Quiz Preparation: General Instructions

  1. The quiz might be omitted if it's NOT feasible or convenient. The students may or may NOT be informed ahead of time of quiz omission depending on the circumstances.

  2. The quizzes in total are 40 % of the course grade. However, only the top five quiz marks are counted.

  3. In preparing for a quiz, go over the Lab Preparation.

  4. There is no end to the studying you can do, but it is only a short quiz.

    One to two hours prep should suffice.

  5. There will be 10 or so questions and the time will be 10 or so minutes.

  6. The questions will range from quite easy to challenging.

      Some of the questions will be thinking questions. You will have to reason your way to the answers.

  7. There may or may NOT be a Prep Quiz to test yourself with ahead of the lab period.

  8. The solutions to quizzes might be posted at Quiz Solutions after the quiz is given. Whether they are or NOT depends on the circumstances of each individual semester.