php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/keywords_cosmology.html");?>
Keywords: Cosmology
(i.e., Keywords relevant to
accelerating universe,
acceleration of the universe,
active galaxy nuclei (AGNs),
age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)
(see Planck 2018: Age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr),
AGN feedback,
Andromeda galaxy (M31, NGC 224),
Andromeda-Milky Way collision,
angular diameter distance,
ANITA particles,
anthropic principle
(intelligent design,
life as we know it),
(anti-star, anti-galaxy, etc.,
baryon asymmetry problem),
arrow of time,
artificial intelligence (AI)
(machine learning (ML)),
Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT)
baryon-to-photon ratio
η=6.16*10**(-10) (Planck-2018)
(see also
Wikipedia: Big Bang nucleosynthesis: Baryon-to-photon ratio η;
An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy: baryon-to-photon ratio η),
baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs),
Bayesian inference
(Bayesian analysis),
(baryon asymmetry problem),
baryonic matter,
(i.e., protons,
and electrons)
baryonic dark matter
(Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE)),
bias (AKA biasing, cosmic bias),
Big Bang
(Big Bang cosmology,
Big Bang era (post-inflation to cosmic time to ∼ 20 m)),
Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN)
(Big Bang nucleosynthesis (cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m)
Big Bang nucleosynthesis era
(cosmic time ∼ 10--1200 s ≅ 0.17--20 m),
deuterium (D, H-2),
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
nuclear statistical equilibrium,
primordial cosmic composition (fiducial values by mass fraction:
0.75 H, 0.25 He-4, 0.001 D, 0.0001 He-3, 10**(-9) Li-7)),
Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS)
Big Bounce cosmology,
black hole cosmology,
Boltzmann brains,
Burkert profile,
(classical Cepheids),
comoving distance
(proper distance),
galaxy color magnitude diagram
(blue cloud galaxy,
green valley,
green valley galaxy,
green valley/plain galaxy,
red sequence galaxy
galaxy quenching,
quenched galaxies),
Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA,2022--),
comoving frames
(celestial frames,
comoving frames
(not as good I think),
computer program
(AKA computer code),
computer simulations
(galaxy hydrodynamics simulations,
core-cusp problem,
cosmic background radiation,
(cosmic temperature)
cosmic coincidence
cosmic chronometers
cosmic distance indicators
(cosmic distance indicators),
cosmic distance ladder
(inverse distance ladder)
(J-Branch Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) stars,
tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) stars,
distance ladder),
cosmic dust,
cosmic history
(AKA Wikipedia: Chronology of the universe:
cosmological eras,
very early
universe (t < 10**(-12) s),
radiation-matter equality 1.55*10**12 s = 49200 y,
early universe
(10**(-12) s -- 380,000 y),
quark era (10**(-12) -- 10**(-6) s,
neutrino decoupling
t ≅ 1 s,
radiation-matter equality 49200 y = 1.55*10**12 s,
recombination era t = 377,770(3200) Jyr
= 1.192*10**13 s (z = 1089.80(21)),
dark ages and large-scale structure emergence era (380,000 y -- 1 Gyr),
cosmic microwave background (CMB)
CMB dipole anisotropy,
CMB-lensing-galaxy bispectrum,
Planck spacecraft,
Simons Observatory (2024--2032?,
microwave band: ∼ 27--280 GHz)),
cosmic noon (z≅2 and cosmic time 4 Gyr),
cosmic nucleosynthesis
(AKA cosmic nucleosynthesis),
cosmic scale factor a(t),
cosmic time
(cosmic present = to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018),
cosmic present,
cosmological time dilation,
conformal time),
cosmic web
cosmic web
(features: filaments, nodes, voids, walls)
(large-scale structure of the universe
and cosmic web are not synonyms---the cosmic web is a form of LSS),
cosmic voids
cosmichemical evolution
(gravitational lens time delay
Pade approximation),
cosmological constant Λ,
cosmological distance measures
(angular diameter distance,
Etherington's reciprocity theorem (AKA distance duality relation),
luminosity distance),
cosmological lithium problem
(lithium problem),
cosmological models
(Lemaitre universe),
cosmological principle
(370 Mpc (see
(cosmic anisotropy)
(anistropic universe)
perfect cosmological principle),
cosmological redshift z
(redshift drift,
flux drift,
(see "A Redshift Lookup Table for our Universe",
Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2013), pilipenko),
(cosmological parameters,
S8 tension (AKA S-8 tension,
S_8 tension,
sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension)),
critical density ρ_critical = 3H_{0}**2/(8πG) = (9.20387*10**(-27))*h_70**2 kg/m**3 = (1.35989*10**11)*h_70**2 M_☉/Mpc**3
(critical density),
cyclic universe
Dark Ages,
dark energy (Λ)
(cosmological constant Λ,
dynamical dark energy,
early dark energy (EDE),
negative pressure),
dark matter
(3.5 KeV line
Bullet Cluster
cosmological coupling of black holes (CCBH)
(cosmically coupled black holes),
cold dark matter (CDM),
dark matter dissociation,
dark matter particles,
dark matter streams,
warm dark matter (WDM)
detection of dark matter,
direct detection of
dark matter,
indirect detection of dark matter,
Galactic Center GeV Excess (GCE),
self-annihilating dark matter,
light boson
dark matter,
particle physics,
particle physics in cosmology
self-interacting dark matter (SIDM),
dark matter halos
(Betti curves
and Betti numbers,
dark matter,
gravitational mechanics (GrM),
golden mass 10**12 M_☉
of Avishai Dekel et al. (2019),
halo mass function,
Press-Schechter formalism,
Sheth-Tormen approximation,
turnaround radius), ),
dark matter density profiles
(Einasto profile,
singular isothermal
sphere_profile (inverse-square profile),
Navarro-Frenk-White profile (NFW profile),
Wagner profile,
Lane-Emden equation),
de Sitter universe (presented 1917),
deceleration parameter,
Dark Energy Survey (DES, 2012--2019)
DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2019--),
density parameter
(AKA Omega, Ω = ρ/ρ_critical)
dwarf galaxies
(dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs)),
Eagle project,
ekpyrotic universe
(cyclic universe),
dwarf galaxies
Eddington Experiment:
AKA the 1919 Solar Eclipse Expedition,
EDGES Collaboration,
(Wikipedia: EDGES),
field theory for gravity
Einstein universe (presented 1917),
elementary particle,
Euclid spacecraft (2023--2029?)
(Euclid (2023--)),
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
expansion of the universe
(AKA expanding universe),
(AKA Hubble expansion),
extragalactic background light
fast radio bursts (FRBs)
(dispersion measure),
fundamental physics,
FIRE: Feedback In Realistic Environments (c.2014--)
(FIRE project (c.2014--)),
efractal cosmology,
Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric
(Weyl geometry
in cosmology),
Friedmann equation,
Friedmann equation (FE) models
Friedmann equation models
FE models
(Friedmann-equation Λ=0 models,
Friedmann-equation Λ models),
Gaia spacecraft (mission 2013--2025?),
Galactic Center,
galactic halo
galaxy formation and evolution
(star-forming galaxies,
fundamental plane
of elliptical galaxies
(fundamental plane),
Toomre's Q parameter),
(dwarf elliptical galaxies,
dwarf spheriodal galaxies (dSph),
early-type galaxies,
little red dots (LRDs),
extremely metal-deficient dwarf galaxies (XMDs),
Kennicutt-Schmidt law,
little red dot galaxies,
galaxy morphology,
mass-to-light ratio,
starburst galaxies,
super-early galaxies (z ≥ 10, cosmic t ⪅ 0.5 Gyr),
luminosity function
tidal dwarf galaxies,
Toomre stability criterion,
ultra-faint dwarf galaxies
ultra diffuse galaxies,
void galaxies,
early-type galaxies (ETGs)
late-type galaxies (LTGs, AKA star-forming galaxies (SFGs),
red nugget galaxies),
galaxy clusters
(intracluster medium (ICM)),
galaxy filaments
cosmic filaments)
galaxy groups,
galaxy groups and clusters,
galaxy merger,
galaxy quenching
(AGN feedback,
galaxy ram pressure stripping,
galaxies (quiescent galaxies (QGs)),
jellyfish galaxies,
Dekel et al. (2019), (golden mass)),
galaxy superclusters
(Laniakea Supercluster,
segmented basins of attraction),
(disk galaxy,
elliptical galaxy,
galactic bulge
[classical bulge
disk-like bugle],
galactic disk,
galactic halo,
galaxy evolution
(cosmic cold streams)
galaxy filaments,
galaxy formation and evolution,
galaxy rotation curve,
galaxy types,
spiral galaxy),
galaxy walls,
gamma ray,
gamma ray band (fiducial range 1 kev--∞),
gamma ray burst
(gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)
long gamma ray bursts
general relativity
(alternatives to
general relativity,
f(Q) gravity,
gravitational physics),
modified gravity,
numerical relativity),
giant molecular clouds (GMCs),
globular clusters
(age of globular clusters),
golden age of cosmology (c.1992--)
(age of precision cosmology)
gravitational lensing
(strong gravitational lensing,
weak gravitational lensing,
gravitational microlensing),
gravitational wave background (GWB)
(cosmological gravitational wave background),
gravitational waves
(gravitational wave events,
low-frequency gravitational waves,
primordial gravitational waves,
pulsar timing arrays (PTAs)
for frequency of order 30 nHz ≅ 1 cycle/year),
(loop quantum cosmology (LQC),
quantum gravity),
Gunn-Peterson trough,
Hawking radiation,
HERA: Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array,
hierarchical structure formation
history of cosmology
horizon problem,
Horndeski gravity,
HERA: Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array,
Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment,
history of astronomy,
hydrogen 21-centimeter line
(AKA 21-cm radiation
hydrogen 21-centimeter line
Hubble bubble,
Hubble constant,
Hubble constant
H_0 = [(70 km/s)/Mpc]*h_70, h_70 = H_0/[(70 km/s)/Mpc],
Hubble length = L_H = c/H_0 = 4.2827 Gpc/h_70 = 13.968 Gly/h_70,
Hubble time t_H
= (13.968 Gyr)/h_70,
relative rate of the expansion
of the universe),
Hubble diagram
Hubble flow
Hubble's law
(Hubble law),
Hubble tension
Hubble tension
(direct value ≅ 73(1) (km/s)/Mpc; Λ-CDM fit value ≅ 67.5(10) (km/s)/Mpc)),
Hubble parameter H(z),
Hubble sequence
Illustris project
Illustris TNG project,
eternal inflation,
inflation cosmology,
inflation era,
inflation paradigm,
post-inflation reheating,
Starobinsky inflation,
Weyl curvature hypothesis),
intensity mapping,
intergalactic medium (IGM)
lactic medium (CGM)),
interstellar medium (ISM)
(interstellar dust),
intracluster medium (ICM),
JWST (2021--2041?),
Λ-CDM model,
(Λ-CDM model (concordance model)),
Λ-CDM model distance measures graph,
Λ-CDM model parameters,
large-scale structure of the universe
(large-scale structure,
THESAN project),
life as we know it,
line intensity mapping,
Local Group,
local universe,
lookback time,
luminosity distance,
Lyman-alpha emitter (LAE) galaxy,
Lyman-alpha forest,
Lyman-alpha line,
M-σ relation,
matter power spectrum P(k)
(power spectrum,
Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum)
Overview of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES, 2021--?)
Lyman-Werner radiation
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods,
(astrophysical maser),
microcosm-macrocosm analogy,
(we adopt 12 + log(O/H) = 8.91
as the solar oxygen abundance
Why you use log to measure metallicity in galaxies?
y mass-metalliticity relation,
Milky Way
(Firefly Sparkle,
Milky Way halo,
Milky Way satellite galaxies),
Milne universe (AKA empty universe),
missing baryon problem
(AKA missing mass problem)
(galaxy missing baryon problem,
missing satellites problem
(AKA dwarf galaxy problem)
molecular clouds
(giant molecular clouds (GMCs)),
multi-messenger astronomy,
(false vacuum universe,
pocket universe),
N-body simulation
cosmological hydrodynamic simulations),
Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile,
(astrophysical neutrinos,
neutrino cosmology,
cosmic neutrino background,
KATRIN: neutrino mass experiment
(sensitivity range ∼ 0.2--2 eV),
neutrino astronomy,
neutrino mass),
MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics)
radial-acceleration relation (RAR)),
numerical methods
observable universe,
Olbers's paradox,
pair production
(pair creation),
parallel universes,
particle horizon
(particle horizon (radius of
the observable universe),
horizon problem),
perfect cosmological principle,
perfect fluid,
phenomenological model,
physics beyond the Standard Model
(new physics)
Planck spacecraft (2009--2013)
(Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, p. 14),
planes of satellite galaxies problem,
Population III stars
population III pop III
primeval atom theory
primordial fluctuations
See also
primordial fluctuations
Primordial fluctuations: Formalism) and
matter power spectrum P(k).
quantum cosmology
(effective field theory,
quantum field theory,
quantum mechanics)
primordial magnetic fields
(cosmic magnetic field)
e quantum gravity,
(gravitationally lensed /
strong gravitational lensed
quasar main sequence),
radiative transfer,
recombination era t = 377,770(3200) y
= 1.192*10**13 s,
redshift-space distortions (RSDs),
redshift survey
(galaxy redshift survey
galaxy survey),
reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn),
reionization era (AKA cosmic dawn:
cosmic time ∼ 0.150--1 Gyr, z∈∼[6,20]),
("This occurred between 150 million and one billion years after the Big Bang (at a redshift 20 > z > 6)",
cosmic morning (cosmic time 0--1.5 Gyr???, z∈[4,∞]??).)
Rh=ct universe,
rotation curves,
(Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
(RST, c.2025--c.2030, formerly WFIRST)),
S8 tension (AKA S-8, S_8,
sigma_8 tension, sigma-8 tension, sigma 8 tension, sigma_8 tension, σ_8 tension)
Sachs-Wolfe effect
(Non-integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect,
integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect,
satellite galaxies,
shape of the universe
(cosmic curvature,
curvature of space,
curved space
spatial curvature),
flat universe (k = 0, Ω_k = 0),
negative curvature
negative-curvature universe
positive curvature (k > 0, Ω_k < 0),
positive curvature (k > 0, Ω_k < 0) universe,
positive-curvature universe),
equation (AKA Schroedinger-Poisson equation)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, 2000--)
space astronomy,
(eROSITA spacecraft (2019--c.2030)),
Square Kilometre Array (SKA, 2027--)
Sersic profile,
standard candle
standard model of particle physics
(physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM)),
Standard Model of particle physics,
standard model of cosmology (SMC, Λ-CDM model)
standard ruler
standard sirens,
(initial mass function (IMF),
star formation,
star formation efficiency ∼ 2--3 % in
giant molecular clouds,
star formation history,
star formation region,
starburst region,
star formation rate (SFR)),
steady state universe (presented 1948),
stellar matter,
structure formation
(structure formation (AKA large-scale structure formation),
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect,
(SNe Ia,
Type II supernovae (SNe II))
supermassive black hole mergers
(dynamical friction),
final parsec problem,
supermassive black holes (SMBHs)
(black holes,
cosmic censorship hypothesis
gravitational singularities,
intermediate-mass black holes
(IMBHs: 100--10**5 ☉)
primordial black holes (PBHs),
primordial black holes (PBHs)."
asteroid-mass primordial black holes (PBHs)
(3.5**10(-17)--4*10**(-12) M_☉)
OGLE (1992--)
superstring theory
supersymmetric particle,
Tully-Fisher relation (TFR),
vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**8 m/s
(exactly) ≅ 3*10**8 m/s = 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns,
Vera C. Rubin Observatory (LSST)
(formerly LSST),
virial theorem
theorem for galaxies,
virial mass),
virial equilibrium),
Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI),
cosmic voids
(AKA voids),
warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM),
X-ray astronomy
(X-ray telescope),
Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF),
Key articles:
Dekel et al. (2019), (golden mass)
(et al.),
Fermi-LAT Collaboration (2018), (SFH),
Madau & Dickinson (2014), (SFH),
Key cosmologists:
Adam Riess (1969--),
Alan Guth (1947--),
Albert Einstein (1879--1955),
Aleksandr D. Dolgov
Alexander Friedmann (1888--1925),
Alexander Vilenkin (1949--),
Alexei Starobinsky (1948--2023),
Allan Sandage (1926--2010),
Andreas Albrecht (1957--),
Andrei Linde (1948--),
Andrew Liddle (1965--),
Arno Penzias (1933--2024),
Arthur Eddington (1882--1944),
Avi Loeb (1962--),
Bernard Carr(1949--),
Bharat Ratra (1960--),
Brent Tully (1943--),
Carl Wirtz (1876--1939),
Christopher Wren (1632--1723),
Cormac O'Raifeartaigh (c.1967--),
Dan Hooper (1976--)
David Schramm (1945--1997),
Dennis Sciama (1926--1999)
E.A. Milne (1896--1950),
Edwin Hubble (1889--1953),
Erast Borisovich Gliner (1923--2021),
Frank Wilczek (1951--),
Fred Hoyle (1915--2000),
Fritz Zwicky (1898--1974),
Fulvio Melia (1956--),
George Efstathiou (1955--),
George F. R. Ellis (1939--),
George Gamow (1904-1968),
Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966)
(see also
Georges Lemaitre (1894--1966)),
Gregory Horndeski (1948--),
Gustav A. Tammann (1932--2019),
Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers
Helge Kragh (1944--)
(historian of modern cosmology),
Hermann Bondi (1919--2005),
Isaac Newton (1643--1727),
J. Richard Bond (1950--),
James Binney (1950--),
James Hartle (1939--),
Jim Peebles (1935--),
John A. Peacock (1956--),
John D. Barrow (1952--2020),
Joseph Silk (1942--),
Kip Thorne (1940--),
Mario Livio (1945--),
Martin Rees (1942--),
Matias Zaldarriaga (1971--),
Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers
Herman Weyl (1885--1955),
Margaret Geller (1947--),
Michael Rowan-Robinson (1942--),
Mike Turner (1949--)
(who said,
cosmological constant is the last refuge of scoundrel cosmologists, beginning with
Einstein." probably on many occasions since the 1990s, but
reported in The 4 Percent Universe 2011, Richard Panek
Mordehai Milgrom (1946--),
Neil Turok (1958--),
Ofer Lahav (1959--),
Paul Schechter (1948--),
Paul J. Steinhardt (1952--),
Ralph Alpher (1921--2007),
Rashid Sunyaev (1943--),
Robert Brandenberger (1956--),
Robert Hermann (1914--1997),
Robert Wagoner (c.1940--),
Robert Wald (1947--),
Robert Wilson (1936--),
Sabine Hossenfelder (1976--),
Simon White (1951--),
Stephen Hawking (1942--2018),
Steven Weinberg (1933--2021),
Thanu Padmanabhan (1957--2021),
Vera Rubin (1928--2016),
Willem de Sitter (1872--1934),
William McCrea (1904--1999)
(see also
Wikipedia: E.A. Milne: Research into cosmology and relativity),
Yakov Zeldovich (1914--1987),
et al.,
Key sites:
IOP cosmological
parameters summary: bit dated,
Universe in Problems: lots of solutions,
Local file: local link: keywords_cosmology.html.
File: Cosmology file: