Cosmology & Galaxies Articles: Significant/Useful Articles


  1. Introduction
  2. 2025
    1. 2025 December
    2. 2025 November
    3. 2025 October
    4. 2025 September
    5. 2025 August
    6. 2025 July
    7. 2025 June
    8. 2025 May
    9. 2025 April
    10. 2025 March
    11. 2025 February
    12. 2025 January
  3. 2024
    1. 2024 December
    2. 2024 November
    3. 2024 October
    4. 2024 September
    5. 2024 August
    6. 2024 July
    7. 2024 June
    8. 2024 May
    9. 2024 April
    10. 2024 March
    11. 2024 February
    12. 2024 January
  4. 2023
    1. 2023 December
    2. 2023 November
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    12. 2023 January
  5. 2022
    1. 2022 December
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  1. Introduction

  2. This is a catalog of
    articles on cosmology that yours truly identifies as signficant/useful. It's a curated catalog.

    Probably, most articles are just useful: intelligible, educational, NOT likely contenders for eternal truth.

    Yours truly tends to avoid quantum cosmology, unless they are truly intelligible---quantum cosmology has a lot of byways which must be explored---you got to keep trying---but most of which must wrong.

    Papers yours truly as read at least in part or heard discussed: *
    Papers yours truly thinks are particularly useful: **

  3. 2025

    1. 2025 December

    2. 2025 February
      1. Cosmic quenching: Gabriella De Lucia, et al. arXiv, 2025, Feb03, 29 pages: Review: On galaxy quenching and galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. In search for the Local Universe dynamical homogeneity scale with CF4++ peculiar velocities: Helene M. Courtois, et al. arXiv, 2025, Feb03, 7 pages: Research: On the cosmological principle to cosmological redshift z = 0.1 (r ≅ 400 Mpc, t_lookback ≅ 1.3 Gyr). To the scale 200--300 Mpc/h &con; 260 -- 360 Mpc homogeneity NOT reached. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Dark energy and cosmic acceleration: Rodrigo von Marttens, Jailson Alcaniz arXiv, 2025, Feb02, 19 pages: Review: On dark energy and the accelerating universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Gravitational Wave Cosmology: Antonella Palmese, Simone Mastrogiovanni arXiv, 2025, Feb01, 20 pages: Review: On standard sirens for determining cosmological model and cosmological model parameters . / keywords_cosmology.html.

    3. 2025 January
      1. The Velocity Field Olympics: Assessing velocity field reconstructions with direct distance tracers: Richard Stiskalek, et al., arXiv, arXiv, 2025, Jan31, 25 pages: Research: On the motions of the local comoving frame out to cosmological redshift z ≅ 0.05 (r ≅ 200 Mpc, t_lookback ≅ 0.3 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Reflections on "Can AI Understand Our Universe?": Yu Wang arXiv, 2025, Jan29, 18 pages: Research: On artificial intelligence (AI) can understand the universe. But can A-me understand the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND): Benoit Famaey, Amel Durakovic, arXiv, 2025, Jan28, 20 pages: Review: On MOND. There is NO version that accounts for all phenomena. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Observations of the First Galaxies in the Era of JWST: Daniel P. Stark, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan28, 49 pages: Review: On galaxy formation and evolution for early galaxies and super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t ⪅ 0.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The Formation of Globular Clusters: J. M. Diederik Kruijssen arXiv, 2025, Jan27, 34 pages: Review: On galaxy formation and evolution in the aspect of globular clusters formation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Cosmic distance duality after DESI 2024 data release and dark energy evolution: Anna Chiara Alfano, Orlando Luongo arXiv, 2025, Jan25, 18 pages: Research: On Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation) and the Λ-CDM model. both confirmed. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Can ν-DM interactions solve the S8 discrepancy? in cosmology: Lei Zu, et al., arXiv, arXiv, 2025, Jan23, 28 pages: Research: On cosmic neutrinos dark matter, and the S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension). The answer is yes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. The Cosmic Microwave Background -- Secondary Anisotropies: Federico Bianchini, Abhishek S. Maniyar arXiv, 2025, Jan23, 25 pages: Review: On the cosmic microwave background (CMB) T = 2.7260(13) K and its secondary anistropies for all reasons in on its way to us. Recall, the CMB is a special case of the cosmic background radiation (CBR). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Illustrating the consequences of a misuse of σ-8 in cosmology: Matteo Forconi, et al., arXiv, arXiv, 2025, Jan20, 24 pages: Research: On S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension) and the need to replace σ-8 with σ-12. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Probing Cosmology with 92 Localized Fast Radio Bursts and DESI BAO: Yi-Ying Wang, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan16, 15 pages: Research: On cosmology with fast radio bursts (FRBs). The Λ-CDM model is disfavored again. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Weak Gravitational Lensing: J. Prat, D. Bacon, arXiv, 2025, Jan14, 25 pages: Review: On weak gravitational lensing in cosmology. See also primordial fluctuations (especially Wikipedia: Primordial fluctuations: Formalism) and matter power spectrum P(k). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Cosmic quenching and scaling laws for the evolution of supermassive black holes and host galaxies: Zhijie Jay Xu arXiv, 2025, Jan06, 34 pages: Research On galaxy quenching and coevolution of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Forty years of the Ellis-Baldwin test: Nathan Secrest, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan11, 5 pages: Review: On the Ellis-Baldwin test of the cosmological principle. Conclusion, the cosmological principle seems in doubt. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. On Legacy of Starobinsky Inflation: Sergei V. Ketov arXiv, 2025, Jan11, 20 pages: Review: On inflation, Starobinsky inflation, and Alexei Starobinsky (1948--2023). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The Spectre of Underdetermination in Modern Cosmology: Pedro G. Ferreira, William J. Wolf, James Read, arXiv, 2025, Jan10, 13 pages: Research: On science philosophy and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. The Catalogue of Virtual Early-Type Galaxies from IllustrisTNG: Validation and Real Observation Consistency: Pedro de Araujo Ferreira, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan09, 28 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution from Illustris TNG project computer simulations compared to observations. The fits are bad, but how do other simulations compare? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Milky Way dynamics in light of Gaia: Jason A. S. Hunt, Eugene Vasiliev arXiv, 2025, Jan06, 74 pages: Review: On the Milky Way in light of Gaia spacecraft (mission 2013--2025?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. No evidence (yet) for increased star-formation efficiency at early times: C. T. Donnan, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan06, 15 pages: Research: On the star formation and galaxy formation and evolution in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. An accurate and simple, asymptotically matched deprojection of the Sersic law: L. Ciotti, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan06, 15 pages: Research: On the the Sersic profile. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. The puzzle of isolated and quenched dwarf galaxies in cosmic voids: Bahar Bidaran, et al. arXiv, 2025, Jan06, 9 pages: Research On galaxy quenching in cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. The quest for a stable disk: J A Sellwood (Steward Observatory), R G Carlberg (U Toronto), arXiv, 2025, Jan05, 10 pages: Research On galaxy formation and evolution and stable lenticular (SO or SB0) galaxies with a Mestel disk. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. The long road to the Green Valley: Tracing the evolution of the Green Valley galaxies in the EAGLE simulation: Apashanka Das, Biswajit Pandey arXiv, 2025, Jan05, 27 pages: Research On galaxy quenching based on the Eagle project. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  4. 2024

    1. 2024 December
      1. Rh=ct universe.
      2. Cosmic chronometers, Pantheon+ supernovae, and quasars favor coasting cosmologies over the flat Λ-CDM model: Peter Raffai, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec20, 10 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model and the Rh=ct universe or similar coasting models. The coasting models are favored in this analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Deep Learning Based Recalibration of SDSS and DESI BAO Alleviates Hubble and Clustering Tensions: Rahul Shah, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec19, 5 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model using data from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, 2000--) and DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--). Λ-CDM model fits the data well. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Understanding acoustic scale observations: the one-sided fight against Λ: Antony Lewis, Ewan Chamberlain arXiv, 2024, Dec18, 10 pages: Research: On cosmological models with Λ-CDM model and cosmological constant Λ still winning. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Gravitational wave astronomy and the expansion history of the Universe: Massimo Giovannini, arXiv, 2024, Dec18, 91 pages: Review: On the very early universe (cosmic time t <∼ 10**(-12) s), early universe (cosmic time (10**(-12) s -- 377700(3200) y), gravitational waves, and more. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. * | Newest measurements of Hubble constant from DESI 2024 BAO observations: Wuzheng Guo, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec17, 7 pages: Research: On DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) data plus SNe Ia data (unanchored). They get Hubble constant H0=68.4(1.0) (km/s)/Mpc): The Hubble tension again: "Our assessments of this fundamental cosmological quantity using the BAO data spanning the redshift range z=0.51−2.33 agree very well with Planck's results and TRGB results within 1σ." But maybe the solution is the local cosmic voids: see Masurenko et al. 2024dec16 below. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Milky Way Disk: Daisuke Kawata, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec16, 22 pages: Review: On the Milky Way and the Milky Way disk. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. The redshift dependence of the inferred H0 in a local void solution to the Hubble tension: Sergij Mazurenko, Indranil Banik, Pavel Kroupa, arXiv, 2024, Dec16, 11 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension solved by a local cosmic voids. Have to go to z≅1 to approach H0=67. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Euclid: Field-level inference of primordial non-Gaussianity and cosmic initial conditions: A. Andrews, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec16, 31 pages: Research On the chances for detecting primordial non-Gaussianity with Euclid spacecraft (2023--2029?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Cosmic Stillness: High Quiescent Galaxy Fractions Across Upper Mass Scales in the Early Universe to z = 7 with JWST: Tobias A. Russell, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec16, 24 pages: Research On galaxy quenching back to z=7 with sort of congruence with golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Direct Images of the Cosmic Web of Intergalactic and Circumgalactic Gas in the Distant Universe: Kenneth M. Lanzetta, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec13, 35 pages: Research On galaxy formation and evolution, intergalactic medium (IGM), and the cosmic web (features: filaments, nodes, voids, walls). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Formation of a low-mass galaxy from star clusters in a 600-million-year-old Universe: Lamiya Mowla, et al. Nature (journal) 2024, Dec11, 20 pages: Research On galaxy formation and evolution for nearly super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t ⪅ 0.5 Gyr). See also popular intro article The JWST has captured images of the Firefly Sparkle — a galaxy that resembles an early Milky Way, Brian Welch, Nature, Dec11. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. BBN-simple: How to Bake a Universe-Sized Cake: Aidan Meador-Woodruff, Dragan Huterer arXiv, 2024, Dec10, 16 pages: Review: On Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and how grad students themselves could to the computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Multiprobe Cosmology from the Abundance of SPT Clusters and DES Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing: S. Bocquet, et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec10, 17 pages: Research: On cosmological models with Λ-CDM model fitting within 2σ it seems. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The Status of Neutrino Cosmology: Standard Λ-CDM, Extensions, and Tensions arXiv, 2024, Dec06, 20 pages: Research: On neutrino cosmology and the cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters and Implications for the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess Aurelio Amerio, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden arXiv, 2024, Dec06, 23 pages: Research: On Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE) and they do NOT favor points sources of millisecond pulsars over self-annihilating dark matter or other dark matter sources. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. On the signature of black holes on the quenched stellar mass function: Antonio J. Porras-Valverde, John C. Forbes et al. arXiv, 2024, Dec05, 13 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs), galaxy quenching and, without the name, the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Antimatter: Beatriz Gato-Rivera arXiv, 2024, Dec05, 14 pages: Review: On antimatter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from galaxy surveys: Paula S. Ferreira, Ribamar R. R. Reis, arXiv, 2024, Dec05, 20 pages: Review: On baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background: M. Rahimi, C. L. Reichardt, arXiv, 2024, Dec05, 12 pages: Review: On polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB, T = 2.72548(57) K (Fixsen 2009)). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Measuring the expansion history of the Universe with cosmic chronometers: Michele Moresco arXiv, 2024, Dec02, 20 pages: Review: On cosmic chronometers. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Outliers in DESI BAO: robustness and cosmological implications: Domenico Sapone, Savvas Nesseris arXiv, 2024, Dec02, 6 pages: Research: On DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) data. If outliers are neglected, the data confirms Λ-CDM model: "These results raise the intriguing question of whether the identified outliers signal the presence of systematics or point towards new physics." / keywords_cosmology.html.

    2. 2024 November
      1. Cosmology with Peculiar Velocity Surveys: Ryan J. Turner arXiv, 2024, Nov29, 29 pages: Review: On peculiar velocities in the local observable universe. No mention of MOND. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. A Global Census of Metals in the Universe: Saloni Deepak, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov29, 29 pages: Research: On metallicity in the observable universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with DESI 2024 LRG and QSO samples: E. Chaussidon, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov26, 74 pages: Research: On data from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) and non-gaussianity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Modified recombination and the Hubble tension: Seyed Hamidreza Mirpoorian, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov25, 10 pages: Research: On the recombination era, z=1089.90(23), t=377,700(3200) years) and the Hubble tension (direct value ≅ 73(1) (km/s)/Mpc; Λ-CDM fit value ≅ 67.5(10) (km/s)/Mpc): "Our main result is that models of modified recombination can reduce the Hubble tension to below 2σ while improving the fit to the current CMB and BAO data and reducing the S8 tension." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. A Reassessment of Hemispherical Power Asymmetry in CMB Temperature Data from Planck PR4 using LVE method: Sanjeev Sanyal, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov24, 30 pages: Research: On the cosmological principle: "We conclude that the hemispherical power asymmetry still remains as a challenge to the standard model." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. A 5.7σ detection confirming the existence of a possibly dark matter related CMB foreground in nearby cosmic filaments: Frode K. Hansen, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov22, 11 pages: Research: On the cosmic microwave background (CMB) T = 2.7260(13) K and dark matter. But why are only spiral galaxies involved? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. A Glimpse of the New Redshift Frontier Through Abell S1063: Vasily Kokorev, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov20, 15 pages: Research: On record candidate super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t ⪅ 0.5 Gyr): "We report the discovery of five galaxy candidates at redshifts between 15.9JWST (2021--2041?) observations from the GLIMPSE survey. See also the popular article Robert Lee, 2024 Nov25, "James Webb Space Telescope 'pushed to its limits' to see most distant galaxies ever", / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Quenching of Galaxies at Cosmic Noon: Understanding the Effect of Environment: Akriti Singh, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov19, 22 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching at cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr), and, without the name, the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. DESI 2024 VII: Cosmological Constraints from the Full-Shape Modeling of Clustering Measurements: DESI Collaboration: A. G. Adame, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov18, 55 pages: Research: On cosmological parameter results from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--). Conclusion is indefinite on cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Exploring the Nature of Little Red Dots: Constraints on AGN and Stellar Contributions from PRIMER MIRI Imaging: Gene C. K. Leung, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov18, 22 pages: Research: On little red dots (LRDs): "Our findings highlight the extreme conditions required for both AGN or galaxy dominated scenarios in LRDs, supporting a mixed contribution to the red continuum, or novel scenarios to explain the observed emission." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. BAO vs. SN evidence for evolving dark energy: Alessio Notari, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov18, 20 pages: Research: On using baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) and SNe Ia to find the sources of tensions: "We critically review the evidence for time-varying dark energy from recent Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and Supernova (SN) observations." Conclusion is indefinite. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Broad-line, Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus at z=7.3 Anchoring a Large Galaxy Overdensity: Jan-Torge Schindler, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov18, 32 pages: Research: On little red dots (LRDs): "Our results, taken at face value, motivate a picture in which LRDs are the obscured counterparts of UV-luminous quasars." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. The Effect of Galaxy Interactions on Starbursts in Milky Way-Mass Galaxies in FIRE Simulations: Fei Li, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov15, 29 pages: Research: On galaxy merger and starburst galaxies: " Our analysis shows that some, but not all, major interactions cause starbursts in the simulated Milky Way-mass galaxies, and that most starbursts are not caused by galaxy interactions. The transition from `bursty' at high redshift (z ⪆ 1) to `steady' star-formation state at later times is independent of the interaction history of the galaxies, and most of the interactions do not leave significant imprints on the overall trend of the star formation history of the galaxies." This is a bit surprising. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Carl Wirtz' article from 1924 in Astronomische Nachrichten on the radial motions of spiral nebulae: Tom Richtler, arXiv, 2024, Nov14, 9 pages: Research: On Carl Wirtz (1876--1939), another precursors Hubble's law. Also a discussion of MOND. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Diverse pathways for supermassive black hole-galaxy coevolution: Bryan A. Terrazas, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov13, 24 pages: Research: On the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their coevolution with galaxies. Also, therefore, the M-σ relation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. A dark energy parameterization independent constraint of the spatial curvature Î_k: Zhennan Li, Pengjie Zhang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov13, 11 pages: Research: On cosmic curvature and dark energy: "Our result verifies the flatness of the universe free of dark energy modeling," within the limits of their data and errors. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. *| Assessing the growth of structure over cosmic time with CMB lensing: Mathew S. Madhavacheril, arXiv, 2024, Nov12, 35 pages: Review: On structure formation and CMB lensing over cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Cosmology with HI: Hamsa Padmanabhan arXiv, 2024, Nov12, 16 pages: Review: On neutral atomic hydrogen gas (H I) and the Lyman-alpha line and the hydrogen 21-centimeter line in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html. li>Unveiling the Dark Side of UV/Optical Bright Galaxies: Optically Thick Dust Absorption: Yingjie Cheng, et al., arXiv, 2024, Nov12, 17 pages: Research: On cosmic dust through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. The EDGES measurement disfavors an excess radio background during the cosmic dawn: Junsong Cang, et al., arXiv, 2024, Nov12, 17 pages: Research: On EDGES Collaboration result (see also Wikipedia: EDGES), the hydrogen 21-centimeter line, and reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). They find "Interestingly, the presence of a cosmic 21cm signal with a non-standard depth is decisively disfavored. This is contrary to previous EDGES analysis in the context of extra radio background models." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Some Times in Standard Cosmology: Lukas Tobias Hergt, Douglas Scott, arXiv, 2024, Nov12, 11 pages: Research: On important cosmic time points in the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Measures of luminous and dark matter in galaxies across time: Jonathan Freundlich, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov12, 12 pages: Review: On dark matter and luminous matter over cosmic time. Just a conference summary. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. The impact of the cosmological constant on past and future star formation: Daniele Sorini, John A. Peacock, Lucas Lombriser arXiv, 2024, Nov11, 26 pages: Research: On cosmological constant Λ in the Λ-CDM model with Λ varying and discussion on the anthropic principle. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. A novel approach to understanding the link between supermassive black holes and host galaxies: Gabriel Sasseville, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov11, 14 pages: Research: On the M-σ relation. They find log slope 5.8 rather than 5. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. * | A Primer on Dark Matter: Csaba Balazs, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov07, 15 pages: Review: On dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Dark energy reconstructions combining BAO data with galaxy clusters and intermediate redshift catalogs: Orlando Luongo, Marco Muccino, arXiv, 2024, Nov07, 11 pages: Research: On dark energy, the Λ-CDM model, and other cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Confirming the Evolution of the Dust Mass Function in Galaxies over the past 5 Billion Years: R A Beeston, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov07, 21 pages: Research: On cosmic dust and galaxy formation and evolution from about cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr) on. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. The Host Galaxy (If Any) of the Little Red Dots (LRDs) Chang-Hao Chen, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov07, 29 pages: Research: On little red dots (LRDs) and the galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. J1721+8842: The first Einstein zig-zag lens: F. Dux, arXiv, 2024, Nov06, 6 pages: Research: On a compound gravitational lens and its use in cosmology. See also the popular article Daniel Clery, 2024, Science, First known double gravitational lens could shed light on universe's expansion. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. * | Future directions in cosmology: N. Palanque-Delabrouille, arXiv, 2024, Nov06, 14 pages: Review: On cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Little Red Dots at an Inflection Point: Ubiquitous "V-Shaped" Turnover Consistently Occurs at the Balmer Limit: David J. Setton, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov05, 16 pages: Research: On little red dots (LRDs) and the Balmer jump (AKA Balmer break, Balmer limit). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. The empirical laws of galaxy dynamics: from gas kinematics to weak lensing: Federico Lelli, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov04, 6 pages: Research/Review: On galaxy formation and evolution and MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      32. Morphologies of galaxies within voids: M. Argudo-Fernández, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov04, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution in cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      33. In-situ formation of star clusters at z > 7 via galactic disk fragmentation; shedding light on ultra-compact clusters and overmassive black holes seen by JWST: Lucio Mayer, et al. arXiv, 2024, Nov01, 9 pages: Research: On star formation and maybe original globular clusters in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      34. Can dark energy explain a high growth index?: Icaro B. S. Cortes, Ronaldo C. Batista arXiv, 2024, Nov01, 10 pages: Research: On dark energy, the Λ-CDM model, and other cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    3. 2024 October
      1. Cosmology with Fast Radio Bursts: Marcin Glowacki, Khee-Gan Lee, arXiv, 2024, Oct03, 22 pages: Review: On fast radio bursts (FRBs) and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. CEERS: Forging the First Dust -- Transition from Stellar to ISM Grain Growth in the Early Universe: Denis Burgarella, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct31, 40 pages: Research: On cosmic dust from the later part of the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) and a bit later. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Exploring the evolution of red and blue galaxies in different cosmic web environments using IllustrisTNG simulation: Biswajit Pandey, Anindita Nandi arXiv, 2024, Oct31, 27 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching and, without the name, the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Cosmology and Astrophysics with the Diffuse eRASS1 X-ray Angular Power Spectrum: Erwin T. Lau, et al., arXiv, 2024, Oct29, 6 pages: Research: On S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension). They are consistent within 1 σ with Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. * | On the Ubiquity of Extreme Baryon Concentrations in the Early Universe: Alvio Renzini, arXiv, 2024, Oct29, 5 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution from the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). Suggests low vorticity and no core-collapse supernovae for M ⪅ 20 M_☉ (they just collapse to black holes) are cause of globular clusters and other dense regions of stars in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) and and other times. See supporting evidence in Wang et al 2024, "From larger-scale cold-gas angular-momentum environment to galaxy star-formation activeness", 16 pages. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Blue Monsters at z>10. Where has all their dust gone?: A. Ferrara, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct24, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution from the early reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. A dynamics-based density profile for dark haloes -- III. Parameter space: Benedikt Diemer arXiv, 2024, Oct22, 18 pages: Research: On dark matter density profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Galaxy Size and Mass Build-up in the First 2 Gyrs of Cosmic History from Multi-Wavelength JWST NIRCam Imaging: Natalie Allen, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct21, 14 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution from late reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) to close to cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Rapid Dust Formation in the Early Universe: Danial Langeroodi, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct18, 29 pages: Research: On cosmic dust reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]), and a bit later. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Methods for CMB map analysis: Raelyn Marguerite Sullivan, Lukas Tobias Hergt, Douglas Scott, arXiv, 2024, Oct16, 13 pages: Review: On cosmic microwave background (CMB) analysis technique. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. * | Dark Energy: Sergio Luigi Cacciatori, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct14, 35 pages: Review: On dark energy and the cosmological constant Λ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. * | Changing Redshifts caused by a Changing Expansion Velocity of the Universe: Nico Roos, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct11, 12 pages: Review: On Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. In-Situ Spheroid Formation in Distant Submillimeter-Bright Galaxies: Qing-Hua Tan, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct11, 25 pages: Research: On elliptical galaxy and galactic bulges. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. A New Statistical Analysis of the Morphology of Spiral Galaxies: Junye Wei, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct10, 15 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The initial mass function of stars: Pavel Kroupa, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct09, 36 pages: Review: On initial mass function (IMF). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. DUNE: Dust depletion UNified method across cosmic time and Environments: Christina Konstantopoulou, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct08, 14 pages: Research: On cosmic dust across cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Star formation in cosmic-dawn galaxies: Sandro Tacchella et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct05, 10 pages: Research: On the star formation and galaxy formation and evolution in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. The Stellar Initial Mass Function of Early Dark Matter-free Gas Objects: William Lake, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct03, 10 pages: Research: On the origin of early globular clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. The effect of local and large scale environment on the star formation histories of galaxies: G. Torres-Ríos, et al. arXiv, 2024, Oct01, 7 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution and star formation. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    4. 2024 September
      1. Reconstructing the Assembly of Massive Galaxies. III: Quiescent Galaxies Loose Angular Momentum as They Evolve in a Mass-dependent Fashion: Zhiyuan Ji, Mauro Giavalisco, arXiv, 2024, Sep30, 12 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Shining a Light on the Connections between Galactic Outflows Seen in Absorption and Emission Lines: Xinfeng Xu, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep29, 30 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Identification of Basins of Attraction in the Local Universe: Aurelien Valade, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep25, 17 pages: Research: On local large-scale structure of the universe and the Laniakea Supercluster. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. A gas rich cosmic web revealed by partitioning the missing baryons: Liam Connor, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep25, 71 pages: Research: On the cosmic web and the missing baryon problem (AKA missing mass problem). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The emergence of galactic thin and thick discs across cosmic history: Takafumi Tsukui, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep24, 18 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Investigating Ultra-Large Large-Scale Structures: Potential Implications for Cosmology: Alexia M. Lopez, Roger G. Clowes, Gerard M. Williger arXiv, 2024, Sep23, 14 pages: Review: On the large-scale structure of the universe and the cosmological principle (fiducial scale 370 Mpc: see observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. The Hubble Tension in our own Backyard: DESI and the Nearness of the Coma Cluster: Daniel Scolnic,Adam G. Riess, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep22, 14 pages: Research: On Hubble tension and the Coma Cluster. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Statistical properties and cosmological applications of fast radio bursts: Qin Wu, Fa-Yin Wang arXiv, 2024, Sep20, 29 pages: Review: On fast radio bursts (FRBs) and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Updated cosmological constraints in extended parameter space with Planck PR4, DESI BAO, and SN: dynamical dark energy, neutrino masses, lensing anomaly, and the Hubble tension: Shouvik Roy Choudhury, Teppei Okumura, arXiv, 2024, Sep19, 17 pages: Research: On cosmology, huge data sets, and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Gravity or turbulence? VII. The Schmidt-Kennicutt law, the star formation efficiency, and the mass density of clusters from gravitational collapse rather than turbulent support: Manuel Zamora-Aviles, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep17, 13 pages: Research: On Kennicutt-Schmidt law and star formation efficiency. Note the old result star formation efficiency ∼ 2--3 % in giant molecular clouds. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The ALMA-CRISTAL Survey: Spatially-resolved Star Formation Activity and Dust Content in 4 < z < 6 Star-forming Galaxies: Juno Li, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep17, 30 pages: Research: On SEDs for late-type galaxies (LTGs, AKA star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at and before cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. The Three Hundred: The existence of massive dark matter-deficient satellite galaxies in cosmological simulations: Ana Contreras-Santos, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep16, 16 pages: Research: On dark matter and galaxy evolution in galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. The effect of cosmic web filaments on galaxy evolution: Callum J. O'Kane, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep13, 19 pages: Research: On the effect of galaxy filaments galaxy evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. JWST Reveals Bulge-Dominated Star-forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon: Chloe E. Benton,, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep12, 9 pages: Research: On galaxy evolution at cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. JWST reveals a surfeit of ultraviolet light from the first stars and giant black holes clues to the universe’s reionization: Daniel Clery, Science (journal) 2024, Sep10, 1 page: Popular: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) and JWST (2021--2041?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. No evidence for a significant evolution of M-σ relation up to z∼4: Yang Sun, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep10, 21 pages: Research: On the M-σ relation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Physical Processes Behind the Co-Evolution of Halos, Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes in the IllustrisTNG Simulation: Hao Li, Yangyao Cheng, Huiyuan Wang, Houjun Mo, arXiv, 2024, Sep10, 28 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution based on the Illustris TNG project computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. * | Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Ryan Cooke arXiv, 2024, Sep06, 27 pages: Review: On Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Primordial Black Holes in the Solar System: Valentin Thoss, Andreas Burkert arXiv, 2024, Sep06, 11 pages: Research: On primordial black holes (PBHs) and dark matter. See also Comment on "Excluding Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter Based on Solar System Ephemeris: refutes the paper Avi's paper. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Little Red Dots from Low-Spin Galaxies at High Redshifts: Fabio Pacucci, The Conversation, 2024, Sep06, 1 pages: Popular: On little red dot galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Void Number Counts as a Cosmological Probe for the Large-Scale Structure: Yingxiao Song, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep05, 8 pages: Research: On cosmic voids: "It indicates that the Void number counts (VNC) can be an effective cosmological probe for exploring the large-scale structure (LSS)." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Enhanced AGN Activity in Overdense Galactic Environments at 2: Ekta A. Shah, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep05, 15 pages: Research: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. How empty are the voids?: Anton N. Baushev, arXiv, 2024, Sep04, 9 pages: Research: On cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. The impact of baryons on the internal structure of dark matter haloes from dwarf galaxies to superclusters in the redshift range 0: Daniele Sorini, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep03, 23 pages: Research: On dark matter halos with baryons using Illustris TNG project computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Cosmology using numerical relativity: Josu C. Aurrekoetxea, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep03, 61 pages: Review: On general relativity and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Scaling Relations in the Phase-Space Structure of Dark Matter Haloes: Axel Gross, et al. arXiv, 2024, Sep03, 9 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the Navarro-Frenk-White profile (NFW profile). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    5. 2024 August
      1. Dark matter halo properties from spatially integrated HI flux profiles: Tariq Yasin, Harry Desmond arXiv, 2024, Aug29, 13 pages: Research: On hydrogen 21-centimeter line, galaxy rotation curves, and dark matter density profiles, from Bayesian analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Impact of cosmic web on galaxy properties and their correlations: Insights from Principal Component Analysis: Anindita Nandi, Biswajit Pandey arXiv, 2024, Aug29, 22 pages: Research: On analyzing galaxies and the cosmic web using principal component analysis (PCA). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Six Maxims of Statistical Acumen for Astronomical Data Analysis: Hyungsuk Tak, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug29, 17 pages: Research: On data analysis with some cosmology including the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Bayesian functional data analysis in astronomy: Thomas J. Loredo, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug26, 9 pages: Research: On Bayesian analysis and functional data analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey -- Fundamental Plane: Khaled Said, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug25, 18 pages: Research: On Data from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) on the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies gives H0=76.05Â(600,) and so agrees with Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Gravity or turbulence? VI. The physics behind the Kennicutt-Schmidt relations: Javier Ballesteros-Paredes, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug24, 17 pages: Research: On the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. * | Evidence of Dark Energy Prior to its Discovery: Geoffrey W. Marcy arXiv, 2024, Aug24, 23 pages: Research/Review: On the history of dark energy (Λ). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. On the Origin of Quenched but Gas-rich Regions at Kiloparsec Scales in Nearby Galaxies: Tao Jing, Cheng Li arXiv, 2024, Aug22, 33 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Do we need wavelets in the late Universe?: Luis A. Escamilla, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug22, 22 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model data from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--): "We conclude that while the early universe and the constraints on the matter density and the Hubble constant remain unchanged, wavelets are favored in the late universe by the BAO data. Specifically, there is a significant improvement at more than 3σ in the fit when new DESI-BAO data are included in the analysis." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. JWST Validates HST Distance Measurements: Selection of Supernova Subsample Explains Differences in JWST Estimates of Local H0: Adam G. Riess, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug21, 24 pages: Research: On J-Branch Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) stars, tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars, Cepheids, SNe Ia, the Hubble constant H_0 = [(70 km/s)/Mpc]*h_70, h_70 = H_0/[(70 km/s)/Mpc], and the Hubble tension. They get about 72--73(2). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Hubble Tension or Distance Ladder Crisis?: Leandros Perivolaropoulos arXiv, 2024, Aug20, 40 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension, cosmic distance ladder, and Cepheids: "This discrepancy points to either a systematic effect influencing all distance ladder measurements or a fundamental physics anomaly affecting at least one rung of the distance ladder." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. High-redshift Cosmology by Gamma-Ray Bursts: an overview: Giada Bargiacchi, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug20, 81 pages: Review: On gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Λ-CDM model against cosmography: A possible deviation after DESI 2024: Saeed Pourojaghi, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug20, 12 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model, cosmography, DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--): "These results suggest that the standard model cannot simultaneously align with both high-redshift Planck CMB observations and local Cepheid measurements." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Excluding Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter Based on Solar System Ephemeris: Abraham Loeb, arXiv, 2024, Aug20, 4 pages: Research: On primordial black holes (PBHs) and dark matter. Comment on "Excluding Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter Based on Solar System Ephemeris: refutes the paper. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Extreme Metallicity Dwarf Galaxies in IllustrisTNG: Timothy Carleton, Jacqueline Monkiewicz arXiv, 2024, Aug16, 16 pages: Research: On extremely metal-deficient dwarf galaxies (XMDs) and Illustris TNG project. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Anisotropic universe with anisotropic dark energy: Anshul Verma, Pavan K. Aluri, David F. Mota arXiv, 2024, Aug16, 12 pages: Research: On cosmic anisotropy: "Overall, Λ-CDM model remains the most probable model based on the Akaike Information Criterion." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Profile Likelihoods in Cosmology: When, Why and How illustrated with Λ-CDM, Massive Neutrinos and Dark Energy: Laura Herold, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug14, 25 pages: Review: On likelihood functions in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. * | Evolving Dark Energy or Supernovae Systematics?: George Efstathiou arXiv, 2024, Aug13, 6 pages: Research: On dynamical dark energy and SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Quantifying Bursty Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Yuan-Sen Ting, Alexander P. Ji, arXiv, 2024, Aug13, 16 pages: Research: On dwarf galaxies, starburst galaxies, and SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Status Report on the Chicago-Carnegie Hubble Program (CCHP): Three Independent Astrophysical Determinations of the Hubble Constant: Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug12, 61 pages: Research: On J-Branch Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) stars, tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars, Cepheids, SNe Ia, the Hubble constant H_0 = [(70 km/s)/Mpc]*h_70, h_70 = H_0/[(70 km/s)/Mpc], and the Hubble tension. They get jagb 67.96(3.7) trgb 69.85(3.2), cepheid 72.05(5.0): "These numbers are consistent with the current standard Λ-CDM model, without the need for the inclusion of additional new physics." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Differences in the Physical Properties of Satellite Galaxies within Relaxed and Disturbed Galaxy Groups and Clusters: F. Aldas, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug09, 16 pages: Research: On satellite galaxies in galaxy clusters and galaxy groups based on the Illustris TNG project. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. The MAGPI Survey: Evidence Against the Bulge-Halo Conspiracy: C. Derkenne, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug09, 21 pages: Research: On dark matter halos, dark matter density profiles, and galactic bulges. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Reconciling Early and Late Time Tensions with Reinforcement Learning: Mohit K. Sharma, M. Sami, arXiv, 2024, Aug08, 17 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model, other models, and cosmography: "Our results demonstrate a tendency to weaken both early and late time tensions in a completely model-independent manner." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Consistency tests between SDSS and DESI BAO measurements: Basundhara Ghosh, Carlos Bengaly, arXiv, 2024, Aug08, 17 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model, other models, and data from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, 2000--): "SDSS are significantly inconsistent with those obtained from DESI, and that both are only marginally consistent with the &Lambda-CDM model (∼3σ confidence level). Interestingly, the combined SDSS and DESI dataset reconciles with the standard model." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. The Chicago-Carnegie Hubble Program: The JWST J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) Extragalactic Distance Scale: Abigail J. Lee, Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug06, 24 pages: Research: On J-Branch Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) stars, the Hubble constant H_0 = [(70 km/s)/Mpc]*h_70, h_70 = H_0/[(70 km/s)/Mpc], and the Hubble tension. They get H0 = 67.96 +/- 1.85 (stat) km/s/Mpc, but "The zero-point of this JAGB distance scale is set in the water mega-maser galaxy NGC 4258." and so only one overall calibrator. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Cosmological constraints from calibrated Ep−Eiso gamma-ray burst correlation by using DESI 2024 data release: Anna Chiara Alfano, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug05, 15 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model, other models, and data from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--): "Further, we adopt model selection criteria to check the statistically preferred cosmological model finding a preference towards the concordance paradigm only when (corrected) the spatial curvature is zero." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Physical time for the beginning universe: Christof Wetterich arXiv, 2024, Aug02, 6 pages: Research: On general relativity, time, cosmic time, and conformal time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Calibrating the Absolute Magnitude of Type Ia Supernovae in Nearby Galaxies using [OII] and Implications for H0: M. Dixon,, et al. arXiv, 2024, Aug02, 35 pages: Research: On Hubble tension and SNe Ia. The Hubble tension is NOT reduced. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    6. 2024 July
      1. Apocalypse When? No Certainty of a Milky Way -- Andromeda Collision: Till Sawala, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul31, 35 pages: Research: On the Andromeda-Milky Way collision. The Andromeda-Milky Way collision may NOT happen until much later than 4 Gyr in the future: maybe not until more than 10 Gyr in the future (Sawala et al. 2024). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. First measurement of the triaxiality of the inner dark matter halo of the Milky Way: Hanneke C. Woudenberg, Amina Helmi, arXiv, 2024, Jul31, 28 pages: Research: On the Milky Way and its dark matter halo. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Ram-pressure stripped radio tails detected in the dynamically active environment of the Shapley Supercluster: P. Merluzzi, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul31, 18 pages: Research: On galaxy ram pressure stripping in the Shapley Supercluster. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. DESI Massive Post-Starburst Galaxies at z∼1.2 have compact structures and dense cores: Yunchong Zhang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul31, 22 pages: Research: On starburst galaxies becoming quenched galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Galaxies and Their Environment at z⪆10 -- I: Primordial Chemical Enrichment, Accretion, Cooling, and Virialization of Gas in Dark Matter Halos: William M. Hicks, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul29, 36 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Model-independent Test of the Cosmic Anisotropy with Inverse Distance Ladder: Zong-Fan Yang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul25, 8 pages: Research: On the inverse distance ladder, cosmic anisotropy, and the cosmological principle. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Type Ia Supernovae From The First Generation Stars: Zhenwei Li, Lifan Wang, Zhanwen Han, Xuefei Chen, arXiv, 2024, Jul28, 19 pages: Research: On SNe Ia from Population III stars. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Cosmological implications of the Gaia Milky Way declining rotation curve: Even Coquery, Alain Blanchard arXiv, 2024, Jul26, 6 pages: Research: On dark matter, dark matter halos, Milky Way rotation and galaxy rotation curves. Does this paper disprove MOND and force a revision of structure formation? Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The supermassive black hole merger driven evolution of high-redshift red nuggets into present-day cored early-type galaxies: Antti Rantala, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul25, 26 pages: Research: On computer simulations show supermassive black hole mergers help transform red nugget galaxies into early-type galaxies (ETGs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. On the implications of the `cosmic calibration tension' beyond H0 and the synergy between early- and late-time new physics: Vivian Poulin, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul25, 18 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension and other cosmic tensions. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Neutrino cosmology after DESI: tightest mass upper limits, preference for the normal ordering, and tension with terrestrial observations: Jun-Qian Jiang, et al. 2024, Jul18, 17 pages: Research: On the neutrino mass, astrophysical neutrinos, and cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Merger Shocks Enhance Quenching in Local Galaxy Clusters: Ian D. Roberts 2024, Jul24, 6 pages: Research: On galactic ram pressure stripping in galaxy mergers in galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Massive Quiescent Disk Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1 in CANDELS: Color Gradients and Likely Origin: Qifan Cui, et al. 2024, Jul24, 18 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in disk galaxies: another quenching mechanism: "massive quiescent disk-dominated galaxies are predominantly formed via a process of secular disk fading." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Model-agnostic assessment of dark energy after DESI DR1 BAO: Bikash R. Dinda, Roy Maartens 2024, Jul24, 35 pages: Research: On how DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) SNe Ia measurements point to dynamical dark energy NOT: "We find a similar conclusion: the deviations from the Λ-CDM value (fDE = 1) are not very significant. There is still a lot of controversy on this. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Robust Preference for Dynamical Dark Energy in DESI BAO and SN Measurements: William Giare, et al. 2024, Jul23, 20 pages: Research: On how DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) SNe Ia measurements point to dynamical dark energy. There is still a lot of controversy on this. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Unveiling In-Situ Spheroid Formation in Distant, Submillimeter-Bright Galaxies: Qing-Hua Tan, et al. 2024, Jul23, 25 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Cosmic Web Dynamics: Forces and Strains: Roi Kugel, Rien van de Weygaert, 2024, Jul23, 33 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure of the universe and the cosmic web (features: filaments, nodes, voids, walls). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Cosmological measurement of the gravitational constant G using the CMB: Brahim Lamine, et al. 2024, Jul22, 8 pages: Research: On gravitational constant G = 6.67430(15)*10**(-11) (MKS units) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) (CMB mean temperature T = 2.72548(57) K (Fixsen 2009)). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Black hole event horizons are cosmologically coupled: Valerio Faraoni, Massimiliano Rinaldi 2024, Jul17, 17 pages: Research: On cosmically coupled black holes. See the original paper Farrah et al. 2023. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Living at the Edge: A Critical Look at the Cosmological Neutrino Mass Bound: Daniel Naredo-Tuero, et al. 2024, Jul18, 17 pages: Research: On the neutrino mass, astrophysical neutrinos, and cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Little Red Dots from Low-Spin Galaxies at High Redshifts: Abraham Loeb, arXiv, 2024, Jul18, 4 pages: Research: On little red dot galaxies at z > 7. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. How does dark matter stabilize disc galaxies?: K. Aditya arXiv, 2024, Jul17, 9 pages: Research: On disk galaxies and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. * | What halts the growth of galaxies?: Johannes Buchner, arXiv, 2024, Jul15, 5 pages: Research: On galaxies, star-forming galaxies, galaxy quenching, star formation, and active galaxy nuclei (AGNs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Accelerated by Dark Matter: a High-redshift Pathway to Efficient Galaxy-scale Star Formation: Michael Boylan-Kolchin, arXiv, 2024, Jul15, 9 pages: Research: On dark matter and star formation in super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Reevaluating the cosmological redshift: insights into inhomogeneities and irreversible processes: P. Tremblin, G. Chabrier arXiv, 2024, Jul15, 8 pages: Research: On cosmological constant Λ and dark energy: "Our approach shows that entropy production due to irreversible processes during the formation of structures plays the same role as an effective, time-dependent cosmological constant, i.e. dynamical dark energy, without the need to invoke new unknown physics." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Einasto profile as the halo model solution coupled to the depletion radius: Yifeng Zhou, Jiaxin Han, arXiv, 2024, Jul11, 15 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the Einasto profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Scattering transforms on the sphere, application to large scale structure modelling: Louise Mousset, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul11, 4 pages: Research: On scattering transforms in cosmology. New area. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. A local infall from a cosmographic analysis of Pantheon+: Francesco Sorrenti, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul09, 19 pages: Research: On local cosmography using SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Comments on the prior dependence of the DESI results: Vrund Patel, Luca Amendola arXiv, 2024, Jul09, 3 pages: Research: On DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) data, SNe Ia, Bayesian inference, and Λ-CDM model which is favored with broader prior range. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Cosmological constraints from the cross-correlation of DESI Luminous Red Galaxies with CMB lensing from Planck PR4 and ACT DR6: Noah Sailer, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul05, 60 pages: Research: On a massive data analysis that finds Λ-CDM model in consistent within ∼ 2σ. See also almost the same paper / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. cosmosage: A Natural-Language Assistant for Cosmologists: Tijmen de Haan, arXiv, 2024, Jul05, 9 pages: Research: On a virtual assistant for cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      32. Cosmology with voids: Benjamin C. Bromley, Margaret J. Geller arXiv, 2024, Jul04, 39 pages: Research: On cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      33. A universal scaling relation incorporating the cusp-to-core transition of dark matter haloes: Yuka Kaneda, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul04, 18 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      34. Shaping Galaxies from the Beginning: Shaking the Cusp by Non-power-law Primordial Spectra: M.V. Tkachev, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul03, 9 pages: Research: On dark matter halos, dark matter density profiles, Navarro-Frenk-White profile (NFW profile), and the matter power spectrum P(k). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      35. Elevated UV luminosity density at Cosmic Dawn explained by non-evolving, weakly-mass dependent star formation efficiency: Robert Feldmann et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul02, 26 pages: Research: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]), star formation, and star formation efficiency ∼ 2--3 % in modern giant molecular clouds. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      36. The interface of gravity and dark energy: Kristen Lackeos, Richard Lieu, arXiv, 2024, Jul01, 24 pages: Research: On dark matter halos, the turnaround radius), dark energy or the cosmological constant Λ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      37. Average Star Formation Parameters in the Local Volume of the Universe: et al. arXiv, 2024, Jul01, 12 pages: Research: On star formation in the very local observable universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    7. 2024 June
      1. Galaxy Zoo DESI: large-scale bars as a secular mechanism for triggering AGN: Izzy L. Garland, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun28, 11 pages: Research: On galaxy bars and active galaxy nuclei (AGNs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. * | Bayesian inference: More than Bayes's theorem: Thomas J. Loredo, Robert L. Wolpert, arXiv, 2024, Jun27, 35 pages: Review: On Bayesian analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Cosmic Reionization in the JWST Era: Back to AGNs?: Piero Madau, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun26, 13 pages: Research: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) and the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). The active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) may do all reionization. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Deriving the star formation histories of galaxies from spectra with simulation-based inference: Patricia Iglesias-Navarro, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun26, 20 pages: Research: On star formation histories and galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Playing with FIRE: A Galactic Feedback-Halting Experiment Challenges Star Formation Rate Theories: Shivan Khullar, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun26, 20 pages: Research: On star formation and galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. The shape of dark matter halos: a new fundamental cosmological invariance: Jean-Michel Alimi, Remy Koskas, arXiv, 2024, Jun22, 21 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. * | Early Galaxies and Early Dark Energy: A Unified Solution to the Hubble Tension and Puzzles of Massive Bright Galaxies revealed by JWST: Xuejian Shen, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun21, 13 pages: Research: On early dark energy (EDE) and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. A model-independent measurement of the expansion and growth rates from BOSS using the FreePower method: Adrian P. Schirra, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun21, 22 pages: Research: On cosmological models and the Λ-CDM model: "The low-z H/H0 result is at over 2σ tension with Planck 2018 Λ-CDM results." Will this hold up? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. * | CMB Spectral Distortions: A Multimessenger Probe of the Primordial Universe: Bryce Cyr, arXiv, 2024, Jun18, 8 pages: Review: On cosmic microwave background (CMB). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Exploring Galaxy Evolution Time-Scales in Clusters: Insights from the Projected Phase Space: V. M. Sampaio, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun18, 14 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. * | Challenges to the Lambda CDM Cosmology: George Efstathiou (1955--), arXiv, 2024, Jun17, 14 pages: Review: On the challenges to the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. * | The Nearly Universal Disk Galaxy Rotation Curve: Raj Patel et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun17, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy rotation curves and dark matter density profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Exploring the fate of primordial discs in Milky Way-sized galaxies with the GigaEris simulation: Floor van Donkelaar, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun17, 9 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Disk Assembly of the Milky Way Suggested from the Time-resolved Chemical Abundance: Enci Wang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun17, 11 pages: Research: On the Milky Way and cosmichemical evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. DESI and the Hubble tension in light of modified recombination: Gabriel P. Lynch, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun14, 10 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model, with modified recombination. It may save Λ-CDM model. Another paper with modified recombination of another kind is A.V. Shepelev 2024jul06, The need to refine the standard recombination theory and the Hubble tension problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. The ups and downs of inferred cosmological lithium: A.J. Korn, arXiv, 2024, Jun14, 5 pages: Research: On cosmological lithium problem. It may be solved by atomic diffusion of lithium in stars. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Indefinitely Flat Circular Velocities and the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation from Weak Lensing: Tobias Mistele, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun14, 14 pages: Research: On galaxy rotation curves: "The results imply circular velocity curves that remain flat for hundreds of kpc, greatly extending the classic result from 21 cm observations." A surprising result. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. The Cosmic Timeline Implied by the JWST Reionization Crisis: Fulvio Melia, arXiv, 2024, Jun12, 5 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr), and the Rh=ct universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. ODIN: Identifying Protoclusters and Cosmic Filaments Traced by Lyα-emitting Galaxis: Vandana Ramakrishnan, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun12, 26 pages: Research: On galaxy filaments and galaxy clusters: "We then compare our observations against the IllustrisTNG suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The two are in excellent agreement ..." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. AGN Feedback in Quiescent Galaxies at Cosmic Noon Traced by Ionized Gas Emission: Letizia Bugiani, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun12, 20 pages: Research: On AGN feedback and galaxy quenching / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Interpreting DESI 2024 BAO: late-time dynamical dark energy or a local effect?: Ioannis D. Gialamas, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun11, 9 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model and dynamical dark energy: "Therefore, either the fundamental properties of our Universe, characterised by the equation of state w and the Hubble parameter H, underwent dramatic changes very recently or, alternatively, we do not fully understand the systematics of our local Universe in a radius of about 300/h Mpc = 430 Mpc = 1.3 Gyr." and "Moreover, the effect pointing the dynamical DE to low redshifts is dominated by local supernovae --- the tension with the standard &Lambda-CDM model disappears if the low redshift supernovae are not included in the data." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. The History of Primordial Black Holes: Bernard J. Carr, Anne M. Green, arXiv, 2024, Jun09, 16 pages: Research: On history of the theory of primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. The Dark Energy Survey (DES) Supernova Program: Slow supernovae show cosmological time dilation out to z∼1: Ryan M. T. White, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun07, 14 pages: Research: On cosmological time dilation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. * | The Dark Energy Survey (DES) Supernova Program: An updated measurement of the Hubble constant using the Inverse Distance Ladder: R. Camilleri, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun07, 7 pages: Research: On the inverse distance ladder. They get H0 = 67.19(66) (km/s)/Mpc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. * | The Dark Energy Survey (DES) Supernova Program: Investigating Beyond-ΛCDM: R. Camilleri, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun07, 7 pages: Research: On beyond the Λ-CDM model. Some models modestly favored over Λ-CDM model, but they are not much favored among each other even though based on very different theories. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. How much do we know the halo mass function? Predictions beyond resolution: Weiguang Cui arXiv, 2024, Jun06, 10 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and their distribution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Spherinator and HiPSter: Representation Learning for Unbiased Knowledge Discovery from Simulations: Kai L. Polsterer, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun06, 4 pages: Research: On machine learning (ML) in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Local versus global environment: the suppression of star formation in the vicinity of galaxy clusters: K. de Vos, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun04, 8 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Uncorrelated estimations of H0 redshift evolution from DESI baryon acoustic oscillation observations: X. D. Jia, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun04, 7 pages: Research: On Hubble constant and Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Dark Matter: Marco Cirelli, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jun03, 510 pages: Review: On dark matter: the long read. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    8. 2024 May
      1. * | The First Billion Years, According to JWST: Angela Adamo, et al. arXiv, 2024, May31, 20 pages: Review: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) and before. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. * | Star formation across cosmic time: Jonathan Freundlich et al. arXiv, 2024, May31, 15 pages: Review: On star formation through cosmic time including cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr), / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. What makes a cosmic filament? The dynamical origin and identity of filaments I. fundamentals in 2D: Job Feldbrugge, Rien van de Weygaert et al. arXiv, 2024, May30, 26 pages: Research: On galaxy filaments. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. A two-phase model of galaxy formation: III. The formation of globular clusters: Yangyao Chen, Houjun Mo, Huiyuan Wang, arXiv, 2024, May29, 35 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and the formation of globular clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. A shining cosmic dawn: spectroscopic confirmation of two luminous galaxies at z ∼ 14: Stefano Carniani, et al. arXiv, 2024, May28, 26 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution at cosmic time ∼ 0.3 Gyr. See also the Nature (journal) version Carnian et al (2024). Luminous galaxies at ∼ 0.3 Gyr. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. From the Dawn of Neutrino Astronomy to A New View of the Extreme Universe: C. A. Argüelles, et al. arXiv, 2024, May27, 24 pages: Review: On neutrino astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. A model-independent treatment of cosmic ladder calibration and Ω_k measurement through low-z observatios: Arianna Favale, et al. arXiv, 2024, May27, 4 pages: Research: On the cosmic distance ladder and the curvature of space. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Status of the Λ-CDM theory: supporting evidence and anomalies: Jim Peebles, arXiv, 2024, May28, 10 pages: Review: On the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The Three Hundred project: Estimating the dependence of gas filaments on the mass of galaxy clusters: Sara Santoni, et al. arXiv, 2024, May27, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy clusters and galaxy filaments. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Bounding Dark Energy from the SPARC rotation curves: Data driven probe for galaxy virialization: David Benisty, et al. arXiv, 2024, May26, 8 pages: Research: On the effect of the cosmological constant Λ virial theorem for galaxies and virialization on on galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Galaxy Groups in the presence of Cosmological Constant: Re-Mapping the close-by galaxies: David Benisty, et al. arXiv, 2024, May23, 8 pages: Research: On the effect of the cosmological constant Λ on galaxy groups and clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Five parameters are all you need (in Λ-CDM): Paulo Montero-Camacho, et al. arXiv, 2024, May22, 9 pages: Research: On cosmological parameters and the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission: Euclid Collaboration, et al. arXiv, 2024, May22, 94 pages: Review: On Euclid spacecraft (2023--2029?) to accompany the first data release. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Computing the abundance of primordial black holes: Sam Young, arXiv, 2024, May22, 31 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Model independent calibration for sound horizon combining observations of supernovae and transversal BAO measurements: Tonghua Liu, et al. arXiv, 2024, May21, 6 pages: Research: On the baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) standard ruler scale: sound horizon rhs (relative standard ruler) r_s^h=105.63(1.33)/h ≅ 150/h_70 Mpc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. * | Dark Branches of Immortal Stars at the Galactic Center: Isabelle John, et al. arXiv, 2024, May20, 6 pages: Research: On dark matter (maybe self-annihilating dark matter) powering stars. Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html: dark sequence, dark main-sequence.
      17. Supermassive black holes are growing slowly by z∼5: Samuel Lai, et al. arXiv, 2024, May17, 17 pages: Research: On the early growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Molecular gas kinematics in local early-type galaxies with ALMA: I. Ruffa, T. A. Davis, arXiv, 2024, May17, 24 pages: Review: On molecular gas in early-type galaxies (ETGs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Density-based clustering algorithm for galaxy group/cluster identification: Hai-Xia Ma, et al. arXiv, 2024, May16, 13 pages: Research: On identifying galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. 3D-DASH: The Evolution of Size, Shape, and Intrinsic Scatter in Populations of Young and Old Quiescent Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 3: Maike Clausen, ..., Marijn Franx, et al. arXiv, 2024, May15, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. * | Primordial black holes, a small review: Alexandre Arbey arXiv, 2024, May14, 8 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Observables of super-extremal black holes: challenging Cosmic Censorship to comprehend the Cosmological Constant: Jenny Wagner, arXiv, 2024, May13, 14 pages: Research: On black holes, the cosmic censorship hypothesis, and cosmological constant Λ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. The evolution of supermassive blackhole mass--bulge mass relation by a semi-analytic model, ν2G: Tatsuki Shimizu, et al. arXiv, 2024, May13, 7 pages: Research: On M-σ relation through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. New observational recipes for measuring dynamical state of galaxy clusters: Hyowon Kim, et al. arXiv, 2024, May10, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy clusters, intracluster medium (ICM), and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on the kinematics of Milky Way satellites and virial mass estimate: Andrey Kravtsov, Sophia Winney, arXiv, 2024, May09, 9 pages: Research: On the Milky Way virial mass: they get 9.96(1.45)*10**11 M_☉ which is consistent with the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ thouch the Milky Way is NOT yet a quenched galaxy). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Feeding Hidden Monsters: a Super-Eddington accreting Black Hole ∼ 1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang: Hyewon Suh, et al. arXiv, 2024, May05, 19 pages: Research: On a supermassive black hole with super rapid accretion. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. A census of new globular clusters in the Galactic bulge: E. Bica, et al. arXiv, 2024, May05, 9 pages: Research: On globular clusters in the Milky Way: "The age-metallicity relation of the new clusters younger than 10 Gyr is compatible with that of the ex situ samples of the dwarf galaxies Sagittarius, Canis Majoris, and Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage. The clusters with ages between 11.5 and 13.5 Gyr show no age-metallicity relation, because they are all old. This is compatible with their formation in situ in the early Galaxy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. The JWST EXCELS survey: Too much, too young, too fast? Ultra-massive quiescent galaxies at 3 < z < 5: A. C. Carnall, et al. arXiv, 2024, May03, 24 pages: Research: On post cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr), quenched galaxies using data from JWST (2021--2041?): "Our results suggest extreme galaxy formation physics during the first billion years, but no conflict with Λ-CDM model cosmology." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Fully Relativistic Derivation of the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect: Balsa Terzic, et al. arXiv, 2024, May03, 6 pages: Research: On a derivation of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. Not so hard looking. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Euclid -- The Dark Universe detective: L. Linke, arXiv, 2024, May02, 8 pages: Review: On Euclid spacecraft (2023--2029?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. Identifying Halos in Cosmological Simulations with Continuous Wavelet Analysis: The 2D Case: Minxing Li, Yun Wang, Ping He, et al. arXiv, 2024, May02, 18 pages: Research: On wavelet analysis of dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    9. 2024 April
      1. Hydrodynamical simulations of merging galaxy clusters: giant dark matter particle colliders, powered by gravity: Ellen L. Sirks, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr30, 8 pages: Research: On the dark matter halos of galaxy clusters in collision with self-interacting dark matter (SIDM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. DARWIN/XLZD: a future xenon observatory for dark matter and other rare interactions: Laura Baudis, arXiv, 2024, Apr30, 7 pages: Review: On direct detection of dark matter of WIMPs via a giant xenon tank. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Neutrinos in Cosmology: Eleonora Di Valentino, Stefano Gariazzo, Olga Mena, arXiv, 2024, Apr30, 11 pages: Review: On neutrinos astrophysical neutrinos, and the cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Updated observational constraints on spatially-flat and non-flat ΛCDM and XCDM cosmological models: Javier de Cruz Perez, Chan-Gyung Park, Bharat Ratra, arXiv, 2024, Apr30, 71 pages: Research: On cosmological models: "The flat LCDM model remains the simplest (largely) observationally-consistent cosmological model." Triumph again does the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Exploring the evolution of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy with SPH simulations: I. Stellar feedback: Roberto Hazenfratz, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr29, 33 pages: Research: On dwarf spheriodal galaxies (dSphs) and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Widespread rapid quenching at cosmic noon revealed by JWST deep spectroscopy: Minjung Park, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr27, 21 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching at cosmic noon = ∼ 3.5 Gyr (z ≅ 1.9) from JWST (2021--2041?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. ** | ANAIS-112 three years data: a sensitive model independent negative test of the DAMA/LIBRA dark matter signal arXiv, 2024, Apr26, 15 pages: Research: On failing to find the DAMA/LIBRA signal. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        --- Keywords: ANAIS, cold dark matter (CDM), COSINE-100, cosmology, DAMA/LIBRA, dark energy, dark matter, Λ-CDM model, etc.
      8. Reconstructing Cosmic History: JWST-Extended Mapping of the Hubble Flow from z=0 to z=7.5 with HII Galaxies: Ricardo Chavez, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr25, 16 pages: Research: On cosmic history using data from JWST (2021--2041?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Confronting the Diversity Problem: The Limits of Galaxy Rotation Curves as a tool to Understand Dark Matter Profiles: Isabel S. Sands, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr24, 20 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and galaxy rotation curves. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Galaxies' properties in the Fundamental Plane across time: Mauro D'Onofrio, Cesare Chiosi, arXiv, 2024, Apr24, 27 pages: Research: On fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies: "The FP is a complex surface that is well approximated by a plane only when galaxies share similar masses and condition of virialization." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Wandering intermediate-mass black holes in Milky Way-sized galaxies in cosmological simulations: myth or reality? Floor van Donkelaar, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr23, 10 pages: Research: On intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs: 100--10**5 ☉) in computer simulations: "All of this casts doubts on the ability of current cosmological simulations to inform observational searches for wandering IMBHs." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Dark matter, black holes, and gravitational waves: Gianfranco Bertone arXiv, 2024, Apr17, 12 pages: Review: On dark matter, black hole, and gravitational waves. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Hubble Expansion Signature on Simulated Halo Density Profiles: A Path to Observing the Turnaround Radius Giorgos Korkidis, Vasiliki Pavlidou arXiv, 2024, Apr17, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the turnaround radius. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. How robust are the parameter constraints extending the Λ-CDM model? Stefano Gariazzo, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr17, 18 pages: Research: On cosmological parameters analyzed via Bayesian analysis / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The CAVITY project. The spatially resolved stellar population properties of galaxies in voids Ana M. Conrado, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr16, 24 pages: Research: On void galaxies and star formation history. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. The Co-Evolution Between Galaxies and Dark Matter Halos Aldo Rodriguez-Puebla arXiv, 2024, Apr16, 16 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Tracing the evolutionary pathways of dust and cold gas in high-z quiescent galaxies with SIMBA G. Lorenzon, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr16, 21 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy quenching, and cosmic dust. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Observational Tests of Active Galactic Nuclei Feedback: An Overview of Approaches and Interpretation Chris M. Harrison, Cristina Ramos Almeida, arXiv, 2024, Apr11, 32 pages: Research: On AGN feedback. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheids Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope Provide a New Anchor for the SH0ES Distance Ladder Louise Breuval, Adam G. Riess, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr11, 17 pages: Research: On Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Cepheids and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Model of ever-expanding universe confirmed by dark energy probe: Daniel Clery Science (journal), 2024, Apr11, 1 pages: Popular: On DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) confirming Λ-CDM model to within 1 % in some sense using baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. The Physical Origin of the Stellar Initial Mass Function: Patrick Hennebelle, Mike Grudíc, arXiv, 2024, Apr10, 53 pages: Review: On the initial mass function (IMF). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. The Effects of Stellar and AGN Feedback on the Cosmic Star Formation History in the Simba Simulations: Lucie Scharre, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr10, 22 pages: Research: On AGN feedback, galaxy quenching, and the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019) without using expression "golden mass". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Like a candle in the wind: The embers of once aflame, now smouldering galaxies at 5: James Trussler, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr10, 22 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching and star formation in high z dwarf galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. New ideas on the formation and astrophysical detection of primordial black holes: Marcos M. Flores, Alexander Kusenko, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr08, 25 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Halo asymmetry in the modelling of galaxy clustering: Anna Durkalec, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr08, 22 pages: Research: On asymmetric dark matter halos with modified Navarro-Frenk-White profile (NFW profile). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. The Rise of Faint, Red AGN at z>4: A Sample of Little Red Dots in the JWST Extragalactic Legacy Fields: Dale D. Kocevski, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr02, 23 pages: Research: On yet another galaxy type: Little Red Dots (LRDs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. No top-heavy stellar initial mass function needed: the ionizing radiation of GS9422 can be powered by a mixture of AGN and stars: Yijia Li, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr02, 13 pages: Research: On star formation history and the initial mass function (IMF) through cosmic time. Re top IMF: "While current data cannot rule out either scenario, given the immense impact the proposed top-heavy IMF would have on models of galaxy formation, it is important to propose viable alternative explanations and to further investigate the nature of peculiar high-z nebular emitters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Brightest Cluster Galaxies and the Intracluster Light: Emanuele Contini, et al. arXiv, 2024, Apr02, 15 pages: Review: On brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and the intracluster medium (ICM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Inconsistency of modified gravity in cosmology: Pablo A. Cano arXiv, 2024, Apr01, 6 pages: Review: On modified gravity and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    10. 2024 March
      1. Mapping the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes as a Function of Galaxy Stellar Mass and Redshift: Fan Zou, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar29, 25 pages: Research: On the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) via supermassive black hole mergers and accretion including in active galaxy nuclei (AGNs). See also the popular article Zou & Brandt 2024 Jul12, "Supermassive black holes have masses of more than a million suns but their growth has slowed as the universe has aged". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Quantifying the uncertainty in the time-redshift relationship: Michael S. Turner, arXiv, 2024, Mar28, 5 pages: Review: On Friedmann equation solution for cosmic time t as a function of cosmological redshift z. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. SN H0pe: The First Measurement of H0 from a Multiply-Imaged Type Ia Supernova, Discovered by JWST: Massimo Pascale, ... Adam Riess, ... et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar27, 22 pages: Research: On the Hubble constant, SNe Ia, gravitational lensing, and JWST (2021--2041?). They get H_0=75.4 +81/ -5.5. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Ladder and the Hubble Constant: Siyang Li, Rachael L. Beaton, arXiv, 2024, Mar25, 20 pages: Review: On tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars and Hubble constant. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. How did the Big Bang get its name? Here's the real story: Helge Kragh Nature (journal) 2024, Mar25, 1 pages: (see Helge Kragh 2024, "How did the Big Bang get its name? Here's the real story", 1 page) Popular: On the history of the expression Big Bang. See also the long article Helge Kragh 2013, "What's in a Name: History and Meanings of the Term "Big Bang", 47 pages. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Galaxy groups as the ultimate probe of AGN feedback: Dominique Eckert, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar25, 17 pages: Review: On galaxy groups and AGN feedback. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. * | The Cosmological Parameters (2023): Ofer Lahav, Andrew R Liddle arXiv, 2024, Mar22, 18 pages: Review: On cosmological parameters and Wikipedia: Λ-CDM model parameters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Connection between galaxy morphology and dark-matter halo structure I: a running threshold for thin discs and size predictors from the dark sector: Jinning Liang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar21, 20 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and galaxy morphology, / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Tomographic redshift dipole: Testing the cosmological principle: Pedro da Silveira Ferreira, Valerio Marra, arXiv, 2024, Mar21, 10 pages: Research: On testing the cosmological principle with CMB dipole anisotropy: "This finding provides significant empirical support for the cosmological principle, affirming our motion's consistency with the CMB across vast cosmic distances." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. PINNferring the Hubble Function with Uncertainties: Bradley Greig, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar21, 27 pages: Research: On / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The DEHVILS in the Details: Type Ia Supernova Hubble Residual Comparisons and Mass Step Analysis in the Near-Infrared: Erik R. Peterson, ... Adam Riess ... Brent Tully, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar20, 20 pages: Research: On SNe Ia and nothing explicit on the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. What have we learned about the life cycle of radio galaxies from new radio surveys: Raffaella Morganti, arXiv, 2024, Mar20, 16 pages: Review: On radio galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Star formation exists in all early-type galaxies -- evidence from ubiquitous structure in UV images: Divya Pandey, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar18, 12 pages: Research: On star formation in early type galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Detection of ionized hydrogen and oxygen from a very luminous and young galaxy 13.4 billion years ago: Jorge A. Zavala, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar15, 15 pages: Research: On a super early galaxy (z ≥ 10). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. JWST NIRSpec Spectroscopy of the Remarkable Bright Galaxy GHZ2/GLASS-z12 at Redshift 12.34: Marco Castellano, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar15, 20 pages: Research: On a super early galaxy (z ≥ 10) cosmic time ∼< 0.360 Gyr. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Tidal evolution of cored and cuspy dark matter halos: Xiaolong Du,, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar14, 25 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and gravitational mechanics (GrM). The paper I should read. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. TangoSIDM Project: Is the Stellar Mass Tully-Fisher relation consistent with SIDM?: Camila Correa, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar14, 17 pages: Research: On self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). The answer so far is no. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Satellite quenching and morphological transformation of galaxies in groups and clusters: M. Oxland, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar12, 14 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching. Everything seems as expected. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Predicting the Scaling Relations between the Dark Matter Halo Mass and Observables from Generalised Profiles I: Kinematic Tracers: Andrew Sullivan, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar12, 15 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and gravitational mechanics (GrM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Morphological evolution of disk galaxies and their concentration, asymmetry and clumpiness (CAS) properties in simulations across Toomre's Q parameter: Teeraparb Chantavat, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar12, 12 pages: Research: On Toomre's Q parameter and galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Testing an entropy estimator related to the dynamical state of galaxy clusters J. M. Zuniga, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar07, 24 pages: Research: On galaxy clusters and virial equilibrium. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Sliding into DM: Determining the local dark matter density and speed distribution using only the local circular speed of the Galaxy Patrick G. Staudt, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar07, 22 pages: Research: On dark matter and gravitational mechanics (GrM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. * | How open is the asteroid-mass primordial black hole window? Matthew Gorton, Anne M. Green, arXiv, 2024, Mar06, 15 pages: Research: On dark matter and asteroid-mass primordial black holes (PBHs) (3.5**10(-17)--4*10**(-12) M_☉). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. JWST PRIMER: A new multi-field determination of the evolving galaxy UV luminosity function at redshifts z=9--15 C. T. Donnan, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar05, 15 pages: Research: On luminosity function of super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) or nearly so. "Finally we show that the observed early evolution of the galaxy UV LF (and ρ_FR) can be reproduced in Lambda-CDM Universe, with no change in dust properties or star-formation efficiency required out to z=12." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. The Future of Primordial Black Holes: Open Questions and Roadmap Antonio Riotto, Joe Silk, arXiv, 2024, Mar05, 15 pages: Research & Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. The true number density of massive galaxies in the early Universe revealed by JWST/MIRI Tao Wang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar04, 23 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) or nearly so: "Within the standard Lambda-DM cosmology, our results require a moderate increase in the baryon-to-star conversion efficiency (ϵ) towards higher redshifts and higher _*. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. ** | Microlensing optical depth and event rate toward the Large Magellanic Cloud based on 20 years of OGLE observations P. Mroz, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar04, 23 pages: Research: On OGLE (1992--): "These numbers are consistent with lensing by stars in the Milky Way disk and the LMC itself, and demonstrate that massive (10--100 M_sun) and intermediate-mass (10**2--10**5) black holes cannot comprise a significant fraction of dark matter." See IAL 25: Black Holes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. ** | No massive black holes in the Milky Way halo P. Mroz, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar04, 22 pages: Research: On OGLE (1992--): We find that compact objects in the mass range from 1.8*10--4 to 6.3 Msun cannot compose more than 1% of dark matter, and compact objects in the mass range from 1.3*10**-5 to 860 Msun cannot make up more than 10% of dark matter." and ""This conclusively rules out primordial black hole mergers as a dominant source of gravitational waves." But asteroid-mass primordial black holes (PBHs) (3.5**10(-17)--4*10**(-12) M_☉) still viable. Published in Nature (journal): see Article Published: 24 June 2024 and popular commentary Eamonn Kerins, 2024aug19, "Primordial black holes are too scarce to explain dark matter": "However, the findings rule out any formation scenario that predicts that a large number of PBHs spanning planetary to stellar masses exist today."> / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. An early dark matter-dominated phase in the assembly history of Milky Way-mass galaxies suggested by the TNG50 simulation and JWST observations Anna de Graaff, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar01, 9 pages: Research: On "Comparing to the dynamical and stellar mass measurements from observations at high redshifts, these findings suggest that the inferred star formation efficiency in the early Universe is broadly in line with the established assumptions for the cosmological simulations. Moreover, our results imply that the JWST observations may indeed have reached the early, low-mass regime where the central parts of galaxies transition from being dark matter-dominated to being baryon-dominated." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Numerical challenges for energy conservation in N-body simulations of collapsing self-interacting dark matter haloes Moritz S. Fischer, et al. arXiv, 2024, Mar01, 10 pages: Research: On self-interacting dark matter, N-body simulations, and gravitational mechanics (GrM). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    11. 2024 February
      1. Particle selection from an equilibrium DF J A Sellwood, arXiv, 2024, Feb29, 10 pages: Research: On N-body simulation for galaxies and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Primordial black holes or else? Tidal tests on subsolar mass gravitational-wave observations F. Crescimbeni, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb28, 15 pages: Research: On a way to detect primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. CHEX-MATE: Robust reconstruction of temperature profiles in galaxy clusters with XMM-Newton M. Rossetti, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb28, 37 pages: Research: On galaxy clusters and the intracluster medium (ICM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Mass scaling relations for dark halos from an analytic universal outer density profile Giorgos Korkidis, Vasiliki Pavlidou arXiv, 2024, Feb28, 10 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the turnaround radius. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Galaxies with grains: unraveling dust evolution and extinction curves with hydrodynamical simulations Yohan Dubois, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb28, 30 pages: Research: On the evolution of cosmic dust. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Dissecting a miniature universe: A multi-wavelength view of galaxy quenching in the Shapley supercluster N. Aghanim, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb28, 16 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in the Shapley Supercluster. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. The evolution of the SFR and ΣSFR of galaxies in cosmic morning (4 A. Calabrò, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb27, 17 pages: Research: On star formation rate (SFR)) reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) and a bit later: i.e., cosmic morning (cosmic time 0--1.5 Gyr???, z∈[4,∞]??). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Testing the isotropy of cosmic acceleration with Pantheon+SH0ES: A cosmographic analysis Carlos A. P. Bengaly, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb27, 15 pages: Research: On cosmography and confirmation of the cosmological principle (370 Mpc: see observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html), and not confrimation of an (anistropic universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The Interstellar Medium in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies Deidre A. Hunter, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb26, 45 pages: Review: On interstellar medium (ISM) in dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The Cosmic Neutrino Background Douglas Scott, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb26, 19 pages: Review: On cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Primordial Black Holes as a dark matter candidate -- a brief overview Anne M. Green, arXiv, 2024, Feb23, 8 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Theory and Modelling Systematics for the DESI 2024 results Shi-Fan Chen, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb21, 29 pages: Research & Review: On baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) and DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Kinetic Theory of Stellar Systems: A Tutorial Chris Hamilton (IAS), Jean-Baptiste Fouvry (IAP), arXiv, 2024, Feb20, 66 pages: Review: On stellar kinematics, dark matter, and dark matter halos, among other things. It sounds like I'm tracking work of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910--1995), but probably badly. Let us use this paper to define gravitational mechanics (GrM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Probing the dark matter haloes of external galaxies with stellar streams Madison Walder, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb20, 16 pages: Review: On stellar streams and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The morphological mix of dwarf galaxies in the nearby Universe Ilin Lazar, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb19, 20 pages: Review: On dwarf galaxies: "We use a complete, unbiased sample of 257 dwarf (10^8 MSun < Mstar < 10^9.5 MSun) galaxies at z < 0.08, to study the morphological mix of the dwarf population in low-density environments." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Merge and Strip -- Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters Can Be Formed by Galaxy Mergers Anna Ivleva, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb14, 13 pages: Research: On galaxy merger and tidal dwarf galaxies using galaxy hydrodynamics simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Making Sense of Gravitational Thermodynamics Lorenzo Lorenzetti arXiv, 2024, Feb19, 31 pages: Research: On gravitational mechanics (GrM) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Dark Energy Survey: A 2.1% measurement of the angular Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation scale at redshift zeff=0.85 from the final dataset: DES Collaboration: T. M. C. Abbott, et al., arXiv, 2024, Feb16, 39 pages: Research: On results from the Dark Energy Survey (DES, 2012--2019) and baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs): When compared with the Λ-CDM model that best fits Planck data, this measurement is found to be 4.3% and 2.1 σ below the angular BAO scale predicted." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Gravitational Waves: Echoes of the Biggest Bangs since the Big Bang and/or BSM Physics?: John Ellis, arXiv, 2024, Feb16, 12 pages: Research & Review: On gravitational waves and physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. The Nature and Evolution of Early Massive Quenched Galaxies in the Simba-C Simulation: Jakub Szpila, et al., arXiv, 2024, Feb14, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching for galaxies from before z =2 from galaxy hydrodynamics simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Cosmology Constraints from Cluster Abundances in the Western Galactic Hemisphere V. Ghirardini, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb13, 43 pages: Research: On eROSITA spacecraft (2019--c.2030) results. They confirm Λ-CDM model. See also Daniel Clery, 2024 Feb14, X-ray survey bolsters prevailing theory of universe's expansion. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. A Big Ring on the Sky Alexia M. Lopez, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb12, 39 pages: Research: On a really big ring of ∼ 400 Mpc in diameter. What is it and is it a challenge to the cosmological principle? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. The ALMaQUEST Survey XIII: Understanding radial trends in star formation quenching via the relative roles of gas availability and star formation efficiency Hsi-An Pan, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb12, 27 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching and star formation efficiency ∼ 2--3 % in giant molecular clouds. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. The Firefly Sparkle: The Earliest Stages of the Assembly of A Milky Way-type Galaxy in a 600 Myr Old Universe Lamiya Mowla, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb12, 36 pages: Research: On Firefly Sparkle a nearly super-early galaxy (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) that may be an analogue of the early Milky Way. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. 50 Years of Horndeski Gravity: Past, Present and Future Gregory Horndeski (1948--), Alessandra Silvestri et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb12, 15 pages: Review: On Horndeski gravity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. The Star Formation History in Local Group Galaxies. I. Ten Dwarf Galaxies Yi Ren, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb10, 36 pages: Research: On Local Group, dwarf galaxies, and galaxy color magnitude diagrams. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Turbulent gas-rich disks at high redshift: bars & bulges in a radial shear flow Joss Bland-Hawthorn, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb08, 40 pages: Research: On galaxy hydrodynamics simulations to study early galaxies, but not super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Dust attenuation evolution in z=2-12 JWST galaxies V. Markov, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb08, 40 pages: Research: On cosmic dust from cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr), to super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. V: Satellite Galaxy Populations In A Cosmological Zoom-in Simulation of A Milky Way-mass Halo Minyong Jung, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb08, 19 pages: Research: On ,Milky Way halo and the missing satellites problem (AKA dwarf galaxy problem) is solved. There are no missing satellite galaxies, but the abstract is not clear on this point. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. The Rise and Fall of Dust in the Universe Stephen Eales, Bradley Ward, arXiv, 2024, Feb07, 8 pages: Research: On cosmic dust in z\∈[0,5.5] and its correlation with star formation and cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. The Galactic center excess at the highest energies: morphology and photon-count statistics Silvia Manconi, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb07, 11 pages: Research: On Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE) and they favor points sources of millisecond pulsars over self-annihilating dark matter or other dark matter sources. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      32. The first robust evidence showing a dark matter density spike around the supermassive black hole in OJ 287 Man Ho Chan, Chak Man Lee, arXiv, 2024, Feb06, 11 pages: Research: On dark matter and supermassive black holes (SMBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      33. Cosmography with next-generation gravitational wave detectors Hsin-Yu Chen, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb05, 27 pages: Review: On cosmography with standard sirens. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      34. Do Red Galaxies Form More Stars Than Blue Galaxies? Charles L. Steinhardt arXiv, 2024, Feb05, 10 pages: Research: On red sequence galaxies and blue cloud galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      35. Phase Space Distribution Functions and Energy Distributions of Dark Matter Particles in Haloes Axel Gross, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb05, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and Navarro-Frenk-White profile (NFW profile) among other profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      36. The first quenched galaxies, when and how? Lizhi Xie, et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb05, 7 pages: Research On galaxy quenching through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      37. The role of AGN feedback on the evolution of dwarf galaxies from cosmological simulations: SMBHs suppress star formation in low-mass galaxies Elena Arjona-Galvez et al. arXiv, 2024, Feb01, 13 pages: Research On AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    12. 2024 January
      1. Reanalysis of the MACHO constraints on PBH in the light of Gaia DR3 data: Juan Garcia-Bellido, Michael Hawkins arXiv, 2024, Jan31, 15 pages: Research: On primordial black holes (PBHs) as MACHOs (i.e., dark matter). They are viable again. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. The MASSIVE survey -- XIX. Molecular gas measurements of the supermassive black hole masses in the elliptical galaxies NGC 1684 and NGC 0997 Pandora Dominiak, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan29, 19 pages: Research: On carbon monoxide (CO) in elliptical galaxy in order to study their supermassive black holes (SMBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Constraints on an Anisotropic Universe: Mark P. Hertzberg, Abraham Loeb arXiv, 2024, Jan28, 9 pages: Research: On cosmology, cosmological principle, and anistropic universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. INSPIRE: INvestigating Stellar Population In RElics VI -- The low-mass end slope of the stellar Initial Mass Function and chemical composition: Michalina Maksymowicz-Maciata, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan28, 16 pages: Research: On star formation history and the initial mass function (IMF) through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The universal multiplicity function: counting halos and voids: Giovanni Verza, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan25, 21 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure of the universe and cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Self-interacting dark matter solves the final parsec problem of supermassive black hole mergers: Gonzalo Alonso-Alvarez, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan25, 5 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs), final parsec problem, and self-interacting dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Dark matter measurements combining stellar and HI kinematics: 30% --- outliers with low dark matter content at 5Re: Meng Yang, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan24, 15 pages: Research: On dark matter, dark matter halos, and galaxy rotation curve. Some tension with Illustris TNG project and Eagle project. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. * | Recent Observations of the Rotation of Distant Galaxies and the Implication for Dark Matter: Alistair H. Nelson, Peter R. Williams arXiv, 2024, Jan24, 14 pages: Research: On dark matter, dark matter halos, high-z galaxy rotation curves. Does this paper disprove MOND and force a revision of structure formation? Note quite, but fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The M-σ relation up to z ∼ 2 through decomposition of COSMOS-Web NIRCam images: Takumi S. Tanaka, arXiv, 2024, Jan24, 31 pages: Research: On the M-σ relation, to z ∼ 2. Seems to evolve slowly. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The Concerning SH0ES Hubble Constant: Daniel Majaess arXiv, 2024, Jan23, 5 pages: Research: On the need to have an independent, complete reanalysis of the Cepheids database that is the basis of the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The role of environment and AGN feedback in quenching local galaxies: Comparing cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to the SDSS: Paul H. Goubert, Asa F. L. Bluck, et al. Bluck et al. 2023: galaxy quenching, arXiv, 2024, Jan23, 32 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching via AGN feedback and galaxy ram pressure stripping based on comparison of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to Illustris project and Eagle project computer simulations. There is agreement. Is this consistent with Bluck et al. 2023: galaxy quenching and the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Neutrino masses in cosmology: S. Gariazzo arXiv, 2024, Jan22, 7 pages: Review: On cosmic neutrino background and Big Bang nucleosynthesis (cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Comparison of Lambda-CDM and Rh=ct with updated galaxy cluster fgas measurements using Bayesian inference: Kunj Panchal, Shantanu Desai arXiv, 2024, Jan20, 6 pages: Research: On Λ-CDM model and the Rh=ct universe, . The Bayesian evidence in Bayes factor (AKA Bayes K factor) approximation favors the former by factor of 50. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Testing the consistency of early and late cosmological parameters with BAO and CMB data: Guanlin Liu, et al., arXiv, 2024, Jan19, 12 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model, Hubble tension and baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO). The Λ-CDM model wins again, but maybe their data set is too limited. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. * | SPARC galaxies prefer Dark Matter over MOND: Mariia Khelashvili, Anton Rudakovskyi, Sabine Hossenfelder, arXiv, 2024, Jan18, 10 pages: Research: On dark matter, MOND, and the radial-acceleration relation (RAR). Favors dark matter over MOND See the relevant paper Man Ho Chan, 2024, A strong falsification of the universal radial acceleration relation (RAR) in galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. What is the nature of Little Red Dots and what is not, MIRI SMILES edition: Pablo G. Pérez-González, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan16, 44 pages: Research: On little red dot galaxies first discovered by JWST (2021--2041?) circa 2023 at z >∼ 5. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Metal-poor star formation at z>6 with JWST: new insight into hard radiation fields and nitrogen enrichment on 20 pc scales: Michael W. Topping, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan16, 22 pages: Research: On star formation in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Solution of JWST and HST problems by primordial black holes: Aleksandr D. Dolgov, arXiv, 2024, Jan12, 10 pages: Research: On primordial black holes (PBHs) as the origin of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Tracing the Quenching Journey across Cosmic Time: Gabriella De Lucia, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan11, 11 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching over cosmic time from computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. A Dusty Locale: Evolution of Galactic Dust Populations from Milky Way to Dwarf-Mass Galaxies: Caleb R. Choban, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan09, 24 pages: Research: On the evolution of cosmic dust from FIRE: Feedback In Realistic Environments (c.2014--). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Cosmology Ruler Bookmark for Teaching and Outreach Purposes (Pen-and-pencil cosmological ruler calculator for everyone, especially students): Herve Dole et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan09, 5 pages: Review: On tables like "A Redshift Lookup Table for our Universe", Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2013, but not as complete. See also Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2021, Paper-and-pencil cosmological calculator, arXiv:1303.5961. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. HYPERION. The SMBH-galaxy co-evolution at z>6 and the build-up of massive galaxies: R. Tripodi, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan08, 28 pages: Research: On the evolution of interstellar medium (ISM) and cosmic dust and M-σ relation at z>6. So on galaxy formation and evolution too. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Is it possible to know cosmological fine-tuning?: Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan08, 21 pages: Research: On multiverse sort of, but with accessible discussion. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Essentials of strong gravitational lensing: Prasenjit Saha, Dominique Sluse, Jenny Wagner, Liliya L. R. Williams, arXiv, 2024, Jan08, 28 pages: Review: On strong gravitational lensing. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. The Redshift Evolution of the M∙−M⋆ Relation for JWST's Supermassive Black Holes at z>4: Fabio Pacucci, Abraham Loeb, arXiv, 2024, Jan08, 9 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and the M-σ relation, at z > 4. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. The discovery of bound star clusters observed in a lensed galaxy 460 Myr after the Big Bang: Angela Adamo, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan06, 22 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) and the possible oriting of globular clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Carbon envelopes around merging galaxies at z ~ 4.5: C. Di Cesare, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan05, 20 pages: Research: On galaxy mergers at z ≅ 4.5. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. The Dark Energy Survey: Cosmology Results With 1500 New High-redshift Type Ia Supernovae Using The Full 5-year Dataset: The Dark Energy Survey Collaboration: T. M. C. Abbott, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan05, 22 pages: Research: On cosmology, the Λ-CDM model, and other cosmological models. Huge data jump. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Which came first: supermassive black holes or galaxies? Insights from JWST: Joseph Silk, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan04, 12 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs), super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr), and somewhat galaxies to z≅6. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Properties of Voids and Void Galaxies in the TNG300 Simulation: Olivia Curtis, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan04, 36 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution, cosmic voids, and Illustris TNG project, simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. Star Formation Histories of Dwarf Lenticular Galaxies: Hong Bae Ann, Mira Seo, arXiv, 2024, Jan02, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution, star formation, and dwarf lenticular (S0) galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      32. JADES: Rest-frame UV-to-NIR Size Evolution of Massive Quiescent Galaxies from Redshift z=5 to z=0.5: Zhiyuan Ji, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan01, 28 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and quenched galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      33. OGHReS: Star formation in the Outer Galaxy (L=250--280°): J. S. Urquhart, et al. arXiv, 2024, Jan01, 28 pages: Research: On star formation in the Milky Way. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  5. 2023

    1. 2023 December
      1. Galaxy Clusters from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys.II. Environment effects on size-mass relation: Zhaobin Chen, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec28, 18 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and star formation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Expansion of the Universe: Alexei V. Filippenko arXiv, 2023, Dec28, 18 pages: Review: On the accelerating universe and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Two Distinct Classes of Quiescent Galaxies at Cosmic Noon Revealed by JWST PRIMER and UNCOVER: Sam E. Cutler, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec22, 15 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution, star formation, and cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Probing supermassive black hole growth and its dependence on stellar mass and star-formation rate in low-redshift galaxies: O. Torbaniuk, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec21, 18 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs), galaxy formation and evolution, and star formation at low cosmological redshift z ≤ 0.33. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. X-ray stacking reveals average SMBH accretion properties of star-forming galaxies and their cosmic evolution over 4 <~ z <~ 7: Suin Matsui, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec21, 16 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs), galaxy formation and evolution, and star formation at high cosmological redshift z∈[4,7]. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Inflation (2023): John Ellis, David Wands arXiv, 2023, Dec20, 29 pages: Review: On inflation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Multi-tracing the primordial Universe with future surveys: Mponeng Kopana, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec20, 29 pages: Research: On inflation and non-Gaussianity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Galaxy clustering measurements out to redshift z=8 from Hubble Legacy Fields: Nicolo Dalmasso, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec19, 11 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution with maybe something on matter power spectrum P(k). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Does quantum theory imply the entire Universe is preordained?: Eddy Keming Chen Nature (journal) 2023, Dec19, 1 pages: Popular: On quantum mechanics and quantum cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Why Cosmic Voids Matter: Mitigation of Baryonic Physics: Nico Schuster, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec18, 32 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. "SNe Ia twins for life" towards a precise determination of H0: Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente, Jonay I. González Hernández arXiv, 2023, Dec16, 30 pages: Research: On the Hubble constant and SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. CEERS: Increasing Scatter along the Star-Forming Main Sequence Indicates Early Galaxies Form in Bursts: Justin W. Cole, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec15, 28 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution, star formation, and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Earliest Galaxies in the JADES Origins Field: Luminosity Function and Cosmic Star-Formation Rate Density 300 Myr after the Big Bang: Brant Robertson, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec15, 28 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and star formation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Model-independent confirmation of a constant speed of light over cosmological distances: Fulvio Melia et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec15, 6 pages: Research: On vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**8 m/s (exactly) ≅ 3*10**8 m/s = 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns and confirmation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Accurate field-level weak lensing inference for precision cosmology: Alan Junzhe Zhou, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec14, 17 pages: Research: On Bayesian analysis and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Are tiny black holes hiding within giant stars?: Adam Mann , Science (journal) 2023, Dec13, 1 page: Popular: On primordial black holes (PBHs) trapped in stars which are also dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. The FLAMINGO Project: Galaxy clusters in comparison to X-ray observations: Joey Braspenning, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec13, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. The thickness of galaxy disks from z=5 to 0 probed by JWST: Jianhui Lian (Yunnan University), Li Luo (China West Normal University), arXiv, 2023, Dec12, 9 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. A robust assessment of the local anisotropy of the Hubble constant: Yves-Henri Sanejouand, arXiv, 2023, Dec10, 8 pages: Research: On cosmological principle: "Indeed, when supernovae at red-shifts below 0.035 are ignored, Λ-CDM predictions become consistent with Pantheon+ data." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Dark Sage: Next-generation semi-analytic galaxy evolution with multidimensional structure and minimal free parameters: Adam R. H. Stevens, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec07, 35 pages: Research & Review: On galaxy formation and evolution and computer simulations thereof. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Probing cosmic isotropy in the Local Universe: Camila Franco, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec05, 14 pages: Research: On cosmological principle: "Our conclusion is that the Local Universe, as mapped by the HI sources of the ALFALFA survey, is in agreement with the hypothesis of statistical isotropy within 2σ confidence level, for small and large angle analyses, with the only exception of one region ..." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Early Galaxy Formation and the Hubble Tension: Stacy McGaugh, arXiv, 2023, Dec05, 10 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension with a less exotic solution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. PROSPECT: A profile likelihood code for frequentist cosmological parameter inference: Emil Brinch Holm, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec05, 14 pages: Research: On frequentist analysis in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Fundamental Physics Opportunities with the Next-Generation Event Horizon Telescope: Dimitry Ayzenberg, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec05, 159 pages: Review: On Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) with implications for cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Stellar mass is not the best predictor of galaxy metallicity. The gravitational potential-metallicity relation φZR: Laura Sánchez-Menguiano, et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec04, 15 pages: Research: On metallicity and its strong correlation with stellar potential M_*/R_e. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. What Makes A Discovery: Dan Hooper et al. arXiv, 2023, Dec01, 6 pages: Research: On discovery, Bayesian analysis, Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    2. 2023 November
      1. Learning an Effective Evolution Equation for Particle-Mesh Simulations Across Cosmologies: Nicolas Payot, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov29, 7 pages: Research: On particle-mesh simulations with an N-body simulation trained correction. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. A simultaneous solution to the Hubble tension and observed bulk flow within 250 h**-1 Mpc: Sergij Mazurenko et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov29, 9 pages: Research: On large Hubble bubble explains that the local H0 (e.g., Riess & Breuval 2023: H0=73.04(104)), but has 4.8 σ tension with Λ-CDM model. Is the Rh=ct universe the answer or is it MOND? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Revealing Impact of Critical Stellar Central Density on Galaxy Quenching through Cosmic Time: Bingxiao Xu, Yingjie Peng arXiv, 2023, Nov28, 20 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching. Is this consistent with Bluck et al. 2023: galaxy quenching and the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. A model-independent tripartite test of cosmic distance relations: Isabela S. Matos, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov28, 21 pages: Research: On Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation) and other cosmic distance relations. Prospective, but maybe practicable soon with Vera C. Rubin Observatory (LSST) etc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The Role of Type Ia Supernovae in Constraining the Hubble Constant: Daniel Scolnic, Maria Vincenzi, arXiv, 2023, Nov28, 11 pages: Review: On the Hubble constant and the Hubble tension (direct value ≅ 73(1) (km/s)/Mpc; Λ-CDM fit value 67.5(10) (km/s)/Mpc). They conclude Hubble tension can't be explained away by systematic errors. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Cosmology and fundamental physics with the ELT-ANDES spectrograph: C.J.A.P. Martins, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov27, 31 pages: Research: On cosmology ELT. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. A precise symbolic emulator of the linear matter power spectrum: Deaglan J. Bartlett, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov27, 9 pages: Research: On an analytic fit to the matter power spectrum P(k) for a wide range of cosmological parameters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Adaptive friends-of-friends algorithm for identifying gravitationally bound cosmological structures: Prateek Gupta, Surajit Paul, arXiv, 2023, Nov27, 28 pages: Research: On large-scale structure of the universe identified with adaptive friends-of-friends algorithm. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The Scale-Invariant Vacuum (SIV) Theory: A Possible Origin of Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Andre Maeder, Vesselin G. Gueorguiev arXiv, 2023, Nov26, 28 pages: Research: On more on Maeder 2023: SIV theory. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Feedback-Free Starbursts at Cosmic Dawn: Observable Predictions for JWST: Zhaozhou Li, Avishai Dekel, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov24, 17 pages: Research: On star formation at reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). A reference to the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019), but the term is not used. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. A self-similar model of galaxy formation and dark halo relaxation: Premvijay Velmani, Aseem Paranjape arXiv, 2023, Nov23, 22 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. A tale of many H0: Licia Verde, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov22, 54 pages: Review: On the Hubble constant and the Hubble tension (direct value ≅ 73(1) (km/s)/Mpc; Λ-CDM fit value 67.5(10) (km/s)/Mpc). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Union Through UNITY: Cosmology with 2,000 SNe Using a Unified Bayesian Framework: David Rubin, Greg Aldering, Marc Betoule, Andy Fruchter, Xiaosheng Huang, Alex G. Kim, Chris Lidman, Eric Linder, Saul Perlmutter, Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente, Nao Suzuki, arXiv, 2023, Nov20, 54 pages: Research: On SNe Ia, cosmology, and the Λ-CDM model which they mildy disagree with at ∼ 2 σ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. The edges of galaxies in the Fornax Cluster: Fifty percent smaller and denser compared to the field: Nushkia Chamba, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov16, 22 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Ursa Major III/UNIONS 1: the darkest galaxy ever discovered?: Raphael Errani, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov16, 11 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. and Ursa Major III/UNIONS 1 (UMa3/U1). Only 16(6) M_☉ in stars but may 10**9 M_☉ in dark matter. This is inexplicable in MOND, yours truly would guess. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. On the evolution of Betti curves in the Cosmic web: Vitalii Tymchyshyn, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov16, 14 pages: Research: On Betti curves and Betti numbers in dark matter halos in N-body simulations. Readable. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. JADES: Carbon enrichment 350 Myr after the Big Bang in a gas-rich galaxy: Francesco D'Eugenio, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov16, 13 pages: Research: On JWST (2021--2041?) data showing carbon (C) enrichment early in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VI: Testing the Black Hole Metric (2022): Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, arXiv, 2023, Nov16, 55 pages: Research: On Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is consistent with being a Kerr black hole. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way (2022): Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, arXiv, 2023, Nov15, 15 pages: Research: On Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) and its black hole shadow. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. The Impact of Dust on Cepheid and Type Ia Supernova Distances: Dillon Brout, Adam Riess, arXiv, 2023, Nov14, 22 pages: Review: On SNe Ia, Cepheids, and cosmic dust in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. The Unsettled Number: Hubble's Tension: Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota, Salvador Galindo-Uribarri, George F. Smoot, arXiv, 2023, Nov13, 64 pages: Review: On Hubble constant, and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Introducing the TNG-Cluster Simulation: overview and physical properties of the gaseous intracluster medium: Dylan Nelson, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov10, 25 pages: Research: On an overview of new Illustris project computer simulations of the intracluster medium. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. The Scale of Homogeneity in the Rh=ct Universe: Fulvio Melia arXiv, 2023, Nov10, 7 pages: Research: On Rh=ct universe and the largest large-scale structure of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Cosmological parameter estimation with Genetic Algorithms: Ricardo Medel-Esquivel, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov09, 16 pages: Research: On cosmological parameters estimated using genetic algorithms. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. An evolutionary continuum from nucleated dwarf galaxies to star clusters: Kaixiang Wang, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov09, 26 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution of ultra compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) and including a phase as ultra diffuse galaxies (UDGs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Detection of the CMB lensing -- galaxy bispectrum: Gerrit S. Farren, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov07, 10 pages: Research: On the CMB-lensing-galaxy bispectrum. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Why Galaxies are Indeed Simpler than Expected: Jun-Sung Moon, Jounghun Lee arXiv, 2023, Nov07, 4 pages: Research: On the single regulating parameter of galaxies in the Illustris project computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Augmenting the power of time-delay cosmography in lens galaxy clusters by probing their member galaxies I. Type Ia supernovae: A. Acebron, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov06, 6 pages: Research: On gravitational lens time delay cosmography using SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei: David Izquierdo-Villalba, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov06, 120 pages: Review: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their role in galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. * | Galaxy quenching at the high redshift frontier: A fundamental test of cosmological models in the early universe with JWST-CEERS: Asa F. L. Bluck, et al. Bluck et al. 2023: galaxy quenching, arXiv, 2023, Nov04, 32 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching via AGN feedback based on comparison of JWST (2021--2041?) to Illustris project and Eagle project computer simulations. There is agreement. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. The Hubble Diagram: Jump from Supernovae to Gamma-Ray Bursts: Nikita Lovyagin, et al. arXiv, 2023, Nov04, 12 pages: Research: On extending the Hubble diagram for SNe Ia to using long gamma ray bursts (LGRBs). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    3. 2023 October
      1. Direct detection of dark matter: a critical review: Marcin Misiaszek, Nicola Rossi, arXiv, 2023, Oct30, 28 pages: Review: On the direct detection of dark matter. They conclude the experiments may no longer be worth it. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Observational constraints on early dark energy: Evan McDonough, et al. arXiv, 2023, Oct30, 59 pages: Review: On early dark energy (EDE), and Λ-CDM model. The Λ-CDM model is favored. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Where have all the low-metallicity galaxies gone? Tracing evolution in the mass--metallicity plane since a redshift of 0.7: Shuang Zhou, et al. arXiv, 2023, Oct29, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution: By contrast, the high-mass low-metallicity galaxies grow their disks through late star formation, and evolve rapidly to higher metallicities due to a cut-off in their wind-driven mass loss. There are significant indications that this late cut-off is associated with the belated end of strong AGN activity in these objects." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Reconstructing the early-universe expansion and thermal history: Rui An, Vera Gluscevic, arXiv, 2023, Oct26, 14 pages: Research: On Big Bang nucleosynthesis era (cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m) and thereabouts. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The abundance of dark matter haloes down to Earth mass: Haonan Zheng, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct24, 10 pages: Research: On testing the Press-Schechter formalism, Sheth-Tormen approximation, and extended Press-Schechter formalism with computer simulations for the dark matter halos abundance over the entire mass range, from mini-haloes of 10**(-6) to rich cluster haloes of 10**15 at different redshifts, from z=30 to the cosmic present = to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018). They work pretty well. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Relight the Candle: What happens to High Redshift Massive Quenched Galaxies: Rhea-Silvia Remus, Lucas C. Kimmig et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct24, 18 pages: Research: On what happens to quenched galaxies from z ≥ 3. Various things happen in computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Tully-Fisher relation: Khaled Said arXiv, 2023, Oct24, 16 pages: Review: On the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. The Universe is not statistically isotropic: Joann Jones, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct18, 6 pages: Research: On the cosmological principle. They find it violated to 5σ, but only a tiny bit still if holds up, is it a clue to our pocket universe? See Dias et al. (2023) confirmed the cosmological principle. So who is right? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Testing the cosmological principle with the Pantheon+ sample and the region fitting method: J. P. Hu, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct18, 15 pages: Research: On the cosmological principle. They find it violated, but Dias et al. (2023) confirmed it recently. So who is right? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Canonical Hubble-Tension-Resolving Early Dark Energy Cosmologies are Inconsistent with the Lyman-α Forest: Samuel Goldstein, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct17, 17 pages: Research: On early dark energy (EDE): "taken at face value, the Ly&alpha forest severely constrains canonical EDE models that could resolve the Hubble tension." See also "Early dark energy fails to solve mystery of cosmic expansion", 2023nov24, Nature. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Stellar mass-metallicity relation throughout the large-scale of the Universe: CAVITY mother sample: Jesus Domínguezgomez, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct17, 39 pages: Research: On void galaxies. Lots of data and analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Monochromatic Mass Spectrum of Primordial Black Holes: Matthew Kleban, Cameron E. Norton et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct15, 10 pages: Research: On primordial black holes (PBHs) from inflation and the asteroid window for primordial black hole masses (∼ 10**17--10**23 g). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Strong lensing by galaxies: past highlights, current status, and future prospects: Anowar J. Shajib, arXiv, 2023, Oct11, 7 pages: Review: On strong gravitational lensing in cosmology among other things. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. On the underdetermination of dark energy: William J. Wolf, Pedro G. Ferreira arXiv, 2023, Oct11, 14 pages: Research: On dark energy and how observations alone are unlikely to lead to new fundamental physics. We need pure theory breakthrough? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. A convenient approach to characterizing model uncertainty with application to early dark energy solutions of the Hubble tension: S. Paradiso, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct10, 11 pages: Research: On early dark energy (EDE) and Bayesian analysis: "We find an EDE model probability of ∼ 90 % whenever we include the H0 measurement from Type Ia Supernovae in the analysis, whereas the other data show a strong preference for the standard cosmological model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Little Ado about Everything: ηCDM, a Cosmological Model with Fluctuation-driven Acceleration at Late Times: Andrea Lapi, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct09, 28 pages: Research: On the ηCDM which seems to have a fix many cosmological effects and is in ApJ, and so must have cogency. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Probing cosmic homogeneity in the Local Universe: Bruno L. Dias, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct06, 11 pages: Research: On cosmological principle (370 Mpc (see observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html). But they get RH= 70.33±10.74 Mpc/h = 100 Mpc. Does this tell against Lapi et al. (2023). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Clusters are Consistent with Planck: Andres N. Salcedo, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct05, 6 pages: Research: On S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension). They find no tension, but never say what S8 they get explicitly. However, their S8 = σ(omega_m/0.3)**(1/2) = 0.808*(0.314/0.3)**(1/2) which is Planck 2018. See Sunayama et al. (2023) (S8=0.816(40) consistent with Planck-2018, and so find no tension) and Xu et al (2023) for other values. Other low-z measurements find 3 or more sigma tension: see review Abdalla et al. 2022, Cosmology Intertwined: A Review of the Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Associated with the Cosmological Tensions and Anomalies, p. 27--28. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing using the Minimal Bias Model: Haojie Xu, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct04, 24 pages: Research: On S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension). They get S8=0.84(2) consistent with Planck-2018, and so find no tension. Same as the independent Sunayama et al. (2023). Other low-z measurements find 3 or more sigma tension: see review Abdalla et al. 2022, Cosmology Intertwined: A Review of the Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Associated with the Cosmological Tensions and Anomalies, p. 27--28. Maybe Λ-CDM model will fight off the S8 tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. The Cosmic Baryon Partition between the IGM and CGM in the SIMBA Simulations: Ilya S. Khrykin, et al., arXiv, 2023, Oct02, 12 pages: Research: On cosmichemical evolution in the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the circumgalactic medium (CGM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Tension between HST/JWST and Λ-CDM Cosmology, PBH, and Antimatter in the Galaxy: Aleksandr D. Dolgov (1941--) arXiv, 2023, Oct01, 12 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model, PBHs, antimatter, and anti-star, anti-galaxy, etc.. Is this the tao. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    4. 2023 September
      1. The formation and cosmic evolution of dust in the early Universe. I. Dust sources: Raffaella Schneider, Roberto Maiolino, arXiv, 2023, Sep29, 69 pages: Review: On cosmic dust in maybe the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Hydrodynamical simulations of the galaxy population: enduring successes and outstanding challenges: Robert A. Crain, Freeke van de Voort arXiv, 2023, Sep29, 46 pages: Review: On galaxy formation and evolution based on cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Review on f(Q) Gravity: Lavinia Heisenberg et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep27, 106 pages: Review: On f(Q) gravity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Large numbers in the Universe and the origin of the Cosmic magnetic field: Nelson D. Padilla, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep26, 5 pages: Research: On the cosmic magnetic field / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Black Hole Growth, Baryon Lifting, Star Formation, and IllustrisTNG: G. M. Voit, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep26, 20 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs), galaxy quenching, and the Illustris project simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Determining cosmological-model-independent H0 and post-Newtonian parameter with time-delay lenses and supernovae: Tonghua Liu, Kai Liao, arXiv, 2023, Sep24, 7 pages: Research: On general relativity and Hubble constant: "All the lenses show that there is no obvious evidence to support GR deviation within observational uncertainties." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Optical Cluster Cosmology with SDSS redMaPPer clusters and HSC-Y3 lensing measurements: Tomomi Sunayama, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep22, 22 pages: Research: On S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension). They get S8=0.816(40) consistent with Planck-2018 and so find no tension. Other low-z measurements find 3 or more sigma tension: see review Abdalla et al. 2022, Cosmology Intertwined: A Review of the Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Associated with the Cosmological Tensions and Anomalies, p. 27--28. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Checking the second law at cosmic scales: Narayan Banerjee, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep21, 11 pages: Research: On 2nd law of thermodynamics: the observable universe is consistent with it so far. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Cosmological parameters derived from the final (PR4) Planck data release: M. Tristram, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep21, 17 pages: Research: On cosmological parameters derived from data from Planck 2018. The find Λ-CDM model is adequate and constrain Omega_K=0.012+/-0.010. So the flat universe (k = 0, Ω_k = 0) is still favored. The S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension) is reduced to 1.6&sigma which is barely significant. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Recent advances in cosmological singularities: Oem Trivedi arXiv, 2023, Sep19, 59 pages: Review: On gravitational singularities. Some description. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Measuring the physical imprints of gas flows in galaxies I: Accretion rate histories: A. Camps-Fariña, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep15, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching from observations and modeling: "Our results support the hypothesis that a steady and substantial supply of pristine gas is required for persistent star formation in galaxies. Once they lose access to this gas supply, star formation comes to a halt." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Modeling the Past Hypothesis: A Mechanical Cosmology: Jordan Scharnhorst, Anthony Aguirre arXiv, 2023, Sep15, 13 pages: Research: On 2nd law of thermodynamics and the observable universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Dark Matter-Induced Baryonic Feedback in Galaxies: Omar F. Ramadan, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep15, 12 pages: Research: On early and late dark energy and dynamical dark energy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Finite-time Cosmological Singularities and the Possible Fate of the Universe: Jaume de Haro, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep14, 138 pages: Review: On gravitational singularities and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Resolving the Hubble tension at late times with Dark Energy Marco Raveri, arXiv, 2023, Sep13, 13 pages: Research: On Hubble tension and dark energy. Not heavy on math. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Dark age consistency in the 21cm global signal Fumiya Okamatsu, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep13, 6 pages: Research: On dark ages and large-scale structure emergence era (380,000 y -- 1 Gyr) and the hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. The Gas Accretion Rate of Star-forming Galaxies over the last 4 Gyr Apurba Bera, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep12, 9 pages: Research: On star formation: "The low redshifts, z<0.4, the reason for the decline in the cosmic SFR density thus appears to be the inefficiency in the conversion of atomic gas to molecular gas, rather than insufficient gas accretion from the CGM." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Not empty enough: a local void cannot solve the H0 tension Dragan Huterer, Hao-Yi Wu arXiv, 2023, Sep11, 13 pages: Review: On Hubble tension and a local void. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Rotation curves and the dark matter problem Albert Bosma, arXiv, 2023, Sep11, 17 pages: Review: On the astronomy history of the concept of dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmology from cross-correlations of unWISE galaxies and ACT DR6 CMB lensing Gerrit S. Farren, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep11, 77 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure of the universe: "Our results suggest that structure formation on linear scales is well described by Λ-CDM model even down to low redshifts z<1." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Dark Matter Fraction in Disk-Like Galaxies Over the Past 10 Gyr: G. Sharma, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep11, 23 pages: Research: On dark matter in disk galaxies over cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. EPOCHS VI: The Size and Shape Evolution of Galaxies since z ~ 8 with JWST Observations: K. Ormerod, et al., arXiv, 2023, Sep08, 16 pages: Research: On galaxies over cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. High-resolution Spectroscopic Metallicities of Milky Way Cepheid Standards and their impact on the Leavitt Law and the Hubble constant Anupam Bhardwaj, Adam G. Riess, et al. Anupam Bhardwaj et al. 2023: H0=7.29(1.0) arXiv, 2023, Sep06, 14 pages: Research: On Cepheids, Hubble constant, and the Hubble tension. They get 72.9(1.0) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Was There a 3.5 keV Line? Christopher Dessert, arXiv, 2023, Sep06, 35 pages: Research: On dark matter particles decay to a 3.5 KeV line: "we claim that there never was robust evidence for a line near 3.5 keV in the first place." However, this is not the Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE) discussed by Dan Hooper, 2022, The Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Census for the Rest-frame Optical and UV Morphologies of Galaxies at z=4--10: First Phase of Inside-Out Galaxy Formation Yoshiaki Ono, et al. arXiv, 2023, Sep06, 33 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Is the Radio Source Dipole from NVSS Consistent with the CMB and Λ-CDM? Yun-Ting Cheng, et al. arXiv, 2023, Sep05, 24 pages: Research: On CMB dipole anisotropy and the Λ-CDM model Consistency found. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Galaxy formation from a timescale perspective Peter Laursen, arXiv, 2023, Sep05, 13 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Galaxy formation from a timescale perspective Jean Schneider, Antoine Labeyrie, arXiv, 2023, Sep04, 20 pages: Review: On cosmology from the Moon ☽. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Model Selection with Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations in the Lyman-alpha Forest Fulvio Melia arXiv, 2023, Sep01, 6 pages: Research: On new evidence for Rh=ct universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    5. 2023 August
      1. Hierarchical Reconstruction of the Cosmic Web, The H-Spine method M.A. Aragon-Calvo arXiv, 2023, Aug30, 16 pages: Research: On characterizing the cosmic web. Note large-scale structure of the universe and cosmic web are not synonyms---the cosmic web is a form of large-scale structure / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. The destiny of Dark Matter Fabiano Tracanna, Steen H. Hansen arXiv, 2023, Aug30, 15 pages: Research: On the fate dark matter in the far future of the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Measurements of the Hubble constant from combinations of supernovae and radio quasars Tonghua Liu, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug30, 20 pages: Research: On Hubble constant. They support the direct value and get 73.51(67) by one way. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. JWST CEERS & JADES Active Galaxies at z = 4-7 Violate the Local Mbh-M* Relation at >3sigma: Implications for Low-Mass Black Holes and Seeding Models Fabio Pacucci, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug23, 13 pages: Research: On the M-σ relation, at high z. Observational, but probably important. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Uniform probability in cosmology: Sylvia Wenmackers arXiv, 2023, Aug23, 16 pages: Research: On philosophical cosmology and philosophy of cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. * | The Local Value of H0: Adam G. Riess, Louise Breuval, Riess & Breuval 2023: H0=73.04(104), arXiv, 2023, Aug18, 14 pages: Review: On Hubble constant H_0 = [(70 km/s)/Mpc]*h_70, h_70 = H_0/[(70 km/s)/Mpc] and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Toward a direct measurement of the cosmic acceleration: The first observation of HI 21cm absorption line at FAST Jiangang Kang, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug17, 26 pages: Research: On redshift drift and acceleration of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Notes on Gravitational Physics: John L. Friedman, arXiv, 2023, Aug18, 328 pages: Review: On gravitational physics, general relativity, black holes, etc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) alignment with the Locations of Cluster Members and the Large Scale Structure out to 10 R200: Rory Smith, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug16, 21 pages: Research: On brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. First spectroscopic observations of the galaxies that reionized the Universe: Hakim Atek, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug16, 29 pages: Research: On the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]): These findings provide robust evidence that faint galaxies were the main drivers of cosmic reionization at z about 7. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The Redshift Difference in Gravitational Lensed Systems: A Novel Probe of Cosmology: Chengyi Wang, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug15, 10 pages: Research: On a new approach to redshift drift. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Answers to frequently asked questions about the pulsar timing array Hellings and Downs correlation curve: Joseph D. Romano, Bruce Allen arXiv, 2023, Aug10, 16 pages: Review: On Answers to frequently asked questions about the pulsar timing array (PTA) Hellings and Downs correlation curve. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. A supermassive black hole in the early universe growing in the shadows: Lukas J. Furtak, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug10, 33 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and quasars: "The rapid growth and high black hole to galaxy mass ratio of A2744-QSO1 suggests that it may represent the missing link between black hole seeds (Inayoshi et al. 2020; Greene et al. 2020; Volonteri 2021) and the first luminous quasars (Fan et al. 2023)." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. A simple direct empirical observation of systematic bias of the redshift as a distance indicator: Lior Shamir, arXiv, 2023, Aug10, 10 pages: Research: On a possible significant bias in cosmological redshift z: "While a maximum average del z of ∼ 0.012 observed with galaxies of relatively low redshift (z<0.25) might not seem dramatic, the bias is consistent, and can explain puzzling observations such as the Ho tension." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. A Walk-Through of AGN Country -- for the somewhat initiated!: Robert R. J. Antonucci, arXiv, 2023, Aug08, 24 pages: Review and research: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) and AGN feedback. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Aspects of Machian Gravity (I): A Mathematical Formulation for Mach's Principle: Santanu Das, arXiv, 2023, Aug08, 33 pages: Research: On incorporating Mach's principle into gravitation. Important? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Analyzing the cosmic web environment in the vicinity of grand-design and flocculent spirals with local geometric index: Suman Sarkar, Ganesh Narayanan, Arunima Banerjee, arXiv, 2023, Aug08, 26 pages: Research: On large-scale structure of the universe and galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. A New Halo Density Profile for Galaxies: Fei Qin, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug07, 13 pages Research: On galaxy cluster dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. UNCOVER: The growth of the first massive black holes from JWST/NIRSpec -- spectroscopic confirmation of an X-ray luminous AGN at z=10.1: Andy D. Goulding, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug05, 9 pages Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr): "thus lending support to the heavy seeding channel for the formation of supermassive BHs within the first billion years of cosmic evolution." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. The Cepheid Extragalactic Distance Scale: Past, Present and Future: Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, arXiv, 2023, Aug04, 12 pages: Review: On Cepheids, cosmic distance ladder, and the Hubble tension. Is it possible to eliminate it? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Carnegie Supernova Project-I and -II: Measurements of H0 using Cepheid, TRGB, and SBF Distance Calibration to Type Ia Supernovae: Syed A. Uddin, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug02, 39 pages: Research: On Hubble constant and they get "H0=71.43±0.62 (stat)±2.43 (sys) from B-band and H0=72.65±0.63 (stat)±2.88 (sy H-band." So a reduced Hubble tension, but is it possible to eliminate it? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Cosmological Distance Measurement of 12 Nearby Supernovae IIP with ROTSE-IIIB: Govinda Dhungana, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug02, 19 pages: Research: On Hubble constant from Type II supernovae (SNe II). They get H0=72.9(57) and so the Hubble tension remains. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Unveiling the distant Universe: Characterizing z≥9 Galaxies in the first epoch of COSMOS-Web: Maximilien Franco, et al., arXiv, 2023, Aug01, 23 pages: Research: Find no tension with the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    6. 2023 July
      1. Crowded No More: The Accuracy of the Hubble Constant Tested with High Resolution Observations of Cepheids by JWST: Adam G. Riess, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul28, 20 pages: Research: On Cepheids and the cosmic distance ladder. No change for the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Tensions with the flat Λ-CDM model from high-redshift cosmography: G. Bargiacchi, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul28, 13 pages: Research: On cosmography that finds tensions with the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Bursty Star Formation Naturally Explains the Abundance of Bright Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn: Guochao Sun, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul28, 12 pages: Research: On starburst galaxies, cosmic dawn (AKA reionization era, z∼6--20, cosmic time c. 150--1000 Myr in Λ-CDM model), and tensions with the Λ-CDM model. They find no tensions. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Constraints on dark matter and astrophysics from tomographic γ-ray cross-correlations: Anya Paopiamsap, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul27, 27 pages: Research: On self-interacting dark matter and gamma-ray astronomy. Still inconclusive on dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The state of the dark energy equation of state circa 2023: Luis A. Escamilla, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul27, 21 pages: Research: On dark energy is still consistent with cosmological constant Λ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Lithium in Turn-off Stars in the Globular Cluster M5: A Quest for Primordial Lithium: Ann Merchant Boesgaard, Constantine P. Deliyannis, arXiv, 2023, Jul26, 19 pages: Research: On cosmological lithium problem. Progress, but no resolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. The Cosmic Microwave Background and H0: Pablo Lemos, Paul Shah arXiv, 2023, Jul24, 25 pages: Review: On Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Methodological Reflections on the MOND/Dark Matter Debate: Patrick M. Duerr (Hebrew University and Oxford University), William J. Wolf (Oxford University), arXiv, 2023, Jul22, 66 pages: Research: On science philosophy on the dark matter versus MOND debate. They judge MOND is the backrunner. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. * | History and Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology: Martin Lopez-Corredoira arXiv, 2023, Jul20, 9 pages: Review: On the history of cosmology. Rather polemical. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. On the Decline of Star Formation during the Evolution of Galaxies: Adelheid Teklu, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul18, 19 pages: Research: On cosmological hydrodynamic simulations showing inside-out galaxy quenching / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Addressing the Hubble tension with cosmic chronometers: Michele Moresco arXiv, 2023, Jul18, 17 pages: Review: On cosmic chronometers and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Lectures on Gravitational Wave Signatures of Primordial Black Holes: Guillem Domenech arXiv, 2023, Jul13, 41 pages: Review: On gravitational waves from primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Feedback models in galaxy simulations and probing their impact by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations: Kentaro Nagamine, arXiv, 2023, Jul13, 12 pages: Review: On AGN feedback and supernovae feedback on cosmological hydrodynamic simulations / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Suppression of matter density growth at scales exceeding the cosmic screening length: Maxim Eingorn, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul13, 7 pages: Research: On cosmology and large-scale structure of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Discovery of spectacular quasar-driven superbubbles in red quasars: Lu Shen, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul12, 47 pages: Research: On quasars and AGN feedback at z≅0.4 (cosmic time ≅ 9.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Strong Lensing and H0: Tommaso Treu, Anowar J. Shajib, arXiv, 2023, Jul11, 28 pages: Review: On strong gravitational lensing and the Hubble constant. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Primordial magnetic fields and the Hubble tension: Karsten Jedamzik, Levon Pogosian, arXiv, 2023, Jul11, 26 pages: Research: On primordial magnetic fields and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Cosmological Information in Perturbative Forward Modeling: Giovanni Cabass, Marko Simonović, Matias Zaldarriaga, arXiv, 2023, Jul10, 33 pages: Research: On cosmology, but it may be an interesting technique. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Formation Channels for Population III Stars at Cosmic Dawn: Lilia Correa Magnus, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul07, 14 pages: Research: On Population III stars at cosmic dawn. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. On the origin of globular clusters in a hierarchical Universe: Gabriella De Lucia, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul05, 18 pages: Research: On formation of globular clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Ageing and Quenching through the ageing diagram II: physical characterization of galaxies: Pablo Corcho-Caballero, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul05, 13 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Disk galaxies are self-similar: the universality of the HI-to-Halo mass ratio for isolated disks: Marie Korsaga,, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul05, 13 pages: Research: On disk galaxies and self-similarity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Cosmology with fast radio bursts in the era of SKA: Ji-Guo Zhang, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jul04, 16 pages: Research: On cosmology with fast radio bursts (FRBs) using Square Kilometre Array (SKA, 2027--). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    7. 2023 June
      1. TASI lectures on Phase Transitions, Baryogenesis, and Gravitational Waves: Djuna Croon, arXiv, 2023, Jun29, 55 pages: Review: On baryogenesis and primordial gravitational waves. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. A comparison of cosmological models with high-redshift quasars: Liuyuan Fan, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun29, 10 pages: Research: On They favor Λ-CDM model over Rh=ct universe, by Akaike information criterion (AIC) by factor of 5 or so. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Galaxies in voids assemble their stars slowly: J. Domínguez-omez, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun29, 27 pages: Research: On star formation in void galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Long-sought hum of gravitational waves from giant black holes heard for first time: Adam Mann, arXiv, 2023, Jun28, 1 page: Popular: On pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) and the almost discovery of low-frequency gravitational waves. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Evidence for a Gravitational-Wave Background: Gabriella Agazie, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun28, 30 pages: Research: On pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) and the almost discovery of low-frequency gravitational waves. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Sciama's argument on life in a random universe: Distinguishing apples from oranges: Zhi-Wei Wang, Samuel L. Braunstein, arXiv, 2023, Jun25, 4 pages: Research: On the argument of Dennis Sciama (1926--1999), anthropic principle, life as we know it, and intelligent design. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Detection of stellar light from quasar host galaxies at redshifts above 6: Xuheng Ding, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun24, 27 pages: Research: On M-σ relation a cosmic time less than 1 Gyr. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Euclid: A European space telescope sets off to discover the nature of dark energy, the biggest ingredient in the universe: Daniel Cleary arXiv, 2023, Jun22, 1 page: Popular: On the Euclid spacecraft (2023--2029?) just prior to launch 2023jul01. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Superstring Cosmology -- A Complementary Review: Robert Brandenberger (1956--), arXiv, 2023, Jun21, 25 pages: Review: On superstring theory in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Distance Duality Test: The Evolution of Radio Sources Mimics a Nonexpanding Universe: Pengfei Li arXiv, 2023, Jun20, 8 pages: Research: On the Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation) and a interesting mimicry. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The MAGPI Survey: Impact of environment on the total internal mass distribution of galaxies in the last 5 Gyr: Caro Derkenne, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun16, 26 pages: Research: On galaxy evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. New Dimensions of Galactic Chemical Evolution: David H. Weinberg et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun15, 10 pages: Review: On cosmichemical evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. The Fate of the Interstellar Medium in Early-type Galaxies. II. Observational Evidence for Morphological Quenching: Aleksandra Lesniewska, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun09, 10 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Detection of the Cosmological Time Dilation of High Redshift Quasars: Geraint F. Lewis, Brendon J. Brewer arXiv, 2023, Jun06, 18 pages: Research: On time dilation in cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Observational Evidence for Primordial Black Holes: A Positivist Perspective: Bernard Carr, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun06, 107 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) from a positive perspective. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Inside-out growth in the early Universe: a core in a vigorously star-forming disc: William M. Baker, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun04, 49 pages: Research: On a nearly super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) and its evidence for inside-out growth of galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Overview of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES): Daniel J. Eisenstein, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun04, 33 pages: Review: On Overview of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES, 2021--?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Confirmation of the spectral excess in DAMIC at SNOLAB with skipper CCDs: A. Aguilar-Arevalo, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun04, 8 pages: Research: On a possible dark matter particle. It's interesting. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. JWST-JADES. Possible Population III signatures at z=10.6 in the halo of GN-z11: Roberto Maiolino, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jun01, 13 pages: Research: On possible discovery of Population III stars at z=10.6 (cosmic time < 0.5 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    8. 2023 May
      1. Population II Distance Indicators: RR Lyrae Variables, Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) Stars and J-Branch Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB/Carbon) Stars: Barry F. Madore, Wendy L. Freedman, arXiv, 2023, May30, 16 pages: Review: On cosmic distance indicators / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. * | Parallelized Acquisition for Active Learning using Monte Carlo Sampling: Jesús Torrado, et al., arXiv, 2023, May30, 21 pages: Research: On Bayesian analysis and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Review of current estimates of the Galaxy mass: V. V. Bobylev, A. T. Bajkova, arXiv, 2023, May28, 15 pages: Review: On Milky Way and its dark matter halo mass. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. The pursuit of the Hubble Constant using Type II Supernovae: T. de Jaeger, L. Galbany arXiv, 2023, May26, 15 pages: Review: On using core collapse supernovae as a cosmic distance indicator. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Mass models of disk galaxies from gas dynamics: Federico Lelli, arXiv, 2023, May25, 10 pages: Review: On disk galaxies their dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Detection of an X-ray quasar in a gravitationally-lensed z=10.3 galaxy suggests that early supermassive black holes originate from heavy seeds: Akos Bogdan, et al., arXiv, 2023, May24, 28 pages: Research: On the origin of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) from studies of super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. The Universe Began with a Bang, Not a Bounce, New Studies Find: James Riordon SciAm, 2023, May24, 1 page: Popular: On possible ruling out the Big Bounce cosmology in the loop quantum cosmology (LQC) version. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. A Transient Overcooling in the Early Universe? Clues from Globular Clusters Formation Alvio Renzini arXiv, 2023, May23, 4 pages: Research: On starburst galaxies and super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) or nearly and what globular clusters can say about them. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Are we surprised to find SMBHs with JWST at z > 9? Raffaella Schneider, et al. arXiv, 2023, May21, 11 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) and some less so, and their supermassive black holes (SMBHs). But are we surprised? Don't say. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The Hubble Constant: A Historical Review Brent Tully (1943--), arXiv, 2023, May19, 20 pages: Review: On Hubble constant, but no concise table or figure. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Field-level Lyman-alpha forest modelling in redshift space via augmented non-local Fluctuating Gunn-Peterson Approximation Francesco Sinigaglia, et al. arXiv, 2023, May17, 13 pages: Research: On the Lyman-alpha forest and the Gunn-Peterson trough. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Reducing the uncertainty on the Hubble constant up to 35 % with an improved statistical analysis: different best-fit likelihoods for Supernovae Ia, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Quasars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts Maria Giovanna Dainotti, et al. arXiv, 2023, May17, 27 pages: Research: On SNe Ia, baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs), quasars, and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The Λ-CDM model is still consistent, but hint of dynamical dark energy and positive curvature (k > 0, Ω_k < 0). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. The Three Hundred Project: the evolution of physical baryon profiles Qingyang Li, et al. arXiv, 2023, May16, 20 pages: Research: On dark matter halos with baryonic matter in computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Optimizing the Evolution of Perturbations in the Lambda-CDM Universe Nicholas Choustikov, et al. arXiv, 2023, May16, 18 pages: Research: On structure formation (AKA large-scale structure formation), the matter power spectrum, and the bispectrum. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. A short survey of matter-antimatter evolution in the primordial universe Johann Rafelski, et al. arXiv, 2023, May15, 46 pages: Research: On the baryon asymmetry problem, antimatter, and the early universe (10**(-12) s -- 380,000 y). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Measuring H0 with Spectroscopic Surveys Mikhail M. Ivanov, Oliver H. E. Philcox, arXiv, 2023, May13, 21 pages: Review: On determination of the Hubble constant. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Constraints on the Hubble constant from Supernova Refsdal's reappearance Patrick L. Kelly, et al. arXiv, 2023, May10, 53 pages: Research: On the Hubble constant from SNe Ia: H0 = 66.6 +4.1-3.3 km / s / Mpc. Yikes / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. A Local Universe model for constrained simulations Simon Pfeifer, et al. arXiv, 2023, May09, 10 pages: Research: On the local observable universe from constrained simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. CLEAR: The Morphological Evolution of Galaxies in the Green Valley Vicente Estrada-Carpenter, et al. arXiv, 2023, May08, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy evolution in the green valley. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Explaining dark matter halo density profiles with neural networks Luisa Lucie-Smith, et al. arXiv, 2023, May04, 7 pages: Research: On dark matter halos analyzed via machine learning (ML). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Galaxy Morphology from z∼6 through the eyes of JWST M.Huertas-Company, et al. arXiv, 2023, May04, 24 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr), or a bit later ones and galaxy morphology and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Watersheds of the Universe: Laniakea and five newcomers in the neighborhood Alexandra Dupuy, Hélène M. Courtois arXiv, 2023, May03, 8 pages: Research: On the Laniakea Supercluster and five new watershed-defined new galaxy superclusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Lights in the Dark: Globular clusters as dark matter tracers Lucas M. Valenzuela arXiv, 2023, May01, 5 pages: Research: On globular clusters as tracers of dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    9. 2023 April
      1. Turnaround density evolution encodes cosmology in simulations Giorgos Korkidis, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr27, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter halos: "we conclude that the turnaround density evolution indeed encodes the cosmology in N-body simulations." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. No Tension: JWST Galaxies at z>10 Consistent with Cosmological Simulations Joe McCaffrey, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr24, 8 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr), or a bit later ones. Λ-CDM model seems fine. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. New exact solutions in multi-scalar field cosmology Jorge G. Russo, arXiv, 2023, Apr24, 24 pages: Research: On new solutions in inflation cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Initial conditions problem in cosmological inflation revisited David Garfinkle, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr24, 10 pages: Research: On inflation cosmology: "... indicating that inflation does not solve the homogeneity and isotropy problem beginning from generic initial conditions following a big bang." Indicating is not proving. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. * | Confirmation of the standard cosmological model from red massive galaxies ∼ 600 Myr after the Big Bang Francisco Prada, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr24, 10 pages: Research: On nearly super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t <∼ 0.5 Gyr) at z ≅ 0.8 (see "A Redshift Lookup Table for our Universe", Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2013). Again confirmation of the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Massive black holes in galactic nuclei: Theory and Simulations Tiziana Di Matteo, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr23, 77 pages: Review: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Key Science Goals for the Next-Generation Event Horizon Telescope Michael D. Johnson, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr21, 32 pages: Review: On Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. What Does the Milky Way Look Like? Y. Xu,, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr21, 32 pages: Research: On the Milky Way. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The evolution of radial gradients of MaNGA quiescent elliptical galaxies: inside-out quenching or outer mass growth? V. Avila-Reese, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr19, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching: it's inside-out. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The formation of the first black holes John H. Wise arXiv, 2023, Apr18, 30 pages: Review: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The role of mass and environment in the build up of the quenched galaxy population since cosmic noon E. Taylor, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr18, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching since cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). No reference to the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Cosmology with one galaxy? -- The ASTRID model and robustness Nicolas Echeverri, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr12, 16 pages: Research: On cosmology and and cosmological parameters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR6 Gravitational Lensing Map and Cosmological Parameters Mathew S. Madhavacheril, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr11, 30 pages: Research: On confirmation of Λ-CDM model again: "Our results provide independent confirmation that the universe is spatially flat, conforms with general relativity, and is described remarkably well by the Lambda-CDM model, while paving a promising path for neutrino physics with gravitational lensing from upcoming ground-based CMB surveys." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. The James Webb Space Telescope Mission Jonathan P. Gardner, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr11, 29 pages: Review: On JWST (2021--2041?) history and mission. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Benchmarks of Dark Energy Eric V. Linder et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr10, 7 pages: Review: On dark energy (Λ). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. A population of red candidate massive galaxies ∼600 Myr after the Big Bang Ivo Labbe, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr11, 26 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10) seen by JWST (2021--2041?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Anisotropic Hubble Expansion in Pantheon+ Supernovae: Ruairí McConville, Eoin Ó Colgáin, arXiv, 2023, Apr05, 4 pages: Research: On Hubble expansion which does NOT relieve the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Direct formation of massive black holes via dynamical collapse in metal-enriched merging galaxies at z∼10: fully cosmological simulations: Lucio Mayer, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr04, 14 pages: Research: On galaxy merger and the formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Supermassive Dark Star candidates seen by JWST?: Cosmin Ilie, et al. arXiv, 2023, Apr03, 13 pages: Research: On dark stars (dark matter) as the power source for Population III stars. A sort of resurection of the primeval atom theory. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    10. 2023 March
      1. A cosmic stream of atomic carbon gas connected to a massive radio galaxy at redshift 3.8: Bjorn H. C. Emonts, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar30, 51 pages Research: On cosmic cold streams for star formation and at z = 3.8. See also the popular article Caitlin M. Casey 2023, Science. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Exact solutions and cosmological constraints in fractional cosmology: Esteban González, Genly Leom, arXiv, 2023, Mar28, 51 pages Research: On cosmic scale factor a(t) solutions outside of general relativity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Bayesian Computation in Astronomy: Novel methods for parallel and gradient-free inference: Minas Karamanis, arXiv, 2023, Mar28, 280 pages Research and review: On Bayesian analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Deciphering Lyman-α Emission Deep int the Epoch of Reionisation: Callum Witten, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar28, 38 pages, Research: On the dark ages and large-scale structure emergence era (380,000 y -- 1 Gyr) and the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Constraints on cosmic curvature from cosmic chronometer and quasar observations: Bikash R. Dinda, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar28, 17 pages Research: On some evidence for positive curvature (k > 0, Ω_k < 0) for the observable universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Physics-informed neural networks in the recreation of hydrodynamic simulations from dark matter: Zhenyu Dai, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar24, 12 pages Research: On physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. * | Black Holes Up Close: Ramesh Narayan, Eliot Quataert arXiv, 2023, Mar23, 15 pages Review: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and general relativity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. The dark matter profile of the Milky Way inferred from its circular velocity curve: Xiaowei Ou, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar22, 13 pages Research: On dark matter halos and dark matter density profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Cosmological studies with VLBI: C. Spingola, arXiv, 2023, Mar22, 14 pages Review: On Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The first stars: formation, properties, and impact: Ralf S. Klessen, Simon C. O. Glover, arXiv, 2023, Mar22, 75 pages Review: On Population III stars. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. A Bayesian Approach To The Halo-Galaxy-SMBH Connection Through Cosmic Time: Christopher Boettner, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar20, 23 pages Research: On the M-σ relation through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. A physical and concise halo model based on the depletion radius: Yifeng Zhou, Jiaxin Han arXiv, 2023, Mar20, 19 pages Research: On dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Planes of satellites, no longer in tension with LCDM: Laura V. Sales, Julio F. Navarro arXiv, 2023, Mar17, 4 pages Review: On planes of satellite galaxies problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. A CEERS Discovery of an Accreting Supermassive Black Hole 570 Myr after the Big Bang: Identifying a Progenitor of Massive z > 6 Quasars: Rebecca L. Larson, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar15, 30 pages Research: On a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The halo model for cosmology: a pedagogical review: Marika Asgari, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar15, 28 pages, Review: On dark matter halos, the halo mass function, and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. A Consistent View of Interacting Dark Energy from Multiple CMB Probes: Yuejia Zhai, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar14, 8 pages: Research: On dark energy, dark matter, and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Probing the primordial Universe with 21-cm line from cosmic dawn/epoch of reionization: Teppei Minoda, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar14, 52 pages Review: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]) and hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Metal Factories in the Early Universe: Stephen Eales, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar13, 14 pages Research: On metallicity increase before cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr), / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Discordance of dipole asymmetries seen in recent large radio surveys with the Cosmological Principle: Ashok K. Singal arXiv, 2023, Mar09, 11 pages Research: On cosmological principle (scale 370 Mpc: see observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html). But is this minor or does it invalidate? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. An Empirical reionization history model inferred from star-forming galaxies at z>8: Yu-Heng Lin, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar09, 12 pages Research: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn: cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. String Cosmology: from the Early Universe to Today: Michele Cicoli, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar08, 186 pages Review: On string theory in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Reconciling astronomical distance scales with variable red giant stars: Richard I. Anderson, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar08, 18 pages Research: On tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars and confirming the Hubble tension: "H0 = 71.8 +/- 1.5 km/s/Mpc, in < 1 sigma agreement with the Cepheids-based H0 value and in 2.8 sigma tension with the early-Universe value". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Environmental analysis of the orbital structures of passive galaxies: Giulia Santucci, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar07, 21 pages Research: On galaxy formation and evolution: "Our results demonstrate that after stellar mass, environment does play a role in shaping present-day passive galaxies." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. The Neutron Mean Life and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Tsung-Han Yeh, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar07, 27 pages Research: On cosmic neutrino background and Big Bang nucleosynthesis (cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Accurate Analytic Mass-Scale Relations for Dark Matter Haloes of all Masses and Redshifts: Eduard Salvador-Sole, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar06, 16 pages Research: On dark matter halos. Maybe important. / keywords_cosmology.html. li>The Stellar Mass - Black Hole Mass Relation at z=2 Down to MBH 10**7 Msun Determined by HETDEX: Yechi Zhang, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar06, 16 pages Research: On M-σ relation at z∼2. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Deep symbolic regression for physics guided by units constraints: toward the automated discovery of physical laws: Wassim Tenachi, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar06, 16 pages Research: On artificial intelligence (AI) discovery of physical laws. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. TASI Lectures on the Particle Physics and Astrophysics of Dark Matter: Benjamin R. Safdi arXiv, 2023, Mar03, 114 pages Review: On dark matter and particle physics. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Cosmic Radioactivity and Galactic Chemical Evolution: Roland Diehl, Nikos Prantzos arXiv, 2023, Mar03, 72 pages Review: On cosmichemical evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Cosmic voids and the kinetic analysis. II. Link to Hubble tension: V. G. Gurzadyan, et al. arXiv, 2023, Mar02, 8 pages Research: On cosmic voids and the cosmological constant Λ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Clumpy Structures within the Turbulent Primordial Cloud: Ching-Yao Tang, Ke-Jung Chen arXiv, 2023, Mar01, 16 pages: Research: On the size of Population III stars. Turbulence may have made them a lot smaller that 100 M_☉, and this may explain the metallicity of extreme Population II stars which are still not Population III stars. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    11. 2023 February
      1. Young stellar distance indicators and the extragalactic distance scale: Richard I. Anderson arXiv, 2023, Feb28, 8 pages: Review: On Cepheids and the Hubble tension which the Cepheids support. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Galactic bulge-black hole co-evolution, feeding and feedback of AGNs: Francoise Combes arXiv, 2023, Feb24, 39 pages: Review: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) and galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Spiral Galaxies: Francoise Combes arXiv, 2023, Feb24, 40 pages: Review: On spiral galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. CMB constraints on the early universe independent of late time cosmology: Pablo Lemos, Antony Lewis arXiv, 2023, Feb24, 9 pages: Research: On the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the early universe (10**(-12) s -- 380,000 y) to the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn), ("This occurred between 150 million and one billion years after the Big Bang (at a redshift 20 > z > 6)"). So early in the radiation-matter universe / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Constraints on the Cosmological Coupling of Black Holes from the Globular Cluster NGC 3201: Carl L. Rodriguez arXiv, 2023, Feb24, 6 pages: Research: On evidence against the cosmological coupling of black holes (CCBH) of Farrah et al. 2023. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Dark Matter and Gravity Waves from a Dark Big Bang: Katherine Freese, Martin Wolfgang Winkler, arXiv, 2023, Feb22, 46 pages: Research: On baryonic dark matter and dark Big Bang. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Getting in shape with minimal energy. A variational principle for protohaloes: Marcello Musso (U. Salamanca), Ravi K. Sheth (UPenn & ICTP) arXiv, 2023, Feb22, 5 pages: Research: On dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. COSMOS2020: Exploring the dawn of quenching for massive galaxies at 3 < z < 5 with a new colour selection method: Katriona M. L. Gould, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb21, 19 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching over cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The Ups and Downs of Early Dark Energy solutions to the Hubble tension: a review of models, hints and constraints circa 2023: Vivian Poulin, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb17, 46 pages: Review: On early dark energy and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Model-independent measurement of cosmic curvature with the latest H(z) and SNe Ia data: A comprehensive investigation: Jing-Zhao Qi, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb17, 9 pages: Research: On cosmic curvature: "Our findings suggest that the observational data of the late universe support a flat universe". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. An Effective Model for the Cosmic-Dawn 21-cm Signal: Julian B. Munoz arXiv, 2023, Feb16, 22 pages: Research: On analytic model of reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn) and hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. ** | Observational evidence for cosmological coupling of black holes (CCBH) and its implications for an astrophysical source of dark energy: Duncan Farrah, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb15, 10 pages: Research: On growing black holes growing in mass as cosmic scale factor a**3 exactly canceling declining number density and becoming an effective cosmological constant Λ. Defines cosmological coupling of black holes (CCBH). See also the popular article Adam Mann, 2023, Dark energy from supermassive black holes? Physicists spar over radical idea. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Chemo-Dynamical Evolution of Galaxies: Chiaki Kobayashi, Philip Taylor arXiv, 2023, Feb14, 47 pages: Review: On the cosmichemical evolution of galaxies, among other things, in the era of JWST (2021--2041?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Quark nuggets, QCD vacuum and the cosmological 7Li, Dark Matter and Dark Energy problems: Rachid Ouyed, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb14, 12 pages: Research: On quantum cosmology solutions for the cosmological lithium problem, dark matter, and dark energy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. MOND as a peculiar case of the SIV theory: Andre Maeder Maeder 2023: SIV theory arXiv, 2023, Feb13, 9 pages: Research: On MOND and the accelerating universe. But does cosmological coupling of black holes (CCBH) render out-of-date. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Hubble Tension: The Evidence of New Physics: Jian-Ping Hu, Fa-Yin Wang arXiv, 2023, Feb11, 39 pages: Review: On the Hubble tension and new physics: "The evidence leans more towards modifying the late-time universe." But will cosmological coupling of black holes (CCBH) render this review out-of-date? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Carbonaceous dust grains within galaxies seen in the first billion years of cosmic time: Joris Witstok, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb10, 27 pages: Research: On cosmic dust in the first gigayear of cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. JAX-COSMO: An End-to-End Differentiable and GPU Accelerated Cosmology Library: Jean-Eric Campagne, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb10, 27 pages: Research: On JAX-COSMO: library for automatically differentiable cosmological theory calculations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Practical Guidance for Bayesian Inference in Astronomy: Gwendolyn M. Eadie, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb09, 10 pages: Review: On Bayesian analysis in astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Deep Machine Learning in Cosmology: Evolution or Revolution?: Ofer Lahav (1959--), arXiv, 2023, Feb09, 12 pages: Review: On machine learning (ML) in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. X-Ray Detection of the Galaxy's Missing Baryons in the Circum-Galactic Medium of L* Galaxies: Fabrizio Nicastro et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb08, 22 pages: Research: On the galaxy missing baryon problem (with a partial solution) and L* galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Perspectives on fundamental cosmology from Low Earth Orbit and the Moon: Gianfranco Bertone, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb07, 7 pages: Review: On cosmology observations from space. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Family dispute: do Type IIP supernova siblings agree on their distance?: Geza Coernyei, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb06, 20 pages: Research: On core collapse supernovae as cosmic distance indicators. Answer: yes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Analyzing the Large-Scale Bulk Flow using CosmicFlows4: Increasing Tension with the Standard Cosmological Model: Richard Watkins, et al. arXiv, 2023, Feb03, 9 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure of the universe and the Λ-CDM model. The Λ-CDM model is strongly disfavored, but the radiation-matter-Lambda universe may be right still. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Evidence for suppression of structure growth in the concordance cosmological model: Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Dragan Huterer, Yuewei Wen, arXiv, 2023, Feb02, 5 pages: Research: On the S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma 8, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension). They say revolved and "Our constraints exclude the predictions of flat Λ-CDM model in general relativity (GR) at the statistical significance of 3.7 sigma indicating a suppression of growth rate during the dark-energy dominated epoch." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. A Minimal Explanation of the Primordial Cosmological Perturbations: Neil Turok, Latham Boyle, arXiv, 2023, Feb01, 6 pages: Research: On quantum cosmology and primordial fluctuations. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    12. 2023 January
      1. An analytical approach to Bayesian evidence computation: Juan Garcia-Bellido arXiv, 2023, Jan31, 19 pages: Research: On Bayesian analysis in cosmology / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Quasi-extremal primordial black holes are a viable dark matter candidate: Jose A. de Freitas Pacheco, Elias Kiritsis, Matteo Lucca, Joseph Silk arXiv, 2023, Jan30, 11 pages: Research: On dark matter and primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Evan Grohs, George M. Fuller arXiv, 2023, Jan28, 23 pages: Review: On Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Spatial Curvature and Thermodynamics: Narayan Banerjee, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan24, 9 pages: Research: On curvature: "any sign of the spatial curvature appears consistent with the second law of thermodynamics." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. A Whole Cosmology View of the Hubble Constant: Eric V. Linder arXiv, 2023, Jan23, 7 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension: "changing the expansion history, e.g. employing dynamical dark energy, cannot reconcile disparate deductions of H0 without upsetting some other cosmological measurement." But what of Yershov (2023) and their remote cosmic dust solution that is economical. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Point-like sources among z>11 galaxy candidates: contaminants due to supernovae at high redshifts?: Haojing Yan, Lifan Wang, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan23, 8 pages: Research: On JWST (2021--2041?) super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10), contaminated by remote supernovae. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Distant foreground and the Hubble constant tension: Vladimir Yershov arXiv, 2023, Jan22, 4 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension with a remote cosmic dust solution that is economical. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Constraints on S8 from a full-scale and full-shape analysis of redshift-space clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing in BOSS: Johannes U. Lange, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan20, 20 pages: Research: On the S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma 8, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension) with no resolution, but a lot of data brought to bear. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. What Causes The Formation of Disks and End of Bursty Star Formation?: Philip F. Hopkins, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan19, 44 pages: Research: On star formation by the FIRE project (c.2014--). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. S8 Tension in the Context of Dark Matter-Baryon Scattering: Adam He, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan19, 21 pages: Research: On the S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8, sigma 8, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension) with interacting dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Modelling the cosmological Lyman-Werner background radiation field in the Early Universe: Andrea Incatasciato, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan17, 20 pages: Research: On the dark ages and large-scale structure emergence era (380,000 y -- 1 Gyr) studied by modeling Lyman-Werner radiation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Resurfaced 1964 VRT video interview of Georges Lemaîtr: Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan17, 7 pages: Research: On (Lost Media) Interview with Georges Lemaitre (1964)| 19:47: Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966), the Master (it's his name), speaks to us from across the centuries---prospectively speaking. And with Flemish subtitles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Redshift Evolution of the Electron Density in the ISM at z ∼ 0--9 Uncovered with JWST/NIRSpec Spectra and Line-Spread Function Determinations: Yuki Isobe, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan17, 7 pages: Research: On interstellar medium (ISM) electron density through cosmic time based on many instruments including JWST (2021--2041?) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Nearly Forgotten Cosmological Concept of E. B. Gliner: D.G. Yakovlev, A.D. Kaminker arXiv, 2023, Jan13, 19 pages: Research: On history of cosmology Erast Borisovich Gliner (1923--2021) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. FLARES IX: The Physical Mechanisms Driving Compact Galaxy Formation and Evolution: William J. Roper, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan12, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution: "This explicitly demonstrates the process of inside-out galaxy formation in which compact bulges form earlier than the surrounding discs." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. The effect of stellar encounters on the dark matter annihilation signal from prompt cusps: Jens Stücker, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan11, 17 pages: Research: On self-annihilating dark matter, dark matter halos, and the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. On the Galactic Halos Rotation by Planck Datas: Noraiz Tahir, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan09, 18 pages: Research: On the dark matter halos: "there could be stable clouds of gas and dust in thermal equilibrium with the CMB at 2.7 K, which had been called virial clouds." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. New multiple AGN systems with sub-arcsec separation: confirmation of candidates selected via the novel GMP method: A. Ciurlo, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan08, 6 pages: Research: On multiple active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) some of which are on path for merger: "Our observations double the number of confirmed multiple AGNs at projected separations below 7 kpc at z > 0.5." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. What are recent observations telling us in light of improved tests of distance duality relation?: Liu Tonghua, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan08, 21 pages: Research: On Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation): "Our results indicate perfect agreement between observations and predictions, supporting the persisting claims that the Etherington reciprocity theorem could still be the best description of our universe." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics Overview: Floyd W. Stecker, arXiv, 2023, Jan07, 9 pages: Review: On neutrinos, neutrino astronomy, and cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Predicting the impact of feedback on matter clustering with machine learning in CAMELS: Ana Maria Delgado, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan05, 18 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution, AGN feedback, dark matter halos, and baryonic matter. reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. The TAP equation: evaluating combinatorial innovation in Biocosmology: Marina Cortes, Stuart A. Kauffman, Andrew R. Liddle, Lee Smoli, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan04, 18 pages: Research: On the biocosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations of 0.3: Abdurro'uf, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan05, 30 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution star formation, and galaxy quenching using JWST (2021--2041?) data. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. The Earliest Stage of Galactic Star Formation: Charles L. Steinhardt, et al., arXiv, 2023, Jan04, 9 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution star formation, and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  6. 2022

    1. 2022 December
      1. Star Cluster Formation and Survival in the First Galaxies: Fred Angelo Batan Garcia, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec28, 20 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution and globular clusters formation before and circa reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Off-centre supermassive black holes in bright central galaxies: Aline Chu, Pierre Boldrini, Joseph Silk (1942--), arXiv, 2022, Dec26, 20 pages: Research: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs): "Since the dense gas reservoirs are located in the central region of galaxies, we argue that the consequences of off-center SMBHs in BCGs are to quench any BH growth and BH feedback." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Can Cosmological Simulations Reproduce the Spectroscopically Confirmed Galaxies Seen at z≥10?: Fred Angelo Batan Garcia, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec28, 7 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution of super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10), "We find that existing models for cosmological galaxy formation can generally reproduce the observations for JADES, in terms of galaxy stellar masses, star formation rates, and the number density of galaxies at z>10." So yes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Local and large-scale effects on the astrophysics of void-galaxies: Agustín M. Rodríguez-Medrano, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec20, 10 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution of void galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Multiple shock fronts in RBS 797: the Chandra window on shock heating in galaxy clusters: F. Ubertosi, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec20, 29 pages: Research: On shock heating in galaxy clusters using Chandra X-ray Observatory (1999--). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. The Circular Velocity Curve of the Milky Way from 5 to 25 kpc using luminous red giant branch star: Yuan Zhou, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec20, 16 pages: Research: On the galaxy rotation curve and dark matter halo of the Milky Way. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. The halo concentration and mass relation traced by satellite galaxies: Qing Gu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec20, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter halo traced by satellite galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Cosmological gravity probes: connecting recent theoretical developments to forthcoming observations: Shun Arai, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec18, 115 pages: Review: On modified gravity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The galaxy morphology-density relation in the EAGLE simulation: Joel Pfeffer, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec16, 19 pages: Research: On Eagle project results on galaxy morphology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. TASI Lectures on Cosmic Signals of Fundamental Physics: Daniel Green arXiv, 2022, Dec16, 72 pages: Review: On the connection of cosmology to fundamental physics. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Growing the First Galaxies' Merger Trees: Ethan O. Nadler, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec16, 19 pages: Research: On on novel method for structure formation and galaxy mergers. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Effective Field Theory for Large Scale Structure: Mikhail M. Ivanov arXiv, 2022, Dec16, 46 pages: Review: On effective field theory for gravity for non-experts. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. The impact of dark matter-baryon relative velocity on the 21cm forest: Hayato Shimabukuro, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec16, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter and the hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. On the gamma-ray emission from the core of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy: Addy J. Evans,.., Dan Hooper (1976--), et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec15, 12 pages: Research: On the possibility of self-interacting dark matter gamma rays (γ) from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sgr dSph). For the dark matter interpretation, we find that this signal favors a dark matter mass of mχ=29.6±5.8 GeV and an annihilation cross section of σv=(2.1±0.59)×10−26cm3/s for the bb¯ channel (or mχ=8.3±3.8 GeV and σv=(0.90±0.25)×10−26cm3/s for the Ï„+τ− channel), when adopting a J-factor of J=1019.6GeV2cm−5." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The Cherenkov Telescope Array Will Test Whether Pulsars Generate the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess: Celeste Keith, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, arXiv, 2022, Dec15, 12 pages: Research: On the possibility of self-interacting dark matter gamma rays (γ) from the Galactic Center as the cause of the Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE) and evidence from the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA,2022--) to rule out pulsarsa ast source. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. JWST catches the assembly of a z=5 ultra-low-mass galaxy: Yoshihisa Asada, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec14, 5 pages: Research: On JWST (2021--2041?) and the galaxy merger of ultra diffuse galaxies??? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Growth of Cosmic Structure, Dragan Huterer arXiv, 2022, Dec14, 45 pages: Review: On structure formation / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Investigating the effect of Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies extension on dark matter searches with Fermi-LAT data: Mattia Di Mauro, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec13, 16 pages: Research: On dwarf spheriodal galaxies (dSphs) as targets for dark matter and self-annihilating dark matter???. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Baryonic Imprints on DM Halos: The concentration-mass relation in the CAMELS simulations: Mufan Shao, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec12, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter halos interacting with baryonic matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Effects of Baryonic Feedback on the Cosmic Web: James Sunseri, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec12, 8 pages: Research: On dark matter, dark matter halos, baryonic matter, and the cosmic web. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. DESI Survey Validation Spectra Reveal an Increasing Fraction of Recently Quenched Galaxies at z≅1: David J. Setton, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec12, 14 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching from DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Nearby voids and their galaxies: recent progress and prospects: S. Pustilnik, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec12, 8 pages: Review: On voids void galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Spectroscopy of four metal-poor galaxies beyond redshift ten, Emma Curtis-Lake, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec08, 32 pages: Research: On JWST (2021--2041?) super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10), at reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. Gravitational waves from the early universe: Rafael R. Lino dos Santos, Linda M. van Manen, arXiv, 2022, Dec08, 43 pages: Review: On the cosmological gravitational wave background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. Can high-redshift Hubble diagrams rule out the standard model of cosmology in the context of cosmographic method?: S. Pourojaghi, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec08, 17 pages: Research: On cosmography with Pade approximation. Λ-CDM model shows no tensions with data, but what of the Hubble tension? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives on the Cosmological Constant: Adam Koberinski, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec08, 27 pages: Research: On science philosophy, cosmological constant Λ, and cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. THESAN-HR: How does reionization impact early galaxy evolution?: Josh Borrow, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec06, 18 pages: Research: On reionization galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. On the statistical relation between the halo mass function and the internal structure of dark matter haloes: T. R. G. Richardson, P.-S. Corasaniti, arXiv, 2022, Dec06, 12 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and dark matter density profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. A fundamental plane of galaxy assembly and chemical enrichment within the first 700 Myr after the Big Bang: Kasper E. Heintz, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec06, 18 pages: Research: On maybe the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies and galaxy formation and evolution in the first 2 gigayears of cosmic time as revealed by JWST (2021--2041?). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. Numerical analyses of M31 dark matter profiles: Kuantay Boshkayev, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec06, 12 pages: Research: On dark matter halos, dark matter density profiles and Andromeda galaxy (M31, NGC 224). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      31. Evolution of the Mass-Metallicity Relation from Redshift z ≅ 8 to the Local Universe: Danial Langeroodi, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec05, 29 pages: Research: On the galaxy mass-metalliticity relation to z ≅ 8 using JWST (2021--2041?) / keywords_cosmology.html.
      32. Hubble constant by natural selection: Evolution chips in the Hubble tension: Reginald Christian Bernardo, You-Ru Lee, arXiv, 2022, Dec05, 11 pages: Research: On approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and Hubble tension. The 67.4(5) wins over the 73.3(104) always. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      33. The WIMP Paradigm: Theme and Variations: Jonathan L. Feng arXiv, 2022, Dec05, 36 pages: Review: On WIMPs as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      34. Analytic auto-differentiable Λ-CDM cosmography: Konstantin Karchev arXiv, 2022, Dec04, 13 pages: Research: On cosmological distance measures and cosmography. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      35. Model independent bounds for the number of e-folds during the evolution of the universe: G. German, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec03, 17 pages: Research: On e-folding of the size of the universe or maybe pocket universe. They use piecewise growth phases and say common, but do no use the word "piecewise". Galanti & Roncadelli 2021 also say common, but avoid it for the radiation-matter universe. German et al (2022) is too complex for me to cite for piecewise solutions. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      36. Two mysterious universal dark matter-baryon relations in galaxies and galaxy clusters: Man Ho Chan arXiv, 2022, Dec02, 14 pages: Research: On dark matter and baryonic matter relations in galaxies and galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      37. AGN Feedback in SDSS-IV MaNGA: AGNs Have Suppressed Central Star-Formation Rates: Caleb Lammers, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec01, 22 pages: Research: On AGN feedback leading to inside galaxy quenching. But no obvious discussion of the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      38. The evidence for a decreasing trend of Hubble constant: X. D. Jia, et al., arXiv, 2022, Dec01, 8 pages: Research: On Hubble tension: "Our results can relieve the Hubble tension, and prefer the late-time solutions of it, especially the new physics." / keywords_cosmology.html.

    2. 2022 November
      1. Impact of galactic distributions in celestial capture of dark matter: Debajit Bose, Sambo Sarkar, arXiv, 2022, Nov30, 25 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and dark matter particles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Lopsided Galaxies in a cosmological context: a new galaxy-halo connection: Silvio Varela-Lavin, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov29, 16 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Orientations of DM Halos in FIRE-2 Milky Way-mass Galaxies: Jay Baptista, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov29, 19 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and galaxies: "The shape and orientation of dark matter (DM) halos are sensitive to the micro-physics of the DM particle". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Evidence for a Massive Andromeda Galaxy Using Satellite Galaxy Proper Motions: Ekta Patel, Kaisey S. Mandel arXiv, 2022, Nov29, 21 pages: Research: On the mass of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31): 3*10**12 M_☉, and so over the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019). But is Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is close to galaxy quenching. Wikipedia: Andromeda Galaxy: Formation and history). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. How Close Dark Matter Halos and MOND Are to Each Other: Three-Dimensional Tests Based on Gaia DR2: Yongda Zhu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov23, 20 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and MOND. "Because there is no free parameter at all in the quasi-linear MOND model we use, and the baryonic parameters are actually fine-tuned in the DM context, such an effective equivalence is surprising, and might be calling forth a transcending synthesis of the two paradigms." What the Devil. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Latest data constraint of some parameterized dark energy models: Jing Yang, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov29, 23 pages: Research: On Friedmann equation (FE) models with Friedmann-equation Λ models winning again. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. FOREVER22: the first bright galaxies with population III stars at redshifts z=10--20 and comparisons with JWST data: Three-Dimensional Tests Based on Gaia DR2: Hidenobu Yajima, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov23, 7 pages: Research: On JWST (2021--2041?) and Population III stars. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Euclid: Modelling massive neutrinos in cosmology -- a code comparison: J. Adamek, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov22, 43 pages: Research: On computer codes for N-body simulation with the cosmic neutrino background. "We find that the different numerical implementations produce fully consistent results. We can therefore be confident that we can model the impact of massive neutrinos at the sub-percent level in the most common summary statistics." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Dust-free starburst galaxies at redshifts z>10: Biman B. Nath, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov22, 5 pages: Research: On lack of cosmic dust in super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Hydrostatic Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters in the eROSITA Survey: Dominik Scheck, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov22, 15 pages: Research: On dark matter density profiles. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. King Ghidorah Supercluster: Mapping the light and dark matter in a new supercluster at z=0.55 using the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam: Rhythm Shimakawa, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov22, 5 pages: Research: On the largest galaxy superclusters. "Estimated the total mass of the main structure to be 1*10**16 solar masses." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Exhaustive Symbolic Regression: Deaglan J. Bartlett, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov21, 14 pages: Research: On symbolic regression applied to cosmology: "finding about 40 functions (out of 5.2 million considered) that fit the data more economically than the Friedmann equation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Snowmass Cosmic Frontier Report: Aaron S. Chou, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov18, 55 pages: Review: On gravitational waves inflation, quantum cosmology, etc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. * | Centenary of Alexander Friedmann's Prediction of the Universe Expansion and the Quantum Vacuum: Galina L. Klimchitskaya, Vladimir M. Mostepanenko arXiv, 2022, Nov18, 16 pages: Research: On Alexander Friedmann (1888--1925) and the Friedmann equation (FE) models in the centenniel year of his breakthrough. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Euclid in a nutshell: Antonino Troja, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov16, 6 pages: Review: On the Euclid spacecraft (2023--). Another short review by same folks Euclid: performance on main cosmological parameter science. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Dusty winds clear JWST super-early galaxies: Fabrizio Fiore, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov16, 6 pages: Research: On super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10) with high star formation rate (SFR)), have little interstellar dust due to feedback. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Snowmass Neutrino Frontier Report: Patrick Huber, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov16, 49 pages: Review: On astrophysical neutrinos, cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Hierarchical Clustering in Astronomy: Heng Yu, Xiaolan Hou, arXiv, 2022, Nov11, 12 pages: Review: On hierarchical clustering in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. CEERS Key Paper I: An Early Look into the First 500 Myr of Galaxy Formation with JWST: Steven L. Finkelstein, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov10, 41 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution in the first 500 Myr of cosmic time (i.e., z &ge 9). Some surprises, but the observations are very preliminary. Maybe just a top-heavy (initial mass function (IMF). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Primordial Black Holes: Albert Escriva, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov10, 117 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Witnessing the star-formation quenching in L* ellipticals: Suraj Dhiwar, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov16, 19 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching but without saying what L* ellipticals are. golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019) is mentioned without a name. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. A Tilt Instability in the Cosmological Principle: Chethan Krishnan, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov15, 5 pages: Research: On the instability of Friedmann equation (FE) models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Evolution of Gas, and Star Formation from z = 0 to 5: Nick Scoville, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov15, 18 pages: Research: On interstellar medium (ISM) and star formation over cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      24. A BayeSN Distance Ladder: H0 from a consistent modelling of Type Ia supernovae from the optical to the near infrared: Suhail Dhawan, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov14, 10 pages: Research: On SNe Ia and tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars distances which again lead to the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      25. The Galactic Center as a laboratory for theories of gravity and dark matter: Mariafelicia de Laurentis, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov13, 70 pages: Review: On the Galactic Center as a laboratory for gravity, alternatives to general relativity, and dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      26. Cosmological impact of microwave background temperature measurements: L. Gelo, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov10, 9 pages: Research: On the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as a function of cosmological redshift z and constraints on the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      27. Cosmological tensions in the birthplace of the heliocentric model: Eleonora Di Valentino, Emmanuel Saridakis, Adam Riess, arXiv, 2022, Nov09, 3 pages: Review: On Λ-CDM model and tensions including the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      28. Om3 test of Λ-CDM with eBOSS data: Arman Shafieloo, Sangwoo Park, Varun Sahni, Alexei Starobinsky (1948--) arXiv, 2022, Nov07, 6 pages: Research: On new tests of the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      29. Black hole-galaxy co-evolution and the role of feedback: Pedro R. Capelo, et al., arXiv, 2022, Nov05, 52 pages: Review: On galaxies, supermassive black holes (SMBHs), and AGN feedback. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      30. A 7.0 % Determination of the Baryon Fraction in the Intergalactic Medium from Localized Fast Radio Bursts: Bao Wang, Jun-Jie Wei, arXiv, 2022, Nov04, 9 pages Research: On baryonic matter fraction in the intergalactic medium (IGM) out of the total of intergalactic medium (IGM) and dark matter halos. They get 0.857(60) and no sign of evolution. An important constraint on cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    3. 2022 October
      1. Halo mass function in scale invariant models: Swati Gavas, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct31, 11 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the halo mass function: "Our results indicate that an improved analytical theory is required to provide better fits to the mass function." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Iterative mean-field approach to the spherical collapse of dark matter halos: Xun Shi, arXiv, 2022, Oct31, 7 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and their density profiles with a semi-analytic approach. On gravitational mechanics (GrM). Sounds like again, I tracking steps badly. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Strong lensing time-delay cosmography in the 2020s: T.Treu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct27, 60 pages: Review: On strong gravitational lensing and cosmography. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Solvable potentials in a FLRW+Scalar universe and Fits to type Ia supernovae data: B. S. Balakrishna arXiv, 2022, Oct26, 12 pages: Research: On exotic exact solutions to the Friedmann equation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Dynamical analysis of the redshift drift in FLRW universes: Francisco S. N. Lobo, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct25, 34 pages: Research: On redshift drift. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Quasi-spherical superclusters: Pekka Heinaemaeki, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct24, 15 pages: Research: On galaxy superclusters. "Quasi-spherical superclusters are among the largest gravitationally bound systems found to date, and form a special class of giant systems that, dynamically, are in between large gravitationally unbound superclusters and clusters of galaxies in an equilibrium configuration." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Studying Cosmic Dawn using redshifted HI 21-cm signal: A brief review: Ankita Bera, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct21, 22 pages: Review: On the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn) and hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. On the Outskirts of Dark Matter Haloes: Alice Chen, Niayesh Afshordi arXiv, 2022, Oct21, 9 pages: Research: On dark matter halos from N-body simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Neutron Lifetime Anomaly and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Tammi Chowdhury, Seyda Ipek, arXiv, 2022, Oct21, 4 pages: Research: On Big Bang nucleosynthesis (cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m) and the neutron lifetime anomaly. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. GOGREEN: a critical assessment of environmental trends in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations at z ~ 1: Egidijus Kukstas, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct19, 20 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching at z = 1 (t_cosmic 6 Gyr: see file cosmos_distance_z_10000.html). The computer simulations do not match observations yet. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The role of Pop III stars and early black holes in the 21cm signal from Cosmic Dawn: Emanuele M. Ventura, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct19, 16 pages: Research: On Population III stars and reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn) at z in [4,40] (see file cosmos_distance_z_10000.html) and the EDGES Collaboration result (see also Wikipedia: EDGES). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. A review of neutrino decoupling from the early universe to the current universe: Kensuke Akita, Masahide Yamaguchi arXiv, 2022, Oct19, 68 pages: Review: On cosmic neutrino background. For cosmological distance measures, see cosmos_distance_z_10000.html. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Why is zero spatial curvature special?: Raul Jimenez, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct18, 16 pages: Research: On why flat universe is special and maybe the unique choice beyond demands of inflation. For cosmological distance measures, see cosmos_distance_z_10000.html). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. The local dark matter distribution in self-interacting dark matter halos: Elham Rahimi, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct12, 39 pages: Research: On self-interacting dark matter in dark matter halos. Maxwellian distributions turn up. See also The Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess: Dan Hooper (1976--), / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Return of Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum in light of recent cosmological tensions: Jun-Qian Jiang, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct12, 21 pages: Research: On Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum and the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a probe of new physics: Carlos A. Bertulani, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct08, 26 pages: Review: On cosmological lithium problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Rapid Quenching of Galaxies at Cosmic Noon: Minjung Park, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct07, 26 pages: Research: On rapid galaxy quenching at cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr), but no mention of the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Why Cosmic Voids Matter: Nonlinear Structure & Linear Dynamics: Nico Schuster, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct05, 34 pages: Research: On cosmic voids in computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. The DAWES review 10: The impact of deep learning for the analysis of galaxy surveys: Marc Huertas-Company, François Lanusse arXiv, 2022, Oct04, 62 pages: Review: On galaxy surveys analyzed by machine learning (ML). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. * | Thermodynamic solution of the homogeneity, isotropy and flatness puzzles (and a clue to the cosmological constant): Latham Boyle, Neil Turok (1958--), arXiv, 2022, Oct03, 5 pages: Research: On Friedmann equation (FE) models. There is NO popular article yet it seems, but see video Physicist Neil Turok: The Universe is Extremely Simple! (2022nov02) | 7:55. There is popular article too: Charlie Wood, 2022, Quantamagazine, Why This Universe? A New Calculation Suggests Our Cosmos Is Typical. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. The JWST Hubble Sequence: The Rest-Frame Optical Evolution of Galaxy Structure at 1.5: Leonardo Ferreira, et al., arXiv, 2022, Oct03, 18 pages: Research: On the Hubble sequence JWST. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    4. 2022 September
      1. First detection of the Hubble variation correlation and its scale dependence: Wang-Wei Yu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep29, 5 pages: Research: On the Hubble constant, the Hubble flow, and SNe Ia / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. The Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess: Dan Hooper (1976--), arXiv, 2022, Sep28, 9 pages: Research/Review: On Galactic Center GeV excess and self-annihilating dark matter. They favored it. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Review of solutions to the Cusp-core problem of the Lambda-CDM Model: Antonino Del Popolo, Morgan Le Delliou arXiv, 2022, Sep28, 37 pages: Review: On the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Early JWST imaging reveals strong optical and NIR color gradients in galaxies at z ∼ 2 driven mostly by dust: Tim B. Miller, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep26, 10 pages: Research: On cosmic dust at cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Probing the link between quenching and morphological evolution: Ioanna Koutsouridou, Andrea Cattaneo, arXiv, 2022, Sep26, 21 pages: Research: On galaxy evolution and galaxy quenching. They do mention Dekel et al. 2019, golden mass ≅ 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. RC100: Rotation Curves of 100 Massive Star-Forming Galaxies at z=0.6-2.5 Reveal Little Dark Matter on Galactic Scales: A. Nestor Shachar, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep25, 34 pages: Research: On galaxy rotation curve and dark matter out to cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Report of the Topical Group on Cosmic Probes of Fundamental Physics for for Snowmass 2021: Rana X. Adhikari, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep23, 118 pages: Review: On gravitational waves, cosmic neutrino background, etc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Lack of influence of the environment in the earliest stages of massive galaxy formation: Marianna Annunziatella, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep23, 21 pages: Research: On massive galaxy formation and evolution at redshift 1keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Compressing the cosmological information in one-dimensional correlations of the Lyman-α forset: Christian Pedersen, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep20, 17 pages: Research: On the analysis of the Lyman-alpha forest. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies: Rebecca K. Leane, Juri Smirnov, arXiv, 2022, Sep20, 20 pages: Research: On dark matter inside astronomical objects. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Report of the Topical Group on Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration: Complementarity of Probes and New Facilities for Snowmass 2021: Brenna Flaugher, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep18, 41 pages: Review: On dark energy accelerating universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. A Short Introduction to Reionization Physics: Tirthankar Roy Choudhury arXiv, 2022, Sep18, 41 pages: Review: On the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Galaxy mergers can rapidly shut down star formation: Sara L. Ellison, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep15, 41 pages: Research: On galaxy merger leading to galaxy quenching. Proof that merger to quenching is a robust event. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Blue Monsters. Why are JWST super-early, massive galaxies so blue?: Francesco Ziparo, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep14, 8 pages: Research: On early galaxy formation and evolution with regard to JWST data. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Snowmass Theory Frontier: Astrophysics and Cosmology: Daniel Green, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep14, 57 pages: Review: On cosmology really. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. SICRET: Supernova Ia Cosmology with truncated marginal neural Ratio EsTimation: Konstantin Karchev, Roberto Trotta, Christoph Weniger, arXiv, 2022, Sep14, 17 pages: Research: On cosmology with advanced Bayesian analysis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. The time evolution of bias: J. Einasto, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep13, 13 pages: Research: On bias (AKA biasing, cosmic bias). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. The time evolution of bias: J. D. R. Pierel, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep12, 20 pages: Research: On a tool for SNe Ia use in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. The Sigma-8 Tension is a Drag: Vivian Poulin, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep13, 13 pages: Research: On S8 tension (AKA sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension) with a resolution involing dark matter and dark energy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Neural Networks Optimized by Genetic Algorithms in Cosmology: Isidro Gómez-Vargas, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep06, 13 pages: Research: On neural networks improved by genetic algorithm for cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. Sub-percentage measure of distances to redshift of 0.1 by a new cosmic ruler: Yong Shi, et al., arXiv, 2022, Sep06, 8 pages: Research: On a new standard ruler (the tellar mass-binding energy (massE) relation of galaxies) and early results. Seems competitive. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    5. 2022 August
      1. Cosmology and High-Energy Astrophysics: A 50-Year Perspective on Personalities, Progress, and Prospects: Martin Rees (1942--), arXiv, 2022, Aug30, 32 pages: Review: A memoir of Himself. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Searching for Spectroscopic Signatures of Ongoing Quenching in SDSS Galaxies: Andrea D. Weibel, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug24, 29 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching, galaxy color-magnitude diagram, and the green valley/plain galaxy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. High-Redshift Galaxies from Early JWST Observations: Constraints on Dark Energy Models: N. Menci, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug24, 29 pages: Research: On JWST galaxies. The is a tension for Λ-CDM model, but this may be controversial. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Morpheus Reveals Distant Disk Galaxy Morphologies with JWST: The First AI/ML Analysis of JWST Images: Brant E. Robertson, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug24, 9 pages: Research: On disks at dawn: disk galaxies near reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn) loosely speaking as revealed by JWST. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. ATLASGAL - Star forming efficiencies and the Galactic star formation rate: M. R. A. Wells, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug23, 13 pages: Research: galaxy formation and evolution and star formation efficiency = a few percent / star formation efficiency = more than a few percent / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. The physical properties of massive green valley galaxies as a function of environments at 0.5: Wenjun Chang, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug22, 29 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching, galaxy color-magnitude diagram, and the green valley/plain galaxy. "Our result implies that stellar mass and environments jointly promote the quenching process." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Growth of Galaxies by Dark Matter Particle Capture: Ruth Durrer, Serge Parnovsky arXiv, 2022, Aug18, 10 pages: Research: On dark matter halo formation without N-body simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Dissociation of dark matter and gas in cosmic large-scale structure: William McDonald, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug15, 20 pages: Research: On dark matter dissociation like the Bullet Cluster. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Why not Neutrinos as the Dark Matter? A Critical Review, KATRIN and New Research Directions: D.J. Buettner, P.D. Morley arXiv, 2022, Aug12, 20 pages: Research: On cosmic neutrinos dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The entropy of galaxy spectra: How much information is encoded?: Ignacio Ferreras, Ofer Lahav, Rachel S. Somerville, Joseph Silk, arXiv, 2022, Aug10, 11 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution with entropy in general sense. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Nucleosynthesis in the Cosmos: What we think we know and forthcoming questions: Salvador Galindo Uribarri, Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota, arXiv, 2022, Aug10, 26 pages: Review: on cosmichemical evolution and Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Reconstructing the Assembly of Massive Galaxies. II. Galaxies Develop Massive and Dense Stellar Cores as They Evolve and Head Toward Quiescence at Cosmic Noon: Zhiyuan Ji, Mauro Giavalisco, arXiv, 2022, Aug08, 29 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Have Pulsar Timing Arrays detected the Hot Big Bang? Gravitational Waves from Strong First Order Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Katherine Freese, Martin Wolfgang Winkler, arXiv, 2022, Aug05, 41 pages: Research: On gravitational waves, pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), and the Big Bang. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. The distribution and morphologies of Fornax Cluster dwarf galaxies suggest they lack dark matter: E. Asencio, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug03, 35 pages: Research: On lack of dark matter in dwarf galaxies in the Fornax Cluster. MOND wins this round. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Modeling Cosmic Reionization: Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Piero Madau arXiv, 2022, Aug03, 41 pages: Review: On modeling the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn), / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. The large scale structure of the Universe from a modified Friedmann equation: Jan Ambjorn, Yoshiyuki Watabiki arXiv, 2022, Aug03, 14 pages: Research: On a modified Friedmann equation and the large-scale structure of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Unveiling cosmological information on small scales with line intensity mapping: Sarah Libanore, et al., arXiv, 2022, Aug02, 7 pages: Research: On intensity mapping for smallest scales of the matter power spectrum. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Power-law Inflation Satisfies Penrose's Weyl Curvature Hypothesis: Guido D'Amico, Nemanja Kaloper arXiv, 2022, Aug01, 19 pages: Research: On inflation and the Weyl curvature hypothesis. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Photometric variability in star-forming galaxies as evidence for low-mass AGN and a precursor to quenching: Cressida Cleland, Sean L. McGee arXiv, 2022, Aug01, 10 pages: Research: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. On the stunning abundance of super-early, massive galaxies revealed by JWST: A. Ferrara, A. Pallottini, P. Dayal arXiv, 2022, Aug01, 6 pages: Research: On JWST galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    6. 2022 July
      1. The brightest galaxies at Cosmic Dawn: Charlotte A. Mason, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul29, 6 pages: Research: On the brightest galaxies at and the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Enhanced Small-Scale Structure in the Cosmic Dark Ages: Derek Inman, Kazunori Kohri, arXiv, 2022, Jul29, 19 pages: Research: On matter power spectrum in dark ages and large-scale structure emergence era (380,000 y -- 1 Gyr. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. First Insights into the ISM at z>8 with JWST: Possible Physical Implications of a High [O III]λ4363/[O III]λ5007: Harley Katz, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul27, 12 pages: Research: On JWST galaxies and the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. The Role of AGN in Luminous Infrared Galaxies from the Multiwavelength Perspective: Vivian U, arXiv, 2022, Jul27, 32 pages: Review: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Prompt cusp formation from the gravitational collapse of peaks in the initial cosmological density field: Simon White (1951--), arXiv, 2022, Jul27, 3 pages: Research: On core-cusp problem loosely speaking. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Early Results From GLASS-JWST. XII: The Morphology of Galaxies at the Epoch of Reionization: T.Treu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul27, 15 pages: Research: On JWST galaxies: "We find no dramatic variations in morphology with wavelength -- of the kind that would have overturned anything we have learned from the Hubble Space Telescope" / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Dust grain size evolution in local galaxies: a comparison between observations and simulations: M. Relano, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul26, 32 pages: Research: On cosmic dust in cosmology / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Candidate z ~ 14 Galaxy in Early JWST CEERS Imaging: Steven L. Finkelstein, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul25, 18 pages: Research: On JWST galaxies: "Should followup spectroscopy validate this redshift, our Universe was already aglow with fairly massive galaxies less than 300 Myr after the Big Bang." and "indicating little dust, though not extremely low metallicities". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Possibility of Additional Intergalactic and Cosmological Dark Matter: Paul H Frampton arXiv, 2022, Jul25, 12 pages: Research: On dark matter and rather speculative. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The chemical enrichment in the early Universe as probed by JWST via direct metallicity measurements at z~8: M. Curti, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul25, 13 pages: Research: On JWST galaxies and metallicity: "measuring metallicities ranging from extremely metal poor (12+log(O/H)≅7) to about one-third solar." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Astrophysical Tests of Dark Matter Self-Interactions: Susmita Adhikari, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul21, 87 pages: Review: On self-interacting dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. * | First look with JWST spectroscopy: z≅8 galaxies resemble local analogues: D. Schaerer, R. et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul19, 5 pages: Research: On JWST on galaxies at z≅8 (cosmic time ≅ 1 Gyr) in the later reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Classification of cosmic structures for galaxies with deep learning: connecting cosmological simulations with observations: Shigeki Inoue, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul19, 15 pages: Research: Using convolutional neural networks to connect cosmological computer simulations and observations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Atomic Gas Dominates the Baryonic Mass of Star-forming Galaxies at z≅1.3: Aditya Chowdhury, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul18, 9 pages: Research: On how atomic hydrogen (H I) gas (with, of course, helium (He) metals) dominates baryonic matter at z≅1.3 (cosmic time ≅ 5 Gyr) which is actually a bit later than cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time ≅ 4 Gyr). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. The Data Behind Dark Matter: Exploring Galactic Rotation: A.N. Villano, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul17, 5 pages: Review: Educational software on dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Cosmological constant and equation of state of the quantum vacuum: Cristian Moreno-Pulido, Joan Sola Peracaula arXiv, 2022, Jul14, 14 pages: Research: On the cosmological constant Λ and cosmic scale factor a(t) evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. What is flat Λ-CDM, and may we choose it?: Stefano Anselmi, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul13, 14 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model and the curvature of the observable universe. Answer: No. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Constraints on extensions to Λ-CDM with weak lensing and galaxy clustering: DES Collaboration: T. M. C. Abbott, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul13, 45 pages: Research: The flat Λ-CDM model confirmed again by the Dark Energy Survey (DES). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. Is the Observable Universe Consistent with the Cosmological Principle?: Pavan Kumar Aluri, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul12, 85 pages: Review: On the cosmological principle. They think it may not be an adequate approximation now. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Inner cusps of the first dark matter haloes: Formation and survival in a cosmological context: M. Sten Delos, Simon D. M. White, arXiv, 2022, Jul11, 11 pages: Research: Cusps still seem to win in the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. A direct measurement of galaxy major and minor merger rates and stellar mass accretion histories at z<3 using galaxy pairs in the REFINE survey: Christopher J. Conselice, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul08, 92 pages: Research: On galaxy merger rates. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. New Analysis of Dark Matter in Elliptical Galaxies: David Winters, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul06, 8 pages: Research: On the mass-to-light ratio of elliptical galaxies including their dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Dark matter halos and scaling relations of extremely massive spiral galaxies from extended HI rotation curves: Enrico M. Di Teodoro, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jul06, 30 pages: Research: On the dark matter halos, disk galaxies, and elliptical galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    7. 2022 June
      1. The star formation history in the last 10 billion years from CIB cross-correlations: Baptiste Jego, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun30, 17 pages: Research: On star formation. See p. 12 for plot. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Line-Intensity Mapping: Theory Review: José Luis Bernal, Ely D. Kovetz, arXiv, 2022, Jun30, 9 pages: Review: On line intensity mapping. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Topological bias: How haloes trace structural patterns in the cosmic web: Raul Bermejo, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun29, 30 pages: Research: On dark matter halos and the cosmic web. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Physical properties of more than one thousand brightest cluster galaxies detected in the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey: Aline Chu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun28, 12 pages: Research: On brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) over recent cosmic time to z=0.7. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. A robust argument on the existence of primordial black holes in galactic dark matter halos: Marek Abramowicz, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun27, 7 pages: Research: On primordial black holes (PBHs) in dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Cosmic nucleosynthesis: a multi-messenger challenge: Roland Diehl, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun24, 44 pages: Reveiw: On cosmic nucleosynthesis studied by multi-messenger astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. A non-linear solution to the S8 tension?: Alexandra Amon, George Efstathiou arXiv, 2022, Jun23, 13 pages: Research: On the S_8 tension. See S_8 and &sigma_8. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Linearity: galaxy formation encounters an unanticipated empirical relation: Stephen Lovas arXiv, 2022, Jun23, 5 pages: Research: On the galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Linearity: galaxy formation encounters an unanticipated empirical relation: M. Angelinelli, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun16, 9 pages: Research: baryonic matter in dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. The beginning and the end of star formation in faint field dwarf galaxies: Matthew Pereira Wilson, arXiv, 2022, Jun10, 12 pages: Research: On star formation in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, maybe not ultra. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Baryonic solutions and challenges for cosmological models of dwarf galaxies: Laura V. Sales, arXiv, 2022, Jun10, 25 pages: Review: On cosmology and baryonic matter dwarf galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Aging of galaxies along the morphological sequence, marked by bulge growth and disk quenching: Louis Quilley, Valérie de Lapparent, arXiv, 2022, Jun09, 25 pages: Research: On evolution of the galaxy color-magnitude diagram. Maybe quite general discussion. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Ultra Long-Term Cosmology and Astrophysics: Robert J. Scherrer, Abraham Loeb arXiv, 2022, Jun07, 4 pages: Research: On the next 10**4 years of cosmology. Just thinking ahead. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Self-consistent models of our Galaxy: James Binney, Eugene Vasiliev, arXiv, 2022, Jun07, 19 pages: Research: On Milky Way models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. A Mass Dependent Density Profile from Dwarfs to Clusters: Antonino Del Popolo, Morgan Le Delliou, arXiv, 2022, Jun07, 22 pages: Research: On galaxies and galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Primordial black hole constraints with Hawking radiation -- a review: Jeremy Auffinger, arXiv, 2022, Jun07, 70 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) and Hawking radiation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Evolution of the mass relation between supermassive black holes and dark matter halos across the cosmic time: Aryan Bansal, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jun03, 9 pages: Research: On the evolution of dark matter halos and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) over cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    8. 2022 May
      1. AGN Feedback in Groups and Clusters of Galaxies: J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, et al., arXiv, 2022, May31, 72 pages: Review: On AGN feedback, and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. The Dawn of Black Holes: Elisabeta Lusso, et al., arXiv, 2022, May30, 72 pages: Review: On origin of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. FIREbox: Simulating galaxies at high dynamic range in a cosmological volume: Robert Feldmann, et al., arXiv, 2022, May30, 30 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution with high realism in the computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Constraints on PBH as dark matter from observations: a review: Marc Oncins arXiv, 2022, May29, 34 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) for nonspecialists. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Anti-stars in the Milky Way and primordial black holes: A.D. Dolgov arXiv, 2022, May29, 10 pages: Research: On abundant antimatter and the anti-star, anti-galaxy, etc.. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Cosmology with cosmic voids: Carlos M. Correa, Dante J. Paz arXiv, 2022, May26, 3 pages: Review: A short review on cosmic voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Constraints on the Transition Redshift using the Cosmic Triangle and Hubble Phase Space Portrait: Darshan Kumar, et al., arXiv, 2022, May26, 10 pages: Research: On the transition to acceleration in the Λ-CDM model version of accelerating universe as seen in the cosmic scale factor a(t). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Investigating the Dominant Environmental Quenching Process in UVCANDELS/COSMOS Groups: Maxwell Kuschel et al., arXiv, 2022, May24, 13 pages: Research: galaxy quenching from observations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Cosmological piecewise functions to treat the local Hubble tension Rodrigo Sandoval-Orozco, Celia Escamilla-Rivera, arXiv, 2022, May24, 15 pages: Research: On the cosmic scale factor a(t) of the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Galactic Kites Abraham Loeb, arXiv, 2022, May21, 4 pages: Research: On interstellar films above the Galactic disk. Idea / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Search for Black Holes in the Galactic Halo by Gravitational Microlensing: Tristan Blaineau, Marc Moniez arXiv, 2022, May19, 6 pages: Research: Significant evidence against primordial black holes (PBHs) from gravitational microlensing. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Multi-messenger constraints on the Hubble constant through combination of gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts and kilonovae from neutron star mergers: Mattia Bulla, et al., arXiv, 2022, May18, 23 pages: Review: On determining the Hubble constant and ending the Hubble tension via multi-messenger astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. A trail of dark matter-free galaxies from a bullet dwarf collision Pieter van Dokkum, et al., arXiv, 2022, May17, 9 pages: Research: On ultra diffuse galaxies with low dark matter. Can MOND be ruled out? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. The Universe is Brighter in the Direction of Our Motion: Galaxy Counts and Fluxes are Consistent with the CMB Dipole Jeremy Darling arXiv, 2022, May13, 11 pages: Research: Only the CMB dipole anisotropy and no other effect and so consistent with the cosmological principle. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Molecular gas dynamics around nuclei of galaxies: Francoise Combes arXiv, 2022, May12, 5 pages: Research: On active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) and supermassive black holes (SMBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Full-Shape Galaxy Power Spectra and the Curvature Tension: Aaron Glanville, Cullan Howlett, Tamara M. Davis, arXiv, 2022, May12, 5 pages: Research: Some evidence for positive curvature for the shape of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. A New Observational H(z) Data from Full-Spectrum Fitting of Cosmic Chronometers in the LEGA-C Survey: Kang Jiao, et al., arXiv, 2022, May11, 18 pages: Research: On cosmic chronometers which give H(z=0.8)=113.1(39.4). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. Cosmology with X-RAY galaxy cluster surveys?: Marguerite Pierre et al., arXiv, 2022, May11, 8 pages: Review: On galaxy clusters in the X-ray band (fiducial range 0.1--100 Å). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      19. A void in the Hubble tension? The end of the line for the Hubble bubble: David Camarena, et al., arXiv, 2022, May11, 11 pages: Research: The Hubble bubble probably does not solve the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      20. Enhanced Star Formation Activity of Extreme Jellyfish Galaxies in Massive Clusters and the Role of Ram Pressure Stripping: Jeong Hwan Lee, et al., arXiv, 2022, May11, 9 pages: Research: On jellyfish galaxies and galactic ram pressure stripping. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      21. THESAN: the largest, most detailed computer model of the universe's first billion years yet made: Charles Q. Choi, Scientific American (SciAm) 2022, May10, 1 page: Popular: On the THESAN project, computer simulation of the large-scale structure of the universe. See also Introducing the THESAN project: radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the epoch of reionization, 2022. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      22. Λ-CDM is alive and well: Alain Blanchard, et al., arXiv, 2022, May11, 10 pages: Research: Aside from Hubble tension, the Λ-CDM model beats all competitors. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      23. Cosmological informed neural networks to solve the background dynamics of the Universe: Augusto T. Chantada, et al., arXiv, 2022, May05, 10 pages: Research: On physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to solve the Friedmann equation (FE). / keywords_cosmology.html.

    9. 2022 April
      1. Radio sky reveals primordial electron-proton interactions: Shyam Balaji, et al., arXiv, 2022, Apr28, 22 pages: Research: On cosmic free-free emission which should be important from z=2150 which is before the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn, z=1089.90(23), t=377,700(3200) years). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Supercritical growth pathway to overmassive black holes at cosmic dawn: coevolution with massive quasar hosts: Haojie Hu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Apr26, 8 pages: Research: On the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) from stellar mass black holes in galaxies reaching the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. How the Big Bang Ends up Inside a Black Hole: Enrique Gaztanaga arXiv, 2022, Apr22, 22 pages: Research: On the observable universe inside a bounced black hole. But what is outside? Is the black hole universe finite, but unbounded? This is black hole cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Biocosmology: Towards the birth of a new science: Marina Cortês, Stuart A. Kauffman, Andrew R. Liddle, Lee Smoli, arXiv, 2022, Apr20, 35 pages: Research: Paper I and on biocosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Isogrowth Cosmology (and How to Map the Universe): Eric V. Linder, arXiv, 2022, Apr19, 4 pages: Research: On the expansion of the universe and the large-scale structure. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Baryon Cycles in the Biggest Galaxies: Megan Donahue, G. Mark Voit, arXiv, 2022, Apr17, 272 pages: Review: On cosmichemical evolution and galaxy quenching. No mention of golden mass = 10**12 M_☉ or Dekel et al. 2019, Figure 1. But they seem aliged with Dekel et al. 2019, Figure 1. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Modified theories of Gravity: Why, How and What?: S. Shankaranarayanan, Joseph P Johnson, arXiv, 2022, Apr13, 44 pages: Review: On modified gravity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Testing General Relativity with Cosmological Large Scale Structure: Ruth Durrer arXiv, 2022, Apr12, 24 pages: Research: On testing general relativity with the large-scale structure of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Implications of the Non-Observation of 6Li in Halo Stars for the Primordial 7Li Problem: Brian D. Fields, Keith A. Olive arXiv, 2022, Apr07, 29 pages: Research: Progress on the cosmological lithium problem and an astrophysical solution possible. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Elucidation of 'Cosmic Coincidence': Meir Shimon arXiv, 2022, Apr05, 4 pages Research: On the cosmic coincidence. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. A Beginner's Guide to Line Intensity Mapping Power Spectra: Trevor M. Oxholm, arXiv, 2022, Apr01, 10 pages: Review: Used in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Summary of Tests of General Relativity with GWTC-3: Abhirup Ghosh arXiv, 2022, Apr01, 8 pages: Reearch "We do not find any statistically significant deviation from general relativity and set the most stringent bounds yet on possible departures from theory. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    10. 2022 March
      1. Cosmological Neutrinos: Floyd W. Stecker arXiv, 2022, Mar31, 13 pages: Review: On the cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Current status and future of cosmology with 21cm Intensity Mapping: Reza Ansari arXiv, 2022, Mar31, 12 pages: Review: On the hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Absorption studies of the most diffuse gas in the Large Scale Structure: Fabrizio Nicastro, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar29, 44 pages: Review: On intergalactic medium, intracluster medium, and the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. The Early Universe was Dust-Rich and Extremely Hot: Marco P. Viero, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar27, 5 pages: Research: On interstellar dust at z ∼ 9. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. A time-resolved picture of our Milky Way's early formation history: Maosheng Xiang (MPIA), Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), arXiv, 2022, Mar23, 20 pages: Research: Using subgiants to determine the time assembly of the Milky Way. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. X-ray cluster cosmology: Nicolas Clerc, Alexis Finoguenov, arXiv, 2022, Mar22, 52 pages: Review: On galaxy clusters, the intracluster medium (ICM), and dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter, Simeon Bird, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar16, 22 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. 100 years of mathematical cosmology: Models, theories, and problems, Spiros Cotsakis, Alexander P. Yefremov arXiv, 2022, Mar15, 91 pages: Review: On cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Galaxy mergers can initiate quenching by unlocking an AGN-driven transformation of the baryon cycle, Jonathan J. Davies, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar15, 13 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching theoretically with no reference to Dekel et al. (2019), (golden mass). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Snowmass: Inflation: Theory and Observations, Ana Achúcarro, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar15, 99 pages: Review: On inflation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Prospects for obtaining Dark Matter Constraints with DESI, Monica Valluri,, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar14, 42 pages: Review: On DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument) and dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. New Ideas in Baryogenesis: A Snowmass White Paper, Gilly Elor, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar09, 52 pages: Review: On baryogenesis and the baryon asymmetry problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. A Uniform Type Ia Supernova Distance Ladder with the Zwicky Transient Facility: Absolute Calibration Based on the Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) Method, Suhail Dhawan, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar08, 8 pages: Research: They get H0=76.94(6.4), and so Hubble tension remains. They expect more tightening soon. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. The principle of maximum entropy and the distribution of mass in galaxies, J. Sanchez Almeida, arXiv, 2022, Mar08, 19 pages: Review: A rather research-like review. Are polytropes (solutions of the Lane-Emden equation) the structure of dark matter halos? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Weyl cosmology, V. A. Berezin, V. I. Dokuchaev arXiv, 2022, Mar08, 19 pages: Research: On Weyl geometry in cosmology. Does it lead to spontaneous creation of matter and is this cosmological constant Λ? Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. COSMOS2020: Ubiquitous AGN Activity of Massive Quiescent Galaxies at 0, Kei Ito, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar08, 24 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching, AGN feedback, and the Dekel et al. (2019), (golden mass): "The enhanced AGN activity in quiescent galaxies (QGs: quenched galaxies) suggested by the individual analysis in the X-ray and radio wavelength supports its important role for quenching at high redshift." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): The emergence of bulges and decline of disk growth since z=1, Abdolhosein Hashemizadeh, et al., arXiv, 2022, Mar01, 27 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    11. 2022 February
      1. Lectures on classical and quantum cosmology, Gianluca Calcagni, Maria Grazia Di Luca, Tomáš Fodr, arXiv, 2022, Feb28, 64 pages: Review: cosmology. Good for 2023 Fall? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Modern Cosmology, an Amuse-Gueule, Kai Schmitz arXiv, 2022, Feb27, 33 pages: Review: On A "nontechnical primer for a broader audience" on current cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Alternative ideas in cosmology, Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Louis Marmet, arXiv, 2022, Feb25, 38 pages: Review: On alternative cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Kinetic Field Theory for Cosmic Structure Formation, Sara Konrad, Matthias Bartelmann arXiv, 2022, Feb22, 64 pages: Research: On the matter power spectrum. Maybe the general approach, but can physics-informed neural networks (PINNs help? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. The ultra-diffuse galaxy AGC 114905 needs dark matter, J. A. Sellwood (Steward Observatory), R. H. Sanders (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute), arXiv, 2022, Feb17, 10 pages: Research: On ultra diffuse galaxy AGC 114905. They find it must have dark matter halo to be stable. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. The consequences of using a smooth cosmic distance in a lumpy universe: I, Obinna Umeh, arXiv, 2022, Feb16, 22 pages: Research: On Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric, clumpy observable universe, and cosmological parameters. See also The consequences of using a smooth cosmic distance in a lumpy universe: II which is the short version. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Exploring the Hubble Tension and Spatial Curvature from the Ages of Old Astrophysical Objects, Jun-Jie Wei, Fulvio Melia arXiv, 2022, Feb16, 13 pages: Research: "We use the age measurements of 114 old astrophysical objects (OAO) in the redshift range to z=8 to explore the Hubble tension." Maybe an important approach and a role for the Rh=ct universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Scaling relations of clusters and groups, and their evolution, Lorenzo Lovisari, Ben J. Maughan arXiv, 2022, Feb15, 45 pages: Review: On galaxy clusters, galaxy groups, galaxy filaments, and the intracluster medium (ICM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. Cluster outskirts and their connection to the cosmic web, Stephen Walker, Erwin Lau arXiv, 2022, Feb14, 39 pages: Review: On galaxy clusters, galaxy groups, galaxy filaments, the intracluster medium (ICM), and cosmic web. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. A Search for H-Dropout Lyman Break Galaxies at z~12-16 Yuichi Harikane, et al., arXiv, 2022, Feb12, 20 pages: Research: On the the most distant galaxy HD1. reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. The short ionizing photon mean free path at z=6 in Cosmic Dawn III, a new fully-coupled radiation-hydrodynamical simulation of the Epoch of Reionization, Joseph S. W. Lewis, et al., arXiv, 2022, Feb11, 8 pages: Research: On the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. Galaxies lacking dark matter produced by close encounters in a cosmological simulation, Jorge Moreno, et al., arXiv, 2022, Feb11, 55 pages: Research: On the absense of dark matter halos for some galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Quenching of Massive Disk Galaxies in The Illustris-TNG Simulation, Yingzhong Xu, et al., arXiv, 2022, Feb09, 15 pages: Research: On the galaxy quenching from the Illustris project: "We conclude that kinetic AGN feedback in massive red/quenched disk galaxy is the dominant quenching mechanism " The old golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019)? / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. From naked spheroids to disky galaxies: how do massive disk galaxies shape their morphology?, L. Costantin, et al., arXiv, 2022, Feb04, 15 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution empirically: "We conclude that the bulge mass and compactness mainly regulate the timing of the stellar disk growth, driving the morphological evolution of massive disk galaxies." A test for computer simulations of galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Microwave background temperature at a redshift of 6.34 from H2O absorption, Dominik A. Riecherss et al., Nature (journal) 2022, Feb02, 5 pages: Research: On the cosmic background radiation and (cosmic temperature at z=6.34. The Λ-CDM model confirmed. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Gamma-ray Cosmology and Tests of Fundamental Physics, J. Biteau, M. Meyer arXiv, 2022, Feb01, 31 pages: Review: On gamma rays in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    12. 2022 January
      1. The Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker Metric a centennial review, Robert Barnes, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan31, 25 pages: Research: On Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric with history of cosmology aspects too. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. Astronomers could be on the verge of detecting gravitational waves from distant supermassive black holes, Davide Castelvecchi Nature (journal) 2022, Jan27, 2 pages: Popular: Are pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) (for frequency of order 30 nHz ≅ 1 cycle/year gravitational waves) on the verge of detection. Maybe, but Richard Lieu, Kristen Lackeos, Bing Zhang (2022) think low-frequency gravitational waves may be damped: "Damping of long wavelength gravitational waves by the intergalactic medium". / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Gas dynamics in dwarf galaxies as testbeds for dark matter and galaxy evolution, Federico Lelli et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan27, 25 pages: Research: On dwarf galaxies and dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Tick-Tock: The Imminent Merger of a Supermassive Black Hole Binary, Ning Jiang, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan27, 40 pages: Research: On a supermassive black hole merger: "we propose that the system is an uneven mass-ratio, highly eccentric SMBH binary which will merge within three years, as predicted by the trajectory evolution model." The astro event of the century. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. Gravitational Waves in Full, Non-Linear General Relativity, Fabio D'Ambrosio, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan27, 127 pages: Review: On gravitational waves: "These notes provide a student-friendly introduction to the theory of gravitational waves in full, non-linear general relativity (GR)." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Bayes' Theorem, Inflation, and the Ekpyrotic Universe, Joseph Wraga, Dave Goldberg, arXiv, 2022, Jan21, 24 pages: Research: The ekpyrotic universe disfavored in comparison to inflation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. The Cosmological Parameters (2021), Ofer Lahav, Andrew R Liddle arXiv, 2022, Jan21, 18 pages: Review: On cosmological parameters. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. The quenching of galaxies, bulges, and disks since cosmic noon: A machine learning approach for identifying causality in astronomical data, Asa F. L. Bluck, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan19, 40 pages: Research: On machine learning for galaxy quenching. AGN feedback seems to be main process: "all of these observational results may be consistently explained through quenching via preventative `radio-mode' active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback." / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. The End of Expansion Cosmin Andrei, Anna Ijjas, Paul J. Steinhardt, arXiv, 2022, Jan19, 12 pages: Research: On the cyclic universe and quintessence. Maybe a good intro. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Unveiling the Universe with Emerging Cosmological Probes, Michele Moresco, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan18, 51 pages: Review: On cosmological probes: e.g., baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs), cosmic microwave background (CMB), and SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Observations of the Initial Formation and Evolution of Spiral galaxies at 1, Berta Margalef-Bentabol, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan17, 18 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution specializing on spiral galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. The Road to Precision Cosmology, Mike Turner arXiv, 2022, Jan12, 33 pages: Review: On the history of cosmology in the golden age of cosmology (c.1992--) or age of precision cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Antistars in the Galaxy, Aleksandr D. Dolgov (1941--) arXiv, 2022, Jan12, 7 pages: Research: On antimatter and anti-star, anti-galaxy, etc., / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Numerical Relativity as a New Tool for Fundamental Cosmology, Anna Ijjas arXiv, 2022, Jan11, 16 pages: Research: On numerical relativity in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      15. Dark matter annihilation and the Galactic Centre Excess, Robert J. J. Grand, Simon D. M. White, arXiv, 2022, Jan1, 5 pages: Research: On the Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      16. Collisions of young disc galaxies in the early universe, Beibei Guo, et al., arXiv, 2022, Jan05, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution making use of the Toomre stability criterion. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      17. The cusp-core problem in gas-poor dwarf spheroidal galaxies, Pierre Boldrini, arXiv, 2022, Jan04, 28 pages: Review: On the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      18. * | Antimatter in the Milky Way, Aleksandr D. Dolgov (1941--) arXiv, 2022, Jan04, 7 pages: Research: On antimatter and anti-star, anti-galaxy, etc., / keywords_cosmology.html.

  7. 2021

    1. 2021 December
      1. * | Antimatter in the Milky Way, Aleksandr D. Dolgov (1941--) arXiv, 2021, Dec31, 7 pages: Review: On antimatter, Baryon asymmetry problem, and anti-star, anti-galaxy, etc.. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      2. The evolution of barred galaxies in the EAGLE simulations, Mitchell K. Cavanagh, et al., arXiv, 2021, Dec24, 15 pages: Research: On galaxy evolution focussing on galactic bars based on Eagle project computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      3. Observational cosmology with Artificial Neural Networks, Juan de Dios Rojas Olvera, et al., arXiv, 2021, Dec23, 18 pages: Research: On neural networks in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      4. Constraining cosmological parameters from N-body simulations with Bayesian Neural Networks, Hector J. Hortua arXiv, 2021, Dec22, 5 pages: Research: On neural networks (maybe stochastic neural networks) N-body simulations. in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      5. HADES: a new numerical tool for the determination of DM over-densities, Anna Balaudo, et al., arXiv, 2021, Dec21, 18 pages: Research: On analyzing dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      6. Cosmological Tests of Gravity: A Future Perspective, Matteo Martinelli, Santiago Casas arXiv, 2021, Dec20, 29 pages: Review: On tests of gravity in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      7. Accelerating BAO Scale Fitting Using Taylor Series, Matthew Hansen, et al., arXiv, 2021, Dec13, 11 pages: Research: On baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) and analyzed with Taylor series. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      8. Cosmology with Very-High-Energy Gamma Rays, Elisa Pueschel, Jonathan Biteau arXiv, 2021, Dec11, 40 pages: Review: On gamma rays in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      9. * | Lecture notes on inflation and primordial black holes, Christian T. Byrnes, Philippa S. Cole, arXiv, 2021, Dec10, 47 pages: Review: An education review of inflation and primordial black holes (PBHs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
      10. Large-scale dark matter simulations, Raul E. Angulo, Oliver Hahn arXiv, 2021, Dec09, 171 pages: Review: On large-scale structure computer simulation with dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      11. Constraining galactic baryon cycle using the galaxy stellar-to-halo mass relations, Yaoxin Chen, Yingzhong Xu, Xi Kang arXiv, 2021, Dec09, 14 pages: Research: On dark matter halos, baryonic matter, and AGN feedback and other galactic feedbacks. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      12. The cosmic environment overtakes the local density in shaping galaxy star formation, Jian Ren, et al., arXiv, 2021, Dec09, 14 pages: Research: On cosmic web, large-scale structure, and star-forming galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      13. Illuminating the Darkest Galaxies, J. D. Simon, M. Geha, arXiv, 2021, Dec09, 5 pages: Review: On dwarf galaxies and dark matter. A non-specialist review. / keywords_cosmology.html.
      14. Spectroscopy of four metal-poor galaxies beyond redshift ten,
      15. Neutrino Mass Bounds in the era of Tension Cosmology, Neutrino Mass Bounds in the era of Tension Cosmology, Eleonora Di Valentino, Alessandro Melchiorri arXiv, 2021, Dec06, 6 pages: Research: On the cosmic neutrino background and neutrino mass. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  8. 2021 November
    1. Predicting the CMB temperature, Mike Turner, arXiv, 2021, Nov28, 11 pages: Research: Ralph Alpher (1921--2007) and Robert Hermann (1914--1997) made errors in their cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature estimate and, in fact, they didn't really predict it. Maybe at best saying their should be a CMB. See Mike Turner 2021, Predicting the CMB temperature. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Atomic and molecular gas from the epoch of reionization down to redshift 2, Umberto Maio, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov26, 23 pages: Research: On atomic and molecular hydrogen through cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Inferring halo masses with Graph Neural Networks, Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov16, 18 pages: Research: Using graph neural networks to determine dark matter halos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. The GLEAMing of the First Supermassive Black Holes, Guillaume Drouart, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov15, 19 pages: Research: A new selection technique to identify powerful (L500MHz>10**27) radio galaxies towards the end of the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. Hints of the H0--rd tension in uncorrelated Baryon Acoustic Oscillations dataset, Denitsa Staicova arXiv, 2021, Nov15, 12 pages: Research: Hint of a positive curvature (k > 0, Ω_k < 0) universe with a cosmological constant Λ. A weak Lemaitre universe perhaps. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. Signatures of Primordial Gravitational Waves on the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, Pritha Bari, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov12, 8 pages: Research: On primordial gravitational waves. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. Stasis in an Expanding Universe: A Recipe for Stable Mixed-Component Cosmological Eras, Keith R. Dienes, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov08, 24 pages: Research: On novel Friedmann equation models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. Robustness of non-standard cosmologies solving the Hubble constant tension, Stefano Gariazzo, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov04, 10 pages: Research: On novel Friedmann equation models with interacting dark matter and dark energy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. Invoking the virial theorem to understand the impact of (dry) mergers on the M_bh-σ relation, Alister W. Graham, arXiv, 2021, Nov03, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy mergers, the virial theorem for galaxies (see also virial mass), and M-σ relation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    10. NECOLA: Towards a Universal Field-level Cosmological Emulator, Neerav Kaushal, et al., arXiv, 2021, Nov03, 9 pages: Research: Using convolutional neural networks to correct low-quality N-body simulations to high quality ones. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    11. The origin of the MOND critical acceleration scale, David Roscoe, arXiv, 2021, Nov02, 28 pages: Research: Is this the explanation for MOND? / keywords_cosmology.html.

  9. 2021 October
    1. Brief Review of Recent Advances in Understanding Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Eugene Oks arXiv, 2021, Oct30, 20 pages: Review: On dark energy and dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Complete conformal classification of the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker solutions with a linear equation of state II, Tomohiro Harada, et al., arXiv, 2021, Oct26, 27 pages: Research/Review: On Friedmann-equation (FE) models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Galaxy Formation and Reionization: Key Unknowns and Expected Breakthroughs by the James Webb Space Telescope, Brant E. Robertson, arXiv, 2021, Oct25, 43 pages: Review: What the JWST is expected to do. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. Unit conversions and collected numbers in cosmology, Eemeli Tomberg, arXiv, 2021, Oct23, 7 pages: Review: On cosmology number. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. The origins of massive black holes, Marta Volonteri, et al., arXiv, 2021, Oct19, 20 pages: Review: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) whence. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Life, Luke A. Barnes, arXiv, 2021, Oct15, 15 pages: Review: On life as we know it, the anthropic principle, and multiverse. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. On the asymptotic behaviour of cosmic density-fluctuation power spectra, Sara Konrad, Matthias Bartelmann, arXiv, 2021, Oct14, 22 pages: Research: On the matter power spectrum. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. From galactic bars to the Hubble tension --- weighing up the astrophysical evidence for Milgromian gravity, Indranil Banik, Hongsheng Zhao, arXiv, 2021, Oct13, 74 pages: Review and Research: On the MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics): "Our conclusion is that MOND is favoured by a wealth of data across a huge range of astrophysical scales ..." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) Survey Design, Reductions, and Detections, Karl Gebhardt, et al., arXiv, 2021, Oct08, 51 pages: Research: "This survey measures the Hubble expansion parameter and angular diameter distance, with a final expected accuracy of better than 1%." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    10. A Cosmological Underdensity Does Not Solve the Hubble Tension, Sveva Castello, et al., arXiv, 2021, Oct08, 24 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension: "we conclude that the potential presence of a local underdensity does not resolve the tension and does not significantly degrade current supernova constraints on H0." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    11. The Life and Science of Thanu Padmanabhan, Jasjeet Singh Bagla, et al., arXiv, 2021, Oct07, 47 pages: Review: Obituary of cosmologist Thanu Padmanabhan (1957--2021). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    12. Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter Candidates, Bernard Carr, Florian Kuhnel arXiv, 2021, Oct06, 54 pages: Review: On primordial black holes (PBHs) as dark matter. Les Houches School Lecture Notes 2021. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  10. 2021 September
    1. Cosmological constraints without fingers of God, Mikhail M. Ivanov, et al., arXiv, 2021, Sep29, 28 pages: Research: On a new statistic for analyzing the cosmic matter power spectrum. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Observational Evidence of Evolving Dark Matter Profiles at z < 1, Gauri Sharma, et al., arXiv, 2021, Sep29, 24 pages: Research: On dark matter halos evolving in cosmic time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Consistency of Planck Data With Power-Law Primordial Scalar Power Spectrum, Marzieh Farhang, Muhammad Sadegh Esmaeilian, arXiv, 2021, Sep27, 6 pages: Research: Analyzing the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to find the primorial matter power spectrum and find no deviations from standard assumption of power-law inflationary pattern for the matter power spectrum. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. * | Life, the universe and the hidden meaning of everything, Zhi-Wei Wang, Samuel L. Braunstein arXiv, 2021, Sep23, 6 pages: Research: The multiverse with fine tuning agrees with life as we know it via the anthropic principle, but with and over fine tuning is falsified. With a historical reference to Dennis Sciama (1926--1999). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. Quenching of star formation from a lack of inflowing gas to galaxies, Katherine E. Whitaker et al., arXiv, 2021, Sep22, 17 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching at cosmic time 3 Gyr or so. "Tentative evidence also exists at high redshifts for maintenance mode energy injection from central supermassive black holes34. This process may explain why quiescent galaxies are unable to effectively re-accrete cold gas in the subsequent 10 billion years of evolution to the present day, although there are other possibilities." This statement seems in qualitative consistency with the theory of the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ for galaxy quenching (see Avishai Dekel et al. (2019)). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. Void Galaxy Distribution: A Challenge for Lambda-CDM, Saeed Tavasoli arXiv, 2021, Sep21, 7 pages: Research: On cosmic voids. "In addition, observed void galaxies tend to reside closer to the void center than those in the simulation." Is this evidence for the spontaneous creation of matter instead of dark energy. Are we NOT asymptotically evolving to a de Sitter universe (presented 1917), but to a steady state universe (presented 1948)? / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. The cosmic coincidences of primordial-black-hole dark matter, Yi-Peng Wu, Elena Pinetti, Joseph Silk, arXiv, 2021, Sep20, 7 pages: Research: primordial black holes (PBHs) and baryogenesis. Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. Distortion of extra dimensions in the inflationary Multiverse Sergey G. Rubin, Julio C. Fabris arXiv, 2021, Sep17, 13 pages: Research: On the multiverse and pocket universes. Dennis Sciama (1926--1999). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. An introduction to axions and their detection, Igor G. Irastorza arXiv, 2021, Sep15, 57 pages: Review: On axions as dark matter particles their detection. See also direct detection of dark matter and indirect detection of dark matter. Les Houches School Lecture Notes 2021. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    10. Approximating Density Probability Distribution Functions Across Cosmologies, Huanqing Chen, et al., arXiv, 2021, Sep13, 9 pages: Research: A new aspect for the log. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    11. Two-Sheeted Universe, Analyticity and the Arrow of Time, Latham Boyle, Neil Turok arXiv, 2021, Sep13, 5 pages: Research: On quantum cosmology and arrow of time. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    12. Dark Matter in Astrophysics/Cosmology, Anne M. Green arXiv, 2021, Sep13, 34 pages: Review: On dark matter Les Houches School Lecture Notes 2021. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    13. Hubble tension or a transition of the Cepheid SnIa calibrator parameters?, Leandros Perivolaropoulos, Foteini Skara, arXiv, 2021, Sep09, 32 pages: Research: On Cepheids, SNe Ia, and the Hubble tension. Conclusion: "Thus in the context of the favored model IV the Hubble crisis is not present." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    14. Les Houches Lectures on Indirect Detection of Dark Matter, Tracy R. Slatyer, arXiv, 2021, Sep06, 73 pages: Review: On the indirect detection of dark matter. Les Houches School Lecture Notes 2021. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    15. Lambda-CDM: Much more than we expected, but now less than what we want, Mike Turner arXiv, 2021, Sep04, 19 pages: On the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    16. The third cosmological paradigm, Mike Turner arXiv, 2021, Sep03, 11 pages: On the Λ-CDM model and Big Bang cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  11. 2021 August
    1. A universal relationship between stellar masses and binding energies of galaxies, Yong Shi, et al., arXiv, 2021, Aug31, 10 pages: Research: No reference to the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. A Multi-messenger view of Cosmic Dawn: Conquering the Final Frontier, Hamsa Padmanabhan arXiv, 2021, Aug31, 61 pages: Review: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn) and multi-messenger astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Limitations of an Effective Field Theory Treatment of Early Universe Cosmology, Robert Brandenberger, arXiv, 2021, Aug29, 16 pages: Review: On early universe (10**(-12) s -- 380,000 y) with effective field theory, and so quantum cosmology, but looks accessible. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. The Dark Universe is not invisible, K. Zioutas, et al., arXiv, 2021, Aug26, 7 pages: Research: On dark matter streams on the subgalactic scale and observation effects. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. Cosmological impact of redshift drift measurements, J. Esteves, et al., arXiv, 2021, Aug24, 6 pages: Research: On redshift drift. Prospective, but it's a fascinating subject. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. Large-scale cortex-core structure formation in brain organoids, Ahmad Borzou, J. M. Schwarz, arXiv, 2021, Aug12, 14 pages: Research: On cerebral organoids and their connection to structure formation (AKA large-scale structure formation). Revival of the microcosm-macrocosm analogy. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  12. 2021 July
    1. Comparing Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Scales: An Independent Reduction of the Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program and the Value of the Hubble Constant, Gagandeep S. Anand, R. Brent Tully, Luca Rizzi, Adam G. Riess, Wenlong Yuan, arXiv, 2021, Jul30, 16 pages: Research: On tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars and the Hubble tension. They get H_0 = 71.5(1.8) km/s/Mpc which overlaps with Shoes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Dark Twilight Joined with the Light of Dawn to Unveil the Reionization History, Daniela Paoletti, et al., arXiv, 2021, Jul22, 17 pages: Research: On reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Big and young supermassive black holes in the early Universe, Tullia Sbarrato, arXiv, 2021, Jul21, 10 pages: Review: On supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and active galaxy nuclei (AGNs). / keywords_cosmology.html.

  13. 2021 June
    1. Modelling the chemical evolution of the Milky Way, Francesca Matteucci arXiv, 2021, Jun14, 93 pages: Review: On the cosmichemical evolution of the Milky Way. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Anisotropic satellite galaxy quenching modulated by black hole activity, Ignacio Martín-Navarro et al., arXiv, 2021, Jun09, 4 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in satellite galaxies and AGN feedback. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Improving Physical Cosmology: An Empiricist's Assessment, P. J. E. Peebles, arXiv, 2021, Jun04, 47 pages: Review: By Jim Peebles (1935--). / keywords_cosmology.html.

  14. 2021 May
    1. Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing, DES Collaboration: T. M. C. Abbott, et al., arXiv, 2021, May28, 40 pages: Research: Impressive data, but no revolution. The Λ-CDM model is adequate for their data. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Einselection, Equilibrium and Cosmology, Andreas Albrecht, et al., arXiv, 2021, May28, 18 pages: Research: arrow of time in quantum mechanics and thermodynamic equilibrium. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. The Hubble Tension Bites the Dust: Sensitivity of the Hubble Constant Determination to Cepheid Color Calibration, Edvard Mortsell, et al., arXiv, 2021, May24, 13 pages: Research: Does variation interstellar dust prevent adequate calibration of the Cepheids and this is the root of the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. Formation of massive disk galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation, Guangquan Zeng, et al., arXiv, 2021, May20, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in the Illustris project results. "Specifically, major mergers with a spiral-in falling orbit mostly lead to disk-dominant remnants, and major mergers of head-on galaxy-galaxy collision mostly form ellipticals. This dependence of remnant morphology on orbit type is much stronger than the dependence on cold gas fraction or orbital configuration of merger system as previously studied." What role does the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ play or is the Illustris project results NOT sensitive to that. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. * | Cosmic Expansion: A mini review of the Hubble-Lemaitre tension, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, arXiv, 2021, May19, 6 pages: Review: On the Hubble tension: "From this discussion, we extract two important lessons that inform which kind of physics-based solutions could plausibly resolve this tension." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. * | Through a Black Hole into a New Universe, Robert Brandenberger, et al., arXiv, 2021, May15, 9 pages: Research: A Big Bang inside a black hole. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. Zipf's law for cosmic structures: how large are the greatest structures in the universe?, Giordano De Marzo, et al., arXiv, 2021, May13, 9 pages: Research: "We find that galaxy supercluster are well described by a pure Zipf's law with no deviations and this implies that all the catalogs currently available are not sufficiently large to spot a truncation in the power-law behavior. This finding provides evidence that structures larger than the greatest galaxy supercluster already observed are expected to be found when deeper redshift surveys will be completed." Is the cosmological principle in doubt, or is it just that scale of homogeneity is much bigger than 370 Mpc (see observable_universe_cosmological_principle.html). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. Do galaxies die? Different views from simulations and observations in the Local Universe, Pablo Corcho-Caballero, et al., arXiv, 2021, May11, 9 pages: Research: Even the most quenched galaxies have low level star formation, but simulations say there should be completely quenched galaxies. So a discrepancy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. Impact of Current Results on Nucleosynthesis, Keith A. Olive arXiv, 2021, May10, 6 pages: Review: On Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    10. Mergers of primordial black holes in extreme clusters and the "H0 tension" problem, Yury Eroshenko, arXiv, 2021, May08, 6 pages: Research: primordial black holes (PBHs) turned into gravitational waves so that their mass-energy vanishes in a localizable sense. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    11. What is the Standard Cosmological Model?, Eric V. Linder arXiv, 2021, May06, 8 pages: Review: On standard model of cosmology (SMC, Λ-CDM model). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    12. Axion Dark Matter: What is it and Why Now?, Francesca Chadha-Day, et al., arXiv, 2021, May04, 23 pages: Review: On axions as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    13. Black holes and up-tunneling suppress Boltzmann brains, Ken D. Olum, Param Upadhyay, Alexander Vilenkin, arXiv, 2021, May02, 14 pages: Research: On eternal inflation and Boltzmann brains. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  15. 2021 April
    1. Searching For Gravitational Waves From Cosmological Phase Transitions With The NANOGrav 12.5-year dataset, Zaven Arzoumanian, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr28, 12 pages: Research: On the source of the gravitational wave background (GWB): "We find that the signal from a first order phase transition is degenerate with that generated by supermassive black hole mergers." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Cosmology from pregeometry, C. Wetterich, arXiv, 2021, Apr28, 61 pages: Research: A model for "everything" with general relativity, as an emergent theory. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Dark matter and the early Universe: a review, A. Arbey, F. Mahmoudi arXiv, 2021, Apr23, 72 pages: Review: On dark matter and the early universe (10**(-12) s -- 380,000 y). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. The continuous wavelet derived by smoothing function and its application in cosmology, Yun Wang, Ping He, arXiv, 2021, Apr19, 9 pages: Research: On wavelet analysis in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. Probing Cosmic Dawn: Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate z ≥ 9 Galaxies, N. Laporte, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr16, 12 pages: Research: On cosmologically remote galaxies at z ≥ 9 which means cosmic time t ≤ 0.6 Gyr. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. Constraints on Cosmographic Functions using Gaussian Processes, A. M. Velasquez-Toribio, J. C. Fabris arXiv, 2021, Apr15, 13 pages: Research: On cosmography assuming Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric, but NO theory of gravity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. Direct Detection of Dark Matter -- APPEC Committee Reporter, Julien Billard, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr15, 106 pages: Review: On dark energy cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. Taxonomy of Dark Energy Models, V. Motta, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr09, 39 pages: Review: On the / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. The spatial distribution of Milky Way satellites, gaps in streams and the nature of dark matter, Mark R. Lovell, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr07, 14 pages: Research: On Milky Way satellite galaxies, streams of stars and gas, and dark matter (cold dark matter (CDM) and warm dark matter (WDM)). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    10. Strong lensing systems and galaxy cluster observations as probe to the cosmic distance duality relation, R. F. L. Holanda, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr04, 6 pages: Research: Using strong gravitational lensing to probe Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    11. The central region of a void: an analytical solution, Anton N. Baushev arXiv, 2021, Apr03, 6 pages: Research: An analytic solution for the central region of voids. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    12. Synergies between Vera C. Rubin Observatory, Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, and Euclid Mission: Constraining Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae, B. M. Rose, et al., arXiv, 2021, Apr04, 13 pages: Review: Using Vera C. Rubin Observatory (formerly LSST), Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST, c.2025--c.2030, formerly WFIRST) Euclid spacecraft to contrain dark energy with SNe Ia. / keywords_cosmology.html.

  16. 2021 March
    1. A peek outside our Universe, Enrique Gaztanaga, Pablo Fosalba arXiv, 2021, Mar31, 3 pages: Research: "Our Universe looks like a black hole for an outside observer" maybe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. The peculiar Jeans length, Christos G. Tsagas, arXiv, 2021, Mar29, 14 pages: Research: An analog to the Jeans length for Friedmann equation like cosmological flow. There could be local regions of acceleration and deceleration of length scale 100s of megaparsecs. Does this confound everything? / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Effects of Bound Diprotons and Enhanced Nuclear Reaction Rates on Stellar Evolution, Fred C. Adams,, et al., arXiv, 2021, Mar29, 54 pages: Research: On what pocket universe elsewhere in the multiverse would be like with stable diprotons. Modest effects, and so one still has a biophilic pocket universe. The conclusion actually tells against the multiverse in a sense. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. A brief review on primordial black holes as dark matter, Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, et al., arXiv, 2021, Mar22, 11 pages: Review: On (primordial black holes (PBHs) with some discussion of Hawking radiation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. Paper-and-pencil cosmological calculator, Sergey V. Pilipenko arXiv, 2021, Mar21, 4 pages: Review: An update of cosmological lookup table (Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2013). for the observable universe based on the Λ-CDM model for Λ-CDM model parameters valid circa 2020. The reference can also be written Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2021, Paper-and-pencil cosmological calculator, arXiv:1303.5961. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. Why do Black Holes Trace Bulges (& Central Surface Densities), Instead of Galaxies as a Whole?, Philip F. Hopkins, et al., arXiv, 2021, Mar18, 8 pages: Research: On the M-σ relation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. To H0 or not to H0?, George Efstathiou, arXiv, 2021, Mar15, 5 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension and why a lot of proposed solutions don't work. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. Classical Physics and Hamiltonian Quantum Mechanics as Relics of the Big Bang, James Hartle, arXiv, 2021, Mar15, 5 pages: Research: On the Big Bang, classical physics, and quantum mechanics. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. Lambda and the CDM as integration constants, Priidik Gallagher, Tomi Koivisto, arXiv, 2021, Mar09, 6 pages: Research: On the cosmological constant Λ and cold dark matter (CDM) as integration constants. Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    10. Testing Galaxy Formation and Dark Matter with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, Stacy McGaugh, arXiv, 2021, Mar08, 29 pages: Review: On galaxy formation and evolution dark matter, and MOND: "While dark matter models are flexible in accommodating observations, they do not provide the predictive capacity of MOND. If the universe is made of cold dark matter, why does MOND get any predictions right?" / keywords_cosmology.html.
    11. Does inhomogeneous big bang nucleosynthesis produce an inhomogeneous element distribution today?, Robert J. Scherrer, arXiv, 2021, Mar02, 5 pages: Research: On the inhomogeneous Big Bang nucleosynthesis. keywords_cosmology.html.
    12. In the Realm of the Hubble tension --- a Review of Solutions, Eleonora Di Valentino, arXiv, 2021, Mar01, 123 pages: Review: On the Hubble tension, a long review: "While no specific proposal makes a strong case for being highly likely or far better than all others, solutions involving early or dynamical dark energy, neutrino interactions, interacting cosmologies, primordial magnetic fields, and modified gravity provide the best options until a better alternative comes along." / keywords_cosmology.html.

  17. 2021 February
    1. Future merger of the Milky Way with the Andromeda galaxy and the fate of their supermassive black holes, Riccardo Schiavi, et al., arXiv, 2021, Feb22, 8 pages: Research: On the Andromeda-Milky Way collision, their galaxy merger, the supermassive black hole merger, and dynamical friction. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. Comparison between different methods of model selection in cosmology, Mehdi Rezaei, Mohammad Malekjani, arXiv, 2021, Feb21, 12 pages: Research: On cosmological model selection with Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and the Cross-validation method. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology: Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI) 2020 Lectures, Kevork N. Abazajian arXiv, 2021, Feb19, 45 pages: Research: On astrophysical neutrinos, and cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. Estimation of the Mass of Dark Matter Using the Observed Mass Profiles of Late-Type Galaxies, Ahmad Borzou k, arXiv, 2021, Feb18, 7 pages: Research: Probabaly interesting physics. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. MOND-like behavior in the Dirac-Milne universe -- Flat rotation curves and mass/velocity relations in galaxies and clusters, Gabriel Chardin, et al., arXiv, 2021, Feb17, 16 pages: Research: Not the Milne universe (AKA empty universe) but the Dirac-Milne universe with antimatter / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. The trouble beyond H0 and the new cosmic triangles, Jose Luis Bernal, et al., arXiv, 2021, Feb09, 11 pages: Research: On the Hubble tension and related problems it gives. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    7. Galaxy Lookback Evolution Models -- a Comparison with Magneticum Cosmological Simulations and Observations, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki,, et al., arXiv, 2021, Feb08, 22 pages: Research: On galaxy formation and evolution matching simple models to elaborate computer simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    8. * | Precision cosmology made more precise, Giorgio Galanti, Marco Roncadelli, Galanti & Roncadelli 2021, arXiv, 2021, Feb02, 9 pages: Research: On an exact solution of the Friedmann equation for radiation, matter, and the cosmological constant (AKA Lambda, Λ) in flat space. As 2021dec29, still just version 1 and no indication of publication other than arXiv at arXiv or NASA/ADS: Precision cosmology made more precise, Galanti, Giorgio ; Roncadelli, Marco 2021. Also as of 2021dec29, no citations too. However, the authors do publish in respected journals: MNRAS, Physical Review D, etc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    9. Constraining the Baryon Abundance with the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect: Projected-Field Detection Using Planck, WMAP, and unWISE, Aleksandra Kusiak, et al., arXiv, 2021, Feb01, 27 pages: Research: On the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, baryonic matter, baryonic dark matter, and missing baryon problem (AKA missing mass problem). / keywords_cosmology.html.

  18. 2021 January
    1. The role of stochastic and smooth processes in regulating galaxy quenching, Rain Kipper, et al., arXiv, 2021, Jan21, 12 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching using analytical modeling: "In galaxies with decreasing star formation, we show that star formation is lost to fast quenching mechanisms such as galaxy ram-pressure stripping, and is countered by galaxy merger, at a rate of about 41% 1/Gyr and to mass quenching 49% 1/Gyr." which is NOT a totally clear remark. / keywords_cosmology.html.
    2. The Dark Matter Enigma, Jean-Pierre Luminet, arXiv, 2021, Jan20, 11 pages: Review: On dark matter and a bit on MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics). / keywords_cosmology.html.
    3. Cosmography by orthogonalized logarithmic polynomials, Giada Bargiacchi, et al., arXiv, 2021, Jan20, 10 pages: Research: On cosmography with logarithmic polynomials. "We confirm a strong tension (at > 4σ between the Λ-CDM model, and the Hubble diagram at z>1.5." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    4. The star formation history of Eridanus II: on the role of SNe feedback in the quenching of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, C. Gallart, et al., arXiv, 2021, Jan12, 18 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies and the role of supernovae: "We conclude that EriII could be quenched by SNe feedback alone, thus casting doubts on the need to invoke cosmic reionization as the preferred explanation for the early quenching of old UFD galaxies." / keywords_cosmology.html.
    5. ** | The NANOGrav 12.5-year Data Set: Search For An Isotropic Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background, Zaven Arzoumanian et al., arXiv, 2021, Jan08, 25 pages: Research: Discovery of the gravitational wave background. See also Adam Mann, Galaxy-Size Gravitational-Wave Detector Hints at Exotic Physics, SciAm, 2021feb03 / keywords_cosmology.html.
    6. EDGE: Two routes to dark matter core formation in ultra-faint dwarfs, Matthew D. A. Orkney, et al., arXiv, 2021, Jan07, 14 pages: Research: On the core-cusp problem: "The combination of these effects leads us to predict significant stochasticity in the central dark matter density slopes of the smallest dwarf galaxies, driven by their unique star formation and mass assembly histories." / keywords_cosmology.html.

    7. 2020

      1. 2020 December
        1. Starburst galaxies, Ivana Orlitova, arXiv, Dec22, 31 pages: Review: On starburst galaxies. Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, p. 14. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Cosmology, astrobiology, and the RNA world. Just add quintessential water, Keith Johnson arXiv, Dec21, 25 pages: Research: On cosmology, astrobiology, RNA world, and water clusters. This may be an extreme outlier. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. * | Simple and statistically sound strategies for analysing physical theories, Shehu S. AbdusSalam, et al., arXiv, Dec15, 10 pages: Research: On statistics, statistical inference, Bayesian analysis, and likelihood functions. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Cosmic Distances Calibrated to 1% Precision with Gaia EDR3 Parallaxes and Hubble Space Telescope Photometry of 75 Milky Way Cepheids Confirm Tension with Lambda-CDM, Adam G. Riess, et al., arXiv, Dec15, 21 pages: Research: On the Hubble constant, the Hubble tension, and the Λ-CDM model. They get H0=73.2(1.3) 1.8 % error, 4.2 sigma tension with Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, p. 14. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Does the observational data favor a local void?, Rong-Gen Cai, et al., arXiv, Dec15, 6 pages: Research: On the Hubble constant, the Hubble tension, and the Λ-CDM model. On the Hubble bubble: "Our conclusion strengths the previous studies that the current tension on Hubble constant cannot be saved by a local void alone." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Observations of the Lyman-alpha Universe, Masami Ouchi, et al., arXiv, Dec15, 45 pages: Review: On Lyman-alpha emitter (LAE) galaxies, other Lyman-alpha line astronomical objects, and reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn) / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. * | Under an Iron Sky: On the Entropy at the Start of the Universe, Luke A. Barnes, Geraint F. Lewis, arXiv, Dec13, 13 pages: Research: On nuclear statistical equilibrium and why Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) did NOT do that and instead left the observable universe in a nuclear low entropy state as well as a gravitational low entropy state and how antimatter plays in. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      2. 2020 November
        1. Precise maps of millions of bright quasars show our place in the cosmos as never before, Joshua Sokol Science (journal) Nov27, 2 pages: Popular: On cosmologically remote quasars specifying the absolute rotation frame of rest. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Persistent homology of the cosmic web. I: Hierarchical topology in Lambda-CDM cosmologies, Georg Wilding, et al., arXiv, Nov25, 28 pages: Research: On the Λ-CDM model, cosmic web, and hierachical topology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. A 4% measurement of H0 using the cumulative distribution of strong-lensing time delays in doubly-imaged quasars, David Harvey arXiv, 2020, Nov18, 18 pages: Research: On strong gravitational lensed quasars and the Hubble constant. He gets H0=71(3). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Einstein, Planck and Vera Rubin: relevant encounters between the Cosmological and the Quantum Worlds, Paolo Salucci, et al., arXiv, Nature (journal) Nov16, 66 pages: Research: On dark energy, dark matter, general relativity, quantum cosmology, quantum field theory quantum gravity, quantum mechanics, etc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. ** | The baryon density of the Universe from an improved rate of deuterium burning, V. Mossa, et al., arXiv, Nature (journal) Nov11, 3 pages: Research: On the primordial cosmic composition and deuterium (D, H-2) / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. The limits of cosmology: role of the Moon, Joseph Silk arXiv, 2020, Nov09, 10 pages: Research: On cosmology astronomy from the Moon. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. Possibility of Primordial Black holes as the source of gravitational wave events in the advanced LIGO detector, E. Khalouei, et al., arXiv, 2020, Nov05, 5 pages: Research: On gravitational wave events. LIGO, dark matter, and primordial black holes (PBHs). Quote: "Comparing the expected number of events with the number of observed ones reveals that even assuming all the dark matter is made of PBHs are not enough PBHs to produce the observed GW events and the astrophysical black holes should have the main contribution in the observed GW events." However, PBHs can still be all dark matter, I think. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. Black Holes and WIMPs: All or Nothing or Something Else, Bernard Carr, et al., arXiv, 2020, Nov03, 12 pages: Research: Quote: "WIMPs and PBHs can both provide some but not all of the dark matter, so that one requires a third dark matter candidate." And Occam's razor suggests neither WIMPs nor PBHs are dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      3. 2020 October
        1. * | The 1919 eclipse results which verified General Relativity and their later detractors: a story re-told, Gerard Gilmore, Gudrun Tausch-Pebody, arXiv, 2020, Oct26, 26 pages: Research: On the the results of Eddington Experiment: AKA the 1919 Solar Eclipse Expedition. The detractors were wrong and the confirmation of general relativity was valid. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Detection of a universal core-halo transition in dwarf galaxies as predicted by Bose-Einstein dark matter, Alvaro Pozo, et al., arXiv, 2020, Oct20, 17 pages: Research: On light boson dark matter as an explanation for the core-cusp problem sort of for dwarf spheriodal galaxies (dSph). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. Star-Forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon, N. M. Foerster Schreiber, S. Wuyts, arXiv, 2020, Oct20, 77 pages: Review: On star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. ** | Planes of satellites around Milky Way/M31-mass galaxies in the FIRE simulations and comparisons with the Local Group, Jenna Samuel, et al. arXiv, 2020, Oct20, 15 pages: Research: The planes of satellite galaxies problem resolved within the Λ-CDM model, and so it NOT a problem for the Λ-CDM model. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. * | H I 21-centimetre emission from an ensemble of galaxies at an average redshift of one, Aditya Chowdhury et al. Nature (journal), 2020, Oct14, 4 pages: Research: On 21-cm radiation from about cosmic noon and its relation to star formation then. See also the news&views article Carilli 2020. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is needed to do better. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Strongly lensed supernovae as a self-sufficient probe of the distance duality relation, Fabrizio Renzi, et al. arXiv, 2020, Oct08 15 pages: Research: On the Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation) studied using gravitationally lensed supernovae. See also cosmological distance measures (angular diameter distance, Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation), luminosity distance). / keywords_cosmology.html.

      4. 2020 September
        1. A Test of the Cosmological Principle with Quasars, Nathan Secrest, et al. arXiv, 2020, Sep30 9 pages: Research: On quasars and the cosmological principle: "Our results are in conflict with the cosmological principle, a foundational assumption of the concordance Λ-CDM model." Yikes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. * | Dark Energy: is it `just' Einstein's Cosmological Constant Lambda?: Ofer Lahav arXiv, 2020, Sep21 21 pages: Review: On the cosmological constant Λ, dark energy, the Λ-CDM model and all that. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. La polemica del multiverso: Alejandro Gangui arXiv, 2020, Sep14 7 pages: Review: On the multiverse and the anthropic principle. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. A brief review on cosmological analysis of galaxy surveys with multiple tracers: Yuting Wang, Gong-Bo Zhao, arXiv, 2020, Sep08 14 pages: Review: On galaxy redshift surveys and tracers. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Strengthening the bound on the mass of the lightest neutrino with terrestrial and cosmological experiments, The GAMBIT Cosmology Workgroup: Patrick Stöcker, et al. arXiv, 2020, Sep07 6 pages: Research: Upper limits on neutrino mass: "assuming normal mass ordering, the mass of the lightest neutrino is less than 0.037 eV at 95% confidence; with inverted ordering, the bound is 0.042 eV." It seems KATRIN: neutrino mass experiment (sensitivity range ∼ 0.2--2 eV) is out of luck. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. * | Universal structure of dark matter haloes over a mass range of 20 orders of magnitude: Jie Wang (NAOC), Sownak Bose (CfA), Carlos S. Frenk, et al. Nature (journal) 2020, Sep02 39 pages: Research: On dark halos from pure dark matter simulations. Their universal structure does not seem to agree with Wagner 2020: Self-gravitating dark matter gets in shape which gives a analytic universal structure (i.e., the Wagner profile). It's closer to the Einasto profile than the Navarro-Frenk-White profile (NFW profile). On gravitational mechanics (GrM). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. * | Next step in gravity and cosmology: fundamental theory or data-driven models?: Gianluca Calcagni, arXiv, 2020, Sep02 6 pages: Review: On cosmological models. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      5. 2020 August
        1. Is the universe ill-posed?: John D. Barrow (1952--), arXiv, 2020, Aug12 5 pages: Research: On cosmological models and general relativity. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. IX. Calibration of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Method in the Mega-Maser Host Galaxy, NGC4258 (M106): In Sung Jang, et al. arXiv, 2020, Aug10 29 pages: Research: On NGC 4528 (M106), megamaser, and the tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars. "This new calibration agrees to better than 1% with an independent calibration presented in Freedman et al. (2019, 2020) that was based on detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) located in the LMC." / keywords_cosmology.html.

      6. 2020 July
        1. Evolution of the universe during the inflationary epoch: Gabriel German, arXiv, 2020, Jul26, 14 pages: Research: Analytic solutions for the inflation era. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Exploring AGN and Star Formation Activity of Massive Galaxies at Cosmic Noon: J. Florez, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul23, 25 pages: Research: "The vast majority of galaxies with X-ray luminous AGN at z=0.5--3 do not show quenched SF: this suggests that if AGN feedback quenches SF, the associated quenching process takes a significant time to act and the quenched phase sets in after the highly luminous phases of AGN activity." On galaxies, active galaxy nuclei (AGNs), AGN feedback, galaxy quenching at cosmic noon. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. The universe as a closed anisotropic universe born in a black hole: Nikodem Poplawski arXiv, 2020, Jul22, 6 pages: Research: Our pocket universe born from a black hole. Zounds. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Primordial Black Holes as a dark matter candidate: Anne M. Green, Bradley J. Kavanagh, arXiv, 2020, Jul21, 23 pages: Review: On primordial black holes as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. * | A Lockdown Perspective on the Hubble Tension: George Efstathiou (1955--), arXiv, 2020, Jul21, 28 pages: Review: On the Hubble tension, SNe Ia, Cepheids, and cosmic distance ladder. He suggests that the y-intercept of period-luminosity relation is the a plausible root of the Hubble tension and that y-intercept should be established more definitively. A accurate distance to NGC 4528 (M106) would be valuable. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Robustness of the Starobinsky inflationary model: S. Santos da Costa, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul17, 12 pages: Research: Starobinsky inflation is a viable cosmological model, but NOT a simple variation of it. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. ** | The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications from two Decades of Spectroscopic Surveys at the Apache Point observatory: eBOSS Collaboration: Shadab Alam, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul17, 36 pages: Research: Confirms Λ-CDM model and shows Omega;_Λ, H_0, and &sigma_8 are pretty constant with changing keywords_cosmology.html. They find Hubble constant 68.20(81). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. Quantifying the global parameter tensions between ACT, SPT and Planck: Will Handley, Pablo Lemos arXiv, 2020, Jul16, 6 pages: Research: Planck 2018 results. VI and new Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) results. But the ACT paper thought there was no tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. ** | The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR4 Maps and Cosmological Parameters: Simone Aiola, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul14, 33 pages: Research: New Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT): "We compare ACT, WMAP, and Planck at the parameter level and find good consistency". The Λ-CDM model is still viable with "no evidence for deviations". / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. Inferring the Age of the Universe with Globular Clusters: David Valcin, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul13, 6 pages: Research: On the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018) and the age of globular clusters. They get "We find that the average age of the oldest globular clusters is" 13.13(65) Gyr and their estimate for age of the observable universe is 13.35(66) Gyr. The Λ-CDM model passes test again. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. ** |Geometric Support for Dark Matter by an Unaligned Einstein Ring in Abell 3827: Mandy C. Chen, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul10, 20 pages: Research: On an Einstein ring and dark matter. "The Einstein ring of Abell 3827 therefore presents a new challenge for alternative gravity theories." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. Clustering dark energy imprints on cosmological observables of the gravitational field: Farbod Hassani, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul09, 17 pages: Research: On dark energy, dynamical dark energy, and the cosmological constant Λ. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. Null tests of the concordance model in the era of Euclid and the SKA: Carlos A. P. Bengaly, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul09, 10 pages: Research: On testing the Λ-CDM model (concordance model) with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and (Euclid. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        14. Determining the Hubble Constant without the Sound Horizon Scale: Measurements from CMB Lensing: Eric J. Baxter, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jul08, 14 pages: Research: On Hubble tension and new physics. They get 73.5(5.3): interesting. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      7. 2020 June
        1. Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter: Bernard Carr, Florian Kuhnel, arXiv, 2020, Jun03, 35 pages: Review: On primordial black holes as dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      8. 2020 May
        1. Indirect Detection of Dark Matter in the Galaxy: Rebecca K. Leane arXiv, 2020, May31, 25 pages: Review: On indirect detection of dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. The kinetic gas universe: Manuel Hohmann, et al. arXiv, 2020, May27, 4 pages: Research: On dark energy from relativistic kinetic energy of dark matter particles---it seems. Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. ** | A census of baryons in the Universe from localized fast radio bursts: J.-P. Macquart, et al. arXiv, 2020, May27, 54 pages: Research: Using fast radio bursts (FRBs) to determine amount of baryonic dark matter. Important. Consistent with other determinations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Astrophysical Distance Scale The JAGB Method: I. Calibration and a First Application: Barry F. Madore, Wendy L. Freedman, arXiv, 2020, May21, 13 pages: Research: On cosmic distance indicators using J-Branch Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) stars to supplement tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars. Excellent agreement between the two methods so far. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Self-gravitating dark matter gets in shape: Jenny Wagner arXiv, 2020, May18, 5 pages: Research: On dark matter halos a priori: "I show that it is possible to derive these profiles from an intriguingly simple mathematical approach that directly determines the most likely spatial configuration of a self-gravitating ensemble of collisionless dark matter particles." On gravitational mechanics (GrM). Sounds like again, I tracking steps badly. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Fundamental Acceleration: Douglas Edmonds, et al., arXiv, 2020, May18, 8 pages: Research: MOND-like lives. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. There is no coincidence after all!: Saurya Das, arXiv, 2020, May16, 2 pages: Research: On dark energy from dark matter particles. Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. * | Illusiveness of the problem of time: Sergey L. Cherkas, Vladimir L. Kalashnikov arXiv, 2020, May14, 9 pages: Research: On quantum cosmology and time. Lots of equations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. Fundamental properties of the dark and the luminous matter from Low Surface Brightness discs: Chiara Di Paolo, Paolo Salucci (the 2 Paolo-paper) arXiv, 2020, May07, 43 pages: Review: On dark matter and baryonic matter in galactic disks. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. The Accuracy of the Hubble Constant Measurement Verified through Cepheid Amplitudes: Adam G. Riess, et al., arXiv, 2020, May07, 25 pages: Research: On Cepheids and the Hubble tension. "We conclude that systematic errors in Cepheid backgrounds do not provide a plausible resolution to the Hubble tension." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. Measuring the expansion of the universe: Gabriel German, arXiv, 2020, May05, 4 pages: Research: On the cosmological eras with a ruler. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. The M-σ relation from the disruption of binaries from the galactic bulge: Erez Michaely, Douglas Hamilton arXiv, 2020, May01, 8 pages: Research: A novel explanation of the M-σ relation. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      9. 2020 April
        1. Protostellar accretion in low mass metal poor stars and the cosmological lithium problem: E. Tognelli, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr30, 18 pages: Research: A possible solution to the cosmological lithium problem from the star formation of Population II stars (i.e., low metallicity star). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Predictions and Outcomes for the Dynamics of Rotating Galaxies: Stacy McGaugh arXiv, 2020, Apr29, 36 pages: Review: "A review is given of a priori predictions made for the dynamics of rotating galaxies. One theory - MOND - has had many predictions corroborated by subsequent observations. While it is sometimes possible to offer post hoc explanations for these observations in terms of dark matter, it is seldom possible to use dark matter to predict the same phenomena. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. The rotation curve, mass distribution and dark matter content of the Milky Way from Classical Cepheids: Iminhaji Ablimit, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr28, 21 pages: Research: Using classical Cepheids to determine the galaxy rotation curve and other things for the Milky Way. They find virial mass 0.822(52)*10**12 M_☉ which is close to the golden mass 10**12 M_☉ for galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. A New Method to Measure Hubble Parameter H(z) using Fast Radio Bursts: Q. Wu, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr27, 10 pages: Research: Using fast radio bursts (FRBs) to determine the Hubble parameter H(z) / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. The GOGREEN Survey: A deep stellar mass function of cluster galaxies at 1.0: Remco F. J. van der Burg, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr22, 19 pages: Research: On, among other things, galaxy quenching through cosmic time: "These results are in stark contrast with findings in the local Universe, and thus require a substantially different quenching mode to operate at early times. We discuss these results in the light of several popular quenching models." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. * | Primordial Intermediate Mass Black Holes as Dark Matter: Paul H. Frampton, arXiv, 2020, Apr21, 11 pages: Review: On primordial black holes as dark matter. Fascinating. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. Cosmology-insensitive estimate of IGM baryon mass fraction from five localized fast radio bursts: Zhengxiang Li, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr17, 6 pages: Research: Studying the intergalactic medium with fast radio bursts (FRBs). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. Robustness of baryon acoustic oscillations constraints to beyond Λ-CDM cosmologies: Jose Luis Bernal, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr15, 21 pages: Research: Baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) shown to be robust for discriminating models beyond the Λ-CDM model, / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. Ejective and preventative: the IllustrisTNG black hole feedback and its effects on the thermodynamics of the gas within and around galaxies: Elad Zinger et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr13, 26 pages: Research: They find galaxy quenching for stellar masses greater than 10**10.5 M_☉ which is probably consistent with total mass being the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. But is this just a result of the right prescription in the Illustris project simulations? / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. Scale Symmetry in the Universe: Jose Gaite arXiv, 2020, Apr10, 19 pages: Research: On, among other things, fractal cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. * | Does Time Really Flow? New Clues Come From a Century-Old Approach to Math N. Wolchover, Quantamagazine, 2020, Apr7, 1 pages: Popular: On Swiss physicist Nicolas Gisin's new idea about time. He "Instead of trying to make quantum mechanics a deterministic theory, he hopes to provide a common, indeterministic language for both classical and quantum physics." "One of the implications it has for me," said Renner, " is that classical mechanics is in some ways closer to quantum mechanics than we thought" Hm, tricky. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. The fate of disk galaxies in IllustrisTNG clusters: Gandhali D. Joshi, et al., arXiv, 2020, Apr02, 31 pages: Research: On the galaxy quenching and morphological evolution in the Illustris project simulations. May be important. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      10. 2020 March
        1. High-redshift cosmography: auxiliary variables versus Pade polynomials: Salvatore Capozziello, et al., arXiv, 2020, Mar20, 23 pages: Research: On the cosmography with the Pade approximation. May be important. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Blinded challenge for precision cosmology with large-scale structure: results from effective field theory for the redshift-space galaxy power spectrum: Takahiro Nishimichi, et al., arXiv, 2020, Mar18, 23 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure and the power spectrum. May be important. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. Fast simulations of cosmic large-scale structure with massive neutrinos: Christian Partmann, et al., arXiv, 2020, Mar16, 23 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure, the power spectrum, and neutrino mass. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. A Link Between Ram Pressure Stripping and Active Galactic Nuclei: Angelo Ricarte, et al., arXiv, 2020, Mar12, 23 pages: Research: On the galaxy quenching with both galaxy ram-pressure stripping and AGN feedback found to be important and coupled. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Perfectly parallel cosmological simulations using spatial comoving Lagrangian acceleration: Florent Leclercq, et al., arXiv, 2020, Mar10, 23 pages: Research: On methods. May be important. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Globular cluster systems and galaxy formation: Michael A. Beasley, arXiv, 2020, Mar02, 32 pages: Review: On globular clusters galaxy formation and evolution. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      11. 2020 February
        1. Coming of Age of the Standard Model: Roger Blandford, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb28, 12 pages: Review: On the standard model of cosmology (SMC, &Lambda-CDM model). Compare to Scott 2018. Latex formatted reference in ~jeffery/aastex/ref.html at Scott (2018). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. No Evidence for Type Ia Supernova Luminosity Evolution: Evidence for Dark Energy is Robust: B. M. Rose, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb27, 12 pages: Research: On SNe Ia in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. A dark matter core in M31: Pierre Boldrini, Roya Mohayaee, Joseph Silk, arXiv, 2020, Feb27, 5 pages: Research: "Our results imply that cores in massive galaxies are a common and natural feature of cold dark matter halos that have been initially cuspy but have accreted subhaloes on highly eccentric orbits." A possible solution to the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. * | Asymptotic expansions for the Large Scale Structure: Shi-Fan Chen, Massimo Pietroni arXiv, 2020, Feb26, 27 pages: Research: Might serve as in introduction to analytical understanding of the structure formation of the large-scale structure of the universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Non-Euclidean Newtonian Cosmology: John D. Barrow (1952--), arXiv, 2020, Feb24, 11 pages: Research: It may be intellectually interesting. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. * | The Megamaser Cosmology Project. XIII. Combined Hubble constant constraints: D. W. Pesce, J. A. Braatz, M. J. Reid, A. G. Riess, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb18, 13 pages: Research: On megamasers for the cosmic distance ladder and the Hubble constant. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. The quasar main sequence and its potential for cosmology: P. Marziani, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb17, 5 pages: Review: On the quasar main sequence. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. * | The evidence for a spatially flat Universe: George Efstathiou, Steven Gratton, arXiv, 2020, Feb17, 5 pages: Research: Another analysis of Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters and other data. They disagrees with Handley 2019, arXiv:1908.09139 and di Valentino et al. 2019, arXiv:1911.02087 who though positive curvature possible even though depending on only one set of daya It's really, I think, that Efstathiou & Gratton 2020, arXiv:2002.06892 don't because they don't depend on one set of data. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. Segmenting the Universe into dynamically coherent basins: A. Dupuy, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb17, 8 pages: Research: On segmented basins of attraction. Will this be an important idea? / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. Is there an early Universe solution to the Hubble tension?: Chethan Krishnan, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb14, 4 pages: Research: No. The Hubble tension remains and they agree with H0LiCOW XIII. (holicow, Wong et al. 2019) that Hubble constant seems to decrease with cosmological redshift z. But Kochanek 2019, arXiv:1911.05083 thinks H0LiCOW XIII. (holicow, Wong et al. 2019) has 10 % accuracy at best. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. The origin of dust in galaxies across cosmic time: Dian P. Triani, et al., arXiv, 2020, Feb13, 19 pages: Research: On cosmic dust and the star formation in cosmic history. "We find that the dust mass content in the present Universe is mainly produced via grain growth in the interstellar medium (ISM). By contrast, in the early Universe, the primary production mechanism for dust is the condensation in stellar ejecta." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. New empirical constraints on the cosmological evolution of gas and stars in galaxies: Hamsa Padmanabhan (CITA), Abraham Loeb (Harvard), arXiv, 2020, Feb04, 6 pages: Research: On the star formation in cosmic history. "Combining the atomic and molecular gas observations with the stellar build-up illustrates that galactic mass assembly in Milky-Way sized haloes proceeds from smooth accretion at high redshifts, towards becoming merger-dominated at late times (z ∼ < 0.6). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. Heart of Darkness: the influence of galactic dynamics on quenching star formation in galaxy spheroids: Jindra Gensior, et al. arXiv, 2020, Feb04, 25 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching and galactic bulges. "Across all simulations, we find that central spheroids increase the gas velocity dispersion towards the galactic centre. This increases the gravitational stability of the gas disc, suppresses fragmentation and star formation, and results in galaxies hosting extremely smooth and quiescent gas discs that fall below the galaxy main sequence." "We conclude that the SFR of galaxies is not only set by the balance between accretion and feedback, but carries a (sometimes dominant) dependence on the gravitational potential." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        14. Cosmic structures from a mathematical perspective 1. Dark matter halo mass density profiles: Jenny Wagner, arXiv, 2020, Feb03, 25 pages: Research: On dark halos and the core-cusp problem. Heavy going, but maybe important. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        15. * | Upcoming new era of 21 cm cosmology based on SKA: Yidong Xu, Xin Zhang arXiv, 2020, Feb03, 6 pages: Review: On hydrogen 21-centimeter line cosmology and SKA. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      12. 2020 January
        1. Timing the earliest quenching events with a robust sample of massive quiescent galaxies at 2 < z < 5: A. C. Carnall, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jan31, 14 pages: Research: On early galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. How dark are filaments in the cosmic web?: Tianyi Yang, Michael J. Hudson, Niayesh Afshordi arXiv, 2020, Jan29, 12 pages: Research: On the cosmic web and galaxy filaments. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. Hot atmospheres of galaxies, groups, and clusters of galaxies: Norbert Werner, François Mernier arXiv, 2020, Jan27, 34 pages: Review: On the galaxies, galaxy clusters, galaxy superclusters, galaxy filaments, and the cosmic web. Plus central supermassive black holes and galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Cosmological model insensitivity of local H0 from the Cepheid distance ladder: S. Dhawan, D. Brout, D. Scolnic, A. Goobar, A.G. Riess, V. Miranda, arXiv, 2020, Jan25, 11 pages: Research: The local direct Hubble constant is NOT changed much from ∼ 73 by using dark energy. But this should NOT be a surprise, right? The local value is the direct measurement and should depend almost only on there being a Hubble constant and Friedmann-equation (FE) models being true. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Distant foreground and the Planck-derived Hubble constant: V.N. Yershov, et al., arXiv, 2020, Jan24, 5 pages: Research: A non-exotic solution to the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Peculiar velocity cosmology with type Ia supernovae: R. Graziani, et al., arXiv, 2020, Jan24, 6 pages: Review WP: Prospective, but could make good use of Vera C. Rubin Observatory (LSST) and Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. The cosmic atomic hydrogen mass density as a function of mass and galaxy hierarchy from spectral stacking: Wenkai Hu, et al., arXiv, 2020, Jan24, 9 pages Research: H I regions and H II regions studied with radio astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. The establishment of the Standard Cosmological Model through observations: Ricardo T. Génova-Santos, arXiv, 2020, Jan22, 34 pages: Review: On the the Λ-CDM model. Compare to (Scott 2018). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. Could quasar lensing time delays hint to cored dark matter halos, instead of H0 tension?: Kfir Blum, et al. arXiv, 2020, Jan20, 9 pages: Research: Features of quasar models related to the core-cusp problem could undermine the H0=73 result of Wong et al. (2019) making Hubble tension again a purely local tension with Planck 2018 results / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. Status of direct and indirect dark matter searches: Carlos Pérez de los Heros arXiv, 2020, Jan17, 12 pages: Review: dark matter searches: collider detection of dark matter, direct detection of dark matter, and indirect detection of dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. The low-surface-brightness Universe: a new frontier in the study of galaxy evolution: Sugata Kaviraj, arXiv, 2020, Jan06, 12 pages: Review: On the low-surface-brightness universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. The Roles of Mass and Environment in the Quenching of Galaxies II: E. Contini, et al., arXiv, 2020, Jan06, 13 pages: Review: On galaxy quenching. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. Clusters of Galaxies: Structure and Dynamics in the Last 8 Gyr: A. Biviano, arXiv, 2020, Jan03, 7 pages: Review: On structure formation of galaxy clusters. / keywords_cosmology.html.

    8. 2019

      1. 2019 December
        1. Calculation of distances in cosmological models with small-scale inhomogeneities and their use in observational cosmology: a review: Phillip Helbig, arXiv, 2019, Dec27, 27 pages: Review: On the cosmological principle and its possible inadequacy for fitting models on the small scale. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. * | An Oppositeness in the Cosmology: Distribution of the Gamma-Ray Bursts and the Cosmological Principle: Attila Meszaros, arXiv, 2019, Dec16, 6 pages: Review: On the cosmological principle and its possible inadequacy. Not the last word. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. * | The evidence of cosmic acceleration and observational constraints: Yingjie Yang, Yungui Gong, arXiv, 2019, Dec16, 6 pages: Review: Mostly seem to confirm Planck 2018 results. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      2. 2019 November
        1. * | On the origin of the LIGO "mystery" noise and the high energy particle physics desert: Niayesh Afshordi, arXiv, 2019, Nov21, 4 pages: Research: On the LIGO noise. Interesting and readable.
          1. Niayesh Afshordi (1976--)
          2. gravitational waves
          3. LIGO
          4. effective field theory
          5. Planck mass m_p = sqrt(ħc/G) = 2.176435(24)*10**(-8) kg ≅ 1.220910*10**19 GeV
          6. Minkowski space Minkowski metric η_(μν)
          7. GR metric tensor g_(μν) ≅ h_(μν)???
          8. stress-energy tensor (AKA energy-omentum tensor
          9. top quark
          10. Higgs boson (AKA Higgs particle)
          11. W and Z bosons
          / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Modelling the large scale structure of the Universe as a function of cosmology and baryonic physics: Giovanni Arico, et al. arXiv, 2019, Nov19, 23 pages: Research: On the large-scale structure of the universe, dark matter, and baryonic matter. May be important. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. Exploring the High-Mass End of the Stellar Mass Function of Star Forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon: Sydney Sherman, et al. arXiv, 2019, Nov15, 19 pages: Research: "At redshifts 1.5galaxies, NOT stars. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Signatures of Dark Matter in Cosmic-Ray Observations: Alessandro Cuoco, arXiv, 2019, Nov14, 8 pages: Review: Short review on indirect detection of dark matter. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. The Assembly of the First Massive Black Holes: Kohei Inayoshi, Eli Visbal, Zoltán Haiman, arXiv, 2019, Nov13, 79 pages: Review: An ARAA review of the first supermassive black holes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. The Normalization and Slope of the Dark Matter (Sub-)Halo Mass Function on Sub-Galactic Scales: Andrew J. Benson, arXiv, 2019, Nov13, 9 pages: Research: On dark halos and subhalo. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. Over-constrained Gravitational Lens Models and the Hubble Constant: C. S. Kochanek, arXiv, 2019, Nov12, 12 pages: Research: A critique of the accuracy/precision of strong gravitational lensing measurements of the Hubble constant. Kochanek 2019, arXiv:1911.05083 thinks 10 % accuracy is the best that can be done. H0LiCOW XIII. (holicow, Wong et al. 2019) may disagree. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. Line intensity mapping: a "novel" window to the cosmic web: Jose Fonseca arXiv, 2019, Nov11, 15 pages: Review: A review of intensity mapping. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. The Schrödinger-Poisson method for Large-Scale Structure: Mathias Garny, et al. arXiv, 2019, Nov11, 29 pages: Research: Makes use of the Schroedinger-Newton equation (AKA Schroedinger-Poisson equation), one guesses, to analyze the large-scale structure. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. The Formation of Supermassive Black Holes from Population III.1 Seeds. I. Cosmic Formation Histories and Clustering Properties: A.D. Dolgov, arXiv, 2019, Nov06, 21 pages: Review: On primordial black holes as being the eeds of dark halos and galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. Planck evidence for a closed Universe and a possible crisis for cosmology: Eleonora Di Valentino, Alessandro Melchiorri, Joseph Silk arXiv, 2019, Nov05, 35 pages: Research: On positive curvature (k > 0, Ω_k < 0 for the observable universe as suggested by Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters. This agrees with Handley 2019, arXiv:1908.09139. Probably not, but fascinating idea. But there is no suggestion that positive curvature solves the Hubble tension. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. On cosmography and flat &Lambda-CDM tensions at high redshift: Tao Yang, Aritra Banerjee, Eoin O'Colgain arXiv, 2019, Nov05, 6 pages: Research: Quote: "we show that existing approaches to high-redshift cosmography can lead to "tensions" that are simply an artifact of the expansions, even if the underlying model is fully consistent with flat the Λ-CDM model." If the Friedmann equation models are physicall correct models, how can cosmography tell you more than Bayesian analysis of those models? / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. Dark Matter Cores and Cusps in Spiral Galaxies and their Explanations: Manoj Kaplinghat, Tao Ren, Hai-Bo Yu arXiv, 2019, Nov05, 10 pages: Research: Self-interacting dark matter helps with cores and cusps of spiral galaxies. About the core-cusp problem. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      3. 2019 October
        1. Intensity mapping: a new window into the cosmos: Hamsa Padmanabhan, arXiv, 2019, Oct30, 8 pages: Review: On intensity mapping and its use in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Testing the Rh=ct Universe Jointly with the Redshift-dependent Expansion rate and Angular-diameter and Luminosity Distances: Hao-Yi Wan, Shu-Lei Cao, Fulvio Melia, Tong-Jie Zhang arXiv, 2019, Oct30, 20 pages: Research: Latest update on the standing of the Rh=ct universe. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. Dark matter distribution and dynamics of dwarf spheroidal galaxies: Ewa L. Lokas, arXiv, 2019, Oct23, 8 pages: Review: On dwarf spheriodal galaxies (dSph), their dark matter, and the Schwarzschild orbit superposition method. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Metal-enriched Galaxies in the First ~1 Billion Years: Evidence of a Smooth Metallicity Evolution at z ~ 5: Suraj Poudel, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct22, 19 pages: Research: On metallicity in the first gigayar. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Understanding Galaxy Evolution through Emission Lines: Lisa J. Kewley, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct22, 63 pages: Review: On understanding galaxy evolution via Emission line spectra. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Simple Yet Powerful: Hot Galactic Outflows Driven by Supernovae: Miao Li, Greg L. Bryan, arXiv, 2019, Oct21, 9 pages: Research: On supernovae driving galaxy outflows and galaxy evolution and the golden mass 10**12 M_☉. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. Extracting key information from spectroscopic galaxy surveys: Yuting Wang, Gong-Bo Zhao, John A. Peacock, arXiv, 2019, Oct21, 7 pages: Research: On extracting information from baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) and redshift-space distortions (RSDs) using principal component analysis (PCA). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. The impact of the connectivity of the cosmic web on the physical properties of galaxies at its nodes: Katarina Kraljic, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct17, 16 pages: Research: On galaxy evolution being fed by galaxy filaments in the cosmic web and how AGN feedback impedes this. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. Stellar feedback sets the universal acceleration scale in galaxies: Michael Y. Grudic, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct14, 14 pages: Research: Another attempt to dispense with MOND stellar feedback: probably mainly supernovae. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. The fate of the interstellar medium in early-type galaxies. I. First direct measurement of the timescale of dust removal: Michaal‚ J. Michalowski, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct14, 13 pages: Research: On the fate of interstellar dust in early-type galaxies. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. An Introduction to Particle Dark Matter: Stefano Profumo, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct14, 49 pages: Review: On the fate of dark matter (dark matter particles) and particle physics in cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. MOND vs. dark matter in light of historical parallels: Mordehai Milgrom, arXiv, 2019, Oct10, 29 pages: Review: On MOND by its originator. But what if we have both dark matter and MOND/---the worst of all possible worlds. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. Evolutionary link between ultra-diffuse galaxies and dwarf early-type galaxies: Igor V. Chilingarian, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct09, 7 pages: Research: On connection between dwarf elliptical galaxies, dwarf spheriodal galaxies (dSph), ultra diffuse galaxies. They suggest that galaxy ram-pressure stripping and supernovae feedback in combination explain the connection. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        14. Investigating the Hubble Constant Tension -- Two Numbers in the Standard Cosmological Model: Weikang Lin, et al., arXiv, 2019, Oct07, 7 pages: Research: Their analysis suggests the Hubble tension with the Λ-CDM model is just due to the SNe Ia giving a high local Hubble constant of about 73 (km/s)/Mpc. But the H0licow results Wong et al. 2019 also give about 73 (km/s)/Mpc and they are z > ∼ 0.3 and they are much less local. So have Lin et al. considered the H0licow results? Briefly. They are waiting to for the data to become public and they think there may be problems with the results. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        15. What can Machine Learning tell us about the background expansion of the Universe?: Ruben Arjona, Savvas Nesseris arXiv, 2019, Oct03, 6 pages: Research: On artificial intelligence (AI) (machine learning) cosmography, and the expansion of the universe. Investigation of the Hubble tension and other tensions. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        16. Gas filaments of the cosmic web located around active galaxies in a proto-cluster: H. Umehata, et al. arXiv, 2019, Oct03, 47 pages: Research: Emission line observations of the Lyman-alpha line from cosmic web at z = 3.1. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        17. Evolution of giant molecular clouds across cosmic time: David Guszejnov, et al. arXiv, 2019, Oct02, 15 pages: Research: The evolution of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) over cosmic time is mild. Good. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      4. 2019 September
        1. Astrophysics from the 21-cm background: Jordan Mirocha, arXiv, 2019, Sep27, 49 pages: Review: More on the hydrogen 21-centimeter line as applied to the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Physical Cosmology From the 21-cm Line: Steven R. Furlanetto, arXiv, 2019, Sep26, 20 pages: Review: More on the hydrogen 21-centimeter line as applied to the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. The Fundamentals of the 21-cm Line: Steven R. Furlanetto, arXiv, 2019, Sep26, 20 pages: Review: On the fundamentals of hydrogen 21-centimeter line as applied to the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. A Conceptual Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: Joshua S. Speagle (Speagle 2019, Speagle, J. 2019, 1909.12313), arXiv, 2019, Sep26, 54 pages: Review: On Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and Bayesian analysis. Maybe really useful for teaching purposes. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Precision Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with the New CodePRIMAT: Cyril Pitrou, et al. arXiv, 2019, Sep26, 4 pages: Research: conference: A new computer code for Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) with some results. Short. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Lighting the Dark: The Evolution of the Post-Inflationary Universe: Nathan Musoke, et al. arXiv, 2019, Sep25, 5 pages: Research: On inflation cosmology, but not too gory and only 5 pages. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. Cosmology from large-scale structure: Constraining Λ-CDM with BOSS: Tilman Troester, et al. arXiv, 2019, Sep24, 8 pages: Research: Constraining flat Λ-CDM model with BOSS. They find consistency with Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, p. 14 and this may be in conflict with Handley 2019, arXiv:1908.09139. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. Red & Dead CANDELS: massive passive galaxies at the dawn of the Universe: E. Merlin, et al. arXiv, 2019, Sep17, 24 pages: Research: Using CANDELS data and concluding: "The resulting picture is that early and strong star formation activity, building massive galaxies on short timescales and followed by a quick and abrupt quenching, is a rare but crucial phenomenon in the early Universe: the evolution of the cosmos must be heavily influenced by the short but powerful activity of these pristine monsters." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Formation: Mark Vogelsberger, et al. arXiv, 2019, Sep17, 34 pages: Review: "This review presents a concise overview of the methodology of cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and their different applications." So large-scale structure and structure formation. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. * | Theoretical Cosmology: A. A. Coley, G. F. R. Ellis, arXiv, 2019, Sep11, 68 pages: Review: A review of cosmology and quantum cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. The atomic Hydrogen content of the post-reionization Universe: Marta Spinelli, et al., arXiv, 2019, Sep05, 21 pages: Research: A prospective study of hydrogen 21-centimeter line observations possible from SKA. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. Men will stretch out their eyes: Or, What happened to Christopher Wren's inaugural: arXiv, 2019, Sep05, 7 pages: Research: Christopher Wren (1632--1723) is the first to hypothesize that nebulae (historical usage) were other galaxies (but using the word firmament). / keywords_cosmology.html.

        13. Gravity and Quantum Theory: Domains of Conflict and Contact: T. Padmanabhan, arXiv, 2019, Sep04, 98 pages: Review: Gravity, general relativity, quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, and all that. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        14. Quasar X-ray and UV flux, baryon acoustic oscillation, and Hubble parameter measurement constraints on cosmological model parameters: Narayan Khadka, Bharat Ratra, arXiv, 2019, Sep03, 14 pages: Research: On quasars, baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs), and the Hubble parameter in cosmological model. Consistency with Λ-CDM model, but slight favor for positive curvature and dynamical dark energy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        15. Disc galaxies formed from major mergers in Illustris: Nicolas Peschken, et al. arXiv, 2019, Sep03, 12 pages: Research: Galaxy mergers in the Illustris project show that galaxy disks (with new stars) reform after the merger if there is enough interstellar medium (ISM) gas. The old stars form an ellipoidal component which is probably a classical bulge Without enough interstellar medium (ISM) gas the merger gives an elliptical galaxy. But what about galaxy quenching and the golden mass 10**12 M_☉? / keywords_cosmology.html.

      5. 2019 August
        1. The quenching and morphological evolution of central galaxies is facilitated by the feedback-driven expulsion of circumgalactic gas: Jonathan J. Davies, et al. arXiv, 2019, Aug29, 12 pages: Research: Study of in Eagle project and Illustris project results for galaxy quenching, galaxy evolution, and AGN feedback. They do get the golden mass 10**12 M_☉, it seems. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Mira Variables in the Type Ia Supernova Host NGC 1559: An Alternative Candle to Measure the Hubble Constant: Caroline D. Huang, Adam G. Riess, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug28, 15 pages: Research: Leads to Hubble constant H0=73.3(3.9), and the Hubble tension tenses more. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. * | Curvature tension: evidence for a closed universe: Will Handley (Handley 2019, arXiv:1908.09139), arXiv, 2019, Aug24, 7 pages: Research: The analysis favors more than weakly a positive-curvature universe. Good discussion of Bayesian analysis too. See also Qi et al. 2018, arXiv:1803.01990 for another result favoring positive curvature. Could this also solve the Hubble tension? / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Dark matter searches with the IceCube Upgrade: Sebastian Baur (for the IceCube Collaboration) arXiv, 2019, Aug22, 7 pages: Research: On the search for dark matter particles with neutrino detection by IceCube. Prospective. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. Cosmology With Low-Redshift Observations: No Signal For New Physics: Koushik Dutta, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug20, 8 pages: Research: They find the Λ-CDM model (concordance model) is still the best overall, but Hubble tension persists. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. Summary of cosmology with gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences Archisman Ghosh, arXiv, 2019, Aug16, 4 pages: Review: A review of standard sirens: the use of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers and other compact remnant binary mergers for improving the cosmic distance ladder. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. An Improved Distance to NGC 4258 and its Implications for the Hubble Constant: M. J. Reid, D. W. Pesce, A. G. Riess, arXiv, 2019, Aug15, 14 pages: Research: Leads to Hubble constant H0=73.5(1.4), and the Hubble constant tension tenses more. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. The Hubble constant tension with next generation galaxy surveys: Carlos A. P. Bengaly, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug13, 6 pages: Research: On Euclid spacecraft and SKA and the Hubble constant tension and solving cosmology. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. * | Dark-energy mapper will reconstruct 11 billion years of cosmic history: Davide Castelvecchi Nature (journal) 2019, Aug12, 1 pages: Popular: On DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument). A preview of all we will learn. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. Gravitational Radiation from Binaries: A Pedagogical Introduction: Amir Jafari---cousin Amir arXiv, 2019, Aug07, 31 pages: Review: On gravitational waves---probably somewhat gory. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. Improving cosmological parameter estimation with the future 21 cm observation from SKA: Jing-Fei Zhang, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug10, 8 pages: Research: On SKA hydrogen 21-centimeter line observations from era: dark ages and large-scale structure emergence / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. The Hubble Hunter's Guide: Lloyd Knox, Marius Millea, arXiv, 2019, Aug10, 16 pages: Research: On Hubble constant tension and alterantives to Λ-CDM model (concordance model). "Here we consider a variety of types of departures from Λ-CDM that could, in principle, restore concordance among these datasets, and we explain why we find almost all of them unlikely to be successful. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. Machine Learning and the future of Supernova Cosmology: Emille E. O. Ishida, arXiv, 2019, Aug06, 13 pages: Review: Artificial intelligence (AI) (specifically machine learning) for cosmology with supernovae (mainly SNe Ia). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        14. The Roles of Mass and Environment in the Quenching of Galaxies: E. Contini, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug06, 13 pages: Research: On galaxy quenching analytic modeling and N-body simulations. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        15. Voyage through the Hidden Physics of the Cosmic Web: A. Simionescu, S. Ettori, N. Werner, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug05, 28 pages: Review: Using X-ray astronomy from a proposed spacecraft to study the cosmic web. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        16. Galaxy evolution and radiative properties in the early Universe: multi-wavelength analysis in cosmological simulations: Shohei Arata, Hidenobu Yajima, Kentaro Nagamine, et al., arXiv, 2019, Aug05, 5 pages: Research: Computer simulations of the era: dark ages and large-scale structure emergence using radiative transfer. / keywords_cosmology.html.

      6. 2019 July
        1. Selected Topics in Numerical Methods for Cosmology: Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti, Mariana Penna-Lima, arXiv, 2019, Jul31, 23 pages: Review: A pedagogical review more of software than than numerical methods it seems. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        2. 21-cm line Anomaly: A brief Status: Paolo Panci arXiv, 2019, Jul31, 8 pages: Review: Review of the EDGES Collaboration hydrogen 21-centimeter line anomaly relative to standard model of cosmology (SMC, &Lambda-CDM model) / keywords_cosmology.html.
        3. Eddington, Lemaitre and the discovery of the expanding universe: Cormac O'Raifeartaigh, arXiv, 2019, Jul29, 8 pages: Research: On Arthur Eddington (1882--1944), Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966), and the discovery of the expansion of the universe. A topic in the history of astronomy. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        4. Dark matter haloes and subhaloes: Jesus Zavala, Carlos S. Frenk arXiv, 2019, Jul26, 39 pages: Review: On dark matter halos and subhalos. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        5. On the Use of Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measures as Distance Measures: Pawan Kumar, Eric V. Linder, arXiv, 2019, Jul24, 9 pages: Research: On fast radio bursts (FRBs): "The dispersion measure is a convolution of the cosmic distance element and the electron density, and contains the possibility of using these events as new cosmological distance measures." / keywords_cosmology.html.
        6. * | The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI): Michael E. Levi et al., arXiv, 2019, Jul24, 9 pages: Review wp: "DESI will remain one of the world's best facilities for wide-field spectroscopy throughout the decade:" i.e., the 2020s. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        7. * | Tensions between the Early and the Late Universe: L. Verde, T. Treu, A.G. Riess arXiv, 2019, Jul24, 10 pages: Review: On the Hubble constant tension (AKA Hubble constant problem). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        8. Fundamental physics with high-energy cosmic neutrinos today and in the future: Carlos A. Argueelles, et al., arXiv, 2019, Jul19, 8 pages: Review: They mean astrophysical neutrinos from cosmological distances, NOT the cosmic neutrino background. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        9. The Simons Observatory: Astro2020 Decadal Project Whitepaper: Simons Observatory Collaboration: Maximilian H. Abitbol, et al., arXiv, 2019, Jul17, 16 pages: Review wp: The Simons Observatory Atacama Desert is a ground-based observatory to improve on Planck spacecraft measurements of the CMB. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        10. Astro2020 Project White Paper: The Cosmic Accelerometer: Stephen S. Eikenberry et al., arXiv, 2019, Jul18, 16 pages: Review wp: A proposal for a new redshift drift experiment. It's ground-based. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        11. An Introductory Review on Cosmic Reionization: John H. Wise, arXiv, 2019, Jul15, 30 pages: Review: On the reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn). / keywords_cosmology.html.
        12. ** | H0LiCOW XIII. A 2.4% measurement of H0 from lensed quasars: 5.3 σ tension between early and late-Universe probes: Kenneth C. Wong, et al. (Wong et al. (2019)), arXiv, 2019, Jul10, 22 pages: Research: Gravitationally lensed quasars confirm the Hubble constant tension which suggest is is NOT just due to local low density out to 40 Mpc. The Hubble bubble fix-up fails. Their objects are at z > &cong 0.3 or ∼ 2/3 Gpc. / keywords_cosmology.html.
        13. * | Direct detection of the cosmic expansion: the redshift drift and the flux drift: Krzysztof Bolejko, Chengyi Wang, Geraint F. Lewis arXiv, 2019, Jul10, 14 pages: Research: Direct detection of the cosmic expansion: the redshift drift and the flux drift using