Favorites of David Jeffery
- amazon books
- arXiv / astro-ph
- Calendar Maker
Go scroll down/Printable Calendar (PDF)/Monthly (at top)/State: Nevada:
Year: 20xx/First Month: January/Months 12/inlcude(National holidays,DST changes,
Equinoxes and solstices,Moon phases)/scroll down right-handside/Download PDF Calendar.
- Conversation
- Excite News
- Guardian
- google
- google images
- google maps
- jeffery
- jeffery astint
- jeffery astint ial
- jeffery astlab
- jeffery astlab labs
- jeffery astlab labs keys
- jeffery astlab labs sups
- jeffery astro
- jeffery bookmarks
- jeffery computer science (cs)
- jeffery condenced
- jeffery cosmos
- jeffery education science
- jeffery electromagnetism
- jeffery energy 2
- jeffery favorites
- jeffery math
- Jeffery move 2012
- jeffery playlist
- jeffery schedule
- jeffery SQM (Speakable Quantum Mechanics)
- jeffery webcampus
- jeffery webcampus resources
- jeffery unlv
- jeffery works
- mapquest
- myunlv
- NASA/ADS classic:
Then there is the new NASA/ADS.
- new york times opinion
- roger ebert
- sky map: las vegas: current time
- unlv mail
- unlv mail squirrel
- USNO time
- washington post
- weather las vegas
- weather NWS:
Page info for las vegas, but it but it is always redirected to the general page now.
- wikimedia commons
- wikipedia
- wiktionary
- youtube
- z clock