Lab 3: Telescopes

Credit/Permission: For text, © David Jeffery. For figures etc., as specified with the figure etc. / Only for reading and use by the instructors and students of the UNLV astronomy laboratory course.

This is a lab exercise with observations that are essential: see Sky map: Las Vegas: current time and weather.


  1. Objectives (AKA Purpose)
  2. Preparation
  3. Tasks and Criteria for Success
  4. Task Master
  5. Optics and Telescopes
  6. The Celestron C8 Telescope
  7. Field of View
  8. Pre Observations (IPI only)
  9. Observations (IPI only)
  10. Post Observations (IPI only)
  11. Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only)
  12. Finale
  13. Post Mortem
  14. Lab Exercise
  15. Report Form: RMI Qualification: If you do NOT have a printer or do NOT want to waste paper, you will have to hand print the Report Form in sufficient detail for your own use.
  16. General Instructor Prep
  17. Lab Key: Access to lab instructors only.
  18. Instructor Prep: Access to lab instructors only
  19. Prep Task: None.
  20. Quiz Preparation: General Instructions
  21. Prep Quizzes and Prep Quiz Keys
  22. Quiz Keys: Access to lab instructors only.

  1. Objectives (AKA Purpose)

  2. The main objective is to learn something about telescopes and their use.

    We do touch on the following topics:

    1. optics.
    2. telescopes.
    3. Celestron C8 telescopes.
    4. magnification.
    5. field of view (FOV).
    6. astronomical observations.

  3. Preparation

  4. Do the preparation required by your lab instructor.

    1. Prep Items:

      1. Read this lab exercise itself: Lab 3: Telescopes.

        Some of the Tasks can be completed ahead of the lab period. Doing some of them ahead of lab period would be helpful.

      2. It is probably best to print out a copy of Report Form on the lab room printer when you get to the lab room since updates to the report forms are ongoing.

        However, you can print a copy ahead of time if you like especially if want to do some parts ahead of time. You might have to compensate for updates in this case.

        The Lab Exercise itself is NOT printed in the lab ever. That would be killing forests and the Lab Exercise is designed to be an active web document.

      3. Prep for the quiz doing the prep suggested by your instructor.

        General remarks about quiz prep are given at Quiz Preparation: General Instructions.

        For DavidJ's lab sections, the quiz prep is doing all the items listed here and self-testing with the Prep Quizzes and Prep Quiz Keys if they exist.

      4. This is an observing lab. So you should review Telescope Operation and List of Tricks for the Telescope as needed.

        Review the parts of the Celestron C8 telescope in the figure below (local link / general link: telescope_c8_diagram.html).

        You should also review the Observation Safety Rules.

      5. There are are many keywords that you need to know for this lab. Many of these you will learn sufficiently well by reading over the Lab Exercise itself.

        However to complement and/or supplement the reading, you should at least read the intro of a sample of the articles linked to the following keywords etc. so that you can define and/or understand some keywords etc. at the level of our class.

        A further list of keywords which you are NOT required to look at---but it would be useful to do so---is:


    2. Prep Items for Instructors:

      1. From the General Instructor Prep, review as needed:
        1. Basic Prep.
        2. Usual Startup Procedure.
        3. Usual Shutdown Procedure.

      2. Since this is an observing lab, you should check the NWS weather well in advance of the lab night.

        If the sky is going to be heavily clouded, then an alternative lab exercise without observations (or for which observations are NOT essential) from the Introductory Astronomy Laboratory Exercises.

        Patchy cloud cover may be OK. You will have to make a judgment call based on visual inspection of the sky.

      3. Since this is the first lab exercise with telescopes you should set one up in the classroom for demonstrations. You'll need an adapter from the storeroom to power the C8 telescope. There is a Task 12: Inside Telescope Intro where the students get hands on experience with the telescope before going outside.

        You should call up groups of students one by one to run them through this task which is NOT done in order of the Tasks, but whenever you call a group up.

      4. Sky alignment on the C8's should NOT be done since in this lab we use the rotation of the sky to move stars across the field of view (FOV).

      5. There are stopwatches in the roof shed for the timing measurements if needed. However, students may prefer to just use their cell phones.

      6. You should put out the classroom globe.

      7. See Star Choices below for suggestions of stars to observe.

        Note if the night is cloudy, you can still do the lab with observations or without. See Star Choices again. Really this lab CANNO be postponed more than once.

  5. Task Master

    1. Task Master:


      1. Task 1: The Primary of a Telescope.
      2. Task 2: Telescope Magnification.
      3. Task 3: Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope Questions.
      4. Task 4: Telescope Inversions.
      5. Task 5: Celestron C8 Telescopes.
      6. Task 6: Finderscope Specification (IPI only).
      7. Task 7: Procedure for Centering An Object in the Field of View (IPI only).
      8. Task 8: Unit Conversion. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
      9. Task 9: Earth's Rotation Rate.
      10. Task 10: Synthetic Observations.
      11. Task 11: Why Do the Measurements Take Longer at Higher Declination?
      12. Task 12: Inside Telescope Intro (IPI only) . Complete early for observations.
      13. Task 13: Sky Map (IPI only). Complete early for observations.
      14. Task 14: Star Choices (IPI only). Complete early for observations.
      15. Task 15: Measurements and FOV Calculations (IPI only).
      16. Task 16: Shutting Down the Telescope (IPI only).
      17. Task 17: C8 Specifications (IPI only).
      18. Task 18: Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only).

      End of Task

  6. Optics and Telescopes

  7. We will now learn something about optics, telescopes, and our C8 telescopes.

    Obviously, a full explication of optics is well beyond our scope.

    We only consider Gaussian optics which is geometrical optics in the limit of the paraxial approximation: i.e., when light rays make small enough angles to the optical axis that the small angle approximation for the trigonometric functions is valid.

    Geometrical optics itself is the limit of physical optics in which diffraction is neglected and light is treating just as propagating light rays.

    1. Lenses and Curved Mirrors:

      The figure below (local link / general link: optics_lens_curved_mirror.html) explicates what we need to know about lenses and curved mirrors.

    2. The Keplerian Telescope:

      A general discussion of telescopes is beyond our scope.

      A full explication of the C8's is also beyond our scope---thrash about before you crawl as they say.

      The classic Keplerian telescope gives a simple case for understanding something about telescopes.

      The figure below (local link / general link: telescope_keplerian.html) explicates the Keplerian telescope.

    3. Task 1: The Primary of a Telescope:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Define the primary of telescope in your own words in sentence form.


      2. What is the main parameter (controlling variable) of the primary? This parameter is also the main one for the telescope as a whole.     ________________    

      End of Task

    4. Task 2: Telescope Magnification:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. What is the telescope magnification formula?     ___________________________    

      2. What is the telescope magnification of a telescope with f_p = 3.6 m and f_e = 40 mm? HINT: You have to use the same units for the focal lengths of the primary and eyepiece, and magnification has the conventional magnification unit X.     ___________________________    

      End of Task

    5. The Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope:

      The C8's are Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes.

      The figure below (local link / general link: telescope_schmidt_cassegrain.html) explicates the Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope to a limited degree.

    6. Task 3: Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope Questions:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. What makes a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope a Schmidt telescope? Explain the function of the extra device that makes a Schmidt telescope a Schmidt telescope.


      2. What makes a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope a Cassegrain telescope? Explain the function of the extra device that makes a Cassegrain telescope a Cassegrain telescope.


      End of Task

    7. Telescope Mounts:

      A telescope ideally should be slewable to all points on the celestial sphere.

      The celestial sphere requires two angular coordinates to locate objects. The simplest way to do this is to use two perpendicular axes of rotation.

      Therefore, usually telescopes are designed to slew around two perpendicular axes of rotation.

      In practice, the first axis is fixed and the second axis rotates on the first axis, but is always perpendicular to the first axis.

      The axis setups are called telescope mounts.

      There are two common telescope mounts:

      1. Altazimuth mount: The first axis of rotation is aligned with the zenith-nadir line. This axis gives azimuth slewing.

        The second axis which rotates on the first gives altitude slewing.

        The altazimuth mount is conceptually simple and easily constructed.

      2. Equatorial mount: The first axis of rotation is aligned with the celestial axis. This axis gives right ascension (RA) slewing.

        The second axis which rotates on the first gives declination (Dec or δ) slewing.

        The equatorial mount is conceptually a bit trickier than the altazimuth mount and probably a bit harder to construct usually.

        However, the equatorial mount gives straightforward clock-drive motion since only the first axis has to slew to keep the telescope pointing at a point on the celestial sphere.

        Pre-computer-controlled telescopes could only be build easily for clock-drive motion with the equatorial mount.

        With computer-controlled telescopes, either altazimuth mount or equatorial mount easily give clock-drive motion.

        However, equatorial mount may still be preferred since with it clock-drive motion probably gives less wear on the gear train

      The Celestron C8 telescope can be mounted in either altazimuth mount or equatorial mount. Currently, we use the equatorial mount.

    8. Point Inversion and Plane Reflection (AKA Mirror Reflection):

      The Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope does a point inversion during image formation.

      Recall that the Keplerian telescope (which is refractor telescope recall) does this too.

      Point inversion in the figure below (local link / general link: optics_point_inversion.html).

      point inversion is what the C8's give without a star diagonal attached.

      But a C8 star diagonal (which is a Porro prism star diagonal: see figure below: local link / general link: optics_prism_porro.html) is ordinarily attached and it causes a further inversion.

      The star diagonal's purpose is to bend the optical axis and beam paths of light rays through 90° from the main optical axis of the telescope in order to save the observer from krinking his/her neck.

      To achieve its purpose (but NOT as part of its purpose), a Porro prism star diagonal also causes an plane reflection.

      Plane reflection is illustrated and explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: optics_reflection_plane.html).

      Because of the inversions, it's tricky relating the orientation of what you see in the
      field of view to the actual sky.

      But you can do it with a little thought.

    9. How Does a Porro Prism Star Diagonal Work?

      Recall a star diagonal's purpose is to bend the optical axis and beam paths of light rays through 90° from the optical axis of a telescope in order to save the observer from kinking his/her neck.

      For star diagonal images, see the figure below (local link / general link: telescope_star_diagonal.html).

      Porro prism star diagonal contains a Porro prism which causes the effective bending of the optical axis and beam paths of light rays.

      The bending is done by total internal reflection.

      The figure below (local link / general link: optics_prism_porro.html) shows how a Porro prism works in our C8 star diagonals.

    10. Task 4: Telescope Inversions:

      Each group member OR each group as specified by the instructor should print out the figure below (local link / general link: field_of_view_inversions.html) and complete it by drawing the point inverted and axis reflected (the 2-d analog of plane reflected) versions of the field of view (FOV) which contains the Alien.

      The point inversion can be done easily using two printouts and rotating one 180° and tracing on the other.

      The axis reflection is tricky to understand in a sense, but it is just what happens in Image 1 of the figure above (local link / general link: optics_reflection_plane.html).

      It's probably best to just to use your artistic skill to do the axis reflection.

      But it can be done with tracing too plus some trickery. Trace the FOV without the star diagonal (but with the Alien point inverted already drawn) on the back of the printout. That will effect the axis reflection. Then trace that tracing to a separate sheet of paper, and then do the final tracing from the separate sheet of paper to the printout for the FOV with the star diagonal. But make sure the completed FOV with the star diagonal has the Alien in the RIGHT PLACE on the reflection axis, NOT shifted off the reflection axis, etc.

      Append the printout to your report form. Each group should have a printout.

      End of Task

  8. The Celestron C8 Telescope

  9. In this section, we study the features/parts/characteristics of the C8's, but many of these features/parts/characteristics apply to other telescopes.

