php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/cosmol/large_scale_structure_videos.html");?>
Large-Scale structure of the universe videos
(i.e., Large-scale
structure of the universe videos):
High-cal ones:
- Supercomputer simulation of large scale
structures in the Universe | 1:12:
"Cosmological N-body simulation
of the formation and evolution of the
large-scale structure
of the universe. The number of simulation particles is 512**3=134,217,728.
The size of the simulation box is ∼ 100 Mpc (∼ 300 Mly)
and uses
periodic boundary conditions
so that simulation particles that leave at one boundary enter at the corresponding point on
the opposite boundary and periodic
gravity is used in some way.
This N-body simulation was carried out
on the Cray XT4
for Computational Astrophysics (CfCA) of
Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Simulation and Visualization: Tomoaki Ishiyama (University of Tsukuba)" (Slightly edited.)
The simulation covers
cosmological redshift
z = 13.32 (i.e., cosmic time ∼ 0.32 Gyr:
the z does flash onscreen if you look quick enough)
to z = 0 (i.e.,
cosmic present =
to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018))
(see "A Redshift Lookup Table for our Universe",
Sergey V. Pilipenko, 2013).
cosmological redshift
is shown onscreen and can be used to find the
cosmic scale factor a(t)
from the formula
a(t) = 1/(z+1) .
The cosmic scale factor a(t)
so varies from 1/14.32 at
cosmic time ∼ 0.32 Gyr
to 1 at cosmic present =
to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018)).
However, the overall
expansion of the universe
has been divided out of the
since otherwise the simulation box would grow by a
factor of ∼ 14 which would
make for inadequate viewing in the video .
By N-body simulation,
we mean there are NO stars
NOR any kind of
baryonic matter
(i.e., ordinary matter of protons,
neutrons, and
all the particles in the simulation (i.e.,
represent a form of
dark matter
which does NOT interact, except via
The particles are, in fact,
point particles
that NEVER collide in a body-on-body sense
and they do NOT represent any actual
dark matter particle.
The particles actually
are given a mass much larger
than what any
dark matter particle
is expected to have.
The brightness scales with density of
dark matter
and is NOT an indication of emitted light.
Since the particles are point particles,
we see clumps of them flying through each other interacting only
by gravity.
Each particle, in fact, interacts gravitationally with every other particle which
the overall interactions immensely complex.
We are seeing
dark matter only.
The baryonic matter
is dragged by the dark matter.
So we are seeing the formation of
the dark matter halos
in which galaxies,
galaxy groups,
galaxy clusters, and
galaxy superclusters form.
We also see formation of
the dark matter structure
corresponding to
galaxy filaments and
cosmic voids.
So effectively we are seeing the
structure formation of the
large-scale structure of the
observable universe
which nowadays we tend to call the
cosmic web.
Structure formation
is initiated by
primordial fluctuations
in the primordial
density of
dark matter.
It's a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
The higher density
primordial fluctuations
attracted more
dark matter
by gravitation
and grew into
dark matter halos
other dark matter structures
(overcoming the overall
expansion of the universe)
and the lower density
primordial fluctuations
lost dark matter and
grew into cosmic voids.
A fraction of baryonic matter
(which is only 1/6 = 16 % of the
dark matter:
followed the dark matter
into the dark matter halos
and other dark matter structures
and this corresponds to the formation of the primordial
galaxies and
other baryonic matter
Due to
peculiar velocities
superimposed on the overall
expansion of the universe,
all kinds of
galaxy interactions and
galaxy mergers happened
during structure formation
leading to
hierarchical structure formation:
bigger structures forming by the accretion of smaller structures: i.e.,
galaxies merged into bigger
galaxies and these then merged
into galaxy groups,
galaxy clusters,
and galaxy superclusters.
All these events are simulated by the corresponding
events in the dark matter.
This is the best
Structure formation
to show in the classroom.
- Large Scale Structure Formation | 1:01:
This N-body simulation
probably covers billions of years from
cosmic time t=0.1 Gyr to several
gigayears on.
For more details mutatis mutandis,
see the description of the first
videos above.
Good and short enough for the classroom.
- Blueprints of the Universe | 2:26:
This video from
ESO shows
a computer simulation
(probably an
N-body simulation)
of structure formation
(i.e., the formation of the
large scale structure
of the observable universe or
cosmic web).
The cosmic time of the
computer simulation is
NOT specified, but it probably spans from the
cosmic dark age (∼ 377 kyr (z ≅ 1100) -- ∼< 200 Myr (z ≅ 20))
cosmic present = to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018).
For more details mutatis mutandis,
see the description of the first
videos above.
The video is a bit long, but good for
- Reionization -
End of the Dark Ages of the Universe | 2:05:
reionization era
(cosmic time c.150 Myr --- z≅ 6, c.1 gyr for complete end)
that ended the
cosmic dark ages
(cosmic time z≅ 11000, c.377,000 years --- z≅ 6, c.1 gyr for complete end).
In the computer simulation,
the expanding bright regions are the reionized regions.
The reionization
was caused by mainly by
ultraviolet (UV) light
from the early galaxies
(i.e., their stars
and active galaxy nuclei (AGNs),
mainly quasars).
Pretty to look at, but it's NOT clear what we are seeing.
Iffy for the classroom.
- Laniakea: Our home supercluster | 4:10:
On the
Laniakea Supercluster,
our home
galaxy supercluster by
a precise definition of
galaxy supercluster.
However, we will NEVER have enough
yours truly thinks to use this rather elegant
precise definition, except in the very local
observable universe.
So most galaxy superclusters
will continue to be identified in the eye of the beholder.
Of course, many very local
galaxy superclusters
will continue to have their traditional in-the-eye-of-the-beholder
Is the precise definition actually good for anything?
Well, the structure of
galaxy superclusters
that follow from the precise definition
are one of the many things that
structure formation
computer simulations
must reproduce as verification of a
cosmological model.
But this structure may be redundant to many other tests of
cosmological models.
Good and, on a leisurely day,
short enough for the classroom.
- A Flight Through the Universe,
by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey | 1:49:
The flight is through
an actual to-scale
map of the local (i.e., contemporary)
observable universe out to
cosmological redshift z ≅ 0.13
cosmological proper distance
≅ 1.3 Gly ≅ 0.4 Gpc
and includes ∼ 400,000 galaxies.
The galaxy images are the real images
of the galaxies or, at least, of close twins of
the galaxies.
The flight is based on data from the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS,2000--present).
Because of varying lookback time,
the flight is only approximately at
cosmic present t_0
= to the age of the observable universe = 13.797(23) Gyr (Planck 2018).
However, the flight is with all the
galaxies frozen in place
with instantaneous light signalling,
and so it is NOT obeying
special relativity (SR).
Good for the classroom.
Low-cal ones:
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File: Cosmology file: