php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/afar/moon_stars_2.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_earthrise.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/afar/moon_full_westensee.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_m/moonlight_vernet_2.html");?>
In this lecture, we consider the Moon
as an astronomical object
in the old sense---a body seen on the sky, its motions on the
sky, and its role in eclipses.
So old astronomy mostly, but with a few new astronomy touches.
The new astronomy, which is mostly lunar geology and lunar geological history, we mostly leave to IAL 12: The Moon and Mercury.
And what of the old Moon?
As the Sun is KING of the day, the Moon has always been QUEEN of the night---or vice versa depending on whose culture is counting. Of course, the Moon is often seen in the day.
Anyhow, they have always been with us and for long ages there seemed to be great a symmetry of the universe that their angular diameter were almost the equal: i.e., Sun angular diameter: mean 0.5332°, range 0.5242°--0.5422°; Moon angular diameter: mean 0.5286°, range 0.4889°--0.5683°. But this near equality is just the great coincidence: see Moon file: sun_moon_angular.html.
The figure below (local link / general link: wolf_norse.html) illustrates the Sun and Moon in Norse mythology.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_w/wolf_norse.html");?>
And, of course, the Moon
turns up in Greek mythology
as illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: artemis.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_a/artemis.html");?>
Although much fainter than the Sun,
the Moon,
at full moon
or nearly full moon,
is a significant light source, very noticeable in the absence of modern
lighting---moonlight, you know.
The Moon is the
brightest astronomical object
in the
after the Sun.
Of course, other traditional problems come with a full moon (see figure below: local link / general link: alien_werewolf.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/alien_images/alien_werewolf.html");?>
But some find a happy Moon
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: mikado.html).
On the other hand, some have always wanted to take a shot at the
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: georges_melies_moon.html;
see videos below:
local link /
general link: moon_videos.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_videos.html");?>
Still for the Moon, past images of the future
continue to tantalize
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: moonbase.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moonbase.html");?>
In fact, the Moon setting the lunar months and even more fundamentally the Sun setting the daytime and the nighttime and the seaonal solar year, are natural clocks for the children of the Earth.
In fact, the use of the lunar month (about 29.5 days) both for secular TIME-KEEPING and RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES goes back to prehistory in many ancient societies---probably in all societies in prehistory.
The lunar month is NOT, of course, the modern calendar month of the modern civil calendar: the calendar month is divorced from the lunar month only retaining the family name month---this divorce began with the Julian calendar (see subsection Julius Caesar Reforms the Calendar below).
The lunar month is illustrated in the two figures below (local link / general link: moon_lunar_phases.html; local link / general link: moon_lunar_phases_animation_2b.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_lunar_phases.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_lunar_phases_animation_2b.html");?>
If you count the lunar month as starting from the
first visible crescent
after new moon as was often done, then
the lunar month alternates between 29 and 30 days.
And if you had to wait out cloudy evenings to see a crescent for the
first time in a lunar month, then the
old month could be longer than 30 days and the new month shorter than 29 days.
The mean lunar month---the cruellest month---is, in fact, 29.53059 days (7-digit J2000.0 value). We usually round this value off 29.5 days when NOT being precise.
The value 29.53059 days is the 7-digit J2000.0 epoch value and is a good fiducial value for years 1900--2100.
A lunisolar calendars is one that uses lunar month and solar year directly as natural timekeeping devices.
At least in western Eurasian cultures, lunisolar calendars were common before the Julian calendar reform (46--45 BCE).
But there is a calendrical problem using the natural timekeeping devices.
First, (mean) lunar month is NOT an integer number of days (nor weeks), nor is the solar year an integer number of lunar months.
More specifically, the lunar year = 354.36706633 days (J2000) (which is 12 lunar months each = 29.530588861 days (J2000)) and the solar year = 365.2421897 days (J2000).
So the discrepancy between the day count for lunar years consisting of 12 lunar months and the day count for solar years increases by ∼ 11 days per solar year.
How did they do this?
Well, after 3 solar years, the discrepancy is ∼ 33 days or a bit more than a lunar month.
So to keep the count of years about the same for both lunar years and solar years on average, a 13th lunar month (an intercalary month) had to be inserted into a calendar year a bit more frequently than every 3 years.
The intercalary month insertion was usually pretty haphazard and done at different times in different jurisdictions (i.e., cities or states).
Often when the "year was NOT good" (i.e., season and lunar month disagreed: it was winter, but the month was Maius), some local official decided on an intercalary month insertion.
The result of the haphazard procedures for intercalary month insertion was calendrical chaos and it is often hard for modern historians to determine exact dates for events in ancient history or to correlate such events.
For a facetious example, see the figure below (local link / general link: druids.html).
Can something be done rather than rely haphazard
intercalary month insertion?
Yes. One rather
of inserting intercalary month is
the 19-year
Metonic cycle:
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: metonic_cycle_girl_with_doves.html).
Then came
Caesar and his
calendar reform of
46--45 BCE.
It did away with the lunisolar calendar
and banished lunar months
and replaced them with the
12 semi-arbitrary
modern calendar months.
Of course, only people in
western Eurasia knew about
the Julian calendar (instituded 46--45 BCE)
and its upgrade to the
Gregorian calendar (instituded 1582)
until in modern times.
The Gregorian calendar is, of course,
the modern
de facto international civil calendar.
For further explication of the
Julian calendar
and Gregorian calendar,
see the figures below
(local link /
general link: julius_caesar_tusculum_like.html;
local link /
general link: alien_julius_caesar.html).
Where does the seven-day week come from?
How how does the mighty Thor come in to it?
For Thor,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: thor.html).
The first 3 weeks had 7 days and the last week had to be adjusted to make up the
lunar month which
observationally varies and has mean length
29.53059 days (7-digit J2000.0 value).
It seems likely that they chose 7 days as their fiducial week length
because 7 days is approximately a quarter
of the lunar month.
This idea for the
seven-day week is NOT absolutely proven, but
it seems the best hypothesis to
yours truly.
The seven-day week then spread to other cultures in
the ancient Near East.
The ancient Romans
seem to have independently arrived at the
seven-day week
(see Wikipedia: Seven-day week: Classical Antiquity)
about the time of the adoption of the
Julian calendar.
Earlier they used an 8-day week.
Their reasons for either week are NOT explained in the sources.
Perhaps, the work-market-day-rest cycle of 7 or 8 days is just natural
for humans and
(see figure below).
The fact that the quarters of the lunar month
roughly correspond to 7 or 8 days may have just been a useful coincidence
the ancient Babylonians,
the ancient Romans,
and other ancient societies.
The merger of the cultures
of the ancient Near East
and Classical Antiquity
with the spread of early Christianity
clearly acted to stabilize the
seven-day week
as the norm in Europe
and from there is spread worldwide eventually.
"In the San Juan de Dios Market
in Guadalajara,
Mexico." (Slightly edited.)
In traditional societies,
market day was a significant part of a cycle of work-market-day-rest.
Perhaps by nature, humans and societies
just find this cycle should be about about
7 days, and this is the ultimate determinant of the
seven-day week.
The fact that the
lunar month is roughly equal to
4 seven-day weeks may just be a useful
coincidence that gives an approximate natural clock
for the natural-to-humans seven-day week.
Credit/Permission: ©
Christian Frausto Bernal,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by User:Humberto,
2008) /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 2.0.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/druids.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_j/julius_caesar_tusculum_like.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/alien_images/alien_julius_caesar.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_t/thor.html");?>
The origin of the seven-day week
seems to be in the practice of the
ancient Babylonians
who started a 4-week cycle
with the first crescent
(see Wikipedia: Seven-day week: Origins).
29.53059 days/4 ≅ 7.4 days .
Note also, the quarters of the lunar month
are clearly marked by the phases:
new moon,
1st quarter moon
(which is a half moon), full moon, and
3rd quarter moon (which is also a half moon).
Image link: Wikipedia.
In this section, we look at a few Moon facts, especially those pertaining to the Moon's orbit.
Some Moon facts are summarized in the list (local link / general link: moon_facts.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_facts.html");?>
And the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_numbers.html)
illustrates some Moon facts
It is striking that the Moon
is much less massive than the
only about 1/80 of the
Earth mass M_⊕ = 5.9722(6)*10**24 kg
= 3.0033*10**(-6) M_☉.
