Caption: Ptolemy (c.100--c.170 CE) with an armillary sphere.
In ancient Greek, the word Ptolemy used for the cloudy objects was "nephele" which became a loanword in Latin as nebula (Latin for cloud or fog). Note nebula (L.) = nephele (G.) = νηφηλη (G. letters).
Note Ptolemy may NOT have been the original discoverer of nebulae, but he is the first person in the historical record to mention them. Maybe some earlier ancient Greek astronomer or some Babylonian astronomer or someone ever further back (maybe even in the Paleolithic (c.3.3 Myr--c.11,700 BCE)) was first.
But what was the theories for both. Time would tell. A very long time.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/ptolemy/ptolemy_videos.html");?>
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2003 / Own work.EOF
Image link: Itself.
Local file: local link: ptolemy_armillary.html.
File: Ptolemy file: