However, before that catastrophe,
we need a brief introduction to
special relativity
(see see Special Relativity)
general relativity
(see section General Relativity).
General relativity
is also needed for cosmology
in IAL 30: Cosmology.
Certain aspects of
special relativity
had already discussed for some years by
various people
George Francis FitzGerald (1851--1901),
Hendrik Lorentz (1853--1928),
and Henri Poincare (1854--1912)),
but everything was very misty-cloudy
before Einstein's work.
The earlier researchers did NOT put all the pieces together.
Special relativity was
derived Einstein
in a physicsy way, NOT a mathematically rigorous, way.
In the physicsy way, one introduces extra minor extra
postulates (AKA axioms) that seem reasonable
as one goes along
in the derivation.
There are, however, 2 main basic
postulates of
special relativity: the
postulates of special relativity:
The relativity postulate
states that
the laws of physics should be the same
in all inertial frames.
To be a bit more explicit, in all local
inertial frames
(i.e., all
inertial frames
at the same point in space, but differing in
The above is the same as saying the formulae
that express the laws of physics
should be the same
in all inertial frames:
i.e., the formulae should be
inertial-frame invariant.
This understanding of
inertial frames
was NOT known, even to Einstein,
until general relativity
was fully discovered in
However, the understanding people had in
1905 was adequate
for understanding
special relativity.
Now how are formulae
transformed between
inertial frames?
With transformation formulae.
The Galilean transformations (which
we will NOT detail here)
are the classical way of changing from one
inertial frame
to another: they were accepted almost without question from the time
of Isaac Newton (1643--1727).
For example,
the Galilean transformations
are used to transform velocity between
reference frames: e.g., the
velocity of bicycle relative to the ground
to its velocity relative to a passing car.
Note particular velocities
are NOT
physical laws, and
so are NOT required to be invariant under transformations between
inertial frames.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: frame_transformations.html)
illustrates transformations between
inertial frames.
Now Newtonian physics
(i.e., its formulae)
is inertial-frame invariant
under the
Galilean transformations and
obeys the relativity postulate
if the Galilean transformations are
But classical electromagnetism
did NOT seem to obey the
relativity postulate
(as aforementioned) and this was because it was NOT
inertial-frame invariant under the
Galilean transformations.
It's a true emergent theory: i.e., a theory
that is true in a certain limit or regime.
By "wrong", we mean less fundamental (except in an emergence
sense) than the rest of
classical physics.
All of classical physics
gave right answers for most phenomena known in
There were some increasingly embarrassing
we will NOT go into those here.
Most people then guessed it was
classical electromagnetism
that was less fundamental.
reasoned---based on reasons we will NOT go into here---that it was the
Galilean transformations
Newtonian physics
that were less fundamental
classical electromagnetism---and he was right.
classical electromagnetism
was already known to be
inertial frame
under the Lorentz transformations.
So Einstein reasoned that
the Lorentz transformations
were correct despite their weirdnesses (e.g., of making rate of time flow
inertial frame dependent).
To maintain both the
relativity postulate
and classical electromagnetism,
Einstein adopted the
Lorentz transformations
as true and went on to discover
to discover a new physics:
i.e., special relativity.
He also needed another postulate for
special relativity---which we give just below
in subsubsection
Light Speed Invariance Postulate.
light speed invariance postulate
states that the
vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**8 m/s
≅ 3*10**8 m/s =3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns
is the same for all
local inertial frame observers
regardless of how they are moving.
Now the
light speed invariance postulate
upsets our usual ideas of relative motion.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: relativity_light.html)
for an explication of the upset.
In formulating the
light speed invariance postulate,
it is NOT clear how aware
was of the
Michelson-Morley experiment (1887)
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: michelson_morley_aether.html)
experimentally showing the invariance of
vacuum light speed
to within
experimental error.
He said different things at different times and perhaps did NOT exactly remember in his later years.
By the by,
the light speed invariance postulate
has continued to be verified by experiment to the present day.
Note the two
special relativity postulates
are continually verified by the verification of all the consequences of the
special relativity
since they all depend on those postulates.
We will NOT derive
special relativity
from the special relativity postulates and
NOT detail it here.
But we will just discuss a few of its salient features:
The weirdnesses of special relativity
are pretty much unnoticeable at relative speeds much less than the
vacuum light speed.
They vanish asymptotically
as relative velocities
go to zero
and you approach the
classical limit.
On the other hand, they increase in size as
relative velocities increase.
So this is why we do NOT ordinarily notice
But they can be measured by precise measurements---and they have been.
The vacuum light speed
is the fastest physical speed---but it is finite as illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: light_speed_earth_moon.html).
Recall again that "fastest physical speed" is a shorthand for fastest speed relative to
a local inertial frame.
These pesky faster-than-light neutrinos
went away (i.e., proved to be an experimental error)---but if they had NOT,
they would have marked a new revolution in
The Galilean transformations
Newtonian physics
are emergent theories
(or approximate theories if that is your perspective)
valid at low speeds, weak gravity, and in the macroscopic realm.
The limit of these conditions is the
classical limit---which is tricky to define
precisely, but you know what I mean.
The Galilean transformations
Newtonian physics
are believed to be exactly true in
classical limit---which is a good
reason for calling them true
emergent theories.
The more general transformations are
Lorentz transformations---see the
figure below
(local link /
general link: frame_transformations.html)
for frame transformations redux.
But Newtonian physics
had to be generalized to be correct in the framework of
special relativity and the generalization
included being changed to being
inertial-frame invariant under
the Lorentz transformations.
The generalized mechanics is, of course,
relativistic mechanics.
In the classical limit,
Newtonian physics
emerges from relativistic mechanics.
special relativity
shows that time and
space are connected, we use the term
spacetime when we
want to discuss these 4 dimensions
of reality at the same time.
Spacetime is a standard term
in Relativityspeak.
By the way, the time and
space dimensions are distinct in
special relativity and
general relativity---just connected.
The concepts of world line
and light cone
in spacetime
are illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: spacetime_light_cone.html).
Length is frame-dependent.
The length of a moving object
is shorter along the direction
of motion than the length observed in a frame which moves with the object.
This effect is called the FitzGerald contraction.
The effect grows as the relative velocity grows.
The length observed in the object's (rest) frame is called the
proper length.
The FitzGerald contraction formula is
The FitzGerald contraction
is an observational effect---it is NOT a contraction due to forces---but it is NOT an illusion.
After all, observed velocity depends on the motion of the observer and that is NOT an illusion.
What we mean by velocity means that velocity does change between moving
reference frames.
Similarly, what we mean by length means that length does change between moving
reference frames.
Both cases of frame-dependence are considered to be
kinematical effects or, one could say,
spacetime effects.
To explicate the
FitzGerald contraction further
consider the question "What do we mean by length?"
Answer: A length is a spatial separation measurable at one instant in time.
So if simultaneity is
reference frame dependent,
so is length.
Let's illustrate by a considering a paradox.
There are are two observers in relatively moving frames each with his/her own meter stick
at rest in his/her frame.
Say Observer A sees Observer B measure A's meter stick.
B gets less than 1 meter for A's stick.
Observer A saw B's measurements of the ends of A's stick and agrees
that B would get less than 1 meter for the difference in position, but
in A's frame those measurements did NOT happen simultaneously.
And a length measurement is one where the ends of an object
So A would say that B did NOT measure the length of A's stick as far as A's frame is concerned.
In B's frame, B's measurements were SIMULTANEOUS.
In special relativity,
time flow is frame dependent, and therefore so is
(as discussed in the light cone
figure above), and therefore so is length.
The same situation applies if A measures B's stick.
A gets less than 1 meter for a measurement that is
SIMULTANEOUS in his/her frame, but NOT in B's frame.
The paradox is resolved---sort of.
A full explanation is beyond our scope, but some understanding is gleaned.
For another example, consider the pole vaulter
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: pole_vault_fitzgerald_contraction.html).
Time dilation
and why "Moving clocks run slow." are explicated
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: time_dilation_moving_clocks.html).
The twins paradox is
one of the weirdnesses of
special relativity
that follows from time dilation.
Take a pair of twins.
They are initially a rest with respect to each other.
One stays on Earth
and the other goes
on a rocket
trip at a relativistic speed and then returns and the twins are again at rest
with respect to each other.
See the illustration of the twins in the figure below
local link /
general link: time_dilation_twin_paradox.html).
When back together again, both twins observe that
the tripping twin's clocks have run slow compared to the
stay-at-home twin and he/she is less
aged than the stay-at-home twin.
Special relativity,
Newtonian physics,
does distinguish unaccelerated and accelerated motions relative
to inertial frames.
A full explication is beyond our scope.
The mass-energy equivalence formula
falls rather naturally out of the
physicsy derivation of
special relativity.
It actually means two things as explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: e_mc2.html).
Now special relativity
can, of course, deal with forces and accelerations using
relativistic mechanics
(e.g., Law-44)
which we mentioned in subsection The Classical Limit, but
for various reasons
was unsatisfied with how
gravity and accelerations under
were treated in
special relativity,
and so went on to develop a relativistic theory of
i.e., general relativity (GR).
We discuss general relativity
in section General Relativity below.
See also Relativity videos
(local link /
general link: relativity_videos.html):
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 22
problems 5--12 on
atomic nuclei
and E=mc**2.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 22.
Why was a more satisfactory treatment needed? Two main reasons and other reasons:
had to go on a long excursion into very difficult math:
tensor calculus,
differential geometry.
A bit of
differential geometry
is illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: space_spherical.html).
tensor calculus,
differential geometry
are awful, but we'll do them if you like---just kidding.
After the long excursion, Einstein
eventually touched down in 1915
general relativity
(see Wikipedia: History of general relativity)
which is a complete theory of gravitation
and motion
under gravitation.
General relativity
consists of two main parts:
the Einstein field equations
which replace
Newtonian gravity
(i.e., Newton's law of universal gravitation)
and the geodesic equation
which replaces
Newton's 2nd law
of motion (AKA F=ma), but only for
gravity---for other
there is the
relativistic mechanics 2nd law.
We explicate further these two parts below:
The Einstein field equations
in general relativity
are the replacement for
Newtonian gravity
(i.e., Newton's law of universal gravitation)
in Newtonian physics
(which dictates the gravitational field
of Newtonian physics).
For the original form and
cosmological constant form
of the Einstein field equations,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: general_relativity_field_equations.html).
A general point to make is that all
physical laws written in the form of
differential equations
tell you what
is true at every point in their
realm of validity: i.e., they are local laws.
For Einstein field equations,
the realm of validity is everywhere in theory---everywhere above the
microscopic scale where
quantum gravity applies---whatever
that is.
Piecing together the behavior at every point consistently
for a physical law written in the form of
differential equation
is the solution itself to that physical law
written in the form of a
differential equation.
Recall the following general statement in the
insert below
(local link: )
Local file: local link: .
Now non-Euclidean geometry
means among other things that one has
curved space.
It is very hard for humans
to picture 3-dimensional
curved space.
But we can certainly picture
curved space
as illustrated in the figure above
(local link /
general link: space_spherical.html).
There are ways picturing 3-dimensional
curved space
as discussed and visualized in subsection
Picturing Curved Spaces below.
The curvature of space
is how gravity
manifests itself in general relativity.
In other words, the
geometry of
is actually the gravitational structure of
Now since general relativity
is only needed where
for very strong gravity
(like near black holes),
for cosmology,
and for very precise measurements of
gravity effects otherwise
(e.g., the perihelion
shift of Mercury:
see subsection The Perihelion Shift of Mercury below),
it is clear that
we seldom need to consider
the curvature of space because
it is very small relative to us.
We are like microbes
living on
beach ball:
their 2-dimensional
curved space
looks like 2-dimensional
Euclidean space (i.e., flat space)
to them---unless they
do a circumnavigation.
The second main part of
general relativity
is the geodesic equation
which is the
replacement for
Newton's 2nd law of motion (AKA F=ma)
but only for the case where the force
being replaced is gravity.
In general, they stationary paths
in whatever mathematical space
you are considering.
In general general relativity,
they are stationary paths
in spacetime.
A stationary path
is path through a space
where between any 2
close points it is the shortest path.
A stationary path is NOT
necessarily the shortest path between
2 points
a finite distance apart.
To explicate by examples:
We illustrate an everyday life use of
great circles
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: great_circle_path.html).
If you are just given a fixed
energy-momentum tensor T_ij
for a system,
then you can solve
analytically in some few cases and numerically in any case with
enough computer power
for the
geometry of
the Einstein field equations.
Then the
geodesic equation
can be used to find the motion
of any test particle
in the system.
In a few cases, analytically and in any case numerically.
Note a test particle is
an object of sufficiently
small mass-energy
(or more exactly
small mass-energy
and momentum) that it
does NOT perturb the
However, if the
does NOT have
a fixed
energy-momentum tensor T_ij
(i.e., it consists of parts that can move),
then one needs a simultaneous self-consistent solution: i.e.,
one where one solves
the Einstein field equations
and the geodesic equations
for all the parts consistently with each other.
There is a difficult circularity in solving
such systems
with general relativity.
Because of the circularity, getting a self-consistent solution is hard
in general relativity.
So Newtonian physics also has
circularity, but it is not as hard as in
general relativity usually and in some
cases rather easy.
Rest of this Subsection UNDER RECONSTRUCTION
Now as mentioned above, the curvature of space
tells mass-energy
how to move under gravity.
More exactly, curvature is how
gravity manifests itself
in general relativity.
Now in the weak gravity limit,
the effect of curvature reduces to
the gravitational field
of Newtonian physics.
And the
gravitational structure of
gives the gravitational force on
and thus tells mass-energy
how to move when no other forces act.
As discussed above in subsection
The Two Parts of General Relativity in Solving Systems,
problems in
general relativity
are rather CIRCULAR:
Recall mnemonic:
"In general relativity
tells space how to curve and
curved space tells
mass-energy how to move."
This makes it very hard to find solutions for physical systems in
general relativity:
e.g., how do to gravitating bodies interact?
Systems with
exact analytic solutions
in general relativity
(i.e., solutions that can be written down in
formulae) are very rare.
For further explication of
exact analytic solutions
in general relativity,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: general_relativity_exact_solutions.html).
Grinding out numerical solutions is the essential method for solving
general relativity
for any system
which is at all complex.
In the early years after 1915, the evidence for the
superiority of
general relativity
relative to Newtonian gravity
was NOT all that strong, but over the decades since
general relativity has passed
ever more stringent tests---tests which
Newtonian gravity fails.
So general relativity is
now well established as our best available theory of
It's amazing actually that
general relativity
has been so successful given that
winged it up
with very little experimental guidance beyond well known results
fully explained by
Newtonian physics---except
for the problem with the orbit of Mercury:
see subsection The Perihelion Shift of Mercury below.
Let us just briefly review the most salient
verified predictions/results of
general relativity:
General relativity
asymptotically becomes ordinary
Newtonian physics in the
classical limit:
i.e., the asymptotic limit of
well above the quantum mechanics size scale,
small relative velocities
compared to the
vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**8 m/s
(exact by definition) ≅ 3*10**8 m/s = 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns,
and small curvature of
curved space
(which means in the weak
gravitational field limit).
Also in the asymptotic limit of small
relative velocities
compared to the
vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**8 m/s
(exact by definition) ≅ 3*10**8 m/s = 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns,
general relativity
becomes asymptotically
special relativity.
That these asymptotic limits
of general relativity
were built into
general relativity by
from the beginning since
Newtonian physics
special relativity
work excellently well in their respective
asymptotic realms.
In fact, Newtonian physics
special relativity
are true emergent theories
in their respective
asymptotic realms
in the way of thinking of yours truly.
In the 19th century,
there was a problem in understanding the
orbit of Mercury.
This problem concerns the
shift of Mercury and is explicated in the two figures below
(local link /
general link: mercury_perihelion_shift.html;
local link /
general link: apsidal_precession.html).
Gravity bends light beams.
The effect has become known as
gravitational lensing.
It takes strong gravity to make a noticeable bending: e.g.,
the gravity near a star.
Gravitational lensing
is NOT predicted by pure
Newtonian physics
although various extensions can make some predictions---NOT verified ones though.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: gravity_light_bending.html)
gravitational lensing
for a light ray
grazing the surface of the
For gravitational lensing
by the Sun,
the prediction originally could only be verified
in the visible band
total solar eclipses.
The 1919 Solar Eclipse Expedition
carried out an observation of
stars near the
Sun during
a total solar eclipse and quantitatively verified
the prediction of
gravitational lensing
(see the figure below:
local link /
general link: 1919_solar_eclipse_expedition.html).
The announcement of the verification
in 1919
made Einstein
world famous.
Before his fame was mostly only among
galaxies and
galaxy clusters
act as sources for
gravitational lensing
In gravitational lensing,
light from distant objects is focused
into BRIGHTENED IMAGES and/or ARCS (if the object is sufficiently point-like).
Gravitational lensing
of a remote galaxy
by a galaxy cluster
and gravitational microlensing
are illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: gravitational_lensing.html).
Nowadays gravitational lensing is a
very important tool in determining
the masses of galaxies
and galaxy clusters, looking for star-size
gravity sources
(e.g., Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs) which
are discussed in
IAL 27: The Milky Way).
One sees the
gravitational lensing
and infers the mass of the lens.
Also the brightening effect of
gravitational lensing
allows one to observe objects that are
too remote to be seen otherwise. This effect is becoming an important
tool in studying the evolution of the
observable universe: i.e.,
in cosmology.
More precisely, gravitational time dilation
is the effect that the deeper in a
gravitational well
the slower clocks run (i.e., the slower time passes) relative to outside
the gravitational well.
gravitational well
is any localized source of gravity: e.g.,
a planet,
black hole, etc.
Gravitational time dilation
has been experimentally verified with terrestrial
clocks at different altitudes
and, in fact, must be accounted for in order for the
Global Positioning System (GPS)
to work as accurately/precisely
as it does
(see Wikipedia:
Gravitational time dilation: Experimental confirmation).
The gravitational redshift
is explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: gravitational_redshift.html).
General relativity
predicts that there should be
gravitational waves
(AKA gravitational radiation)
traveling at the
vacuum light speed
(in a vacuum) produced by accelerated
(except in certain cases:
see Wikipedia: Gravitational wave: Sources)
somewhat analogous to
electromagnetic waves or radiation
(see Wikipedia: Gravitational wave).
Gravitational waves
were first directly detected
For an explication, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_merger_video.html).
The binary pulsar PSR B1913+16,
discovered in 1974 consisting of two
neutron stars,
one of them a
has slowly decaying orbit with the
neutron stars
spiraling inward toward each other
(see Wikipedia: Binary pulsar PSR B1913+16).
Because the system does contain a pulsar
very precise measurements can be made of the
orbital decay.
The loss of
gravitational potential energy)
from the PSR B1913+16 agrees
within very small error with the energy that should be radiated away in the
form of gravitational waves.
See the evidence for this energy loss
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: binary_pulsar_psr_b1913_16.html).
General relativity
along with certain assumptions
(most notably the cosmological principle)
predicted the
expansion of the universe
according to Hubble's law
in the 1920s
(see IAL 30: Cosmology: Who Discovered the Expansion
of the Universe and Hubble's Law?)
before this was discovered observationally in
(see IAL 30: The Expansion of the Universe).
Black holes
are a prediction of
general relativity
and, as we will see in the section Do Black Holes Exist?,
there is strong evidence for their existence.
In the opinion of yours truly and others, the evidence is
NOW sufficiently strong that one can just say
black holes exist.
However, there is the unspoken qualification that
alternative explanations for the evidence from
observed gravitational wave events
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
may exist, but
NONE seem plausible at the moment.
Almost all scientific verifications are subject to such qualifications and usually
that just goes without saying.
But, in fact, it is believed to emerge
from a lower-in-the-hierarchy
emergent theory.
This is because general relativity
is NOT consistent with
quantum mechanics
which is an even better verified theory.
People do NOT expect
general relativity
to hold in the microscopic realm of
quantum mechanics.
It is believed that there must be a
quantum gravity theory
that applies in microscopic and super-dense conditions and that
has a limiting-case form that is or at least closely approximates
general relativity
in those realms where
general relativity
is well verified.
There are, in fact, many
quantum gravity theories,
but NONE are verified.
Besides the quantum mechanics problem with
general relativity,
it is possible that both
general relativity
Newtonian gravity
are wrong in the realm of very low accelerations: i.e., below
10**(-10) m/s**2.
The counter theory to the conventional
gravity theories is
called MOND.
At present, MOND is a generally
disfavored theory.
We discuss MOND
briefly in
IAL 28: Galaxies.
See also file
To conclude this section,
yours truly might elect to show one or more of the
General relativity videos
shown below
(local link /
general link: relativity_videos.html):
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 22
problems 5--12 on
atomic nuclei
and E=mc**2.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 22.
Another way of putting the second point is that the curvature of
spacetime manifests
itself as gravity.
In the limit of weak curvature (i.e., near flatness),
Newtonian gravitation
Newton's law of universal gravitation
with the ordinary
gravitational force
and gravitational field)
are emergent manifestations of the curvature of
We will NOT do a full exposition of what this means,
but instead try to get a little insight into
Euclidean geometry,
non-Euclidean geometry,
GR geodesics
In everyday life,
we are used to thinking of space as exhibiting
Euclidean geometry (AKA flat geometry)
which is just the geometry we learn in high school:
the one in which for example:
Euclidean geometry (AKA flat geometry)
can easily described by
Cartesian coordinates
which are illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: euclidean_geometry_cartesian_coordinates.html).
For example, the surface of a sphere is a
curved space
with which we are familiar.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: space_spherical.html).
Despite our difficulty picturing 3-dimensional
curved spaces,
they can be mathematically set up and analyzed.
Consider a 4-dimensional sphere in 4-dimensional
flat space.
The general name for higher than 3-dimemsional "spheres"
is hypersphere.
We CANNOT picture a
hypersphere easily,
but its equation is
The surface of this hypersphere
is a 3-dimensional
curved space:
it is a finite, but unbounded 3-dimensional space.
A given
distribution gives rise to some curved space.
In the absence of any
one has a 3-dimensional
flat space
general relativity
reduces to
special relativity.
general relativity
has been shown to be an accurate theory for many effects, we believe
real space is curved in a complicated way due to the complicated
present in real space.
In most regions, the curvature is too small to notice---a microbe
living on a beach ball thinks its space is flat---and over short distances
it is correct.
The curved space
of space is
flat space
on small enough scales.
It also seems to be asymptotically
flat space
on the cosmic scale as we discuss in
IAL 30: Cosmology.
As aforesaid, we have difficulty picturing 3-dimensional
curved spaces.
But do we really picture
3-dimensional Euclidean space (flat space).
All we see is 2-dimensional
flat space.
This is what light coming to the
human eye gives us.
The 3-dimensional world is
projected into
our 2-dimensional images.
Our experience/instinct/intuition tells us how to interpret
the images we see,
how they would look from different perspectives,
how things are arranged in 3 dimensions
and how to move around and manipulate things in the 3-dimensional world.
Maybe if we lived in a curved 3-dimensional space we would
just get used to it similarly.
For example, we might notice the
curved space of
Earth's surface
more easily
if we were relatively bigger compared to the
and thus like the
on his asteroid:
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: little_prince.html).
In fact, because we live in a layer on the Earth's surface,
we live in a world with 2 large dimensions and 1 thin one.
Actually, there are many techniques helping to visualize unusual
An example of these is illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: tesseract.html).
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 22
problems 5--12 on
atomic nuclei
and E=mc**2.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 22.
In pure
Newtonian physics,
it is NOT absolutely clear how gravity affects
But on the other hand,
Newton himself
(see figure below
(local link /
general link: newton_principia.html)
regarded light as made of
particles---classical particles,
NOT like
modern photons---and this idea was current throughout
the 18th century.
If so, then it was possible to imagine an object sufficiently massive
and compact that light could NOT escape from
its intense gravity in
Newtonian physics.
The equation for
escape velocity
in Newtonian physics
is (without derivation)
The formula is only exact for
test particle:
i.e., objects of vanishingly small mass.
However, if the object's mass is much less than M,
formula is of high accuracy.
The escape of the object is to infinity: the particle will NOT return.
The direction of escape makes no difference provided only
gravity acts: i.e., the test particle does
NOT hit a planet or
have to contend with an atmosphere.
For example the escape velocity from the Earth's surface
is 11.2 km/s
(see Wikipedia: List of Escape Velocities).
For more on escape velocity,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: newton_cannonball.html).
For a classical particle
(meaning one with some mass),
there will be NO escape for the
classical particle
if it is moving at the
vacuum light speed or less
in Newtonian physics.
If we rearrange,
the escape velocity formula, we get
that for a spherically symmetric body of mass M compacted to
a radius r ≤ R_sch=2GM/c**2, there will be NO escape even for
a classical particle of
if it starts from radius less than or equal to r: i.e., from
The "semi" is because
the right quantities were going into the calculation, and so something like the right answer
could be expected to emerge.
If you compact an object to within its
Schwarzschild radius,
it will have an event horizon
and will be a black hole.
Having an
event horizon is the
defining characteristic of a
black hole in
whatever theory of gravity one uses.
Because light CANNOT escape from
event horizon (and from within it, of course),
black holes
are very,
very black: there is no light at all coming from within the
event horizon.
A Newtonian black hole is
called a dark star.
The term black hole
was NOT in general use until about
below subsection Black Holes Gain Fame.
Dark stars
(and maybe their name)
were first thought of
by John Michell (1724--1793) in
Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749--1827)
(see figure below
(local link /
general link: pierre_simon_laplace.html)
in 1796, apparently unaware of
Michell's work, also considered
dark stars.
Dark stars
attracted little interest because even their existence as theoretical
objects was
NOT certain since one must treat light as obeying
Newtonian physics which
was an ad hoc hypothesis---and a wrong one too---and
certainly NO real object seemed to correspond to them until the modern
discovery of black hole candidates
starting with
Cygnus X-1
in 1971
(see Wikipedia:
Cygnus X-1: Discovery and observation).
First note the explication of
physical law and solutions
(local link /
general link: physical_law_solution.html).
Schwarzschild solution
is very important because the behaviors of objects in the
of spherically symmetric mass distributions is very important in
astrophysics: e.g., planets around the
Schwarzschild solution
does NOT apply inside the spherically symmetric mass distributions:
e.g., inside the Sun.
noted that there was a special length scale in
the Schwarzschild solution
which we now call the
Schwarzschild radius:
Funny things would happen if a mass were compacted to within its
Schwarzschild radius
(i.e., within its
event horizon as we
now call it)---the object became what we now call a
black hole.
himself thought the
black hole
prediction of the
Schwarzschild solution
was physically meaningless.
J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904--1967)
Hartland Synder (1913--1962)
in 1939 seem to be the first to
seriously consider
black holes
(without using that term)
and consider how a star-like object could collapse to one
There was NOT much interest in these new non-Newtonian
black holes until
the 1960s when the discovery of
quasars and
(which are radio-pulse emitting
neutron stars)
forced people to consider seriously the existence of exotic
compact objects
The term black hole
gained currency sometime in the
Who first coined it is NOT known.
The first recorded use of
the term black hole occurred
in a science news story by journalist
Ann E. Ewing (1921--2010)
in 1964: see figure below
(local link /
general link: ann_ewing.html).
That black hole solutions of
general relativity
existed was known since
J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904--1967)
Hartland Synder (1913--1962)
if NOT before.
But that a solution exists does NOT prove that there is a physical
path to get to it from actual physical objects.
Proving that there was such a physical path was done by
Roger Penrose (1931--)
in 1965.
See an image
of Roger Penrose
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: roger_penrose.html).
To be more specific,
Roger Penrose (1931--)
proved that a
gravitational singularity
would form at the center of
a black hole
according to
general relativity.
Thus, the gravitational singularity
is an important feature of
black holes
as predicted by strict
general relativity.
For a discussion of the
gravitational singularity,
see subsection The Singularity below.
Black holes
have been thought of as very simple objects until circa 2012.
There is a famous aphorism of
John A. Wheeler (1911--2008):
"black holes have no hair"
which just means they are simple objects---in a certain sense---without a lot of features
like hair,
The no-hair theorem itself:
If one can ignore perturbations from other masses, then aside from its location in
spacetime a
black hole
is fully specified by just three parameters:
angular momentum
(a measure of rotation), and net
electric charge.
In fact, the no-hair theorem even if
NOT fundamentally true is probably
a useful model
of black holes
for many purposes, but
NOT those deep in the realm of
fundamental physics.
We will NOT go deep in the realm of
fundamental physics---except
for a bit on
Arcane Problems with Black Holes in
the insert below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_arcane_problems.html).
There are three kinds of ideal
black holes
(i.e., ones where you can ignore perturbations
and Arcane Problems with Black Holes:
see Black Hole file:
The Schwarzschild black holes
are the
black hole that
follow from the
Schwarzschild solution.
Since most objects in the universe are rotating with respect
to inertial frames,
Schwarzschild black holes
are unlikely to exist, but low-angular-momentum
black holes
probably approximate
Schwarzschild black holes.
They are predicted to exist by the
Kerr solution discovered by
Roy Kerr (1934--): see the figure below
(local link /
general link: roy_kerr.html).
The Kerr black hole
emerged as one of the results if the rotating mass was compacted
to within the
Kerr-Schwarzschild radius
which is Kerr generalization of the
Schwarzschild radius
Kerr black holes
are the most likely
black holes
to be realized in nature since almost all objects
in space are rotating to some degree.
Usually, macroscopic bodies in the universe are nearly neutral because any
charge imbalance quickly attracts neutralizing
Thus, black holes that
show significant
Kerr-Newman black hole behavior
seemed unlikely to exist.
However, since circa 2015,
it is hypothesized
that Kerr-Newman black holes
do exist and may have observable effects:
e.g., as the sources of some
fast radio bursts (FRBs)
(see, e.g., Liu et al. 2016).
So there may be mechanisms to significantly charge
black holes and keep them charged.
We should note that there are concerns that the
Kerr-Newman black hole solution
may NOT be a valid physical solution
(see Wikipedia: Kerr-Newman metric:
Some aspects of the solution).
So some rethinking of
the Kerr-Newman black hole solution
may be needed.
We will NOT
consider Kerr-Newman black holes
further in IAL 25.
Schwarzschild black holes
(which recall have zero angular momentum
and zero net electric charge)
are explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon.html).
Their event horizon is
a spherical surface
with radius the Schwarzschild radius R_Sch=2GM/c**2.
Recall that because light CANNOT escape from
event horizon,
black holes
are very,
very black: there is no light at all coming from within the
event horizon
as the figure above
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon.html)
and the figure below illustrate.
Caption: "Inside of the event horizon
all paths bring the particle closer to the center of the
Schwarzschild black holes.
It is no longer possible for the particle to escape."
Note the plot horizontal axis is 1 dimension of space
and note the location of the
Schwarzschild radius R_Sch=2GM/c**2.
The vertical axis is time.
The distortions of spacetime shown in the
by yellow
are beyond current ability of yours truly's to elucidate.
Credit/Permission: ©
User:Vanessaezekowitz, User:Avsa /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
If any object is compressed to within
event horizon for its
mass as set by its
Schwarzschild radius,
then the object according to
general relativity
must collapse to being
black hole: e.g.,
the Sun
compressed to with a 3-km-radius
event horizon
would become a black hole.
For reference, the
Schwarzschild radius formulae
are given below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_radius_formulae.html):
An artist's conception
of an isolated
stellar mass black hole
see close up is shown in the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_isolated_up_close.html).
Schwarzschild solution,
there is NOTHING
to stop the mass compressed to within its
event horizon
from collapsing to a point of infinite density:
a gravitational singularity.
No pressure force can stop the formation of a
gravitational singularity
once matter has been compressed to within the
event horizon for that matter's mass.
The reason is that pressure itself has an associated
and thus is gravitating
If pressure becomes too intense, its
actually exceeds its outward pushing force.
Whenever a physical theory gives an infinity, it usually
means you have extrapolated it beyond its realm of validity.
In the case of
general relativity,
it is strongly believed it must fail when
gravity becomes
intense at the microscopic level (which is where the
gravitational singularity as
point must be) since
general relativity
is NOT a
quantum gravity theory.
Answer 1, I think, CANNOT be accepted: just because
general relativity
is our best theory of gravity
does NOT prove it is right in all predictions.
But if there is no
singularity, what
is at the center of
black holes?
Maybe some exotic compact form of matter, but we have no consensus idea of what that is.
event horizon
delimits a region that CANNOT communicate with the outside world.
Nothing from inside can get out.
The inside is disconnected from the rest of the universe.
The artist's misconception
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_artist_misconception.html)
illustrates the disconnection.
What happens to a test particle of vanishingly small
approaching the event horizon?
By faraway clocks, it takes the particle infinite to reach the
event horizon.
The test particle by its own clock does pass through the
event horizon
in a finite time.
Remember in
general relativity
time slows down in a gravitational well
from an OUTSIDE perspective.
Recall photon energy is given by
E =
(see Wikipedia: Matter waves: de Broglie relations),
and thus photons lose energy as
wavelength λ increases
(i.e., redshifts).
The signals from the infalling particle must get progressively weaker as it falls deeper
into the gravitational well
of the
black hole.
In fact, the
gravitationally redshift goes to infinity
as the particle approaches
the event horizon
(i.e., λ→∞ as r→R_sch=(2GM/c**2) the
Schwarzschild radius or R_event_horizon_general).
Wikipedia: Gravitational redshift: Exact solutions.
Thus, detector of finite sensitivity must eventually lose track
of the test particle.
Easy question, eh?
Any particle of NON-ZERO
must perturb the Schwarzschild solution
to some degree.
Somebody's analysis shows that infalling
does get into the
event horizon
eventually and that
makes the black hole mass, and thus
event horizon
of a black hole grow.
It's actually very hard to get a reference to spit out this
So I had to appeal to an actual expert person.
And she assured me that
real matter with finite mass-energy
gets into
black holes
black holes
and event horizon
event horizons do grow.
But she didn't tell how long it takes for
mass-energy to
fall in. Maybe we don't want to know.
The somebody who gave the analysis may have been
Roger Penrose (1931--) himself.
What happens to a finite-sized object as it falls toward a
black hole?
The difference in gravity between the closer and
farther parts of the object will eventually tear the object apart.
The differential gravity effect is common in many contexts and is called the
tidal force---because it
is the cause of the tides.
The tidal force
will even tear the atoms apart some point
But can it tear
elementary particles apart?
The answer probably requires
having a true
quantum gravity theory.
The ripping apart can happen either outside or inside the
event horizon
depending on the nature of the object and the
size of the black hole.
The ripping apart is humorously referred to as
Nowadays there is a lot of interest in
stars being ripped apart
as they inspiral around
supermassive black holes
(see section Supermassive Black Holes).
These events are called
tidal disruption events (TDEs)
and are highly luminous because when the debris from the
hits the
accretion disk
the supermassive black hole)
turning kinetic energy
into heat energy some which becomes
electromagnetic radiation (EMR)????.
More viscerally, when the ____ hits the ___ ...
are interesting intrinsically as
a case of
transient astronomical events
and for providing information about the environment of
supermassive black holes.
There is a theorem, called
the shell theorem, in
Newtonian physics
(proven by
Newton himself)
that gravitation at any point outside
a spherically-symmetric mass distribution depends only on the
mass interior to that point, and NOT on the mass distribution itself
as long as it is spherically-symmetric.
What does this mean?
Say you were at a distance equal to the radius of the
Sun from the
center of spherically-symmetric object that was entirely
interior to your location.
The gravitation you would feel would be the same no matter
how compact the object was: it could be that the object was
as big as the Sun or
as compact as a
black hole.
The upshot is that
the powerful gravity and exotic effects
of a black hole
only occur when you are relatively close to its
event horizon.
We explicate the geometry of
Schwarzschild black hole
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_flamm_paraboloid.html).
Actually, I don't think gravitational lensing
by any certain black hole candidate has been detected.
One could go on and on about
Schwarzschild black holes,
but that's enough.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 25
problems 2--7 on
black holes,
Schwarzschild solution,
Kerr solution,
event horizon,
and the
gravitational singularity.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 25.
Kerr black holes are explicated
the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_kerr.html).
There are two answers: see (1) subsection Yes
and (2) subsection
Yes with a Qualification Usually Unspoken
(as known since
The "yes" part is easy---easy in 2 very different senses:
There are super compact massive objects of a few to a few tens of
solar masses
(stellar mass black holes)
and others in the range 10**5 to 20*10**9 M_☉
(supermassive black holes).
These objects are NOT neutron stars
or anything else less exotic than neutron stars.
In modern astronomy,
these super compact objects fill roles as stellar-mass
X-ray sources
and the engines of
active galactic nuclei.
The super compact objects are conventionally called
black holes.
So black holes exist in a
conventional sense.
Black holes
are a prediction of
general relativity.
So they exist within the theoretical
world of
general relativity
If general relativity is
wrong about reality,
black holes
may NOT exist in
But they still may exist anyway.
The defining characteristic of
black holes is really
the event horizon.
If it exists,
black holes exist.
But if general relativity
black holes exist.
Why just SUFFICIENTLY right?
We know general relativity
is very probably NOT exactly correct in the microscopic limit
(though it may well be exactly correct in the macroscopic limit) because it is NOT
consistent with quantum mechanics.
We believe that the exactly correct
theory of gravity
in the microscopic limit
will be a quantum gravity theory.
General relativity
if it is exactly correct in the macroscopic limit would be macroscopic limit
of the correct quantum gravity theory.
Alas we have NO established
quantum gravity theory yet.
One aspect of black holes
predicted by
general relativity
that we do NOT believe is the
black hole singularity---see
the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon.html).
So the prediction of
mass-energy being
compacted to a
of infinite density (see figure above:
local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon.html) is
widely thought to be probably wrong.
We think some exotic quantum state of matter must exist in
the deep interior of the
event horizon, but without
an established quantum gravity theory
we do NOT have any established idea of what that is.
However, though NOT a
quantum gravity theory,
general relativity
seems to be a correct
emergent theory
from quantum gravity
in that is passes all observational tests sofar.
However, there are also the possible modifications to
general relativity
and Newtonian gravitation
demanded by MOND
(see section
General Relativity above and
file gravity_mond.html).
These modifications are NOT necessarily quantum gravity
per se.
The majority of experts think
correct and who knows what implications it would have for
black holes if it were correct.
Yes with a qualification usually unspoken
because since 2015
strong evidence for
black holes
(i.e., objects conforming to
the black holes
of general relativity)
has appeared.
So strong that most people now would just say
black holes.
The usually unspoken qualification is that maybe there is
some other way of explaining the evidence without
black holes.
But that explanation would be astonishing.
There is nothing unusual about the qualification.
Most well established theories
have the same qualification.
It is just understood that there is that qualification which is too tedious to mention
most of the time.
So what is the strong evidence for black holes?
As follows:
observation of
gravitational wave events
from black hole mergers
(starting with the
first observation of gravitational waves,
AKA GW0150914)
is a confirmation that
gravitational waves exist, but
it is also a confirmation of
black hole physics
since the
gravitational wave events
from black hole mergers
match the predictions for
inspiraling and coalescing
stellar mass black holes
To be more specfic, they match
predictions based on
their macroscopic properties which include the general defining property of
black holes the
event horizon---that surface from
which nothing, NOT even light
can escape.
However, one can always say that some theoretical exotic
astronomical objects
other than
black holes
could generate the observed
gravitational wave events.
True, but there are NO plausible
theoretical exotic
astronomical objects
that could do so.
One can never be absolutely sure that there none, but quibbling that
they might exist seems pointless now without more evidence.
Note that it is generally true in science that we accept a theory as true
once it has passed enough hard tests---with it just being understood
that what we mean is that it is adequate to all the evidence
and we do NOT foresee it being
falsified by new evidence.
The gravitational wave events
have put black holes
into that category in the opinion of most experts---probably NOT all---there are always
quibblers---or as Charles Darwin (1809--1882)
would say wrigglers
(see Eiseley 1961, p. 115, 295;
Loren Eiseley (1907--1977))---Darwin
was fond of worms: see
Darwin from Insectivorous Plants to Worms.
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
the imaging of
the supermassive black hole (SMBH)
which is near the center of mass
of M87
(see Wikipedia: M87:
Supermassive black hole),
the giant elliptical galaxy
near the center of the
Virgo Cluster.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: m87_virgo.html)
explicates how this image verifies almost certainly the
existence of
the event horizon,
and so the existence of
black holes.
Note this verification is somewhat independent of the validity of
general relativity.
As aforesaid, if the event horizon exists---that
surface from which nothing, NOT even light,
can escape---then black holes
exist whether general relativity
is true or NOT.
has reported that they have imaged
the event horizon
of Sgr A*,
the supermassive black hole
at (or, to be more precise, nearly at) the
Milky Way center (AKA Galactic center of mass)
(see Wikipedia: Sagittarius A*).
The EHT imaging
is discussed in the two figures below
(local link /
general link: sagittarius_a_star.html;
local link /
general link: black_hole_shadow.html).
Beyond the current evidence for
black holes,
more indirect evidence can be found.
One must remember that are our understanding of
black holes is currently
plagued by the
Arcane Problems with Black Holes
that we briefly discuss in
the insert above
(local link /
general link: black_hole_arcane_problems.html).
There are also at least
two significant competitor theories
to black holes at present.
Now for a finicky point.
When referring to black holes,
do we mean
verified black holes
verified black holes and
black hole candidates.
Context must usually decide since it quickly becomes tedious always specifying exactly.
For current black hole candidates, see
Wikipedia: List of black hole candidates.
In principle, a
black hole of
any mass can exist.
If you compact an object to within its predicted
event horizon for its mass
as determined by the
Schwarzschild radius formula
or Kerr-Schwarzschild radius formula,
then the object in theory must become a
black hole.
In fact, general relativity
tells us that runaway
gravitational collapse
to the
black hole singularity
must occur which we do NOT think happens.
Quantum gravity
effects probably stop the runaway
gravitational collapse
at some point in some way that we do NOT know.
Such compaction requires tremendous force (before the runaway starts) and according to
conventional thinking that force can only be supplied by the
of some massive objects that lose their pressure support somehow.
So let's consider the ways to make the various types
black holes
as categorized by
stellar mass black holes
(< 100 M_☉),
intermediate-mass black holes
(in range 100 to 10**5 M_☉),
and supermassive black holes
(> 10**5 M_☉).
The main channel for making
stellar mass black holes
is thought to be the more massive
core collapse supernovae.
Recall we discussed
core collapse supernovae
in IAL 23: Late Star Evolution and Star Death.
For core collapse supernovae
with progenitors of initial stellar mass
(i.e., initial main-sequence star mass)
of over ∼ 20 M_☉
(see Wikipedia: Black hole: Gravitational collapse),
the core collapse does NOT stop at a
neutron star, but
continues to a black hole.
Note the critical initial stellar mass
of 20 M_☉
is very uncertain.
We understand core collapse supernovae
qualitatively reasonably well, but quantitative understanding is still weak.
Also, inital stellar mass
may NOT be the only
parameter determining whether
core collapse supernovae
yield black holes or
neutron stars.
Stellar mass black holes
from core collapse supernovae
probably have masses
in the range from
maximum neutron star mass
∼ 2.2 M_☉ to a ∼ 60 M_☉
(see Wikipedia: Stellar black hole:
Upper mass gap)
gravitational wave event
GW190521 (2019may21)
caused by black hole merger
had a primary black hole
with mass 85(+21/-14)
(see Wikipedia:
GW190521: Physical significance)
which exceeds the ∼ 60 M_☉,
and so maybe that limit needs revision.
Compact stars (AKA compact remnants)
white dwarfs,
neutron stars
(see figure below
(local link /
general link: neutron_star_cutaway.html),
and black holes
(here meaning
stellar mass black holes).
If you a
compact binary
(i.e., a binary system of
of compact stars),
then loss of energy
due to gravitational waves
will over long periods of time
(typically megayears to
will cause them to inspiral and merge.
If the total
mass is greater than the
maximum neutron star mass
∼ 2.2 M_☉,
then merge compact star
will become
a black hole.
This channel of black hole formation
goes on all the time at some rate for all the various combinations of
compact binary stars.
white dwarf-white dwarfs mergers to form
black holes are probably
very rare and a negligible channel since
two white dwarfs
in a compact binary
probably very rarely have
total mass is greater than the
maximum neutron star mass
∼ 2.2 M_☉.
For gravitational wave event detections,
black hole mergers,
neutron star mergers,
neutron star-black hole
mergers are probably most common.
Mergers with at least one
compact star
being a
black hole
do NOT, of course, create a new
black hole, just
make a larger
black hole.
The range of black hole
masses created by this
process range from the
maximum neutron star mass
∼ 2.2 M_☉
to over 100 M_☉.
The gravitational wave event
GW190521 (2019may21)
caused by black hole merger
gave new coalesced
black hole
of mass
142(+28/-16) M_☉
(see Wikipedia:
GW190521: Physical significance).
Circa 2020,
142(+28/-16) M_☉
seems to be the record
mass for
stellar mass black hole.
Caption: "Two-dimensional representation of
gravitational waves
generated by two neutron stars
orbiting each other."
The caption isn't really adequate to explain this animation, but it's pretty to look at.
It imagine the ripples represent expansions and contractions of space which would expand
and contract objects in space that they passed through---but no one's telling.
Credit/Permission: NASA,
circa or before 2005 /
Public domain.
Intermediate-mass black holes
(masses of order 100 to 10**5 M_☉)
are between the two cases
of stellar mass black holes
supermassive black holes.
Only a few
intermediate-mass black hole candidates
are known
(see Wikipedia:
List of intermediate-mass black hole candidates).
However, there is NO certain detection yet it seems
(see Wikipedia: Intermediate-mass black holes),
gravitational wave event
GW190521 (2019may21)
gave rise to an
intermediate-mass black hole
of 142(+28/-16) M_☉
(see Wikipedia:
GW190521: Physical significance;
Intermediate-mass black hole: Observational evidence).
Note that GW190521 (2019may21)
intermediate-mass black hole
is a small one and is only
one by the precise lower limit definition of
100 M_☉ which is a bit arbitrary
and it formed from a merger of
stellar mass black holes.
So it is marginal
intermediate-mass black hole
and perhaps rare kind of
intermediate-mass black hole.
There is one probable
intermediate-mass black hole
(which is NOT just marginally a
intermediate-mass black hole)
according to evidence as of 2024.
This probable
intermediate-mass black hole
is the
Omega Centauri
black hole candidate (mass ⪆ 8200 M_☉)
which is near the center of
Milky Way
globular cluster
Omega Centauri
(see Daryl Haggard & Adrienne Cool,
2024 Jul10, Nature, "Speedy stars blow the cover of hidden black hole";
Omega Centauri; Evidence of a central black hole).
Evidence for/against the
Omega Centauri
black hole candidate (mass ⪆ 8200 M_☉)
will probably take some years after
2024 to emerge.
Perhaps there are NO
intermediate-mass black holes
(other than
small ones like
GW190521 (2019may21))
since there is NO process to create them.
Or they may be rare because their formation process is rare.
On the other hand, they may be abundant, but just hard to detect.
We will NOT consider
intermediate-mass black holes
further in IAL 25.
Supermassive black holes
have mass > 10**5 M_☉
and typically have masses of
millions to billions of solar masses.
These are the ones that the
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
is directly imaging---one so far and maybe one more soon.
Where do they come from?
During the formation of
it is believed that
supermassive black holes
form in the galaxy centers.
Recall the "center" is probably the galaxy
center of mass or nearly, but
no reference seems to spit out this factoid.
In fact, the current hypothesis is that
nearly all large
have supermassive black hole candidates
near their centers
Wikipedia: Supermassive black holes).
Evidence for this has been growing since the 1970s.
There are several theories about the formation of the initial
supermassive black holes
(see Wikipedia:
Supermassive black hole: Formation).
We will just describe two:
Recall the Population III stars
were the first
stars formed after
the Big Bang.
They became super-massive because they had nearly zero
and so exploded as
super supernovae
very rapidly, polluting the
interstellar medium (ISM)
with metals which
prevented the formation of
further super-massive stars.
Whatever their origin, the initial
supermassive black holes
grew larger through disk accretion and mergers with other
supermassive black holes:
supermassive black hole mergers.
supermassive black hole mergers
galaxy mergers.
When two galaxies merge,
their respective central
supermassive black holes
eventually sink to the center of the
new merged galaxy due to
dynamical friction.
However, when the
pair of supermassive black holes
get within a few
parsecs of each other
dynamical friction
is expected to become ineffective at getting them closer
and orbital energy loss due to
gravitational waves
is ineffective on the time scale of the
age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)
until they are separated by ∼ 0.001--0.01 pc.
But supermassive black holes
do seem to have merged.
So theoretically explaining how
the pair of
supermassive black holes
actually merge is the
final parsec problem
for which there are several
(see Wikipedia:
Binary black holes: Final parsec problem).
It has been hypothesized that
primordial black holes
may have been formed by density fluctuations in an early phase of the
Big Bang.
Their hypthetical mass range is 10**(-8) kg to 1000s of
solar masses.
One idea is that the black holes
of black hole mergers
that give rise to gravitational wave events
or some of them anyway
may be such primordial black holes
since their formation by other means has been questioned.
We must emphasize that
primordial black holes
are an extra hypothesis of Big Bang theory.
We CANNOT predict if they exist or NOT with any certainty.
But they may be the solution to the question what is
dark matter.
Maybe dark matter is NOT
an exotic particle (which has long been the favored theory) and
is primordial black holes.
This idea would explain why all attempts to find
exotic dark matter particle
in the laboratory have failed so far: it doesn't exist.
Another idea is that small
primordial black holes
with masses from
about 10**(-8) kg to
Earth mass M_⊕ = 5.9722(6)*10**24 kg
could have been formed
in the Big Bang.
Such small
primordial black holes
were introduced as a
rth of the WebThe birth of the Webhypothesis by
Stephen Hawking (1942--2018)
in the early
There is no evidence yet that small
primordial black holes
exist, but they are an interesting possibility because they could be detectable
proving both that
primordial black holes
and that Hawking radiation exists.
We will discuss small primordial black holes
again in the section Hawking Radiation.
There could also have been very massive
primordial black holes.
If so, they may have been the seeds of
the observed
supermassive black hole.
The very massive
primordial black holes
would have grown by accretion of
ordinary matter and
black hole mergers.
In fact, we have already discussed the evidence for
stellar mass black holes
from the gravitational wave events
(see The Gravitational Wave Test
for Black Holes above)
and for
supermassive black holes (SMBHs)
from direct imaging
(see subsection
Certainly Black Holes Exist Due to Direct Observation above).
But what of evidence for the general population of
black holes?
We take up this evidence below in the sections
Stellar-Mass Black Holes
and Supermassive Black Holes.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 25
problems 2--7 on
black holes,
Schwarzschild solution,
Kerr solution,
event horizon,
and the
gravitational singularity.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 25.
We discussed their formation in subsections
Stellar Mass Black Holes from Core Collapse Supernovae
and Stellar Mass Black Holes from Compact Star Mergers.
In this section, we will consider
stellar mass black holes
and their detection.
An isolated
black hole is
a pretty hard object to detect.
If you were up close, you could see it as a black hole
in the sky as in the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_isolated_up_close.html).
But no one has ever suggested that that would be observed any time soon.
Isolated black holes
can also be noticed by their gravitational effect
gravitational microlensing:
the gravitational lensing by
stars or smaller
astronomical object.
What happens is you see a brightening of a
background star due to an invisible
foreground astronomical object
that gravitationally focuses
the background star's
Now gravitational microlensing
has been observed many times now by dedicated searches, but it seems NO
certain identification of foreground
black hole
has been found
(see Wikipedia:
Black hole: Microlensing).
But there's hope that someday there will be.
The animation in the figure below (local link /
general link: black_hole_gravitational_lensing.html).
shows an artist conception
gravitational lensing
(but NOT
gravitational microlensing)
for a very nearby
black hole
passing in front of a
background galaxy---something we are never
likely to see.
black holes
that accrete mass from the companion star can become
observable since the accreta emits
electromagnetic radiation.
About 98 % or more of the matter in the universe is
hydrogen and
helium, and most of stars have order this abundance of
hydrogen and
So the mass transferred to the accretion disk
is likely mainly hydrogen and
Some stars have lost most of their hydrogen in strong
stellar winds.
From such stars, the transferred mass may be mostly helium.
The abundance of
can range from 4 %
down to 0.0003 % (using iron as a proxy for overall
for extremely metal-poor stars (e.g.,
HE 1327-2326).
So only a trace of metals is likely to
be in the accreta.
Note blackbody radiation
is the special case of
thermal radiation
when the emitter is at uniform
temperature and has
a high enough
Accretion disks
around black holes
probably usually have rather strong continuum variation in
temperature, and so
emit mostly a continuum mixture of
of blackbody radiation
of varying temperature.
So their net thermal radiation
has a complex average of
blackbody spectra.
HOWEVER there is also non-thermal radiation
in many cases and/or phases.
This non-thermal radiation is
one or both of
synchrotron radiation
inverse Compton scattering
It's all a rather complex story actually:
see Remillard & McClintock 2006, p. 26--28.
The latter case might happen when the companion star has puffed up to
be a red giant for example
and exceeded its
Roche limit.
The Roche limit for
an astro-body
is the radius which if it extends beyond it is gravitationally pulled apart.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_accretion_disk.html)
for a black hole
with an accretion disk.
Caption: Accretion disk formation
about a black hole and
accretion disk
X-ray emission.
Matter spirals into the
black hole
and energy changes from gravitational potential energy to kinetic
energy of infall and rotation and then, by
accretion disk viscosity,
partially to heat energy which then gets emitted as
X-ray emission.
As we will discuss below in section Jets from Black Holes,
some of the
gravitational potential energy
gets converted into the
energy of the
relativistic bipolar jets
by means of
magnetic fields.
Note in the visible band,
an accretion disk
probably looks blue since its
approximate blackbody spectrum rises
going blueward to peak
in the X-ray band.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2005 / Own work.
See also the video
Black hole destroying a star | 1:45
Black hole videos
(local link /
general link: black_hole_videos.html):
As a crude approximation, we can estimate the average
of the accretion disk
by applying the inverse
Wien's law
which is given in the figure below below
(local link /
general link: wien_law.html).
But let's NOT worry about those cases which are probably have
temperatures that are of order
those obtained for cases with
thermal radiation anyway.
Given lambda_max = of order 1 Angstrom = 10**(-4) microns for X-rays
from a black hole
accretion disk
(HZ-54), then
by Wien's law
At these temperatures, the accreta would be completely or almost completely ionized.
Note in the visible band,
an accretion disk
probably looks blue since its
approximate blackbody spectrum rises
going blueward to peak
in the X-ray band.
Intense astrophysical X-ray sources
can be caused by
stellar mass black holes
in binary systems
as explained above in
subsection Black Holes in Binaries.
But the Earth's atmosphere
is largely opaque in the
X-ray band (fiducial range 0.1--100 Å),
and so discovery and observation of
astrophysical X-ray sources
had to wait for first
X-ray astronomy satellite
the Uhuru satellite (1970--1973).
The Uhuru satellite
was launched off the coast Kenya on 1970 Dec12 by
and was named Uhuru to honor Kenya's independence
It's hard
to believe the popularization of the word by
Star Trek
didn't play a role in the naming decision.
OK, the character in
Star Trek
was Uhura, but it was
a variation on Uhuru---so after 50 years,
yours truly forgot.
X-1 means X-ray source 1,
of course.
One of the main reasons for this was that the
size of the hypothesized
accretion disk
(which is the direct source of the
could be estimated and the estimate of ∼ 3000 km is reasonable for
an accretion disk
orbiting a compact star
of order a few tens of kilometers.
The estimate is based on the fact that
Cygnus X-1
flickers on time scales as short as of order 0.01 seconds
The figure below
(local link /
general link: size_time.html)
shows how the flicker time scale gives a size scale of ∼ 3000 km for the
accretion disk.
Cygnus X-1's companion is a
O9.7 Iab
(i.e., a
blue supergiant of
luminosity class Iab).
Stars that become
blue supergiants
typically have lifetimes of < ∼ 15 million years
and masses of > ∼ 15 M_☉.
A Table of Approximate Main Sequence Lifetimes
neither of which is an ideal reference.)
Remember that in general, the more massive the star, the
faster it goes through all its life phases
(see star_main_sequence_rule.html).
But is Cygnus X-1 (meaning the
compact star)
a black hole or is it just
a neutron star?
Early work suggested
Cygnus X-1 had lower
limit on its mass of ∼ 3 M_☉
and this overlapped with the older conventional upper limit
on ∼ 3 M_☉.
So being a
neutron star was considered
just barely possible.
However, nowadays
the Cygnus X-1
has been determined to be
14.8(1.0) M_☉
(see Wikipedia: Cygnus X-1: Compact object)
and the favored
maximum neutron star mass
∼ 2.2 M_☉ (but with some uncertain uncertainty).
So it is now clear
Cygnus X-1 is
a black hole beyond almost all doubt.
How big is the event horizon
of Cygnus X-1?
Recall the formula for the
Schwarzschild radius:
there are
stellar mass black holes
or stellar mass black hole candidates
known from
astrophysical X-ray sources
or by other means
(see Wikipedia:
List of stellar mass black hole candidates;
Wikipedia: Stellar black hole:
Note that the
black hole candidates
are those
compact stars
that could be either
black holes
or neutron stars.
Why so few?
We estimate that there must tens of thousand or more ???
black holes in the
Milky Way, but
most are unobservable.
Only black holes
in close binaries
with a binary companion
in a mass-losing phase will be
astrophysical X-ray sources.
We estimate that such objects are only a tiny fraction ??? of all
black holes.
Caption: A cartoon of the region surrounding a mass-accreting
black hole.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2005 / Own work.
stream out along the axis of rotation.
Electric and magnetic fields that form in the
accretion disk
cause the
in some way---and that is all we will say about that.
What causes the electric and magnetic fields?
The accreta is all ionized plasma.
In the rotating turbulent plasma, electrical currents form in some complicated way
and then they create complicated electric and magnetic fields in further complicated ways.
The energy for the jets
ultimately comes from the gravitational
potential energy of the material spiraling into the
black hole candidates.
Some of this gravitational potential energy becomes the
heat energy
of the
accretion disk
and gets radiated away as
X-rays and some
becomes the kinetic energy of the
In fact, the current hypothesis is that
nearly all large
have supermassive black hole candidates
near their centers
Wikipedia: Supermassive black holes).
Evidence for this has been growing since the 1970s.
One major piece of evidence is vast radio-emitting
radio lobes
(beginning from relativistic bipolar jets)
that emerge from the centers of some
The jets extend tens of kiloparsecs
See the figure below.
relativistic bipolar jets
seem like scaled-up versions of the
jets that emerge from
stellar mass black holes.
The relativistic bipolar jets
are powered by giant accretion disks
that form from inflow to the centers of galaxies
from within the galaxies and from
the intergalactic medium (IGM).
Caption: "Color composite image of
Centaurus A,
revealing the radio lobes and
relativistic bipolar jets
emanating from the active galaxy's
central supermassive black hole.
This is a composite of images obtained with three instruments,
operating at very different wavelengths. The
870-micron submillimeter data, from LABOCA on
APEX, are shown in orange.
X-ray data
from the Chandra X-ray Observatory
are shown in blue.
Visible light data from
the Wide Field Imager (WFI) on the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope located at
La Silla Observatory,
show the background stars
and the galaxy's characteristic dust lane
in close to "true colour."
(Slightly edited.)
Credit/Permission: ©
ESO/WFI (optical);
MPIfR/ESO/APEX/A.Weiss et al.
NASA/CXC/CfA)/R.Kraft et al.
circa or before 2009 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
has been able to resolve
accretion disks
of dust and gas around
the central objects from which the
seem to emerge
The accretion disks
can be of order hundreds of parsecs in size scale.
The disk rotation speeds can be determined from
using the
Doppler effect.
The determined speeds are of order hundreds of kilometers per second.
In fact, the determined masses of central galaxy compact objects
are determined to range from about 10**5 M_☉
to about 10**10 M_☉
These masses are, however, probably much smaller than the total
galaxy mass in most cases.
And supermassive black holes
are still really tiny by comparison to interstellar distances.
See the insert below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_radius_formulae.html)
To elaborate on their visual effects,
just as
stellar mass black hole candidates
can be emitters of
electromagnetic radiation
from their
accretion disks,
so can the
supermassive black hole candidates
in visual and radio in particular
from theirs.
The supermassive black hole candidates
are the engines of this emission.
See figure below.
The stronger emitters cause their host
to be classified as having
active galactic nuclei
have strong electromagnetic radiation
from their center region---the
active galaxy nuclei---the
On a grander scale the same scenario holds as for
stellar mass black hole candidates:
Matter spirals into the compact object and energy changes from gravitational potential energy to kinetic
energy of infall and rotation and then, by
accretion disk viscosity,
partially to heat energy which then gets emitted as
electromagnetic radiation.
Some of the
gravitational potential energy
gets converted into the
energy of the
relativistic bipolar jets
by means of
magnetic fields.
See the illustrative figure below.
Caption: "This artist's conception depicts a
supermassive black hole
at the center of a galaxy.
NASA's GALEX spacecraft
found evidence that supermassive black holes---once
they grow to a critical size---stifle the formation of new
stars in
elliptical galaxies.
supermassive black holes
are thought to do this by heating up and blasting away the gas that fuels
star formation.
The blue color here represents radiation pouring out from material very close to the
supermassive black hole
(i.e., from the accretion disk).
The grayish structure surrounding the
supermassive black hole,
called a torus, is made up of gas and dust.
Beyond the torus, only the old red-colored
stars that make up the
elliptical galaxy can be seen.
There are no new stars in the elliptical galaxy."
Note the
relativistic bipolar jets of which
one is hidden by the
accretion disk and torus.
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)-Caltech,
circa or before 2007 /
Public domain.
The most extreme of the
active galactic nuclei
quasars which
look like point sources, but have
cosmological redshifts
that put them at distances of
thousands of
(i.e., at
billions of light-years), and therefore in an earlier stage
of the
observable universe
billions of years ago.
Looking out is looking back because of the finite
vacuum light speed.
Cosmological redshifts
and their relation to distance will be taken up in
IAL 30: Cosmology.
They look star-like because they are very distant, but
are believed to be
supermassive black hole candidates
surrounded by
accretion disks
and be embedded in
galaxies---see the two figures below.
Caption: Quasar 3C 273 in
3C 273 was the first
quasar to be recognized as such in
by Maarten Schmidt (1929--) at
Balmer lines.
are redshifted by 15.8 % and its distance
is of order 600 Mpc
3C 273 is also a strong radio emitter
The objects in the image are all
points sources, except for
the relativistic jet
protruding from 3C 273.
The finite sizes are artifacts of the imaging process.
The relativistic jet probably emerges from the
accretion disk
along its rotation axis.
The engine at the center of the
accretion disk is a
supermassive black hole.
Credit/Permission: ©
NOAO/AURA Image Library Conditions of Use.
Caption: "A growing black hole, called a quasar,
can be seen at the center of a faraway galaxy
in this artist's concept. Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer and Chandra space telescopes discovered
swarms of similar quasars hiding in dusty galaxies in the distant universe. The quasar is the orange object
at the center of the large, irregular-shaped galaxy. It consists of a dusty, doughnut-shaped cloud of gas
and dust that feeds a central supermassive black holes.
As the black hole feeds, the gas and dust heat up
and spray out X-rays, as illustrated by the white rays. Beyond the quasar, stars
can be seen forming in clumps throughout the galaxy. Other similar galaxies hosting quasars are visible in the background."
Credit/Permission: NASA,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by User:TheDJ,
2008) /
Public domain.
For more insight in quasar behavior
see Quasar videos below:
it seems were most abundant about 12 Gyr ago and
became rare about 7 Gyr ago.
They are found in the
cosmological redshift z
range 0.056--7.54
to comoving distances
(i.e., physical distance measured
at our current cosmic time)
∼ 200 Mpc ≅ 600 Mly to ∼ 10 Gpc ≅ 30 Gly
and lookback times
∼ 0.5 Gyr to 13 Gyr
(see Wikipedia: Quasar: Properties;
Ned Wright's cosmic calculator).
Note there are NO
in the very local observable universe
(i.e., z < ∼ 0.06, r < ∼ 200 Mpc,
lookback time
< ∼ 0.5 Gyr ).
So they are extinct in the current/modern
observable universe.
But, of course, we see them since we can see the
past---the farther you look out,
the farther back in cosmic time you see.
The supermassive black hole candidates
at the center of the
still exist, but they are no longer fed well enough to
Milky Way
itself has a central
supermassive black hole
we discussed in subsection
More Evidence from the Milky Way and Sgr A* above
and we will discuss more fully in
IAL 27: The Milky Way.
Here we will say that
Galactic central black hole
is in the radio source Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*)
(the asterisk being pronounced "star")
near the dynamic center of the Milky Way,
and so is sometimes just called
Sagittarius A*
The Sagittarius A* is
7.860(180) kpc away
(see Wikipedia: Sagittarius A*).
The measured mass of the
Sagittarius A*
is about 4*10**6 M_☉
and its Schwarzschild radius
is ∼ 0.1 AU.
Supermassive black holes
in the centers of galaxies actually
have a profound effect on the evolution of the
observable universe
as discussed in the figure below
(local link /
general link: m_sigma_relation.html).
Note the
does NOT escape through the
event horizon---nothing does we think.
The escape process is now called
Hawking radiation
quantum mechanics,
we know that the vacuum is active: it is NOT just inactive nothingness.
What are called
virtual particles
are coming into "existence" and vanishing without out a directly
observable trace all the
time everywhere: the vacuum is seething with them.
virtual particles
come into "existence" in pairs:
e.g., proton and antiproton, electron and
antielectron (i.e., positron), photon and photon (the photon is its own
A pair consists of a particle and its antiparticle
in order to conserve various properties: e.g.,
electric charge.
virtual particles
"exist" for of order 10**(-21) s
Then they mutually annihilate as matter and
antimatter are supposed
to do.
When they do so "appear" there,
sometimes the pairs just annihilate.
Sometimes they will both fall into the
event horizon:
their gravitational potential energy is converted into enough
energy to make them "real", but they are lost in the
black hole
But sometimes one of the pair will fall in and the conversion of some of the
black hole's
gravitational field energy is used to make the other one of the pair
"real" and give it
escape velocity.
The particles are actually pulled apart and made "real" by the
tidal force
of the black hole.
See the cartoon Hawking radiation
figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of
Hawking radiation
from a
black hole.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2005 / Own work.
So one of the pair of
virtual particles
becomes "real" and escapes to infinity.
It is a particle of
Hawking radiation.
The mass-energy
of the escaping particle comes at the expense of the
of the
black hole.
So the
black hole
Hawking radiation---but from outside the
event horizon---nothing
gets out through the
event horizon.
It's sounds paradoxical, but it seems true:
can escape from inside the
event horizon, but
NOT by going through the
event horizon.
This escape process does NOT occur in
general relativity---it is
strictly a result of quantum mechanics.
In fact,
Hawking radiation
is strange in that it relies on two
which are NOT formally consistent:
general relativity
and quantum mechanics.
However, we believe that such strange mixtures can be (but NOT necessarily are) correct,
if both theories
are on the right path.
We hope that quantum gravity
will someday verify the mixture---or disprove it and show what is right.
But for the time being,
Hawking radiation
seems an unescapable consequence of what we think are true
theories---general relativity being an
emergent theory.
No one can think of plausible reason why
Hawking radiation should NOT
Hawking radiation
is potentially observable.
The photon emission is
probably completely unobservable until a very late phase: see below.
antiprotons of a specific range of energy from
Hawking radiation
should contribute to the
cosmic rays
that constantly bombard the
They are probably mostly produced somehow by
Cosmic rays
travel at near the
vacuum light speed.
When they impact the Earth's atmosphere, they create a
cascade of other particles by nuclear and ionization reactions: these
other particles include proton, electrons, neutrons, mesons and
gamma rays.
See the illustrative figure below.
Caption: "When cosmic rays enter the
Earth's atmosphere,
they collide with molecules, mainly oxygen (O_2)
and nitrogen (N_2), to produce
a cascade of billions of lighter particles, a so-called
air shower.
All of the produced particles stay within about one degree of the primary particle's path.
Typical particles produced in such collisions are charged
e.g., positive and negative
pions and
These subsequently decay into muons that are easily detected by many types of particle detectors."
So a single primary, high-energy
cosmic rays
can create a shower of other particles at the
Earth's surface
and it is those other particles
that are observed.
Credit/Permission: ©
User:SyntaxError55 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
However, if Hawking radiation
exists and contributes to cosmic rays,
there are other sources for cosmic rays
and we CANNOT so far distinguish
the hypothetical Hawking radiation
cosmic rays from other
cosmic rays.
So at present,
cosmic rays do NOT provide
evidence for Hawking radiation.
black holes
can lose mass by
Hawking radiation,
can they evaporate entirely?
In principle, yes.
It turns out that the main component of
Hawking radiation
is blackbody radiation
(see John Baez, Hawking Radiation).
This means the emitted photons
have a blackbody spectrum
and that there is
a black hole temperature.
The black hole temperature
is inversely proportional to the mass:
So black holes of stellar mass
are very cold and have very low emission rates.
In fact, black hole
luminosity in Hawking radiation
decreases with mass:
The upshot is that
black holes
slowly at first and then more and more rapidly until they evaporate altogether.
There will always be a remnant
black hole.
At the moment, the theory has won few converts.
Time will tell if it gains any traction.
Some of this energy would be in the form of
electromagnetic radiation
(maybe primarily gamma rays???),
and so the final demise should
be observable in principle.
Recall that
also suggested that small
primordial black holes
with masses from
about 5*10**(-8) kg to Earth mass could have been formed
in the Big Bang which
occurred of order 14 Gyr ago
Some of these
primordial black holes
should be ending their existence right now in explosions if they exist.
In fact, Hawking probably
originally thought of the
idea of small
primordial black holes
because if they exist, they are available to prove
Hawking radiation observationally.
There is NO evidence yet for such explosions from
small primordial black holes.
They may NOT exist or we may NOT yet have the right methods to detect them.
The idea that
evaporating small primordial black holes
could be one source of
gamma ray bursts
seems to be highly DISFAVORED
(see Wikipedia: Primordial black holes:
For the black hole firewall paradox,
see the insert above
(local link /
general link: black_hole_arcane_problems.html)
on Arcane Problems with Black Holes.
If micro black holes exist
and are produced by the strongest
cosmic rays,
they CANNOT be dangerous since we don't notice them.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
which is currently in operation and straddles the Swiss-French border
west of Geneva, may be able to produce
micro black holes in a controlled
and therefore noticeable way.
Micro black holes created by
would decay almost immediately by
Hawking radiation,
but presumably they would give detectable signatures
in their decay particles
A hadron
is a particle that experiences the
strong nuclear force:
the commonest examples are the
proton and
The figure below
displays one of the key instruments of
the LHC.
Caption: "Construction of one detector (called CMS) of the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (2003)."
Credit/Permission: ©
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by User:Square87~commonswiki,
2005) /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
The World Wide Web: who is responsible?
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: tim_berners_lee.html).
The strongest
cosmic rays
would similarly produce
micro black holes that would be
detected by the showers of particles they would create.
The Pierre Auger Observatory
(a cosmic ray observatory covering about 3000 km**2 in
Argentina) may detect such showers.
At one swoop, one would offer strong evidence that
black holes
exist in general, that
Hawking radiation
exists, and that we are on some kind of right path to a
quantum gravity theory.
We should expect NO such revelation---but you never know, maybe it will happen.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 25
problems 8--13 on
black holes,
stellar mass black holes,
bipolar jets,
supermassive black hole,
and Hawking radiation.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 25.
In this IAL,
we vanish into the black hole.
For a preview, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_accretion_disk.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_accretion_disk.html");?>
Special relativity
was presented by
Albert Einstein (1879--1955) in
For Himself,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: einstein_clerk.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/einstein/einstein_clerk.html");?>
In this section, we will explicate
special relativity a bit
starting with the
postulates of special relativity
in subsection
The Postulates of Special Relativity just below.
From the two
special relativity postulates---and
some extra minor extra
postulates---we get
special relativity
which tells us, among other things,
in everyday life:
see figure below
(local link /
general link: everydaylife_tv.html).
We explain by why below in subsection
Weirdnesses of Special
Relativity Relative to Everyday Life.
Note the values of the variables
that go into the formulae
change with inertial frames:
e.g., the value of velocity.
But the variables should NOT: e.g., if the variable
velocity is intrinsically in a
physical law formula, it should
be in that formula always in the
same way.
Note inertial frames
were explicated at length in
IAL 1: Scientific Notation, Units, Math, Angles, Plots, Motion, Orbits:
Physics for Orbits.
Here it suffices to say that
exact inertial frames
are free-fall frames.
For example, the
center of the Earth
is in a free-fall frame,
and so is an exact
inertial frame.
The surface of the Earth at any point
is accelerated by its rotation
relative to the
center of the Earth,
and so is NOT exactly an
inertial frame.
But is approximately
an inertial frame
for most purposes.
And it can be made an exact
inertial frame
by the introduction of
inertial forces
which is a standard and, in a
general relativity
sense, an exact procedure.?????
General relativity
itself falls into a special category since it gives us our modern understanding
of inertial frames,
and so itself NOT referenced or
inertial frames
or from another perspective tells us all
local reference frames are
local inertial frames
when one deals with them in the right way.????
Actually, many/most/all physicists
accepted the
Relativity Postulate
already in 1905.
No one was taking polls about the opinions of
physicists circa
1905, and so we can only make educated
guess about what they mostly thought.
To expand at bit on the points in the above discussion:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/frame_transformations.html");?>
Classical electromagnetism
is just the ordinary
theory of electromagnetism
which has been found extremely
adequate for macroscopic electric and magnetic phenomena and applications:
e.g., circuitry,
Classical electromagnetism is
the macroscopic scale limit
of quantum electrodynamics (QED)---which
is a story for another day.
Classical electromagnetism
was originally formulated by James Clerk Maxwell (1831--1879)
in the 1860s
(see Wikipedia:
History of electromagnetic theory: Maxwell).
See Maxwell, wife, and dog
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: james_clerk_maxwell.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/james_clerk_maxwell.html");?>
The upshot
of the constrasting cases of
Newtonian physics and
classical electromagnetism
is that some aspect of classical physics was wrong
if the relativity postulate
was accepted.
The vacuum light speed
also is the fastest physical speed relative to a local
inertial frame: i.e.,
the fastest speed that information or any effect can propagate
relative to a local
inertial frame.
This fact was deduced as
special relativity
was being derived from extra minor
postulate that
time travel to the
past was impossible since it is never
seen and presents
paradoxes that only
scifi can solve.
Note that time travel to the
future does happen as exemplified
by the twins paradox
(see subsection The Twins Paradox below).
The vacuum light speed and qualifications
about the meaning of fastest physical speed are explicated at length in
IAL 6: Electromagnetic Radiation:
The Fastest Physical Speed.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/relativity_light.html");?>
In positing
light speed invariance postulate,
was again guided by
classical electromagnetism
which predicts a single
vacuum light speed.
This suggested to him that there was only
one vacuum light speed
and it was invariant.
In fact, the Lorentz transformations,
under which
classical electromagnetism
are invariant necessarily implied
the vacuum light speed
was invariant.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/michelson_morley_aether.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/everydaylife_tv.html");?>
Of course, we do notice in that
the vacuum light speed
and light speed in media
are seemling close to infinite
in everyday life.
But we are used to this, and so do NOT consider it weird.
Of course, special relativity
is a super well verified theory.
Within its realm of validity (i.e., where you don't have to deal with
strong gravity), it has always been verified.
There are NO doubts that it is
a true emergent theory.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/light_speed_earth_moon_2.html");?>
There are some qualifications about the fastest speed which we whisk back to right here:
Qualifications About the Vacuum Light Speed as the Fastest Physical Speed.
In 2011, there was a report
of faster-than-light neutrinos.
The measurements are the
OPERA neutrino anomaly---the
name comes from parent experiment, the
OPERA experiment.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/frame_transformations.html");?>
Classical electromagnetism
is inertial-frame invariant under
the Lorentz transformations,
and so already satisfies
the relativity postulate
for the Lorentz transformations
as discussed above in subsection
Galilean Transformations
and Lorentz Transformations.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/spacetime_light_cone.html");?>
L(v)=L_0*sqrt(1-v**2/c**2) , where v is the observer's velocity relative an object,
L(v) is the observer's observed length for
the object along the direction of motion,
L_0 is the length along the direction of motion measured
in rest frame of the object.
L_0 is called the
proper length in
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/pole_vault_fitzgerald_contraction.html");?>
Actually, there is a funny complication to observing the
Fitzgerald contraction:
the Terrell-Penrose effect
illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: terrell_rotation_effect.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/terrell_rotation_effect.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/time_dilation_moving_clocks.html");?>
Question: In the rocket trip case,
there is a definite asymmetry in the
time intervals for the twins which is the
twins paradox itself, but
how can this be if all motion is relative?
The twins paradox and its relation
to time travel is explicated
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: twins_paradox.html).
Answer 2 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/time_dilation_twin_paradox.html");?>
The figure below
(local link /
general link: time_dilation_animation.html)
gives further explication of the
time dilation
an inertial frame
and a non-inertial frame.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/time_dilation_animation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/e_mc2.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/relativity_videos.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_025_black_holes.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_2.html");?>
General relativity (GR)
was a generalization of
special relativity
that Einstein
developed to give a more satisfactory treatment of
and accelerations under
than provided by
Newtonian gravity
(i.e., Newton's law of universal gravitation)
used in
relativistic mechanics
as given by special relativity.
But general relativity
was very hard to develop and understand.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mathematics/space_spherical.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/general_relativity_field_equations.html");?>
The Einstein field equations themselves
are, in fact, a set of complex
differential equations written very compactly.
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: physical_law_solution.html)
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/physics/physical_law_solution.html");?>
In the Einstein field equations,
(or more exactly mass-energy
and momentum)
described by
the energy-momentum tensor T_ij
dictate the
geometry of
(described by the metric tensor of general relativity g_ij)
which in general
is non-Euclidean geometry.
As aforementioned, for other
the replacement is the
relativistic mechanics 2nd law.
The fact that the replacement for
gravity is different than
for other forces shows that
gravity is NOT
force in the same sense
as other forces.
It is a manifestation of the
curvature of space.
But it sure acts like the other
forces in the
classical limit:
i.e., asymptotic limit of
well above quantum mechanics size scale,
small relative velocities
compared to the
vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**8 m/s
(exact by definition) ≅ 3*10**8 m/s = 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns,
and small curvature of
curved space
(which means in the weak
gravitational field limit).
That are
geodesics in general and in
geodesics in general relativity?
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mathematics/great_circle_path.html");?>
The situation is mnemonicked
by saying "In general relativity,
tells space how to curve and
curved space tells
mass-energy how to move."
For example of a system requiring
a simultaneous self-consistent solution, consider a
gravitationally bound
2-body system.
The 2 bodies move under
gravity (along
general relativity geodesics)
and that causes the
energy-momentum tensor T_ij to
change which then changes
gravity (via the
curvature of space) to change which
then casues how the 2 bodies move under gravity
and so on.
In Newtonian physics,
the simultaneous self-consistent solution requires using
the Newton's law of universal gravitation
for gravity and
Newton's 2nd law of motion
(AKA F=ma).
Exact (i.e., analytic) solutions, both with
and without a fixed
energy-momentum tensor T_ij
are rare in
general relativity.
When other forces are acting,
gravitational structure of
only partially tells mass-energy
how to move, of course.
We will discuss a bit about geometry
in the section Geometry.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/general_relativity_exact_solutions.html");?>
For all systems without
exact analytic solutions,
one must make approximations, often severe ones, or grind solutions out
numerically on the computer.
Question: If
general relativity
is so hard to understand and use, why do we use it?
The conclusion of the above list of evidence is that nowadays
general relativity
is a well verified theory.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/mercury_perihelion_shift.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/orbit/apsidal_precession.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/gravity_light_bending.html");?>
Einstein himself???
made the first prediction of gravitational lensing
of starlight passing near the Sun
(see Wikipedia: General relativity: History).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/1919_solar_eclipse_expedition.html");?>
Nowadays gravitational lensing as predicted by
general relativity
has been well verified.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/gravitational_lensing.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/gravitational_redshift.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_merger_video.html");?>
the direct detection of gravitational waves
from GW150914,
there was strong indirect evidence for
gravitational waves.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/neutron_star/binary_pulsar_psr_b1913_16.html");?>
gravitational waves
(frequency of order 30 nHz ≅ 1 cycle/year)
were reported verified in
2023 to almost the
conventional standard for decisive
The decisive
discovery to the
conventional standard will probably come circa
(see Wikipedia: Pulsar timing array
For an explication, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: gravitational_waves_low_frequency.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/gravitational_waves_low_frequency.html");?>
General relativity
would be an emergent theory
relative to the correct quantum gravity theory.
The quantum gravity theory
probably has implications for black hole theory
as we discuss below in the sections
Schwarzschild Black Holes
Kerr Black Holes.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/relativity_videos.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_025_black_holes.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_2.html");?>
As we remarked above in the section
General Relativity in
general relativity,
determines the geometry of
and the geometry of
how to move.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mathematics/euclidean_geometry_cartesian_coordinates.html");?>
But, in fact, we are familiar with the
non-Euclidean geometry
of curved spaces too.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mathematics/space_spherical.html");?>
We have difficulty picturing 3-dimensional
curved spaces.
w**2 + x**2 + y**2 + z**2 = r**2 ,
where w, x, y, and z
are the 4 coordinates
and r is the radius.
Slightly confusingly, the
4-dimensional hypersphere
is called a 3-sphere
because its surface is 3-dimensional.
An ordinary sphere
is called a 2-sphere
because it has a 2-dimensional surface in the jargon
spheres of different
The general name of such spheres
is n-sphere, where
the surfaces as n dimensions.
More complicated curved spaces can arise in
solutions to the
Einstein field equations.
These, of course, are curved physical spaces.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/little_prince.html");?>
But what of a directly noticeable
curved space?
How would that look if we were embedded in it.
It's tricky, but some idea is given by the
Spherical Geometry Is Stranger Than Hyperbolic - Hyperbolica Devlog #2 | 4:00
below in
Curved space videos
(see the insert below
local link /
general link: curved_space_videos.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/curved_space_videos.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mathematics/tesseract.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_025_black_holes.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
What is the history of black holes?
By saying "in pure
Newtonian physics"
we mean imagine that
Newtonian physics
was a fundamentally true theory in all limits, NOT
just the classical limit, and see what things that implies.
The simplest hypothesis in pure
Newtonian physics
is to say that light is massless and unaffected by
Newtonian gravity.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/newton/newton_principia.html");?>
Thus, at least some people in the
18th century
regarded light
as possibly having some
mass and/or being affected by
Newtonian gravity.
Just to recapitulate on
escape velocity:
v_escape = sqrt(2GM/r) ,
where G is the gravitational constant,
M is the mass of a spherically symmetric
gravity source that has radius =< r,
and r is the radius from which
the escaping test particle starts.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/orbit/newton_cannonball.html");?>
But what if the escape velocity
is greater than the vacuum light speed: i.e.,
v_escape = sqrt{2GM/r} > c .
r ≤ R_sch = 2GM/c**2 .
The case of r = R_sch is usually considered "no escape" for
light since
light would have zero energy when
it got infinitely far the start point.
A classical particle of
could have
zero kinetic energy.
But, from a modern perspective, we know light
of zero kinetic energy is nothing---well,
if it's NOT nothing, we don't know what it is.
Anticipating discussion below in
section Schwarzschild Black Holes, we call R_sch = 2GM/c**2 the
Schwarzschild radius
and the spherical surface it defines is the
event horizon: the
surface from which and below which light
CANNOT escape from
Schwarzschild black holes.
From inside the event horizon,
nothing gets out even on a non-escape
We derived the
Schwarzschild radius
from classical physics,
but the derivation gives the right answer
for general relativity
semi accidentally.
Note that it was known in 18th century
that the vacuum light speed
was finite and there was a value that was only ∼ 0.4 % larger than the
true value
(see Wikipedia: Speed of light:
hypothesized that such invisible
dark stars
could be detected as unseen companions in
We would see the orbital motion of the seen companion and infer the existence of
the unseen companion
dark star.
Michell's idea was a clever
anticipation in part of how
stellar mass black hole
candidates are detected nowadays.
We do NOT actually observe
stellar mass black hole candidates
directly, but we detect them indirectly in
binary systems
as we'll discuss below in section Stellar-Mass Black Holes.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/pierre_simon_laplace.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/physics/physical_law_solution.html");?>
To resume with the main theme:
published his
general relativity theory
in 1915,
Karl Schwarzschild (1873--1916)
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: karl_schwarzschild.html)
quickly found an exact analytical solution for
spacetime OUTSIDE
of a spherically symmetric mass distribution.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/karl_schwarzschild.html");?>
solution is the famous
Schwarzschild solution.
R_sch = 2GM/c**2 ,
which was first derived from
Newtonian physics as noted above
in subsection Newtonian Black Holes.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/ann_ewing.html");?>
John A. Wheeler (1911--2008)
popularized the term
black hole
in 1967: see the figure below
(local link /
general link: john_a_wheeler.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/john_a_wheeler.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/roger_penrose.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_arcane_problems.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/roy_kerr.html");?>
In fact, combined
electric fields and
magnetic fields
can maintain astrophysically important charge separations as I'm informed by my colleague
Bing Zhang.
Charged binary black holes
that inspiral to coalesce and produce
gravitational waves
may also produced an
electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
counterpart through some mechanism using their charge.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon.html");?>
To recapitulate the figure above
(local link /
general link: black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon.html)
a bit,
Schwarzschild black holes
do have the defining property of a
black hole,
event horizon.
Actually, there probably can be escaping emissions from very near the
event horizon as
we will discuss below in section Hawking Radiation.
Image link: Wikipedia:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_schwarzschild_radius_formulae.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_isolated_up_close.html");?>
In mathematics, a point where a function goes to infinity is an example of
a mathematical singularity: e.g.,
1/x has a singularity at x = 0 .
Question: Is the gravitational singularity real?
Answer 3 is probably right, but maybe an argument could be made for answer 2.
Which reminds me of an old
Dave Allen (1936--2005) story about
two Irishpersons returning from a night at
the pub ...
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_artist_misconception.html");?>
Because it has vanishingly small
the particle CANNOT perturb the
black hole.
Well, from the perspective of a faraway observer, the
test particle never gets in.
Even though test particle never gets in from an outside perspective,
the faraway observer must lose track the test particle eventually.
Why is this?
Answer 1 is right.
Question: Does the fact that a test particle never gets into the
event horizon
from an outside perspective
mean that black holes can never grow from an outside perspective?
Answer 2 is right.
That two spherically-symmetric masses
interact like point masses is a
corollary of the shell theorem.
It illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: gravity_two_spheres_animation.html).
The shell theorem result holds in
general relativity
where it is called
Birkhoff's theorem
Question: If the
Sun suddenly and
without any other effect turned into a
black hole,
what would happen to the motion of the planets?
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/gravity/gravity_two_spheres_animation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_schwarzschild_flamm_paraboloid.html");?>
The curved geometry of spacetime
causes light rays to bend
via gravitational lensing as
illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: gravitational_lensing_cassini.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/gravitational_lensing_cassini.html");?>
In fact, black holes should exhibit strong
gravitational lensing
on light beams that pass close enough to them.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: black_hole_gravitational_lensing.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_gravitational_lensing.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_025_black_holes.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
Recall Kerr black holes
have NON-ZERO angular momentum,
but zero net electric charge.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_kerr.html");?>
Do unicorn exist?
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: unicorn_virgin.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/unicorn_virgin.html");?>
To return to theme:
do black holes exist?
If black holes did NOT exist,
we would have to invent them since they are so useful in explaining (or explaining away)
some X-ray sources
and all active galactic nuclei (AGNs).
But this conventional sense does NOT require
event horizon---that point of no return
from which NOT even light can escape.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_schwarzschild_cartoon_2.html");?>
To explicate why NO
black hole singularity,
there is something called the
Planck density
that turns up in study of fundamental physics
and, on very general grounds, people believe that
general relativity
should begin to fail when the density of
approaches the
Planck density if NOT
well before the Planck density.
The formula for the Planck density is
ρ_Planck = c**5/(ħ*G**2) = 5.15500*10**96 kg/m**3 ,
c is the vacuum light speed,
G is the gravitational constant,
and ħ (h with a stroke through it
pronounced h-bar) is
the Planck constant divided by 2π
Note, as aforesaid,
if general relativity is
wrong about reality,
black holes
would still exist if
the event horizon existed
since that is general defining property of
black holes.
The figure below explicates
black hole mergers
and their emission of
gravitational waves.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_merger_video.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/galaxies/m87_virgo.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/sagittarius_a_star.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_shadow.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/sagittarius_a_star_eht.html");?>
It is NOT clear if either of these theories will get much more attention
given the evidence for black holes
discussed in the subsections above.
Given that
black holes
exist, another question is how could they actually come into existence.
However, there is some unconventional thinking.
See section Micro Black Holes below.
We know there are ways to make
compact objects
(white dwarfs
and neutron stars) which are NOT
black holes---they are NOT compact enough.
So there are ways of making
black holes.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/neutron_star/neutron_star_cutaway.html");?>
The animations
the two figures below
(local link /
general link: orbit_elliptical_equal_mass.html;
unlinked) illustrate a binary system
or compact binary system
and the gravitational waves
emitted by two neutron stars
orbiting each other.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/orbit/orbit_elliptical_equal_mass.html");?>
Image link: Wikipedia:
In fact, the theories
supermassive black hole formation
are NOT exclusive.
Some initial supermassive black holes
could be from two or more formation processes.
However, Occam's razor
disapproves of
using multiple theories, unless
forced to do so.
Question: Is there any observational evidence for
black holes.
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_025_black_holes.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
Stellar-mass black holes
are black holes
are those of a few to a few tens of
solar masses.
These are the ones that give rise to the
gravitational wave events
from black hole mergers.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_isolated_up_close.html");?>
Isolated black holes would maybe emit
Hawking radiation
as we discuss the section Hawking Radiation.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_gravitational_lensing.html");?>
Question: What is the accreta made of?
Answer 1 is right.
Question: Why does the accreta emit?
The companion star
in a binary
throws off mass either by a strong
stellar wind
or the companion star and
black hole
are so close together that some of the outer matter of the
companion star is more attracted to the
black hole
than to the companion star itself.
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_accretion_disk.html");?>
A cartoon of a black hole
with an accretion disk is
shown in the figure below
Image link: Itself.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_videos.html");?>
The heating on spiraling into a
black hole
is intense because its
gravitational well
is so deep.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/blackbody/wien_law.html");?>
Recall Wien's law
is only exact for an exact blackbody radiator
which a
black hole
accretion disk
is NOT, but it's close enough for our purposes.
Note Wien's law
is NOT adequate for
non-thermal radiation from
accretion disks: i.e.,
synchrotron radiation
inverse Compton scattering
(see Remillard & McClintock 2006, p. 26--28).
T = of order 30*10**6 K
which is of order the temperature of
the center of the Sun: 16*10**6 K
Question: Uhuru:
The first intense
astrophysical X-ray source in
a binary
was, in fact, discovered the
Uhuru satellite (1970--1973)
in 1971.
It is called Cygnus X-1.
Both answers are right.
Question: Cygnus X-1 is in the
The Cygnus X-1 was
early on believed to be
a neutron star
or black hole
with an accretion disk.
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/size_time.html");?>
To reiterate a point, the direct source of the
is NOT the
compact star
itself, but matter in the accretion disk around the
compact star
which is either a
neutron star
or a
black hole.
Question: Because the progenitor
of Cygnus X-1 was born
at the same time as the companion and in theory went
to create Cygnus X-1, the progenitor must have been:
Actually, the whole accretion phase and therefore
X-ray source phase of
Cygnus X-1 is very short on the
cosmic time scale.
Accretion probably only began when
the companion star became
a post-main-sequence star
and developed strong
stellar winds.
The companion's post-main-sequence phase
is probably < ∼ 1 million years before it goes
leaving a neutron star or
black hole.
If the companion becomes a
neutron star,
then it might be observable as a
for ∼ 10--100 Myr
(see Wikipedia: Pulsar:
Formation, mechanism, turn off)
and then the
compact binary system
will become almost invisible.
If the companion becomes a
black hole, the
compact binary system
will become almost invisible at once.
compact binary system
in any case
will slowly lose
to gravitational waves
and eventually merge
creating a strong
gravitational wave event
on the time scale of the
of gigayear.
No matter what the components of the
compact binary system,
the merged object will almost certainly be a black hole.
Answer 1 is right.
R_sch = 2GM/c**2 = 2.95423 (M/M_☉) km
≅ 3 (M/M_☉) km .
Thus, if the Cygnus X-1 is a pure
Schwarzschild black hole,
its event horizon
has a radius of about 45 km for
a mass of 14.8(1.0) M_☉
(see Wikipedia: Cygnus X-1: Compact object).
Cygnus X-1 must have
some angular momentum,
and so its event horizon radius
is a bit smaller as dictated by the
Kerr-Schwarzschild radius.
Some of the
stellar mass black hole candidates
have relativistic bipolar jets
of glowing gas (hydrogen and
helium mainly,
of course) extending several parsecs from them.
These jets
emerge from close to
the candidates at nearly the vacuum light speed
See the cartoon of
relativistic bipolar jets
in the figure below.
Image link: Itself.
During the formation of
it is believed that
supermassive black holes
form in the galaxy centers as discussed in subsection
The Formation of Supermassive Black Holes
Recall the "center" is probably the galaxy
center of mass or nearly, but
no reference seems to spit out this factoid.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:ESO Centaurus A LABOCA.jpg.
v_orbital=sqrt(GM/r) is the Newtonian physics
formula for the velocity of a circular orbit.
Well away from the
event horizon this
formula is good for
black holes.
Inverting for mass we get
v_orbital**2 * r
M = __________________
= 23.2*10**9 M_☉ (v_orbital/100 km/s)**2 * (r/100 pc)
where the formula is rewritten in terms of fiducial
So such central galaxy supermassive black holes
can have masses up to of order 20*10**9 M_☉.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/black_hole_schwarzschild_radius_formulae.html");?>
But despite their relative small mass and size compared to
the supermassive black holes
do have dramatic visual effects and it is thought probably have a large feedback effect
on galaxy evolution.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Supermassiveblackhole nasajpl.jpg.
Because quasars are
point sources, we do NOT observationally know that they
are embedded in
and thus make those
galaxies active.
But this seems very likely.
The term quasars
is a contraction of QUASI-STELLAR and applies because
look star-like (i.e., point-like).
Download site: im0127.html:
Now a dead link.
Image link: Itself.
Download site: PIA10093:
Bursting with Stars and Black Holes (Artist Concept).
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Black hole quasar NASA.jpg.
Quasars are
very luminous.
Quasar videos
(i.e., Quasar
Quasar luminosity ranges from 10**38 to 10**42 W
Recall the Sun has L_☉ = 3.845*10**26 W
The total luminosity of the Milky Way is about 10**37 W
The brightest quasars may have to consume up to
500 M_☉/year of mass in order to shine
Question: Why are there no
in the
local observable universe
(i.e., in the modern universe)
as out to z ≅ 0.06.
In the
local observable universe,
we have
active galactic nuclei galaxies
and non-active galaxies both of which
may in some or many cases may have had
of quasars in the past.
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/black_hole/m_sigma_relation.html");?>
In the 1970s,
Stephen Hawking (1942--2018)
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: stephen_hawking.html)
discovered a process by which
black holes
could emit particles from outside the
event horizon---and so lose
was NOT thought possible before.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/stephen_hawking.html");?>
"Existence" above is in quotation marks because the
virtual particles
CANNOT be directly detected in principle, but they have indirect effects that
can be observed and those effects are well verified.
Virtual particles
can be made "real" by various processes: this can
be done in an accelerator by supplying energy to them.
As usual, we don't go into details and just say things may happen if
their is enough energy.
virtual particles
"appear" everywhere, they must
"appear" just outside of
event horizon.
Image link: Itself.
Hawking radiation videos
(i.e., Hawking radiation
Cosmic rays
are been known since 1912 are probably
alpha particles (He-4 nuclei),
heavier nuclei, electrons, and a small fraction of
(Wikipedia: Cosmic Rays: Composition;
They permeate intra-galactic space.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Atmospheric Collision.svg.
6*10**(-8) K
T = approximately ----------------- .
M / M_☉
L_black_hole proportional to 1/M**2
(see Wikipedia: Hawking radiation:
Black hole evaporation).
There is a controversial theory that
black holes do NOT
evaporate entirely
(Ellis, G. F. R. 2013, arXiv:1310.4771 [gr-qc],
Ellis, G. F. R. 2013, arXiv:1311.0595 [gr-qc]).
The lifetimes for some black holes
(assuming they do evaporated entirely)
are given in the table below.
Table: Black Hole Mass, Temperature, and Evaporation Time
Initial Mass Initial Temperature Order of Time to Evaporation
5*10**6 M_☉ 10**(-13) K 10**80 years
5 M_☉ ≅ 10**31 kg 10**(-7) K 10**62 years
10**15 kg 10**9 K 10**33 years
10**10 kg 10**14 K 15 Gyr
(of order of
the Mount Everest mass)
Reference: FK-549--550.
The acceleration of the rate of
Hawking radiation
as the mass of the
black holes
approaches zero is expected to give rise to an explosive event
with an energy release of
order 10**9 Megatons TNT
There are some
quantum gravity theories
that predict that
gravity should actually become very strong on very small
size scales (up to maybe 10**(-4) m), but size scales much bigger than the
Planck length
Planck length
(which is a fundamental length in
quantum mechanics)
is given by
Planck length
= sqrt(G*ħ/c**3) = (1.616 ... )*10**(-33) cm , where
c is the vacuum light speed,
G is the gravitational constant,
and ħ (h with a stroke through it vocalized h-bar) is
the Planck constant divided by 2*π (CL-123).
If these theories are right---and that is mighty big if----then it is possible that
micro black holes
(of mass of order 1000 proton masses)
could be produced in current/future giant accelerators and are being produced all the
time by the strongest
cosmic rays
that impact on the Earth's atmosphere.
The idea that micro black holes
may be detected is almost incredible.
is operated by the European agency CERN
(an acronym for Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire
the original name is almost forgotten).
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Construction of LHC at CERN.jpg.
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) videos:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/tim_berners_lee.html");?>
A cosmic ray observatory is just an array of particle detectors
spread over an area. The detector captures some portion of the
air shower of
particles that cascade from a single
cosmic ray
and allows the original
cosmic ray
to be characterized.
But the Pierre Auger Observatory hasn't yet.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_025_black_holes.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>