colored equatorial coordinates animation

Lab 2: Celestial Sphere / Lab Supplement

Links and Sections

  1. Student Preparation which includes Quiz Preparation.
  2. Special Instructions For Instructors See also Diane Smith's Instructor Notes.
  3. Startup Presentation
  4. Post Mortem
  5. Background Notes

  1. Student Preparation

  2. Required Lab Preparation:
    1. Read Lab 2: The Celestial Sphere. It is hard to understand software/hardware tools without first seeing and playing with them, but insofar as possible you should be prepared to use the tools. You could also fill out any parts of the lab that can be done ahead of time.
    2. Read the Startup Presentation.
    3. Read the IAL 2: The Sky sections 1--7.
    4. Read the Post Mortem. Better before than after actually.
    5. Read a sufficient amount of the articles linked to the following terms etc. so that you can define and/or understand the terms etc. at the level of our class: altitude, axial precession, azimuth, celestial axis, celestial coordinate systems, celestial equator, celestial globe, celestial meridian (AKA the meridian), celestial sphere, declination (Dec), ecliptic, equatorial coordinates, equinox, horizon, horizontal coordinates (AKA local coordinates), nadir, north celestial pole (NCP), orrery, right ascension (RA), season, solstice, south celestial pole (SCP), TheSky, transit, zenith, zodiac (see Wikipedia: Zodiac: Table of Dates).

    Supplementary Lab Preparation: The items are often alternatives to the required preparation.

    1. Bennett (2008 edition), p. 36--42 on seasons and axial precession and p. 101--110 on horizontal coordinates and equatorial coordinates. Many other intro astro books give similar presentations usually in the 1st or 2nd chapters.
    2. Axial precession videos:
      1. Milankovitch Precession The axial precession is the motion of the Earth relative to the fixed stars. It has a period of approximately 26000 years, but is not completely regular. Short enough for classroom.
      2. Gyroscope precession What happens to the Earth is somewhat similar to what happens to a bicycle wheel. Even everyday rotational motions can be tricky to explain. Short enough for classroom.

    Quiz Preparation:

  3. Special Instructions For Instructors

    1. Check as needed:
      1. Usual Startup
      2. Usual Shutdown

    2. Set out the Earth globe and on every bench a celestial globe.

    3. Set out the Lab 2 sky maps on the benches. You can set out one for every student (usually 3 per bench) or one per every group if you prefer each group to do just one set---which I sure do in order to save trees.

      There should be piles in the storeroom (Bigelow Physics Building (BPB) Rm 252), but if not there should be a set to photocopy or they can be downloaded from Lab 2 sky maps.

    4. Hand back the previous lab individually as they come in and/or before you start the during the quiz. Call out the student names if you havn't yet identified them. Individual hand-back is good for learning student names and is super-compliant with FERPA.

      Actually, students are happy to just pick them up from a spread out pile. Sometimes you just have to do it that way.

    5. As the students come in try to get them into the new groups for the night. In the Startup Presentation, emphasize they must find new partners for night.

      At a convenient time before or after the Startup Presentation, get the student names in their groups. This gives you a record for the new groups, attendance, and a cheat sheet for their names.

    6. Suggestions for the Startup Presentation.

      1. You can abbreviate. The lab is supposed to be hands-on active learning and one should try to say as little as one can: less is more.

        But one needs a little warm up to get the students started.

        I personally think that 15 minutes of Startup Presentation is the usual max---I aim at 10 minutes actually.

      2. Have everyone stand up and mimic your motions while explaining horizontal coordinates.

    7. In the lab, you will have to circulate all the time tutoring the students on all the topics using lots of diagrams you draw as you go and being Socratic.

      1. Have lots of paper and maybe a few printed diagrams such as those below.

      2. Keep the students moving forward. This is a long lab especially if you start with a quiz.

      3. Online resources like the Startup Presentation, Background Notes???, and Wikipedia are good for answering the questions.

    Caption: "Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) at the British Wildlife Centre, Horne, Surrey, England." (Slightly edited.)

    Credit/Permission: © Keven Law, Photo 2008 Aug17 / Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0.

    Image linked to Wikipedia.

  4. Startup Presentation

  5. Good preparation on the
    student's part is the key to getting through this lab on time.

    1. Objectives:

      This inside laboratory continues with sky orientation and introduces the celestial coordinate systems. It especially emphasizes how the appearance of the sky changes with the changing seasons and how it depends on the observer's location on the Earth.

    2. Horizontal Coordinates:

      The applet below gives the essentials of the horizontal coordinate system.

    3. Equatorial Coordinates:

      The animation below gives the essentials of the equatorial coordinate system.

      The applet below illustrates the relationship between the horizontal coordinate system and equatorial coordinate system.

    4. The Celestial Globe:

      A celestial globe is a representation of the celestial sphere.

      There is celestial globe on your bench.

      1. Everyone stare at their celestial globe and identify the celestial equator, celestial axis, north celestial pole (NCP), south celestial pole (SCP), and the ecliptic.

        Everyone touch them or trace with your finger along them: celestial globe and identify the celestial equator, celestial axis, north celestial pole (NCP), south celestial pole (SCP), and the ecliptic.

      2. The celestial equator is the projection of the Earth's equator on the celestial sphere as seen from the Earth's center---that super-remote imagined sphere upon which the astronomical objects are projected.

      3. The celestial axis is the Earth's axis extended to the celestial sphere.

        Every day (really every sidereal day) from a stationary Earth perspective, the whole celestial sphere spin WESTWARD around on the celestial axis carrying all the astronomical objects.

        Of course, the astronomical objects do move relative to the celestial sphere due to their proper motions in space.

        Except for most artificial satellites, the proper motions are slow compared to the WESTWARD revolution of celestial sphere and can often be neglected depending on the case.

      4. The equatorial coordinates are like longitude and latitude: they give the angular position on the celestial sphere.

        Declination (dec) is pretty much just like latitude: it is measured north and south from the celestial equator.

        Right ascension (RA) is pretty much like longitude, except that it is only measured east from the vernal equinox and makes use of the angular measure unit hour equal to 15 degrees.

        Why hour?

        Well the celestial equator rotates 1 hour in 1 hour---really 1 sidereal hour.

        Everyone find the vernal equinox on your celestial globe and trace with your finger eastward observing the RAs.

    5. Some Fun Geometry:

      There is some fun geometry in the two figures below.

      You can comprehend them at your leisure.

    6. The Night Sky:

      The night sky continually shifts eastward due to the Sun's apparent motion around the celestial sphere on the ecliptic.

        Note the word "apparent" in astro-jargon does NOT mean false or seeming.

        It means "as seen from the Earth".

      The path of the Sun along the ecliptic (and through the zodiac constellations which straddle the ecliptic) is illustrated in the following applet.

      The applet shows the continual progression of the night sky opposite the Sun

        Yours truly mnemonicks this continual progression by the mnemonic: The stars rise earlier every day.

    7. The Seasons:

      The animation, figures and applets below summarize the seasons.

      You can comprehend them at your leisure.

        The heating effect of the Sun with the seasons Caption: The heating effect of the Sun in the northern hemisphere summer.

        The heating effect of the Sun with the seasons Caption: The heating effect of the Sun in the southern hemisphere summer.

    8. Axial Precession:

    Boris Karloff, The Mummy

  6. Post Mortem

  7. Below are some generic comments for
    Lab 2: The Celestial Sphere that may often apply.

    Any that are semester-section-specific will have to added as needed.

    1. Marks are often quite a bit lower on this lab than on the previous Lab 1: Constellations. There are more things to be done on this lab and more need for formulating correct and comprehensible responses.

      You have to raise your game.

    2. Some terms have many definitions.

      The definitions required for the reports are those that are relevant to astronomy and NOT other topics.

    3. Answer questions that require sentences with sentences. Usually it is obvious what those questions are. Sometimes maybe not. Err on the side yes sentences are needed.

      Sentences begin with a capital letter letter and end with a period. Usually there is a subject and a verb. Not always.

      Since you are working in groups, you should have different group members read over the sentence answers to see if they are correct and comprehensible. Read them out loud.

    4. There are questions that imply that an explanation must be given and NOT just a bare yes or no. So give the explanation NOT just yes/no.

      Usually it is obvious what those questions are. Sometimes maybe not. Err on the side yes an explanation is needed.