Frames of reference

The Basics of Inertial Frames

  1. Summary of Inertial Frames
  2. What Are Reference Frames?
  3. A Key Example Physical Law
  4. What Are Inertial Frames?
  5. An Illustration of Inertial Frames
  6. What Do We Mean by Rotation With Respect to the Observable Universe?
  7. Absolute Space
  8. Comoving Frames
  9. Furthermore on Comoving Frames
  10. Our Local Comoving Frame
  11. Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial Frames (COMFFI Frames)
  12. Rotating Frames
  13. Ground Free-Fall Inertial (GFFI) Frames
  14. Rotating Frames Explicated
  15. The Centrifugal Force of the Earth's Rotation
  16. The Coriolis Force of the Earth's Rotation
  17. Foucault's Pendulum

  1. Summary of Inertial Frames:

    Inertial frames are the tricky topic. They are NOT so hard to understand, but there seems NO short way to explicate them. One just has to grasp all their aspects at once in a big picture---and then they make sense---or so yours truly hopes.

    Yours truly admits to having rewritten the discussion of them 10 times or more.

    Here we give the somewhat abstract summary explication of inertial frames---which is longish---then in following file sections, we expand on it with diagrams and animations.

    1. A First Word on Inertial Frames:

      1. Inertial frames are free-fall frames unrotating with respect to the observable universe.

        This means all inertial frames are unrotating with respect to each other.

        Actually, a qualification is needed in that there may be reference frames that are inertial frames (in a sense) rotating with respect to the observable universe in very strong gravitational fields such as near black holes. But yours truly CANNOT find any reference that elucidates this qualification. It is hinted at by Wikipedia: Inertial frame of reference: General relativity. Yours truly will usually NOT refer to the qualification again.

      2. All physical laws in the actual observable universe are referenced to inertial frames, except general relativity (GR) which tells us what inertial frames are.

        One can quibble about whether there are other physical laws NOT referenced to inertial frames, but yours truly thinks the quibbling is a matter of perspective or may amount to saying you are NOT using inertial frames in some definitional sense when effectively you are using them.

    2. Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial Frames (COMFFI Frames):

      1. In the astrophysical realm, inertial frames useful for analysis are those attached to the centers of mass (CMs) of self-gravitating systems: e.g., planet-moon systems, planetary systems, star clusters, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. The centers of mass of such systems are also called barycenters.

        The centers of mass (CMs) are the actual points in exact free fall in an external gravitational field: i.e., the net gravitational field due all sources external to the system.

        Yours truly calls such systems center-of-mass free-fall inertial frames (COMFFI frames). It just seems natural to use the term COMMFI frame to mean the reference frame itself AND the system of astronomical objects used to define it.

      2. Any part of a COMMFI frame in acceleration with respect to the center of mass is NOT in exact free fall with respect to the external gravitational field. Usually, virtually all parts are in such accelerations.

        However, such a part (call it part A) has its own center of mass (CM) and constitutes its own COMMFI frame with the other parts constituting the sources of part A's external gravitational field.

        There is, in fact, a whole hierarchy of COMMFI frames in the observable universe.

      3. To be most useful for analysis, a COMMFI frame should be relatively isolated from the surroundings so that the external gravitational field is fairly uniform: the more uniform, the better.

        A perfectly uniform external gravitational field is ideal since it CANNOT effect the motions of the astronomical objects relative the center of mass of the COMMFI frame.

        In particular, a perfectly uniform external gravitational field CANNOT change the total angular momentum of a COMMFI frame about the center of mass (CM): i.e., the COMMFI frame has conservation of angular momentum.

      4. The goodness-for-analysis of relatively isolated COMMFI frames means you should NOT try to extend their application much beyond their actual size: i.e., beyond the physical extent of the astronomical objects constituting them. This is just a practical desideratum.

        If you need to analyze motions of astronomical objects outside of the COMMFI frame you are using, then you should probably use a larger COMMFI frame in the hierarchy of COMMFI frames that includes those astronomical objects.

      5. The largest and most fundamental COMMFI frames are called comoving frames. Their centers of mass (CMs) participate approximately in the mean expansion of the universe.

        No actual center of mass (CM) exactly participates in the mean expansion of the universe, but the centers of mass (CMs) of galaxy clusters and field galaxies (i.e., galaxies not in gravitationally-bound systems) do approximately.

      6. Actually, if you reach cosmological scale, then you need deal with expansion of the universe itself and infinite continuum of comoving frames.

    3. Non-Inertial Frames, Approximate Inertial Frames, and Effective Inertial Frames:

      1. Any reference frame NOT an inertial frame is an non-inertial frame.

      2. All reference frames in acceleration (which includes being in rotation) relative to a local inertial frame are NOT inertial frames though they may be approximately inertial frames for some purposes.

        Note the term "local" is used variously in physics jargon. Here we mean at the same place or in the same COMMFI frame.

        Note absolutely positively different COMMFI frame comoving frames are NOT local with respect to each other. Such frames are in "acceleration" with respect to each other in the expansion-of-the-universe motion, but are still inertial frames.

      3. Approximate inertial frames are those that are in acceleration relative to a local inertial frame, but by such small amounts that for many purposes they can be treated as inertial frames because the non-inertial-frame effects are small.

        Any location on the surface of the Earth or any planet is an approximate inertial frame for most purposes. Thus, you can reference Newton's laws of motion to the ground for most purposes. But NOT for all purposes: see sections The Centrifugal Force of the Earth's Rotation The Coriolis Force of the Earth's Rotation below.

      4. Effective inertial frames: A non-inertial frame and can be converted into an effective inertial frame using inertial forces which are NOT ordinary forces, but are gravity-like effects and are a way of accounting for non-inertial frame effects. The conversion is NOT just a trick. General relativity tells us that there is a fundamental likeness between inertial forces and gravity.

  2. What Are Reference Frames?

    What are reference frames?

    Just a set of coordinates one lays down on space or, including time, on spacetime as we say in relativity speak.

    See the figure below (local link / general link: frame_reference_spacetime.html) for an example reference frame which includes a time coordinate.

    Inertial frames are reference frames to which all physical laws in the actual observable universe are referenced with respect to, except general relativity (GR), as aforesaid in section Summary of Inertial Frames.

  3. A Key Example Physical Law:

    A key example physical law that must be referenced to inertial frames is that the vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**5 km/s ≅ 2.998*10**5 km/s ≅ 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns is the fastest physical speed relative to all local inertial frames including those that are effective inertial frames. This means acually all local observers measure the same vacuum light speed: it is invariant as well as fastest.

    Points to explicate and/or expand on:

    1. "Local" in this context means right where the measurement is done.
    2. The fastest physical speed means the highest speed at which energy and information of any sort can travel relative to a local inertial frame. There can be superluminal speeds in other meanings as is discussed in IAL 6: Electromagnetic Radiation: The Fastest Physical Speed.
    3. The vacuum light speed is invariant to all local inertial frame observers. They all measure the same value no matter how they (i.e., their inertial frames) are moving. This leads to the some of the weirdnesses of special relativity as discussed in IAL 6: Electromagnetic Radiation: The Fastest Physical Speed and IAL 25: Black Holes: Special Relativity. In fact, the invariance of the vacuum light speed is one of the two basic special relativity postulates: i.e., the light speed invariance postulate.
    4. Any local reference frame NOT accelerated relative to a local inertial frame is also an inertial frame. This point usually goes without mention---one should just know it. Actually, local non-inertial frames can be turned into effective inertial frames using inertial forces. So really all local observers measure the same vacuum light speed.

    UNDER RECONSTRUCTION BELOW: everything is right I think, but there are repetitions

  4. What Are Inertial Frames?

    What are inertial frames?

    They are free-fall frames under gravity unrotating with respect to the observable universe: i.e., to the bulk mass-energy of observable universe) (see Wikipedia: Inertial frame of reference: General relativity).

    Note that unrotating with respect to the observable universe means that all inertial frames are unrotating with respect to each other.

    If a reference frame is in acceleration relative to a free-fall frame or in rotation with respect observable universe (which is actually an accelerated motion), it is a non-inertial frame.

    How do you do physics with non-inertial frames?

    Well, you can just NOT use them and use inertial frames instead. There are always local inertial frames wherever you are.

    On the other hand, you can convert non-inertial frames into inertial frames using special frame-dependent forces called inertial forces.

    Inertial forces are sometimes called fictitious forces, but yours truly deprecates that term because inertial forces act just like gravity on sufficiently small scales. A key point is that inertial forces are linearly dependent on mass. just like gravity.

    In fact, it is an axiom of general relativity that inertial forces and gravity have a fundamental likeness.

    So using inertial forces is NOT a trick. It is a perspective that may be taken if it is convenient to do so. There are many important cases where it is convenient.

  5. An Illustration of Inertial Frames:

    Inertial frames are illustrated in the figure below (local link / general link: frame_inertial_weightless.html).

  6. What Do We Mean by Rotation With Respect to the Observable Universe?

    Our current cosmological paradigm of the expanding universe (which is general to almost all currently though-of cosmological theories including the favored Λ-CDM model) tells us that the bulk mass-energy of observable universe is NOT in rotation at least in any sense we normally understand by the term rotation.

    A shorthand, we say that the observable universe is NOT in rotation.

    Thus, we can say there is such a thing as absolute rotation: i.e., rotation relative to the observable universe.

    How do we measure absolute rotation?

    The accurate/precise way at present is relative to cosmologically remote quasars whose peculiar velocities relative to the mean expansion of the universe are believed to be negiligible from our perspective on Earth. Such measurements establish the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF).

    However, at a lower, but often very adequate, level of accuracy/precision one can use the average array of the traditional fixed stars which are just the stars that you see at night. The array of fixed stars do actually have some absolute rotation, but for most, but NOT all, purposes it is negligible.

    Before the advent of modern cosmology (circa 1900--1930) rotation relative to the array of fixed stars was taken as an exact measure absolute rotation by most astronomers. Of course, the fixed stars individually were known or assumed to have peculiar velocities since the time of Isaac Newton (1643--1727), but on average they were thought to be at rest in absolute space.

    We will explicate absolute space below in the section Absolute Space and Comoving Frames.

    Note that many people and yours truly occasionally say "relative to the fixed stars" as a synonym for relative to the observable universe. This is just a traditional usage and yours truly is trying to get out of the habit of using it.

  7. Absolute Space:

    Absolute space was hypothesized by Isaac Newton (1643--1727) to be the fundamental inertial frame (and the one in which the fixed stars [which were all the stars in his age] were at rest on average) and only reference frames NOT accelerated with respect to it were true inertial frames.

    Now yours truly likes the perspective that Newtonian physics is a true emergent theory. It is exactly true in the classical limit.

    But NOT absolute space. That was always a wrong hypothesis.

    However, practitioners of celestial mechanics assuming absolute space from Newton on until the advent of general relativity in 1915 and even a bit later (see below) still got the right answers for calculations of celestial motions of the Solar System and observable multiple star systems. Why?

    They used the fixed stars for defining absolute rotation (as we discussed in section What Do We Mean by Rotation With Respect to the Observable Universe?) and that was adequate for their level of accuracy/precision. They then treated the free-fall frames defined by the centers of mass of their systems unrotating relative to the fixed stars as non-inertial frames converted to inertial frames by the use of inertial forces. This procedure as far as the celestial motions they were dealing with gives exactly the right answers since converted non-inertial frames are also inertial frames.

    Now Newton and those other old practitioners of celestial mechanics could equally well have anticipated the general relativity perspective of free-fall frames unrotating with respect to the observable universe (which for them was the fixed stars) all being true inertial frames (unneeding of any conversion using inertial forces), but they did NOT do so.

    General relativity, of course, tells us that its perspective on inertial frames is the correct one for the observable universe.

    The theory of absolute space continued to be held by some up to the 1920s. The observational discovery of the expanding universe in 1929 by Edwin Hubble (1889--1953) and its theoretical understanding in terms of the Friedmann-equation (FE) models derived from general relativity caused absolute space to be thoroughly and most sincerely discarded.

  8. Comoving Frames:

    So there is NO absolute space in the sense used by Newton. What is there instead?

    Free-fall frames unrotating with respect to the observable universe and participating the mean expansion of the universe are now considered the most basic inertial frames or the most fundamental inertial frames.

    They are called comoving frames.

    The centers of mass of most galaxy groups and clusters and most field galaxies define inertial frames that are good approximations to comoving frames: i.e., they coincide approximately with exact comoving frames.

    For the expansion of the universe, see the figure below (local link / general link: expanding_universe.html).

  9. Furthermore on Comoving Frames:

    Furthermore on comoving frames, there are two fine points:

    1. The comoving frames CANNOT be fully derived from Newtonian physics. They arise from the Friedmann-equation (FE) models which are derived from the Friedmann equation which is derived from general relativity plus simplyfing assumptions in order to apply general relativity to the whole observable universe and well beyond.

    2. The comoving frames are in free fall under gravity, but also an effect that causes the acceleration of the universe. Currently, that effect is hypothesized to dark energy, the simplest form of which is the cosmological constant Λ which NOT really a form of energy at all. The second simplest dark energy is a constant dark energy which is a form of energy. The two dark energy forms act the same in the Friedmann-equation (FE) models, but may be distinguishable in other contexts.

      Because the two dark energy forms act the same in the Friedmann-equation (FE) models, they are, as a shorthand, often just collectively referred to as Lambda since the capital Greek letter Λ (pronounced Lambda) is the symbol for the cosmological constant.

      It may be the neither of the two dark energy forms are the true cause of acceleration of the universe. Hopefully, we will find the true cause someday.

      The cosmological constant Λ (or whatever is causing the acceleration of the universe) is usually unimportant on scales much less than that of the observable universe and is NOT usually mentioned unless it is of importance to an analysis.

  10. Our Local Comoving Frame:

    In fact, we can measure our local motions relative to our local comoving frame to good accuracy/precision by measurement of the cosmic microwave background (CMB).

    The CMB is just electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the microwave band (fiducial range 0.1--100 cm). It strongest in the energy/frequency/wavelength bands ∼ 1--22 cm and has one of the most perfect blackbody spectra found in nature (see Wikipedia: Cosmic microwave background: Features). It is a relic of the Big Bang era speaking loosely. It permeates the observable universe and, according to Big Bang cosmology (which is highly trusted), it is isotropic when viewed in a comoving frame.

    In non-comoving frames, the CMB is distorted by a direction-varying Doppler shift due to the motion of that non-comoving frame relative to the local comoving frame. For observers on Earth, this direction-varying Doppler shift is called CMB dipole anisotropy (see Wikipedia: CMB dipole anisotropy (ℓ=1); Caltech: Description of CMB Anisotropies). The CMB dipole anisotropy is further explicated in file cmb_dipole_anisotropy.html.

    We will NOT elaborate on the CMB here. But we can give some local velocities determined using it:

    1. The Solar System barycenter (i.e., center of mass of the Solar System) is moving at 368(2) km/s in some direction (see Wikipedia: CMB dipole anisotropy (ℓ=1); Caltech: Description of CMB Anisotropies).

    2. The Milky Way barycenter is moving at 552(6) km/s in the direction 10.5 hours right ascension (RA), 0.24° declination (Dec or δ) in equatorial coordinates (epoch J2000) which is toward near the center of constellation Hydra (see Wikipedia: Milky Way: Velocity).

    3. Local Group of Galaxies barycenter is moving at 627(22) km/s in some direction (see Wikipedia: CMB dipole anisotropy (ℓ=1); Caltech: Description of CMB Anisotropies).

  11. Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial Frames (COMFFI Frames):

    If you attach reference frames to the centers of mass of astronomical objects and said reference frames are unrotating with respect to the observable universe: i.e., to the bulk mass-energy of observable universe) (see Wikipedia: Inertial frame of reference: General relativity), then those reference frames are inertial frame and yours truly calls them center-of-mass free-fall inertial (COMFFI) frames.

    The observable universe contains a whole hierarchy of center-of-mass free-fall inertial (COMFFI) frames which hierarchy is illustrated in the cartoon in the figure below (local link / general link: frame_reference_hierarchy_astro.html).

  12. Rotating Frames:

    By rotating frames, we mean those rotating observable universe.

    Rotating frames are non-inertial frames, but NOT simple ones.

    Every small region in them over a short enough time scale is a simple non-inertial frame (i.e., a reference frame accelerated relative to a local inertial frame) but overall they are a continuum of such simple non-inertial frames.

    Nevertheless, they can be converted to inertial frames easily in the classical limit by invoking two special inertial forces: the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force.

    The centrifugal force is that "force" that tries to throw you off carnival centrifuges. In the rotating frame, it is an outward pointing body force trying to throw every bit of you outward and an ordinary force has to be exerted on you to hold you in position. From the perspective of the approximate inertial frame of the ground (i.e., a GFFI frame: see below the narrative section Ground Free-Fall Inertial Frames (GFFI) Frames), you are just trying to move at a uniform velocity in a straight line per Newton's 1st law of motion.

    The Coriolis force is a bit trickier and arise when you have velocity relative to rotating frames.

    Both the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force are important in understanding the internal motions of planets and stars which are always rotating frames.

    More details on rotating frames are given below in the figure section Rotating Frames Explicated.

    For an important example of the centrifugal force at work, see below the figure section The Coriolis Force of the Earth's Rotation.

    For important example of the Coriolis force at work, see below the figure section The Coriolis Force of the Earth's Rotation.

  13. Ground Free-Fall Inertial (GFFI) Frames:

    One of the things that is obvious is that the ground anywhere on Earth is NOT in free fall in the way you ordinarily think of free fall. It and anything at rest in the vertical direction are NOT obviously falling.

    But actually, they are free falling with the center of mass of the Earth in the COMFFI frame defined by that center of mass.

    But because the Earth is in rotation relative to the observable universe, the surface at every point is NOT an inertial frame.

    But for most ordinary purposes, it is approximately an inertial frame, and so any point on the Earth can be used to define an inertial frame for most purposes: e.g., for using Newtonian physics for most purposes.

    The reason is that the acceleration of the ground relative to the Earth's COMFFI frame is actually small compared to the Earth surface acceleration due to gravity (fiducial value 9.8 m/s**2) and other relevant accelerations.

    In fact, the effects of the ground NOT being exactly an inertial frame are treated using the inertial forces the centrifugal force (see below the figure section The Centrifugal Force of the Earth's Rotation) and the Coriolis force (see below the figure section The Coriolis Force of the Earth's Rotation).

    But for most ordinary purposes, you do NOT need to make use of those inertial forces. So for most ordinary purposes, you do treat the ground as an inertial frame. Yours truly, as a nonce name, calls approximate ground inertial frames ground free-fall inertial (GFFI) Frames---but GFFI frames will probably NOT catch on.

    For an example of a picturesque GFFI frame, see the figure below (local link / general link: alpine_tundra.html).

  14. Rotating Frames Explicated:

    An explication of the basics of rotating frames is given in the figure below (local link / general link: frame_rotating.html).

  15. The Centrifugal Force of the Earth's Rotation:

    An explication of how the figure of the Earth is affected by the centrifugal force due to the Earth's rotation is given in the figure below (local link / general link: earth_oblate_spheroid.html).

  16. The Coriolis Force of the Earth's Rotation:

    An explication of how weather is affected by the Coriolis force due to the Earth's rotation is given in the figure below (local link / general link: mechanics/coriolis_force.html).

  17. Foucault's Pendulum:

    The Foucault pendulum and how it demonstrates the Earth's rotation relative to the observable universe is explicated the figure below (local link / general link: pendulum_foucault.html).


Local file: local link: frame_reference_inertial_frame_basics.html.
Mechanics file: frame_reference_inertial_frame_basics.html.