Caption: The distance problem of ancient Greek astronomy and all other ancient astronomies too: They could NOT measure Solar-System distances.
R_Moon = 60.2684 R_Earth_eq ≅ R_Earth_eq = 2.57*10**(-3) AU = 384,399 km ≅ 400,000 km ,where R_Earth_eq is the Earth equatorial radius R_eq_⊕ = 6378.1370 km. See also Wikipedia: Lunar distance: Value.
Actually, the ancient Greek astronomers could have done better with their instruments if they had tried harder like pre-telescopic Ulug Beg (1394--1449) (see Wikipedia: Ulug Beg: Astronomy), Taqi ad-Din (1526--1585), and Tycho Brahe (1546--1601). But also actually, those later astronomers were very well funded. Tycho was funded by Danish King Frederick II (1534--1588; reigned 1559--1588). Taqi ad-Din was funded by Ottoman Sultan Murad III (1546--1595; 1574--1595). Ulug Beg (1394--1449; reigned 1447--1449) was a sultan of the Timurid dynasty---he was a grandson of Timur Lang (1336--1405), AKA Tamerlane Of course, none of Ulug Beg, Taqi ad-Din, and Ulug Beg got distances beyond the Moon either---but they did make better measurements than the ancient Greek astronomers.
Almost all ancient Greek astronomers used geocentric solar system models, and so were on the wrong track to getting the true structure of the Solar System theoretically.