Caption: Galaxy rotation curve for M33 (AKA the Triangulum Galaxy) superimposed on a to-scale image of M33---with a discussion of MOND below.
The dark matter is estimated to be ∼ 22 % of the observable universe mass-energy and ∼ 5.5 times more abundant than baryonic matter and ∼ 55 time smore abundant than baryonic matter baryonic dim matter.
Such low accelerations are unmeasurable in the laboratory, but occur in the outer parts of galaxies and in galaxy clusters, where discrepancies in motions have conventionally been ascribed to dark matter.
Of course, MOND is also a counter theory to our conventional gravity theories: general relativity and Newtonian gravity.
MOND has been around since 1983.
It's had its had its ups and downs:
The MOND advocates can say show me the dark matter particle if it is real. If you can't, we've got MOND.
However, further data from 2016 suggested that the 2015 results were a just a statistical fluctuation (see Wikipedia: 750 GeV diphoton excess).
However, since circa 2022 the DAMA/LIBRA experiment results have NOT been confirmed and may be close to being discounted definitively (see G. Adhikari, et al., 2022, arXiv:2104.03537, COSINE-100 article).
But the odds seem against MOND.
In fact, it seems that most experts in the field of galaxies, large-scale structure of the universe, cosmology believe MOND is probably a wrong theory.
But they would also probably say that it is a good counter theory to the more accepted dark matter theory---it keeps demanding that dark matter explain things better---it's a sort of devil's advocate theory---for Himself, see the figure below (local link / general link: dore_satan.html).
In fact, MOND is the
Dracula of
theories---it always rises from the
See the abode of
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: dracula_cover.html).
Occam's razor disfavors more than
one theory being right---but
Occam's razor
is only a philosophy of science rule,
NOT a law of nature.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/dore_satan.html");?>