To be precise, recall
Moon mass M_Mo = 7.342*10**22 kg
= 0.0123000371 M_⊕ = 1/81.3005678 M_⊕ ≅ 1/80 M_⊕.
The much lower mass causes the
center of mass of the
Wikipedia: Orbit of the Moon)
to be actually inside the
at ∼ 4700 km from the center Earth
(see Wikipedia:
Moon: Earth-Moon system: Orbit)
and this is the center of
the center-of-mass free-fall inertial frame (COMFFI frame)
that both
and Moon
orbit in elliptical orbits.
Recall that
center-of-mass free-fall inertial frames (COMFFI frames)
are unrotating with respect to the
observable universe which
in modern cosmology
defines the zero-point of
absolute rotation.
The Earth's orbit about the
center of mass
is relatively small, and so for most purposes we can just say
the Moon orbits
the Earth.
However, not all purposes.
For example,
depend on the Earth
being in free fall
in the gravitational field
of the Moon
and Sun.
Counterfactually, if the Earth were held at fixed point relative to the
center-of-mass free-fall inertial frame (COMFFI frame)
of the Solar System,
the tidal bulges
would tend to be only on the sides of the
Earth facing the
and Sun instead of being
on both facing and anti-facing sides.
We consider the Earth's
in IAL 5: Newtonian Physics, Gravity, Orbits, Energy, Tides.
Why is the Moon mass
so much smaller than the
Earth mass
given that its diameter
is a ∼1/4 of the
Earth diameter?
It's the "linear-cube law"
(which is analogous to the
square-cube law) in action.
If an object's lengths are all scaled by factor f,
then its volume and all quantities
that scale with volume
(e.g., mass) would scale as f**3.
So scaling down the
Earth's diameter (mean value 12,756.2 km)
by 1/4 causes a scaling down of the
Earth mass M_⊕ = 5.9722(6)*10**24 kg
= 3.0033*10**(-6) M_☉
by (1/4)**3=1/64.
So if the Moon had the same
density as the
the Moon's
mass would be 1/64
of the Earth mass.
In the fact, that the Moon's
mass is ∼1/81
of the Earth mass
shows the Moon's
density is less than
that of the Earth,
and therefore its composition is different on average from
that of the Earth.
In fact, the Moon's
density is 3.344 g/cm
which is about the same as typical terrestrial surface
This is an important clue to the
origin of the Moon
which we consider in
IAL 12:
The Moon and Mercury: The Formation of the Moon.
You note that the diameters
of both the Earth
and the
Moon are
pretty small compared to the distance separating them.
This is why even though the Moon
has about a quarter of the Earth's diameter its
angular diameter on the sky is only about 0.5°.
Actually, both Earth and
Moon are large
both in diameter
and mass among the
rocky-icy bodies
in Solar System.
Yet another striking feature of the Moon facts
is that the
sidereal month
(i.e., the physical lunar
orbital period relative to the
observable universe
(which is almost the same as relative to the
fixed stars
as we traditionally put it)
is less than the lunar month.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: lunar_month_sidereal_period.html)
illustrates how the difference between the two time periods arises.
The eccentricity
of the Moon's orbit
is 0.0549 or 5.49 %.
This means the Earth-Moon
distance varies up and down from the mean
distance by about 5.5 %. The total range of variation is 11 %.
The 11 % variation in DISTANCE causes
apparent angular diameter
to vary by 11 % too.
But difference in
angular diameter
of the Moon
is striking if you directly compare
the angular diameters
at perigee and
as in the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_angular_diameter_variation.html).
In a total solar eclipse,
you know by direct observation that
Moon's angular diameter is larger than the Sun's.
In annular solar eclipses, the
Moon's angular diameter
is just smaller than
the Sun's, and one sees a bright annulus (or ring) of
the Sun
(or to be more precise the solar photosphere:
see section Solar Eclipses below)
around the Moon.
So the Sun is
a natural STANDARD OF COMPARISON---but NOT a great one since
it can only be used during
total solar eclipses
annular solar eclipses---and it's NOT
that convenient even then.
By the by, You should NEVER look at an
annular eclipse
with the
naked eye.
I suppose the Sun in
partial solar eclipses also provide a
STANDARD OF COMPARISON, but you should never look at
partial solar eclipses
either with the naked eye,
and, in any case, it would be hard
to tell whether Sun or Moon had the larger angular diameter.
We consider solar eclipses below in
the section Solar Eclipses.
The Moon's
orbital inclination
to the ecliptic is 5.145°: i.e.,
the tilt of the Moon's orbit from the
ecliptic plane defined by
the Earth's orbit
around the Sun.
The orbital inclination is
illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_orbit_001.html).
The inclination to ecliptic of the
Moon's orbit
badly complicates eclipse phenomena.
Of course, if one had
zero inclination to ecliptic for the
Moon's orbit, then
total/annular solar eclipses
would only occur in the tropical region
which is region on Earth
through which passes the
center-to-center line.
The lunar node line
and eclipse season are
explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_node_line.html).
Eclipses can happen because the
Moon can be very close to the
ecliptic plane and be on the
Earth-Sun line line
(as in seen in projection on the ecliptic plane)
at the SAME TIME.
If the lunar node line
is NOT closely aligned with the
Earth-Sun line,
the Moon will be well above or below the
ecliptic plane when it is on the
Earth-Sun line.
Actually, because of the finite size of
Earth, Moon,
some kind of eclipses will always happen
at times of nodal alignment---but you don't know that a priori.
We will discuss this issue below.
We discuss
nodal alignment,
and eclipse seasons
further below in sections
Eclipses, Lunar Eclipses,
and Solar Eclipses.
So much for these Moon facts.
There are more
Moon facts below, of course.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 3
problems 2--10 on Moon facts---and
Moon factoids.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 3.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/diagram/moon_numbers.html");?>
Let's expand a bit on some of the facts:
The rocky-icy bodies
are, of course, much smaller in
and mass
than the Sun
(109 Earth equatorial radii
and 99.86% of the mass
of the Solar System:
see Wikipedia: Sun)
and gas giant planets
(3.883 to 11.209
Earth equatorial radii
and collectively 99 % of the mass known to
the Sun:
see Wikipedia: Solar System:
Outer planets).
The figure below
(local link /
general link: rocky_icy_body.html)
illustrates the ranking of the
rocky-icy bodies
of the Solar System
in order of decreasing
the Earth is number 1
and the Moon ranks pretty high too at number 9.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/rocky_icy_body.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/diagram/lunar_month_sidereal_period.html");?>
Recall that in astro-jargon,
"apparent" means as seen from Earth.
The variation in
angular diameter
is probably too small ever to be noticed by casual observation since we usually see the
at perigee and
apogee without a convenient
sufficiently accurate natural STANDARD OF COMPARISON.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_angular_diameter_variation");?>
Question:When is there a convenient natural
STANDARD OF COMPARISON for the angular size of the
Answers 1 and 2 are sort of right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/diagram/moon_orbit_001.html");?>
The Moon's
orbital inclination
has important consequences for eclipse phenomena.
Question: Counterfactually
imagine that there was
zero inclination to ecliptic plane for the
Moon's orbit.
How often would we have eclipses?
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/diagram/moon_node_line.html");?>
Question: What can
happen when the
lunar node line closely aligns with the
Earth-Sun line?
The figure below
(local link /
general link: eclipse_season.html)
explains when eclipses can occur:
i.e., the eclipse seasons.
Answer 1 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/eclipse_season.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_003_moon.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_lunar_phases_animation_3.html");?>
Caption: "A waning crescent moon above Earth's horizon in an image by an Expedition 24 crew member on the International Space Station (ISS)."
The phases of the Moon have a haunting beauty.
Note the sky is blue as seen from above as well as below---and for the same reason.
The diffuse sky radiation is atmosphere-scattered light. Earth's atmosphere scatters blue light more than it scatters red light.
Thus, red light is more strongly transmitted as we know from sunrises and sunsets. At those times, we see sunlight transmitted through a thicker air mass than at other times of the day. This means relatively more blue light scattered, relatively more red light transmitted than at other times of the day.
Credit/Permission: NASA,
(uploaded to
by User:Originalwana,
2010) /
Public domain.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Expedition 24 Crescent Moon.jpg.
The lunar phases are explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: moon_lunar_phases.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_lunar_phases.html");?>
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_lunar_phases_animation.html)
shows the lunar phases---and
the lunar libration too which we
will briefly consider below in section Lunar Rotation and Tidal Locking.
In this IAL lecture,
lunar phase questions are a big deal.
The Moon
is always approximately along the ecliptic as we
discussed in
IAL 2: The Sky.
But once you get the hang of them, they are easy.
The diagram in the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_phases_calculator.html)
illustrates how to answer
simple lunar phase questions.
Some lunar phase
Let's do 3 examples of lunar phase problems.
Phase and time are the knowns. Location on the sky is the unknown.
To find the answer, glance again at the
lunar phases diagram
shown again in the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_phases_calculator.html).
If the time were midnight, then
the Moon would be
transiting the
Time and location on the sky are knowns. Phase is the
Glance back lunar phases
diagram and find the time location
on Earth and identify the eastern direction.
The Moon must be a
waning crescent.
Location in sky and phase are knowns. Time of day is the
Glance back at the lunar phases diagram.
It must be sunset.
If the Moon was on the eastern
horizon, it would be noon.
Say you are at the sunset location:
For an example of a lunar phase question,
where there is NOT enough information to solve for the time of day NOR the
location in the sky,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_crescent_forest.html).
Actually the Moon does move a noticeable distance
on the
celestial sphere during
a day. A simple Moon calculation shows this:
Either way, the Moon moves about 0.5 degrees per hour.
Since the Moon itself subtends about 0.5°,
it moves about its own angular diameter every hour.
If one checks the Moon against the
fixed stars during a night, the
Moon's motion can be easily seen.
Not that yours truly has ever done such a thing.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/moon_lunar_phases_animation.html");?>
Question: You have all seen the
lunar phases---don't
deny it.
So if you see a crescent moon
at sunset, what part of the sky is it in?
It's true that
simple lunar phase questions often seem very difficult to people.
Answer 2 is right.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/diagram/moon_phases_calculator.html");?>
Lunar phase videos
(i.e., Lunar phase
Now for another question, see the figure below
(local link /
general link: moon_cow_spoon.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/diagram/moon_phases_calculator_2b.html");?>
The Moon must be on the eastern
horizon. It is just
rising. It is in
to the
as it must
be when it is full.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/afar/moon_cow_spoon.html");?>
Here are other examples that the students can read through and solve at
their leisure
to see how everything goes.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/afar/moon_crescent_forest.html");?>
Relative to the Sun, the Moon moves
360 degrees / 29.53059 days = 12.19 degrees/day .
This is the angular velocity for phase change.
Relative to the
(observable universe
i.e., the celestial sphere
or almost exactly for this purpose
the fixed stars),
the Moon moves
360 degrees / 27.321661 days = 13.17 degrees/day .
This is the angular velocity for motion relative to stars near the Moon.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 3 problems 12--17 on lunar phases.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 3.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_003_moon.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_hot_2.html");?>
This behavior is because of tidal locking.
We discuss the Moon's tidal locking and tidal locking in general in the subsections below.
Since the Moon's axial rotation rate is on average equal to its orbital rotation rate (whether with respect to the Sun or to the observable universe), it always turns the same side to us.
We call this side the near side of the Moon and, until recent history, it was the only side we ever saw.
The figure below (local link / general link: moon_map_side_near.html) shows the familiar near side of the Moon.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/map/moon_map_side_near.html");?>
Throughout human history until
1959, the
far side of the Moon
was a mystery.
The figure below (local link / general link: moon_map_side_far.html) shows the unfamiliar far side of the Moon.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/map/moon_map_side_far.html");?>
Question: If there were even the slightest difference on average between
the lunar axial rotation rate and the lunar orbital rotation rate
(both relative to either the
observable universe
or the Sun),
eventually all faces
of the Moon would be
visible from Earth.
Why then do we only ever see the near side
from Earth?
Another illustration of
the tidal locking
of the Moon to
the Earth is
shown by the animation
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: tidal_locking_moon.html).
Answer 3 is right.
Tidal locking
is a gravitational effect.
A mutually orbiting pair of
tend to become tidal locked
to each other
(i.e., always turn the same face to each other)
because of the
tidal force
they exert on each other.
The tidal force is explicated in the
figure below
(local link /
general link: tidal_force.html).
tidal locking
goes to completion for either of the
depends on the strength of the
tidal force,
the resistance of the
to being tidal locked,
and the complicating gravitational effects of other
As explained with the figure above
(local link /
general link: tidal_locking_origin.html),
tend to get
tidally locked to
their parent planets during the
course of
solar system evolution,
but the reverse process has generally NOT happened.
The planets have more
angular momentum
(which is a measure of rotational stability among other things)
than the moons,
and so it takes much longer to slow their rotation to the
tidally locked situation.
More time than the
Solar System age = 4.5682 Gyr
in all but one case (see just below).
Also in
planet-moon systems
with multiple large
the distinct
tidal locking effects
of the moons will
somewhat each other when the
rotation gets sufficiently slow.
Some moons
will be trying to slow planet
rotation while others are trying to speed it up.
So a tidal locking
to any one moon
might NOT happen.
Among planets and
dwarf planets,
mutual tidal locking
between planet
dwarf planet
and its moon
is only found for
ex-planet Pluto
(now a lowly degraded dwarf planet)
and its biggest moon
and dwarf planet
and its only known moon
(see Wikipedia:
Tidal locking: List of known tidally locked bodies).
In the Pluto system case,
tidal locking effect
is overwhelmingly dominant since the other
moons of Pluto
are very small and have relatively little
gravitational force.
See the Pluto system
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: pluto_system.html).
Tidal locking
must be common througout the observable universe.
We know now for sure that planetary systems
are common and the
tidal locking
must operate in them all to some degree.
So moons
are probably usually
tidally locked
their parent planets.
Planets very close to
their parent stars
are probably usually tidally locked
to those parent stars unless
they become tidally locked
to a large moon.
But tidal locking
to the parent star
did NOT happen in the Solar System
for the two closest-to-the-Sun and moonless
and Venus.
See the discussion of these planets
in subsection Tidal Locking to the Sun below.
So tidal locking can be
avoided even for moonless planets close
to their parent stars in some unusual cases.
The Earth has
tidally locked the
The reverse has NOT happened, but the
Moon's working on it.
The great
angular momentum
(which is a measure of rotational stability among other things)
of the Earth greatly
slows the process and the competing effect of the
tidal locking effect complicates
things---actually, I'd guess the Sun
helps slow the
Earth's rotation, and so at present
is helping toward tidal locking
of the Earth to the Moon.
Geological evidence suggests that 620 megayears ago (0.62 gigayears), the
solar day was
21.9(4) hours (i.e., 21.9(4) modern standard hours)
Tidal accelration: Historical evidence).
Historical records for the past 2700 years suggests that currently
the solar day is increasing
by 1.70(5)*10**(-3) seconds per century
Earth-Moon case).
At present, the
mean solar day - standard metric day ≅ 0.002 s.
Circa 1900
(when standard time was being settled)
mean solar day
was about equal to the standard
In order to account for the current 0.002 s difference every 600 days or so
a leap second
is added to
Universal Time (UT)
without much fanfare in order to keep
solar time synchronized with
Universal Time (UT).
I suspect that eventually, people will let discrepancies between
mean solar time
and Universal Time (UT)
just accummulate to a full minute and then
add an extra leap minute.
Computers---our lords and masters---already
complain about leap seconds
which upset all their algorithms.
If the rate of increase of the
solar day
were constant, how long until the day is 1 second longer than
it is now?
So we'd have to wait 60 millennia for even ONE more second in the
mean solar day.
One wonders who will care.
In any case, it was so hard getting the
2nd millennium
over with.
I spent most of my life waiting for it to end---and now I'm nostalgic for the
good old days.
All things considered from the
Dark Ages
(see figure below:
local link /
general link: bayeux_tapestry.html)
to the
World Wide Web,
the 2nd millennium
wasn't so bad.
There are all kinds of complicating small effects---like the
shifting of material in the
Earth's interior.
But without even without an exact prediction,
it seems that
the slowing rate of the
Earth's rotation
is so slow that
the Earth
will probably NOT become
tidally locked
to the Moon
before the Sun becomes a
red giant
in about 5 Gyr when the Sun
may well vaporize Earth
and Moon
(see Wikipedia:
Tidal acceleration: Effects of the Moon's gravity)---lucky us.
In principle, planets can be
tidally locked to the
None are.
Mercury and
Venus are the likest cases
one would think a priori
since they are closest to the
(and therefore are subject to the
strongest solar tidal forces)
and have no
moons that
can out-compete the
It can't serve two masters.
Well maybe there is some tricky way with
planet year,
moon revolution period,
planet day all equal in length
and the
moon always on
planet-Sun line.
A very weird system.
In the figure below
(local link /
general link: mercury_3_2_spin_orbit_resonance.html),
we do a digression
on Mercury's orbit
before returning to the Moon
in subsequent sections.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/tidal_locking_moon.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mechanics/tidal_force.html");?>
Typically, the orbiting pair of
are NOT formed
in a tidally locked
The figure below
(local link /
general link: tidal_locking_origin.html)
explicates the origin of
tidal locking.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/tidal_locking_origin.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/pluto/pluto_system.html");?>
This is an amount-rate-time problem:
t = A/R = 1 second / [ 1.70*10**(-3) seconds per century ]
≅ 600 centuries
= 60 millennia .
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/bayeux_tapestry.html");?>
The rate of increase of the day is likely NOT constant.
A planet CANNOT be
tidally locked to
the Sun and a
simultaneously---or to two moons
But Mercury
and Venus are both rather strange cases.
Let's skip Venus
IAL 13: Venus.
Its rather strange spin-orbit (i.e., rotation-orbit)
characteristics are NOT fully explained yet---at least according to
Wikipedia: Venus: Orbit and rotation, circa
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mercury/mercury_3_2_spin_orbit_resonance.html");?>
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 3 problems 12--17 on lunar phases.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 3.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_003_moon.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_2.html");?>
Generally speaking, an eclipse is when one astro-body moves into the shadow of another.
But there is also the transitive verb eclipse which in astronomy means when one astro-body (the subject) blocks your view of another astro-body (the object).
Eclipses happen all over the observable universe: e.g., Mars as illustrated in the film in figure below (local link / general link: mars_phobos_transit.html).
In fact, there is nothing fundamentally important about eclipses. It just happens that those we see on Earth are spectacular for us.
There's a bit of inconsistency in our terminology for
seen from Earth.
A solar eclipse is when the
eclipses the Sun from the
point of view of the Earth.
But the Moon is NOT
eclipsed from the
point of view of the Earth
in a lunar eclipse.
NOTHING is blocking our view of the Moon.
In fact, a lunar eclipse
is a SOLAR ECLIPSE as seen on the
In both cases, the ECLIPSED object is the
If we wanted consistency---which we don't---we could call
a lunar eclipse
a solar eclipse
as seen from the Moon.
In any case, there's nothing to be done about the inconsistency now.
We could be very clear if we always specified
the three astro-bodies:
the eclipsed, the eclipser, and the observer.
Usually when discuss
without qualification, we mean
eclipses as seen from
the Earth: i.e.,
lunar eclipses
solar eclipses.
These eclipses
during eclipse seasons
which happens every 173.31 days as discussed above in the
section Moon Facts and as recapitulated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: eclipse_season.html).
The explications of the complications
with eclipse phenomena are given above in
The Orbital Inclination to the Ecliptic of the Moon's Orbit
The Lunar Node Line and Eclipse Seasons,
this section (i.e., section Eclipses),
and below in sections
Lunar Eclipses
and Solar Eclipses
or are "obvious".
So without comment:
The complications mean that modern-standard high
predictions of eclipses
CANNOT be done by explicit formulae,
but have to be calculated numerically by the
Examples of computer
predictions of eclipses
are given below in subsections
Frequency of Lunar Eclipses,
Frequency of Solar Eclipses, and
Predicting Solar Eclipses.
An ancient way of predicting
eclipses of very low
going back to
Babylonian astronomy (centuries earlier
than 1200 BCE--c.60 BCE)
(Wikipedia: History of astronomy:
Wikipedia: Babylonian astronomy;
Wikipedia: Babylonian star catalogues)
is described below in subsection
The Saros Cycle.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/mars/mars_phobos_transit.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/eclipse_season.html");?>
Any body illuminiated by a finite source of light has two kinds of
shadow: umbra
where the source is totally covered (or occulted or eclipsed) and
where the source is only partially covered (or occulted or eclipsed).
Penumbra is Latin
for almost shadow.
A point source can only cause umbras.
Of course, when other sources of light are around (including reflecting sources), an
umbra won't be totally dark
and a penumbra NOT
as dark as otherwise.
There are three main
lunar eclipse types:
total lunar eclipse,
partial lunar eclipse,
penumbral lunar eclipse.
The types are illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_types.html).
A total lunar eclipse
including penumbral stage (see below) can last up to
6 hours; totality (when the Moon
is entirely within the Earth's umbra)
lasts at most 1 hour 40 minutes
The eclipse season for a
total lunar eclipse
is only 9 days??? around exact nodal alignment
(with the Earth-Sun line)
(Mo-128, not here):
i.e., it extends from about 4.5 days before and 4.5 days after
the exact nodal alignment.
Eclipse seasons are
explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: eclipse/eclipse_season.html).
The eclipse season
for a partial lunar eclipse is 24 days around
exact nodal alignment
(Mo-128): i.e., for about 12 days before and
12 days after exact nodal alignment.
Because the eclipse season
is shorter than the
lunar month,
a partial lunar eclipse is NOT always possible.
At only about 30 % of nodal alignments
is there a
partial lunar eclipse
without a
total lunar eclipse
(Fred Espenak: yours truly
assumes this is a good source since he works for NASA
No one gets too excited about
partial lunar eclipses
total lunar eclipse,
but they are noticeable.
The eclipse season for
penumbral lunar eclipses is
32 days??? around exact nodal alignment
(Mo-128, not here): i.e., for 16 days before
and 16 days after.
Now 32 days is longer than a lunar month, and so
at every nodal alignment, there is at least
a penumbral lunar eclipse.
At about 35 % of nodal alignment is there a
penumbral lunar eclipse
(but usually NOT
total penumbral eclipse) without a
partial lunar eclipse
or a
total lunar eclipse
(see Lunar Eclipses for Beginners).
No one gets excited about
penumbral lunar eclipses.
The Moon just looks a little diminished in brightness in an uneven way.
A layer of cloud could have almost the same effect.
penumbral lunar eclipses
usually go unnoticed and unannounced.
A special case of the
penumbral lunar eclipse,
is the
total penumbral eclipse which
occurs when the
Moon goes entirely into the
penumbra and never touches
the umbra.
These are rare and boring events. They happen only a few times per century.
There was the
2006 Mar14 total penumbral eclipse---you
probably read all about it.
The next one is 2053
Aug29---you can hardly wait.
A total penumbral eclipse
is illustrated in the figure below.
An illustration of the
1988 Mar03 total penumbral eclipse.
You are looking in the
antisolar direction and seeing the
and penumbra
and the Moon's path projected onto the
celestial sphere.
A total penumbral eclipse
is when the Moon goes completely
into the penumbra without
going into the umbra at all.
These rather rare---and boring---events occur between 0 and 9 times per century.
Tom Ruen
(AKA User:SockPuppetForTomruen and User:Tomruen),
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by Magnus Manske,
2008) /
Public domain.
The occurrences of all kinds of
is sufficiently complex that there is NO simple or even complex
formula for predicting them and there is NO exact repeating cycle of them.
(though there is an approximate cycle:
see subsection The Saros Cycle below).
The cycles of eclipse seasons,
solar day,
and of all the types of lunar month
(which characterize the
Moon's orbit)
and the slow evolution of these cycles with time
make exact prediction by formula or cycle impossible.
Someone has to do a calculation on the computer.
Fortunately, someone has.
Table: Frequency of Lunar Eclipse Types for 3000 BCE--3000 CE at Eclipse Seasons (AKA Nodal Alignments)
below for the frequency of
lunar eclipse types
for the
3000 BCE--3000 CE
time period---there are 14442
lunar eclipses.
The 3
lunar eclipse types occur
with approximately equal frequency---exact equal frequency for 3 items is 33.3... % frequency, of course.
penumbral lunar eclipses
are those without
total lunar eclipse phases
partial lunar eclipse phases
partial lunar eclipses
are those without
total lunar eclipse phases.
Note that two
lunar eclipses
(but only two
penumbral lunar eclipse)
can happen in a
eclipse season
(see Wikipedia: Eclipse season: Details),
and so the number of eclipse seasons
in the 6000 year period of the table is somewhat less than 14442.
For period
2000 BCE--3000 CE
from another source
(Ian Cameron Smith:
but NO longer easily found there),
there were
191 total penumbral eclipses out of
penumbral lunar eclipses.
So roughly 4 % of
penumbral lunar eclipses
are total penumbral eclipses.
Of course,
total lunar eclipses
arn't as awe-inspiring
as total solar eclipses.
The two kinds of total eclipses
occur with the same order of frequency, but there is
a major distinction in how many people can see them.
Total lunar eclipses
can be seen from the entire night side of the Earth---except where there is cloud cover, of course.
Total solar eclipses
can be seen only from a restricted
geographic area: see the section
Solar Eclipses below.
Thus, everyone will likely see a few
total lunar eclipses
in their lives---or at least sleep through a few---but to see a
total solar eclipse,
you must travel to an
eclipse path
(the region of total eclipse) or be lucky enough to live on one near in time to
the occurrence of the total solar eclipse---and
be lucky enough NOT to be clouded out.
Now for
total lunar eclipse
images (see figure below:
(local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_2007_mar03.html)
and videos (see below:
local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_videos.html).
At totality of
a total lunar eclipse
the Moon can take on a coppery color as we see
in the US Navy lunar eclipse in the figure above
(local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_2007_mar03.html).
This is due to refraction of
sunlight by the
Earth's atmosphere
To explicate: refraction is the
bending of light rays
as they pass through an interface between different media or
a gradually bending of light rays
as they propagate through a medium that is gradually changing.
The figure below
(local link /
general link: refraction_water.html)
illustrates refraction.
The bluish light of the
is more strongly scattered out of the travel path
in the refraction
through the Earth's atmosphere, and so
it is the reddish light that reaches the
and then is reflected
back to observers on Earth.
The effect is illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_redden.html).
The scattering is also why
sunrise and sunset are
We are seeing unscattered sunlight from
which blue light has been strongly out-scattered.
At sunrise
and sunset,
sunlight takes a long tangential path
through the Earth's atmosphere to the observer
and this increases the outscattering relative to when the
Sun is high in the sky.
The redness of of sunrise
is illustrated in the figure below
(local link: File:Sun rise at CuaLo.jpg).
Sunrise at
Cua Lo,
But forth one wavelet, then another, curled,
Till the whole sunrise, not to be supprest,
Hey, some
people are taking a
Credit/Permission: ©
2007 /
CC BY-SA 3.0.
Reddened color of the Moon in a
total lunar eclipse
depends on the
Earth atmospheric conditions at the
terminator: the
These conditions will affect the overall brightness and will cause uneven
If the terminator
is very cloudy, there may be no obvious reddening and the
Moon can look quite dim.
The location of the
Moon in the umbra
is another factor:
the closer the
Moon is the center the dimmer it will be
all other things being equal
and off the center there is a greater tendency for uneven illumination by the
light rays.
"No sudden, sharp boundary marks the passage of day into night in this
gorgeous view of ocean and clouds over
our fair planet Earth.
Instead, the shadow line
or terminator
is diffuse and shows the gradual transition to darkness we experience
as twilight. With the
Sun illuminating the scene from the right, the cloud
tops reflect gently reddened
filtered through the dusty troposphere, the lowest layer of the planet's nurturing
A clear high altitude layer, visible along the dayside's upper edge, scatters blue
and fades into the blackness of space.
This picture actually is a single digital photograph taken
2001 June
from the International Space Station (ISS)
orbiting at an altitude of 211 nautical miles."
The Other Side of the Sky
as Arthur C. Clarke (1917--2008) would say.
Credit/Permission: ISS Crew,
Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Lab,
Johnson Space Center,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by Andrew Dunn (AKA User:Solipsist),
2006) /
Public domain.
No one has been on the Moon for a
lunar eclipse which,
of course, from the Selenite perspective
is a solar eclipse.
However, some approximations to have have been seen as the figure and caption below
Caption: Image from Apollo 12,
1969 Nov24,
passing into or out of the Earth's
umbra on its homeward journey.
No one has been on the Moon for a
lunar eclipse which,
of course, from the Selenite perspective
is a solar eclipse.
But this Apollo 12 is sort of like a
solar eclipse from
Selenite perspective.
The image shows the Sun just vanishing or emerging.
You can see the bright edge of the Sun
peeping over the disk
of the Earth and a partial ring illumination of refracted light
around the
Earth's terminator.
Note the Earth's
angular diameter is 4 times that of the Sun's as seen from
the Moon.
Night on Earth
in a sense is an eclipse of the Sun by the
Earth from a on-the-ground
human perspective.
Credit/Permission: NASA,
1969 /
Public domain.
Lunar eclipses
nowadays are of no special scientific value.
They are just spectacles---even in Las Vegas---see the
two figures below
(local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_2014_04_14_hunter_hopewell.html;
local link /
general link: lunar_eclipse_2014_04_14_robert_machado.html).
For example, they were interesting for themselves if you didn't understand
how they worked or how to predict them.
Lunar eclipses also
provided one the earliest pieces of evidence for
a spherical Earth.
The shadow of the umbra
of the Earth on
the Moon is always round.
This would be hard to arrange without having a
spherical Earth.
Of course, you have to believe that
the Moon shines by
reflected light and also that the Earth's
umbra is
the cause of
partial lunar eclipse.
The round umbra
argument was given by Aristotle (384--322 BCE),
but may have been known earlier.
Parmenides of Elea (early 5th century BCE), who
may have been the first
proponent of the spherical Earth,
may have known the argument.
I believe the ancient Greeks were the first to realize that
solar time
varied with locality and that west is earlier, east is later
in the solar day.
But I CANNOT find a reference at the moment.
Umbra is Latin
for shadow.
The Earth has an
umbra and
due to the Sun
as explicated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: earth_umbra.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/earth_umbra.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/lunar_eclipse_types.html");?>
Now to expand on the
three main
lunar eclipse types:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/eclipse_season.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/alien_images/alien_prototype_selenite.html");?>
Question: If you were a
Selenite (i.e., a Moon being:
see the adjacent figure:
(local link /
general link: alien_prototype_selenite.html)
during a
partial lunar eclipse
(as we Earthlings call it),
you would see:
Answers 1 and 2 are right.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Lunar eclipse chart close-1988Mar03.png.
Table: Frequency of Lunar Eclipse Types for 3000 BCE--3000 CE at Eclipse Seasons (AKA Nodal Alignments)
Type Number Percentage
total 4203 29.1
partial 5012 34.7
penumbral 5227 36.2
all types 14442 100.0
Data from Fred Espenak:
Six Millennium Catalog of Lunar Eclipses (scroll down ∼ 40 %).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/lunar_eclipse_2007_mar03.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/lunar_eclipse_videos.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/optics/refraction_water.html");?>
The Earth's atmosphere
has a continuous variation in properties, and so give a continuous bending or
refraction effect.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/lunar_eclipse_redden.html");?>
The scattering of bluish light is, of course, the reason why
we have a blue sky.
We are see the scattered sunlight.
Rose, reddened, and its seething breast
Flickered in bounds, grew gold,
      then overflowed the world.
---Pippa Passes, 1841
(from near the beginning: see
Pippa Passes/Day),
Robert Browning (1812--1889).
Image link: Wikimedia Commons:
File:Sun rise at CuaLo.jpg.
Local file: local link: File:Sun rise at CuaLo.jpg.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Earthterminator iss002 full.jpg.
Terminator videos
(i.e., Terminator
The Earth is about the 4 times
the Moon in diameter and both
are about the same distance from the Sun
and from the Earth, the
Moon is about the size of the
Sun in
angular diameter, and
so ...
But Earth's angular diameter is larger the closer
a spacecraft gets to
Download site: Johnson Space
Center, Digital Image Collection.
Alas, a dead link.
Image link: Itself.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/lunar_eclipse_2014_04_14_hunter_hopewell.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/lunar_eclipse_2014_04_14_robert_machado.html");?>
In the past, lunar eclipse
were scientifically interesting.
Question: Everyone on the night side of the Earth can
see a total lunar eclipse.
They see each part of the event at:
Comparisons observations of lunar eclipses from different locations
was one of the first ways that people became aware that
solar time
(i.e., time told by the Sun) depended on
Answer 3 is right.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 3 problems 18--24 on lunar phases and lunar eclipses.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 3.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_003_moon.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_2.html");?>
A partial lunar eclipse is "total solar eclipse" as seen from the part of the Moon in the Earth's umbra.
Thus a total solar eclipse is a "partial eclipse" using the "lunar" sense of the word "partial" since the whole Earth isn't in the Moon's umbra.
A "total solar eclipse" of the Sun in the "lunar" sense never happens on the Earth because the Moon's umbra can only cover a small part of the Earth at most.
There are three main solar eclipse types: total solar eclipse, annular solar eclipse, and partial solar eclipse.
A fourth non-main type is the hybrid solar eclipse which is one that transitions between being a total solar eclipse and an annular solar eclipse.
Every total solar eclipse/annular solar eclipse includes a partial solar eclipse.
Context usually decides when we say partial solar eclipse whether we mean a solar eclipse without a total solar eclipse/annular solar eclipse or one with a total solar eclipse/annular solar eclipse.
Sometimes we have to be explicit about what we mean by partial solar eclipse.
For a discussion of total solar eclipses and annular solar eclipses, see the figure below (local link / general link: solar_eclipse_geometry.html).
When the Moon is closest
(i.e., at perigee),
its umbra on the
Earth is biggest.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_geometry.html");?>
Question:When is the
totality region
on Earth largest all other things being equal?
See the figure below for a pretty big
umbra on the
Earth: i.e.,
totality region
Answer 1 is right.
We'll look at some total solar eclipse images in the subsection The Main Event: The Total Solar Eclipse below.
Caption: The total solar eclipse of 2002 Dec04.
This image from the International Space Station (ISS) shows the lunar umbra on the Indian Ocean.
The crew were standing on their heads.
Credit/Permission: ISS,
2002 /
Public domain.
Download site: Marshall Space Flight Center,
Marshall Image Exchange (MiX) and search for 0300612 (just number, no leading space)
for image 0300612 information
or just click on
for the image itself. Alas, now a
dead link.
Image link: Itself.
The uncovered photosphere
appears as a bright ring around the black Moon.
Annulus is just Latin for ring.
Another perspective on annular solar eclipses
is to say the Moon's
umbra doesn't reach the Earth.
Annular solar eclipses are further exlicated in
the two figures below
(local link /
general link: solar_eclipse_annular.html;
local link /
general link: solar_eclipse_annular_2005_oct03.html).
Thus, when the tip of umbra of the
Moon passes in front of the
Earth, slightly more than half of the time
the umbra doesn't touch down on the
Earth's surface.
One can also have hybrid eclipses
(also called annular/total solar eclipses), where the eclipse shifts
between total and annular as the umbra moves across the
But since there is a
total solar eclipse
somewhere during a hybrid eclipse,
hybrid eclipses are often just counted
total solar eclipses---except by the pedantic---but with
Wikipedia, we're all pedantic now.
Annular solar eclipses arn't nearly as popular as
total solar eclipses.
They are spectacular, but you CANNOT look at them with the
naked eye
and everything does NOT get nighttime dark.
From the observer's location, the Sun is a crescent.
But NEVER look at any part of the solar photosphere
with the
naked eye.
Partial solar eclipses don't attract much attention usually.
The day gets a little darker, but often no more so than if there was some haze.
Bright patches of sunlight filtered through trees can become
crescent-shaped due to the
pinhole projection effect discussed below.
People often pass through partial solar eclipses without
noticing a thing.
Partial solar eclipses
without total and/or annular solar eclipses happen about 35.3 % of the
time. But they cause no great popular interest.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_annular.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_annular_2005_oct03.html");?>
Annular solar eclipses
are somewhat more frequent than total solar eclipses.
Just as with lunar eclipses, solar eclipses can happen only near a nodal alignment which happens 173.31 days.
Will there be at least a partial solar eclipse every nodal alignment?
Remember the mean lunar month is 29.53059 days (7-digit J2000.0 value).
Answer 1 is right.
Because the lunar month is shorter than the eclipse season, the Moon will be at new moon at some time during the eclipse season.
Even if the eclipse season started just after new moon, the Moon still has enough time to race around the Earth and reach new moon again before the eclipse season ends.
So some kind of a solar eclipse must occur every eclipse season.
In fact, two partial solar eclipses (but they probably are rather slight partial solar eclipses) can occur a single eclipse season if one happens right at the beginning of the eclipse season. The Moon can race around the Earth and gets back to new moon before the eclipse season is over.
Two partial solar eclipses in a single eclipse season is a rare event. But one such event happened in 2018 with partial solar eclipses on Jul13 and Aug11 (see Joe Rao, SciAm, 2018jul26). Another will happen in 2036: the dates for the partial solar eclipses are Jul23 and Aug21 (see Fred Espenak: which yours truly assumes this is a good source since he works for NASA: Solar Eclipses: 2031 - 2040
Two total/annular solar eclipses or a total/annular solar eclipse and a partial solar eclipse in one eclipse season seems to be impossible---at least there is no mention of such events that I can find.
Total and annular solar eclipses combined are more frequent than just partial solar eclipses.
Thus, in reality total and annular solar eclipses are NOT all that uncommon.
But annular solar eclipses don't usually cause great interest. Recall also that they are somewhat more common than total solar eclipses.
Also total and annular solar eclipses are geographically limited to tight eclipse paths.
Thus, only a lucky few will ever see one without traveling.
Now recall that the occurrences of all kinds of eclipses is sufficiently complex that there is NO simple or even complex formula for predicting them and there is NO exact repeating cycle of them. (though there is an approximate cycle: see subsection The Saros Cycle below)). The cycles of eclipse seasons, solar day, and of all the types of lunar month (which characterize the Moon's orbit) and the slow evolution of these cycles with time make exact prediction by formula or cycle impossible.
Someone has to do a calculation on the computer. Fortunately, someone has.
Below we have Table: Frequency of Solar Eclipse Types for 2000 BCE--3000 CE at Eclipse Seasons (AKA Nodal Alignments).
One sees that hybrid solar eclipse are rarest by far (only about 5 %) and the other solar eclipse types occur with approximately the same frequency of ∼ 30 % each.
In the context of tables like the above,
the partial solar eclipses
are NOT included in the amounts for the other
solar eclipse types
though, of course, those types have phases of
partial solar eclipse
of course.
Note that the number
eclipse seasons is slightly
lower than 11898 since
two partial solar eclipses
can happen somewhat rarely in a single
eclipse season.
You MUST NOT look at the Sun directly
with the naked eye
whenever any of the photosphere is visible.
Of course, we're always catching small glimpses without disaster---but one
should minimize those glimpses.
Only during totality
of a total solar eclipse
is it safe to look
at the Sun
with the naked eye---because
the photosphere is
totally covered.
The ONLY way to look at the photosphere of the
Sun safely
is with a proper astronomical solar filter either just for viewing or on a telescope.
Other kinds of filters and old photograph negatives
are NOT guaranteed to be adequate,
are almost always NOT adequate,
and should always be deemed NOT adequate.
Even at sunrise
and sunset or through a thick haze, the
Sun is still
NOT safe to view with the naked eye.
We've all, of course, had glimpses,
but again one should minimize those.
For more on safety during solar eclipses, see the
NASA: Eye Safety During Solar Eclipses.
If you don't have a proper astronomical solar filter,
you can use pinhole projection
to look at the Sun at any time.
Pinhole projection
during solar eclipses
is illustrated in the next four figures
(local link /
general link: pinhole_projection_2.html;
local link /
general link: pinhole_projection_malta.html;
local link /
general link: pinhole_projection.html).
The pinhole projection method
for observing a
solar eclipse.
In the insert in the upper left corner of the image, you can see the partially eclipsed
that was photographed with a white solar filter.
In the main image you can
see multiple projections of the partially eclipsed Sun.
The image is a bit of fancy work with multiple
in a ping-pong paddle
to get multiple crescent images.
Light filtering through leafy trees can give multiple crescent images
during a partial solar eclipse.
The solar eclipse was
total solar eclipse of 2006 Mar29.
Credit/Permission: ©
User:Brocken Inaglory,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by User:Mbz1,
2009) /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
We mentioned earlier in
IAL 1: Hand Angle Measurements,
great coincidence
is that the Sun and
Moon have almost the same
angular diameters
on the sky: i.e., about 0.5°.
The discussion is recapitulated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: sun_moon_angular.html).
The Moon's umbra follows an
eclipse path on the
Two motions are compounded to make the umbra move:
The second motion somewhat compensates for the first.
The animation
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: solar_eclipse_path_animation.html)
illustrates the motion of the
umbra following an
eclipse path.
Eclipse paths are always
followed east because the
Moon moves eastward in space
at an average speed of 1.022 km/s.
Over the time of solar eclipse, the
Moon is moving nearly in a straight line through space: the
Moon is only moving a little along its curved
orbital path.
The upper limit on the Earth's speed eastward
on a parallel path is the Earth's equatorial
rotational speed of 0.4651 km/s.
All other speeds of the Earth's
surface in one direction in space are less since the
rotation speed decreases with latitude north and south
and rotation of the Earth
means that the direction of motion is NOT in a straight
line, but in circular path that is also NOT
in the same plane as the Moon's motion.
So only a componet of the velocity is along a path parallel to the Moon's
nearly straight line path in space.
Since 0.4651 km/s is the maximum velocity of the Earth's
surface parallel to the Moon in space,
the minimum eclipse velocity relative to the ground eastward is
Because the Moon goes well above and below the
ecliptic plane,
the Moon's umbra and
penumbra can be at any
At higher latitudes,
the Earth speed is lower---going to zero at
the poles---and so the umbra speed is greater with an upper bound of
about 3700 km/h.
Given these high speeds and the fact that
width of the lunar
umbra on the
Earth (i.e., the
totality region)
is 267 km at most in a track-moving direction
(see Wikipedia: Solar eclipse: Path),
it's NOT surprising that the umbra remains over any one point
on the Earth for just over 7 minutes at most
(see Wikipedia: Solar eclipse: Path).
"The Sun's
during a total solar eclipse as seen from the
International Space Station
while over Turkey and
Cyprus". (Slightly edited.)
This is the total solar eclipse of
2006 Mar29.
The north half of Cyprus is at the bottom of the
Credit/Permission: NASA,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by Howard Cheng (AKA User:Howcheng),
2006) /
Public domain.
that the occurrences of all kinds of
is sufficiently complex that there is NO simple or even complex
formula for predicting them and there is NO exact repeating cycle of them.
The cycles of eclipse seasons,
solar day,
and of all the types of lunar month
(which characterize the
Moon's orbit)
and the slow evolution of these cycles with time
make exact prediction by formula or cycle impossible.
There is, however, an approximate cycle of
eclipse phenomena,
the Saros cycle.
The Saros cycle explicated
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: saros_halley.html).
High accuracy/precision
predictions of solar eclipses---well
beyond the accuracy of the Saros cycle---is
Fortunately, some people have done that for us and provided
solar eclipse predictions for centuries in advance.
Let us just consider solar eclipse paths
for the
2001--2040 period
illustrated in the two images in the figure below
(local link /
general link: solar_eclipse_2021_2040.html).
Because of the rotation of the
lunar node line
solar eclipses can happen at any time
of the year.
But where can they happen?
The above eclipse-path figures suggest that
total solar eclipses can occur
anywhere on Earth.
This is true.
The orbital inclination
of the Moon takes the
Moon above and below the
ecliptic plane by
an amount greater than the Earth's radius.
If it didn't, there would be
solar eclipses every
lunar month.
But those same swings above the
ecliptic plane
mean that
solar eclipses
will happen at any latitude.
The lunar umbra
can touch down anywhere from the
equator to the
eclipse paths
collectively sweep through all
So the lunar umbra
will occur eventually at all longitudes.
These occurrences are NOT completely correlated with
for different solar eclipses.
The upshot is that eventually
total solar eclipses
and annular eclipse
will occur at all places on Earth
The estimate is partially illustrated in the figure below.
All total solar eclipse paths
for 1001--2000 CE.
The eclipse paths cover most of the
Earth and overlap extensively.
There are some missed regions.
But it is estimated that on average every place on Earth
gets a totality every
370 years (Wikipedia:
Solar eclipse: Occurrence and cycles).
So if you wait long enough, a
total solar eclipses will come to you.
Credit/Permission: ©
Fred Espenak (1953--)
2005 /
Eclipse predictions courtesy of Fred Espenak,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
A total solar eclipse
is what people travel to see---and
with any luck they arn't clouded out.
It's what people want to see.
It's dark as night in the
day, animals get confused,
Sun gets eaten.
Total solar eclipses
are so rare in any locality on Earth (only once every
370 years on average it is estimated:
Solar eclipse: Occurrence and cycles), that they must have been unprecedented
and terrifying events for most pre-literate or low-literate
The eclipse path map above
(see Total Solar Eclipse Path Map 2001--2025)
shows the opportunities for year 2001--2025 period.
The U.S. will get
total solar eclipses
in 2017 Aug21
and 2024 Apr08.
The 2017 Aug21
total solar eclipse
will pass near Topeka, Kansas---but why should you
care about Topeka, Kansas.
Here are images in the two figures below
From Russia
with Love (1963 film).
A collage of the Total solar
eclipse of 2008 Aug01 taken in Novosibirsk,
Click on image and then again to see the high resolution version.
The image is based on 38 photos.
In all except the central photo, you are seeing the
photosphere with
Moon biting it: i.e.,
partial solar eclipse photos.
In the central photo, one has totality: i.e.,
the solar photosphere is completely covered.
ONLY during totality
is safe to view the Sun
with the naked eye:
see NASA: Eye Safety During Solar Eclipses.
The exposure time
for the central photo may have been much longer than the others---but I don't know
for sure.
The long exposure time may
be needed to bring out the outer layer of the Sun
called the corona---NOT a beer,
but a wispy white halo only visible to the
naked eye during
The animation shows
File:Solar eclipse
animate (2008-Aug-01).gif by A.T. Sinclair shows the eclipse.
Credit/Permission: ©
2008 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
A partial solar eclipse image
of the Total solar
eclipse of 2008 Aug01 taken in
Moscow---the one in
Russia---NOT my old home
Moscow, Idaho.
There was no totality in
Moscow---just a
partial solar eclipse there.
If you didn't know there was going to be
partial solar eclipse and it was cloudy,
you may never notice that there was one.
If it wasn't cloudy, you might think it odd that
sunlight seems a little dim without obvious clouds.
You might guess there was some haze.
Actually, sunlight
filtering through leaf cover might give rise to odd crescent shape patches of light.
The holes in the leaf cover giving rise to crude
pinhole projections.
Credit/Permission: ©
Pavel Leman,
2008 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
And one more
From Russia
with Love (1963 film)
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: solar_eclipse_total_2008aug01k.html).
Caption: total solar eclipse with
Credit/Permission: NSO/AURA/NSF,
1970 /
NOAO/AURA Image Library Conditions of Use.
Caption: The diamond ring effect.
In the diamond ring effect,
the solar photosphere just peeps through
a single notch (e.g., valley) at the edge of the lunar disk.
Credit/Permission: ©
National Solar Observatory (NSO),
Bill Livingston/NSO/AURA/NSF,
1983 /
NOAO/AURA Image Library Conditions of Use.
A set of images of the
Solar eclipse of August 11, 1999.
I think the images are a sequence.
The end ones are
partial solar eclipse images.
The middle one shows totality with
a clear corona.
The others may be just different exposures times for
totality, but I think they
might be just on the
verge of totality.
The 2nd to last image on the right seems to be showing the
diamond ring effect.
The solar prominences (the reddish features) seen.
Credit/Permission: Luc Viatour AKA User:Lviatour /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
We will discuss the corona
and solar wind later
in IAL 8: The Sun.
But we can give brief discussion here.
The obvious surface of the Sun---the thing that the
Moon just covers in a total solar eclipse---is the
solar photosphere as discussed above.
This is the surface of
the Sun from which most of the light travels to
us without further scattering by solar matter.
But there are very rarefied layers of the
Sun above the photosphere.
The corona is the most obvious outer layer though it
is only visible to the
naked eye during a
total solar eclipse.
The corona is a very tenuous, but very
hot, gas of solar composition (hydrogen and helium mainly).
It's temperature is of order 10**6 K which is
much hotter than the photosphere which is about 6000 K.
The corona's low density causes it's low emission even
though it is extremely hot.
To the eye the corona is a milky white.
The corona varies in time, and so looks a bit different in
all images.
It's part of solar weather.
Of course, the images themselves are taken with
different exposure times,
and so all images look different for that reason too.
Because of its high temperature all the gas
in the corona is IONIZED: the atoms are
split into positively charged particles atoms---which are called
ions---lacking some or all of their electrons and
free electrons.
The corona really has no sharp outer edge.
From high-altitude balloons or aircraft it
can be traced out to 30 solar radii
The corona just gradually changes into being the
solar wind: a
stream of solar gas that is being blown out into
interstellar space from the Sun.
The particles in the corona
spiral away from the Sun along
magnetic field lines
(see below).
This is what gives the corona a wispy or haired appearance.
The figure below shows the wispy appearance more clearly.
Recall the structure of the corona
is time-varying, and so
the image is just a typical appearance for some
exposure time.
total solar eclipse 1999 Aug11
as imaged in France.
This was a total solar eclipse.
Around the dark night side of the Moon,
the image shows the
corona: the white whispy haze around the
Sun that is only visible to the
naked eye
during total solar eclipses.
The corona looks different in all images
because it is always changing---it is part of Sun weather---and
because of different exposure times
in taking the images.
The whispy appearance is because the
(i.e., charged atoms) that make up the
corona are forced to helix around
magnetic field lines
of the solar magnetic field
by the magnetic force.
The corona is very hot (of order
10**6 K), but is so dilute that it radiates low intensity in comparison with the
Solar photosphere.
This is why it is safe to view with the
naked eye.
The image also shows
solar prominences: the red filaments close to
the limb of the
Solar prominences
arise in the solar photosphere
and extend out in the corona.
Their composition, temperature, and color are similar to that of the
(i.e., the layer of the Sun
between solar photosphere
and the corona).
They are also strongly dependent on the
solar magnetic field.
Credit/Permission: ©
Luc Viatour (AKA User:Lviatour),
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by David Iliff (AKA User:Diliff),
2006) /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
The Sun
is surrounded by a complex and time-varying magnetic field.
The magnetic force on free particles
caused by this field
partially traps the charged particles in the direction
perpendicular to the field lines (which we'll discuss
later, but you've probably heard of them before).
The particles tend to helix around the field lines.
As a result charged particles of the solar wind
tend to helix outward along field lines.
When the solar wind particles interact with
the Earth's magnetic field, they can also go into
spiral motion as illustrated in the figure below
(local link /
general link: earth_magnetic_field.html).
Another feature of the Sun easily visible from the
Earth during total solar eclipses
are solar prominences.
We will discuss them in a little more detail later in
IAL 8: The Sun.
These are vast eruptions of material that can shoot
up from the Sun in a few hours and last weeks or
months. They are also controlled by magnetic fields
it seems.
The solar prominences are part of solar weather.
Solar weather is magnetic phenomenon among other things.
The prominences
can be seen as little tongues of fire
in solar eclipse images:
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: solar_eclipse_prominence.html).
Note 10000 K is hotter than the photosphere's 6000 K, but
much colder than the 10**6 K that is characteristic of the
Table: Frequency of Solar Eclipse Types
for 2000 BCE--3000 CE at Eclipse Seasons
(AKA Nodal Alignments)
Type Number Percentage
total 3173 26.7 (31.5 counting hybrids too)
annular 3956 33.2 (38.0 counting hybrids too)
hybrid 569 4.8
partial 4200 35.3
all types 11898 100.0
Data from Fred Espenak: (scroll down ∼ 60 %). Yours truly
assumes this is a good source since he works for
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/pinhole_projection_2.html");?>
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Solar eclipse in Turkey March 2006.jpg.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/pinhole_projection_malta.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/pinhole_projection.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/sun_moon_angular.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_path_animation.html");?>
We can do a nifty approximate
calculation of the speed of umbra on or over the
v_rel = 1.022 - 0.4651 = 0.557 km/s = 2000 km/h .
A more exact calculation shows that the minimum umbra speed is
about 1700 km/h (Se-43).
Note that the umbra
patch on the Earth is stretched out by the
tilt of the Earth's surface relative to the
Earth-Moon line.
The figure below
shows another nice
a nice umbra.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Eclipse fromISS 2006-03-29.jpg.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/saros_halley.html");?>
See figure below
(local link /
general link: assyria_bas_relief_ninurta.html)
apropos of
ancient Mesopotamia
and remotely
Babylonian astrology.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/babylon/assyria_bas_relief_ninurta.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_2021_2040.html");?>
The above argument is NOT completely rigorous.
I still looking for one of those.
It is estimated that on average every place on Earth
gets a totality every
370 years (Wikipedia:
Solar eclipse: Occurrence and cycles).
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Total Solar Eclipse Paths- 1001-2000.gif.
It will probably be a cloudy day there then---maybe with tornados.
There are great solar eclipse images
on the web---and nowadays at last some can be used---with proper credit.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:2008-08-01 Solar eclipse progression with timestamps.jpg.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Solar eclipse of 2008 August 1.JPG.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_total_2008aug01.html");?>
Here are some other total solar eclipse figures below
(local link /
general link: noao_solar_eclipse_001c.html;
others unlinked)
and below them are
Solar eclipse videos
(local link /
general link: eclipse/solar_eclipse_videos.html)
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/noao_solar_eclipse_001c.html");?>
Download site: NSO/AURA/NSF.
Image link: Itself.
Download site: Bill Livingston/NSO/AURA/NSF.
Image link: Itself.
Image link: Wikipedia;:
File:Film eclipse soleil 1999.jpg.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_videos.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/coronal_mass_ejection_comet.html");?>
The mechanism causing the solar wind is NOT entirely
understood, but it is a small loss and has
no great effect on the Sun's overall properties
at present.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Solar eclipse 1999 4.jpg .
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/earth/earth_magnetic_field.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/eclipse/solar_eclipse_prominence.html");?>
The red color of prominences
comes from the emission of strongest visible line of the
hydrogen atom
(i.e., the Hα) at temperatures of order 10000 K
We will discuss lines in
IAL 7: Spectra
but for now they are just narrow wavelength bands in which atoms
emit light.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 3 problems 25--28 on solar eclipses.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Let's work for 5 or so minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 3.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_003_moon.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
The notes are primarily for the benefit of instructors.
But students who are keeners might like them too.
What is the size of the umbra at a general distance behind an astro-body?
Hm. Tricky.
Let the Sun have radius R, the astro-body radius r, and the umbra radius u.
Let the Sun-astro-body distance be a, the astro-body-umbra-location distance be b, and astro-body-umbra-location-to-umbra-apex distance be c.
You are encouraged to draw the appropriate diagram.
We have three similar triangles with common angle θ that satisfy the following sequence of equations:
tan(θ)=R/(a+b+c) tan(θ)=r/(b+c) tan(θ)=u/c u/c=R/(a+b+c) u/c=r/(b+c) (u/c)(a+b+c)=R (u/c)(b+c)=r (u/c)a+r=R (u/c)(b+c)=r (u/c)a+r=R u(b/c+1)=r (u/c)a+r=R 1/c=(r/u-1)/b ua(r/u-1)/b+r=R (a/b)(r-u)+r=R r-u=(b/a)(R -r) u=r-(b/a)(R -r) u=r[1+(b/a)-(b/a)(R/r)] u=r[1+(b/a)(1-R/r)] .
So the formula for the umbra radius is
u=r[1+(b/a)(1-R/r)] . In the usual case, R/r >> 1, and so u≅r[1-(b/a)(R/r)] .
For a lunar eclipse, b/a ≅ 1/400 and R/r ≅ 100. Thus,
u≅ 6400 km * (1-1/4) = 4800 km .
which is approximately correct (see How big is the Earth.s shadow on the Moon? ).
The umbra diameter at the Moon is about 9600 km.
For a solar eclipse, b/a ≅ 1/400 and R/r ≅ 400.
u ≅ 0
which is approximately correct. The Moon's umbra at the Earth is very tiny by comparison to the other length scales. One must do an accurate precise calculation to get an accurate precise answer. And the answer changes with the location of the Moon in its orbit.
Sometimes u will be negative.
Then c will also be negative and the mathematical solution is valid. However, there is no umbra for c < 0. This is the situation of annular eclipses.