Caption: In the adjacent image, we calculate the Sun's main sequence lifetime to be ∼ 10 Gyr making use of the fact that the Sun only burns about 10 % of its hydrogen. This means it has a hydrogen burning efficiency factor f_☉ = 0.1 which is a fiducial value, NOT an exact value.
Both the fiducial and more exact efficiency factors f_☉ can, in fact, only be known by stellar structure modeling.
Note in the image that the second "H" in the 3rd sentence should be "He" for helium.
For stellar lifetimes and main-sequence lifetimes in general, see star_lifetimes.html.
Then it will become an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star and lose much of its outer layers in thermal pulses (AKA helium shell flashes). Then it will settle down as a white dwarf and cool off forever (see Wikipedia: Sun: After core hydrogen exhaustion).