Caption: Animations
illustrating dynamically the
sound waves
and Doppler effect
(i.e., the classical Doppler effect)
for an ideal
point source of sound
that produces an isotropic
continuous stream of wave cycles
at a fixed frequency
in its own reference frame.
The REFERENCE wavelength
is the wavelength this source
would give when it is at rest
in the propagation medium
for the sound waves.
In the animations, the source is moving
with a range of velocities
(Mach 0,
Mach 0.7,
Mach 1.0,
Mach 1.4)
with respect the medium.
- Mach number is the
source velocity v in units
of the sound speed v_ph
(i.e., phase velocity)
of the medium.
Thus Mach number = v/v_ph.
- The sound waves
from point source are
spherical waves with
respect to the medium.
The spherical waves
in the animations
are seen in cross section.
The squeezing/stretching of the
relative to the
Mach = 0 case show
the degree of
Doppler effect: i.e.,
of the wavelength
from the REFERENCE wavelength.
When the waves are squeezed to merging
you have a shock wave
that is heard as a sonic boom.
A sonic boom
is a very strong
The merging happens for
(speed of sound) motion
by the source
motion by the source.
- Our ideal source does NOT give exactly the behavior of a
jet aircraft, but
it mimics it for our explanatory purposes.
Now a real jet
creates series of
sound waves
(i.e., pressure waves)
as it propagates that travel outward in all directions.
The source of the
sound waves
are probably all kinds of vibrations associated with the
jet motion
and their frequencies
probably do depend on jet
- Quick description of the animations:
- Figure 1: Mach = 0.
The source is unmoving in the
There is NO Doppler shift
for any observer.
- Figure 2: Mach = 0.7.
The source is subsonic,
and so the source does NOT outrun the
waves in any direction.
- Figure 3: Mach = 1.0.
The source is
and so keeps keeps up with the
waves emitted in the forward
These forward waves pile up on each other and merge into
a shock wave.
The shock wave
would build up to infinite
if dissipation processes
didn't keep turning
sound energy
into waste heat.
The shock wave gives
a sonic boom.
Only observers close to path of the source (i.e.,
at small impact parameter)
would get the full
sonic boom.
- Figure 4: Mach = 1.4.
The source is
and so outruns the waves
in the forward direction and leaves a trail of expanding
spherical waves
in its wake.
The spherical waves
in a special direction relative to the moving source merge into a
Mach cone
which is the locus
of a
shock wave
and the concomintant
sonic boom.
The Mach cone trails
the moving source and is centered on its
opening angle
(i.e., apex angle)
- There is a simple explanation for the
Mach cone
and a formula for
opening angle θ.
However, we will NOT gives those here.
- See also
Doppler effect videos
(local link /
general link: doppler_effect_videos.html):
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/waves/doppler_effect_videos.html");?>
Credit/Permission: ©
Loo Kang Wee (AKA User:Lookang),
2011 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
- Image link: Wikimedia Commons:
- Image link: Wikimedia Commons:
- Image link: Wikimedia Commons:
- Image link: Wikimedia Commons:
Local file: local link: doppler_effect_sonic.html.
File: Waves file: