php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/relativity_videos.html");?>
Relativity videos
(i.e., Relativity
- Special relativity videos
(AKA Special relativity:
- minutephysics: Einstein's Proof of E=mc**2 | 2:10:
It's too quick for yours truly, but
watch and listen as if it were
poetry as would say
Roger Penrose (1931--).
Too long for the classroom.
In fact,
means 2 things.
For the long explication, click
The short explication is:
- Energy
(the quantified
capacity for change)
and mass
(the quantified resistance to
relative to
inertial frame
AND the cause of gravity)
are equal (or more exactly proportional) measures of the same thing
which in
relativity speak
we call
- There is such thing as
rest mass:
just associated with the existence of
massive particles:
and neutrons.
Since all forms of energy
are interconvertible,
rest mass
can be converted into any other form
of energy.
1 megaton of TNT equivalent
= 4.184*10**15 J
= 1.162*10**9 kWh
= 132.6 megawatts for 1 Julian year
= (0.04656 kg)*c**2
= (46.56 g)*c**2.
So much energy from so little
rest mass---fortunately,
it's NOT easy to do the transformation quickly---unfortunately,
it's NOT easy to do the transformation slowly either.
Another way of looking at it is that the
energy of
nuclear reactions
(which is how we mostly transform
rest mass) are typically of order
10**6 larger than that of
chemical reactions.
That factor of a million
has mesmerized people every since
when Einstein
first presented
special relativity.
So much energy from
so little fuel.
- E=mc**2:
Einstein explains his famous formula | 0:57:
Albert Einstein (1879--1955)
explains it all for you.
Our master's voice.
NOT suitable for the
- minutephysics:
Complete Solution To The Twins Paradox | 3:33:
Lorentz transformations,
time dilation,
twins paradox,
A little long for the
- Time Dilation - Travel at Speed of Light - Special Relativity | 4:24:
Time dilation explained by
Carl Sagan (1934--1996).
Too long for the classroom.
- Simultaneity - Albert Einstein
and the Theory of Relativity | 2:03:
is reference-frame dependent.
Time flows differently
in different reference frame.
With creepy animated
humans in the
uncanny valley.
NOT OK for the classroom.
- Relativity:
The Twin Paradox | 9:02:
Too long for classroom.
General relativity videos
General relativity
- The Elegant Universe: Episode 1 - Einstein's Dream | 16:00--56:07
Brian Greene (1963--) explains, elegantly,
general relativity.
Too long for the classroom.
- Gravitational wave videos
(i.e., Gravitational wave
- Gravitational waves: GW20150904: LIGO video 2016feb11 | 2:55:
Best GW170817
video ever!!!!
LIGO of the
gravitational waves: first observation (AKA GW150914)
which came from a
black hole merger.
See also
SciAm slideshow.
Very good for the classroom.
- Warped Spacetime and Horizons of GW150914 | 1:13:
Mostly redundant with the preceding video.
Good for the classroom.
- Observing neutron stars collide, 2017oct16 | 4:17:
Too long for the classroom.
- Classroom Aid - Gravitational Wave Geometry
| 3:19:
This is good on
gravitational waves
as changes in spacetime.
Too long for the classroom.
- Gravitational Waves Explained Using Stick Figures
| 3:20:
this good on
gravitational waves
changes in the
gravitational field which
is the weak gravity limit
point of view.
- Gravitational waves: general intro | 4:37:
Makes some good points, but is NOT the ideal
For one thing, gravitational waves
do lose energy
to matter if they
the matter isn't free to move.????
Too long for the classroom.
- See relativity keywords
in the insert below
(local link /
general link: keywords_relativity.html):
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/relativity/keywords_cosmic_star_formation_history.html");?>
Local file: local link: relativity_videos.html.
File: Relativity file: