- White dwarfs have NO
nuclear burning
to replenish the
heat energy they
radiate away from their photospheres
as electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
So they can only lose heat energy
and cool off forever.
They do constract a little as they cool, and so some
gravitational potential energy
gets converted to heat energy, but this
is a minor source of heat energy.????
- Eventually white dwarfs
will drop to such low temperatures
that they mainly radiate at
wavelengths longer than
the visible.
They then radiate mainly in the
infrared, later
mainly in the microwave, and then later mainly in
the radio.
Once they stop radiating mainly in
they are called black dwarfs.
Note the definition of black dwarf
given here is NOT used universally.
The stage of transition
from white dwarf
to black dwarf
may be defined differently by different authors.
- The white dwarf cooling time
is very long---many billions of years.
Since the Big Bang,
NO white dwarf
has cooled off to become
a black dwarf it is thought.
It always astounds yours truly that we know there are
astronomical objects
that will exist in the cosmologically far
the observable universe ever gets
to the cosmologically far
future---that have never existed before
in the observable universe.
- The coldest existing white dwarfs
have photospheric temperatures of ∼ 4000 K
(see Wikipedia: White dwarf:
Radiation and cooling).
- By the way, white dwarfs
do have stellar atmospheres,
and so do NOT necessarily
radiate like blackbody radiators
at least at all phases though probably they do so to some crude approximation at all phases????
(see Wikipedia: White dwarf:
Radiation and cooling).
For an example of "NOT necessarily", note that strange
opacity effects
may lead to significant deviations from being approximate
blackbody radiators when their
photospheric temperature is < ∼6000 K
Kowalski, Saumon, et al., 2013).???