php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_hr_named_stars.html");?>
From a combination of observation and modeling, we now know a lot
main sequence stars
which are, in fact, the relatively easy stars to understand.
Physically, being on the main sequence means that a star is stably fusing hydrogen nuclei to helium nuclei in its core and that its structure is very nearly in hydrostatic equilibrium (i.e., it is very nearly a fluid at rest).
The heat energy released by the nuclear fusion compensates for the energy the star loses by radiating electromagnetic radiation (EMR) continuously into space.
Main sequence stars are very nearly in STEADY STATE (i.e., an unchanging state) for long periods of time.
Answer 1 is right.
The hydrogen fuel is used up as the hydrogen is converted to helium.
Atoms consist of negatively charged electrons in a swarm about a nucleus made of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons.
See the figure below (local link / general link: atom_nucleus_symbol.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/atomic/atom_nucleus_symbol.html");?>
One really needs
quantum mechanics
to understand atoms and nuclei in detail---that is well beyond the scope
of these lectures.
The number of protons determines the chemical species.
Species with the same number of protons and different numbers of neutrons are isotopes of each other.
All atoms are isotopes, but NOT all atoms are isotopes to each other.
The chemical behavior CANNOT be quite identical because the mass of the isotopes is somewhat different because of the differing number of neutrons. The mass of an atom affects the reaction rates for chemical processes to some degree and even the electronic structure which has a small effect on the spectroscopy of the atom.
A nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron is a heavy hydrogen: a deuteron symbolized by D or H-2.
Nuclei are held together against the electrostatic repulsion of the protons by the strong nuclear force.
The strong nuclear force is a very strong force, but it is very short range. It acts only over a distance of 10**(-15) meters or less. This distance of 10**(-15) meters is 10**5 times smaller than an atom's size.
Thus, the protons and neutrons in a nucleus are compacted close together within about 10**(-15) meters of their nearest neighbors and nuclei have a size scale of order 10**(-15) to 10**(-14) meters depending on the number of protons and neutrons.
Now H nuclei strongly repel by the electrostatic force because they
are like-charged particles.
In stars, only in the cores is it ordinarily sufficiently hot
and dense that the electrostatic repulsion can
be overcome and the H nuclei can collide closely enough
that the
strong nuclear force
can bind them (i.e., fuse them).
But the final product in stellar hydrogen burning is the
very stable He-4 nucleus.
There are several H-to-He-4 burning processes in
The figure below
(local link /
general link: stellar_nuclear_burning_processes.html)
illustrates the two dominant ones:
the proton-proton (PP) chain reaction
and the CNO cycle.
We will just look at the PPI chain in detail to illustrate
a nuclear burning chain.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: nuclear_burning_ppi_chain.html).
In the carbon cycle, the carbon nucleus acts as a catalyst:
i.e., a reactant that facilitates the process without
being destroyed in a net sense in the process.
We will NOT go into details though.
Stellar lifetimes
and main-sequence lifetime
can be calculated.
We consider these in general below in
subsection Main-Sequence Lifetimes.
Here let's just ask
how long is the Sun's
main sequence lifetime?
For the answer, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: sun_lifetime_estimate.html).
Sun's age ≅ 4.6 Gyr ,
and so it is about half done with its
main sequence lifetime.
main sequence lifetime
of a star is about 90 % of its total life as a nuclear-burning star????
and so to 1st order the
main sequence lifetime
is the total nuclear-burning lifetime.
Thus, the Sun is about half through
its life.
Astrophysicists, usually call fusion,
nuclear burning because
the fusion process is the nuclear analogue of chemical burning.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/nuclear_burning_pp.html");?>
The deuteron is a reactive
nucleus compared to ordinary
hydrogen and it burns He-3 (two protons and one
neutron in
the nucleus) relatively quickly
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/stellar_nuclear_burning_processes.html");?>
The dominant one in
less massive than about 1.5 M_☉ is the
PP I branch
(a special case of the
PP chain reaction)
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/nuclear_burning_ppi_chain.html");?>
The dominant one in stars
more massive than about 1.5 M_☉ is the carbon cycle
Hans Behte (1906--2005)
discovered the carbon cycle in 1938. In the early 1930s, he left Germany because of
the Nazis and in WWII he was the leader of the theory group
at Los Alamos in the Manhatten Project.
He was almost certainly the last of the great pre-war generation physicists.
The net process in both H-to-He-4 burning processes is
4H + 2 electrons to He-4 + 2 neutrinos + heat energy
The heat energy is in the form of kinetic energy
of the particles and photons.
The neutrinos mostly just freely escape the
fly off into space, and have very little effect on
the universe it seems.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/sun_lifetime_estimate.html");?>
Question: How long is the Sun's
main sequence lifetime?
Answer 1 is right.
By STABLE we mean the nuclear burning neither just turns off suddenly nor goes into a thermonuclear runaway and blows up the star.
The cartoon in the figure below (local link / general link: stability_mechanical.html) illustrates the STABILITY in general via a mechanics analogue.
A RULER balanced on a finger is an example of an unstable system.
Balance scales take advantage of
instability: their instability allows a fine determination of mass.
Hydrogen burning
in the Sun and all
main sequence stars
is STABLE due to the process
discussed in the figure below
(local link /
general link: sun_hydrogen_burning_stability.html).
Controlled fusion
and fusion power are explicated in
the figure below
(local link /
general link: nuclear_fusion_deuteron_triton.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mechanics/stability_mechanical.html");?>
A practical example of stability is all buildings. When kicked
they don't fall down---one hopes NOT even when they are kicked
really hard.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/sun_hydrogen_burning_stability.html");?>
To recapitulate from
IAL 8: The Sun:
Controlled Fusion and Fusion Power,
down here on Earth we would like to have
STABLE hydrogen burning
or, as it is called,
controlled fusion
for fusion power.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/atomic/nuclear/nuclear_fusion_deuteron_triton.html");?>
They follow from stellar structure modeling using:
Usually, somewhat less important controlling paramters are rotation and having a close binary companion.
Here we will focus a bit on stellar structure modeling and in particular on the 4 equations of stellar structure and recapitulate a bit.
The 4 equations of stellar structure are explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: stellar_structure_4_equations.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/stellar_structure_4_equations.html");?>
We will NOT detail of the
4 equations of stellar structure,
but one of them that students
should know of (because of its general importance) is the
stellar hydrostatic
equilibrium equation.
This equation actually applies to all
pressure-supported bodies.
So it applies
and stars.
Corrections do have to be made for deviations from
spherical symmetry,
of course.
We derive and discuss the stellar hydrostatic equilibrium equation in the figure below (local link / general link: hydrostatic_equilibrium.html).
This is true in stars, in the Earth's atmosphere, in the oceans, and
in a bottle of water sitting at rest on table.
The pressure must increase with depth to sustain the greater overlying
mass with depth.
The pressure in ordinary
(i.e., NOT white dwarfs,
NOT neutron stars)
is a combination of ordinary
ideal gas pressure
(provided by ions and electrons) and
radiation pressure.
radiation pressure
component increases with importance with
stellar mass: for a star of 1 M_☉, it is almost negligible; for a
star of 8 M_☉, it is about 10 % of the central pressure and
a smaller fraction as one moves away from the center
The compact objects
white dwarfs
and neutron stars
are held up by,
degenerate electron gas pressure
and degenerate neutron gas pressure.
We discuss degeneracy pressure briefly
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: gas_classical_quantum.html).
As mentioned above, the
equations of stellar structure
can ONLY be solved on a computer to determine star models.
People have been doing so since the 1950s and nowadays the
models can be quite sophisticated and accurate.
Stellar structure models
of main sequence stars
are particularly easy to model since they are
time-independent or STEADY STATE to good approximation.
Good stellar structure models
for all
spectral types
are available.
As aforesaid, stellar structure models
allow us to know many things we CANNOT know by direct or indirect observations.
Pre- and post-main-sequence modeling is a lot tougher because the
stars are evolving more rapidly and
hydrostatic equilibrium
is NOT always a good approximation.
As an example, we present a cartoon of a
stellar structure model of the
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: sun_model_interior.html).
Question: The requirement of
hydrostatic equilibrium
means that pressure:
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/thermodynamics/gas_classical_quantum.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/sun_model_interior.html");?>
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 22 problems 16--21 on main sequence stars and stellar structure.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 22.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_022_main_sequence_life_of_stars.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_2.html");?>
Recall a basic fact of thermodynamics: 2nd law of thermodynamics which requires entropy increase to a maximum for a closed system.
Why this is so can be understood at the microscopic level, but we'll give it a pass.
The interiors of stars are hot because of nuclear burning brought about by high temperature (initially due to stellar contraction and later due to nuclear burning itself) and high density due to gravity and the huge mass of stars.
The stars actually have low entropy because they have so much compacted heat energy: i.e., highly ordered heat energy.
But space has very high entropy because of its low density.
The overall entropy of stars and space is increased by spreading out of the heat energy of the stars throughout space.
The stars emit EMR to do this.
In fact, according to our current understanding of cosmology, the stars will never succeed in heating space up.
There may be a very cold thermodynamic equilibrium in of order 10**100 years, but that is a very speculative extrapolation of what we know today (HI-477). This future is discussed in IAL 30: Cosmology.
In space, the spreading out energy is mainly transported by free-streaming radiative transfer of EMR.
But how is it transported in stars. The heat energy transport in stars is mainly by two mechanisms: radiative transfer (but NOT free-streaming) and convection.
In the interior of a star, radiative transfer is always occurring and the process is essentially a photon random walk process that we discussed in IAL 6: Light and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Photon Propagation.
is a universally important,
macroscopic heat transfer process. It occurs in:
Boiling is actually the formation of bubbles of gas throughout
a liquid and does NOT necessarily involve
But when water boils
is usually also happening.
Answer 3 is wrong, but if true, implies answer 2, but answer 2 does NOT
imply answer 3 since there could be no heat flows in solids for
other reasons. Just a little exercise in logic.
The full calculation requires 3-dimensional
hydrodynamics dynamics
which is still
difficult even with supercomputers. Frequently, one gets the wrong answer.
Dealing with convection
is one of the difficult and uncertain parts of astrophysics.
For example, our understanding of
stellar evolution
is we think quite good, but uncertainty about
is one of the weak links.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: star_convection.html)
in stars
as a function
of stellar mass.
Remember radiative transfer happens in convective zones too: it is
just NOT the dominant heat transport mechanism there.
In the Sun, the
convective zone extends from about 0.71 R_☉ to the photosphere
In the Sun, we actually
see the tops of the CONVECTION CELLS.
They are the
solar granules.
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: sunspots_intro.html).
Question: What is a common, everyday, obvious example of
Why and how does
convection occur?
An explication of convection is given
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: convection.html).
Answer 2 is right.
happens whenever the TEMPERATURE GRADIENT becomes
sufficiently steep and the insulation is a fluid---or
at least sufficiently fluid-like as inside the Earth's mantle
as is discussed in
IAL 11: The Earth.
Question: Why can't convection
happen in truly rigid solids?
is a chaotic, turbulent process. Thus it is very hard to calculate its
behavior in detail.
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_convection.html");?>
happens in radial zones (or layers) in stars where for
some reason the TEMPERATURE GRADIENT becomes too steep
for stability against convection.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/sunspots_intro.html");?>
Currently, there is no consensus on what the lower mass limit for
brown dwarfs
should be.
But one popular choice is that a
brown dwarf
should have more than 13 M_Jupiter.
Objects smaller than that are NOT planets, are sometimes
called sub-brown dwarfs.
At mass greater than 13 M_Jupiter,
brown dwarfs can burn
to helium;
at mass greater than 60 M_Jupiter, they can
burn lithium (3 protons, 4
neutrons) to helium
by some process.
During these burning phases, the
brown dwarfs
are fully convective and so they burn up all their
deuterons and
lithium in ???tens of millions of years????.
(I need to check that time period).
After their brief burning phase,
brown dwarfs
can only generate heat by contraction, and so cool off forever:
ultimately they must become very cold, dim objects.
One constructs hydrostatic equilibrium models of objects of the mass of
brown dwarfs
with cosmic composition and sees what one gets.
These models are NOT definitive yet by any means.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/brown_dwarf/brown_dwarf_comparison.html");?>
Question: The above discussion of
brown dwarfs is based
primarily on:
People long expected
brown dwarfs to
exist---because there is no reason why substellar objects
should NOT exist---but they were hard to find because they are very dim
and radiate principally in the infrared as aforesaid.
Answer 1 is right.
One of the first discovered brown dwarf was Gliese 229B in 1994. See the figure below (local link / general link: brown_dwarf_gliese_229b.html).
Hundreds of
brown dwarfs
are known.
Brown dwarfs
and sub-brown dwarfs together
may be about as numerous as stars
in the universe based on current statistics.
If this is so, then they do NOT contribute much mass to the
universe and have little effect on cosmological evolution.
Because they do NOT eject any material back into space
as stars do, they are just quasi-eternal sinks for matter, and thus
do NOT contribute to cosmic chemical evolution.
In the solar neighborhood, one estimate puts the net mass of
brown dwarf
at about
10 % of the luminous mass (in stars,
brown dwarfs,
sub-brown dwarfs, gas, and dust).
Of course, if brown dwarfs
are much more numerous than stars, then they could make a significant
contribution to the total mass of the universe.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/brown_dwarf/brown_dwarf_gliese_229b.html");?>
Answer 2 is right.
The surface is much too cool and rarefied for hydrogen burning.
For example of main-sequence stellar evolution, let us consider the main-sequence stellar evolution Sun as illustrated in the figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of the evolving composition of the Sun (CM-315).
Credit/Permission: © David Jeffery,
2005 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
The decrease in hydrogen fuel in the core has the seemingly paradoxical result that stars will get more luminous over their main sequence life:
Note there is lots of hydrogen in the outer parts of the core.
The extra energy tends to make the outer layers expand: so as the core gets denser, the star actually tends to increase in size.
Stars larger than about 1 M_☉ get a little cooler on the surface during main sequence evolution. Since they are getting brighter too, they move upward and rightward on an HR diagram (CK-314).
The Sun and smaller stars??? will actually get slightly hotter on the surface for awhile anyway (FK-467). They would move upward and/or to the left on the HR diagram. See the figure below (local link / general link: star_hr_named_stars_cartoon.html).
A lack of simple explanation is often the case in computer calculations: we simply say we understand in a computer modeling sense.
The Sun is now about 30 % brighter than when initially on the main sequence about 4.6 Gyr ago.
It will be about 30 % brighter than now in about 3.5 Gyr (WB-106; FK-493)
This gradual brightening of the Sun is known only theoretically. But we think we understand main sequence stars well in their main behavior.
So the brightening is about as certain a result as a purely theoretical result can be.
The brightening is a pretty modest change for the Sun.
But it probably means the doom of complex life on Earth within of order a gigayear or two by first eliminating the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then eliminating liquid water.
The brightening of the Sun is further explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: sun_evolution.html).
main sequence lifetime
of a star begins when the star settles on the
zero-age main sequence
on the HR diagram????
It ends when the star's core hydrogen is sufficiently exhausted for
the burning rate in the core to slow down or, more loosely,
when the core hydrogen is exhausted
The lifetimes fall very quickly with mass in fact:
This is a faster decrease than an inverse-square law decrease illustrated
in the figure
(local link /
general link: function_behaviors_plot.html).
We know the duration of
main-sequence lifetimes
from computer simulations
to relatively
high accuracy/precision
But how do we know the ages of
observed main sequence stars?
In general, we CANNOT. But we can if the
main sequence stars are in
star clusters.
The method of determining the ages of
main sequence stars
in star clusters
by means of
Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagrams
and turn-offs
is explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: star_hr_turn_off.html).
If we look again at the
table of approximate
main-sequence lifetimes
(see below),
we that some low-mass stars will be on the
main sequence
for hundreds of gigayears.
The fate of very low-mass stars (and also stars of mass up to
about 8 M_☉) is to become
white dwarfs
whose nature is discussed in
IAL 24:
Compact Remnants: White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars.
Here will just say
white dwarfs
are star-mass objects of Earth-size
(and thus very dense) that are NOT burning any nuclear fuel and
are just cooling off forever.
But it is is probably a comparatively gentle process??? particularly
for red dwarfs
which are main sequence stars
in the mass range 0.08--0.4 M_☉
Red dwarfs
are convective throughout and will
convert almost all there hydrogen to helium.
They will never burn helium unlike more massive stars,
and so should just contract probably pretty slowly into
white dwarfs.
They probably will just cool in the post-main-sequence phase
(CK-311), but since
contraction causes heating they might heat up for awhile????
but I've NOT been able to find out for sure.
IAL 23: Late Star Evolution and Star Death takes up the
subject of the post-main-sequence evolution of stars
of about solar mass and larger.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/sun_evolution.html");?>
Question: How does
main sequence lifetime vary with
star mass?
As one goes up in mass for
main sequence stars,
there is more hydrogen fuel, but the rate of burning increases
even more rapidly and the
main sequence lifetime
becomes shorter.
Answer 3 is right.
lifetime t ≅ constant/M**(2.5) .
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mathematics/function_behaviors_plot.html");?>
A table of approximate
main-sequence lifetimes
and a derivation of
a main sequence lifetime formula
are given in the figure below
(local link /
general link: star_lifetimes.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_lifetimes.html");?>
According to the
Λ-CDM model (concordance model) of cosmology,
the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)
since the
Big Bang.
We discuss the
Λ-CDM model
IAL 30: Cosmology.
This precise value for the universal age could be wrong
if the
Λ-CDM model
is wrong---which is possible---but
probably by less than 1 gigayear.
Question: Given the
age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018),
are there star types none of whose members have ever
left the main sequence?
Answer 2 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_hr_turn_off.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_lifetimes_2.html");?>
Post-main-sequence stars of that initially had masses less
than about 0.9 M_☉ don't exist now
and won't for some time to come.
White dwarfs
exist, of course: there are just none that originated from
stars of less than about 0.75 M_☉ when on the
main sequence.
Because we have never observed even snapshots of
this transformation for low-mass stars and never will
(on the ordinary human time-scale), we know less
about it than what happens to larger-mass star: i.e.,
star from about 0.9 M_☉ and up.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 22
problems 25--33 on
main sequence stars,
red dwarfs,
brown dwarfs.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 22.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/star_hr_post_main_sequence.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/sun_evolution_hr.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_022_main_sequence_life_of_stars.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_2.html");?>