Week of --- Date link: Your Sky and Sky Maps for the Year - Weather:
  1. Aug26: As preparation, read the Course Website / Extended Syllabus.
    Orientation: The lab instructor will introduce themself---get their NAME/EMAIL. We will then run over the Course Website / Extended Syllabus, lab instructor-specific items, and, at the lab instructor's discretion, have an intro to using TheSky software. Also, at the lab instructor discretion, the labs can begin on the first night thereby advancing the whole Lab Schedule by one week.
    See also, Drop Dates.
  2. Sep02: Lab 1: Constellations (Old Lab 1: Constellations / Lab Supplements).
    No labs on Labor Day Sep02 Monday (UNLV holiday).
  3. Sep09: Lab 2: The Sky (Old Lab 2: Celestial Sphere / Lab Supplements).

  4. Sep16: Lab 3: Telescopes (Old Lab 3: Telescopes / Lab Supplements).
    A full moon on Oct17 Tuesday.
  5. Sep23: Lab 10: Stellar Spectra (Old Lab 12: Stellar Spectra / Lab Supplements).
  6. Sep30: Lab 8: Stars (Old Lab 10: Starlight / Lab Supplements).

  7. Oct07: Lab 9: Double Stars (Old Lab 11: Double Stars / Lab Supplements).
  8. Oct14: Lab 4: The Moon (Old Lab 4: The Moon / Lab Supplements).
    A full moon on Oct17 Thursday.
  9. Oct21: Lab 11: Galaxies (Old Lab 17: Galaxies / Lab Supplements).

  10. Oct28: Lab 5: Planets (Old Lab 6: Planets / Lab Supplements).
    Planets etc. in the sky: Moon ☽ waning crescent moon, Mercury ☿ visible at 6 pm, Venus ♀ visible at 7 pm, Mars ♂ not visible, Jupiter ♃ visible: a bit late, Saturn ♄ visible in good position, Uranus ⛢,♅ visible: a bit late, Neptune ♆ visible in good position.
    Note, if the instuctor wishes, they can interchange Lab 5 and Lab 12 dates since Jupiter as well as Saturn will be good position on Nov04.
  11. Nov04: Lab 12: Cosmos (Old and very incomplete Lab 16: Hubble's Law / Lab Supplements).
  12. Nov11: Makeups / Practice for Lab Final / Early Lab Finals.
    Instructors: The makeup/practice week CANNOT be omitted.
    No classes on Veterans Day Nov11 Monday (UNLV holiday).
    So makeup/practice and lab final for Monday sections may need to be pushed on a week.

  13. Nov18: Lab Final.
  14. Nov25: Only by special arrangement with instructors: Late Makeups / Late Lab Finals.
    Instructors: The late makeup/final week CANNOT be omitted---unless there are absolutely NO students in need of it.
    No labs on Thanksgiving Nov28 Thursday (UNLV holiday).
  15. Dec02: Only by special arrangement with instructors: Very late Makeups / Very late Lab Finals.
  16. Dec09: Finals week. As always, grades are due on MyUNLV by 4:00 pm on the Tuesday after finals week.
