But these are just the basic equations for the very basic stellar structure of main sequence stars. They do NOT account for:
The 4 equations of stellar structure are differential equations that embody physical law. To expand on the last sentence, see the insert below (local link / general link: physical_law_solution.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/physics/physical_law_solution.html");?>
Caption: To illustrate the solutions of
differential equations,
see the
showing the
projectile motion
for an inclined launch
with NO drag
Stokes law drag
Newton drag
Launch angle = 70° and
in natural units
little g = 1,
launch speed v = 1.25,
and terminal velocity for
both drag types vmax=0.65.
The trajectories are solved for from differential equations: simple analytically in the case of NO drag, not-so simple analytically in the case of Stokes law drag, and by numerical solution in the case of Newton drag which has NO exact analytic solution it seems (Wikipedia: Projectile Motion: Trajectory of a projectile with Newton drag).
Credit/Permission: ©
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Image link: Wikimedia Commons:
Local file: local link: stellar_structure_4_equations.html.
File: Star file: