Lab 5: Planets

Credit/Permission: For text, © David Jeffery. For figures etc., as specified with the figure etc. / Only for reading and use by the instructors and students of the UNLV astronomy laboratory course.

Group Number/Name:


Partner Names:

Favorite Report: Y / N

    Task Master:


    1. Task 1: Planetary Configuration Definitions.
    2. Task 2: Planetary Configurartion Simulator Questions.
    3. Task 3: Angle Measurement with a Protractor (IPI only).
    4. Task 4: Solar System Diagrams Made Using TheSky (IPI only).
    5. Task 5: Measuring Elongations (IPI only).
    6. Task 6: The Ptolemaic System Simulator.
    7. Task 7: The Ptolemaic System and Uniqueness.
    8. Task 8: Inferior Planet Oscillation and Ptolemy.
    9. Task 9: Copernicus Questions.
    10. Task 10: Copernicus' Form of the Universe.
    11. Task 11: Scientific Theories.
    12. Task 12: The Planetary Orbit Simulator.
    13. Task 13: The Planetary Orbit Simulator and a Logarithmic Plot.
    14. Task 14: The Doppler Effect Explicated a Little.
    15. Task 15: The Exoplanet Radial Velocity Simulator. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    16. Task 16: The Exoplanet Transit Simulator. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    17. Task 17: Exoplanet Mean Orbital Radius and Year of Discovery. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    18. Task 18: Exoplanet Mean Orbital Radius and Orbital Period. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    19. Task 19: Print Sky Map and Observable Planets.
    20. Task 20: Planet Observations (IPI only).

    End of Task

  1. Task 1: Planetary Configuration Definitions:

    Complete the following short definitions in complete sentences in your own words. Read the definition or explanation from some source, think about what it means, and then formulate your own version.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Apparent retrograde motion is:

    2. A conjunction is:

    3. The ecliptic is:

    4. Elongation is:

    5. A greatest elongation is:

    6. Inferior and superior conjunctions are:

    7. Inferior and superior planets are:

    8. An opposition is:

    9. A planetary configuration is:

    10. A quadrature is:

    11. A syzygy is:

    End of Task

  2. Task 2: Planetary Configuration Simulator Questions:

    Complete this task using the planetary configuration simulator shown in the applet figure below (local link / general link: naap_planetary_configurations.html).

    EVERYONE in the group must do this task for themselves.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Push all the buttons to see what they do. Did you do this?     Y / N    
    2. Can you see apparent retrograde motion in the lower simulation panel?     Y / N    
    3. Can you make the simulator show the elongation angles?     Y / N    
    4. Can you make the target planet an inferior planet?     Y / N    
    5. Can you make the target planet orbit at exactly 1 AU if the observer is on Earth?     Y / N    

    End of Task

  3. Task 3: Angle Measurement with a Protractor (IPI only):


    End of Task

  4. Task 4: Solar System Diagrams Made Using TheSky (IPI only):

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Launch TheSky (TheSky6, TheSkyX as your instructor directs).

    2. For the TheSky6, go Toolbar/File/AST105 which is probably unnecessary since AST105 should be the normal setting, but sometimes people leave TheSky6 in funny modes.

    3. Set the date to today's date & time: Go Toolbar/Data/Time.

    4. To view the Solar System appropriately, go Toolbar/View/3D Solar System Model.

      Then check out the List of Tricks for TheSky: Solar System Tricks (i.e., item 18) which tells you how to do some of the things we have to do tonight.

    5. We a view of the Solar System the north end of the ecliptic axis pointing straight out of the screen: i.e., we want the ecliptic plane (i.e., the plane of the Earth's orbit) perpendicular to the line-of-sight with eastward being counterclockwise.

      Usually, the 3D Solar System Model will just come up in this orientation. If NOT, use the Tricks (item 18) to find out how to get it.

    6. The direction of the red line is the vernal equinox which is the zero point of the right ascension (RA) in the equatorial coordinate system.

    7. Zoom in to see the inner Solar System out to Mars.

      If some inner Solar System planets are turned off, you must turn them on using the button menu with Display Explorer. See List of Tricks for TheSky: Solar System Tricks (i.e., item 18.1).

    8. Go Toolbar/File/Print Preview. Try to get the Mars orbit as large as possible and still be all visible in the Preview---you'll have to go back to TheSky to adjust the size. The larger the Mars orbit, the easier the measurements on the printout will be.

    9. Go Toolbar/File/Print Preview/Print to get a printout of the Solar System diagram. Get one printout per group to append to the favorite report form---unless your instructor asks for every group member do to a Solar System diagram.

      If you don't want to print after seeing the Preview, go Toolbar/Close.

    10. Now zoom out to show Jupiter and Saturn, click off Mercury, Venus, and Mars, but NOT Earth.

        To click off a planet, go Toolbar/View/Display Explorer/expand Solar System/expand Planets/click off planet.

    11. Get a printout of this Solar System diagram following the same procedure as for the first one.

    12. We probably won't use TheSky again tonight, but you can leave it open just in case. But when you do close TheSky, do NOT save changes.

    End of Task

  5. Task 5: Measuring Elongations (IPI only):

    Sub Tasks:

    1. If the astronomical objects are NOT named already, write in their names (i.e., label the Earth, Sun and all the shown planets) on your Solar System diagrams.

    2. Draw lines from the Earth to the Sun and all the shown planets and extend the lines well beyond the astronomical objects so that you can measure the elongations to the planets easily with a protractor.

    3. Remember elongation is measured east/west from the Earth-Sun line from 0° to 180°.

    4. Measure the elongations of the planets and put the elongation values on the diagrams showing to which angle they apply as best you can.

    5. You should attach the diagrams to the favorite report form---or, if every student printed diagrams as requested by the instructor, to every group member's report form.

    6. For today's date (see Date & Time), complete the table below (local link / general link: Table: Elongations and Nearest Planetary Configurations).

      By nearest "planetary configuration", we mean the planetary configuration nearest to today's elongation just approximately.

      You'll need to know that the greatest elongations for Mercury and Venus are, respectively, 18--28° and 45--47° (see Wikipedia: Elongation). There is a range of greatest elongations since the orbits are NOT exact circles.

         Table:  Elongations and Nearest Planetary Configurations:
         For today, right now.
         Planet         Elongations        Nearest Planetary Configuration
                       (degrees,E/W)     (e.g., opposition, quadrature, etc.)

    End of Task

  6. Task 6: The Ptolemaic System Simulator:

    Complete this task using the Ptolemaic System Simulator shown in the applet figure below (local link / general link: naap_ptolemaic_system_simulator.html.html) after this task.

    EVERYONE in the group must do the task for themselves.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Push all the buttons to see what they do. Did you do this?     Y / N    
    2. Can you see apparent retrograde motion in the 2 simulation panels for a superior planet?     Y / N    
    3. Can you make simulator show the motion of an inferior planet?     Y / N    
    4. Can you see apparent retrograde motion in the 2 simulation panels for an inferior planet?     Y / N    
    5. Can you identify your zodiac constellation by using the NAAP Applet: Seasons and the Zodiac Simulator?     Y / N    
    6. Can you change the epicycle size and the equant eccentricity, and show the Earth-Sun line and the epicycle center-planet line?     Y / N    

    End of Task

  7. Task 7: The Ptolemaic System and Uniqueness:

    The Ptolemaic system was NOT the uniquely good geocentric epicycle system---many roughly equally good geocentric epicycle systems were developed in the centuries after Ptolemy (c.100--c.170 CE).

    After reading the caption with Ptolemaic System Simulator (which is given above), discuss whether or NOT Ptolemy should have been aware of the non-uniqueness problem of geocentric epicycle systems and what might a modern scientist conclude about the geocentric epicycle theory from the non-uniqueness problem. Remember that the Ptolemaic system was worked out in great detail by Ptolemy, and so he spent a lot of time devising its particular epicycle orbits.


    End of Task

  8. Task 8: Inferior Planet Oscillation and Ptolemy:

    Was the fact that the inferior planets exhibit an apparent oscillation around the Sun's position on the sky (see the figure above (local link / general link: ptolemy_system.html) and the Ptolemaic System Simulator in the applet figure below (local link / general link: naap_ptolemaic_system_simulator.html.html) a clue to good old Ptolemy? Discuss. HINT: You might consider what happens in the Tychonic system and the Copernican system.


    End of Task

  9. Task 9: Copernicus Questions:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Approximately how long after Ptolemy was the lifetime of Copernicus?   _______________

    2. What is the main difference between the Ptolemaic system and the heliocentric solar system?


    3. Discuss why would people in the 16th century found the heliocentric solar system hard to accept. Remember, they thought motion and rest were absolutely different states and thought of the Heavens as being unchanging and eternal unlike the Earth.


    End of Task

  10. Task 10: Copernicus' Form of the Universe:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Read the figure below (local link / general link: copernican_system.html) which is from Copernicus' own book on heliocentric solar system.

      Have you read it?     Y / N    

    2. Since heliocentrism gave the relative radii for the planets (which now included the Earth), the structure of the Solar System was revealed to Copernicus:

      This quote suggests that Copernicus thought that the deduced structure of the Solar System (which he thought of as being the whole universe or whole cosmos) was the main argument for heliocentrism.

      Unfortunately, Copernicus never makes that completely explicit it seems. He certainly thought of it as a major argument. Retrospectively, it clearly is the main argument.

      Now Copernicus could NOT measure absolute distances beyond the Moon. No one could until the 17th century (see Wikipedia: Astronomical unit: History).

      So how could Copernicus get the correct order and correct relative orbital radii of planets or as he put it "form of the universe". HINT: The short answer is expected.


    End of Task

  11. Task 11: Scientific Theories:

    From the heliocentric solar system model, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473--1543) was able to predict the mean orbital radii of the planets in their orbits around the Sun. On the other hand, from the (geocentric) Ptolemaic system, Ptolemy (c.100--c.170 CE) was NOT able to predict the locations of the planets in space, NOT even their order going outward from the Earth. He was able to make such predictions with extra hypothetical as detailed in his Planetary Hypotheses---but let's NOT consider those predictions and hypothetical since they go beyond the basic Ptolemaic system. Discuss which scientific theory is better---the heliocentric solar system model or the Ptolemaic system---from the point of view of modern science, but without knowing which is right.


    End of Task

  12. Task 12: The Planetary Orbit Simulator:

    Complete this task using the planetary orbit simulator in the applet figure below (local link / general link: naap_planetary_orbit_simulator.html) after this task.

    EVERYONE in the group must do the task for themselves.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. First, read the subsection Kepler's 3 Laws of Planetary Motion Illustrated including 2 figures above (local link / general link: kepler_1st_2nd_law.html; local link / general link: kepler_2nd_law.html) illustrating Kepler's 3 laws of planetary motion.

      Have you read it?     Y / N    

    2. Push all the buttons of the planetary orbit simulator to see what they do. Did you do this?     Y / N    
    3. Start the animation. Can you find the allowed range of eccentricity?     Y / N
    4. Can you make the simulator show the planets, orbits, and orbit names out to Mars?     Y / N
    5. With parameters set for Mercury (remember to click OK) and using the Kepler's 1st law tab, can you show the empty focus, the semi-major axis, the semi-minor axis, the geometric center, and the radial lines?     Y / N
    6. Using the Kepler's 2nd law tab, can you see or hear equal areas being swept out in equal times qualitatively? There's no real right answer---just make your best judgment. If there's no speaker, you can't hear the ticking sound.     Y / N / Maybe
    7. Using the Kepler's 3rd law tab, can you make all the planets (including ex-planet Pluto) show up on the logarithmic plot? HINT: Push all the buttons.     Y / N
    8. Does the logarithmic plot show a line?     Y / N
    9. With parameters set for Mercury (remember to click OK) and and using the Newtonian features tab, can you make the velocity and acceleration vectors appear?     Y / N
    10. What is the range of Mercury's velocity?     ___________________________

    End of Task

  13. Task 13: The Planetary Orbit Simulator and a Logarithmic Plot:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Read the above subsections Kepler's 3rd Law, Power Laws and Logarithmic Plots, and Logarithmic Plots in General including their embedded figures.

      Have you read them?     Y / N    

    2. Go back to the planetary orbit simulator in the applet figure above (local link / general link: naap_planetary_orbit_simulator.html). Using the Kepler's 3rd law tab, can you make all the planets (including ex-planet Pluto) show up on the logarithmic plot?     Y / N    

      What is the slope of the curve on the plot?     _________________    

    End of Task

  14. Task 14: The Doppler Effect Explicated a Little:

    In this lab, we do NOT want to expand much on the Doppler effect/shift, but a little explication is needed to understand it for our purposes.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Read the subsection above The Doppler Effect (local link / general link: The Doppler Effect).

      Have you read it?     Y / N    

    2. Watch all the Doppler effect videos below (local link / general link: Doppler effect videos).

      Have you watched them?     Y / N    

    End of Task

  15. Task 15: The Exoplanet Radial Velocity Simulator:

    Complete this task using the NAAP: Exoplanet Radial Velocity Simulator shown in the figue below (local link / general link: naap_radial_velocity_simulator.html). EVERYONE in the group must do the task for themselves.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. First, read the subsection The Discovery of Exoplanets by Doppler Spectroscopy above (local link / The Discovery of Exoplanets by Doppler Spectroscopy)

      Have you read it?     Y / N    

    2. Push all the buttons of the NAAP: Exoplanet Radial Velocity Simulator to see what they do. Did you do this?     Y / N    
    3. Can you start the animation, change the animation speed, and show multiple views of the planetary system?     Y / N    
    4. What happens to the radial velocity as the inclination is increased from 0° to 90°?


    5. Does the radial velocity curve change with longitude of observation?     Y / N
    6. How does changing the stellar mass affect the overall radial velocity? Why does it have this effect?


    7. How does changing the planet mass affect the overall radial velocity? Why does it have this effect?


    8. How does changing the planet mean orbital radius (AKA semi-major axis) affect the overall radial velocity? Why does it have this effect?


    9. How does changing the planet eccentricity affect the overall radial velocity? Why does it have this effect?


    10. Can you show the simulated measurements?     Y / N
    11. Can you change the signal noise?     Y / N
    12. More signal noise should make the observations worse?     Y / N

    End of Task

  16. Task 16: The Exoplanet Transit Simulator:

    In the transit method for the discovery of exoplanets, one just observes the light curve of a star.

    Dips in the light curve of the right kind show that planets are transiting the star and partially eclipsing it.

    Only stars with inclination near 90° will exhibit planet transits.

    EVERYONE in the group must do this task for themselves.

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Push all the buttons on NAAP: Exoplanet Transit Simulator shown in the figure below (local link / general link: naap_exoplanet_transit_simulator.html) this task to see what they do. Did you do this?     Y / N    
    2. What happens as you change the planet mass?


    3. What happens as you change the planet radius?


    4. What happens as you change the mean orbital radius (AKA semi-major axis) with inclination NOT equal 90°?


    5. What happens as you change the mean orbital radius (AKA semi-major axis) with inclination equal 90°?


    6. What happens as you change the stellar mass?


    7. What happens as you change the inclination?


    8. Can you show the simulated measurements?     Y / N
    9. Can you change the signal noise?     Y / N
    10. More signal noise should make the observations worse?     Y / N

    End of Task

  17. Task 17: Exoplanet Mean Orbital Radius and Year of Discovery:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Click The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia: Diagrams.

    2. Select x axis semi-major axis (AKA mean orbital radius) and log scale.

    3. Select y axis year of discovery and linear scale (i.e., non-log scale).

    4. What kind of plot is shown: linear scale plot, semi-log plot, log-log plot?     ______________________________    

    5. What is the semi-major axis (AKA mean orbital radius) range for known exoplanets to order of magnitude? For example, 10**(-1) to 10**2 AU.     Answer: ______________________________

    6. Discounting the 1988 discovery (which was a tentative and only confirmed later) and 1992 discoveries (which were pulsar planets which orbit pulsars), the first exoplanet discovered was in ________________ .    

    7. Do most discovered exoplanets have mean orbital radii less than 1 AU?     Yes / No / Maybe    

    8. As Time Goes By (1931), this plot is likely to grow into a pointy-bottomed column (solid black at the center and speckly at the edges).     Yes / No / Maybe    

    End of Task

  18. Task 18: Exoplanet Mean Orbital Radius and Orbital Period:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Click The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia: Diagrams.

