Lab 10: Stellar Spectra

Credit/Permission: For text, © David Jeffery. For figures etc., as specified with the figure etc. / Only for reading and use by the instructors and students of the UNLV astronomy laboratory course.

This is a lab exercise without observations.

But for reference, see Sky Map: Current Time Las Vegas and weather.


  1. Objectives (AKA Purpose)
  2. Preparation
  3. Tasks and Criteria for Success
  4. Task Master
  5. Spectroscopy
  6. Stellar Spectral Types
  7. Quantized States
  8. Grotrian Diagrams and Atomic Transitions
  9. Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only)
  10. Finale
  11. Post Mortem
  12. Lab Exercise
  13. Report Form: RMI Qualification: If you do NOT have a printer or do NOT want to waste paper, you will have to hand print the Report Form in sufficient detail for your own use.
  14. General Instructor Prep
  15. Lab Key: Access to lab instructors only.
  16. Instructor Notes: Access to lab instructors only.
  17. Prep Task: Task 10: Phase Velocity Calculation.
  18. Quiz Preparation: General Instructions
  19. Prep Quizzes and Prep Quiz Keys
  20. Quiz Keys: Access to lab instructors only.

  1. Objectives (AKA Purpose)

  2. The main objective to learn something about stellar spectra.

    We touch on the following topics:

    1. absorption spectra.
    2. atomic transitions.
    3. blackbody radiation.
    4. diffraction gratings.
    5. dispersion.
    6. emission spectra.
    7. Grotrian diagrams.
    8. prisms.
    9. spectroscopes (AKA spectrometers).
    10. spectroscopy.
    11. stellar spectra.

  3. Preparation

  4. Do the preparation required by your lab instructor.

    1. Prep Items:

      1. Read this lab exercise itself: Lab 10: Stellar Spectra.

        Some of the Tasks can be completed ahead of the lab period. Doing some of them ahead of lab period would be helpful.

      2. It is probably best to print out a copy of Report Form on the lab room printer when you get to the lab room since updates to the report forms are ongoing.

        However, you can print a copy ahead of time if you like especially if want to do some parts ahead of time. You might have to compensate for updates in this case.

        The Lab Exercise itself is NOT printed in the lab ever. That would be killing forests and the Lab Exercise is designed to be an active web document.

      3. Do the prep for quiz (if there is one) suggested by your instructor.

        General remarks about quiz prep are given at Quiz Preparation: General Instructions.

        For DavidJ's lab sections, the quiz prep is doing all the items listed here and self-testing with the Prep Quizzes and Prep Quiz Keys if they exist.

      4. There are are many keywords that you need to know for this lab. Many of these you will learn sufficiently well by reading over the Lab Exercise itself.

        However to complement and/or supplement the reading, you should at least read the intro of a sample of the articles linked to the following keywords etc. so that you can define and/or understand some keywords etc. at the level of our class.

        A further list of keywords which you are NOT required to look at---but it would be useful to do so---is:


    2. Prep Items for Instructors:

      1. From the General Instructor Prep, review as needed:
        1. Basic Prep.
        2. Usual Startup Procedure.
        3. Usual Shutdown Procedure.

      2. You will need to put out both kinds of spectroscopes: as many fixed-base ones as we have and three or more of the hand-held ones. For each kinds, make sure you know how to use them---it's a test.

      3. Put out the incandescent-light-bulb gooseneck lamp(s). There should be one or more somewhere in the storeroom BPB 252.

      4. Put out all the spectral tubes of each kind and their stands that you feel you can handle.
        We should currently have:
        1. argon spectral tube.
        2. carbon dioxide spectral tube.
        3. helium spectral tube.
        4. hydrogen spectral tube.
        5. krypton spectral tube.
        6. neon spectral tube.
        7. sodium spectral tube.

      5. The sodium spectral tube is encased and takes ∼ 20 minutes to warm up ??? and can be left on. It is the safe spectral tube. Still you should be cautious with it especially when the glass tube itself is hot.

      6. The other spectral tubes must be handled more cautiously. They are NOT enclosed and they are high voltage and they will get hot. So do NOT touch the glass tubes themselves, except when you know they are cold: i.e., when the spectral tubes have NOT been on for a long time. Also only plug the spectral tubes in with the supplied cord only when they are set up safely and only turn them on when they are plugged in safely.

        To prolong the lifetimes of these spectral tubes, the manual recommends that they be cycled on and off in 30 second periods (30 s on and 30 s off).

        According to the manual, the helium spectral tube and neon spectral tube can be run continuously longer than other spectral tubes, but it is probably best to stick to the 30 second periods for simplicity in instructions to the students.

      7. If there are multiple sections doing this lab, they may have to share equipment.

  5. Task Master

    1. Task Master:


      1. Task 1: The Spectroscope.
      2. Task 2: Continuous Spectra (IPI only).
      3. Task 3: The Incandescent Light Bulb. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
      4. Task 4: Gas Spectra (IPI only).
      5. Task 5: Stellar Spectra Formation.
      6. Task 6: Solar Spectrum and Fraunhofer Lines.
      7. Task 7: Spectral Types of Well Known Stars.
      8. Task 8: CLEA/VIREO Classification of Stellar Spectra (IPI only).
      9. Task 9: Questions on the Classified Stars (IPI only).
      10. Task 10: Phase Velocity Calculation.
      11. Task 11: Harmonic Oscillator Transition.
      12. Task 12: Strongest and Weakest Hydrogen Line Series.
      13. Task 13: Strongest and Weakest Lines of Hydrogen in the Visible.
      14. Task 14: Visible Range in Energy.
      15. Task 15: He I lines.
      16. Task 16: Ca II lines from the Ground State.
      17. Task 17: Weak Lines.
      18. Task 18: Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only).

      End of Task

  6. Spectroscopy

  7. In this section, we will do spectroscopy on hot substances and study their spectra.

    1. Task 1: The Spectroscope:

      The spectroscope is explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: spectroscope.html) and the diffraction grating in the figure below that (local link / general link: diffraction_grating.html).

      Read the over the two figures. Have you done so?     Y / N    

      End of Task

    2. Task 2: Continuous Spectra (IPI only):

      In this task, we study the continuous spectrum of the incandescent light bulb.

      The continuous spectrum is to good approximation a blackbody spectrum which we studied theoretically in Lab 8: Stars: Blackbody Spectra. For an explication of blackbody spectra, see Blackbody file: blackbody_spectra.html.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Observe the incandescent light bulb in the gooseneck lamp with the hand-held spectroscopes.

      2. The gooseneck lamp and hand-held spectroscopes will be set out on a table in the classroom.

      3. How to use a hand-held spectroscope:

        1. You look through the viewing lens at the narrow end and point the square aperture (which actually has a slit aperture inside it) at the source which appears as a white line.

        2. Off to the side of the white line is a scale with wavelengths in nanometers (nm).

        3. Rotate the rotator just behind the viewing lens until you see the continuous spectrum.

        4. The instructor will demonstrate the equipment to you if needed.

      4. The continuous spectrum is the ordinary band of dispersed white light.

      5. Sketch the continuous spectrum using the scale below labeling the conventional color bands for the visible band (fiducial range 0.4--0.7 μm = 400--700 nm) (violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red) and draw your best estimate at the division lines between them. Note: Label the color bands and draw the division lines, NOT vice versa.


         |                       |                         |                       |
        400                     500                       600                     700 

      End of Task

    3. Task 3: The Incandescent Light Bulb:

      In this task, we consider further the continuous spectrum of the incandescent light bulb.

      Recall, continuous spectrum is to good approximation a blackbody spectrum which we studied theoretically in Lab 8: Stars: Blackbody Spectra. For an explication of blackbody spectra, see Blackbody file: blackbody_spectra.html.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Read the figure below (local link / general link: light_incandescent_filament.html).

      2. Did you read it?     Y / N    

      3. So you read it, eh? So what is the ratio R of the surface area per volume of filament to that of the a sphere of the same volume for a filament of length L = 1.0 m and radius a = 0.025 mm? HINT: You will have to use the same length units for L and "a" in the calculation.


      End of Task

    4. Task 4: Gas Spectra (IPI only):

      In this task, we study the line spectra produced by a dilute gases in spectral tubes.

      A line spectrum consists of a discrete set of spectral lines that are sort of the images of the slit aperture of the spectroscope.

      We discuss line spectrum theoretically below in section Quantized States and section Grotrian Diagrams and Atomic Transitions.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Observe all the spectral tubes that have been set out with the fixed-base spectroscopes or the hand-held spectroscopes (which seem to work at least as well).

        There should be set out some subset of the following spectral tubes:
        1. argon spectral tube.
        2. carbon dioxide spectral tube.
        3. helium spectral tube.
        4. hydrogen spectral tube.
        5. krypton spectral tube.
        6. neon spectral tube.
        7. sodium spectral tube.

        You should be cautious with the spectral tubes and absolutely do NOT touch exposed glass: it can be HOT. Also the voltage of the spectral tubes is very high, and so be very cautious about anything that might be an electrical conducting surface.

        Except for the sodium spectral tube, the spectral tubes should be cycled on and off in 30 second periods (30 s on and 30 s off). This just helps extend their lifetimes.

      2. How to use the fixed-base spectroscopes:

        1. You look through the viewing lens at the narrow end and point round black aperture at the source which appears as a bright line of some color (e.g., yellow for the sodium spectral tube).

        2. Off to the side of the bright line is a scale with wavelengths in nanometers (nm).

        3. The instructor will demonstrate the equipment to you if needed.

        4. You can adjust the jaws of the spectroscope with the screw near the front aperture. The lines get brighter as you widen the jaws, but less resolved.

      3. The line spectrum will consist of the spectral lines of atom or molecule that makes up the dilute gas.

        The only molecule currently available is carbon dioxide (CO_2). The other gases are noble gases (which ordinarily do NOT form molecules) or hydrogen (H) (which at ordinary room temperature would be molecular hydrogen (H_2), but in the spectral tube is sufficiently hot to be atomic hydrogen (H_I) gas).

      4. Sketch the line spectra using the scale below labeling atomic spectral lines by their colors.
           |                       |                         |                       |
          400                     500                       600                     700 
        1. argon (Ar).

        2. carbon dioxide (CO_2).

           |                       |                         |                       |
          400                     500                       600                     700 
        3. helium (He).

        4. hydrogen (H_I).

           |                       |                         |                       |
          400                     500                       600                     700 
        5. krypton (Kr).

        6. neon (Ne).

        7. sodium (Na).

           |                       |                         |                       |
          400                     500                       600                     700 
      5. For hydrogen (H_I), you should see at least 4 spectral lines.
        1. What is the name for the visible band (fiducial range 0.4--0.7 μm = 400--700 nm) atomic spectral lines of hydrogen (H_I)?     _________________________    
        2. What are the names for the 4 brightest spectral lines? Answer:

      6. For sodium (Na), you should may see up to 8 atomic spectral lines, all of which are probably unresolved multiple lines. Some of lines may be rather dim.

        1. Can you resolve the yellow Na I doublet (i.e., sodium (Na I) D lines)? You may have to adjust the jaws of the aperture with the aforesaid screw.

          Answer: Y/N

        2. Which atomic spectral line (or unresolved multiple lines) is brightest? What approximately is its wavelength?


        3. For a high quality sodium line spectrum, go to general link: 11_00_Na_I_spectrum.html. Does this line spectrum look like what you observed?     Y / N    

        End of Task

    5. Task 5: Stellar Spectra Formation:

      The formation of stellar spectra is explicated in the two figures below (local link / general link: spectrum_formation.html; local link / general link: spectrum_formation_stellar.html).

      Read the over the two figures. Have you done so?     Y / N    

      End of Task

    6. Task 6: Solar Spectrum and Fraunhofer Lines:

      As simplified synthetic solar spectrum (in image representation) with the Fraunhofer lines is displayed in the figure below (local link / general link: fraunhofer_lines.html).

      The Fraunhofer lines are the most prominent and first discovered solar absorption lines.

      Since they were discovered before they could be identified with atoms and molecules, they were designated by letters. The letters have stuck.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Complete the table below using Wikipedia; Fraunhofer lines: Naming.
        Table:  An Incomplete List of Fraunhofer Lines
        Fraunhofer line      Species     Wavelengths
          designation                       (nm)
             A                 O_2         759.370
             D_3 or d
      2. What are Hα, Hβ, Hγ, and Hδ called collectively? HINT: Do a search on H alpha and NOT a search on Hα.


      3. What does the symbol Ca+ (AKA Ca II) mean? HINT: Z2+ (AKA Z III) is a doubly ionized element Z.


      4. The He I 587.6 nm line is a weak line in the solar spectrum. Why? An incomplete answer---which is all we want---can be determined by studying the first TABLE at URL UCL: The Classification of Stellar Spectra which describes the OBAFGKM star spectral types. HINT: Where is the Sun cited as an example and where are the He I lines indicated as prominent in said TABLE?


      5. Actually, NOT all the Fraunhofer lines originate in line absorption in the solar atmosphere. Some originate in the Earth's atmosphere. These absorption lines are called telluric lines---Tellus was the Roman goddess of the Earth (i.e., an Earth goddess). Now the solar atmosphere does have trace amounts of molecules (see Wikipedia: Molecules in Stars), but they do NOT give rise to prominent absorption lines. What lines in Table: An Incomplete List of Fraunhofer Lines are telluric lines and what molecules causes them? HINT: What is O_2?


      End of Task

  8. Stellar Spectral Types

  9. In this section, we consider spectral types and classify stellar spectra according to those spectral types.

    Note that classification of stars by stellar spectra (more specifically their absorption line spectra) is the best empirical way (i.e., way based on observation) of classifying stars. The stellar spectrum is a direct observable and contains a wealth of information about a star.

    1. Spectral Types and the HR Diagram:

      The spectral types are discussed in the context of the HR diagram in the figure below (local link / general link: star_hr_lum.html).

    2. Task 7: Spectral Types of Well Known Stars:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Read the subsection above Spectral Types and the HR Diagram (local link / general link: Spectral Types and the HR Diagram) including the figure.

        Have you read it?     Y / N    

      2. Complete the table below. If there is more than ONE star in the Wikipedia article linked to the star, use the values for the first star listed---it is the brightest star of a multiple star system.
        Star Spectral Type Photospheric /Luminosity Temperature Class (K)
        Alcyone B7III 12753(147) Aldebaran Barnard's Star Betelgeuse Capella Mizar A2V 9000(200) Polaris Procyon Rigel Sirius Sun 61 Cygni

      End of Task

    3. Task 8: CLEA/VIREO Classification of Stellar Spectra (IPI only):

      Sub Tasks:

      1. On the desktop of your computer, go VIREO/file/login and enter your group leader's name for the group name.

      2. Go Run Exercise/Classification of Stellar Spectra/tools/Spectral Classification to open the CLASSIFICATION WINDOW.

        The CLASSIFICATION WINDOW has three graphs of Intensity versus Wavelength with wavelength in angstroms (Å). Note 1 nm = 10 Å and the visible band fiducial range = 4000--7000 Å.

      3. Go File/Atlas of Standard Spectra and double click MAIN SEQUENCE.

        A list of standard main-sequence stars will appear at the right of the CLASSIFICATION WINDOW.

        The list is NOT complete: NOT all spectral subtypes are shown: usually only spectral subtype 0 and 5. You will have to interpolate as best you can to classify the spectral subtypes NOT listed. Maybe with some imagination, classification to spectral subtypes 1--3 and 6--9 is possible.

      4. The spectra of the standard stars are now available for plotting on the top and bottom graphs.

        The sprectra of highlighted standard star on the list and the one below it are displayed, respectively, in the top and bottom graphs.

        The spectra are absorption line spectra. The troughs are the absorptions in the intensity representation of a sprectrum.

        Scroll through the available standard star spectra by clicking on the standard star name: O star to M star.

      5. Go File/Spectral Line Table to open SPECTRAL LINE TABLE which displays standard spectral lines in stellar spectra.

        Things you can do with the CLASSIFICATION WINDOW (CW) and SPECTRAL LINE TABLE (SLT):

        1. Left click on a spectral line in the SLT to create/move a vertical red line on the graphs on the CW to the spectral line wavelength. The spectral line in the SLT is highlighted in blue. If there is a crosshairs on a graph, it is destroyed by this action.
        2. Double left click on spectral line in the SLT creates an information box about that spectral line. The information box information updates to information about newly selected spectral lines and vanishes only when explicitly closed.
        3. Left click on a point on a graph to creates/moves a crosshairs at/to that point and puts the vertical red line through the point. A box on the CW shows the normalized intensity at the point. The normalization is to 1 on vertical axis of the graphs (only indicated by the largest tick mark) to which the highest intensity in the shown stellar spectrum (if there is one) is normalized. The nearest spectral line to the wavelength of the crosshairs in the SLT is highlighted in blue.

      6. What ion species (e.g., H I, He I, He II, N III, Ca II) gives the strongest absorption line (i.e., the deepest trough relative to the surrounding continuous spectrum) redward of 3900 Å for a/an:

        1. A5 star?    
        2. G6 star?    

      7. Go File/Unknown Spectrum/Program List and you will see the PROGRAM LIST of main-sequence stars you are to classify.

      8. Click on the first star HD 124320 in the PROGRAM LIST.

        It's spectrum will be shown on the middle graph.

        Go File/Display/Show Difference. The top graph will show the standard star spectrum and the bottom graph shows the difference spectrum: i.e., top spectrum minus the middle spectrum.

        Now scroll up and down the standard star list. When the difference is as flat as possible as judged by eye, you have the best fit of a standard star to HD 124320.

        What if you have two equally good fits. These must be for adjacent standard stars? Then HD 124320 must lie between those two standard stars in spectral type

        In fact, HD 124320 gets about an equally good fit from the A1 star and the A5 star. So one interpolates to find the subtype. It seems HD 124320 is a bit closer to A1 than A5, and so our estimate is A2.

        We enter A2 for HD 124320 in Table: Best Fit Spectral Types below.

      9. Repeat the classification procedure for the 24 other stars in the PROGRAM LIST and complete Table: Best Fit Spectral Types below.
               Table:  Best Fit Spectral Types
               Star        Spectral Type
               HD 124320   A2
               HD 37767
               HD 35619
               HD 23733
               O 1015
               HD 24189
               HD 107399
               HD 240334
               HD 17647
               BD +63 137
               HD 66171
               HZ 948
               HD 35215
               Feige 40
               Feige 41
               HD 6111
               HD 23863
               HD 221741
               HD 242936
               HD 5351
               SAO 81292
               HD 27685
               HD 21619
               HD 23511
               HD 158659

      10. To exit CLEA/VIREO, go File/Exit Observatory. There is nothing to save.

      End of Task

    4. Task 9: Questions on the Classified Stars (IPI only):

      In this task, you answer questions about the catalog-identified star you classified in Table: Best Fit Spectral Types in Task 8. Recall that all these stars are main-sequence stars.

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Which star:

        1. is most/least luminous?     ________________ / ________________    
        2. has the highest/lowest surface temperature?     ________________ / ________________    
        3. has the largest/smallest radius?     ________________ / ________________    
        4. is most like the Sun? HINT: Click Sun to find the Sun classification.     ________________    

      2. Give a possible explanation for the emission line spectrum of SAO 81292.


      End of Task

  10. Quantized States

  11. In the above sections, we have made use of the concepts of quantized energy levels and atomic transitions.

    In this and the following sections, we delve a bit into the details of energy levels and atomic transitions.

    1. Energy Levels:

      Atoms, molecules, and ions (which are electrically charged atoms and molecules) have quantized internal energy states (which are usually called energy levels) for their bound electrons.

      The states actually have many characterizing parameters, but the energy that they have (relative to some convenient zero-point energy) is usually key one, and hence the common name energy levels.

    2. Why Quantized Energy Levels?

      This is dictated by quantum mechanics---which is the best verified of all physics theories.

        Quantum mechanics is never wrong.

        There are mistakes in calculations and in experiments, but no anomally has ever resisted attack.

        It would cause an astonishing paradigm shift if there ever was a truly wrong prediction by quantum mechanics.

        Alas, quantum mechanics is very hard to apply, and so there are vast realms where we CANNOT extract an answer from it.

        But there are lots of realms where can get answers, at least approximate ones.

      "Quantized" means that the energy levels form a discrete set like integers and NOT a continuum like real numbers.

      Why are the energy levels quantized.

      Well in quantum mechanics, particles have a wave nature as well as particle nature. This fact has the name the wave-particle duality.

      The wave function of a particle (given the conventional symbol Ψ which is the Greek letter Psi vocalized "si") determines the distribution of positions the particle has and everything else one can know about the particle.

        In quantum mechanics at particle is NOT all at one place, but is in a continuum superposition of positions.

        So the particle is spread out in space.

        Just accept it.

      Now having a wave nature naturally leads to quantization if the system/particle is bound---i.e., the particle CANNOT travel to infinity.

      This is true at the macroscopic level too.

      For example, consider standing waves on a vibrating string as illustrated in the animation in the figure below (local link / general link: standing_waves.html).

    3. Task 10: Phase Velocity Calculation:

      Concert A (frequency 440 Hz) is the general muscial tuning standard for musical pitch. Say you had a 1-meter vibrating string emitting concert A sound as its fundamental. What is the phase velocity of the vibrating string waves? Note you have to give a numerical value and its unit.

      HINT: You will have to have read over section Quantized States to this point---as you should have---and you will have to do a little algebra on the frequency formula in the figure above (local link general link: standing_waves.html) to get a formula with v_phase = something in algebraic symbols. Note also that units are treated just like algebraic symbols since they are algebraic symbols.


      End of Task

    4. The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator:

      The classic example of a quantized quantum mechanical system is the quantum harmonic oscillator.

      A macroscopic classical physics harmonic oscillator is illustrated for fun in the animation in the figure below (local link / general link: harmonic_oscillator.html.

      electrons in atoms are usually NOT much like quantum harmonic oscillators, but many quantum mechanical systems approximate quantum harmonic oscillators.

      The figure below (loca link / general link: qm_harmonic_oscillator.html) describes the quantum harmonic oscillator.

    5. Task 11: Harmonic Oscillator Transition:

      Say a quantum harmonic oscillator does a transition between the n=7 and the n=3 energy levels and emits a photon (a particle of light) that carries away the lost energy. In units of ħω, how much energy does the photon have? HINT: You will have to use the formula shown in the figure above (loca link / general link: qm_harmonic_oscillator.html).


      End of Task

    6. An Abstract Diagram of an Atom:

      The figure below (local link / general link: atom_diagram_abstract.html) gives an abstract diagram of an atom undergoing an atomic transition (i.e., a transition between energy levels).

    7. What Do Atoms Really Look Like?

      They look like fuzzy little balls.

      And there is a good reason for this.

      They are fuzzy little balls.

      They just don't have sharp edges.

      As a result images of atoms do NOT tell a lot about the states of atoms: i.e., their energy level structure.

      So people often use standard abstract diagrams to understand atomic energy level structure.

      The most standard are Grotrian diagrams which we take up below in section Grotrian Diagrams.

      In the figure below (local link / general link: atom_gold.html) is an image of gold---you see fuzzy little balls.

  12. Grotrian Diagrams and Atomic Transitions

  13. The standard abstract diagrams for atoms are Grotrian diagrams.

    1. A Description of Grotrian Diagrams:

      The vertical axis represents energy.

      All the other characterizing parameters (usually called quantum numbers) are absorbed into columns.

      The energy levels are represented by points or horizontal line segments in the appropriate column.

      Possible atomic transitions are represented by oblique lines---except usually in the important cases of atomic hydrogen or hydrogenic atoms. Atomic transitions within columns are usually forbidden transition---they can happen, but NOT by strong process---the strong process is forbidden---weaker processes may occur.

      The zero energy of Grotrian diagram is conventionally chosen to be the ground state energy---which in a fundamental sense is NOT zero, but a non-zero zero-point energy. I think this is because accurate values for the zero-point energy may be hard to obtain and knowing what those values are is often NOT needed.

      The energy units used for Grotrian diagram are either or both of the electron-volt (eV) = 1.6021766208(98)*10**(-19) J (the natural unit) and the inverse centimeter (cm**(-1)) (a rather pointless unit).

      The electron-volt (equal to 1.602176565(35)*10**(-19) joules) is a microscopic unit of energy. It is the natural unit for energy levels since atomic transitions of outer electrons are typically 1 eV to within 2 orders of magnitude.

      We examine Grotrian diagrams and atomic transitions in the subsections below.

    2. Neutral Hydrogen:

      The hydrogen is the most abundant element in the observable universe. So it's important.

      The Grotrian diagram for neutral hydrogen (H I) is shown in the figure below (local link / grotrian_01_00_H_I.html).

    3. Strong Atomic Transitions:

      Atomic transitions (AKA lines) that emit to absorb photons are often called called atomic lines or just lines---for reasons we'll get to below.

      The strength of a line is vaguely speaking its effect on the ambient electromagnetic radiation field. The effect could be either emission or absorption from the ambient electromagnetic radiation field.

      How strong a line is depends on many things---too many to go into here in glorious detail.

      But a key thing is how low in energy the energy levels that form the upper and lower states of the line.

      The lower the energy of these energy levels, the stronger the line tends to be.

      This is because the lower the energy of the energy level, the more atoms are occupying that energy level usually. The ground-state energy level is usually the overwhelmling most occupied energy level.

      One conclusion of the above discussion is that atomic transitions with the lower energy level being the ground state are often very strong.

    4. Task 12: Strongest and Weakest Hydrogen Line Series:

      Sub Tasks:

      1. Read the above subsection Strong Atomic Transitions and the figure with the neutral hydrogen Grotrian diagram shown in the figure above (local link / grotrian_01_00_H_I.html). Have you done so?     Y / N    

      2. Given your just done reading, what atomic hydrogen line series do you estimate to be the strongest?     _____________________    

      3. Now what NAMED atomic hydrogen line series do you estimate to be the weakest? HINT: You have to read the figure above (local link / grotrian_01_00_H_I.html), NOT just look at the figure.     _________________________

      End of Task

    5. Visible Light:

      Visible light is the range of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that the human eye is sensitive to.

      The fiducial range for visible light in wavelength is 0.4--0.7 μm = 400--700 nm = 4000--7000 Å.

      In fact, the actual range depends on conditions and individual characteristics. Under ideal conditions for those with very sensitive human vision, we have extreme human visible range ≅ 310--1050 nm.

      Below we show a schematic diagram (local link / general link: human_luminosity_function.html) of the average human eye luminosity function.

    6. Task 13: Strongest and Weakest Lines of Hydrogen in the Visible:

      What do you estimate to be the strongest and weakest atomic hydrogen lines in emission in the visible band (fiducial range 0.4--0.7 μm) extending the fiducial range a bit? HINT: Recall Task 6, subsection Strong Atomic Transitions, and the neutral hydrogen Grotrian diagram shown in the figure above (local link / grotrian_01_00_H_I.html).     _____________________ , _____________________

      End of Task

    7. Task 14: Visible Range in Energy:

      The de Broglie relation for calculating photon energy from photon wavelength is

        E = hc/λ = (1.23984193 eV-μm)/(λ_μm)  , 
      where h is the Planck constant, c is the vacuum light speed, λ is wavelength, and λ_μm is wavelength in microns.

      What is the photon energy range visible light (fiducial range 0.4--0.7 μm) using the fiducial range.


      End of Task

    8. Neutral Helium (He I) Grotrian Diagram:

      Helium is the 2nd most abundant element in the observable universe. So it's important.

      The Grotrian diagram for neutral helium (He I) is shown in the figure below (local link / grotrian_02_00_He_I.html).

    9. Task 15: He I lines:

      The lower energy level of the He I 5876 Å line is the upper energy level of the _____________________ line which is in the ________________ wavelength band. HINT: You need to consult the Grotrian diagram of He I above (local link / grotrian_02_00_He_I.html).

      End of Task

    10. The Singly Ionized Calcium (Ca II) Grotrian Diagram:

      Calcium is an abundant metal in the observable universe.

      Calcium is also an important ingredient in many contexts including life as we know it.

      In stars, absorption lines arising from the ground state of singly ionized calcium (Ca II) are particularly important.

      The Grotrian diagram for singly ionized calcium (Ca II) is shown in the figure below (local link / grotrian_20_01_Ca_II.html).

    11. Task 16: Ca II lines from the Ground State:

      Atomic lines that arise from the ground state of their parent atom are usually very strong because the ground state is usually overwhelming the most occupied of any energy level.

      Now the Ca II H & K lines and the Ca II 7291 Å and 7323 Å lines both arise from the ground state of Ca II. However, the Ca II H & K lines are usually much stronger. EXPLAIN why with the short answer in sentence form. HINT: You should read over subsection Strong Atomic Transitions and Grotrian diagram of Ca II (local link / general link: grotrian_20_01_Ca_II.html).


      End of Task

    12. The Cosmic Composition:

      The strengths of atomic lines in astrophysical spectra depends among many other things on the abundances of the elements that give rise to them.

      Actually, the cosmic composition is well known in certain respects.

      The figure below (local link / general link: solar_composition.html) explicates the situation.

    13. Task 17: Weak Lines:

      Above about what atomic number Z would you expect the elements to have relatively weak spectral lines in astrophysical spectra? Why? HINT: You should consult subsection The Cosmic Composition and the solar composition figure above (local link / general link: solar_composition.html) and note where there is a general decline to a definite lower abundance behavior (excluding just the small Z region 1--6: i.e., hydrogen (H) to carbon (C)).


      Note that the expectation of weaker spectral lines for high enough Z is just a general one. Intrinsic properties of some atoms for the high Z region may make some of their spectral lines very strong in some circumstances.

      End of Task

  14. Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only)

  15. This section is only for remote instruction.

    1. Task 18: Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only):


      End of Task

  16. Finale

  17. Goodnight all.

  18. Post Mortem

  19. Post mortem comments that may often apply specifically to Lab 10: Stellar Spectra:

    1. Nothing yet.