Caption: Sky map Las Vegas, Nevada for current date & time.
If you are NOT in Las Vegas, Nevada, you will have to use your local geographic coordinates (i.e., latitude and longitude).
Conversion from Universal Time to Local Time and Vice Versa:
The abbreviations above are explained by the following linked terms: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), Pacific Standard Time (PST), Universal Time (UT).
If you are NOT in Las Vegas, Nevada, see World Time Zones Map for the world time zones. You add/subtract the time zone numbers at the bottom of time zones to go from UT/(local time) to (local time)/UT. Remember that +(-x)=-x and -(-x)=x. Also note the time zone numbers are for standard time (ST). To convert daylight saving time (DST) to ST requires the mnemonic spring forward, fall back---so during DST subtract an hour to get ST. For example, say it is X local DST. It's then (X-1) local ST. If the time zone number is -8 (as for Las Vegas, Nevada), then the UT is (X-1) - (-8) = X+7, and so you get the rule above for Las Vegas, Nevada: UT = PDT+7.
Of course, you could just google "Universal Time" to get the current UT wherever you are. Then just add/subtract from that UT go get the UT you want. Say 6 pm local DST googles to 1 am UT (which is tomorrow) and you want to observe at 9 pm DST, then that will be 4 am UT.
Here are the main Solar System astronomical symbols: