Caption: William Herschel's (1738--1822) map of the Milky Way (1785) as deduced from his star gage method. The star gages were what we would call star counts.
Herschel was attempting to map the shape of the Milky Way in relative distances.
Herschel was aware of the theory that at least some of the nebulae (historical usage), but yours truly can find NO statement about what he thought of it (No-407). Maybe he just thought that the theory was possible. He did know that some nebulae (historical usage) were NOT other galaxies since he discovered what we call a planetary nebula which was fairly clearly gas surrounding a star (No-407,436)
Herschel could NOT determine absolute distances.
With this interpretation, the map is remarkably suggestive. It shows something like a very oblate spheroid structure with complicated small features and with the Solar System near the center.
Yours truly would understand the map better if yours truly actually read Herschel's 1785 article describing it (William Herschel, 1785, On the Construction of the Heavens), but the article is 55 pages long, and so is left to be read sine die.
The cosmological theorizers Thomas Wright (1711--1786) and Immanuel Kant (1724--1804) and the mathematician Heinrich Lambert (1728--1777) had all thought in terms of a flattened structure (see Astronomer file: immanuel_kant.html).
Sadly, what was new was wrong.
Herschel himself discovered that his second assumption was probably wrong. When he starting using his 40-foot telescope (reflector, primary diameter 1.22 m ≅ 48 inches, operational 1787--1815), he saw stars he could NOT see before and he recognized that telescopes of even greater light-gathering power than the 40-foot telescope might see stars farther away than he was seeing with the 40-foot telescope and this is, in fact, true. In any case, Herschel realized he could NOT guarantee that he was seeing stars all the way to the boundary of the Milky Way (No-408; Timberlake 2011).
The situation for his star gage method was worse than Herschel knew. Interstellar dust (of which he was unaware) prevented Herschel from seeing all the way to the boundary of Milky Way in directions inside the Milky Way disk in which the Solar System is embedded.
This is still true for visible band (fiducial range 0.4--0.7 μm =400--700 nm = 4000--7000 Å). We can only see ⪅3 kpc in most directions in the Milky Way disk (FK-563). To see through the Milky Way disk, we use radio astronomy (starting in the 1940s: Wikipedia: Radio astronomy: History), particularly for the hydrogen 21-centimeter line (21.1061140542 cm, 1420.4057 5176 67(9) MHz ≅ 1420 MHz). It is using the hydrogen 21-centimeter line that the Milky Way disk and Milky Way spiral arms have been mapped.