.
% But almost all of the rise times are too short which shows
% that we don't know which alpha to choose.
% No correlation with Ni-56.
% Maybe a correlation with risetime, but its complex and maybe phoney.
H\"oflich, P., Khokhlov, A., \&~M\"uller, E. 1992, A\&A, 259, 549.
% ADS reference.
% Title: Gamma-ray light curves and spectra for Type IA supernovae
% Gamma-ray light curves, spectra, and deposition functions
% for their models calculated using a Monte Carlo code.
% A pretty detailed treatment.
\bibitem[H\"oflich et al.(2001)]{hoeflich2001}
H\"oflich, P., Khokhlov, A., \& Wang, L., 2001, in
20th Texas Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics,
ed. J. Craig Wheeler \& Hugo Martel
(New York: AIP), 459, astro-ph/0104025
% Bipolar Jet paper. Good summary of their impressive work.
% Title: Aspherical Supernova Explosions: Hydrodynamics,
% Radiation Transport and Observational Consequences (Plenary Talk)
% Latest in the series of bipolar jet explosion model papers.
% Low velocity jets seem best, but since the jets are pretty
% parameterized I bet they could get out a relatively high
% velocity squirt and leave essentially a spherical model
% behind.
\bibitem[H\"oflich et al.(1999)]{hoeflich1999}
H\"oflich, P., Wheeler, J. C., \&~Wang, L. 1999, ApJ, 521, 179 %, astro-ph/9808086
% Aspherical explosion models for SN 1998bw/GRB980425
% using among other things Monte Carlo calculations
% for asymmetrical supernova light curves.
% "Aspherical Explosion Models for SN 1998BW/GRB-980425"
% astro-ph/9808086"
\bibitem[H{\"o}flich et al.(1996)]{hoeflich1996} H\"oflich, P.,
Wheeler, J. C., Hines, D. C., \&~Trammell, S. R. 1996, \apj, 459, 307
% Synthetic polarization and flux spectra are presented for aspherical,
% electron scattering ominated photospheres of Type II supernovae (SN II's)
% in general and the specific case of SN 1993J. Monte Carlo calculations
% are based on the following assumptions: (1) ellipsoidal envelopes with
% power-law density profiles; (2) level population given by local
% thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE); (3) pure electron scattering for continuum
% opacities; (4) lines treated in a Sobolev approximation with an
% assumed constant thermalization fraction; (5) line transitions result
% in depolarization; and (6) the temperature structure is given by a gray
% extended atmosphere.
\bibitem[H{\"o}flich et al.(1998)]{hoeflich1998} H\"oflich, P.,
Wheeler, J. C., \&~Thielemann, F.-K. 1998, \apj, 495, 617
% Initial composition influence on Ia nucleosynthesis, lightcurves, spectra.
% Gives detailed composition and composition vs velocity.
Hofstadter, D. 2007,
I Am a Strange Loop (New York: Basic Books)
% Douglas Hofstadter of ``Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid''
% has another go at consciousness.
% Well reviewed in Science:
% review.
% Science book.
\bibitem[Hodgman(1959)]{hodgeman1959} Hodgman, C. D. 1959,
C.R.C. Standard Mathematical Tables (Cleveland, Ohio: Chemical Rubber Publishing Company)
% A useful set of mathametical tables and I own a copy.
\bibitem[Hopf(1934)]{hopf1934} Hopf, E. 1934,
Mathematical Problems in Radiative Equilibrium,
Cambridge Mathematical Tract No. 31
% Published Cambridge, England in 1934, but it's hard to
% figure out what is exactly.
% He gives the exact formula for the gray atmosphere limb-darkening
% law for the 2nd time according to \cite{placzek1947} and the first
% according to \citet{chandrasekhar1944}. I'll trust Placzek.
\bibitem[Houck \&~Fransson(1994)]{houck1994}
Houck, J. C., \&~Fransson, C. 1994,
American Astronomical Society, 185th AAS Meeting, #79.07; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol.~26, p.~1444
% ADS reference.
% Analysis of the Late Spectra of SN 1993J (IIb) and SN 1994I (Ic).
\bibitem[Houck \&~Frannson(1996)]{houck1996}
Houck, J. C., \&~Fransson, C. 1996, \apj, 456, 811
% ADS reference.
% Analysis of the Late Optical Spectra of SN 1993J
\bibitem[Howell et al.(2001)]{howell2001} Howell, D. A., H\"oflich, P.,
Wang, L., \&~Wheeler, J. C. 2001, \apj, 556, 302 %, astro-ph/0101520
% Subluminous SN 1999by Ia had intrinsic polarization.
% Inferred ellipsoidal-like asymmetry 20 %.
% I was the referee it seems, but I can't remember this paper at all.
\bibitem[Howell \& Nugent(2004)]{howell2004} Howell, D. A., \& Nugent, P.
2004, Cosmic Explosions in Three Dimensions: Asymmetries in Supernovae and Gamma-ray Bursts
ed.~P. H\"oflich, P. Kumar, \& J. C. Wheeler
(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press), 151
% ADS reference. But no online version there. Nothing at astro-ph it seems.
% Title: Broad lightcurve SNe Ia: asymmetry or something else?
% A reference for SNe Ia SN 1994ae, SN 1999aw, and SN 2001ay among other things.
\bibitem[Howell et al.(2006)]{howell2006} Howell, D. A., et al. 2006,
Nature, 443, 308
% This is 2006sep21 issue.
% 17 coauthors and 8 is the apj limit.
% Super-Chandrasekhar mass Type Ia SN 2003fg
% Pretty convincing for super-Chandrasekhar.
\bibitem[Hoyle \& Fowler(1960)]{hoyle1960}
Hoyle, F., \&~Fowler, W. A. 1960, ApJ, 132, 565
% According to WW in Les Houches (p.106) this was the seminal paper
% on WDs as Ia progenitors.
\bibitem[Hubeny \& Lanz(1992)]{hubeny1992} Hubeny, I., \& Lanz, T. 1992, A\&A, 262, 501
% Hubeny & Lanz
% Title: Accelerated complete-linearization method for calculating NLTE model stellar atmospheres.
% From p. 504 on, a discussion of the Ng acceleration with a reference back to
% Olson, Auer, & Buchler.
\bibitem[Hubeny(2003)]{hubeny2003} Hubeny, I. 2003,
in Stellar Atmosphere Modeling, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 288
ed.~Ivan Hubeny, Dimitri Mihalas, \&~Klaus Werner
(San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), 17
% Title: Accelerated Lambda Iteration: An Overview.
% abstract
% pdf
\bibitem[Huizinga(1954)]{huizinga1954} Huizinga, J. 1954,
The Waning of the Middle Ages (Garden City, New York: Doubleday Anchor Books)
% Johan Huizinga's famous study of the lingering of the medieval
% mind well into the 14th and 15th centuries.
% It's mostly about France and mostly forgets other European countries.
% Some parts I like a lot, but there are longueurs.
% History book.
% \citep{hummer1985}
\bibitem[Hummer \& Rybicki(1985)]{hummer1985}
Hummer, D. G., \&~Rybicki, G. B. 1985, ApJ, 293, 258.
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Sobolev approximation for line formation with continuous opacity.
% HR say it's pretty nifty.
% But it's impenetrable and turned out to be sterile. No one much has
% used it.
& \citep{{hummer1992}
\bibitem[Hummer \& Rybicki(1992)]{hummer1992}
Hummer, D. G., \&~Rybicki, G. B. 1992, ApJ, 387, 248
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Sobolev approximation for line formation with partial frequency redistribution.
% The happiest conclusion is the CRD is probably good for the frequency-weighted
% mean intensity that enters the rate equations.
\bibitem[Hudson \& Lipka(1946)]{hud1946}
Hudson, R. G., \& Lipka, J. 1946,
A Table of Integrals
(New York: John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.) (HL)
% HL-8
\bibitem[Huo(1992)]{huo1992} Huo, J. 1992,
Nuclear Data Sheets, 67, 523.
% all about isobars of atomic mass 56,
% especially Ni56 and Co56.
% An update of Huo~\etal 1987.
% \citealt{{hutsemekers1993}
\bibitem[Hutsem\'ekers(1993)]{hutsemekers1993} Hutsem\'ekers, D. 1993, \apj, 417, 97
% ADS reference.
% Title: Formation of P Cygni Line Profiles in Relativistically Expanding
% Atmospheres. II. The Effect of the Continuum Frequency Shape and Limb Darkening of the Core
% a second paper on the relativistic Sobolev method with
% some new formalism for continuum variation and limb
% darkening of the core. Numerical results also.
\bibitem[Hutsem\'ekers \& Surdej(1990)]{hutsemekers1990} Hutsem\'ekers, D., \&~Surdej, J.
1990, \apj, 361, 367
% ADS reference.
% Title: Formation of P Cygni line profiles in relativistically expanding atmospheres.
% The Sobolev method generalized for special relativistic effects of all degrees.
(return to top)
\bibitem[INES(2000)]{ines2000} INES ({\it IUE} Newly Extracted Spectra) 2000,
The INES Archive Data Server, Version 3.0: {\it IUE} Final Archive (Villafranca del Castillo, Spain:
Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics),
% The INES Archive Data Server, Version 3.0: {\it IUE} Final Archive.
% Version 3.0 from 2000.
% I've tried my best for a proper ApJ reference
% A great IUE observations.
% They want a special acknowledgement for using their resource.
% But if everyone wanted that the acknowledgements would go on forever like movie credits.
% They've done a wonderful job and they get a reference and a brownie point. It has to do.
Isaksson 2010, Library and Information Services in Astronomy VI, ASP Conference Proceedings, in press
% ADS reference.
% arXiv reference.
% Title: E-accessible Astronomy Resources
% Improving online access for folks with disabilities.
\bibitem[Iwamoto et al.(1994)]{iwamoto1994}
Iwamoto, K., Nomoto, K., H\"oflich, P., Yamaoka, H., Kumagai, S., \&~Shigeyama, T. 1994, \apj, 437, L115
% ADS reference.
% Theoretical light curves for the type IC supernova SN 1994I (in M51).
% They don't give the dates of maxima!
\bibitem[Iwamoto et al.(1998)]{iwamoto1998}
Iwamoto, K., et al. 1998, Nature, 395, 672
% ADS reference.
% About 27 coauthors. Paolo's 2nd author.
% A hypernova model for the supernova associated with the gamma-ray burst of 25 April 1998.
% SN 1998bw Ic_hypernova.
(return to top)
\bibitem[Jackson(1975)]{jackson1975} Jackson, J. D. 1975
Classical Electrodynamics
(New York: John Wiley \& Sons)
% The 2nd edition of this hoary classic.
\bibitem[James(2007)]{jamesd2007} James, C. 2007
Cultural Amnesia
(New York: W.W. Norton & Company)
% In which Clive James plays Rhadamanthus to
% almost all significant (and not so significant)
% cultural beings of our times and bit earlier.
% Literary book. History book. Biography book.
Jeffery, C. S. 2002, The Observatory, 122, 226
% Cousin Simon's review of
% Peraiah (2002).
% It's very favorable review.
Jeffery, D. J. 1983, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University
% The Ia explosion models with chan-wolf-sofia mixing-length formula.
Jeffery, D. J. 1987, Nature, 329, 419
% My first 87A polarization paper. Mostly wrong except for the conclusion.
Jeffery, D. J. 1988, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University
% Sobolev-polarization method I (SPMI).
% \citep{jeffery1989,1990}
\bibitem[Jeffery(1989)]{jeffery1989} Jeffery, D. J. 1989, \apjs, 71, 951
% SPMII: The Sobolev-P Method II paper.
% The formation of the inverse-P Cygni polarization profile is explained
% with Figures 9 and 10. Polarization maximum across the trough and
% minimum with the emission feature.
% Those figures actual show Stokes Q parameter not polarization.
% So you have to mentally take the absolute value to get polarization.
% In this case, electron scattering in the asymmetric limb gives a polarized
% component to the continuum.
% The line absorption removes unpolarized light and the emission adds unpolarized
% light and hence the inverse-P Cygni line.
% The jet-model also gives and inverse-P Cygni polarization line, but by a somewhat
% different process.
% Jeffery 1989
% \citep{jeffery1989,1990}
\bibitem[Jeffery(1990)]{jeffery1990} Jeffery, D. J. 1990, ApJ, 352, 267
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Sobolev-P method. III - The Sobolev-P method generalized
% for three-dimensional systems
% (SPMIII). I made it 3-d because it could be done.
% It set the record for most ApJ equations.
% Jeffery 1990
Jeffery, D. J. 1991a, in {ESO/EIPC Workshop: SN~1987A
and other Supernovae,} ed.~I.~J.~Danziger \&~K.~Kj\"ar (Garching: ESO), 257
% An analysis of 87A polarimetry
\bibitem[Jeffery(1991b)]{jeffery1991b} Jeffery, D. J. 1991b, \apj, 375, 264
% SN 1987A polarimetry analysis.
% Also my earliest (?) clear statement of the standard P Cygni
% polarization profile on p. 275.
% This paper came out in July; the catalog came out in November
\bibitem[Jeffery(1991c)]{jeffery1991c} Jeffery, D. J. 1991b, \apjs, 77, 405
% SN 1987A polarimetry catalog corrected for ISP using
% the private communication of M\'endez which has never been
% published and I bloody well hope is right.
\bibitem[Jeffery(1993)]{jeffery1993} Jeffery, D. J. 1993, \apj, 415, 734
% ADS reference.
% Title: The Relativistic Sobolev Method Applied to Homologously Expanding Atmospheres.
% See section 3 for my proof that photons always redshift in the
% comoving frame no matter what the degree of special relativistic effects.
\bibitem[Jeffery(1995)]{jeffery1995} Jeffery, D. J. 1995, \apj, 440, 810
% ADS reference.
% Relativistic Sobolev optical depth formula with time dependence.
% \citealt{jeffery1995b}
\bibitem[Jeffery(1995b)]{jeffery1995b} Jeffery, D. J. 1995b, A\&A, 299, 770
% the Sobolev expansion opacity paper.
% The paper appeared in July 1995.
% Jeffery 1995b.
\bibitem[Jeffery(1998)]{jeffery1998} Jeffery, D. J. 1998,
in Stellar Evolution, Stellar Explosions, and Galactic Chemical Evolution:
Proc. Second Oak Ridge Symposium on Atomic \&~Nuclear Astrophysics,
(Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing), 65, astro-ph/9802229
% the shorter LS grey $\gamma$-ray transfer procedure
% for supernovae.
% Tony is the one and only editor and he only uses
% one initial.
\bibitem[Jeffery(1998)]{jeffery1998} Jeffery, D. J. 1998, astro-ph/9811356
Jeffery, D. J. 1998, astro-ph/9811356
% the longer LS grey $\gamma$-ray transfer procedure
% for supernovae.
% Effectively rejected A\&SS, but just for being
% prolix and (in the referee's opinion) worthless.
% But the referee did not say anything was wrong.
% So unpublished rather than preprint is best.
% The later implies eventual publication which
% may not be forthcoming.
% There is a good review of radioactive decay energy
% quantities in Section 5.
\bibitem[Jeffery(1999)]{jeffery1999} Jeffery, D. J. 1999, astro-ph/9907015 %\citep[e.g.,][]{jeffery1999}
%Jeffery, D. J. 1999, astro-ph/9907015.
%Jeffery, D. J. 1999, astro-ph/9907015.
% Title: Radioactive Decay Energy Deposition in Supernovae and
% the Exponential/Quasi-Exponential Behavior of Late-Time Supernova Light Curves.
% The quasi-exponential lightcurve paper.
% It gives the exponential density profile expressions for mass, energy, etc.
% The paper on radioactive decay energy deposition in supernovae
% and the exponential/quasi-exponential behavior of late-time
% supernova light curves.
% The exponential supernova model is developed in formulae in Appendix A.
\bibitem[Jeffery(2004)]{jeffery2004} Jeffery, D. J. 2004, astro-ph/0406440
% A Simple Bipolar Jet Model
% for the Polarization of Core-Collapse Supernovae
% The bipolar jet model. It was never published other than at astro-ph.
% In this model the supernova is spherically symmetric, but some light is
% reflected off a fast jet and added to the direct unpolarized light from the
% supernova.
% The polarization would be constant if there were no extra redshift.
% But the reflection gives an extra redshift and so the redshifted reflected spectrum
% which is highly polarized is added offset to the direct spectrum and the polarization
% varies with wavelength with a strong tendency to maxima at the line troughs.
% So one again gets the inverse P~Cygni line polarization profile.
\bibitem[Jeffery(2008)]{jeffery2008b} Jeffery, D. J. 2008, in preparation
% A Study of Energy Deposition Estimators for Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer\
% No matter what the time order or list order, this is much the less important paper of 2006.
% So it is jeffery 2006b no matter what.
\bibitem[Jeffery \&~Baron(2008c)]{jeffery2008d}
Jeffery, D. J., \&~Baron, E. 2008d, in prepartion
% Monte Carlo rate equation solution.
\bibitem[Jeffery \&~Branch(1990)]{jeffery1990b}
Jeffery, D. J., \&~Branch, D. 1990, in Jerusalem Winter
School for Theoretical Physics, Vol.~6, Supernovae,
ed.~J.~C.~Wheeler, T.~Piran, \&~S.~Weinberg (Singapore: World Scientific), 149
% Sobolev method, model supernova,
% demonstration calculations, and 87A analysis.
% The demonstration calculations are really the useful part of this article.
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(2006)]{jeffery2006}
Jeffery, D. J., Branch, D., \&~Baron, E. 2006, arXiv:astro-ph/0609804v3
% ADS reference.
% Title: On SN 2003fg: The Probable Super-Chandrasekhar-Mass SN Ia
% The super-chandrasekhar-mass supernova Ia SN 2003fg.
% It probably has a mass of 2 solar masses.
% Exponential density profile results are given in section 15.
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(2008)]{jeffery2008d} Jeffery, D. J., Branch, D., \& Baron, E.
2008, in preparation
% Title: Locally Normalizing and Comparing Supernova Spectra with the DIFF Package.
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(1991)]{jeffery1991}
Jeffery, D. J., Branch, D., Filippenko, A. V., \& Nomoto, K. 1991, ApJ, 377, L89
% ADS Reference
% The near-maximum-light spectrum of the type IC supernova 1987M.
% \citep[][]{jeffery2007a}
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(2007)]{jeffery2007a} Jeffery, D. J., Ketchum, W., Branch, D., Baron, E.,
Elmhamdi, A., \&~Danziger, I. J.
2007, ApJS, 171, 493, arXiv:astro-ph/0607084v3
% Goodness-of-Fit Tests DIFF1 and DIFF2 for Locally-Normalized Supernova Spectra.
% Local normalization and DIFF1/2.
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(1998)]{jeffery1998}
Jeffery, D. J., Krstic, P. S., Liu, W., Schultz, D. R., \& Stancil, P. C.
1998, in Proceedings of the NASA Laboratory Space Science Workshop,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 1998 April 1--3,
Local Organizing Committee: W. H. Parkinson, Kate Kirby, \& Peter L. Smith, 101
% ADS reference.
% Title: Atomic and Molecular Physics and Data Activities for Astrophysics
% at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
% This is the most measly of my publications. I'm only first author for
% alphabetic reasons. David Schultz wrote the whole thing before I saw it
% and my contribution was only David Schultz gleaned from my activities.
% An pdf file of this enthralling paper is
% here.
% This paper may exist no where else now.
