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Local Committee,

I am submitting the attached abstract for Prof. Lucy Ziurys to present.  She is
already registered.  She feels it would be appropriate for either a talk or a

The affiliations need to read:

University of Arizona, Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy, and
Laplace Astrobiology Center

There is no line included in the LaTek template for affiliations.

Thank you.
Michael Flory
Ziurys Research Group
University of Arizona
Department of Chemistry



\title{Sub-millimeter Spectroscopy of Astrophysically Important Molecules}

\author{L. M. Ziurys \and A. A. Apponi \and D. T. Halfen \and M. A. Flory}

\date{15 February 2006}


With the advent of SOFIA, Herschel, and SAFIR, new wavelength regions will become routinely accessible for astronomical spectroscopy, particularly at sub-mm frequencies (0.5-1.1 THz).  Molecular emission dominates the spectra of dense interstellar gas at these wavelengths.  Because heterodyne detectors are major instruments of these missions, accurate knowledge of molecular transition frequencies is crucial for their success.  The Ziurys spectroscopy laboratory has been focusing on the measurement of the pure rotational transitions of astrophysically important molecules in the sub-mm regime.  Direct absorption methods and ion-selective velocity modulation techniques have been employed.  Of particular interest have been metal hydride species and their ions, including CrH, CrH$^+$, VH, and MnH.  Also of interest have been metal halides such as ZnF and metal cyanides, including CrCN.  A new avenue of study has included metal bearing molecular ions such as FeCO$^+$.  Large organi
 c species with internal rotation have also been investigated, such as hydroxyacetone.  Results of these various molecules will be discussed.

