Geoffrey Chaucer

Writer and Work Links

These links are probably mostly dated and they are hardly exhaustive.


  1. Biblomania Out of copyright classics, but the web versions are copyrighted. Rather cheesy format.
  2. The Classic Reader Out of copyright classics. Again cluttered commercial format.
  3. Jack Lynch Literary Resources on the Net
  4. Project Gutenberg Free literary works on-web.
  5. John Walker
    1. Scifi novels Wells and Verne
    2. Books On-line Some oddities like the King James Bible and the Vulgate
  6. Literature Page Lots of classics, but the pages are rather annoyingly laid out. Commercial, of course.
  7. Santa Barbara: Voice of the Shuttle A webpage for humanities research.
  8. scifi index science fiction index, scifi index
  9. Web Book Publications A commercial site offer free and non-free books on file. They also electronically publish. Many of their books are out of copyright, but their web editions probably are not.