Sub Tasks:
The sky map is set to 9:00 pm for the Pacific time zone (PST/PDT).
If you are NOT in Las Vegas, Nevada or want a different Date & Time, you will have to update control panel fields below the sky map and then click on the Update button just below the sky map:
If you need help getting the Universal Time (UT), click on Conversion from Universal Time to Local Time and Vice Versa.
If you have NO printer, you will have to sketch the sky map. Sketch and label the major constellations, the named stars (e.g., Vega (α LYR) in the summer night sky and Betelgeuse (α ORI) in the winter night sky) and Polaris (α UMi) (which is just α UMi on the sky map), the planets, and, if in the sky, the Moon.
The planets are labeled on the sky map by the planet symbols: Mercury ☿, Venus ♀, Earth ⊕, Mars ♂, Jupiter ♃, Saturn ♄, Uranus ↑☉,♅, Neptune ♆, ex-planet Pluto ♇.
To use the sky map outside, you will probably need a flashlight or cell phone.
In the winter night sky, you should be able to see Orion (which is a recognized IAU 88 constellation).
Of course, if you are clouded out, there's nothing to see.
My Answer: I'd guess I'd identify lots. On 2020 Jun10, I should be able to see Mercury ☿ at about 8:30 pm about a spread hand above the horizon. One has to stare for awhile to see it leap out of the dim twilight.