Image 1 Caption: For the Sun, the solar sidereal rotation rates for solar latitudes 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60° from r/R_☉=1/2 to the solar photosphere (i.e., r/R_☉=1).
Image 1 clearly shows the differential rotation of the solar interior.
Note 1 R_☉ = 6.957*10**8 m = 0.004650 astronomical units (AUs) = 109.1 Earth equatorial radii. This value may be a mean value: the source Wikipedia: Solar radius is a bit unclear.
where f_nHz is frequency in nanohertz and 435 nHz is a fiducial value for the internal solar sidereal rotation rate as Image 1 itself shows.
Maybe Image 1 is NOT meant to be extrapolated to the solar photosphere.
The observed 90° latitude limit surface solar sidereal rotation period is ∼ 34 days (see Image 2).
This means the deep interior region rotates nearly as if it were a rigid-rotor solid sphere even though it is NOT: it's a sphere of gas.
The radius 0.65 R_☉ also approximately divides the inner solar radiative zone from the outer solar convective zone. The transition between these two zones is the tachocline.
The surface ones were mostly directly observed long ago by tracking the motions of sunspots: the sunspots largely move with the solar rotation rates for solar latitudes where they appear.
Galileo (1564--1642) and his contemporaries used sunspots to determine early solar rotation rates (see Wikipedia: Solar rotation: Using sunspots to measure rotation: Galileo's Letters on Sunspots (1613)).
The interior solar rotation rates were learnt from helioseismology: the study of solar oscillations. The solar oscillations are observed on the surface and can then be used to infer the interior solar rotation rates and other interior features.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/sun/solar_rotation_videos.html");?>