Lab 2: The Sky

Credit/Permission: For text, © David Jeffery. For figures etc., as specified with the figure etc. / Only for reading and use by the instructors and students of the UNLV astronomy laboratory course.

Group Number/Name:


Partner Names:

Favorite Report: Y / N

    Task Master:


    1. Task 1: Best Celestial Sphere Video Ever.
    2. Task 2: The Sidereal Rotation Period.
    3. Task 3: Great Circle, Small Circle.
    4. Task 4: The Horizon.
    5. Task 5: Circumpolar Objects.
    6. Task 6: Specific Equatorial Coordinates.
    7. Task 7: Specific Declinations.
    8. Task 8: The Southernmost Bright Star (IPI only).
    9. Task 9: The Ecliptic.
    10. Task 10: The Ecliptic Axis.
    11. Task 11: The Sun's Angular Velocity.
    12. Task 12: Today's Sun Constellation.
    13. Task 13: The Changing Night Sky.
    14. Task 14: Sunrise Calculation. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    15. Task 15: Horizontal Coordinates.
    16. Task 16: Equinox, Solstice.
    17. Task 17: The North Celestial Pole. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    18. Task 18: Altitude on the Meridian. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    19. Task 19: Intensity.
    20. Task 20: Seasons. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    21. Task 21: The Seasons and Equinoxes/Solstices.
    22. Task 22: Equinox/Solstice Dates.
    23. Task 23: Axial Precession. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    24. Task 24: Updating Equatorial Coordinates. Optional at the discretion of the instructor.
    25. Task 25: Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only).

    End of Task

  1. Task 1: Best Celestial Sphere Video Ever:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. View Celestial Sphere | 1:45: Best celestial sphere video ever!!! Note it is a silent movie.

    2. Have you viewed it?     Y / N    

    End of Task

  2. Task 2: The Sidereal Rotation Period:

    Why is the physical rotation period of the Earth relative to the inertial frame of the fixed stars (i.e., the sidereal day = 86164.0905 s = 1 day - 4 m + 4.0905 s (on average)) SHORTER than the solar day = current mean value 86400.002 s (i.e., the solar noon to solar noon period)? Answer in sentences with reference to the figure below (local link / general link: sidereal_solar_time_2.html). HINT: You have to consider the Earth's revolution around the Sun.


    End of Task

  3. Task 3: Great Circle, Small Circle:

    What is a great circle? What is a small circle? Answer in sentences.


    End of Task

  4. Task 4: The Horizon:

    The horizon is a _________________ circle on the celestial sphere.    

    End of Task

  5. Task 5: Circumpolar Objects:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Circumpolar objects _________________________ set.    

    2. Whether an astronomical object is or is NOT circumpolar depends on your _______________________________.    

      HINT: The figure below (local link / general link: declination_altitude.html) might stimulate your memory.

    End of Task

  6. Task 6: Specific Equatorial Coordinates:

    Fill in the blanks below:

    1. vernal equinox RA = _____________________    
    2. celestial equator Dec = _____________________    
    3. NCP Dec = _____________________    
    4. SCP Dec = _____________________    
    5. Polaris Dec = _____________________    

    End of Task

  7. Task 7: Specific Declinations:

    By eye-balling the celestial globe (if the instructor remembered to put it out for you) or the sky map shown in the figure above (local link / general link: sky_map_all_sky.html), what is the approximate average declination (Dec or δ) of:

    1. Ursa Minor? _____________________    
    2. Orion? _____________________    
    3. Pyxis? _____________________    

    End of Task

  8. Task 8: The Southernmost Bright Star (IPI only):

    Using TheSky find the southernmost star (i.e., the star closest to the SCP) with TheSky reference magnitude (which must be close to the apparent V magnitude) brighter (i.e., less) than or equal to 3.00 (i.e., ≤ 3.00). What is its:

    1. Bayer designation?     _____________________    
    2. apparent V magnitude?     _____________________    

    3. declination?     _____________________    

    End of Task

  9. Task 9: The Ecliptic:

    Complete the following sentences:

    1. The ecliptic plane cuts the celestial sphere in half by a great circle called the _____________________ .    
    2. The zodiac constellations straddle the _____________________ .    
    3. Since the planets and many other Solar System bodies orbit nearly in the ecliptic plane, those bodies move on celestial sphere on paths that are very near the _____________________ .    

    End of Task

  10. Task 10: The Ecliptic Axis:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. The Earth's axial tilt is tilted from the ecliptic axis by angle _____________________ .    
    2. The ecliptic is tilted from the celestial equator by angle _____________________ .    

    End of Task

  11. Task 11: The Sun's Angular Velocity:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. What is the angular velocity in degrees per days of the Sun on the ecliptic? Use the sidereal year = 365.256363004 days (J2000) and give the result to 6-digit precision. __________________    

    2. Which way is the Sun moving? __________________    

    3. The ancient Babylonian astronomers chose to divde the circle into 360 units that we call degrees. They could have chosen 60 units or 100 units or 129 units or 180 units or 365.25 units. Given that they were studying the Sun's motions, what is one possible reason for choosing 360 units? Answer in sentences.


    End of Task

  12. Task 12: Today's Sun Constellation:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. In what zodiac constellation is the Sun today? To find out, use the applet figure below (local link / general link: naap_zodiac.html) (if it is working (which it probably is NOT), TheSky, or the celestial globe set out on your bench (if the instructor remembered to do this). What zodiac constellation transits the meridian at about midnight?


    2. The zodiac signs are actually NOT the zodiac constellations. The zodiac signs are, in fact, 30° segments of the ecliptic named for the constellation they contained circa 500 BCE when the Babylonian astronomers were still developing astrology---for fun and profit. The zodiac signs start from the vernal equinox. Due to the axial precession (see section Axial Precession), the vernal equinox has moved westward since 500 BCE and the zodiac signs NO longer contain or at least NOT much of the constellations they are named for.

      What zodiac sign contained the Sun when you (or your group leader if appropriate) were born (i.e., what is your zodiac sign) and what zodiac constellation contained the Sun when you (or your group leader if appropriate) were born? See Wikipedia: Zodiac: Twelve signs (Table of Dates: Scroll down ∼ 5%) (in the column for tropical zodiac) and Wikipedia: Zodiac: Constellations (Table of Dates: scroll down ∼ 5%) (in the column for IAU boundaries).


    End of Task

  13. Task 13: The Changing Night Sky:

    How the night sky changes as the Sun moves along the ecliptic is explicated in the figure below (local link / general link: zodiac_ecliptic.html) this task and applet figure above (local link / general link: naap_zodiac.html) this task (if it is working which it probably is NOT).

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Study the figure below (local link / general link: zodiac_ecliptic.html) this task and applet figure above (local link / general link: naap_zodiac.html) this task and push all the buttons on the applet. (If the applet is NOT working omit applet aspect of this sub task.) Have you done this?     Y / N    

    2. Because of the Sun's motion along the ecliptic (and therefore relative to the fixed stars), the fixed stars rise (earlier/later) every day.     Answer: ___________________ .

    3. The night sky (i.e., that half of the celestial sphere OPPOSITE the Sun) shifts eastward on the celestial sphere about _____ degree per day.    

    4. Draw a labeled diagram with the Earth at the center illustrating the motion of the night sky on celestial sphere during the course of a year. Explicate the diagram. HINT: See the figure below (local link / general link: zodiac_ecliptic.html).


    End of Task

  14. Task 14: Sunrise Calculation:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Use the approximate sunrise formula given above to calculate the sunrise for today's date:

      You will have convert today's date in to month count from the beginning of the year with the decimal fraction included. For example, if it is June 21, t_month ≅ 5.67.

      In your answer, you will have to convert time from hours to hours and minutes.


    2. Compare your answer in Sub Task 1 to the accurate and precise time given by USNO: Sun or Moon Rise/Set Table for One Year (offline in 2020 for awhile) or google "sunrise time". What is the error in minutes?


    End of Task

  15. Task 15: Horizontal Coordinates:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Why are horizontal coordinates (altitude and azimuth) useless for catalogs of locations for astronomical objects? Answer in sentences.


    2. What are horizontal coordinates good for? Answer in sentences.


    End of Task

  16. Task 16: Equinox, Solstice:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Study the figure and applet in the subsection above and push all the buttons on the applet. (If it is working which it probably is NOT. If NOT omit this sub task.) Have you done this?     Y / N    

    2. Where is the Sun on the celestial sphere on an equinox day? ________________________    

    3. Where does the Sun rise and set on the horizon on an equinox day? ________________________    

    4. How long are daytime and nighttime on an equinox day? ________________________    

    5. Qualitatively where does the Sun rise and set on the horizon in June? ________________________    

      Northern Hemisphere, which is longer day or night on this day? ________________________    

    6. Qualitatively where does the Sun rise and set on the horizon in December? ________________________    

      In the Northern Hemisphere, which is longer day or night on this day? ________________________    

    7. If the stars during the course of a day follow paths that are parallel to the horizon, you are where? __________________________________ .    

    8. Where on Earth are day and night always 12 hours long? __________________________________

      HINT: What latitude circle is always cut in half by the Earth's terminator.

    End of Task

  17. Task 17: The North Celestial Pole:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. Using a labeled diagram show that altitude from due north of the north celestial pole (NCP) AN(NCP) is given by the formula:

               AN(NCP) = L , 
      where L is latitude (counted as negative if south latitude) and the AN(NCP) is counted as negative if the NCP is below the horizon.



      1. The NCP and the celestial equator are so remote that starting from the Earth's surface all lines to the NCP are parallel and all lines to the and celestial equator are parallel. A line to the NCP a line to the celestial equator starting from the Earth's surface are always perpendicular
      2. You will need to draw the Earth in cross section. From a general point on the surface, draw lines to the NCP and the celestial equator
      3. From the Earth's center draw a radius line through the general point and extending well beyond it and draw a line to the celestial equator.
      4. Draw a line tangent to the Earth's surface.
      5. Imagine rotating the right angle formed by the NCP and the celestial equator lines at the general point into the north side of the tangent line.

    2. What is the altitude of the NCP in Las Vegas, Nevada or whatever location you happen to be in? _________________________    

    3. For the Northern Hemisphere, how close to the NCP in angle does an astronomical object have to be circumpolar for your location? Why? What is the constraint on the declination of the astronomical object? HINT: The figure below (local link / general link: sky_swirl_polaris_animation.html) from Lab 1: Constellations might stimulate your memory.


    4. What constellations are on average circumpolar for your location? HINT: Make use of the all-sky sky map given above or TheSky. See also the figure below (local link / general link: sky_swirl_polaris_animation.html).


    End of Task

  18. Task 18: Altitude on the Meridian:

    The general formulae relating altitude AN/S (upper/lower case for altitude from due north/due south) along the meridian, declination (δ), and latitude (L) (with southern latitudes counted as negative numbers) are:

      1.     AN/S = (±)N/S(L - δ) + 90°

      2.     δ = L +(±)N/S(90° - AN/S)

      3.     L = δ +(±)N/S( AN/S - 90°)

    For proof of these formulae, see the figure above (local link / general link: declination_altitude.html).

    Sub Tasks:

    1. What is the altitude of NCP/SCP from due north/due south? HINT: You have to specialize the 2nd general formula above for the declination of the NCP/SCP for due north/due south.


    2. What is the declination of zenith for any latitude?


    3. You are at sea doing celestial navigation with your brass sextant. On an equinox day at time ______________, the Sun transits the meridian at zenith. What is your latitude and where are you?


    4. The general formulae are proven in the figure below (local link / general link: declination_altitude.html). Is the proof intelligible to you? You get the mark, whatever your answer.     Y / N    

    End of Task

  19. Task 19: Intensity:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. What is the area formula for a circle of radius R?     ____________________    
    2. What is the surface area formula for a sphere of radius R?     ____________________    
    3. The power absorbed by a non-reflecting sphere of radius R from a beam of intensity I impinging on it from one direction is IπR**2. What is the formula for the average power per unit surface area absorbed by the sphere counting the whole sphere surface area?     ____________________    

    End of Task

  20. Task 20: Seasons:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. What is the short answer for why the Earth has seasons? Answer in sentences.


    2. The Earth's orbit has an eccentricity of 0.0167. This means that the Earth's distance from the Sun varies up and down from the mean orbital radius by 1.67 %. perihelion is occurs about Jan03 and aphelion about Jul04 (see Wikipedia: Earth's orbit: Events in the orbit).

      Does the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit have any effect on the Earth's climate? Explain.


    3. Explain why the Sun never sets at the North Pole in Northern-Hemisphere summer and never rises in Northern-Hemisphere winter. What is the situation at the South Pole? HINT: You can refer to the diagrams above.


    End of Task

  21. Task 21: The Seasons and Equinoxes/Solstices:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. The astronomical events that mark the beginning of the seasons are __________________, __________________, __________________, and __________________.

      Note the terms solstice and equinox have two meanings: one is the event and the other is the place on the celestial sphere where the event occurs.

    2. Find the solstice and equinoxe on the all-sky sky map. Have you done this?     Y / N    

    End of Task

  22. Task 22: Equinox/Solstice Dates:

    Fill in the data in the table below following the instructions below.

    1. For fiducial date, just use the 21st of the appropriate calendar month. Click on the name of the event for the appropriate calendar month.

    2. For the equatorial coordinates of the solstices and equinoxes on the celestial sphere, see Wikipedia: Equinoxes and solstices for their right ascensions (RA) and think about the Earth's axial tilt 23.4° for declinations (Dec).

    3. For the last column, you will have to use the general formula proven in the figure at local link / general link: declination_altitude.html. This general formula for the altitude of an astronomical object on the meridian of the celestial axis is
               AN/S = 90°+(±)N/S(L-δ) , 
      where the upper/lower case is for altitude from due north/due south, L is the local latitude (counting southern latitudes as negative), and δ is the declination (Dec) of the astronomical object. For the last column, you will need the lower case (i.e., AS = 90°-N/S(L-δ)) since the Sun at an altitude measured from due south.

      Two-digit precision suffices.

        Table of Solstice and Equinox Data
        Sun Position      Fiducial Date   RA     Dec    Altitude of the Sun
                                          (h) (degrees)   in Las Vegas at
                                                            Solar Noon
        vernal equinox
    summer solstice
    fall equinox
    winter solstice

    End of Task

  23. Task 23: Axial Precession:

    Sub Tasks:

    1. The sidereal year = 365.256363004 days (J2000), where the epoch is J2000.0. This is the period it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun eastward relative to the inertial frame of the fixed stars. This is the "physical" orbital period.

      What is the angular velocity in degrees per day of the Earth? R_e = _________________________    

    2. The axial precession period is ∼ 26000 year. The exact value is NOT known since the rate of axial precession is subject to many small gravitational perturbations. However, assuming the current rate of axial precession were constant, the axial precession period would be about 25,771.5 Julian years (Jyr) (see Wikipedia: Axial precession: Values). Note a Julian year is exactly 365.25 days.

      Using the exact period result 25,771.5 Julian years, what is the angular velocity in degrees per day of vernal equinox westward along the ecliptic? R_v = _________________________    

    3. From the Earth's perspective, both the Sun and vernal equinox (carried along by the precession of the celestial equator carried along by the Earth's axial precession) are moving along the ecliptic.

      The Sun moves eastward and the vernal equinox moves westward.

      Let's take eastward as positive and westward as negative. So the angular velocity of the vernal equinox is minus the value you calculated above (i.e., R_v = - |R_v|).

      The time t for the Sun to lap the vernal equinox satisfies the equation

                       360° = (R_e - R_v)t 
      What is t in days? Since the answer requires double-precision math, we will just give the result:

      Answer: We have

      t = 360°/(R_e - R_v) = 360°/(0.985609113115  + 0.0000382448) = 365.2421904276 days.  
      The accepted solar year = 365.2421897 days (J2000). So the two values agree to 8 digit places. The calculation wasn't so bad.

    4. What is the period calculated in the Sub Task 3 called? _________________________

    End of Task

  24. Task 24: Updating Equatorial Coordinates:

    Explain why the equatorial coordinates for astronomical objects beyond the Solar System have to be updated every few years. Give the main reason and a second reason.


    End of Task

  25. Task 25: Naked-Eye Observations (RMI only):


    End of Task