    1. Task 5: Celestron C8 Telescopes:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. What is the basic design type of the C8's?     ___________________________    

      2. Is the C8 a reflector or a refractor?     ___________________________    

      3. What is the main parameter of any telescope?     ___________________________    

      4. What is this parameter's value for our C8's?     ________________    

      5. What are the possible telescope mount of the C8's? Altazimuth mount, equatorial mount, or other? Which one is currently used? HINT: See subsection Telescope Mounts above.


      6. What is the telescope magnification of the C8's given focal length 2.0 m---yes, it's really 2.032 m, but we only need a 2-significant-figure value---and our standard eyepiece focal length of 40 mm.


      7. Print out the unlabeled diagram of a C8 telescope in the figure below (local link / general link: telescope_c8_diagram_blank.html) Without looking back at the labeled diagram of a C8 telescope, label your printout and append it to your report form. Each person in the group has to do this on their own. The students can confer among themselves and ask the instructor for help---but he/she is likely to wax Socratic. Have you done the sub task?     Y / N

      End of Task

    2. Task 6: Finderscope Specification (IPI only):

      What is our C8 finderscope specification and what does it MEAN? HINT: Look at the C8 on display in the classroom if there is one and click on Wikipedia: Finderscope: Function and Design.


      End of Task

    3. Task 7: Procedure for Centering An Object in the Field of View (IPI only):

      Complete the following procedure for centering an object in the field of view (FOV) of a C8:

      1. Slew the C8 (using the arrow keys on the keypad) to the vicinity of ______________________ .    

      2. Center the laser dot of the ___________________ on the object.    

      3. Center the object in the ____________________________ .    

      4. Center the object in the _________________________________________ .    

      End of Task

  10. Field of View

  11. In this section we will consider the field of view (FOV) of telescopes and one way of measuring it.

    We have to learn a bit about the Earth's rotation and unit conversions---they're fun.

    1. The Earth's Rotation:

      The Earth rotates on its axis.

      Relative to the inertial frame fixed stars (which to sufficient accuracy is the same as the local inertial frame of the observable universe) the Earth's rotation (i.e., its angular velocity) is 360 degrees per 24 sidereal hours (h_s).

      Note 1 unit of sidereal time = 0.99726958 of the corresponding regular time units. This is because it takes the Earth a bit longer to compete an axial rotation relative to the Sun than to the inertial frame fixed stars.

    2. Unit Conversion:

      A unit conversion is just multiplying the value to be converted by 1 (i.e., a factor of unity) expressed in appropriate way so that you cancel out the units you don't want. You can always multiply something by 1 without changing its value.

      A general discussion is less clear that a few examples:

      1. An easy case: Convert 7.2 m to centimeters.

        Now 1 m = 100 cm, and so the factor of unity is 1 = (100 cm / 1 m).

        Behold: 7.2 m = 7.2 m * 1 = 7.2 m * (100 cm/ 1 m) = 7200 cm.

      2. A trickier case: Convert 1 acre-foot to cubic meters. Behold:

          1 acre-foot = 1 acre-foot * (1 mi**2 / 640 acres)
                                 *( (1609.344m / 1 mi)**2)*(0.3048 m / 1 ft)
                      = 1233.48 m**3  .  
      3. A astromical case: Convert 27' to degrees. Behold:
          27' = 27' * (1 degree / 60') = 0.45° .  

    3. Task 8: Unit Conversion:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Convert 1 hour into micro-centuries.


      2. Convert (360°/24 h) to arcminutes per minute.


      End of Task

    4. Task 9: Earth's Rotation Rate:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. What is Earth's rotation rate R in degrees per h_s (sidereal hours)? R = _________________    

      2. 1 degree = 60 arcminutes ('). What is the factor of unity needed to convert degrees to arcminutes? HINT: Divide both sides by the left-hand side to get     1 = _________________    

      3. 1 h_s = 60 sidereal minutes (m_s). What is the factor of unity needed to convert m_s to h_s? HINT: Divide both sides by the left-hand side to get     1 = _________________    

      4. Convert the Earth's rotation rate R from degrees per h_s into arcminutes per m_s: i.e., convert R(degrees/h_s) to R('/m_s). HINT: Use the factors of unity and cancel out the unwanted units algebraically.