    2. Select x axis semi-major axis (AKA mean orbital radius) and log scale.

    3. Select y axis orbital period and log scale.

    4. What kind of plot is shown: linear scale plot, semi-log plot, log-log plot?     ______________________________    

    5. The fact that most points on the The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia: Diagrams log-log plot lie nearly on a straight line agrees approximately with the dynamical Kepler's 3rd law which has the formula
        P=[2π/(GM)**(1/2)]*R**(3/2)  , 
      where P is orbital period, M is the parent star mass (assumed much larger than the planet mass), gravitational constant G = 6.67430(15)*10**(-11) (MKS units), and R is the mean orbital radius (AKA the semi-major axis). On the log-log plot, one gets the linear relationship between logarithmic period and logarithmic radius
        log(P)=(3/2)*log(R) + constant  .  
      What is the slope of the line on a log-log plot of the dynamical Kepler's 3rd law? HINT: Reread subsection Power Laws and Logarithmic Plots above (local link / general link: Power Laws and Logarithmic Plots).     ______________________________    

    6. The set of points on the The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia: Diagrams log-log plot is a band, NOT a line because 1) ________________________________ , 2) ________________________________________ .

      End of Task

  19. Task 19: Print Sky Map and Observable Planets:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. IPI only: Print out the sky map figure below (local link / general link: sky_map_current_time_las_vegas.html) following the instructions in the figure and updating the time to your approximate observing time if necessary.

    2. IPI only: Print out one sky map per group or per group member as your instructor directs.

    3. IPI only: Did you succeed in getting a printout of the sky map?     Y / N    

    4. RMI only: Go to Sky Maps by Ordinal Date for your observing day and print out the white background sky map. You will have update the Universal Time (UT) to your observing time. For how to do this, see General Task: Naked-Eye Observations.

    5. The planets on the sky map are identified by the planet symbols---the planet symbols are elucidated in the figure below (local link / general link: sky_map_current_time_las_vegas.html)

      1. What planets can we possibly see tonight (or your observing night) because they are above the horizon NOT counting Earth?


      2. What planets can we see for sure tonight (or your observing night) because they are sufficiently high in the sky, they are sufficiently bright, and the weather permits?


      3. RMI qualification: Since you are an RMI student, you can wait a few days at least for a night with good enough weather for the observing planets.

    6. Read over the planet write-ups in the subsection Observable Planets below (local link / general link: Observable Planets) about the observable and possibly observable planets.

      Have you read them?     Y / N    

    7. RMI only: Do General Task: Naked-Eye Observations at link General Task: Naked-Eye Observations and in particular look for the observable planets that can be seen with the naked eye.

    End of Task

  20. Task 20: Planet Observations (IPI only):

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Read over subsection Celestron C8 Telescope Review above (local link / general link: Celestron C8 Telescope Review)

      Have you read it?     Y / N    

    2. Print out as many field of view (FOV) diagrams (see below) as your instructor requires and append them to the Report Form as your instructor directs.

      The circle on the diagram is the FOV area.

    3. Take the diagrams outside with you with something solid to hold the diagrams on when you sketch on them.

    4. Now observe the planets your instructor chooses and draw diagrams of those he/she chooses with whatever focal length eyepieces he/she chooses.

    5. Before you use an eyepiece smaller than the standard 40-mm eyepiece you have to center the planet in the FOV of standard 40-mm eyepiece. Then you switch to the smaller eyepiece.

    6. For the sketches of the FOV, sketch the planet and accompanying detail: e.g., moons, band structure, planetary rings, and stars in the FOV on the FOV diagram.

    7. Outside the circle of the FOV area, mark down the eyepiece focal length, telescope magnification, and the FOV diameter. See Table: C8 Telescope Specifications for Available Eyepieces.

    8. Also outside the circle of the FOV area, label the sky (i.e., celestial sphere) directions: north, south, east, west.

      Remember the C8 telescopes does a point inversion and the star diagonal does an plane reflection through the line perpendicular to its symmetry plane. So you can approximately figure out north, south, east, and west.

    9. Take a cell phone image of the observed planet for fun. There are no marks whether you do this or NOT.

    End of Task