
  1. A complete rotation of the Earth relative to the observable universe (or to good approximation the fixed stars) is a sidereal day = 86164.0905 s = 1 day - 4 m + 4.0905 s (on average). This is the Earth's rotation period: i.e., true physical rotation period relative to observable universe (i.e., its absolute rotation period).

    Note that the fixed stars define a reference frame with very low absolute rotation (i.e., very low rotation relative to the observable universe) and are used in most practical measurements of absolute rotation and this was done long before our modern understanding of absolute rotation. This is where the adjective "sidereal" (meaning relative to fixed stars) comes from.

  2. On the other hand, the solar day is solar noon to solar noon and is about 4 minutes longer than the sidereal day because of the revolution of the Earth about the Sun as one can see in the diagram.

  3. The fact that the sidereal day is ∼ 4 minutes shorter than the solar day means, among other things, that all stars that are NOT circumpolar stars rise ∼ 4 minutes earlier every day. In a year, they cycle back to rising at the same time.

    Yours truly mnemonicks this daily advance by the mnemonic: The stars rise earlier every day.

  4. Sidereal time is defined analogously to ordinary timekeeping: 24 sidereal hours in a sidereal day, 60 sidereal minutes in a sidereal hour, 60 sidereal seconds in a sidereal minute, etc..

    Sidereal time is used in astronomy since astronomy has to keep track of the motion of the celestial sphere.

    In the old days, observatories would have a standard time clock and a sidereal clock superimposed somehow or mounted side-by-side. But nowadays, the computer tells us everything (e.g., Juergen Giesen: sidereal clock; USNO: Compute Local Apparent Sidereal Time).

  5. By the by, the mean solar day is increasing with time due to tidal acceleration caused by the Moon. The rate of increase is about 1.70(5) milliseconds per century based on historical records since circa 700 BCE (i.e., the last 2700 years) (see Wikipedia: Day: Leap seconds; Wikipedia: Leap second: Slowing rotation of the Earth).

  6. There is also a sidereal year = 365.256363004 days (J2000) which is the rotation period of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun relative to the observable universe. The solar year = 365.2421897 days (J2000), which determines the seasons, is a bit shorter due to the axial precession of the Earth. The Gregorian calendar, of course, alternates common years = 365 days and leap years =366 days (which are made of integer numbers of the standard metric day = 24 h = 86400 s) in such away that the Gregorian calendar synchronizes with the count of solar years on average to high accuracy/precision: i.e., 3 common years then a leap year, except centurial years are NOT leap years, unless evenly divisible by 400: e.g., year 1900 was NOT a leap year, but year 2000 was a leap year. The Julian year = 365.25 standard metric days exactly by definition is slightly longer than the average year of the Gregorian calendar.