The evolution of the cosmic quantities for the
Λ-CDM model:
cosmic scale factor a(t),
cosmic temperature
(in electron-volts (eV):
eV ≅ 10**4 K),
cosmic LTE hydrogen ionization (assuming pure atomic
You need to click on the image to see it in its entirety.
The cosmic time of evolution
is from well after the
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
(cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m)
and starting well into the
radiation era
(inflation end 10**(-32) s ? -- 51.7(8) kyr).
- The cosmic quantities were calculated with the fiducial values:
- Hubble constant fiducial value 70 (km/s)/Mpc
- Ω_matter = 0.3:
i.e., the
density parameter Ω
due to matter: both
baryonic matter
and dark matter.
This is just a round number.
Planck 2018, p. 14,15 Plik Ω_matter = 0.3153(73).
- Ω_Λ = 0.7:
i.e., the
density parameter Ω
due to the
cosmological constant Λ
or equivalently dark energy.
Planck 2018, p. 15 Plik Ω_Λ = 0.6847(73).
- Ω_radiation = 9.0606*10**(-5):
i.e., the
density parameter Ω
due to the
cosmic background radiation (CBR)
plus cosmic neutrinos
which were extreme relativistic particles,
and so acted like
electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
during the
radiation era
(cosmic time ∼ 0--178.5 kyr).
The value is from
Cahill (2017, p. 3,5 based
cosmic microwave background temperature T = 2.72548(57) K (Fixsen 2009).
- The number density
hydrogen atoms
is 1.898*10**(-7) 1/cm**3.
This is a fiducial value
derived from the assuming the
critical density = 3H_0**2/(8πG) = (9.20387*10**(-27))*h_70**2 kg/m**3 = (1.35989*10**11)*h_70**2 M_☉/Mpc**3
with fiducial value h_70=1
(which close to most universal density estimates: e.g.,
Wikipedia: Λ-CDM model: Parameters),
Planck 2018, p. 14,15 Plik Ω_baryonic matter = 0.02237/(H_0/100),
and cosmic mass fraction
of hydrogen 0.75.
- The cosmic scale factor a(t).
was calculated using nearly exact
a(t) formula
for the Λ-CDM model given by
Galanti & Roncadelli 2021.
Their formula is exact for the
a "radiation"-matter universe and a matter-Λ universe.
The two exact branches are joined in the
"radiation"-Λ equality time 0.5899 Gyr
where both radiation and Λ
make nearly negligible to the
content of the observable universe.
- The
radiation era
(cosmic time ∼ 0--178.5 kyr) is when
"radiation" (i.e., photons plus all other
extreme relativistic particles) dominates
the mass-energy
evolution of the observable universe.
The time zero for radiation era
is formally the
Big Bang singularity and is really as early
as we believe we can extrapolate known cosmology.
The end of the
radiation era
is here chosen NOT be
"radiation"-matter equality time
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2021 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Local file: local link: cosmic_scale_factor_lambda_cdm.html.
File: Cosmology file: