This was when he was a patent office clerk and discovering special relativity which includes E=mc**2.
``When I was young I despised all authority---and I have been punished for it by having been made into an authority myself.''---from memory. This is my favorite Einstein quote.
Credit: unknown.
Download site: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: 1995dec19.
This picture was obviously taken in the first decade of the 20th century and by U.S. copyright law is now out of copyright. According to the informative, but not authoritative, source WebMuseum, Paris copyright in all other jurisdictions would have expired if the holder died more than 70 years ago.
So energy isn't truly everything.
But it does turn up everywhere in the physical world---and everywhere it is important---but it remains a bit mysterious.
We use the term energy qualitatively in everyday life---and I think correctly qualitatively---when we discuss our amount of get-up-and-go.
We use the term energy exactly when we discuss the food energy---which we measure with that ridiculous unit the food calorie---electrical energy which we measure with that ridiculous unit the kilowatt-hour).
But what is a general definition?
Actually, energy defies simple definition---most who try to admit as much---and so does your truly.
There is probably no one-sentence adequate definition.
But after a lot of mulling I offer a one-sentence definition plus some multi-sentence explication. At the moment---and maybe only for the moment---I find it satisfying.
You can make something with energy: i.e., structure.
You can always change that structure.
Not necessarily easily.
But how much change in structure is possible is limited by how much energy you have: you can't create it or destroy it---this is the famous conservation of energy that we discuss below in section Energy in different forms of structure has different forms.
Concretely, this means that different forms of energy have different formulae for their calculation.
But all those forms are energy because any form can be turned into any other form.
Not necessarily easily.
Forces are physical relationships between things that can cause change or can balance other forces.
Forces transform energy between its different forms.
Well above we said it's like a stuff.
In way yes, in a way no.
What what we ordinary think of stuff is some substance.
And one can have pure substances.
But there is NO such thing as pure energy.
That is to say energy separated from the other properties of the physical system you find the energy in.
If there was a pure energy, we could just say well here we have a lump of it and here are it's prices properties.
But we can't do that.
It's seems always rather remote from direct observables: like length, velocity, and mass.
So usually we have to calculate it from formulae in terms of those more direct observables.
Actually, as we'll discuss in section E=mc**2, energy IS mass.
So if we could measure mass exactly in all cases, we would be measuring energy exactly.
Practically though we can't usually measure mass exactly enough, to determine energy that way for many purposes.
So we have to measure other observables and calculate energy.
Let's look at two concrete cases of energy: kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.
In this case, the structure is the velocity of an object relative to some inertial frame of reference (which we will describe in the section Inertial Frames.
For example, the ground is sufficiently an inertial frame for the present discussion.
Kinetic energy is precisely defined because there is a formula for calculating it from observables.
The formula for calculating it for a particle is
KE = (1/2)*m*v**2
where KE is the usual symbol for kinetic energy in physics, m is the particle's mass, v is the particle's speed, and **2 is an old fortran way of writing to the 2nd power.
If an object can't be regarded as a particle, one should use the speed of the center of mass which is the mass-weighted average position of the object---but that's a refinement we'll skirt.
The metric system unit of energy can be read derived from the kinetic energy formula: one gets kg*(m/s)**2
and that rhymes with drool
and that honors James Joule (1818--1889)
which rhymes with bowel
and that starts with b ...
But where exactly is the kinetic energy?
It's reasonable to say that it is in a moving object and spread distributed throughout it.
The kinetic energy of each little part is given by (1/2)*m*v**2, where m is the mass of the part and v is the speed of the part.
But there is a subtlety.
Velocity depends on the frame of reference.
For example, an object in a moving car has a velocity relative to the ground, but not relative to the car's own frame of reference.
So kinetic energy is dependent on the frame of reference.
In going from one frame of reference to another, one has to do a transformation of kinetic energy.
Which leads to another unsightly fact.
The conservation of energy principle dictates that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but how much of it you have depends on your frame of reference.
Is there frame of reference or set of frames of reference in which true absolute amounts of energy are measured.
I don't really know. Probably some does.
But it might be the set of frame of reference that participate in the mean expansion of the universe.
We'll discuss this briefly in the section Inertial Frames.
Any object with mass establishes a gravitational field around it.
The gravitational field is just a thing at every point in space that causes the gravitational force at that point.
There is an energy associated with locating an object in the the gravitational field of another object.
By locating the first object relative to another you have established a structure.
Often, but not always, this energy can be called gravitational potential energy.
The general formula for gravitational potential energy is a bit beyond our scope.
But the formula for near the Earth's surface is simple enough.
PE = mgy
For example, in any closed system, the total amount energy stays constant.
Outside the system is the environment.
When the system and environment do not interact, the system is closed.
Division of the world into system and environment is an idealization that helps further the analysis.
Usually both system and environment are studied through ideal models and one increases the realism as one's understanding improves.
Since the system is of main interest, one usually only models the environment insofar as it affects the system.
But in the idealization that it can be done, conservation of energy should hold since then the interaction could be regarded as a closed system.
Caption: In Greek mythology, Proteus was a sea-god who was also a shape-changer.
Credit: Andrea Aciato (1492--1550), Book of Emblems, 1531, as Emblema CLXXXIII (emblem # 183). Woodcut by Jorg Breu.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
And so you might say energy is like a substance---except all substances actually can be created and destroyed: even those made of a pure element as we now know---so, in fact, energy is NOT like a substance in some ways.
Also a substance is can be refined to give a pure sample.
But energy is never seen ``pure''---it is always in some form.
The Earth at night circa 2000oct23.
Electromagnetic radiation or light just has an associated energy (or speaking loosely is a form of energy) despite a mild temptation to think of it as the purest form of energy.
The image is a collage, since it's not night everywhere on Earth at once---though Dracula would wish it otherwise.
Credit: NASA: Visible Earth. NASA allows free use of this image, but apparently has not declared it public domain which is NASA's usual practice. Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.
Download site: NASA: Visible Earth
We see more direct observables and we calculate the energy by measurements of the more direct observables.
For example, motion has an associated energy: kinetic energy.
The formula for calculating it for a particle is
KE = (1/2)*m*v**2
where KE is the usual symbol for kinetic energy in physics, m is the particle's mass, v is the particle's speed, and **2 is an old fortran way of writing to the 2nd power.
If an object can't be regarded as a particle, one should use the speed of the center of mass which is the mass-weighted average position of the object---but that's a refinement we'll skirt.
The metric system unit of energy can be read derived from the kinetic energy formula: one gets kg*(m/s)**2
and that rhymes with drool
and that honors James Joule (1818--1889)
which rhymes with bowel
and that starts with b ...
It's reasonable to say that it is in a moving object and spread distributed throughout it.
But there are subtelties.
For example, say you had two observers, Moe and Larry, in relative motion.
Moe says ``I'm at rest and Larry is moving and has KE.''
But Larry says ``NYAAAH, I'm at rest and Moe is moving and has KE.''
There seems to be a paradox.
The resolution---which we won't explore in mathematical detail---is that both observers will agree on changes in energy (thinking of more than just kinetic energy) and on physical predictions.
They will both also agree that energy is conserved in their own frame of reference---but they disagree on where it is and in some cases how much there is.
There are transformation relations for changing between reference frames that will acount for changes in amounts of energy
But is there some absolute way of counting up energy. Some true reference-frame-independent count of a href="">energy
I'm not sure at this moment---the question is more subtle than I thought.
Perhaps it's true that absolute amounts of energy are hard to define, but energy changes which come into observable changes are not.
Is there a simple definition of energy?
Yes and no.
One can offer simple definitions, but they can only be of limited adequacy: e.g.,
This is a common aphorism (whose origin I cannot trace) rather than a definition, but it expresses the fact that energy, if not everything, is everywhere and is always a consideration.
Well yes.
But a bit more precisely one can say ``Energy is the quantified capacity for change'' or ``energy is the quantified capacity to do work (in the physics sense)''.
These definitions help since energy is conserved, the amount of change that can occur to an isolated physical system and to the associated forms of energy is limited by the amount of energy available.
The change that occurs is sometimes described as happening through work which in physics jargon has the meaning of a force acting on an object over (or as we say through) a distance.
A scalar is a quantity described by a single real-number value like temperature, density, and energy.
A vector is a quantity with a magnitude and direction.
Momentum is a vector. When a football player slams into you, which direction you are thrown depends on which direction you were hit, not just on the magnitude of the momentum.
For the record, the formula for momentum is
p_vec=mv_vec , where p_vec is momentum, m is mass, and v_vec is velocity which in physics is also a vector. We won't deal with vectors and vector nature much explicitly in this module.``Associated''? Well remember what was said above. You don't see energy as directly as we see length and motion.
You see more direct observables (e.g., length and speed) and calculate energy from them.
So saying energy is ``associated'' with systems is often a favored locution.
But saying a system ``has'' energy is used too and more often.
This lecture is sort of a long explanation for example.
But it is not nearly long enough for complete understanding.
Another even longer explanation is given by Wikipedia: Energy. I found it enlightening, but somewhat confusing---which is probably because the article tries to cover a lot of ground without being an entire book.
Which would be satisfying in our endless quest of reductionism---which began at an early stage:
``But Mama why?''
``Just because.''
The proof is Noether's theorem (1918) which shows that energy will be conserved if the laws of physics are invariant with time: i.e., they don't change with time.
Remember a proof is only as good as it's underlying assumptions and those may not be guaranteed---and I don't know if they are.
Mathematician Emmy Noether (1882--1935) when young.
Credit: Unknown it seems. The image is obviously from the early 20th century, probably the before circa 1910. The copyright is probably ended and it is even likely that no one knows who held it.
Download site: St. Andrews University: The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.
Here is a quote from Richard Feynman (1918--1988), a famous 20th century physicist whose was also a popular scientist du jour in the 1980s:
There is no known exception to this law---it is exact so far as we know.
The law is called conservation of energy; it states that there is a certain quantity, which we call energy that does not change in manifold changes which nature undergoes.
That is a most abstract idea, because it is a mathematical principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity, which does not change when something happens.
It is not a description of a mechanism, or anything concrete; it is just a strange fact that we can calculate some number, and when we finish watching nature go through her tricks and calculate the number again, it is the same.
--- Feynman et al. 1963, p. 4-1, quoted in Wikipedia: Energy but with a couple of typos as of 2007aug17.
Caption: "Richard Feynman (1918--1988) (center) and J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904--1967) (to viewer's right of Feynman) at Los Alamos National Laboratory during the Manhattan Project."
Not a great picture, but it's public domain.
Credit: US Federal Government.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
A somewhat similar perspective is offered by another authority A. P. French (1920--).
We have set up quantitative measures of various specific kinds of energy: gravitational, electrical, magnetic, elastic, kinetic, and so on.
And whenever a situation has arisen in which it seemed that energy had disappeared, it has always been possible to recognize and define a new form of energy that permits us to save the conservation law.
This is NOT the case as I or anyone else would say.
The very fact that we've always found new forms of energy---they've been there for us to discover---suggests that energy is a real thing.
Also we have Noether's theorem.
And also there is ONE KIND of measurement that in principle measures all kinds of energy indiscriminately which we will mention in the section Mass-Energy Equivalence or E=mc**2.
We cannot make this kind of measurement in practice directly in many cases, but all of inextricably-linked modern physics tells us it should work in principle.
In many/almost all modern physics branches, the well established results of other branches are used as givens.
It's logically like a house of cards or nearly.
Caption: A house of cards.
Credit: User:Mybluehair, but the link is dead and the user is unknown.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: No permission, but I assume this image falls under no one is agreived category. If anyone queries it's use, I will satisfy them.
But the house doesn't fall.
So even if some results cannot be very directly tested in some regimes, we often strongly believe they should hold in those regimes.
Sometimes we're wrong, but that's pretty rare nowadays.
And when it does happen, it's pretty colossal.
That ONE KIND of measurement detects all kinds of energy strongly suggests that energy is a real thing.
Equally importantly, using energy one can often calculate LIMITED predictions of past and future behavior very easily.
To give a homely example, you know how many gallons of gasoline you have in your car and thus you know how far you can drive without a refill.
Karl Benz's 1894 Velo model which was entered in the first car race.
The don't make them like this any more.
Credit: Softeis. According to Wikepedia permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.
Download site: Wikipedia: Image:Benz-velo.jpg.
Note the prediction is easy, but LIMITED: you know how far you can go, but not where you will go.
It takes more than physics to determine where you will go.
We will be seeing lots more examples of the utility of energy as we go along in this course.
It is not clear whether Aristotle (384--322 BCE) or some later editor did the coining (Wikipedia: History of Energy).
He gave it a philosophical meaning which is not at all clear (to me).
From these statements, Aristotle's energeia seems closer to what we mean by energy transformation.
Imprecisely defined ideas that seem related to energy as we use it qualitatively seem to arise in many cultures, but often with a spiritual dimension.
Such ideas amount to what can be called life-energy: e.g., mana in Pacific Ocean cultures.
But as we've seen energy is in the same boat.
Philosopher, mathematician, physicist Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646--1716) with big hair.
I think the hair is phoney.
Credit: Bernhard Christoph Francke (?--1729). No copyright existed at the time of this painting and Wikepedia maintains that the image is in the public domain.
Download site: Wikipedia: Image:Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.jpg
He noticed in some mechanical systems (e.g., metal balls colliding on a smooth, flat surface) that the SUM of the vis vivas of the parts remained constant as the system evolved in time.
This is conservation of vis viva or as we would now say conservation of kinetic energy which is valid if there no forces do net work (in the physics sense): they may do work, but not net work.
For example, consider the a system of perfectly elastic balls sliding on a frictionless surfaces and interacting through collisions.
There is no work done by the surface since no surface force acts parallel to the surface
The balls do work on each other through the collisions.
But since the balls are perfectly elastic, in a collisions the net work is zero.
W_12=F_12d work of 1 on 2. W_21=F_21d work of 2 on 1. But by Newton's 3rd law F_21=-F_12, and thus W=W_12+W_21=0.
In the elastic ball system, collisions can redistribute the kinetic energy among the balls, but they don't change the overall total kinetic energy.
In this case, it is that it is the sum of translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy that is conserved.
Unlike ideal point-masses, the balls can rotate.
Also during collisions, one may imagine that some kinetic energy gets transformed into elastic energy (the potential energy of compression) for short or ideally zero periods of time.
Answer 1 and 2 are right, but 4 is rightest.
Friction is pretty much always acting even when you don't think of it much. For example, the internal friction of your body that is constantly resisting motion.
But friction is good. Without it we'd be slipping all over the place.
Gravity takes away kinetic energy, for example, when a ball is thrown up.
But it can also give it back, for example, when a ball falls down.
Answer 2 is right.
The lost energy is usually called waste heat.
Friction doesn't have to cause conversion to thermal energy.
It does it when there is slipping of the surfaces.
Caption: Friction opposing the motion of a block.
Credit: User:Pieter Kuiper.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5.
No actual experiment he could have done could have shown it and, in fact, I rather think he would have had a hard time getting very close given the experimental equipement available to him---and given the fact that he was more of a mathematician and philosopher than an experimenter.
He would have always seen loss of vis viva to waste heat due to friction.
Imagining such ideal cases or thought experiments is the standard procedure in physics since Galileo.
Caption: "Galileo Galilei (1564--1642). Portrait in crayon by Leoni."
Credit: Probably Ottavio Leoni (1578--1630).
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
Archimedes (287?--212? BCE) probably consciously used idealization in his science.
Archimedes did obtain such laws, and so he idealized.
The point is to grasp the underlying basic principles undeterred by the complications of actual systems.
Actual experiments are designed to approach the ideal cases by eliminating uncontrolled factors.
Young was using energy just for kinetic energy.
The (1/2) factor falls out rather immediately in deriving kinetic energy from Newtonian physics and the physical concept of work.
In the 18th century, heat was hypothesized to be an indestructible substance called caloric.
But American expatriot Benjamin Thompson (1753--1814) noticed when boring cannon---causing cannon ennui---that heat seemed to be endlessly generated and concluded that it seemed arise from motion.
This was probably not the first time this had been noticed, but apparently this did kind of eliminate the caloric theory.
Benjamin Thompson (AKA Count Rumford) also designed the Englisher Garten in Munich where I used to occasionally quaff a beer in die guten alten tagen.
18th century scientists shaved; 19th century scientists tended to be furry.
It was clear heat was another form of energy.
This is the energy of chemical bonds and is actually a combination of electric potential energy, kinetic energy, and probably some magnetic field energy when looked at the microscopic level.
Anything much bigger is ``macroscopic'' and this includes actual microbes.
In between, we have ``mesoscopic'' which may (but I don't) include the nanometer scale.
But actually these terms are used rather loosely with a lot of context dependence.
This is potential energy of distortions of bodies: e.g., stretched springs.
At the microscopic level it is electrical potential energy.
Actually, this energy overlaps with electrical potential energy.
The energy of electromagnetic radiation is a form of this form of energy.
The electromagnetic spectrum with a blow-up of the visible range.
Credit: Philip Ronan who has given permission to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version.
Download site: Wikipedia: Image:EM spectrum.svg.
As noted above this is the energy associated with motion has the simple formula
But this is only for speeds much less than the vacuum speed of light actually.KE = (1/2)*m*v**2
This is the sum of macroscopic kinetic and potential energies in a macroscopic system.
They both have associated potential energies.
All the fundamental forces have associated potential energies.
We mentioned the nuclear potential energies above.
There is also electrical potential energy and gravitational potential energy.
This is actually a combination of microscopic electric potential energy, kinetic energy, and probably some magnetic field energy when looked at the microscopic level.
If you are not a pedantic physicist, you can call this heat or heat energy.
The overlapping is because even if two forms of energy are intrinsically the same, they may manifest themselves in such different ways or appear in such different contexts that two names are convenient.
The above list not exhaustive, because special names for forms of energy are invented for special cases: e.g., sound energy for the kinetic energy and electrical potential energy associated with sound waves.
But all forms of energy are energy, because---among other things---any form can be changed into any other form.
Nature can do that alone and we can make nature do it.
But those transformations are not necessarily easy for us---at least not at the macroscopic scale.
Some are: you can change kinetic energy into thermal energy (i.e., waste heat) very easily.
In fact, you can do it completely.
Drop an object its gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy by the force of gravity which accelerates the body downward. But that kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy shortly after it hits the ground.
There could be some bouncing and some sound both of which have associated energies, but they die out and soon and only thermal energy is left.
All the forms of energy are needed to to preserve conservation of energy.
But as we argued in section Conservation of Energy, nature seems have forced us to this invention.
The very fact that we've always found new forms of energy suggests that energy is a real thing and it is conserved.
He was always a flashy dresser.
Credit: unknown.
Download site: unknown.
This picture was obviously taken in the first decade of the 20th century and by U.S. copyright law is now out of copyright. According to the informative, but not authoritative, source WebMuseum, Paris copyright in all other jurisdictions would have expired if the holder died more than 70 years ago.
Here is not the place to go into all that, except to say that inertial frame of reference is an unaccelerated coordinate system.
Interactions as it turns out are not just with respect to bodies or fields.
They are also with respect to space or spacetime in relativistic physics
But only space described by inertial frames.
For example, the ground is for many purposes---but not all---approximately an inertial frame
To accelerate relative to the ground, a force must act on you.
But if a car accelerates relative to the ground and goes by you.
You are accelerated relative to the car, but no force causes that.
Answer 1 is right.
Newton's laws are defined relative to inertial frames.
For pedagogical (or sloppiness) reasons, this is often not made clear to students.
The set of frames that participate in the mean expansion of the universe are the primary inertial frames in modern theory.
Frames unaccelerated relative to a primary set member and local to the set are also inertial frames
All other local frames are not exactly inertial frames.
Almost all physical bodies that rotate (like planets and stars) do NOT exactly define inertial frames.
Rotating frames are always NON-INERTIAL strictly speaking.
Caption: "Map of the Local Group of Galaxies".
Credit: Richard Powell.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5.
But like the Earth's surface such frames may be approximately inertial for most purposes.
For some purposes one does have to correct for non-inertial frame effects.
In this 4th paper he considered its further consequences of special relativity for mass (Bernstein 1973, p. 97--98).
He had already shown that mass should depend on relative motion in his first special-relativity paper.
Since mass changes with motion are minute in most human contexts and a lot of others too, we usually just say mass for rest mass.
But sometimes as in this section, one needs to be clear and say rest mass when there is any chance of ambiguity.
The derivation doesn't have the rigor of pure math.
The formula which we call the EINSTEIN EQUATION or the mass-energy equivalence equation or just rattle off in lieu of any name is
E = m*c**2
where E is the total energy of an object, m is its mass, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum.
Answer 3 is right.
The vacuum speed of light is very high and the funny effects of special relativity manifest themselves only when the speed of objects approaches c to within a factor of 10 or so.
Then they show up depends on the sensitivity of your measurement, of course. The effects turn on gradually as speed is increased.
Answer 2 is the speed of sound in air at sea level with normal conditions and T=20 degrees C (Wikipedia: Speed of sound).
Answer 1 is about the maximum running speed of a human---an Olympic human that is.
Question: At firework displays, the sight and sound of an explosion are:
Answer 2 is right. Light is faster than sound.
You-all should remember those endless 4th of July firework displays---John Philip Sousa, etc.
It seems as if you are watching a film with the picture and sound not synchronized properly.
Caption: "Scale model of the Earth and the Moon, with a beam of light travelling between them at the speed of light. It takes approximately 1.26 seconds.".
Credit: User:Cantus.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Use under GNU Free Documentation License
All observers in inertial frames, no matter what their relative motion, measure the speed of a light beam in a vacuum to be c.
Textbooks are elusive on this very simple point.
I'm not sure.
The fact that time flows differently in different frames of reference is the most mind-blowing.
We don't notice this or other special relativity weirdness in everyday life, because these effects only become noticeable with relative speeds near the vacuum light speed which we don't encounter in everyday life---except for light itself which is a special case.
But the effects are quite measurable and special relativity is a well verified theory.
For example light has mass since it has energy, but it has no rest mass which is why it can travel at the vacuum speed of light.
Thermal energy has an associated mass: heat a body and its mass will increase. Heat flows into the body from somewhere and its energy and mass increase.
A body in motion relative to you has kinetic energy and therefore more mass than relative to you than if it were at rest.
These associated masses or mass changes were too small to notice before special relativity came along and even now are hard to detect. But they are detected when we have sensitive enough equipment.
Actually in this reading of E=mc**2, a measurement of mass is a measurement of energy.
One can even say that the distinction between mass and energy has disappeared.
The characteristics of mass (resistance to acceleration and gravitational attraction) are just characteristics of energy.
You can say mass and energy are the same thing seen in different aspects usually.
In fact, especially when speaking in the jargon of special relativity people sometimes stop making distinction between mass and energy and just say MASS-ENERGY.
Another point about mass-energy equivalence is that since all energy has mass a measurement of the mass of a system is a measurement of the energy of the system.
Thus all forms of energy can be detected by one kind of measurement in principle as discussed in Section Conservation of Energy.
But actually, many changes in amounts of energy that occur in everyday life though very large in energy effects are too small to detect changes in mass.
This is why before 1905 people thought one did have conservation of mass in thermal and chemical reactions.
There is a form of energy associated with the rest mass.
This could be called the rest-mass energy though it seems people seldom do.
E = 1 kg * ( 3.00*10**8 m/s )**2 = 9*10**16 J = approximately 0.1 EJ = approximately 1/5000 of world commercial energy consumption per year = approximately 20 megatons of TNT (explosion energy). See Wikipedia: Energy units and Wikipedia: TNT equivalent.
Caption: Castle Bravo test---The Castle Bravo test "was an experimental thermonuclear device, 15-megaton weapons related surface event. Detonated 28 February 1954 on Bikini Atoll."
This was scary---it still is.
Click on image and on the next one for the high resolution image.
Credit: US Department of Energy (DOE).
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
Question: The first (human generated) nuclear explosion was:
Answer 2 is right.
I used to live in Socorro, New Mexico---but not during the bomb age.
Probably the best early nuclear bomb history is The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes.
Caption: "Trinity nuclear test, 0.016 seconds after explosion, July 16, 1945."
I've actually just learnt that one of the emeritus professors of University of Idaho Physics Departments was one of the scientists who work at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project. He worked on the bomb detonators.
He's probably the last living person to have flown on the missions that took dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Credit: US Federal Government.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
However, macroscopic amounts of rest mass are pretty stable in the human context.
In fact, it is hard to change much rest mass to other energy forms in the context of most places in the universe including where we live.
Say you had a kilogram of matter and a kilogram of antimatter.
Ramming together they would tend to annihilate and create intense electromagnetic radiation.
Eventually, all the antimatter would be gone (and about 1 kg of ordinary matter too) and about 18*10**16 J of radiation and heat would be left.
But antimatter on Earth and in observable universe (so far as we can tell) only exists in microscopic traces as a result of certain nuclear and high-energy particle reactions.
Neither nature or we can more than build up microscopic traces.
Antimatter keeps annihilating with ordinary matter before it can accumulate.
Other imaginable processes for direct conversion of ordinary lumps of rest mass. into other form of energy have their difficulties.
But on the whole this good---we don't want people or nature setting off megaton explosions everywhere.
For example, since all energy has mass, chemical reactions that release or absorb energy change rest mass, but by such minute amounts that they are almost undetectable.
The conservation of (rest) mass is now seen as only as an approximate result for cases where energy changes for an object of (rest) mass m are much less than mc**2. It is still very useful of course.
Say a chemical reaction in a sample released 1 joule of energy from chemical bond energy to heat energy.
If the heat all stayed in the sample, the sample mass would not change since the heat energy just has the mass previously had by the chemical bonds.
If all the heat flowed out of the sample, the sample mass would decrease by
Delta m = E/c**2 = 1 J/(3*10**8)**2 =approximately 10**(-17) kg .Such mass changes were unmeasurably small before 1900 and may not be measurable even today.
I imagine chemical-reaction mass changes can be measured nowadays, but that's just a guess.
In our environment, the biggest relative changes in rest mass are occur for nuclear reactions.
Chemical reactions change the chemical bonds of molecules.
Nuclear reactions change the nuclear force bonds of the atomic nuclei.
There is some analogy between the two cases, but there are many differences and one of them is the scale of the energy released or absorbed.
Nuclear reactions are typically of order 10**6 (or a million) times more energetic than chemical reactions.
That factor of 10**6 has mesmerized people ever since early days after the discovery of radioactivity in 1896 which preceded the discovery of the atomic nucleus in 1911.
Caption: Experimental Breeder Reactor Number One (EBR-1).
It doesn't look like much but EBR-1 was the first breeder reactor and the first nuclear reactor to generate electricity.
I've no idea what's what here.
Construction started in 1949, electricity generated in 1951, decommissioned in 1964.
It was build at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), then called National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS).
INL is near Idaho Falls in south-east Idaho.
Breeder reactor might be needed for nuclear power for the future.
Unfortunately, they can breed plutonium (see HyperPhysics: Fast Breeder Reactors) which is can be used pretty directly in making nuclear bombs. So the technology presents a nuclear proliferation risk.
Credit: US Federal Government.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
But E=mc**2 is certainly one of the ingredients as well as being an immensely important discovery of pure science.
So E=mc**2 and many other results stand or fall together.
And they do stand.
It's like a house of cards---but one that doesn't fall down.
Caption: A house of cards.
Credit: User:Mybluehair, but the link is dead and the user is unknown.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: No permission, but I assume this image falls under no one is agreived category. If anyone queries it's use, I will satisfy them.
An observation of these changes would be an experimental verification of E=mc**2.
---Einstein's penultimate sentence in his E=mc**2 PAPER as quoted by Bernstein (1973, p. 98).
Caption: Albert Einstein (1879--1955) with friends Conrad Habicht and Maurice Solovine, ca. 1903. The Olympian Academy.
Or Einstein hanging out with the guys.
----Einstein quoted from memory.
Credit: Unknown photographer.
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.