Caption: The Flamm paraboloid is a tool for visualizing the geometry of spacetime around a Schwarzschild black hole outside of the event horizon (i.e., at radius R ≥ Schwarzschild radius R_sch = 2GM/c**2). The circle at the bottom of the Flamm paraboloid represents the event horizon and has radius R_sch and circumference C = 2πR_sch.
Whether it is SHORTER or NOT depends on how far out you are at the start:
C = 2πr for r ≥ R_sch ,where C is a proper distance, but r is NOT a proper distance: it is special ancillary coordinate called the Schwarschild coordinate radius.
dr dx x dx ds = --------------- = R_sch ----------- = R_sch ------------ sqrt(1-R_sch/r) sqrt(1-1/x) sqrt(x**2-x) for r ≥ R_sch or x = r/R_sch ≥ 1(Wikipedia: Schwarzschild metric: Formulation).
s/R_sch = sqrt(x**2-x) + (1/2)*ln[2x-1+2*sqrt(x**2-x)] exactly = 0 for x = 1 = x*sqrt(1-1/x) + (1/2)*ln(x) + (1/2)*ln(2) +(1/2)*ln[(1-1/(2x))+sqrt(1-1/x)] exactly = x + (1/2)*ln(x) + [ln(2) - 1/2] - (3/8)*(1/x) to order 1/x = x + (1/2)*ln(x) to order ln(x) = x to order x,where we have used table integrals (e.g., Wikipedia: List of integrals of irrational functions: Integrals involving R=sqrt(ax**2 + bx + c); HL-8).
The formula shows that s grows faster than x when x is NOT much greater than 1.
Note relative difference of x and s/R_Sch decreases as ln(x)/x as x→∞ which means r turns into proper distance as as ln(x)/x as x→∞.
Test particles move along geodesics in spacetime: i.e., they move through space in time. So they do NOT move on paths on a single Flamm paraboloid (see Wikipedia: Schwarzschild metric: Flamm paraboloid).
So Flamm paraboloids or pseudo Flamm paraboloids used in illustrations of gravitational lensing do NOT prove that gravitational lensing should occur in any direct sense, but merely illustrate an ingredient in gravitational lensing.
For a discussion of gravitational lensing near Schwarzschild black holes, see Bisnovatyi-Kogan et al. 2019, "Shadow of black holes at local and cosmological distances" and Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Tsupko 2019, "Gravitational Lensing in presence of Plasma: Strong Lens Systems, Black Hole Lensing and Shadow".