Class Coordinates: Course, Section, Time, Location, Semester:
  1. In-Person Instruction (IPI) / Remote Instruction (RMI):
    1. Ast103.1001: 2024 Summer, Jun10--Jul12, MTWRF 11:50 am--1:30 pm:
      1. IPI, BPB 248.
      2. RMI: No room / Zoom lecture / Not offered at present.
      3. Office hours: in-person at MW 1:30--2:00 pm and as on my Preliminary Schedule. Meetings can be by Zoom.
    2. Ast104.1001: 2024 Fall, MW 11:30 am--12:45 pm:
      1. IPI, BPB 102 (Tel: 702-895-6655).
      2. RMI: No room / Zoom lecture / Not offered at present.
      3. Office hours: in-person at MW 12:45--1:30 pm and as on my Preliminary Schedule. Meetings can be by Zoom.
    3. Ast104.1002: 2024 Fall, TR 11:30 am--12:45 pm:
      1. IPI: BPB 102 (Tel: 702-895-6655).
      2. RMI, No room / Zoom lecture / Not offered at present.
      3. Office hours: in-person at MW 12:45--1:30 pm and as on my Preliminary Schedule. Meetings can be by Zoom.
    4. Ast727.1001: 2023 Fall, MW 2:30 pm--3:45 pm: IPI, BPB 248.
    5. Ast729.1001: 2024 Spring, MW 2:30 pm--3:45 pm: IPI, BPB 248.
  2. See MyUNLV to find your section and other information. See MyUNLV: Search to find which sections are open.
  3. File: Astint file: ast_syl_class_coordinates.html