Caption: An example of a log-log plot.
You do NOT have to know what a logarithm is to appreciate log plots. In fact, you quickly develop an intuitive understanding of them.
The cost of logarithmic plots is that functions are a bit distorted by linear-scale standards. But, in fact, there is NOT much cost because you usually quickly develop an intuitive understanding of them.
In logarithmic plots jargon one power of 10 is called a dex.
Many linear-scale plots may be needed to show the whole functional behavior in roughly equal detail.
The log-log plot allows us to see that behavior easily.
Credit/Permission: ©
David Jeffery,
2004 / Own work.
Image link: Itself.
Local file: local link: log_log_plot_dj.html_plot.html.
Extended file: Mathematics file:
File: Mathematics file: