Week of --- Date links to: Your Sky and Sky Maps for the Year / Weather:
  1. Jan15: As preparation, read the Course Website / Extended Syllabus.
    Orientation: The lab instructor will introduce themself---get their NAME/EMAIL. We will then run over the Course Website / Extended Syllabus, lab instructor-specific items, and, at the lab instructor's discretion, have an intro to using TheSky software. Also, at the lab instructor discretion, the labs can begin on the first night thereby advancing the whole Lab Schedule by one week.
    No classes Monday: MLK Day (UNLV holiday).
    A full moon on Jan25.
    See also, Drop Dates.
  2. Jan22: Lab 1: Constellations (Old Lab 1: Constellations / Lab Supplements).
  3. Jan29: Lab 2: The Sky (Old Lab 2: Celestial Sphere / Lab Supplements).

  4. Feb05: Lab 3: Telescopes (Old Lab 3: Telescopes / Lab Supplements).
  5. Feb12: Lab 5: Planets (Old Lab 6: Planets / Lab Supplements). Planets etc. in the sky: Moon ☽ Y (waxing crescent moon), Mercury ☿ N, Venus ♀ N, Mars ♂ N, Jupiter ♃ Y in the west, Saturn ♄ N, Uranus ⛢,♅ Y.
    We have so-so luck with planets in the sky this semester---only Jupiter ♃ and Uranus ⛢,♅ (but it's a challenge to find it though it is close to Jupiter ♃).
  6. Feb19: Lab 4: The Moon (Old Lab 4: The Moon / Lab Supplements).
    The Moon ☽ is waxing from 1st quarter moon toward full moon, and so this is a good week for the Moon lab. Jupiter ♃ will be visible in the west if you start observations early enough.
    No classes Monday: Presidents Day, UNLV Holiday, Feb20 M (UNLV holiday).

  7. Feb26: Lab 10: Stellar Spectra (Old Lab 12: Stellar Spectra / Lab Supplements).
  8. Mar04: Lab 8: Stars (Old Lab 10: Starlight / Lab Supplements).
  9. Mar11 PDT: Spring Break: No Labs.
  10. Mar18: Lab 9: Double Stars (Old Lab 11: Double Stars / Lab Supplements).

    Course Evaluations: Since 2023 Fall, these are now entirely under higher control.

  11. Mar25: Lab 11: Galaxies (Old Lab 17: Galaxies / Lab Supplements). Mar25 Monday is a full moon.
  12. Apr01: Lab 12: Cosmos (Old and very incomplete Lab 16: Hubble's Law / Lab Supplements).

  13. Apr08: Makeups / Practice for Lab Final / Early Lab Finals.
    Instructors: The makeup/practice week CANNOT be omitted.
  14. Apr15: Lab Final.
  15. Apr22: Only by special arrangement with instructors: Late Makeups / Late Lab Finals.
    Instructors: The late makeup/final week CANNOT be omitted---unless there are absolutely NO students in need of it.
  16. Apr29: Only by special arrangement with instructors: Very late Makeups / Very late Lab Finals.
  17. May06: Finals week. As always, grades are due on MyUNLV by 4:00 pm on the Tuesday after finals week.
