
Table:  Observing Working Table for Double Stars

Summer & Fall Double Stars

Double Star                     θ       V     Observed  Resolved  Comment
                               ('')            (y/n)     (y/n)    (Ours/Yours)

Mizar/Alcor (ζ/80 UMA) (Col)   709    2.2,4.0                      OE, θ ≅ 12' 
ζ-1 Lyrae (SAO 67321) (Col)     44    4.3,5.9                      South-east of Vega (α LYR) 
                                                                     and in the same 
                                                                     finderscope FOV 
Albireo AB (β CYG AB) (RASC)    34.3  3.1,5.1 
Polaris AB (α UMi) (RASC)       18.2  2.0,8.7 
Mizar AB (ζ UMA) (RASC)         14.5  2.3,4.0                      OE 
Achird (η CAS AB, SAO 021732) (Col) 12   3.6,7.5   
Almach (γ AND)   (RASC)          9.5  2.3,5.1 
Rasalgethi (α HER AB) (RASC)     4.6  3.5,5.4                      OE 
δ CYG (Rukh, SAO 48796) (RASC)   2.7  2.9,6.3 

Winter & Spring Double Stars

Double Star                     θ       V     Observed  Resolved  Comment
                               ('')            (y/n)     (y/n)    (Ours/Yours)

Mizar/Alcor (ζ/80 UMA) (Col)   709    2.2,4.0                      θ ≅ 12' 
Cor Caroli (α CVN) (Col)        19.4  2.9,5.6 
Polaris AB (α UMi) (RASC)       18.2  2.0,8.7 
Mizar AB (ζ UMA) (RASC)         14.5  2.3,4.0 
Achird (η CAS AB, SAO 021732) (Col) 12   3.6,7.5                   OE 
Sirius AB (α CMA) (RASC)         9.5 -1.4,8.5                      Hard to see B 
Rigel AB (β ORI) (RASC)          9.2  0.1,7.0                      OE 
Castor AB (α GEM) (RASC)         4.9  1.9,2.9                      North of Pollux 
Algieba (γ LEO) (RASC)           4.6  2.6,3.8 