Resources for Atomic Data, Etc.:
- Chianti: An Atomic Database
for Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas:
So probably just line opacities.
This may be one-stop shopping.
- Kurucz/linelists: The description
of them is a bit curt.
- Los Alamos Opactiy Tables: Colgan et al. 2016.
But their lowest temperature is 5000 K.
- LANL: TOPS Opacities: Lower limit on T=5000 K.
Not low enough for SNe. We need to 3000 K, I'd say.
- NIST: Atomic Spectra Database:
It is not obvious how to obtain this data in a machine readable form suitable for
computer use.
Also only line opacities and no data for H-.
- Opacity/Iron Project database:
Lots of data, but at first glance the interface is opaque.
But no ff opacity it seems.
- OPAL interface:
But these seem to be Rosseland mean opacities only.
- Optab: Public code for generating gas opacity tables
for radiation hydrodynamics simulations (2021dec10):
Maybe this is best resource for LTE opacities.
References in reverse time order:
- 2023mar13:
Discrete Implicit Monte-Carlo Scheme for the Radiative Transfer Equation:
Elad Steinberg, Shay I. Heizler.
Sounds different from the Lucy method.
- 2022sep25:
StaNdaRT: A repository of standardized test models
and outputs for supernova radiative transfer: Blondin et al. and lots of other including
John Hillier, Dan Kasen, Stan Woosley.
- 2022sep20:
Probabilistic Dalek -- Emulator framework
with probabilistic prediction for supernova tomography: Wolfgang Kerzendorf, et al.
- 2022aug29:
PINION: Physics informed neural network for
accelerating radiative transfer simulations for cosmic reionization, Damien Korber, et al., 2022:
11 pages.
- 2022apr01:
Messenger Monte-Carlo MAPPINGS V (M^3) --
A self-consistent three-dimensional photoionization code,
Yifei Jin, et al., 2022: 28 pages.
- 2022apr01:
Modelling the ionisation state of Type Ia supernovae
in the nebular-phase, Shingles et al.: 14 pages.
- 2022mar23:
On thermalization of radiation in hydrostatic atmospheres:
Analytic, just 5 pages.
- 2022mar04:
A Practical Guide to the Partition Function
of Atoms and Ions, P. Alimohamadi, G. J. Ferland: Badly needed.
- 2022feb21:
New mass estimates for massive binary systems: a
probabilistic approach using polarimetric radiative transfer, Andrew G. Fullard, et al.:
"To avoid the biases present in analytic models of polarization while retaining computational
expediency, we used a Monte Carlo radiative transfer model accurately emulated by a neural network."
- 2022feb17:
Photon frequency diffusion process,
Guilherme Eduardo Freire Oliveira, et al.:
"In the case of Compton scattering with thermal electrons, the limiting
process describes the dynamical fluctuations around the Kompaneets equation."
- Novel framework for the three-dimensional NLTE inverse problem
Jiri Stepan, Tanausu del Pino Aleman, Javier Trujillo Bueno:
"The inversion of spectropolarimetric observations of the solar upper atmosphere
is one of the most challenging goals in solar physics."
- 2021dec27: SunnyNet: A neural network approach to
3D non-LTE radiative transfer Bruce A. Chappell, et al.:
"we trained a convolutional neural network, SunnyNet,
to learn the translation from LTE to non-LTE atomic populations."
- 2021oct: Variance-reduction methods
for Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport GarcĂa-Pareja, Salvado, et al.:
pdf, 13 pages:
Probably a good general reference for
Monte Carlo radiative transfer.
- 2021oct29: 3D radiative-transfer for exoplanet atmospheres.
gCMCRT: a GPU accelerated MCRT code, Elspeth K.H. Lee, et al.: Probably state of the art
Monte Carlo radiative transfer
- 2016: Center-to-limb
variation of intensity and polarization in continuum spectra of FGK stars for spherical atmospheres,
N. M. Kostogryz , I. Milic, S. V. Berdyugina, and P. H. Hauschildt:
Pages 6--7 correspond to
Chandrasekhar, S. 1960, p. 247--248
and Peraiah 1975.
- 1999: Radioactive Decay Energy Deposition
in Supernovae and the Exponential/Quasi-Exponential Behavior of Late-Time Supernova Light Curves,
Jeffery, David J.: Lots of basic stuff in this old effort.
- 1991nov: Catalog
of SN 1987A Polarimetry Corrected for Interstellar Polarization, Jeffery 1991.
- 1991jul: Analysis
of SN 1987A Polarimetry.