Lab 12: Stellar Spectra / Lab Supplement


  1. Student Preparation which includes Quiz Preparation.
  2. Special Instructions For Instructors See also Diane Smith's Instructor Notes.
  3. Startup Presentation
  4. Post Mortem

  1. Student Preparation
  2. Required Lab Preparation:

    1. Required Reading: Lab 12. It is hard to understand software/equipment without first seeing and playing with it, but insofar as possible you should be ready to use the Clea Stellar Spectra software and spectrometers including the Project Star Spectrometer.
    2. Read the Startup Presentation.
    3. Read the Post Mortem. Better before than after actually.
    4. Read a sufficient amount of the articles linked to the following terms etc. so that you can define and/or understand the terms etc. at the level of our class: absorption line spectrum, atomic spectral lines, Clea Stellar Spectra software, color index (AKA color), diffraction, diffraction grating, diffraction grating formula, electromagnetic spectrum, emission line spectrum, Fraunhofer lines, gas-discharge lamp, sodium-vapor lamp, Grotrian diagram, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, hydrogen Balmer lines, incandescent light bulb, Kirchhoff's 3 laws of spectroscopy, light, luminosity, main sequence, Moore & Merrill Grotrian diagrams, Na D lines, OBAFGKM stellar classification, photopic vision, photosphere, objective-prism spectroscopy, prism, Project Star Spectrometer, Schmidt camera (AKA Schmidt telescope), scotopic vision, spectral lines, spectral types, spectrometer (AKA spectroscope), spectroscopy, stellar classification, visible light, white light, Wien's law, WINSCO spectrometer.

      Supplementary Lab Preparation: The items are often alternatives to the required preparation.

      1. Bennett, p. 149--157, 163--171 on light and p. 518--538 on stars.
      2. IAL 6: Electromagnetic Radiation, IAL 7: Spectra, and IAL 20: Star Basics II.

      Quiz Preparation:

      The quiz might be omitted if it's not feasible or convenient. The students may or may not be informed ahead of time of quiz omission depending on the circumstances.

      The quizzes in total are 40 % of the course grade. However, only the top five quiz marks are counted.

      In preparing for a quiz, go over the Required Lab Preparation.

      The Supplementary Lab Preparation (see above) could help, but is only suggested if you feel you need more than the required Required Lab Preparation.

      There is no end to the studying you can do, but it is only a short quiz.

      One to two hours prep should suffice.

      There will be 10 or so questions and the time will be 10 or so minutes.

      The questions will range from quite easy to challenging.

        Some of the questions will be thinking questions. You will have to reason your way to the answers.

      There may or may not be a prep quiz to test yourself with ahead of the lab period.

      The solutions might be posted at Stellar Spectra: Quiz Solutions. after the quiz is given. Whether they are or not depends on the circumstances of each individual semester.

  3. Special Instructions For Instructors
    1. Check as needed:
      1. Usual Startup
      2. Usual Shutdown

    2. Prof. Smith's instructor notes

    3. This is an inside lab, and so no need to check the weather at NWS 7-day forecast, Las Vegas, NV and/or by personal visual inspection at/during the lab period.

    4. You will need to set out the spectrometers (both the Project Star Spectrometer and the WINSCO spectrometer), gas-discharge lamp for sodium (Na)), and incandescent light bulb lamp.

    5. Make sure the Fraunhofer spectrum chart is displayed on the wall (see also Wikipedia: Fraunhofer spectrum) and Clea Stellar Spectra software is on the computers (but it really ought to be).

  4. Startup Presentation

    1. Hand back old reports and quizzes.

    2. Start at 7:30 pm sharp.

    3. Give tonight's agenda: quiz, post mortem on the last lab, Startup Presentation, lab. Be brief.

    4. Then give the quiz. It will be 10 minutes or so. Late arrivals have to write the quiz at the tables in the hall.

    5. Give the Post Mortem of the last lab. Be brief.

    6. Then tell them to form new groups, report to a computer, launch Firefox, click down the chain Jeffery astlab on bookmarks, Lab Schedule, tonight's lab, and srcoll down past the foxes.

    7. Objectives: The objectives are to learn how emission line spectra, absorption line spectra, and continuous spectra are formed, and to learn some basics of analyzing stellar spectra.

    8. Spectral Lines:

      1. The electrons in atoms and molecules are in discrete (i.e., quantized) internal energy states which are called energy levels.

        Each atom, molecule, and ion (a non-neutral atom or molecule) has its own unique set of energy levels.

        The energy levels are illustrated in Grotrian diagrams.

        Examples of Grotrian diagrams are found at Jeffery: Grotrian diagrams

        The H I (i.e., neutral hydrogen atom) Grotrian diagram is displayed below.

        The hydrogen atom is the simplest of all atoms, and so its Grotrian diagram is the simplest of all Grotrian diagrams.

      2. Transitions between the energy levels can absorb or emit light (AKA electromagnetic radiation) in the form of photons.

        The wavelength of photons from a single transitions is very narrow: e.g., much, much smaller than the wavelength band of visible light.

        The most prominent of transitions are often illustrated on Grotrian diagrams

        The H I Grotrian diagram shown above illustrates the hydrogen spectral series.

        The atomic hydrogen spectral series are directly observed when electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from a dilute neutral atomic hydrogen gas is dispersed into what is called a line spectrum.

        The atomic hydrogen spectral series image line spectrum (as opposed to an intensity line spectrum) is illustrated in the cartoon below.

        Credit/Permission: © User:OrangeDog, 2009 / Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0.

        Image linked to Wikipedia.

      3. Since the energy levels are uniquely quantized for each atom, molecule, and ion, the transitions are uniquely quantized.

        The line spectrum from the transitions is a unique identifier of the atom, molecule, or ion.

      4. The spectrum of a atom, molecule, or ion. is called a line spectrum since when light consisting only of light from transitions is dispersed by prism or diffraction grating, you get a spectrum of lines rather than continuous spectrum (AKA continuum) as with, e.g., white light.

        The lines are called spectral lines.

      5. Below is the visible light spectrum of a dilute neutral atomic hydrogen gas.

        The spectral lines are called the Balmer lines.

      6. Atomic hydrogen has a rather simple line spectrum.

        Neutral Iron (Fe) has a much more complex one as the figure below illustrates.

    9. Continuous Spectra and Line Spectra:

      The atomic line spectra just shown are emission line spectra.

      They arise from low-density gases, where there are NOT sufficient processes to produce a continuous spectrum where there is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) at every wavelength over a wide wavelength band.

      You can have emission line spectra superimposed on a continuous spectrum.

      A pure continuous spectrum is produced by a dense radiator.

      If the radiator is all at one temperature, you get a blackbody spectrum which has very simple functional form which is only a function of temperature and wavelength.

      The wavelength at which the Blackbody spectrum reaches its maximum is given by The wavelength peak of a blackbody spectrum intensity (energy/(area*steradian*time*wavelength)) is determined by Wien's law (AKA Wien's displacement law).

      Wien's law and its inverse are

               2897.7685(51) μm*K   2.8977685(51)*10**6 nm*K
       λ_max = ------------------ = ------------------------
                       T                       T
           2897.7685(51) μm*K   2.8977685(51)*10**6 nm*K 
       T = ------------------ = ------------------------  ,
                 λ_max                  λ_max

      where temperature is in kelvins.

      If one can find the λ_max for a star, then the inverse Wien's law can be used to determine its approximate photosphere temperature.

      For example, a very hot star has λ_max = 0.075 μm, and so has T_photosphere ≅ 40,000 K.

      For the lab question using Wien's law it is convenient to have the luminosity function for the human eye: see just below.

    10. Stellar Spectra:

      1. Formation of Absorption Line Spectra:

        Stellar spectra approximate blackbody spectra.

        The blackbody-like spectra are generated at the stellar photosphere which is often referred to as the stellar surface.

        But above the photosphere, there is a low-density stellar atmosphere that is usually at a lower temperature than the photosphere.

        This low-density stellar atmosphere absorbs in the atomic spectral lines molecular spectral lines causing dark absorption lines in the stellar spectra just where bright lines appear in an emission spectrum.

        The absorption line spectrum of atom, molecule, or ion is a unique identifier of that species.

        The formation of an absorption line spectrum is illustrated in the figure below.

        Of course, Stellar spectra can be immensely complex because many kinds of atoms, molecules, or ions occur in stellar atmospheres.

      2. Hydrogen Line Spectrum:

        Atomic hydrogen lines are nearly ubiquitous in universe because hydrogen dominant element in nearly all stars.

        So it is understandable that atomic hydrogen lines are common in stars and are usually their most recognizable atomic lines.

        The figure below show the primordial nebula solar composition which is approximately the universal composition of the cosmic time.

      3. The Solar Spectrum:

        The solar spectrum is the prototype stellar spectrum, of course.

        An image (or color) solar spectrum is illustrated in the figure below.

        Usually, one gives stellar spectra in intensity plot form rather than in image form.

        Below is the solar spectrum in intensity form.

      4. Stellar Classification:

        The empirical stellar classification is based primarily on stellar spectra.

        The most recognizable classification is the OBAFGKM spectral classification (formally the Harvard spectral classification).

        Often the OBAFGKM spectral classification is just called the spectral type classification since one refers to the classes as spectral types.

        The spectral types run OBAFGKM which is mnemonicked by "O be a fine girl/guy kiss me.".

        Physically, the OBAFGKM sequence is one of declining photosphere temperature: O stars are hottest, M stars are coldest.

        The spectral types are each subdivided into the subtypes 01234569: e.g., a G0 is the hottest G star and a G9 is the coldest G star.

        The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram above correlates spectral types with photosphere temperature and B-V color.

        The Sun is a typical G2 star.

        Tables defining the spectral types are at Wikipedia: Spectral types? and Peripatus: Spectral types which seesm better than the Wikipedia one.

    11. Spectroscopes:

      Spectroscopes (AKA spectrometers) are devices that disperse light and allow a spectrum to be observed.

      The figure below illustrates how a spectroscope works.

      In our lab, we use two spectroscopes: Project Star Spectrometer, and WINSCO spectrometer.

      It takes some demonstration and playing around with them to see how they work.

      The diffraction grating disperses the light according to the diffraction grating formula:

              nλ = d*sin(θ)  ,
                   where n is the order number,
                   λ is the wavelength,
                   d is the spacing between the diffraction grating slits,
                   θ is the angle between the normal to the diffraction grating and the interference maximum
                      which is the observable.

      At the interference maximum, interference is strongly constructive and in between strongly destructive.

      The zeroth order diffraction is at θ=0 and there all wavelengths have a maximum.

      The intensity of the orders decreases rapidly with order number n.

      In this lab, we only look at the 1st order spectral lines.

      The diffraction grating formula is usefully rearranged to get

          θ(degrees) = arcsin(nλ/d) ≅ (nλ/d)*(180/π)  ,

      where the last formula is a small-angle approximation---which is about 20 % accurate even up to 60 degrees.

      From this rearranged diffraction grating formula, it is clear that θ increases with n and λ, and decreases with d.

      To get large dispersion, one wants λ/d sufficiently large.

    12. Gas-Discharge Lamp:

      Our sources are an incandescent light bulb (which is soon to be an antique) and a sodium (Na) gas-discharge lamp.

    13. Clea Stellar Spectra Software:

      In this lab, we use Clea Stellar Spectra software The Classification of Stellar Spectra.

      Just follow the manual directions and it will all work.

      Nota Bene: The right version of The Classification of Stellar Spectra is with the icon VIREO on the desktop, NOT folder 12.

    Boris Karloff, The Mummy

  5. Post Mortem

  6. Below are some generic comments for
    Lab 12: Stellar Spectra that may often apply.

    Any that are semester-section-specific will have to added as needed.

    1. Some terms have many definitions.

      The definitions required for the reports are those that are relevant to astronomy and NOT other topics.

      The links given with the lab keywords in Required Lab Preparation are usually better sources than just googling for a term definition. Often googling will lead to the plain wrong definition or a definition by a person who doesn't really understand the term themself and is just paraphrasing someone else's definition.

    2. Answer questions that require sentences with sentences. Usually it is obvious what those questions are. Sometimes maybe not. Err on the side yes sentences are needed.

      Sentences begin with a capital letter letter and end with a period. Usually there is a subject and a verb. Not always.

      Since you are working in groups, you should have different group members read over the sentence answers to see if they are correct and comprehensible. Read them out loud.

    3. There are questions that imply that an explanation must be given and NOT just a bare yes or no. So give the explanation NOT just yes or no.

      Usually it is obvious what those questions are. Sometimes maybe not. Err on the side yes an explanation is needed.

    4. Just copying someone else's answer could give you the wrong answer.

      Check to see if it is right.

      At least check to see if you have copied correctly. Careless copying leads to lousy answers.