      End of Task

    5. Field of View Angular Diameter (i.e., Size):

      A field of view (FOV) of a telescope is a circular area on the sky.

      The size of the FOV is angular diameter of the FOV.

      This size is also called FOV in a second meaning of FOV. As usual context decides what meaning is meant.

      Consider a star that transits (i.e., passes through) the center of a FOV as the sky rotates (i.e., does its diurnal rotation).

      The star's path is actually slightly curved in general, but it approximates as a straight line to very accuracy/precision.

      The angular diameter of the FOV to a accuracy/precision 1st order approximation is given by the FOV timing formula
        FOV = 2*(R*t_m)*cos(δ),
              the 2 converts angular radius to angular diameter,
              R = 15 arcminutes/m_sidereal = 15.041 arcminutes/m ≅ 15 arcminutes/m to sufficient
                     accuracy for this lab,
              t_m is time in minutes for
                     the observed star to transit
                     from the CENTER
                     to the EDGE of the FOV,
                     and δ is the declination of the star.  
      Some points about this formula:

      1. The formula is derived in the file field_of_view_procedure.html. It is for the center-to-edge procedure which measures the time the star takes to transit from the CENTER to the EDGE of the FOV.

      2. The formula is an excellent 1st order approximation when Rt (measured in radians) << 1 which is always true in this lab.

        The exact formula is obtained using spherical trigonometry in the file field_of_view_procedure.html.

      3. Since FOV is fixed for a given telescope and eyepiece, t_m must increases as cos(δ) decreases (i.e., as δ increases).

      4. The cos(δ) is needed to effectively convert the rotation rate of the star around the celestial axis to the rotation rate of the star around the Earth.

        And the reason for this if you track it back is that we want the angular diameter of the FOV from the Earth where we observe from rather than from the celestial axis where we do NOT observe from (except for astronomical objects of zero declination: i.e., astronomical objects on the celestial equator).

    6. The Observations We Will do Tonight:

      In tonight's observations, we will measure the angular diameter of the FOV (i.e., its size) by measuring the time t_m for a star to transit from the CENTER to the EDGE of the FOV and then using the FOV timing formula to calculate said angular diameter from time t_m.

      We'll just round off the declination values to the nearest degree.

      Our timing measurements are too imprecise to worry about fractions of a degree of declination.

    7. Task 10: Synthetic Observations:

      To prep for having real observations, let's apply the FOV timing formula to some synthetic observations. Remember, just round off the declination values to the nearest degree.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. You have measured transit time 1:04 (i.e., 1 minute and 4 seconds) for a star at declination δ = 5°30'11.5''. Evaluate the FOV to 2 significant figures. Remember to convert the transit time to minutes with a decimal fraction and to give the units arcminutes (').


      2. Repeat part 1 for transit time 0:42 and δ = 5°30'11.5''.


      3. Repeat part 2 for transit time 1:20 and δ = 45°29'11.5''.


      End of Task

    8. Task 11: Why Do the Measurements Take Longer at Higher Declination?

      Look at the figure local link: sky_swirl_polaris_ehrenbuerg.html below and watch the accompanying videos. The star trails each take the same time to form in the long-exposure image and have the same angle around the celestial axis.

      But the field of view (FOV) angular diameter is an angular diameter subtended at the observer and is the SAME for any declination.

      So as you go to higher in declination (i.e., get closer to the celestial axis) it takes a longer star trail and thus a longer transit time to transit the FOV. In fact, the transit time is infinite at the celestial axis.

      Do you understand why now?     Y / N    

      End of Task

  12. Pre Observations (IPI only)

  13. There are some things to do before observations.

    1. Task 12: Inside Telescope Intro (IPI only):

      Some time before observations get the instructor to give your group a hands-on intro to the C8's.

      The instuctor could call you up for the intro or you could take the initiative in getting him/her to give you the intro.

      You or a group member has had the intro.     Y / N    

      You or a group member has at least mostly covered all the sub tasks below.     Y / N    

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Cover the basic operations of the C8's insofar as needed for this lab.

      2. Should should run through the parts of the C8's again. See the figure below (local link / general link: telescope_c8_diagram.html).

      3. Get a description of the pad. Tonight all we need are the arrows for slewing. and the rate key for changing the slew rate. You should learn how to slew and change the slew rate hands-on.

      4. NEVER slew by hand. Always use the arrows on the LCD pad.

      5. Center some object across the classroom in star pointer. You center by putting the red laser dot on the object. Left-hand knob closest to eyepiece turns the red laser dot on/off.

          The red laser dot is powered by a little lithium battery which is frequently dead. The star pointer can still be used, but you have stand a meter or so off from it and get a little practice. Some nights, yours truly can do this pretty niftily, other nights, no luck.

      6. Center the object in the finderscope using the crosshairs. The crosshairs can be illuminated if you like, but in fact that illumination seems useless for most purposes.

      7. For help manipulating the C8 telescopes, the students can make use of the handout Telescope Tricks which is also available online at the just displayed link Telescope Tricks.

        For more detailed information, see Telescope Operating Procedure for Instructors or Telescope Operating Procedure for Instructors, pdf.

      End of Task

    2. Task 13: Sky Map (IPI only):

      Each group will need a sky map to help locate the star choices for tonight's observations.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Click on the sky map local link: sky_map_current_time_las_vegas.html below. Note this is NOT a TheSky sky map.

      2. Update to your observing time tonight: e.g., 9:00 pm Updating requires the conversion to Universal Time (UT): i.e., UTC=PST+8 or UTC=PDT+7. For example, 9:00 pm is 5:00:00 UT for PST and 4:00:00 UT for PDT. Note that on UT, it is already tomorrow.

      3. Go toolbar/file/print preview and scale to 50 % (or whatever your web browser requires) so that the whole sky map shows and then go print to get a printable image.

      4. The sky map should be appended to the favorite report form.

      End of Task

    3. Star Choices

      Recommendations for the instructor:

      1. Summer: Spica (α VIR) (V=1.04, δ= -11°09'40.75''), Vega (α LYR) (V=0.03, δ=38°47'0.12802'').
      2. Fall: Altair (α AQL) (V=0.77, δ=8°52'5.9563''), Vega (α LYR) (V=0.03, δ=38°47'0.12802'').
      3. Winter: Mintaka (δ ORI) (V=2.23, δ= -0°17'56.74'': the westmost star in the Orion's Belt), Capella (α AUR) (V=0.76, δ=45°59'52.768'').
      4. If it is cloudy, use any suitable astronomical object: i.e., any suitable star with a known declination, any suitable planet, or the Moon. If conditions are cloudy, you may have to make other choices even as late as the observing time. The instructor should consult the sky map above as needed.
      5. If observations CANNOT be done due to weather and you do NOT want to postpone the lab---and it can only be postponed once at most---direct the students to use the synthetic observations shown with Task 15. In later labs, they will get practice observing with the C8's.
      6. If you do postpone the lab, do a suitable alternative lab, of course.

      In fact, the students do NOT actually need to track the designated star. Any star in the vicinity of the designated star will give virtually the same result.

    4. Task 14: Star Choices (IPI only):

      Write down the two star choices for tonight's observations and their declinations.

      1. ___________________________________________________    

      2. ___________________________________________________    

      Mark the two star choices on your printed out sky map in such a way that you can see them easily outside.

      End of Task

  14. Observations (IPI only)

  15. Now for the observations.

    1. Task 15: Measurements and FOV Calculations (IPI only):

      Sub Tasks:

      1. General directions:

        1. There are only 9 timing measurements. You can use a stopwatch or your cell phone.

        2. After your group has claimed your telescope, slew to the first of the chosen star and center it in the FOV.

          This takes a little practice.

        3. Measure the transit times as the star transits CENTER to the EDGE of the FOV.

      2. Measure the time for the first star to drift across the whole FOV three times:

        Time 1: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation, use: 1:20.

        Time 2: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation, use: 1:22.

        Time 3: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation, use: 0:22.

        Average Time: ________________ m with decimal fraction

        Note if any of the 3 timings differ from the others by more than 20 seconds, then you probably have made some error. Repeat the timing in this case or neglect the out-of-trend observation in the average time calculation.

        Evaluate the FOV timing formula (which is linked to its name) to get the FOV angular diameter. Remember to give the units, arcminutes ('). Result: _____________________

        This measurement was done with our standard 40 mm eyepiece.

      3. When you have completed the first measurement, ask the instructor for a new smaller-focal length eyepiece.

        Make sure that the first star is very well centered before proceeding. The new eyepiece has a smaller FOV and it is easy to lose the star and NOT find it again. However, it doesn't really matter since any star in the vicinity of the first star will do as well for the measurement.

        Now remove the standard eyepiece just loosening the screws NOT taking them out---if you take them out you will drop them and they'll roll into the crevices and we'll NEVER get them out.

        Put the standard eyepiece in the box designated for doing that so it is safe. But, if your instructor allows it, you can put it on the base right by the pillar and the electrical connection in an upright position so it is safe and will NOT roll off.

        Put the new eyepiece in and tighten the screws enough so that the eyepiece is snuck---but don't grind the screws in.

        What is the focal length of the new eyepiece? _________________    

      4. Repeat part 1 for the new eyepiece:

        Time 1: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation, use (i) 2:01, (ii) 1:21, (iii) 0:57, OR (iv) 0:40 as your instructor designates.

        Time 2: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation use (i) 1:59, (ii) 1:18, (iii) 0:56, OR (iv) 0:37 as your instructor designates.

        Time 3: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation use (i) 2:05, (ii) 1:25, (iii) 1:01, OR (iv) 0:43 as your instructor designates.

        Average Time: ________________ m with decimal fraction

        Note if any of the 3 timings differ from the others by more than 20 seconds, then you probably have made some error. Repeat the timing in this case or neglect the out-of-trend observation in the average time calculation.

        Evaluate the FOV timing formula (which linked to its name) to get the FOV angular diameter. Remember to give the units, arcminutes ('). Result: _____________________

      5. Now restore the standard 40-mm eyepiece and return the smaller-focal length eyepiece to the instructor.

      6. Repeat part 1 for the second star.

        Time 1: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation use 4:05.

        Time 2: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation use 4:00.

        Time 3: _______ m _______ s   = ______________ m with decimal fraction. If NO observation use 3:55.

        Average Time: ________________ m with decimal fraction

        Note if any of the 3 timings differ from the others by more than 20 seconds, then you probably have made some error. Repeat the timing in this case or neglect the out-of-trend observation in the average time calculation.

        Evaluate the FOV timing formula (which linked to its name) to get the FOV angular diameter. Remember to give the units, arcminutes ('). Result: _____________________

      End of Task

    2. Task 16: Shutting Down the Telescope (IPI only):

      At the end of the observing:

      1. Make sure the red laser dot is turned off.
      2. Make sure the crosshairs illumination is off. It usually will be off permanently since most batteries are dead and we NO longer replace them since we do NOT need the illuminated crosshairs anyway.

      If you are the last section observing and NOT otherwise, you:

      1. should align the telescope with its base: i.e., make the tube parallel to the base.
      2. turn off the telescope power.

      Have we have done all these things?     Y / N    

      End of Task

  16. Post Observations (IPI only)

  17. Ah, back inside where it's cool/warm.

    1. Task 17: C8 Specifications (IPI only):

      Complete the following table using your own calculated values and values obtained from other groups.

          Table:  C8 telescope specifications for available eyepieces
          focal length  magnification     approximate
              (mm)          (X)          fields of view
                                        (arcminutes = ')

      End of Task

    2. Finishing Up:

      Finish up any remaining Tasks.

  18. Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only)

  19. Task 18: Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only):


    End of Task

  20. Finale

  21. Goodnight all.

  22. Post Mortem

  23. Lab 3: Telescopes:

    1. Nothing yet.