Image 1 Caption: A representative Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram showing variable stars including Cepheids.
The y-axis is absolute magnitude which is logarithmic luminosity in a obscure way where more negative is higher luminosity.
The x-axis is period in days (i.e., in units of the standard metric day = 24 h = 86400 s).
"Classical Cepheids are 4--20 M_☉ and usually ∼ 1,000 to 50,000 L_☉. They are bright giants or low luminosity supergiants in the spectral type range F6 -- K2" (somewhat edited from Wikipedia: Classical Cepheid variable: Properties). The lifetimes as nuclear burning stars of the classical Cepheid progenitors are <∼ 400 Myr (see Star file: star_lifetimes.html). Because of the relatively short lifetimes of their progenitors, classical Cepheids are likely to be very rare in elliptical galaxies which usually are or nearly are quenched galaxies.
Type II Cepheids are thought to have stellar mass <∼ 1 M_☉ (see Wikipedia: Type II Cepheid: Properties), and so their progenitors have lifetimes as nuclear burning stars of >∼ 10 Gyr (see Star file: star_lifetimes.html). In fact, Type II Cepheids are thought to be typically ∼ 10 Gyr old (see Wikipedia: Cepheid variable: Type II Cepheids). Because of their age Type II Cepheids can be found in globular clusters which have ages in the range 12??? --- 12.7 Gyr (see Wikipedia: Globular clusters: Consequences) and in quenched galaxies like most elliptical galaxies.
Nowadays we use electronic computers, in those days we used women.
The empirical calibration, other measurement uncertainties and intrinsic scatter in Cepheid behavior leads to uncertainties in Cepheid distance determinations---which are still a significant problem circa 2020s---but, of course, the absolute size of the uncertainties are much smaller now, but our requirements for accuracy/precision are much higher.
The range of Cepheids as a cosmic distance indicator has been considerably extended by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) because of its great resolution: i.e., it can resolve Cepheids to large distances. Observing Cepheids at greater distances should become possible in the future.
r = sqrt[L/(4πF)] ,correcting from L_Type_II to L_classical caused, all early cosmic distance determinations to increase by ∼ to 2. Doing this correction reduced in the Hubble constant from ∼500 (km/s)/Mpc to ∼250 (km/s)/Mpc in 1952 (see Wikipedia: Hubble's law: Earlier measurement and discussion approaches). Other corrections reduced the Hubble constant to its current fiducial value of ∼ 70 (km/s)/Mpc (see Wikipedia: Hubble's law: Determining the Hubble constant). The major modern uncertainty with the Hubble constant is the Hubble tension (direct value ≅ 73(1) (km/s)/Mpc; Λ-CDM fit value 67.5(10) (km/s)/Mpc). The Hubble tension may lead to a revision of Λ-CDM model or its replacement as the standard model of cosmology (SMC, Λ-CDM model).
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