General Links

  1. Academic Calendars:
    1. UNLV Calendars and Schedules, Academic Calendars, year 20xx--20xx+1.
    2. Final Examination Schedule. Note this schedule may NOT be definitive: see MyUNLV for your own personal definitive final exam schedule.
    3. Academic Calendar: Summer: See also the summer semester website.
    4. UNLV observed holidays
  2. Astronomy: An astronomy encyclopedia by yours truly.
  3. Date & time: date & time: Which is online and just works.
  4. Introductory Astronomy Laboratory (AKA astlab) Course Website / Syllabus: Ast 105: This is a completely separate course from the courses Ast 103 and Ast 104. But yours truly is also the lab coordinator for Ast 105 and occasionally instructor for sections of it.
  5. Library: The student can consult with librarians on research needs: see Librarians by Subject.
  6. Las Vegas weather: See also NWS: Weather Table.
  7. Sky map: Las Vegas, current time: See also Your Sky and Sky Maps for the Year.
  8. Student Affairs: Division of Student Affairs:
    1. Office of Student Conduct Top contact person: Dr. Phillip Burns, Director, Office of Student Conduct, Division of Student Affairs, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway Box 452019, Las Vegas NV 89154-2019, Tel: 702-895-2308, Fax: (702) 895-2514, Email, See especially:
      1. Forms and Policies: They keep moving and hiding the pdf's.
      2. Student Academic Misconduct Policy
      3. Instructor Flow Chart: Student Academic Misconduct incident / Academic Misconduct Report Form.
      4. OSC Flow Chart Student Misconduct / Student Conduct Incident Report.
      5. Student of Concern: See Student of concern: Protocal/Flow chart, Student of concern: Report form, Student of concern: Guide book (or UNLV Student of Concern Guide Book).
      6. UNLV Police
    2. Division of Student Affairs: Units
    3. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
  9. EOF
  10. Wikipedia: Daylight saving time in the United States

    See also:

    1. Academic Calendars: Includes the Final Exam Schedule.
    2. Academic Success Center (ASC)
    3. Academic Policies: These are NOT the Additional Policies.
    4. Acceptable Use of Computing and Information Technology Resources Policy
    5. Copyright policy information
    6. Disabilities Resource Center (DRC)
    7. Incomplete Grades
    8. MyUNLV
    9. Public Health Directives
    10. Student Conduct Code
    11. Student Academic Misconduct Policy
    12. Student Services & Activities: See also
      1. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 702-895-3627,
      2. Jean Nidetch Women's Center 702-895-4475,
      3. Rebel Support Team 702-895-1404,
      4. Office of Student Conduct (OSC) 702-895-2308,
      5. Student Health Center 702-895-3627.
    13. University Community & Libraries
    14. University Policies
    15. University sites of interest
    16. University Statements and Compliance
    17. Writing Center
  11. EOF

  12. File: Astint file: ast_general_links.html.