CMS Group@UNLV |
Publications |
Yanxon H, Zagaceta D, Wood B, Zhu Q*(2019)
On Transferability of Machine Learning Force Fields: A Case Study on Silicon
Fredericks S, Sayre D, Zhu Q*(2019)
PyXtal: a Python Library for Crystal Structure Generation and Symmetry Analysis
Peer Reviewed Papers
Zagaceta D, Yanxon H, Zhu Q*(2020)
Spectral Neural Network Potentials for Binary Alloys.
J. Appl. Phys., 128, 045113
Zhu S-C, Yan X-Z, Liu J, Oganov A. R., Zhu Q*(2020)
A Revisited Mechanism of the Graphite-to-Diamond Transition at High Temperature.
Qu J-Y, Zagaceta D, Zhang W-W, Zhu Q*(2020)
High Dielectric Ternary Oxides from Crystal Structure Prediction and High-throughput Screening
Sci. Data, 7, 81