The Solar System formed long, long ago (Solar System age = 4.5682 Gyr (set by first solids formed in presolar nebula)), but in galaxy very, very nearby---our own Milky Way.
To summarize the story of Solar System formation, we can start with a look at a Timeline of Solar System evolution.
And as a preview of protoplanetary disks,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: protoplanetary_disk_beta_pic_2.html).
Now the
Solar System formation and evolution
involved a large random element that CANNOT be predicted from general understanding of
On the other hand, there are lots of clues about how things occurred and
a PLAUSIBLE SCENARIO and many more details are being worked out
all the time.
We can also learn something by comparison to other
planetary systems
in formation or fully established because we observe:
See the figure below
(local link /
general link: nasa_orion_nebula_001.html)
showing numerous protoplanetary disks.
First, planet formation is a robust process.
In star formation,
planet formation happens of order
half the time??? or more often.
This has become clear in the age of
planetary system discovery
with the discovery of
51 Pegasi b (discovered 1995),
the first discovered ordinary
(i.e., exoplanet NOT a
pulsar planet).
Second, the exoplanet
planetary systems
have turned out to be a diverse and most rather different from
the Solar System.
They have massive Jupiter-size planets
(which are also gas giant planets
like Jupiter)
often with very
ECCENTRIC ORBITS with semi-major axes (i.e., mean orbital radius
about their parent star) going down to less than 0.1 AU.
The very small semi-major axes
shows that some exoplanets
have orbits of only a few days.
The technique for finding exoplanets is strongly BIASED toward
finding large planets close to their
stars, and so the sample discovered
so far may NOT be average---but on the other hand
planetary systems
unlike the Solar System are clearly
Some of these gas giant exoplanets
are in the habitable zone
where liquid water can exist---and
so life as we know it
can exist---but probably NOT on
gas giant
maybe on their exomoons.
See the artist's conception
of exomoons
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: exomoon_habitable.html).
We will discuss exoplanets
in IAL 18: Exoplanets & General Planetary Systems.
For more on exoplanets, see the following sites:
The distribution of planetary systems
is now known to be very broad and multi-dimensional.
So although in a sense there are average
planetary systems,
very few planetary systems are actually
much like those averages and all types
planetary systems are probably rare
in the sense that they are only a small fraction of the whole distribution.
Our planetary system,
the Solar System is probably
rare in the sense just given, maybe very rare.
But remember, we know the Solar System
is rare in a sense, but NOT how rare.
To give an example of anthropic principle which is
NOT hypothetical
consider that the Earth is probably a fairly rare kind of planet even
if the Solar System is a pretty normal
planetary system:
As we will discuss below many RANDOM EVENTS went into determining
the planets.
On that basis alone, it is clear that Earth probably belongs to a fairly
rare class of planets
in the universe: maybe very rare.
Is it just chance that we evolved on this rare kind of planet?
No. Complex life as we know it
probably requires all the Earth features listed
above. Thus, the explanation of the Earth features listed above
is the anthropic principle.
The anthropic principle
is discussed at greater length in
IAL 0:
A Philosophical and Historical Introduction to Astronomy: The Anthropic Principle.
Recall some people think the anthropic principle is profound;
some think it is trivial; some that it has scientific merit;
some that it does NOT: many never think of it at all---but
that's true of a lot things in this course.
Whatever the vagaries of exoplanet
planetary systems,
in this lecture
we will focus on OUR Solar System and its story as far as it is
known---and there still are many uncertainties.
But in broad outline the story seems fairly robust.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/protoplanetary_disk_beta_pic_2.html");?>
So a detailed, exact history of the Solar System is
NOT likely ever.
There is some evidence of pre-solar-system evolution from the
primordial solar
nebula composition
and perhaps relics of primordial material that has never
been processed by Solar System evolution.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/star/formation/nasa_orion_nebula_001.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/exomoon_habitable.html");?>
Earth-like exoplanets
in the habitable zone
exist and will probably be definitively discovered soon.
There is a
Wikipedia: List of potentially habitable exoplanets
some of which may well be habitable planet, but
is NOT the same has being habitated: i.e.,
having extraterrestrial life.
Proving extraterrestrial life exists is
a more difficult problem than merely showing potentially habitable.
Question: If the Solar System is rare, maybe very rare,
what may explain some of the peculiarities?
The explanation of odd coincidences in physics
or the universe
by saying that if they were NOT, we would NOT be here is
called the anthropic principle
IAL 0: A Philosophical and Historical Introduction to Astronomy: The Anthropic Principle
for more on the anthropic principle).
Answers 1 and 2 may both be right I think.
It's NOT surprising that we on this rare kind of planet
since we wouldn't exist here if it weren't this rare
kind of planet---O
Rare Earth!
The idea that the Solar System formed from a cloud in space (i.e., a nebula) probably has been suggested in myth: I sort of vaguely think I've read this.
Certainly, the ancient Greek atomists posited a sort of nebular hypothesis---but they were flat Earthers (Fu-140).
See the imaginative portrait of the atomist Democritus (c.460--c.370 BCE) in the figure below (local link / general link: democritus.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ancient_astronomy/democritus.html");?>
In the context of the Newtonian physics, the
nebular hypothesis was
first fully proposed in the 18th century by
Immanuel Kant (1724--1804)
(see figure below: local link /
general link: immanuel_kant.html)
and Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749--1827),
one of the
great mathematical astronomers
(see Wikipedia: Nebular hypothesis: History;
The basic nebular hypothesis is:
The basic nebular hypothesis explains
some salient facts---here we give the facts and leave explanations to later mostly:
There are some clockwise rotators and revolvers and bodies with odd inclinations of rotation and/or revolution.
These can be explained by random collisions late in the formation process or in the course of
Solar System.
Halley's comet is an example
a clockwise revolver (see the video
Halley's Comet Orbital Path).
Planetary migration is needed to explain
many planetary systems
and probably played a role
in the Solar System too.
We will largely skirt
planetary migration since it's a complex business
and is far from fully understood.
Below are
Planetary system formation videos
(local link /
general link: planetary_system_formation_videos.html)
that give illustrations of
planetary migration.
Given that we see jillions
protoplanetary disks in
star formation regions,
we know that the basic
nebular hypothesis is correct
for the Solar System
and throughout the
observable universe.
There is, of course, a great deal of uncertainty about many aspects:
qualitative and especially quantitative aspects.
See the ALMA
images of protoplanetary disks
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: protoplanetary_disks_alma.html).
Planetary system formation videos
(local link /
general link: planetary_system_formation_videos.html):
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/immanuel_kant.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/astronomer/pierre_simon_laplace.html");?>
Question: What clue suggests that the
protoplanetary disk of gas and dust
was all orbiting in the same direction?
Answer 2 is right.
The COMPOSITION DIFFERENCE between the types is reflected in
their average densities.
We'll see how the planet types follow from the
nebular hypothesis
and admit
that planetary migration
could change the simplest case prediction, but
did NOT in the case of the Solar System.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/protoplanetary_disks_alma.html");?>
It's NOT as exciting as it sounds.
But it is worth a digression to discuss radioactive dating and radioactive decay.
Radioactive isotopes (AKA radionuclides, AKA radioactive nuclides) are unstable atomic nuclei are unstable: i.e., they change into other nuclei SPONTANEOUSLY. This change process is called radioactive decay.
A new nucleus formed from a radioactive decay is called a DAUGHTER. If it is STABLE, it will NOT itself SPONTANEOUSLY decay.
When a radioactive decay occurs energy is also released. Initially, this energy is mostly in the form of dangerous ionizing radiation: i.e., gamma rays (very high energy photons) and fast particles with large kinetic energies. Ionizing radiation can damage organic material.
The fast particles are usually beta particles and alpha particles.
The names beta particle and alpha particle are just traditional from the early history of research into radioactivity.
Beta particles are electrons or positrons. They are dangerous because they are energetic enough to be ionizing radiation. Also the positrons sooner or later annihilate with electrons in the surroundings to create gamma rays.
The beta particles are NOT from the electrons bound to atoms. They originate in radioactive decay in atomic nuclei.
Alpha particles are the nuclei of atoms of Helium-4 (He-4).
A cartoon illustrating radioactive decay is shown in the figure below (local link / general link: radioactive_c14.html).
In dense environments, the radioactive decay energy is usually rapidly converted into heat energy.
We say the energy is THERMALIZED.
Thermalized radioactive decay energy helps to drive the geology of the Earth as we'll discuss in IAL 11: The Earth: Geothermal Heat Flows.
Supernovae (giant explosions of massive
stars) produce
radioactive isotopes
during the explosion phase and then spew them out into interstellar space where
they can be incorporated in star formation regions.
See Supernova videos
(local link /
general link: supernova_videos.html):
Thus from
supernova remnants,
long-lived radioactive isotopes
got incorporated into the
Solar System and
there is still a lot of them around
(i.e., those that live for gigayears).
Also cosmic rays continuously produce
radioactive isotopes: e.g.,
carbon-14 which is used in dating organic materials
See the figure above.
The radioactive decay of
radioactive isotopes
Any given radioactive nucleus may decay in a second
or in a billion years.
There is no way to tell even
in principle according to
quantum mechanics.
The randomness is fundamental, NOT due to lack of
there is NO information
in principle.
But radioactive isotopes
of a given species do have a MEAN LIFETIME
(which comes in two versions that differ by a constant).
Lets consider what happens to a sample of
uranium-238 (U-238)
as it decays to stable lead-206 (Pb-206)
and how the sample can be used in
radioactive dating.
See the figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of radioactive decay
of a sample
uranium-238 (U-238)
as it decays to stable lead-206 (Pb-206).
We explicate below how the sample is used
in radioactive dating.
Note that there are many intermediate, unstable
daughter nuclides in the
radioactive decay process.
The 4.468 Gyr is the
half-life of the first
radioactive decay, but
the other radioactive decay
make NO significant figures to
4.468 Gyr
(see Wikipedia:
Uranium-238: Radium_series).
To reduce the atomic mass
from 238 for
to 206 for PB-206
takes 8
alpha decays
alpha particles (He-4 nuclei) are ejected).
If there are many nuclei,
the actual amount of decay is very nearly the average behavior
If there are few, then the could be large fluctuations from the average behavior.
Say you started with a large number of identical samples of the
radioactive nuclei.
At the time when the predicted number for each is less than 1, then some samples will
have zero radioactive nuclei,
some will have 1 radioactive
nucleus, and some will
have 2 or more.
The predicted number of surviving radioactive
nuclei never reaches zero, but
eventually in overwhelmingly most samples there will be zero remaining radioactive nuclei.
But a small and ever decreasing set samples will continue to have undecayed nuclei---in principle
forever, if the theory of radioactive decay
is exactly right which it may NOT be---but it is very
accurate---but there are always limits beyond which any theory is untested.
Determing that time is
radioactive dating.
The original abundance being the abundance when the rock formed
out lava or magma. In molten environments, there is often some
chemical separation between a radioactive nucleus
and its
daughter nuclide
that allows the time since TIME ZERO to be established.
Nevertheless, some of the
daughter nuclides
are often present
at the time of formation of the rock sample.
Somehow that can be accounted for.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 /
Own work.
Everyone take a coin (or pen) out their pocket and stand up while the lights are turned up.
For a pen, heads is when tip is away from you, tails is when its toward you.
It is now TIME ZERO:
After 5 half-lives, only about 1/2**5=1/32 of the class
would be standing.
It usually won't be exactly that because of statistical fluctuations.
But if we repeated the demonstration many times, after
5 half-lives the average number standing would
be 1/2**5=1/32 of the class---if the coin flips had exactly 50 % probability of being heads or tails---which
isn't exactly true, but is probably pretty darn close.
U-238 and other very long-lived species
can be used for dating
the Solar System.
Here is a summary of such radioactive dating
Because of geological activity older Earth rock/minerals
have been mostly or nearly entirely destroyed.
Most Earth rock is less than 1 Gyr old (Lissauer-132).
Geological activity on the Moon nearly stopped a long
time ago. Still it did happen once, and so 4.48 Gyr may be younger than the
The upshot is that we think the age of the
Solar System is very
nearly 4.6 Gyr = 4600 million years
Formation and evolution of the Solar System:
Timeline of Solar System evolution).
The Solar System probably took of order 50 million years to form
from the primordial nebula---but that is a relatively small time
compared to the time since
Formation and evolution of the Solar System:
Timeline of Solar System evolution).
Planetary system formation videos
(local link /
general link: planetary_system_formation_videos.html):
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/earth/radioactive_c14.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/supernovae/supernova_videos.html");?>
Question: What is the standard version of mean lifetime used
in radioactive decay work called?
Answer 2 is right: half-life.
Image link: Itself.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 10 problems 2--12 on radioactive dating and other topics.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Oh, 5--10 minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 10.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_010_solar_system_formation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
We recapitulate a bit here, but go further.
The rotational kinetic energy of the original cloud is primarily responsible for the protoplanetary disk.
Secondarily responsible that clumps of gas and interstellar dust have large cross sections for body-on-body interactions---unlike stars which super-rarely undergo stellar collision though they interact gravitationally at long distance.
Protoplanetary disk formation is illustrated in the figure below (local link / general link: protoplanetary_disk_formation.html).
Collisions of gas streams or clumps tend to cancel the opposing momenta
since kinetic energy
is lost to heat energy on such collisions.
The loss of kinetic energy means the streams or clumps can't just
reverse their momenta on leaving the collision.
Consequently, the streams or clumps tend to leave such collisions
on more similar orbits or perhaps even stuck together.
The collisions keep happening until nearly all the material is
moving in the same direction in
circular orbits.
When this happens collisions are minimized.
We can say the material has relaxed to a very regular form---the
protoplanetary disk.
See the cartoon of a
protoplanetary disk
in the figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of protoplanetary disk
relaxation to regularity.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 / Own work.
Well this never seems to work well for yours truly, but textbooks assure yours
truly that it is convincing.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/protoplanetary_disk_formation.html");?>
To recapitulate:
there are swirling in streams/clumps of gas and dust.
Image link: Itself.
The relaxation of messy, turbulent flow can be demonstrated
by a cup of coffee
Stir black coffee vigorously, but randomly,
and then wait a bit and add milk. The milk will usually show
a smooth rotation in only one direction.
The random eddies and flows have been damped out.
The exact orientation of the protoplanetary disk
is determined by the overall angular momentum
of the material that formed it.
Angular momentum
is a vector
that points perpendicularly to the overall rotation sense.
That direction is largely maintained by collapse to a
protoplanetary disk.
Actually only a fraction of the infalling material ends up in the protoplanetary disk: most ends up in the protostar or is expelled from the system by strong winds from the protostar or young star.
The formed protoplanetary disk will probably NOT be perfectly regular. There will be clumps of gas moving in irregular orbits: i.e., eccentric and somewhat non-planar orbits.
Further collisions and self-gravity probably act to smooth out irregularities. On the other hand, there are effects that prevent flattening to extreme thinness.
One needs to remark that axisymmetric gravitational perturbations due to the central source of gravity and magnetic field effects can can also help in disk formation????.
Protoplanetary disks would form without those effects, but their qualitative nature would be different.
The protoplanetary disks will be hot for two reasons:
This heat energy from infall is an initial condition
and it radiates away.
However, this heating effect decreases
since the
becomes less luminous than the as it settles on to
zero-age main sequence (ZAMS)
and the heating from
from gravitational contraction goes to zero.
This heat energy also
gets radiated away.
The NEARLY DUST-FREE HEATED DISK GAS was probably pretty homogeneous
at least in the inner
protoplanetary disk
which became the inner Solar System
of rocky planets.
After being heated, however, Sun
protoplanetary disk then cools
(as discussed above)
and interplanetary dust
can condense.
We take up this condensation phase below in section Condensation.
The protoplanetary disk temperature falls going outward.
It heated up most closest the
protostar Sun
where the infall was farthest in the
primordial solar nebula
and where the
protostar Sun
heats the most.
At temperatures above 2000 K refractories like
iron and silicates
will mostly in the gas phase.
All volatiles will be in
gas phase at these temperatures, of course.
Note the following terminology:
But conventionally in astrophysics,
certain materials are usually considered to be
and certain others
For example,
iron, silicate (silicon
oxygen substances which make up most ordinary rock), and carbon are ordinarily considered to be
helium, other noble gases, N_2,
carbon dioxide (CO_2),
water (H_2O), methane (CH_4),
and ammonia (NH_3)
are ordinarily considered to be
The upshot is that the
protoplanetary disk
of the Sun is becomes hot and
most of the original interstellar dust is vaporized.
However, a small amount of
presolar grains
(see Wikipedia: Presolar grains).
Question: The temperature of the protoplanetary disk:
At some time much of the solar nebula
was probably over
2000 K (HI-274).
Answers 1 is right.
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 10 problems 2--12 on radioactive dating and other topics.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Oh, 5--10 minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 10.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_010_solar_system_formation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_easter_bunny_2.html");?>
At some point, condensation started in the protoplanetary disk.
We need some more thermodynamics to understand condensation.
Answers 1 and 3 are right---but only answer 3 is relevant to our
current topic.
Condensation is an atom by atom or molecule by molecule growth of solid or liquid phase sample from a gas phase sample.
For reference, the figure below (local link / general link: phases_major.html) illustrates the nomenclature of the main phases of matter and the main phase transitions.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/thermodynamics/phases_major.html");?>
The liquid phase
is actually a rather delicate matter phase
and only occurs under rather limited conditions of
and temperatures
as illustrated by water
in the phase diagram
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: phase_diagram_water.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/thermodynamics/phase_diagram_water.html");?>
An everyday life
example of a substance
without a liquid phase at
ordinary pressures
standard ambient temperature
and pressure (SATP or STP, T=298.15 K=25 C, P=100 kPa=14.504 psi))
is carbon dioxide (CO_2) as illustrated in
the figure below
(local link /
general link: co2_ice.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/thermodynamics/co2_ice.html");?>
Actually, most astronomers,
except planetologists,
never encounter the liquid phase
in their research.
Probably for that reason, astronomers have simplified the phase change terminology and use condensation and vaporization/evaporation for, respectively, deposition and sublimation in addition to their conventional meanings in thermodynamics given in the figure above (local link / general link: phases_major.html).
Hereafter, yours truly follows that simplified terminology---except maybe when yours truly has
be more precise.
is only possible when the atoms or
molecules DO NOT have
enough thermal kinetic energy to free themselves from chemical bonds
with each other: i.e., only when the temperature is low enough.
Condensation also depends on density in the
sense that the rate of condensation increases with increasing
So condensation depends temperature and density:
temperature has to be low enough; density has to be high enough.
There is a trade-off between the two controlling parameters, of course.
Blow hot air from your mouth on your glasses. The air
quickly cools on the glass surface and CANNOT contain as much
water vapor
as before.
Liquid water condenses out as fine drops.
Those of you NOT wearing contacts
can do this demonstration for yourselves.
Liquid water
condensation also happens with cold
See the figure below.
Caption: "Water vapor
condenses into liquid water
after making contact with the surface of a cold
An example of condensation.
Credit/Permission: ©
2006 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
In a protoplanetary disk,
the condensates are GRAINS that build up
atom by atom or
molecule by molecule.
Note the pressures
in the protoplanetary disk
are too low for the liquid phase.
So the condensation
is direct
A cartoon of the temperature structure for
a representative
protoplanetary disk
(which could be the
Solar System
protoplanetary disk)
near the end of the
condensation phase
is given in the figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of the temperature structure for
a representative
protoplanetary disk
(which could be the
Solar System
protoplanetary disk)
near the end of the
condensation phase
In a protoplanetary disk, there
is certainly NO liquid water because the
pressure was always too low---for reasons
we now explain:
Water at
pressure below
∼ 0.01 atmospheres (atm)
does NOT
have a liquid phase.
This is illustrated in the
Qualification: The liquid phase
does NOT exist in
thermodynamic equilibrium
if the pressure is too low.
If you suddenly inject the liquid into
a too-low pressure environment,
it is out of the
thermodynamic equilibrium
and will persist as
liquid for some time before
all vaporizing.
The inner Solar System
(i.e., here meaning inward ∼ 2.7 AU
in the asteroid belt
and NOT Jupiter as is usually meant)
NEVER got cold enough for volatiles
to condense in space into grains
(see Wikipedia: Frost line (astrophysics): Current snow line versus formation snow line).
After all it's NOT cold enough now in this region.
The grains in the inner Solar System
were probably mainly iron and
silicates (i.e., rock).
We have samples of grains that probably formed in the primordial solar
system in carbonaceous chondrites (primitive meteorites).
These grains are are sub-micron in size scale
Some volatiles
(e.g., H,
N) were locked up in the
condensates of refractories:
NOT much by mass, but very necessary for
life on Earth.
From in the
asteroid belt
at ∼ 2.7 AU outward
is the
frost line (AKA snow line)
as it was in the planet formation era
(see Wikipedia: Frost line (astrophysics): Current snow line versus formation snow line).
Here volatiles
(as well as
did condense and contribute
to planet formation.
As we'll see in the section
The Formation of the Gas Giants, the
condensation of volatiles may or may NOT
have been vital to the formation of the
gas giant planets.
The most volatile
gases H_2 and He and other
noble gases would NOT
condense at all in the
inner Solar System and
NOT much in the outer
Solar System either it is thought.
But the hydrogen
and helium
gas were strongly gravitationally accreted by
the gas giants and made them grow so big.
The gas giants are so called, NOT because
they are made of gas, but because they
are largely made of up of elements
and helium)
that are gases on the surface of the
If the volatiles were NOT
important to the formation of the
gas giants, probably
formation beyond the
snow line (AKA frost line)
was important in prevent
atmospheric escape of
and helium.
Atmospheric escape
goes up with temperature
and down with
molecular mass (AKA molecular weight).
The solar wind of
the early Sun probably blew out the disk
gas within a few million years ending condensation
and ending gravitational accretion
onto the gas giants
of hydrogen
and helium.
Condensation gets one as far as micron-size grains.
10**7 / 10**(-6) = 10**13.
13 orders of magnitude of growth is needed to get from grain to
We give the answer insofar as we know in the next 3 sections.
If the density is too low, then even at very low temperature condensation
won't happen because the atoms can't find each other to cohere.
For example, the amount of water vapor
in air depends on temperature.
Hot air can can have more water vapor
than cold air of the same density.
For different substances,
there are different condensation temperatures
and densities.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Condensation on water bottle.jpg.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 / Own work.
Under low enough pressure the liquid phase doesn't occur for
they condense
(more correctly
from gas
to solid and
(more correctly sublimate)
from solid
to gas.
Image link: Itself.
On Earth,
water ice can
condense, but
Earth is a much denser environment than
space and there is some shielding from
the Sun.
Thus, the volatiles
did NOT contribute much to
planet formation
in the inner Solar System
and only exist as traces
on the inner planets.
Question: How many orders of magnitude (i.e., powers of
10) in size scale
separate a micron-sized grain (one with a size of 10**(-6) m) from
Earth-size body (i.e., one with
a diameter of order 10**7 m).
How does one get from micron-size grains to planet-size bodies?
Answer 1 is right.
The second phase of the sequence is the trickiest and the trickiest to understand. We explicate it in the subsections below.
The streaming instability is now the highly favored theory for the growth process from micron-size grains to planetesimals. But there are all kinds of subtleties and variations. See Wikipedia: Streaming instability.
Paraphrasing Wikipedia: Streaming instability: Description:
and where it is cold enough volatiles (primarily water ice and other ices: most importantly ammonia (NH_3), carbon dioxide (CO_2) (i.e., CO_2 ice (dry ice)), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH_4), etc.) nitrogen (N_2))).
BELOW still needs paraphaseing
The difference in velocities results in a headwind that causes the solid particles to spiral toward the central star as they lose momentum to aerodynamic drag. The drag also produces a back reaction on the gas, increasing its velocity. When solid particles cluster in the gas, the reaction reduces the headwind locally, allowing the cluster to orbit faster and undergo less inward drift. The slower drifting clusters are overtaken and joined by isolated particles, increasing the local density and further reducing radial drift, fueling an exponential growth of the initial clusters.[2] In simulations the clusters form massive filaments that can grow or dissipate, and that can collide and merge or split into multiple filaments. The separation of filaments averages 0.2 gas scale heights, roughly 0.02 AU at the distance of the asteroid belt.[22] The densities of the filaments can exceed a thousand times the gas density, sufficient to trigger the gravitational collapse and fragmentation of the filaments into bound clusters.[23]
The clusters shrink as energy is dissipated by gas drag and inelastic collisions, leading to the formation of planetesimals the size of large asteroids.[23] Impact speeds are limited during the collapse of the smaller clusters that form 1–10 km asteroids, reducing the fragmentation of particles, leading to the formation of porous pebble pile planetesimals with low densities.[24] Gas drag slows the fall of the smallest particles and less frequent collisions slows the fall of the largest particles during this process, resulting in the size sorting of particles with mid-sized particles forming a porous core and a mix of particle sizes forming denser outer layers.[25] The impact speeds and the fragmentation of particles increase with the mass of the clusters, lowering the porosity and increasing the density of the larger objects such as 100 km asteroid that form from a mixture of pebbles and pebble fragments.[26] Collapsing swarms with excess angular momentum can fragment, forming binary or in some cases trinary objects resembling those in the Kuiper belt.[27] In simulations the initial mass distribution of the planetesimals formed via streaming instabilities fits a power law: dn/dM ~ M−1.6,[28][29] that is slightly steeper than that of small asteroids,[30] with an exponential cutoff at larger masses.[31][32] Continued accretion of chondrules from the disk may shift the size distribution of the largest objects toward that of the current asteroid belt.[31] In the outer Solar System the largest objects can continue to grow via pebble accretion, possibly forming the cores of giant planets.[33]
UNDER RECONSTRUCTION: do NOT read the rest of this section, except for the figures
See On Ryugu for the
evolution of Ryugu
For Ryugu itself,
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: 162173_ryugu_rotating.html).
Arrokoth (AKA Ultima Thule)
is a
trans-Neptunian object (TNO),
rocky-icy body
and a
Lee Billings, 2020 Feb20, "New Horizons May Have Solved Planet-Formation Cold Case".
For Arrokoth (AKA Ultima Thule, AKA 2014 MU69),
see the figure below
(local link /
general link: trans_neptunian_objects_arrokoth.html).
Once you have large grains some kind of accretion of grains must have
occurred to get larger bodies.
Maybe the accretion by condensation is just
too slow or maybe most of the metals
are exhausted in grain formation.???
The orbits were mostly very similar circles about the Sun in the
plane of the protoplanetary disk of grains and gas.
Still there was a lot of random motion, and so collisions were frequent.
Orbital speeds relative to the inertial frame of the Sun are of order of
a few to a few tens of kilometers per second.
Our orbital speed formula shows that all objects in orbit around the
Sun out to the
orbit of
(orbital radius 30.10 AU, mean orbital speed 5.43 km/s) have orbital speeds of order
a few to a few tens of kilometers per second (km/s).
But the random relative speeds of particles in the
protoplanetary disk
in similar orbits
were probably only a few or few tens of meters per second
(Youdin, A. N.
2003, astro-ph/0311191).
Two grains of micron or millimeter size are much too small to feel
any significant gravitational attraction if their relative speeds are
even a few or few tens of meters per second: i.e., their relative escape
speed is much smaller than their actual relative speed---the figure below
illustrates this situation.
Caption: A cartoon of a binary gravitational collision of grains.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
So binary gravitational collision accretion of grains
is RULED OUT: i.e.,
two grains don't coalesce under their mutual gravitational attraction.
Two theories have been discussed:
In this theory the colliding grains stick together through
some chemical bonding or cohering force.
But there is NO obvious sticky force strong enough
to bond grains as we think they were when they are bouncing
off each other at tens of meters per second.
Possibly tarry, organic compounds containing carbon helped sticky
accretion (Se-419).
The grains CANNOT grow through binary gravitational collision
accretion as argued above.
But if enough grains are compacted into a thin enough layer,
then their collective self-gravity might lead to a gravitational
runaway to largish lumps of compacted grains that are at rest
or at very low velocity with respect to each other.
Then chemically bonding and cohering forces fuse the lumps
into lumps of rock (i.e., silicates with metals) and/or
astro ices
(i.e., water ice (H_2O),
carbon dioxide (CO_2),
nitrogen (N_2),
ammonia (NH_3),
methane (CH_4), etc.).
It was once thought that turbulence in the
protoplanetary disk would prevent
this process.
But some calculations suggest the process should happen
(Youdin, A. N.
2003, astro-ph/0311191).
The two theories are NOT mutually exclusive.
sticky accretion
may occur.
Sticky accretion could be a secondary process.
In fact, in the compaction of COLLECTIVE SELF-GRAVITY ACCRETION
relative velocities are lowered and a sort of sticky accretion
must happen at some point though that may be under gravitational compression.
Actually, other processes
have been considered from getting from grains to
kilometer-size objects.
Whatever, the exact process somehow clumps of solids of
order a kilometer in size scale are reached.
It is conventional to call these kilometer-size objects
(see Wikipedia: Planetesimal: Definition ofj
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/protoplanetary_disk_streaming_instability.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/asteroid/162173_ryugu_rotating.html");?>
See the image
of 2014 MU69 (AKA Ultima Thule)
(which is thought to be
Solar System
planetesimal) below.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/trans_neptunian_objects_arrokoth.html");?>
Somewhere there must be an argument as to why
condensation can't make objects
much larger than micron-sized grains, but
I can't seem to locate it.
The grains were typically a few centimeters apart
For circular orbits
around the Sun, the orbital speed is given by
v = (GM_☉/r)**(1/2) = 29.789 km/s * (1 AU /r_AU)**(1/2) ,
where G=6.67384*10**(-11) is the gravitational constant,
M_☉=1.9891**30 kg is the solar mass,
1 AU=1.49597870700**11 m is the astronomical unit (AU)
which is an exact value in modern convention.
No correction has been made for finite planet mass
or gravitational perturbations
or other kinds of perturbations.
Such corrections probably cause changes of order 0.03 % since
Earth's mean orbital speed is
29.78 km/s, NOT 29.79 km/s as our formula implies: (0.01/30)*100 % & ≅ 0.03 %.
Image link: Itself.
Currently, COLLECTIVE SELF-GRAVITY ACCRETION seems the favored theory.
Planetesimal means
itty-bitty planet I'd guess.
They are massive enough for for the gravity between two of them to pull them together and they can coalesce (Youdin, A. N. 2003, astro-ph/0311191)---provided they don't hit so fast that they fragment. Some of their kinetic energy must become heat energy, and so the coalesced object may be rather hot as well as shocked.
Thus, binary gravitational collision accretion, which is RULED OUT for grains, is RULED IN for planetesimals---the situation is illustrated in the figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of gravitational accretion of planetesimals.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
If the two planetesimals are moving at low relative velocity (i.e., they are on nearly parallel orbits), then accretion is most likely.
Answer 1 is right.
Head-on collisions tend to fragment and destroy rather than build up (Se-420).
In the inner Solar System, the planetesimals and protoplanets were mostly iron and silicates with some volatiles trapped in the material.
In the outer Solar System (i.e., from in the asteroid belt at ∼ 2.7 AU outward where the frost line (AKA snow line) was it was in the planet formation era: see Wikipedia: Frost line (astrophysics): Current snow line versus formation snow line), ices condensed during the condensation phase and the planetesimals and protoplanets probably were substantially ices as well as iron and silicates.
The figure below (local link / general link: protoplanetary_disk_beta_pic.html) gives an artist's conception of what the a protoplanetary disk may look like when there are still many planetesimals and smaller acrretions of solid matter, and a lot of protoplanetary disk dust.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/protoplanetary_disk_beta_pic.html");?>
Size matters.
You have to remember the ads for the film Godzilla (1998)
to get the joke:
i.e., Godzilla stomps on
a T-Rex skeleton: "size matters"---you had to have
been there.
Those protoplanets that started out most massive by chance attracted
the smaller nearby ones and cleared out parts of the solar disk
that were nearest them
Computer simulations tell us that this scenario does indeed happen.
See the cartoon of the scenario in the figure below.
Caption: A cartoon of the biggest accreters eating their neighbors.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
The spacing of the surviving protoplanets (which became the planets) is NOT entirely random though.
Partially this is just that the survivors cleared out space around themselves, and so left themselves well separated.
But there is also an analytic formula the Titius-Bode law that roughly gives the planet distances from the Sun:
R = 0.4 + 0.3 x 2**n AU, where n runs -∞ (Mercury) , 0 (Venus), 1 (Earth), 2 (Mars), 3 (asteroid belt), 4 ( Jupiter), and so on.(see Wikipedia: Titius-Bode law: Formulation).
Computer simulations roughly reproduce Titius-Bode law, but it may work as well as it does for the Solar System partially by accident (HI-277).
In the inner Solar System, the protoplanets that ate their neighbors became the rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
But these protoplanets were never massive enough to attract or at least to retain much of the volatile molecular hydrogen (H_2) and helium (He) gases.
See the videos for planetary migration which probably happened in the early Solar System to some degree, but did NOT move the gas giants into the inner Solar System---which probably allowed us to be. And the fact that we are, via anthropic principle, explains why they didn't move into the inner Solar System sort of.
Further discussion of the formation of the gas giants is given in the section The Formation of the Gas Giants below.
See Planetary system formation videos below (local link / general link: planetary_system_formation_videos.html):
They are called gas giants since most of their mass is hydrogen and helium which in most terrestrial environments and in stars are in the gas phase.
In fact, in the gas giants, most of the hydrogen and helium are actually better described as being in the liquid phase. However, most of this hydrogen and helium may be in the supercritical fluid phase, where the distinction gas and liquid has disappeared. A supercritical fluid is when the pressure and temperature are greater than those at critical point which ends the gas-liquid boundary on a phase diagram.
So our description below of the two theories will be in terms of planetary systems in general.
The two theories of gas giant formation are:
In an outer planetary systems, protoplanets with ices as well as refractories (mostly silicates and iron) could grow and become much larger than the rocky protoplanets of an inner planetary systems.
These rocky/icy protoplanets are the cores of the core-accretion model
The cores are massive enough to have a strong enough gravitational field to directly attract and hold the light gases H_2 and He.
The growing amounts of accreted hydrogen and helium further increases the gravitational field leading to more accretion, and so on in a runaway growth---a gravitational runaway growth.
The growth ends probably because the H_2 and He gas was exhausted partially through the accretion process and partial through a strong stellar wind blowing it out of the planetary systems.
When the growth ended, there were gas giants.
The alternative is that gas giants formed directly from gases like stars without any rocky/icy protoplanet core.
In the disk-instability model, the protoplanetary disk partially fragmented (due to instability) and the fragments experienced a gravitational runaway growth ending with gas giants.
The gas giants so formed were too small ever to become hot and dense enough under contraction to start hydrogen burning and become stars.
This is what one expects from the core-accretion model.
As the metallicity of the host star increases, the amount of metals in the protoplanetary disk increases: star and protoplanetary disk form out of the same molecular cloud whose composition is expected to be fairly homogeneous.
As metallicity increases in the protoplanetary disk, so does the probability of large cores of metals to start the formation of gas giants in the core-accretion model.
So more metallicity, more gas giants in the core-accretion model. The described trend is the observed to some degree, and so observations tends to support the core-accretion model.
Many are Jupiter-size (and so are probably gas giants), and yet are often close to their host stars in a contrast to the Solar System.
Probably the exoplanets formed farther out and migrated inward. But how this happens elsewhere and NOT in the Solar System is still a huge area of investigation.
The smaller moons and Neptune's largest moon Triton are probably mostly captured objects (HI-283).
Just as a preliminary glimpse---since we'll be discussing all the Solar System planets in detail in later lectures---see the collage of the planets in the figure below (local link / general link: planet_collage.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/planet_collage.html");?>
There were still many smallish planetesimals and protoplanets around.
But computer simulations show that the big guys (the modern planets) would have perturbed the orbits of the remaining small bodies so as to kick them out of the inner Solar System or out of the Solar System altogether or cause them to crash into and be absorbed by a planet or the Sun.
There must have been a lot of impacting on planets---"worlds in collision" one might say. We will discuss this impacting below.
But we must emphasis that the outline of Solar System given in this lecture is very simplified.
There are many complications due the collisional impacts, gravitational effects, and gas and dust effects.
These are still being sorted out, but much is known already.
But the complicated details will always be beyond the scope of intro lecture like this. See Wikipedia: Formation and evolution of the Solar System for a more elaboration on the Formation and evolution of the Solar System.
See also Planetary system videos below (local link / general link: planetary_system_formation_videos.html):
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 10
problems 16--21 on planet formation.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Oh, 5--10 minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 10.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/planetary_systems/planetary_system_videos.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_010_solar_system_formation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_fountain_2.html");?>
The leftovers are planetesimals, protoplanets, and fragments thereof.
The leftovers are rocky bodies at least on the surface which we call asteroids (mostly inward of Jupiter's orbit) and or rocky-icy bodies (mostly outward of Jupiter's orbit).
They are in reservoirs where there they have stable orbits over gigayears.
Stable here means NOT unchanging, but changing slowly enough that the astro-bodies leave the reservoirs only at a very slow rate.
The main reserviors are:
Occasionally, perturbations, gravity assists (AKA gravitational slingshot maneuvers), or fragmenting impact events will knock an astro-body out of a reservoir.
The astro-body may then be on an escape orbit from the Solar System and leave us forever.
Or may just be kicked out beyond Neptune's orbit quasi-eternally.
But if it is in unstable orbit (i.e., from Neptune's orbit inward outside of the above specified reservoirs), it will on the time scale of 10 million years have an impact event with another astro-body (i.e., the Earth) or by gravity assist be sent back to a reservoir or put on an escape orbit from the Solar System.
strong gravity
somehow maintains stable orbits there for
But also Jupiter's great gravitational effect probably prevented
planet formation in the
asteroid belt region.
But further also, from time to time, Jupiter's
gravity acting as a constant perturbation
or a collision of asteroids kicks an
(or fragments of one)
into the inner Solar System
(where its dangerous
to us) or to the outer Solar System or out of the
Solar System altogether
on an escape orbit.
It is estimated that there are of order
1 million asteroids
with diameters greater
than 1 km and of order 25 million with diameters greater than 100 m
(see Wikipedia: Asteroid: Size distribution,
but the table has vanished now
Approximate Number of Asteroids N Larger than Mean Diameter D).
The number of discovered asteroids is tricky
to specifiy since (1) the number is a moving target since new discoveries are being made continually by automated
searches; (2) what is counted as an asteroid varies
between sources.
For the best yours truly can do, see
IAL 16:
Small Astro-Bodies of the Inner Solar System and Target Earth: How Many Asteroids?.
There are many more small
It seems the smaller you go, the more there are.
So more small ones are being discovered all the time. There is no limit:
one can keep going smaller and smaller until one is down to dust.
Actually any body smaller than about 10 m in size scale is given
the generic
name meteoroid (Cox-333).
Though there are a lot of asteroids in number,
their total mass is only a few percent of the
Moon's mass (Ze2002).
What of total mass in asteroids?
One estimate is that the total asteroid belt mass is
0.08 % of the Earth's mass
(Se-565) and
another is 0.03 % of the Earth's mass
The figure below
(local link /
general link: solar_system_inner.html)
illustrates the asteroids,
asteroid belt,
and the Jupiter Trojan asteroids
(which are in another region of stability due to Jupiter).
The asteroids are densely packed in a sense, but they are still
widely separated compared to their sizes. If you were traveling
on one you would only see others as faint stars at best, unless
there was an unusually close encounter
Some of them may be primitive planetesimals or post-collision fragments
of such planetesimals.
Others have undergone geological activity and these ones too have
in many cases been fragmented by collisions.
The asteroids are mainly rocky and metallic and carbonaceous at least
a first glance. We go more into composition in IAL 16.
The ices are probably mostly sub-surface where
they have avoided easy detection.
We show some images of asteroids
in the two figures below
(local link /
general link: 243_ida.html;
local link /
general link: asteroid_collage.html).
Asteroids outside
of the asteroid belt
exist too.
Probably many have been kicked out of the asteroid belt
by interaction with Jupiter
or a collision with another asteroid.
Some might be dead comets
Many of these outliers are going to end up colliding with a planet (maybe
the Earth!) or the
Sun (Se-560).
Small asteroids
frequently pass relatively close to the
but until recently we never noticed.
For an example, see the figure below.
Caption: "Timelapse of asteroid 2004 FH's
(NASA/JPL Public Domain). 2004 FH is the centre
dot being followed by the
sequence; the object that flashes by near the end is an artificial satellite.
Images obtained by Stefano Sposetti, Switzerland on March 18, 2004. Animation made Raoul Behrend, Geneva Observatory, Switzerland."
Just on 2004mar18 a 30-meter asteroid 2004 FH zipped by with a closest
approach of about 7 Earth radii.
This is still the 6th closest known approach by non-impacting asteroid or
(Wikipedia: Record-Setting
closest approaches to Earth: Meteoroids).
But what you count as
asteroid or
meteoroid is a bit debatable.
The stars in the film are unresolved. Their apparent sizes
just indicate their relative brightnesses. The asteroid
looks like a star in being unresolved: the name asteroid
means star-like: like an astra. But the asteroid moves
relative to the fixed stars as you see.
Credit/Permission: NASA,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by User:Tungsten,
2005) /
Public domain.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/solar_system_inner.html");?>
The situation is quite different in
Saturn's rings where the
icy/rocky objects can be closely packed relative to their sizes.
See figure below
(local link /
general link: saturn_rings_artist_conception.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/saturn/saturn_rings_artist_conception.html");?>
By the by,
carbonaceous just means rich in carbon
like graphite (a pure carbon substance) or
or liquid carbonaceous substances are usually
rather dark in color: e.g., graphite and
But since circa 2010 it has been thought that some of them may have
significant amounts of
in the astro jargon sense of
the word:
i.e., water ice (H_2O),
carbon dioxide (CO_2),
nitrogen (N_2),
ammonia (NH_3),
methane (CH_4), etc.
On asteroids, the ice
is probably mainly water ice since the
asteroids are warm relative to farther out in the
Solar System where the other
ices become common.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/asteroid/243_ida.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/asteroid/asteroid_collage.html");?>
See also: NASA's Astronomy Picture
of the Day: Asteroid 2004 FH.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Asteroid 2004 FH.gif.
Rocky-icy bodies have several names depending on how they have been categorized: Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) (located in the Kuiper belt), scattered disk objects (SDOs) (located in the scattered disk), Oort Cloud objects (OCOs) (located in the Oort cloud), and comets. These are all trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) since they mostly orbit beyond the orbital radius of Neptune. Another kind are the Centaurs which are NOT TNOs since they mostly orbit between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune .
They have plunging orbits that bring them into the inner Solar System---and that's why they are comets.
For the distribution of most types of of the rocky-icy bodies as a function of mean orbital radius, see the figure below (local link / general link: trans_neptunian_objects_distribution.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/trans_neptunian_objects_distribution.html");?>
There are three main reservoirs of
rocky-icy bodies:
the Kuiper belt
(pronounced koi'per belt),
the scattered disk,
and the Oort Cloud.
A lesser reservoir is that of the Centaurs which is discussed in IAL 17: Pluto, Rocky-Icy Bodies, Kuiper Belt, Oort Cloud, and Comets.
There are also stray rocky-icy bodies elsewhere.
The Kuiper belt and Oort Cloud are believed to be the source of comets: the Kuiper belt for short-period comets and the Oort Cloud for long-period comets (Se-569).
Comets don't last forever, and so must be resupplied. Eventually they hit a planet or the Sun or just become extinct when all their volatiles are gone.
Sometimes a collision or an encounter with a passing star is believed to send a rocky-icy body or fragment thereof from a reservoir into a plunging orbit (i.e., a highly elliptical orbit).
The object is then a comet as its volatiles are evaporated somewhat explosively by heating by solar radiation as it comes into the inner Solar System.
We will discuss comets in Lecture 17: Pluto, Rocky-Icy Bodies, Kuiper Belt, Oort Cloud, and Comets.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/comet/comet_lovejoy.html");?>
We can expand a bit more on the Kuiper belt
and Oort cloud:
The Kuiper belt is from about 30 AU to 100 AU.
Pluto (discovered 1930) and its moon Charon (discovered 1978) were the only Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) (and TNOs) until 1992.
Pluto was the largest TNO until the discovery of Eris (an SDO) in 2005jan.
Pluto is about 0.2 % of the Earth's mass; only about a fifth of the Moon's mass.
Pluto was officially a planet since the 1930s. But its status as planet was doubtful because of its small size especially when it became clear that many TNOs of comparable or larger size must exist. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) once said Pluto would stay an official planet even if it was minute.
But then it changed its mind and degraded Pluto to dwarf planet---but a faded glory lingers---it is the only ex-planet.
It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of Kuiper belt objects larger than 100 km (PF-157).
But the Kuiper belt was predicted before any were discovered (circa 1950) as a source for short-period comets (Se-569).
The brightest (which are probably about the largest) known TNOs are illustrated in the figure below (local link / general link: trans_neptunian_objects_collage.html).
The Oort Cloud of
rocky-icy bodies
is NOT confined to near the ecliptic plane, but is thought to be
extending from perhaps from 2000 AU to 200,000 AU
(see Wikipedia: Oort cloud: Structure and composition).
The Oort Cloud is purely theoretical.
No one has ever detected an Oort Cloud object.
But to explain long-period comets, it is thought it must exist.
The Oort Cloud is further explicated
in the figure below
(local link /
general link: oort_cloud.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/trans_neptunian_objects_collage.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/solar_system/oort_cloud.html");?>
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle Homework 10 problems 20--25 on planet formation. asteroids, rocky-icy bodies, and comets.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Oh, 5--10 minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 10.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_010_solar_system_formation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_swiss_2.html");?>
The objects we are considering the rocky planets, the rocky moons, and the larger asteroids.
The 4 stages that such bodies TEND to go through (Se-427) are summarized in the cartoon in the figure below (local link / general link: rocky_body_evolution_4_stages.html).
Some of the heat energy came from the kinetic energy of colliding planetesimals being converted into heat energy.
Additionally all these bodies have included radioactive isotopes from the primordial solar nebula.
As we discussed above, the radioactive decay energy turns into heat energy in dense environments.
The result of the heat energy of the rocky planets is that they were MOLTEN either from formation or shortly thereafter.
Now in fluid conditions in a gravitational field, the denser fluids sink; the less dense ones float.
This is the familiar buoyancy effect which is illustrated and explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: buoyancy.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/fluids/buoyancy.html");?>
For molten planets, the
buoyancy effect causes
chemical differentiation.
The abundant dense substances are iron and nickel. They sunk to core of the bodies. Iron and nickel have uncompressed densities of about 8 and 9 g/cm**3, respectively.
The less dense silicates floated to the top. Uncompressed silicates have densities of order 3 g/cm**3.
This chemical differentiation wasn't perfect. Obviously all the denser substances are represented in the Earth's crust: e.g., iron, lead, uranium, gold, platinum.
But silicates dominate the Earth's crust.
The crust is continually renewed, and so the current crust isn't the original crust. Still the current crust is formed from higher level materials of the Earth.
Chemical differentiation---in an elementary way---is illustrated in the figure below (local link / general link: buoyancy_cylinder.html).
Many of these objects were already in collision orbits or were perturbed into them.
The ones in collision orbits ended up bombarding the Sun, planets, moons, and other bodies including themselves.
The SOLID BODIES were heavily cratered.
The gas giants, of course, show no trace: the impactors made a very temporary mess in the fluid atmospheres that quickly dispersed.
On Earth, Venus, and Jupiter's moons Io and Europa the early cratering has largely been erased by continuing non-impactor geological activity.
However, the Moon, Mercury, the asteroids, some of the moons, and to a lesser degree Mars show the evidence of the heavy bombardment: i.e., their heavily cratered surfaces.
Low geological activity on these bodies has NOT destroyed the early cratering.
Typical large lunar craters are shown in the two figures below (local link / general link: crater_keeler.html; local link / general link: crater_daedalus.html).
Mainly by studying the Moon, it is estimated that the
heavy bombardment
tailed off after 3.8 Gyr ago
(Se-422, 446, 447).
But there is considerable uncertainty. The cratering rate illustrated in the cartoon in the figure below is quite problematic.
Caption: A cartoon of the estimated lunar cratering rate (Se-447).
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Recently, there is some idea that the cratering rate may have fallen and then risen again before tailing off---this temporary rise is called the Late Heavy Bombardment.
The tailing off occurred because the original population of impactors was progressively exhausted.
Of course, cratering continues to the present day, but at a very slow rate.
The larger bombarding objects are asteroids or fragments thereof or comets.
The smaller, but most common, impactors are called meteoroids which are fragments of larger bodies in most cases.
The sufficiently small impactors (meteoroids) falling on planets or moons with atmospheres burn up (i.e., evaporate) in descent.
When meteoroids fall into an atmosphere they are called meteors. Any remnant that survives is a meteorite.
On the Moon and Mercury there are still lava plains left by flooding. On the Moon, they are the conspicuous dark lunar maria which probably formed in impactor-formed basins (FK-214). On Mercury, the lava plains are NOT dark or so conspicuous.
For a map showing of the lunar maria on the near side of the Moon, see the figure below (local link / general link: moon_map_side_near.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/moon/map/moon_map_side_near.html");?>
On Earth and
Venus and
maybe to some degree on Mars???
early lava flooding has been erased by
later geological activity or never happened.
On Earth, flooding by water occurred between the continents: for the oceans, see the figure below (local link / general link: earth_blue_marble.html).
Flooding by water probably happened nowhere else in the Solar System, except possibly on Venus and Mars. In the case, of Venus obvious traces of this flooding have certainly been erased by later geological activity.
In the case of Mars, there is a theory called the Mars ocean hypothesis that suggests that nearly a third of the Martian surface was covered by an ocean about 3.8 Gyr years ago. There is some geological evidence for this theory, but it is a controversial theory.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/earth/earth_blue_marble.html");?>
Primordial-radiogenic heat geology causes volcanism and, on Earth alone it seems, plate tectonics.
Impacting comets may have brought some or even most of the Earth's water.
Mars has largely lost much of its internal heat and thus is much less geologically active than Earth or Venus, but it is NOT completely without primordial-radiogenic heat geology.
Mercury, the moons, and asteroids are probably dead or close to dead in regard to primordial-radiogenic heat geology.
EROSION GEOLOGY by atmospheres occurs on Earth, Venus, Mars, Titan (the largest moon of Saturn), but only Earth has water erosion at present. Mars had some in the past and Titan must have some erosion by liquid methane (CH_4) since it has methane lakes (Wikipedia: Titan: Liquids).
Wind erosion is a weaker process than water erosion.
The airless bodies or thin-atmosphere bodies (like Mars) have continuing, but very slow impact event and space weathering. I will call this kind of geology IMPACT/SPACE-WEATHERING GEOLOGY.
What I call TIDAL-FORCE GEOLOGY is evident on some bodies.
The Moon exhibits many small moonquakes in most cases powered somehow by tidal flexing due to the tidal force of the Earth. This force varies because of the elliptical nature of the Moon's orbit and thus causing flexing.
Jupiter's moons Io and Europa have more active TIDAL-FORCE GEOLOGY. In this case the tidal flexing causes internal heating which drives volcanism.
Io is the most geologically active body in the Solar System. Volcanic eruptions are ongoing: although some vents shut down at times, others become active (HI-215).
Io probably gets nearly completely resurfaced on time scales of less than millions of years??? (Se-506).
For more explication of Io, see the figure below (local link / general link: io_003_eruption.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/jupiter/moons/io_003_eruption.html");?>
Form groups of 2 or 3---NOT more---and tackle
Homework 10
problems 22--29 on
planet formation,
rocky-icy bodies,
chemical differentiation,
lava plains.
Discuss each problem and come to a group answer.
Oh, 5--10 minutes.
The winners get chocolates.
See Solutions 10.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_hot_3.html");?>
Group Activity:
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_0000_standards.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/videos/ial_010_solar_system_formation.html");?>
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_c/chocolate_hot_2.html");?>