% \citep[][p.~308]{jeffery1992} for exponential spherical grey temperature
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(1992)]{jeffery1992} % \citep[e.g.,][p.~307]{jeffery1992} for exponential density profile
Jeffery, D. J., Leibundgut, B., Kirshner, R. P., Benetti, S.,
Branch, D., \&~Sonneborn, G. 1992, \apj, 397, 304
% ADS reference.
% Title: Analysis of the photospheric epoch spectra of type 1a supernovae SN 1990N and SN 1991T.
% The 90N/91T paper.
% Some useful analytic results are given for the exponential supernova model such as the
% electron photospheric time as a function electron photospheric
% velocity and the exponential spherical gray atmosphere temperature run.
% I do tentatively identify C II lines.
% \citep[][]{jeffery2007b}
\bibitem[Jeffery \&~Mazzali(2007)]{jeffery2007b}
Jeffery, D. J., \&~Mazzali, P. A. 2007,
in The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins,
AIP Conf.~Pro.~924, Vol.~1
Cefal\`u, Sicily, 2006 June 11---24, ed.~L.~A.~Antonelli et al.
(Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics), 401, arXiv:astro-ph/0611002v1
% ADS reference.
% Title: Giant Steps.
% A Technique for Accelerating Monte Carlo
% Radiative Transfer in Optically Thick Atmospheres
% \citep{min2009} use \citep{fleck1984}
% \bibitem[Fleck \& Canfield(1984)]{fleck1984} for the diffusion approximation accleration
% \citep[][]{jeffery2008}
Jeffery, D. J. 2008,
in preparation % \apjs, submitted % actually in prep, but soon submitted.
% Title: Giant Steps: A Technique for Accelerating Monte Carlo
% Radiative Transfer in Optically Thick Atmospheres
% Never finished
\bibitem[Jeffery \&~Sutherland(1985)]{jeffery1985}
Jeffery, D. J., \&~Sutherland, P. G. 1985, Ap\&SS, 109, 277
% Ia explosions with the chan-wolf-sofia mixing length formula. Based on my M.Sc. thesis.
\bibitem[Jeffery et al.(1994)]{jeffery1994} Jeffery, D. J., et al. 1994, \apj, 421, L27
% ADS Reference
% 13 coauthors.
% A Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectrum of SN 1993J in M81.
% 1993apr15 spectrum.
\bibitem[Jeffreys(1961)]{jeffreys1961} Jeffreys, H. 1961,
Theory of Probability (Oxford: Clarendon Press)
% Old bible of Bayesian analysis
\bibitem[Jha et al.(2006)]{jha2006a}
Jha, S., Branch, D., Chornock, R., Foley, R. J., Li, W. D., Swift, B. J., Casebeer, D.,
\& Filippenko, A. V. 2006, AJ, 132, 189
% ADS Reference
% 8 coauthors.
% Title: Late-Time Spectroscopy of SN 2002cx: The Prototype of a New Subclass of Type Ia Supernovae.
% This it the subtype that may not be related to the others closely, but then
% again maybe it is.
\bibitem[Jha et al.(1999)]{jha1999}
Jha, S., et al. 1999, ApJS, 125, 73
% ADS Reference
% infinite coauthors
% Title: The Type IA Supernova 1998BU in M96 and the Hubble Constant.
% The reference for the CfA supernova archive 98bu spectra.
\bibitem[Jha et al.(2006)]{jha2006}
Jha, S., et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 527
% ADS Reference
% infinite coauthors
% Title: UBVRI Light Curves of 44 Type Ia Supernovae.
% The reference for the CfA supernova archive photometry on
% SN 2000cx (not SN 2002cx)
% SN 1999aa
% On p. 549, they give the Bmaximum dates in HJD.
% HJD is heliocentric Julian Date which is something like (but maybe not
% exactly) Julian Date on the Sun for signals. In other words the
% light travel time difference is dealt with. From the Sun to the
% Earth, the light time travel distance is 1.5*10**13/(3*10**10)=500 s = 8 minutes.
% But angles and so make it more complicated that than this.
% See
% HJD reference.
% In Supernova work, it's pretty finicky.
(return to top)
Kaempfer, F. A. 1965, {\it Concepts in Quantum Mechanics}
(New York: Academic Press)
% An oldy that has different way of presenting intro quantum,
% but is really too advanced and to remote from modern
% ways. But probably a perspective that must be understood
% by a real quantum expert.
% see for referenct to
\bibitem[Kaku(1993)]{kaku1993} Kaku, M. 1993,
Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction
(New York: Oxford University Press)
% AKA Kato
\bibitem[Karovska et al.(1989)]{karovska1989}
Karovska, M., Koechlin, L., Nisenson, P., Papaliolios, C.,
\&~Standley, C. 1989, \apj, 340, 435
% Speckle interferometry imaging of SN 1987A
- % \citealt{karp1977}
\bibitem[Karp et al.(1977)]{karp1977} Karp, A. H., Lasher, G., Chan, K. L.,
\&~Salpeter, E. E. 1977, \apj, 214, 161
% the expansion opacity paper.
\bibitem[Karzas \& Latter(1961)]{karzas1961}
Karzas, W. J., \& Latter, R. 1961, ApJ, 6, 167
% ADS reference.
% Title: Electron Radiative Transitions in a Coulomb Field.
% Probably most important for old results on free-free transitions.
% I've some notes on this in the reference folder.
\bibitem[Kasen(2006b)]{kasen2006b} Kasen, D. 2006, in preparation
% Dan's grand project to present vast collection radiative transfer histories
% for a vast collection of Ia models. The radtran is calculated with his 3d Monte Carlo code.
% He's discussed this publicly, and so one can certainly reference it as in preparation.
\bibitem[Kasen et al.(2002)]{kasen2002}
Kasen, D., Branch, D., Baron, E., \&~Jeffery, D. J. 2002, ApJ,
565, 380 % astro-ph/0108403
% A complete analytic inversion of Supernova Lines in the
% Sobolev Approximation. A cute paper
\bibitem[Kasen et al.(2006)]{kasen2006} Kasen, D., Thomas, R.C., \&~Nugent, P.
2006, ApJ, 651, 366
% ADS reference.
% Title: Time-dependent Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Calculations
% for Three-dimensional
% Supernova Spectra, Light Curves, and Polarization.
% Dan's method paper.
% The code is called SEDONA.
% Among many other things stationarity is found to be a somewhat reasonable
% approximation.
\bibitem[Kasen et al.(2007)]{kasen2007} Kasen, D., \&~Woosley, S. E. 2007, ApJ, 656, 661
% ADS reference.
% Title: On the Origin of the Type Ia Supernova Width-Luminosity Relation.
% Mostly a change in ionization thing it seems.
\bibitem[Kasen \&~Raftery(1995)]{kass1995}
Kass, R.E., \&~Raftery, A.E. 1995,
Journal of the American Statistical Society, 90, 773
% Kasen \&~Raftery (1995).
% Title: Bayes Factors.
Kaufmann, W. III 1978,
Exploration of the Solar System
(New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc) (Ka)
William J. Kaufmann, III is the author.
A dated book, but it has some basic materials omitted from
later snazzier books. No color pictures, but it was before
color was de rigeur.
% Ka-???
\bibitem[Kawabata et al.(2002)]{kawabata2002} Kawabata, K., et al. 2002, \apj, 580, L39
% ADS Reference
% The polarization data of SN 2002ap Ic hypernova that suggested that a jet formed.
% 31 coauthors: Kawabata, Jeffery, ... Mazzali ... Nomoto.
% astro-ph/0205414
\bibitem[Kawabata et al.(2003)]{kawabata2003} Kawabata, K. S., et al.
% Deng, J., Wang, L.,
% Mazzali, P., Nomoto, K., Maeda, K., Tominaga, N., Umeda, H.,
% Iye, M., Kosugi, G., Ohyama, Y., Sasaki, T.,
% H\"oflich, P., Wheeler, J. C., Jeffery, D. J., et al.
2003, 593, L19, astro-ph/0306155
% ``On the Spectrum and Spectropolarimetry of Type Ic Hypernova
% SN 2003dh/GRB 030329''
% The important supernova establishing unequivocably the
% supernova gamma-ray burst link.
% At least 14 coauthors.
\bibitem[Keenan et al.(1976)]{keenan1976}
Keenan, C. W., Wood, J. H., & Kleinfelter, D. C. 1976,
General College Chemistry
(New York: Harper & Row, Publishers) (KWK)
% It's on my shelf.
\bibitem[Kawabata et al.(2003b)]{kawabata2003b}
Kawabata, K. S., Jeffery, D. J.,~\etal 2003,
{\it The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting,
Volume II,} ed.~S.~Ikeuchi, J.~Hearnshaw, \&~T.~Hanawa
(San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), 333-334
% The SN 2002ap jet polarization paper rehash.
% There are be 20 plus coauthors.
\bibitem[Khokhlov(1994)]{khokhlov1994} Khokhlov, A. 1994, ApJ, 424, L115.
% 3-d flame in Ia's. 3-d absolutely necessary. 2-d
% behavior is intrinsically different.
% smaller scale behavior in 3-d.
\bibitem[Khokhlov et al.(1999)]{khokhlov1999} Khokhlov, A. M., H\"oflich, P., Oran, E. S., Wheeler, J. C.,
\&~Wang, L. 1999, astro-ph/9904419
% Jet-induced explosions of core collapse supernovae.
% Assumed core jets explode the star asymmetrically.
% The asymmetry in the bulk material gives the polarization.
% The break-out jets give gamma-ray bursts of one kind.
% I'd bet my dog their right.
\bibitem[Khokhlov et al.(1993)]{khokhlov1993}
Khokhlov, A., M\"uller, E., \& H\"oflich, P. 1993, A\&A, 270, 223
% A range of Ia explosion models with light curves are presented.
% The DET1 model is a pure detonation with g=M_Ni/M_IP=.66.
\bibitem[Kirshner et al.(1988)]{kirshner1988}
Kirshner, R.~P., Blades, J.~C., Branch, D., Chevalier, R. A.,
Fransson, C., Panagia, N., Wagoner, R.~V., \&~Wheeler, J.~C.
1988, {{\it HST} Proposal SINS: The Supernova INtensive Study},
% the actual HST proposal itself.
\bibitem[Kirshner \& Oke(1975)]{kirshner1975}
Kirshner, R.~P., \&~Oke, J.~B. 1975, ApJ, 200, 574
% ADS reference.
% Title: Supernova 1972e in NGC 5253.
% nebular epoch spectra of Type~Ia SN~1972E
% and analysis up to $\sim 714$ days after explosion (using
% 18 day rule).
% The AB (close to B-.2) light curve 60--714 days has
% a fitted half-life of 57.89 days or .013 mag/day decline.
% The 72E spectrum set with a claim to
% photometric accuracy equal to photometry.
% Spectra from day +235 to +714 relative to Bmax.
\bibitem[Kirshner et al.(1973)]{kirshner1973b}
Kirshner, R.~P., Oke, J.~B., Penston, M.~V., \&~Searle, L. 1973, ApJ, 185, 303
% ADS reference.
% Title: The spectra of supernovae.
% a study of supernova spectra, both I and II, with
% emphasis on Type~Ia SN~1972E. The SN~1972E
% spectrum set with a claim (p. 307) for absolute
% flux calibration.
% Spectra from day +4 to +235 relative to Bmax.
\bibitem[Kirshner et al.(1973)]{kirshner1973a}
Kirshner, R.~P., Willner, S.~P., Becklin, E.~E., Neugebauer, G., \&~Oke, J.~B. 1973a, ApJ, 180, L97
% Title: Spectrophotometry of the Supernova in NGC 5253 from 0.33 to 2.2 Microns.
% spectrophotometry and color temperature of Ia SN~1972E.
% The spectra are just narrow band filters.
% There are also some early light curves in AB magnitudes.
% AB(4400) corresponds to B and shows max at about may16.