No one can pay full attention that long on a regular basis.
So usually, but probably NOT always, we will break from lecturing at about the 40 minute mark for a group activity.
Yours truly will circulate during the
group activity
and that's a good time for short interactions with me.
Rules of the group activity:
The group activity will be carried out in groups of 2 or 3 usually.
Students should put their answers on a slip of paper.
There is only slip per group and all the students should put their names on it.
So NO names in cursive like John Hancock's signature (see the figure below: local link / general link: john_hancock.html) and NO runes like Gandalf (see the figure below: local link / general link: alien_runes.html).
group activity slips
should be handed at the end of class---or when you abscond during the
group activity.
Just put
group activity slips
on the front table as you head out.
Any corrections to the grade record for
group activities
(which can be checked by the students---see
Posted Grade Records
and Anonymous Aliases)
must be done very soon after the date the corrections are asked for.
I'm NOT going to consider corrections for dates long past when
accurate memory of
group activities
done has faded from mind.
Just let me know that you need a special drop. I just take your word for it.
If you have 5 special drops and 7 ordinary drops already, and need more special drops,
I will just drop the whole
group activity item:
see Dropping Whole Group Activity Item below.
I require that students
ask me to drop the
group activity.
I don't do it automatically if it improves your grade.
You can ask to have
group activity
dropped up until the time grades are submitted to the registrar---but
NOT after.
People who have had the
group activity
dropped have to
report readings by email and keep track of exam dates from the
Course Website / Extended Syllabus: Exam Schedule.
Remember the posted dates are only tentative
until maybe a week before the exams.
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/alien_images/alien_runes.html");?>
For in-person-instruction courses for summer semester 90-minute periods, the group activity will be followed by a short break for 5 minutes or so. The group activity will typically start 5 to 10 minutes before the 5-minute-or-so break (see Summer Semester Qualification 1).