Writers and Works
See also writer and works links below.
- Amichai, Yehuda (1924--)
Israeli poet.
- Amis, Kingsley (1922--2000?)
English novelist, poet, and critic.
- Aphorisms
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- Baum, L. Frank (1856--1919)
American writer: author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
- Bonver, Edward's
Poetry Lovers' Page Many poems by
old---and sometimes hoary---masters: Blake, Byron, Kipling, Poe, etc.
- Byron, Robert (1905--1941) English
traveler, writer, architecture critic, and historian.
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- Caspar, Max (1880--1956) Biographer
of Johannes Kepler.
- Catullus (84?--54? BC) Roman lyric poet
and a bit of tomcat.
- Caudwell, Sarah (--2000) Minor
English mystery writer.
- Chaucer, Geoffrey (1343?--1400)
Medieval English poet.
Classics: Internet Classics Archive This is a collection
of on-line classics, mainly of Greco-Roman vintage.
The works are all in English translation and the translations
are all public domain.
There is a lack of annotation.
Sometimes even the translator's
name is lacking.
For example, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is
given without any indication that it is Edward Fitzgerald's
5th edition of a work that is more of Omar/Edward
collaboration than an accurate translation.
Classics: TowerWeb Productions Some public domain
translations. No annotation.
- Clayton, Donald D. Nuclear astrophysicist.
- Cohen, H. Floris Historian of science.
- Confucius Chinese sage.
- Crispin, Edmund
British thriller writer.
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- Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892--1950):
See PoemHunter:
Edna St. Vincent Millay poems:
current fav
I, being born a woman and distressed.
- Euripides (484--406 BC) Ancient Greek playwright.
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- Quotes: Foreign Foreign quotes and phrases.
- Furley, David
Historian of ancient philosophy.
- Fyre Northrop Frye: literary critic.
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- Jeffery, John (1958--)
Minor Canadian writer.
- Johnson, Samuel (1709--1784)
Major English writer.
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- Keegan, John Military historian.
- Koestler, Arthur (1905--1983)
English novelist, essayist, and popular historian.
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- The Latin Library
All very well if you read Latin. It has Pervigilium Veneris:
i.e., The Vigil of Venus
- Latin Quotes
The best site for this after a cursory search.
- Lao Tzu The Tao Te Ching author
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- Marai, Sandor (1900--1989):
Hungarian writer.
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- Needham Joseph Needham (1900--1995):
historian of science and technology in China.
- Neugebauer, Otto Historian of
the ancient sciences.
- North, John astronomy historian
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- Olson, Lynette Historian
of the Dark Ages of Europe.
Omar Khayyam Persian poet, astronomer. mathematician
- Ovid
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- Paul, Elliot One of the those
expatriot Americans in Paris in the 1920s.
- Pervigilium
Veneris Latin poem of late antiquity here with
English Translation the Vigil of Venus.
- Plath, Sylvia mid-20th century
Poetry: Anthology
- Poetry: Modern
Asbury, Pound, Wilbur, the whole crew, but where's
John Ciardi.
- Powell, Anthony (1905--2000)
English novelist.
- Sub specie aeternitatis:
Powers, J. F. (1917--1999) A minor master,
subspecies catholicus.
- Priestley, J. B. (1894--1984)
One of those great old British men of letters.
- Project Gutenberg
The Internet's oldest producer of free electronic books.
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- Quotes Miscellaneous.
- Quotes Foreign quotes and phrases.
- Quotes from Quayle Dan Quayle,
U.S. Vice President (1989--1993), was well known as a phrase turner.
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- References
These are many references that I have used. Many are just
physics and astronomy text books. But philosophy, history,
biography, and other works are listed too.
- Rosen, E.: Historian of science.
- Runciman, Stephan: Historian
of medieval times, in particular the Crusades.
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- Saunders J. J. Saunders: historian
of medieval Islam and the Mongols.
- Sayers, Dorothy L. (1893--1957)
English mystery novelist
- Shakespeare, William
(1564--1616) English playwright. The link is the MIT
Complete Works of William Shakespeare.
- Somerville, D. C. English historian.
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- Thesiger, Wilfred British explorer.
- Toulmin, Stephen historian of science
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- H. G. Wells (1866--1946) English novelist,
science fiction writer, and essayist
- White Lynn White, Jr.: a historian
of science and technology.
- Woods, Elizabeth Rhett Canadian. Author of
The Yellow Volkswagen.
- Writer links
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W. B. Yeats (1865--1939) A link to his collected poems.
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