The Image 1 shows exactly how point inversion works better than words using light rays and ray tracing.
Point inversion can also be described as a 180° rotation from source to image.
Can you see sunspots? Probably NOT.
Incidentally, can you see narrow dark and bright fringes just near the edges of shadows of an object (e.g., of a pencil)? You need to look really closely. A magnifying glass might help. The fringes are the diffraction patterns set up the object.
The situation is that every point in the aperture acts as an infinitesimal aperture in its own right.
The (observed) image is the sum of the infinitesimal aperture images.
However, these do NOT exactly overlap, and so the image is somewhat fuzzy (i.e., lacking perfect sharpness).
As the aperture gets bigger, the image approaches just being the shape of the aperture which is why a rectangular window with sunlight streaming in creates a rectangular spot of illumination.
The imperfectly overlapping aperture images are spread out by of order "a". The ratio of spreading to image size is of order
a f = -------- , d*tan(θ)
the fuzziness factor.
If f << 1 sufficiently, the image will look sharp to the human eye.
If f >∼ 1, then the image is totally fuzzed.
Just put the projection screen farther away from the aperture to increase sharpness.
You may be able to observe sunspots with pinhole projection---but yours truly has always failed. It is probably marginal at best (see, e.g., Cloudy Nights Telescope Review).
Pinhole projection does work well for observing solar eclipses---especially when you are too lazy to do anything more elaborate.
In fact, when the Sun images become crescents ☽, there is a partial solar eclipse. The crescents are sufficiently striking that people do notice them when they never notice the round light spots. In fact, since partial solar eclipses dim the sky similarly to thin cloud cover, maybe the only casual way to notice partial solar eclipses is by being spooked by the crescents.