Rebel Preview: UNLV Physics & Astronomy Department

Don't Panic


  1. Introduction

  1. Introduction

    1. 2024_04_20_rebel_preview.pdf
    2. 2024_04_20_rebel_preview_flyer.pdf
    3. UNLV Physics & Astronomy Department
    4. Robert L. Bigelow Physics (BPB): Best physics building ever!!!!: our big windows, our palm trees, our flags, our aircraft carrier design, boulevard, and everyone can sing aria in the atrium.
    5. See Classrooms: BPB 102: the video, BPB 106: the video.
    6. Academics:
      1. Research: astronomy, atomic & molecular physics, condenced matter physics.
      2. Funding for undergraduate research. Physics major have to be a pro-active and meet faculty and see what they are working on. But this is true of research in any major.
      3. Weekly colloquia: Undergraduates often do not attend, but if you are keen on undergraduate research you should. Glean what you can and dive into the ocean to mix metaphors.
      4. Not all physics majors are interested in research careers, and so undergraduate research is not required.
      5. Career directions with a physics/astronomy B.Sc. degree: research career in academia, national laboratories, industry; health physics, medicine, law (e.g., patent law), teaching.
    7. Undergraduate Degree Requirements Bachelor of Science in Physics: Yours truly is strongly of the opinion that if you are physics/astronomy major you should dive into the physics courses in the first year, first semester: i.e., the Phys 180,181,182 sequence. In any science career, you need to be a keener and talk and think the science.
    8. Undergraduate courses in Physics & Astronomy
    9. Ads for intro astronomy courses: full ad, TV ad.
    10. Faculty
    11. Astronomy research areas
    12. Physics research areas
    13. Video: Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas | 5:13: See also Video: Paul Laplant: Four Facts about the Universe from a UNLV Computer Science Professor | 2:10.
    14. Nevada Center for Astrophysics --- NCfA
    15. Introductory Astronomy Lectures (IAL): Contents
    16. Demos with spectroscope and telescopes. Below spectroscopes and telescopes are illustrated in the figures below (local link / general link: spectroscope.html; (local link / general link: telescope_schmidt_cassegrain.html).
    17. Roof viewing of the Strip and Sphere. Stay on the walled-in patio!!!!